S.ii THE BEND BULLETIN. VOL. Ill PROFESSIONAL CARD8 W. 1. (lUilNINijNi 0, C. llTUNKMAMK Gucrin & Steinumnmi Attorneys and Counsellors at Law NOTAKIItH I'UIII.IC 1'incllce lu Hllf mill I'nlriil Ceutt) 1IUNI) OK IKK) N U. C. COE, M. D. Ol'l'lCK OVltK HANK Physician and Surgeon TULltl'IIONK NO. 31 ' IIHNI) OKItOON DR. B. F. BUTLErt DENTIST All Kinds of Denial Work lair Trices Hxamination Vunn inter In IMhUMMIhk HK."I1, (IKIldON rAMM ANIICIIV IMUrilMVt ANMNXII J. L, McCULLOCll, Allrncter nnJ liinmlner of 'lilies, LHI tl Tir boultrti After ft Htm Ui44hI. fHI.NIIVIM.K. IHIKION J. M. LAWKENCK, V. H. CHMMIM.IONIIH. Notary Public, Iiimirmiec, Township I'JntH for Upper DemJiutus Valley. IlKMl. OHI.M)h NOTAKV I'VHI.IC INltPKA.tCIt A. H. GPvANT Aginl fur Liverpool, I.0111I011 & Globe, tuul Lancashire I 'I re Insurance Companies. HUM), ORIKION II. I. IIKLKNAr M. I CHAH H KllWANfit M. I) CiMMly 1'hy.lcUn. Drs. Belknap & Edwards, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. PRINIiVII.LH - ORlitlON. Oltcrtt MtirafWInutk't IHu( More. Miss Grace Jones TCACHCH Or Voice & Piano l iiuw irmly fi ni.il jnH cn I fiMiml t htf Irtltttiitr mi K'X Vvrniw inl iilh Mltet. lllNi,UM. J. W. Bledsoe IMIO'IOORAI'IIUK BHNII, .... OHItOON, All NUl rrKivl ml imHIwtc l-Mmtl 1'iirHhlinl l Ah) Hint. Crook County Really Co Real folate Hough! mid Sold. I.lfo anil Accident INSURANCE. J uirio in in llkiiN i imhs miNii. mmuoN TRIPLETT BROS. I Barber Shop & Baths Rest of accommodations and , work promptly done VA!.I. ST. IIH.NI, UKKIIOnI L. D. WIEST Civil Engineer Special qualifications for Land Surveying ami Irri gation Work. nuNi) ouunoN FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS TWO Well-lighted and con venient rooms in the Bank Building: PRINEVILLE H OTEL'"prtor MHi.C. A.McDowiitl, '1'al in and Rootna always clean uud well supplied-Rates reasonable KXVHt ORKCON V NOTICE tO 7 I MHB COME AND SEE US! IF YOU WANT THE BEST c 1 AIJ50 MKAUQUAKTI2RS R)R TI1U BEST GROCERIES AT Tllfi I.OWBST PRICE. 0 lbs. Dry Granti- (H fA littwtl Sugar $lUv (lb. Can Kvnjxir- A ated Cream AJ !,o lbs. Prineville 1 2A Flour l.dU t gat. can Royal Club Syrup VU DliFY COMPETITION. Bend Mercantile' Co. Tho Lewis Brick Co. now has brick for sale at the Barney Lewis homestead, two miles from Bend on the Sis- win srursns iiuuia uuitcu. Because we are selling tlio.some nd better quality at a closer, mrgin.is: afry good reason why you will find our, Store the best place to buy anything in the' line of Groceries; Drygbods, furnish ings, Shoes, Had,ware, Sash and Doors, Paints and Gfils 1e PINTRE STORE U. A. SATItUR, NEW SPJWNfe STYLES LADIES' HATS AND TRIMMINGS. 1 To the Ladies of Bend; I have opened up a new millinery on Wall street, first door north of the 11. M. store, currying a full line of new ind up-to-date goods. Call and inspect them. MR.S. H. CRABTREE, Bend, Or. PILOT BUTTE INN DAN R. SMITH, Proprietor i Tables supplied with all the delicacies of the season iMrst-class l;quipment Pine Rooms and Reds All stages Stop at BI5NI), ORKGON, THE FAR.MERS! Woven Wire Fence and Barbed Wire Wagons, Buggies, Mowers, Rakes, Plows, Harrows, Builders' Material, Roofing Malthoid, Doors and Windows, Paints and Oils, Blacksmiths' Materials, Hardware, Tinware. t 1 1 1 1 C 1 gal etiu To (t f"rfl niato Catsup P . VvF 3 gal. keg 7c Hill's Pickles l.O 2 cum; Tomatoes 2 cans Corn ORDERS Should be left with J. H. OVERTURF Phone 2$ o-o-o o-o- ' Tie tovfe Bri - ijliiu, uitvuii I'ROPRIirrOll the hotel door .25 ; .25 ' j J w i 1 " I I Ml 1 -f?- M FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1905. TWO STEPS TO BEND Such are Present Plans of 0. R. & N. People. TO BUILD TO MADRAS AT UNCI: Then On to llcnil-.OHicrs Hagcr to Untur This Pleld-We May Have Two Railroads. I'oktj.an, Or., July 3 There can !e no doubt that the time is rirw for a railroad advance in Cen tral Oregon and nil indications, 50 far as they can be observed here jKint to a scramble when the jwlicy of hesitation mid delay shall prove to be unavailing. The O. R. & X. is now in the field with the assur ance of an extension of the Colum bia Southern from Slianiko. Hut the disposition in that quarter seems to lc to make two bites of I the cherry and build first to Mad-' ras and then perhaps takcj the next step to Rend. I talked , ,, , . .... ... r . I uic wjiuic iniiiici uver wuu uviicr al Manager O'Rrien to day. In summing up he said: 'I am not going to make prom ises which 1 feel will not be fulfilled. I bclievp conditions, at the present time warrant building to the Agency Plains. The beginning of that extension will be notice to the world that the Ioiik stage ride between Rend and the railroad will at least be cqt in two iu a few months and people will flock into the Rend country and .occupy the lauds and get to producing, And bv the time the railroad is complet ed to Madras I expect conditions to le such ttynt I can recommend an imuicdiatq advance from there to Hciid. . When I see people putting! liumlrcos ql thousands ot dollars into rcclaiuaion uork iu the Rend section r.,tuink they must know wlint.tliey.qr'c doing and that pra ctical results will follow." flcncraf Freight Auent. Miller is not nearly so, .skeptical, now that, lie is hacked Portland, as hci ap peared J'be when nt Rend, "what we want now is fieurro, we want a statistical basis for our rccommLiid- ...:'. -!.Vi. A...1.1 ' if.. uiiuii, ,-iui!i .(it.-. .-Miu men we (us- cussed, fh,e mtans of getting the iu-, formatioji he desired, with the .re-' .suit that he will send n competent ' man fro'm his own staff, who will ' lw assisted by wine one familiar with local conditions, and they will , compile a xta.tcme.ut showing the area of land under c.ultjvatuyi, the recency 01 lis reciaipaiou,,irom a wild state, the crops produced and kindred matters. "I wish to put iu just as strong a, recommendation ns the facts will justify," said Mr. Miller. "Rut.it wouhl be wo.re than useless to talk and act looely iu this matter." R vii.kqaii Politics. . The railway officials here are un doubtedly, acting iu gool faith re specting the Central Oregon rail road situation. It is not to be denied, hoveer. that railroad poli tics cut n considerable figure, and I Wall street will finally determine , the extent of railroad construction ' to be done iu our field, llarriman puts out no money in new construc tion unless he is obliged to do so. The question underlying the Central Oregon railroad situation at this moment is not so much the tonnage iu sight as it is this: Is iui safe to keep that country longer l)ottlcd up; won't interests hostile to us go in if we don't? The signs of an invasion from hostile quarters, I believe, are now driving llarri man to make a inovc , to protect himself iu the Central Ortgon field. I do not e,vfllve this belief from my inner consciousueNS ujereJyM)rJ have run apjoss two vpr'y Hyp pro- jects fojc putting a railroad to, Dejul iudepeudaut of ilarrimau. Ouc of these is the Could scheme, which, has uflt yet taken deihfate form hi Oregon but is regarded! Jby.JIarri-j man as. .dangerous 1 Then other I ran across quite acqtdqiitally today,,. It wouhljx: preu)utnrc)(it this tinCi to teU just what that rVojectui3 but I l)(ii;e the names oC tlve ,ueiv-aitd, know they have thp. power, , to, do:- what they ani planniilg. jJtt5tjiov I mis emerpnj,e., nnijiiSoMccauss. 0, excjjssU-e valuation placctl. ,ipoL Croperty. vhi9J1 itjIesceS..o.ujahi cfgpe making public nhhounce- ",Woul(liii&( "ivMs. Of 350,061 ovejeoufe that ecessho prlcti?" I asked; . r,( ;' ' 1 j '.u ri Yes, nr" leplied lily itifbrmafit "Wtntlfl tint cive Bind merely a iimLin stub Hue, or would it put lis on a through route with common point rates?' ' "It would meat! an east and west line across the state; and if n satis factory connection could not be made with Ilarrimau lines near Snake river, then the" new road would go to Salt Ifakc City." These men seem to mean busi ness and are anxious to get into the Bend fiefd. And, what is. more important, they have the undoubt ed backing to carry out their plans. ClIANOK 18 Pl'.NIll xo It is an open secret iu railroad circles that an important change in Oregon lines is impending. The llarriman people want the Astoria roail but do not rare for the Cor vallis & Kastcrti. Roth these pro perties arc iu one ownership, repre sented by A. 11. Hammilixl but. said to be II. 1'. Hunuiugton and Hub bard. They do not care o dispose of the desirable property without including the undesirable line. So it is said Harriman has an option on both roads and that he will take both if he cannot get the Astoria line otherwise This wouhl greatly strengthen Harpman by depriving Hill ol the power tto control Colum bia river rales through getting the Astoria road Rut the Corvallis & ISastern would remain a useless remnant of the impressive plans ol Colonel T. Kgington Hogg. J. M. h. Bend Post Office. Quarter ending June 30. Sale of Alatnps ..... Stnnip cancellations .... 1 f-454-36 431.01 Comtniiwioii on conc;l!,i)iotis - 3&S.85 Total number ol registration . 249 Kegntrations received .... J91 JtOXKV OKIir.KS IS JfXK. 25 ilomestic money onlcrs -51,973.08 rccs on nine ....... 13. jo 0 tiitcnmUonnl money orders 576.02 I'ees nn.Kainfi ...... 5.90 30 money orders iniii .... 702.71 Postmaster A. H. Grant, yester day recejvejl hc foH,owitur. com nniniqat jpn from.tlic, post office de partment at. Washington, ). C: "Postmaster,, Rend, Or. Sik; Vour office has been designated a svparatuig, office, ,and yo.u arc al lowed 108 per apnum, .from, Jiilv '1 1905. for, clerical assistance in separating .roailsj' , The Rend, postoffice will also be furnished with renislered package jackets, which, will g.reatjy facilitate the carryifg ofj.rpgistercd packages and also sa,ye mttcji tunc Hereto fore each .registered package went separately pd.nq,dqubt u ere, delay ed many times owiu,g, to hc fact that time allovypd, for the separation of the Repd majl .at , Prineville is very short. Under tjie registe.rel package-jacket system the register cd mail can .easily le handled in the time allowed. CJty Water System. t 1 . The city yjit9r service is being delayed .somewhat, owing, to the fact thatthCrinauiSi wheti the pjes sure was t,urned.on, begun, t0.Je.7k ip several pbices, The work of re pairing tbesc,leaks is going, fbrward as fas't as ppsstbje and the,, town will be supplied with water in a' snort time. 1 ", .llqte'L.Rend, everything new and first class. Hugh O'Kaue, Prop. P. LriTompkins had new cucum bers .out,, ol his garden for his Fourth of July dinner. M- ; Mxlraud .Mrs. M. J. Morrison left far, .their homestead .75 miles up thsjjver, the latter part of last week. , On the Fourth of July the Ma J ras lyill team.played at Prineville. The scqre was 21 to 22 iu Priueville's favor. . .Israuk Kdwards. who has been eiunjoyetl at the Pilot Hutte.Jun. fo( wpiy ume. past, icit 1111s morning for his home near Sisters. .H , Uwiest Garrett left Weduesdaj1, fpr,bi)yex Lake, taking with him a. Ipatl ot men who are going to wok hUb.at viciuitr during the: haying season hZk W Jff.V'dborg, who has bL'eli i; Blind th?r pat mouth, left this niftTiUUig foj Portland. He will re turn inja.,fhtytlays and bring Ids wife wfth liim. ) v ..teidl & eetl have installed' a rojfer feedinilU at their saw mill with i capacity -of (to sacks or 1 to bushels ati lidfir. '1 hey are grind intra.larce. ossicnnient of barlev for V. J easey, Of Powell bttttes. PTO. 17 - ' -- BEND'S 4TH OF JULY A Very Entertaining Pro gram Rendered. BIQ CROWD IN ATTONDANCfi Uend's ProRresslve Ouslncss Aten Rxert Themselves to Give IHZ Celebration. The Fourth of July has come anl Kpntfnnd Bend did herself proud with a celebration that would have done credit to many a larger town. The committee on celebration, and especially Mayor Goodwillfe, are to be complffiicffted upon the manner in which the people who attended the celebration were entertained. One week before the Fourth the prospects for a celebration in Rend were not encouraging, but, owing to the perseverance of the celebra tion committee and the business men of the town a very good pro gramme was arranged and carried out. The exercises began with a pa rade in the morning, led by th" Jjcnu cornet band. Then came a beautiful float on which rode a number of school girls and the Goddess of Liberty. Following these came the float on which the small boys rode with Uncle Sam The ladies of Mistletoe camp of the Royal Neighbors also rode iu 0 wagon tastefully decorated with flags and bunting. After the parade the crowd gath ered at the speakers stand on Wa'l street, where a good literary pro gram, was rendered. Victor O'Con nor read the Declaration of Inde pendence, and "Dad" West and G W. Triplett each tendered a short but interesting speech which wai well received. A chorus sang patriotic songs and the band also played several patriotic selections In the afternoon iriterestccntcrc'! in the ball garlfc and the ra&s The ball g"ahie was played by all tome boys, the married men against the single men. pnly five innings were played and the single men lost the game by the score of 3 to 6. After the ball game came the horse races, the first being a pon race, John Overtjjffi on the Good willie pony winning and Prince Staats on Chas. Johnston's horst cane in second. Jifn Overturf, on Mr. Drake's pony, was a close third In the free-for-all race there were only two entries, Rob Zevcrly win ning on Uis gray horse. There va5 only one entry for the broncho bttstirig prize, "Bill" How ell being the only than who rode He did some, "fantastic" riding and won the priie, In the foot races George Long of Laidlaw, went the 100-yard dash, with Harry French second. Thev also won the sid-yard dash, in the same order. A number Of oilier races were run, fitrtlisllitfg entertainment until late in the evpujilg. At night a large crdwd tjujoye'd themselves at the big dajjeing pavillion, which was decorated, wjth flags and bunt ing and JapaiieSc lanterns. Altogqtbcr Rend's celebration was a success, ill Spite of the fact that Prineville and most of the other surrounding towns held cele bratiOns. Tlie day passed without a rupture and -all who attended our celebration passed an enjoyable day. Professbr R. B. Jackson and n Miss Casey, a teacher in the Silver Iakc School, passed through Rend this lildrning dn their way to Port land to visit the exposition. Thev are driving across country, going by way of tlie McKenzie route. fi& ,Matid Vandevert returned from Coryaflil tlld first of the week, where sbek has befch attending the Agrjctyturjal Cbllege. She was accompanied byj her aunt, Mrs Cliatidle,r, f0ra Fort Sinnott, who will" probatyvLremalti with the Van deverts during the dlltnnier. Gcorgfe fcopgj, .of taidlaw, and Hugh Mcprecr, of. Antelope, ran a huudreJ jjarcl d,as)i.du the street licfe. V$driesday afierJtoon. Both men rau.iti bonces, on the Fourth and sothe dispute atfjSP xjs tq which of the UVfJ tYai Ue ifactc-it. A purse was made up and they fan iihe race to decide which i'r cijampion. Dr. Coc wns the siajcer.rnn(Mt thej pisioi snot Aicureert goi pii, jisi, and kept the ieaVl.io, (hi fftiirhl j winning the lie face easily.