iitl 4UtnfrftiTti'U . Mnm '5 LOCAL BITS ... J' . Hurrah for llciid'rt celebration, Riddle cleiuiH women Hklrt.s. tf Koniumber the Sunday dinner nt Pilot Unite Inn. Kill .Sunday dinner nt Pilot Unite Inn, Yon will bo witlxfial. Dan II. Smith went up to The Mcndowrt Tuesday on buHlueiH. ' Mr Hujth O'Kiinc returned IIiIh week from her visit in Portland. Tutwdny Is the Poutlh. Cele brate in liuud and go home Iinppy. Mrs. A. C Lticni returned Tuea day from a visit at Moblw Million. Jtuwe Overlurf now drives the Htnjje botwuen lieml mid Koslnnd. Dan R. Smith vInIImI the county Mat on hinduem the find of the week. A new store building 30x60 In bclufe tuctod nt Kfltflnud, by l!oj;tie it Son. V, II. Tonk, a rmiclmr from the MntoloB rlvor vtilley, wuh In Ilend Tuesday. John Sltamorc tills week bought the I.wter house awl lot paying $750 for It. Mr. And Mrs. Spnlnhour wo re in town from their homestead 011 thu Tumalo Tuemlny. Raspberries, utrnwljerries and all tmudl nursery stock for sale by V. J. Huckley, Heud, Oieou. V. I). IlUimnu went to I'rineville with the railroad delegation Inst Saturdny, rcturuluK Monday. R id (II clean 1 nnd prestos nien'nj suits. Makes old clothe look like; new. Next door to Imrbcrshop. Mrs. C. M. Weymouth mid mid left 011 Monday inorniiiK's Nte for m visit to Portland and Port Town- Mjntl, Office rooms for rent in the Pilot Mutt icvlopuint Co.'s office buildliiK. Apply at tin eoiiimny'x office. ' tf 'A. T. GideiMt ban rented the a m rooms mat vucmeu iiy ilia lame Hunter nnd will move his fur ill MMHI. There is a flue office room with ' double window on the Mtcouil floor of the tMiik buildiuK for lent nt $10 a mouth. Nell Smith writes from Superior. Wis , that U will lie In Ikmri In July and push work on lib ltomc stead in m;ii. Ifor thcilh of July fire-crackers, llaps, buutitiK etc. at the closinic out sale of the New York Caah store, UetfcbtitiM. C. M. RelfiUt and Theodore Pecker left Sunday inoriiiiiK for n few dys bmiiiajw trip into the Ifay.stack country. Mr and Mrs Duncan McMillan and Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Wilaou left TiteiMtny morning to visit the Portland exposition. RiMiland bus a new hotel, a aub ataiitlal atructlire of ten roowH It was opened for huaiutaw this week, by Mm. M I.. Cook. Parties desiring home crown wurxry tock of raacK Hazlcvvood Ico Croam. Ico Cream Soda. Soda Water Root Deer. Hammocks Camp Stools, Fishing Tackle, Wall Paper FURNITURE, LINOLIfUM. OUTFITTING HEADQUARTERS for Lewis & Clark Fair Visitors. Call 011 us When Passing llirougli town. We're at your service. Bend Livery & Transfer Co, (iiiily l T IMBER LAND ISOUUIIT AND SOLI). Special attention to the n a 1 1 1 e r i 1 1 n of bunches of claims for In vestors. IF YOU WANT TO SICM I 1m (Hivr few iwlttt liwnlfit (nt ml'. At drcdol IIhiUi Uliila In (jiiniillly to ull SEE ME, RICHARD KING. BEND, OR. J. PRANK STROUD, Alafiagcr LIVERY, and FEED STABLE IIOKBRH IJOAKblU) 11V THIS DAY, WjJIUC OR MONTH Plrst-Class Livery Rigs for Rent. 'Phone Ntf. 15 Mtil!ffl Ix'lwerii Mliintt ii1 Orcj(n, . (JctlJ, Oregon prec land in Oregon M- Umltr llic "Cutty itflMtlon AM l)J Jlrtcl from male WRirK OK CAM. TO DAY Itookleta Co . yi Airier uttctt, l-nrllaml, Or .rr-.l..-.-L-..- g II H Cook ft IS Till! n.Mli TO SHELDON & MKINNON General Blacksmithing had Wagon Repairing HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY J&- Our shop is located opposite Jiaptist Churtn. 1 JOB PRINTING 1 1 I j I Now Buy Town Lots - IN - Laidlaw, Or. and Make Money I'or xrtirti1ara wntr nr i ill mi J. W. Rutherford, Laidlaw. Oregon item J Mrs. S. M. Whittedaud daughter hiive rented the north en 1 of the former bunk lions mid moved in tlii welc. Miw Whitted returned from her lioinenteHd oh the Tumnlo Snndiiy hikI reports the croj looking fine tlierx and rye more thnu six feat tall, rnlcd without irrigation, too. Aldermmi Weat id having the Ntoue nnd brick limited for h duell ing house. It in to be 2SX2X mid will bnv five rMms. There will be n svn-foot IwMfiiient built of ntoue, mid the uper part of the hoiuMf will le of brick. Work will be eouimcnred on it soon After tb- I'ourth of July. S. M. Huiley, of the I'rineville Journnl, mid J. I) Carroll, of I'rine vilte. imstrf-d tlirotijtli Ik'iidS.ittinlH on their way to Silver Lake. Mr. Huiley wont on business connected with his pajwr there, and Mr Chi rotPwill piny with the Silver I.aki KhII team, which will compete fot the I.nkcview prime on the Kourtb of July. V. J. Dickens was in from tin Columbia Southern ditdi cmn MoimImv. He snv.s nmre than five ! miles of tfi-foot emial have beei coinpUtwl this smwii and two mi!e of X-lool cuiul. About 45, iiieu art .teutilaily employed. Mr. Dukei ! liken this country so welt that h sends The Hulletiu to several enut coiiuuercial vn-, orn relatives. rleties can Kt sumu by iseuiug V. J. Huckley, Heud, Oregon. V. II. Slants has alfalfa ow ing on his place at Deschutes thnt Firecracker, Roman caudle, pin , proven how well that crop will do wheels, chasers, trpedM and all in this locality. Hearing that tin kludg of ftieworks at the r.otofrtcejraihond men wanted to see alfalfn buiWlnj. A. II. Grant. Mr Staats brought to Tie Hulletiu lOtuee a bundle of it 31 ' indies tall and rank enough for anybody Milts Addle I.uwla, who has been visiting her father at the ditch en in p several weeks, left for her home in Portland Sunday morning. All children wUhiug to ride in the "Liberty Car" In the nrade on the .(th are rcqueated to mutt at the church Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. Miss Jackie Hrock has taken n position in the government printing; office at Manila nnd sailud from Viiiii I'mtiuisco for her new home last week. Severt Deblng returned WwlueS' duy from u trip to Klamath Kalis nnd I'ort Klamath. lie reports Rood prospects in that country but ns yet there is not much doing, . '.. V. MndborR, who recently sold his grocery business in Voit laud and came to Heud, is now em ployed nt the Pine Tree store and Inter mny establish a business for himself here. Mis. Steele thin week had n root house dug to be used in connection vith her restaurant. A small cel lar wns dug, to which, n pitched Yoof, made of green slabs was added. This was covered with burlap, and then a layer of dirt was put on top 'of thnt. M. O. Coe, C. A. Riddle. T. Trlnlett and Orn iHiindexter turned Sunday night from a ni days' 'fishing trip ity nt r W. rc iue days' 'fishing trip n at Crane ni . t prairie, niey orbugm u.ick over 250 pounds of liMi, mong. vhiqh .ycre sonievtylunji five to eight VolU"ls'nc1i This is the fourth year for alfalfa in that lot and it is an unquestioned success. Mrs. W. H. Guerin, jr., and her aunt, Mrs. Hancroft, of Columbus, Ohio, reached Heud Monday after noon. Mr. Guerin met them nl Shauiko nnd brought them in with nu automobile, which did not work very -atisfactorily and gave the party 0 taste of roughing it. The cnsoliuc played out five miles from Heud and Mr. Guerin walked to town for n new supply. Miss Anne Midlam Wednesday afternoon received a telephone message announcing the drowning at Oregon City of her nephew, n boy eight years of age, son oi C. 15. Midlam. Thu same evening she received n letter written by the little fellow himself in which he lamented the fact that "paw miulc me stay in the house .today because I went down to the river yesterday mid fell hi." Advertised Letters, The following is 'a, Jlst.of lnttcrs remaining uncnllcdfor,4U the Ilend postoffieu June 30, lyoj: AtiiktMiu, OoOar l'rc, A: I., Jlrtxter, Hen I.mig,.uAi Uund. I'rnwk McCiinii, tf-. V H lluan, 1. Uiutoii MeOaiui, l). K CiMik, W. H MvKeou, Skii . lUioiiilmri Juliiih I'-. Schlechf. ptm Frame, p; U Wwidcoek, 'ijloj Terwus falling , for. theie letters will please say'tliey nre, advjised. '7i,"l, Grant. I'ostblHSter, A new flume, leading from the Pilot Unite ditch and across the river at the bridge, now irrigates n portion of the Dmke laud on tin west side of the river, below the bridge. PRICE OF 1 w it REDUCED. Frank Oardinier. WIIITn & HILL, Agents. oo Do Yon Want to Sell Your Land? Ihi you wmit to Hny i s-H MtivtlniiK llrtc 1 yoiu .ipportunity to iiivrt your wlf rlitwitu-nt in vt neMn)MH!rH for tlur jth e ( nut-. for 11 Hmilwl tinw all "For 8v," ' INtr lUat" ainl all "Want" wlit. will xe iiiMfrlttl in the Oregon Daily Journal AND The Ilend Bulletin.... FOR ONI: CfiNT A WORD. The lounml in tlw U-t er cuUlctl tivwitiwiwr in Oroon. It Ktcs dully into jj,io lioint's mill roaolicd llml Ihiko arinynf tMMipIc ulionteroiutiintlN Imy liiK mid kvlling KoiiK'tlunt;. When yon go to 1'ortlaiid call nt Tin Journal offiov ami MO tilt' luOtimt Htlll llCfct nvw- juinvr prvMiiu dromon. It will print, panto, cut nnd fold pit jhts in four color with one ImiircMion at the ruU-of i.t.mxi an hmir. Vinltor Wtlconn.'. People In ninny states look to Tho Ilend Hullctln for In (ornmtlonof Central Oregon. Send yournilvcrtiscmcntH to The Jlciul Hulletiu ofllce unit wti will send copy to The Journnl. TlicDeScIurfesTeleplioiie' Cotfipaliy Tclegromif forwarded to . t. ndypnrt o( tlm World. Direct Volenhdne t ViuiVilcatldn v PORTLAND, 1'HKVIW.K nnd nil Pacific Coast cities f, 3'aNk uuilMjn'V 'Bcriu 7 Oregon ?fiitett faiAm co. t Killll U llll Ill Are you particular about yolir stntiouery? Do you like neat, clean, up-to-date business printing on the very best stock made? Don't you think it a good idea to make these things a part of your business? 00000 The supplying of this class of work is a pnrt of our business that re ceives particular attention. The materials we use and the type faces and workmanship wc put into the jobs wc turn out give you a product that cannot fail to give satisfaction. 00000 Our equipment is second to none in the interior of Oregon. When you bring us u piece of work you may know first of all that' every line in it will be in the latest type styles we haven't an old type face in the shop. Done Promptly There is no delay in getting your tvork. It is a point with us 10 get the fim.shcdjobiu the bauds of the customer with reasonable dispatch. Reasonable Prices Another satisfactory feature in our job business is that e do not in any instance ask a hold-up price. All we ask is n profit compatible with successful business. Your printing will not look as if a black smith had done it when done by The Bend Bulletin o 00 Benb Bulletin r BOTH PAPERS One Year TWO DOLLARS J IportlrmD SemiMeefrlY Journal Steele's Restaurant Mk Ku A Rrr.M-r j-..,. First Class Service at Reasonable Rates. kvi:r thing Ni:n BUY A MEAL TICKET 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE AlMis u TnADC Marks Dcsions Copyrights 4 c Anronewnill t akMrhixl dWTlwlntt ror nulmiT Mjir 1 mr cH(-l" fr wue- er an iirriti i rt n'.iy pnRiithl. C 'mfimnip thmxiriHlri .nad.nl ll HAHOGOOK cal'tnt wit lrt. iil.iMt tdmncr ft ccurti'rfpattr .. ISIonit laken ibnuh Maun (. . rciT tfntnntut, without chr, latb Scientific Jlniericaii. A hfKtt-wfilr Hlilit wklf I srew "r nilalti.ii I nr "' nBr l"T.H 1 '" j rt. fcHirn.n(Us,tU IktldufiUl rewMlen - MUNN & Go.30IB'd-' New York llrHKh 0, tt f 8U Wwlilnt. . I. C GRAND ATION! BEND, 'ORfeiQON JULY 4th riORSE RACES feASEBALL rOAMES FdOT RACES AND ALL KINDS X)F SPORTS. t T (3lrand Dance Tn the Evening1. BSg Money for Prizes. iasg iraiB CorVinSittbe on Celebration. Mayor. A. obdwilue J. Frank Stroud J. M. Lawrence C. I. Hjjwii -C. M. Triplett Hugh O'Kn'ue" CluTrlcr 'Vity'el; Clias. O. Johnston A. II.' Grant u i.,,iiMtAW.wn.in.i.i;iJ4 . . l X.W- a - f f- A.ii ,!'... . "J 'Cb'rne In take look at n , . ffl "bcAuHrtU-'dlirv t JsL -JEWELRY KikOn the 'ccJf-nfer you u-I'l KU abo And cntal t lllu- t m $$&$h Uioujonda 1 mm xr if you vpnVly rJjjJj!m$ ' ' -- ' foryonrtnciic JArfGiT' THAT'O Ail ! RPwn ni?f-:tiOJ 'I -