The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 30, 1905, Image 3

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III n Cuiulonsiiil 1'uriii for Our
Unsy Kuiidurs,
.A Hoiumo of tho Lots linporlnnt but
Nut Lou Interesting Evonts
of tho l'nt Wook.
Tliu esnr linn abolished olllecs In tho
Fnr F.naturn territory.
President Kooauvull him small hope
of securing tin armlntlcu In tlmu to ntop
tho general utKAK-'tuiit now liiimtnuiit.
Tlio fettling aroused by King Oscar's
proposition to recognize tliu Indopond
oiicu of Norway In tunning much uneas
iness In tliu Hwodisli capital.
Tliu latest report from Oyama show
that In) will soon hnvo tliu entire Km
hIiiii itriuy surrounded. Hovcrnl small
engagements linvu proven victorious (or
tliu Japanese.
t'liul Morton, chairman of tliu Kqult
nblo I.lfo Assuiaueu nuolely, l prepar
ing to lunku those who hnvo ncuuuulat
Vi millions from tliu society in n fuw
years, disgorge.
FrticoM reply to (lormnuy'i Morocco
demand lit tiliiutlnfuotory ttiul negotia
tions urn again deadlocked, A pence
fill solution o( tliu dlllluully seem fur
ther oft tliuu liofuru.
Otislro Iimm created several nuw cm
torn hoiiso irU In Venezuela In order
to dodge IiIi creditor, who nro to ro
i'ulvu 110 per cent of tliu receipts of tho
regular port of entry.
Tlo torpedo boat destroyer Perry, at
Portland, Imi established a now mor.l
fur f ft lit tliuu on tliu Columbia, having
undo II mile In It) minute. This In
nt tho ruin of -It miles un hour.
Roosevelt w III riuiuw hli efforts for
mi armistice.
Tliu Chicago grnud jury has secured
nuw evidence against tliu lwef trimt.
Tho United Mate Inn been nlllnlnlly
notlllud of Norway's separation from
Oynnm'ii army in enveloping tliu
Russians ntiil they must rutrwit or Imi
In nn address nt Nuw Mlllnnl, Con-
IMOllCUt, tllU lintlllll'llt HjKlktt of tliu ne
cessity of having n strong nnvy.
I.nrd Kitchener will reform tliu In
iliiin nruiv to fight llussln, a Iiu feel
mini It Mill Iiu called iihii to tin.
A Itlo (Irniiiln train wns w locked mwir
I'lnto, Colorado. No onn was kllliMl,
hut ','U KiciigiiM received xiinful In
juries. John Pnrmoleo, of Chicago, loft hit
mitlru cslnto of 1100,000 In trtiHt fur
tliu iiurtihnso of fuul for thu MMir out of
tliu Income.
Tliu wrmk of thnTwontolth Century
Limited on tliu Ijiku Khoru road roMl 111
live. A hoy I suspected of having
cm u im I thu disaster.
Chicago toumstur ttuiitoytwir Imvu
not I Hod tliulr men Hint they will hv
to olthur illnpi'iiMi with tholr uiilim
htittou or keup It out of sight.
Thu Innl refining Imildliig nt thu
ixiukliiK phiiit ot H'liwiriHH;hlhl A HtiU
liurutHT, nt Ariiiounliilui Kkii., Iiiid
Im'uii ilwitioyixl hy llru. Imm, (SOO,
000. An oxplonloi) In u Juwiniwo nriK'-ial
rixiultixl In thu killing or wouiulliiKof
100 pitriHini.
Ilyilu ninl Aluimulur hnvn lotli ro
hIkiuxI from olflvu In thu K)ultnhlu I.lfo
Aiunirmicu ixxjluty.
.Many CIiIckko trlklii tuiiiiiNturH nru
vmli'nvorliiK to mnku turuii with tliulr
vniplntirn for ruliintutuiiiiiit.
It linn Im-uu ilit'lilutl tlmt thu KukbIau
Kuvuriiuivnt uiuil pay for thu Ilritiuli
Htiiuuiur Kt. Hilda, which wni mink.
K, II, Ilurrixh'u, of Portland, hnit
Ikh'U upM)ntod NorthwfHt purt'liimliiK
uncut for thu I'miuum Cumil CoiihiiIh
mIoii. Amurlcmi hiiynrdH liuve Ihiii ii.
miroil that thuy will ut tliulr fliaru of
contractu for rubulliliiiK thu Ituimlnu
Thu HuhhIuii war party Ht til oppoooa
pcaco imd Lluluvltuli plumlH foriiiiothur
luittlu, wiylnK hu hiut victory in hla
Thu prciildunt Iiiih ri'movwl Ohiruiico
AfuUur, duputy colliiitor f Intornal
ruvuuuu ut l'hlhidulphln, for comjdiulty
In uluutlon frmulH,
In tho riH'ont naval Imttlu Admlrul
Too narrowly imcniiod death, ii hIiuII
ntrikliiK on thu lirlilKU IiohIiIu him, uud
u spllntur tenrliiK away ii part of hiu
trou (urn leg.
Thu ponco conforuiu'o will moot In
l'ittHlmrK flteol workuri thrciituu to
ntrlku. l'lvo thoiunud mun nro In
volvud. I'opu 1'liiH hnH iuIvIhlhI CnthollcH to
KO into polltluH,
Franco and Germany hnvo ngrood
to u coufuroucu on Morocco,
Tollco Hloppod tho prcHldontJu chnffour
(or oxcoodltiK tho ujiood limit.
CoHMiukB linvu killed many wounded
JapanuHo In Itod Grows hoHpltala,
' Tho Ohlnoso Kovorninont Iiiih deco
rated John Ilarrott, mtnlfitor to Coloin
bin, for hia Norvicee with tho Ohlnoeo
uxhlblt nt tho Ht. Louia (air
Now York Lo(;lslnluro Will Rornovo
Supromo Juitlcu ftookor.
Now York, Juno 20, I'or tho llrt
tlmo In IIh hlHtory, tho loxlHlaluro of
Nuw York will moot In Mpuuinl hohnIoii
HiIh Niimmur for tliu puroHi) of form
ally uxpulliiiK it JiihIIlo of thu Huprumu
Tho IiihI tlmo thnl HiIh Kwur of thu
li'KlNliituru wiot Invoked wiih during thu
uxpoMiirim followliiK 'I'woixI'm downfall,
whuu threo Hupruino court JuntlccH who
hud workud hand In hnnd with thu old
Tammany hoon, wuru itrlppml of tliulr
Judicial uruiliiu, Hut Hint win nt n
uvular hchnIou.
Tho machinery of tho law la now bo
Iiik luvokutl by n Republican Kovurnor
to umiblo n li'KUbituru overwhelmingly
Itepuhllcon In both branched to rutlro n
Republican Judo.
Thu pornon who will bo removed In
Warren II. Ilookor, lon a ooKrwtn
man mid loiiKur Htlll nu Inlluentlal Hit
publican politician In tho upper nuotlon
of tho ntnto. Thuru In not a doubt In
thu world but tlmt hu will bo put out,
nud every bl Republican In tho itnto
Iihn Ik'himI anil Imploretl him to ronltfii,
but hu la atiibliorii.
Nuw York ntnto lownrdu ltd Judicial
olllcura moru liberally tliuu uuy other
Nvotiou of tho Union. In Nuw York
city n Jiihllcd of tho Huprumu court ro
culvuN f 17,600 n year for It yearn, with
n vourt day ludtluK from 11 to 1, nud
2 to 3:30 or , toxvthur with nwirly
four luonthi' ncntl(jn in iiimuiur. And
tho United KtatuN Huprumu court, tho
blubi'it Judicial tribunal In tho laud,
only pnyn $10,000. Ilookor Ii no "up-
Klalu judxu," bill wun traimferred hero
by thu Kotoruor noon alter hu nat'oiided
tho bunch, ami, In ooniemicnui, la pnlil
na highly na thu until who woru elected
by tho city votura.
Thu uhnr;uM iiKnlniit Hooker nro
many, nud nro Involved In thu ixuo
nKiilmit Machan, thu celebrated, or
rather, uotorioui, KMtnl olllulnl.
Ilookur'a youiiK nephew wanted
money to (i through isdleno. Ilookur
lintl til en npKilutil a clerk In ii ot
olllru. Ilo never did any work, but ho
iliuw thu wilary.
A limn in tho tllittilct owed Mm.
Hooker, wlfu of thu JuiIku, 2,600. Hu
win promptly nppolntiHl a letter cur
rier, nud Mfh month turned over hli
oliik to Mra. HiMikur. This uinu ml
milted on thu ntmid tlmt hu niivwr did
any Hork for thu Kovurumunt mid never
oipcutml to. Hu limply idopted nn
way wuy, iikkuiIuI " him, to pny off
n bill.
A hulldliiK owned by thu JuiIku wni
liHiiisl by thu Kovurnmiiut for n Ht
ollli'u nt what wni admittedly mi ux
militant rental. Denplto this thu
amount whn tulcu rlnud at inturvnlu
of n fuw iiioutliN.
Qovnrnmanl SpikI Out Five Special
Agonts to Foreign Countrlai.
WaihliiKtmi, Junu 20. Tho deMirt
mmil of Commorro nud Ijilnir ban oom-
pletisl pruKirutinn fnr aeudliiK (Ivu
iKt)lal nKuiita nbroiid to liiVetit;ato
trndu ooiiditloiiR, with thu objeut of
promoting thu foiolgn oommurcu of thu
Uuitol KIiiIim. Thu llvo Hgunti (ndwled
urn: lfofiMMir I.iiioolu HuIuIiIiuhiii,
Unlvemlty of California; ChnrluN M.
I'uplwr; Harry It. Iturrlll; Itaymond 1'.
(.Vint and Dr. ICIward IUnIIoo.
An Hiu uppropriutioii la only f 30,
000, It wiim iIm-IiIinI to limit tho luvurnl
lluhli of iuriwtipuliou in order tlmt thu
heft iiinuIIm may Imi ohtalnui fur pru
reiitatlon to itiiigruwi unrly in thu up
proaehlng mwiIuu. Mtxri. llurrill
mid CrUt will go to thu Orient. I'ro
(ennor HutchlnHon will go to South
America, nud bun ulrtwidy enterml upon
lili work, Hu will vlHlt nil thu jiorta
of thu Atlantic nud l'aclllc count a of
tlmt (X)ii(iuent.
Mr. lVpiier will go to Canada, and
lulxtcqucutly to Mexico, intending hli
iuveitlgatioui to thu ("entral American
countrlei. Dr. Iksllou will bu ivut to
tliu MYvt Iiuliea, Vunrzuula, llrltleh,
Dutch anil French (liilaun, It ii ex
pwtel that thu Investigation will bu
oomjiletiil In thu tlwld by tho cIoko of
thu preHont yi'iir, mid that nil of tho
ugenti will huvu tliulr Dual reports
ready for congretm in January,
Driven From Jowlih Quarter.
Wurmw, Juno 20. In iouniutlon
with tho dlttciiHMtou of thu proponed law
which prohibita Juwa obtaining tho
right to thu National nwumbly, the
Wurmiw SiKdullata yiwtunluy organ lied
n Htieet deiuoimtratlon, oatuuilbly to
proteat, A prwenHlon wiih Btarted to
ward tho Juwiali qunrtora, and when It
leached thu principal Htreet there it
wiih tlnnl upon by tho aoldlura nud two
peraona woru Borioualy wounded. Tho
eoldiera then charged tho crowd nud
wounded u number of poraona wlththo
butt ouda of their rlllea.
Swedltli Prince for tho Throne.
Stockholm, Juno 20. It la openly
aflnerted that thu. plan to hnvo a Hived
Ivh priucu imcend tho throne of Norway
luia Iwun porfootwl, and that It will bo
brought before thu Ilikadng aoou. King
Oaciir, nccordlng to thoao who nro cog
iiUnnt ot thu plan, will protoat nt drat,
bill will dually reluctantly consent. It
Ih poaltlvu that onu of thu conditions
to bu expected will bo that tliu Nor
wegian fortifications on tho Swodlah
frontier bu dianuiutlcd.
Fntal Explosion In Calllaryv
Kkiitorluoaliiv, Southern lhioaln, Juno
20, Fivo hundred poraona wore killed
in tho explomon which occurred nt tho
Ivan colliery nt Khnrtalak, belonging
to tho Ituealnu DouoU company.
Torrid Woollier In East Prostrates
Many People.
Dwellori In Cltlei Fleo to Soaihoro
for 1 heir Llvei Children
Among Vlctlmi.
Now York, June 20, Many proatrn
HoriN and four dentin, thu latter nil of
young children, nccompaulod thu ro
iiuwnl of yuaUirday'a torrid tom)ora
turu, nggrnvntod by n high dvgrtu of
humidity In thu early hours of today.
At 12:30 1. M. tho thonnomoUjr mark
ed HH degri'ca with uvury Indication of
n further rlno, but aoou nfterwnrda re
lief cuiuo In tlio ahnjio o( a cool breeio
from thu ion, ucoompunled by a rujiid
fall In temperature nud humidity,
which continued itendlly until tonight,
when thu air wai nluioat too chilly for
thu comfort of the thousand! who had
Hod to the wuulde rmorti to oncape tho
hunt of thu morning. Nowhere In the
city win the suffering bo iiileusu a In
thu Knit Hide toncment suction, where
llttlu preparation had bcon made for It.
Ordinarily such daya do not comu until
early In July. From hundreds of study
tenemenu, thousands of children
swarmed Into the street, many of them
half clad mid othuia struggling to rid
themselves of such fragments of winter
garments us itlll clung to their llttlu
bodies. Mothers with haggard laces
peered out of lofty windows and shriek
ed In vain for their little ones to comu
In. Thu olicu wuru constantly called
upon to cpiull Infantile riots, and scores
of children were reported lost at night
fall. Eight Deittu In Pitltburg.
rittsburg, Juno 20. At noon today
thu government thrumometur registered
HU dug., mid wni rising steadily. One
death mid seernl prostrations woro re
irled up to noon. Tho maximum
runchiHl by tho government thermome
ter wai U2. This evening at 8 o'clock
it wai down to 86 with promtsu of
ahow en mid cooler weather tomorrow.
In thu district Including l'ittiburg, Al
legheny nud MoKii'sport there were
eight dentin and six prostrations report
til up to 1 1 o'clock tonight nud no
doubt others wuru not reported.
Several Prostrated In Waihtngtpn.
Washington, Juno 20. Heveral per
sons were prostrated by tho hunt in
Washington today. None of the onsen
wni suriuus. Thu temperature rose
steadily from I A. M. until nearly 1 I.
M., when n storm thrwitoii(d mid boiiio
rulief followed. Thu maximum turn
Ixiriituru riHxirdcd by thu Weather bu
reau wni 03 degree.
Mississippi River Threnteru to Swamp
Several Towns.
Doa Moines, la., Junu 20. Thu Mis
sliwlppi river is out of its Iwuiks from
CliiiUiu to DaviuiK)rt. Thousands of
aetei nrtt luumlated, nud thu crop and
projHirty Iimm will run up into thu hun
dreds of IIioumihIs. Tho situation at
MuiH-Mtlne and Clinton Is critical. A
iliw of uuothur (oot will Hood Mit of
the st reels in Ixith citlos. Thu river Is
now rising nt thu rate of about onu Inch
put hour.
The Pleasure island nt Dnvouport was
surrounded today, sovural thousand
people who hud genu thuru on the elec
tric Hue having to bo removed by bout,
the road having been covered. The
river is rising at Dubuque, but Is rising
more rapidly at lliirlington and Keo
kuk, when) the danger is apprehended.
Hundreds of men uro working on tho
levees ut Muscatine, thu water threat
ening to break through at any time.
President Will Not Intercede in Behalf
of Any City.
Washington, Juno 20. President
Itoosevelt today i evolved the invitation
ot Governor Chamberlain and Mayor
Williams to hnvo thu twace commie
slon incut ut Portland, if it la decided
to leave Washington niter thu first
formal meeting. It 1b fa id nt thu
While house that the president will
not advise the commission on that
point, na he does not feel that it la
within the proprieties of tho situation
to do so. Ho will leave tho selection
of n place of meeting outside Washing
ton to thu envoys, only taking cure that
ample provision la nuido for their com
fort nud convenience while in boss ion.
Log Raft Across Ocean.
Ban Fninolsco, Juno 20. A log ruft
containing 10,000,000 of spars and pil
ing is to be towed ncrosa tlio l'aclllc to
Shanghai during tlio summer. This la
thu glgtiulc plan ot n now company just
organised under the laws of Ilritish Co
lubmia, which la to bu n branch ot thu
Itobeitaoti Haft company, of this city.
At thu head of thu concern la II. It.
Robertson, who la anld to have been
very huccohhIuI in rutting lumber from
not thorn points to San Francisco.
Must Leave Port Arthur.
Chufoo, Juno 20, American and
European linns still in Toil Arthur
hnvo been notlllod by tho Japanese nu
Uiorltlea to depart nud to remove tholr
merchandise, Many ot thu llrma nro
now arranging to charter atoamora (or
that purpose.
Efghtann Pooplo Killed nnd 8lxtoon
Others (Jndly Injured.
Ilftltlmoro, Mil., Juno 10. Klghlcon
persons nro known to have Won killed
mid n score moro Injured tonight In ft
train wreck on tho Weitern Maryland
railroad about a quarter of a ml hi from
l'fitnpsco, n small station between
Westminster nnd Klnkiburg. Pas
senger train No. 0, westbound, was
running nt a ory high rata ot speed
when ut the point named It crashed in
to n double howler freight running cast.
All threo of tho engines wore reduced to
scrap Iron, two baggngo and express
can smashed and n number of tho
freight cars splintered. Tho passenger
Douches sustained little injury nnd
almost without exception their occu
pnnta ccsapod with nothing worso than
a bad shaking up.
Tho fatalities occurred among tho
cruwi of thu engines and workmen cm
ployed by tho railroad. Not being reg
ular passengeri they had boarded tho
baggage earn and onglnu. Tboso in tho
baggage cars woro badly mangled and
the crews of all threo'englnes wero
killed outright.
The threo coaches In tho passenger
train remained on tho track and none
of the passengers was seriously hurt,
all but a few escaping with a bad
ihako-u, and bruises. An soon na
word of tho accident wai received a
special train with physicians was eont
out from hero and by V o'clock tbo in
jured woro being conveyed to hospitals.
Tho patients wero distributed between
City hospital, Ht. Joseph's nnd others
near the railroad.
Plea of Russian Papers to Japan
Some Suspect America.
Bt. Petersburg, Juno 10, Tho press
of all shades of opinion is discussing
Japan's probable terms mid declares
with practical unanimity lor a continu
ation of tho war rather than tho accept
ance of humiliating conditions. In
this the newspapers nro upheld by pub
lic opinion, which is steering around
to support of tho war policy if Japan's
terms prove too hard.
Only the Nashi Shim advisea Russia
that she need not balk at thu payment
ot an indemnity, tho cession of tho
Sakhalin islands, thu renunciation ot
her right to keep warships in Far Last-
em waters or the surrender of Vladi
vostok, but thu paper holds that Russia
must retain Northern Manchuria and
thu Vladivostok railroad.
Th lkmrse Guxetto draws a gloomy
picture of Russia's relations with
France, Great Ilrltain, Germany and
Austria. Tho Novoo Vromya and the
reactionary Svlct sound notes against
tho United BUtes. Tho Novoe Vromya
reiterate! that Russia's chief enomles
in the Far Fast nro not the Japanese,
but tho Ilritish and the Americans, on
account of their commercial rivalry,
while the bviet objects to Washington
as tho place of meeting of tho pleni
iH)tontiarlus, declaring that thu atmos
phere there is unfriendly, and asserting
tlmt Russia's representatives will be
subjected to prejudica! inlluencea in
"tho capltol of tho enemy's ally."
Scientist States that Gases May Ex
plode as in Mines.
Now York, Juno 10. Foulness of nir
In tho subway has leeched tho eatge
when the fainting of women Is ot al
most dally occurrence and tho indica
tions are that na tho summer advances
conditions will grow worse. Nicola
Tosla makes a statement that indicates
that the poisonous clmractor of the sub
way nlr Is not its most dangerous
characteristic, but that it la really a
violently explosive union ot gases that
may at any time cause such a catas
trophe as la occasionally reported from
deep mines. Tesla in his statement
says in part:
"The danger to which I refer Ilea in
tho possibility of generating an explos
ive mixture by electrolytic decomposi
tion und thermic dlsussoclation of
water through direct currents used in
the operation of the cars. Such pro
cess might go on or hours and days
without being noticed, nnd with cur
rents of this kind it is scarcely practi
cable to avoid it altogether."
England Stands Ready.
London, Juno 10. It la probable that
the crisis that Ueriuuny la forcing iiiton
tho nations of Europe will soon naaumo
u now phase. Every move thus fnr
made by the kaiser has been aimed nt
France, although chiefly designed to
damage Ilritish interests. Tho Ilritish
government has not the slightest desire
thu shelter Itself behind its more
ox'ioml iielghlior. Thuru la reason
to believe that Ixml Ijuisdowuo
will booh take occasion 1o liuiko Eng
land's position clear and tho direct
Yellow Fever In Panama.
Prtuiuun, Junu 10. Tho greatest ex
citement prevails hero over tho sudden
Increase in the number of cases of j el
low fever which hnvo been discovered.
Residents ot tliu city na well na tho la
boreia ot tho isthmian canal are much
alarmed over the spread of tho dlseoao
that bus been made recently. Samuel
Davis, ii former detective sergeant of
Now York, who was brought hero by
President Aumdor to reorganize the po
lice force, died last night.
Big Pay for Wallace.
Panama, Juno 10. It ia reported
that Chief Engineer G. F. Wallace, of
tho canal commission, who left hero
aomo time ago to go tho United Btntea,
may not return. It ia Bald ho has boon
offered n position with n raihvny In tho
United Btntos that will pay him f 00,-
000 n year.
Conquest Z& Great
American Desert
Irrigation Now anil Jfersnfter.
No Irrigation exhibits of prominence
woro In ovldenco nt Uio Ht. Louli
World's Kulr ns such, yet In everything
agricultural Uiey formed a leading
part nud tholr withdrawn! would hnve
left lingo Kaps and taken away tho
best. Had tho products of the dam
and ditch alt been labeled "Grown by
Irrigation," the irrigation exhibit
would hnvo been very largo. But few
of the hundreds of thousands of peo
plo who viewed with amazement the
magnificent fruits and gralni from the
Western 8tatci, fnr moro notable In
size, appearance and yield than any
thing Uiey over mw In the Knit, were
fully nblo to realize that Uiom prod
ucts wero raised upon lands which a
few yean ago wen useless deserts,
but now made fertile by the art of
Irrigation. Practical methods of Irri
gation were demonstrated at tbo Gov
ern men t building by a model of Salt
Illver Valley In Arizona, wuoro a sys
tem of ditches and laterals, by which
tho water is distributed onto tho farms
and orchards below, are now under
construction In the mountains. Heal
water was running through theso
dltche. Tills groat work of Uncle
Barn's in Arizona Is progressing rap
idly. A cement mill, to make the 200,
000 barrels of cement needed In tho
masonry, Is completed; a $100,000
mountain road, to convey the dam
material from Phoenix li finished and,
most rcmarkablo, the river Itself has
been carried through tunnels around
the dam site nnd Is furnishing 1,000
electric horse power with which to
build the dam. This li to be used to
construct the giant works and thus tho
river will build its own dam and form
the greatest reservoir In tho United
States. Of all ilzei and claisei wore
tho Irrigation pumps exhibited In tbo
farm and Implement department; but
moro striking than theno wero the
wldnmllls. Those busy machines rear
til tholr tall heads abore tbo surround
ing buildings ami whirred gaily in
tho breeze, forming a striking exam
ple of man's ingenuity In harnessing
the elements. The highest of these,
built by one of tho largest -windmill
manufacturers, spread 1U steel wings
120 feet in the air, nnd with a moder
ate wind pumped -10,000 gallons an
hour. The water gushed up llko a flno
artesian well, enough to Irrigate thor
oughly a good-sized farm. The West
Is at the beginning of tremendous
progress In agriculture. The govern
ment has undertaken tho work of na
tional reclamation of tho doscrt nnd
Is pushing tho work vigorously. Vast
engineering works hugo dams and
canals are being constructed In tho
Western States nnd Territories, and as
tho work proceeds the pooplo will real-
Izo Its wisdom and worth, and It will
be extended until tho former desert
places shall becomo tho most fruitful
of any In tho land. Twenty years
hence. If tho government's Irrigation
work continues along right lines and
Is kept free from politics and graft,
wo may seo a Vet with nearly doublo
Its present population and tho splen
did products of American Irrigation
reaching to nil parts of tho world,
Agricultural Kpltomlst.
Former New York Ilcnnty 'Whose Mar
ried I.lfo Vu Unhappy,
When, about 1874 or 1875, tho gay
Lord Mandevlllc, son of tho then Duko
of Manchester nud heir to tho title,
showed n strong Inclination to
"a-courtlng go," tho butterflies of ao
clety In Knglaud and In our own "title-
hating," democratic country fluttered
their shimmering, silken wing, looked
longlugly towurd tho ducal prize nnd
wnlted. After whispering n pretty
sentiment hero nud snatching n klsa
from Inviting lips thore, fpr his lord
ship wns Indeed u merry dog, ho dis
covered that batter than anything ctso
ho liked to look into the shy eyes of
nn American girl. Ilo spent n lot of
tlmo Just doing that, but ho didn't con
Bldcr the tlmo wasted. Tho girl wns
a creolo named Cousuolo Yznnga,
daughter of Antonio Yznnga. She had
lived for so mo tlmo In Now York,
where her fnthor had largo inorvantllo
Interests, but alio didn't lit thoro. Her
dnrk benuty would hnvo harmonized
woll with the sunny, southern ntmoa
phoro of her fnthcr'a Loulshina planta
tion nud his Cuban ostnto would hnvo
made for her'atlll n lovelier sotting.
Hut Consuelo wna one of the butter
flies nnd New York Is whore brnnan
tmtfortlles rooiu haivntait. i It Vraa In
that city tlmt tho young heir to th
Manchester dukedom courted hor For
eourt her ho did, nrdontly nnd with
apparent sincerity, nnd when on Mny
22, 1870, ho mado her bin brldo after,
figuratively nuking, wnlklng over tho
heads of tho hundred of young Amor
lean men who woro nt tho feet of tho
beautiful creolo, tho social world
ilghed, envied nnd applauded, for
though "all tlio world loves n lover"
tlio world of pleasure loves beat of all
a lover with n title.
They went to England and tho
young wlfo was happy for n while.
Hor homo wns n cnitlo, her new
friend woro of noble blood and nho
was tho wife of the heir to ono of tho
proudest titles In tho realm. Hut It
wasn't long before there was strange
feeling of discontent Sho smiled
sweetly as over on her now friends,
entertained' ns InvUhly, danced as gay
ly but thoro was a tiny rift within
the lute and It spoiled the mnnlc.
Mho found that tho ardent love of her
husband had cooled, though ho waa
still kind, very good-natured and de
sirous that she should thoroughly en
Joy life, if position could give enjoy
ment Well, she could stand that One
could not expect one's husband to bo
quite like a lover. Ho she kept on with
her duties ns wife and hostess and nil
commented on her flno mind and gra
clous bearing. After a tlmo tliero came
to her cars rumors of hor husband's
flirtations and behavior unbecoming n
gentleman. Sho learned, rut time went
on, that he belonged to that cUm of
titled Englishmen who admire and llko
to make companions of the queens oC
tho concert ball and tho ballot On hU
fnthcr'a death he bcame the Duko of
Manchester March 21, 1800, but still
kept on with hi dUreputnblo conduct
He was associated with the London
music hall singer, Hexnio Bellwood,
and on ono occasion appeared In a po
lice court om a witness against n cab
man who charged tho singer with as
sault .
Threo children wero born to tho
duke and his American duchess hut
paternal en re did not weigh heavily
on thli pleasure-loving Englishman
who made domestic happiness an Im
possibility. He died in August 1892,
aiter having lived a llfo ot usetcssnes
and unfaithfulness to tho woman who
had given tho keeping of her llfo Into
his hands. Through It all, Consuelo
Yznnga, Duchess of Manchester, nover
complained to anyone. She gained tho
sympathy of a wido circle of friends
who realized tlmt her youthful dream
of bnpplneM had not been realized.
Tho sou of this Ill-mated couple, who
Is the present Duko of Manchester,
was born March 3, 1877. Ho married
Miss Helen Zimmerman, daughter of
Eugeno Zimmerman, of Cincinnati.
Tho twin daughters of tho dowager
duchess died when quite young
At present tho dowager duchess lives
quietly, but elegantly, in Paris, nerlln
nnd London. Her husband squandered
most of tho ducal estato and for a tlmo
tho duchess was not wealthy but
through tlio death of her brother, Fer
nando Yznaga, a few years ago, sho
came Into a fortuno of $1,000,000. In
tho French capital, where sho spends
most of her time, her social position Is
an enviable one and continual court U
paid to her. Sho Is still a superbly
beautiful woman, richly gowned nnd
the possessor of mnny lovely gems.
She has tbo largest diamond necklaca
of any of tho noblo ladles of England.
For long. Mrs. Wllllo K. Vanderbllt
looked upon It with envy but Its oqual
was at last secured for her.
Tho marriage of Consuelo Yznnga to
tills English nobleman was one of tho
thousand Instances of International
marriages resulting In sorrow and un
happlne&i for tho wife, but still tho
strifo for Utlo goes on among tho de
votees of society In tho United States
nnd apparently It will continue as long
ns position it put ahead of real worth.
A Itoiuartcablo Curo.
Tho proceedings of tho Itoyal Soci
ety wero not always taken so seriously
as they nr now. A hundred nnd fifty
j ears ago a sailor who bad broken hU
leg sent to tlio Royal Society a,i ac
count of tho remarkable manner In
which ho had healed the fracture. HU
story was that ho had dressed It with
nothing but tar and oakum, and was
now nblo to walk well. This remark
able story naturally caused some ex
citement among tho members of tho
society. No one had previously nu
pected tar and oakum of possessing
such miraculous healing powers. Tho
society wrote for further iartlculars.
and doubted Indeed whether the leg
had beon really fractured. The truth
of this part of the story, however, waa
proved beyond a shadow of a douht
Sovornl letters passed between tho
Royal Society nnd the sailor, who con
tinued to nssert solemnly that his
broken leg had beon treated with tar
nnd oakum, nnd with nothing else.
Tho socloty might have remained pux
cled for an Indefinite period had not
the Bailor added In n potscrlpt to hU
last letter: "I forgot to tell your tum
ors that tho leg was a wooden one.
A IioiiK-bufrurliiK Rye.
A teacher In English composition
had been giving lessons in the use of
tho active voice. "For instance,' aM
ho, "Instead of saying n 'tre mtbJl
hnvo been seen on tho lawn,' say-, 'u,
treo rose from tbo lnwn " Tfe naft
day n boy handed In a coaigoaiojufii
which begun: "Every morning wiftan I;
look out of tho window a. txbtli wiill
falls on my eye."
Pretty Good tlulxwiuo.
A Somcrvllle man U t&te&iiig Wl
ouily of keeping hU tutMuto. (r B.
Ing nil summer long. M Ibwrd hi
wlfo my tho other Any HUk 't isn't
anj- ubo nt nil to tadN. oJtHUlluty 'iuua
uutll after the fiMWUW flw W "?
out SomervllU JMAiwh