A OLD PEOPLE Theix Pains and Ailments Any tnlntrttha blood quickly nliown Itaclf with old people, niid troubles, which nyoutiircr, moro vljjoroun con. dilution lioldu In check, take ponncnnloti of tliooo of ad vn'nccd vearn. A mole, wort or plinnlo often bedim to In- flniue niul fenier, tcnnltintltir; lu a norc Hint refunca to heal. Wandering paina of a rhcttmnllc charnctcr arc nhtiont constant, tho Joints, jjet nttff and the mus cle, norc, while fllccplcanucAfl and ticrvouoiicfla junko life d burden, The uat- aTiSffih nuH the e ' Grippe, which left me no great in old oro nrul ull the a,ltl0,t ft .,,yical wreck, To mid' my mtici,ta orRnnsfjetdullaudBluBBlBli, condition, llheumntUm developed, lu short falllni; to enrry out the waste time after beginning 0. B. 8. 1 was relieved of the iiiaUcru and polsotia accuinu- pslns and have gained In flesh end strength and lutlntr In theavsteninndthev myueucrsl health is betterthau foryears. I heart .. (.ILh ,m!ml .1 inllhw ""commend 8. 0. 8. for ail blood dlaesse.. nro taken up ami absorbed by 'Uh,0 8 c D v qruoorv. tho blood, rcuderlui; it weak and tumble to properly uourinh the system. Tliero la no reanon why old njro should not be an healthy tin youth if the blood in kept pure and ntrom', 8. 8. a. S-thh rtw ' I'urey vcRctnble and la the safest utiil boot blood fcl f5t purifier and tonic for old people, because it la Koutle, ajrv but at the name time thorough in it;i nctlou, purify K3J fcsZjC hip; the blood of nit poisons and foreign matter, MBr nttcncthciiiiiL' It nnd toning up the entire Hyntcm by its fine tonic effect. Almost from the first dene the appetite Increase, tho gcucral health bculua to improve and the pains nnd ailments pass nwny. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAtlTAt CA, Heat or All Plnyn. I do nut earn for problem plsys; sir in the kind of piny In which tlm girl In jimt si purs si arc tli llowcra In May Tht plsy lu whlcli In thus of nd tli hrro's rlslit on deck, And yrlifrs the iclivmlng villain (t It always In tli neck. I lavs to lir th clrl rrfuis tli vlllsln' (old to take. And any that r. sre rojsl dud wiiru worn for virtue's aktf t lor to her tirsui drclln to brd tli rich man's brrk, And swat ths vlllslu with a club athwart hi tidy nrck, U not for ins III (lalllc fare, tli Jtii foldrol, Wber man I but a Jscktnapt and woman I s doll! I'll tak Ilia sturdy plot In which tbr villain trlra to wreck Th lirni'a life, and III th cud Juat gtta It In tlm nck. I,oularllU Courlvr-Journal. Thoan IivIiik Olrl Mlii Klderlelch You may not brllnv It, but 1 re f niil offrra from tlirto dlf ftrent turn lait month. Mil Younsbiid Uh, I don't doubt It. Hut what wrrs tliy clllng;? I'liot Cum f a mnM furmuKba,oolds and coiitumpllou. TrylU l'rlc ri oeuta, idru((liti. Th I'olllo Kitllor. Oalttr I have a little porm which Udltor (bually) That Kfiitltmau ovr there, air. Caller (cdilall) Is h th literary critic? Kdlter (polltrl) No; be'e th boun r. Why Itiry Coino Lain. Huiband (In hat and ovrreeat) Good (racloual llareu't you jot your coat ou et? Wife It' all filed except tucking In my drrat aleerr an they won't get uiuaa d. I'll b ready In half an hour. E'lTC l'tmnntl Cmnl. Kafllaor nerouinea 1 1 0 nt nm J.'iuunif.Kiin'(ii.i ., llHir. Knijfr rrrS)Slitallaxiteiu1lrrll, r. II. II, Kllii.UJMI A nli HI., I'lill4tltbl. I'e. .No Tlm I.fl. "Winter wheat looklmr well?" In aakrd of a street car passenger who looked like a farmer. "Dunno," was tho brief reply. "(loud deal of suuw out lu the coun try?" ".Middle." "Price of bay Bene up any?" "Omm'I imy." "Hut aren't you a farmer, in) friend r' "Yim, I'm a farmer; but this winter I've been courtln' a wldder woman wuth $S,0(K) and I haven't had any time to fool around with snow or liny or anything else." Chicago News. Tho Klml ou Hum AIwiivh tun ut CIiiih. II. I'lctclier, nutl lias liot-u iniulo iimlvr Ills iiitmmiiiI HiipcrvlMlon lor ovor :i( jonr.s. Allow no ouo to iloielvo yon in tlilri. C'ountorfi'ltM, Iinltutlons mid "liiHt-iiH-jrotnl" aro iMitlvprrliiieiitti, niul onilniiKr tho Iieultli ut Chllilrvit Kxporlt'iieo ii(;alnat J.pcriii.iit. What is CASTOR I A CuHtorlu In it linnnli'SH Hiihatltnto for Custor Oil, Pnro uorlc, Drops ami Hoothluir 8yrupH. It Is IMoaMttit. IC cotitaliiH nulthor Opium. Arorphlno nor other Narcotic NiiliNtanru. ItHiiirolH Its Kiiurantvo. It. tlextroys AVorms ami allays .FovorlHlmoaH. Jt citrus Dlurrluuii ami AVIiul Colic. It relieves 'l'outlilnir Troulilos. i-nres lmiHiliiutlim ami rintiilency. It assliullatcs tho Food, rcirithites tho Htoiuacli and IJowelH, ulvliiir 'I'li fllllllll-jitl'ri lllllllwll'rili Tho Children' v"- " " -"-"- -- The Kind You Have Always Bought Bonra tho (Zk In Use For Over 30 Years. H PRUSSIAN LICE KILLER kills LICE on Poultry. tt.V'froSei.'.'cTmm"'.!;,0'. kill the lice. Never fall". SoU by dealers, gocanJ $1.00 per cay. ... .-. CLEANED OUT Allwrt ntnclvr l i.oiiIiiiwvii, UMt It thoruuKhly tlirvu llnuai llMluiduillti. Iirrurau 1. II U.lnri. onhOKt. unitl. worili nv. tlin.Nii ut Atifi, mu VOUTbANU aiCUU CO., Vorttand, Or., Ooaat Acauts WW Wnan't Aatiameil. film was a mi'iuber of a North Hide church, and she wns trying to Imprets the fact upon tint mind of the friend who rode out with her ou a latu ele rated train the other night. "I'm as good n church member as any one, and I don't care who knows It," she said In the course of her talk. "Well, It's nothing to be aahamed of," said the friend. "I was also ouco a church member, and I uover was ashamed to own up to It." "Anhamcdt Who says I am asham ed?" shouted tho first woman, until every one In the car turned to look. "Ashamed ? Well, now, I rather Biles not. I'm a good church member, and who d urea any I am ashamed of It? The person who told you I am aahamed of It Is a liar. There 1" "Why, no one told me yo.u were ashamed of It," said the friend. "Well, then, why are you saying It?" "I didn't say It." "You did!" "Well, then, I suppose I did." "Well, I'm not naliHiiied. I'll give you to undcratntid that, nnd you can put It In your hrst summer's bonnet that I am not." And then as the trnln stopped sha added: "Oood-by, dear. I get off here." Probably the youuecat general In lbs world la a uephew of 111 late Wish of l'erals, a boy nut yet H yesra old. lis holda the rank of full geuersl In th Per sian army. Mother wilt fln4 Mn, vriiialow'a KoolMng Pytup thu teat remedy Iohm lor ttictr children during th teething jofloJ. Crltlutain. Joe Whst do you think of Mia GoU bletnu? I'ino Intellect, ell? I'rrd Yea; but her Intellect lau't lu It with her conversational abllitle. Olio Oixxl Peal lire, Jlmaon If there's on thing I dlallka more than another It's a -hallow man. Haiuaon Yea, but them's one thing In Iila favor. Jlmaon I'd like to know what It U. Haiuaou X ahallow man dueau't re qulro aa much watching sa a deep one. To llreak In Mew Shoes. Alwaye ahakn In Allen'e Foot-Kaie, a iwilr. Ilcwm Iml, aweallng, aehlng. ewutUn fret. I'Mf-. eerm, lag-rowing jialli anil Imihioiii At all ilrHolili and tin lotri.iav IMh'I aeeeM HrMIllliU Smr4e inU-J r'HKK. AUilrtM Alien 8. Olmatcxl. I lu.r, N' T. Nainn Old l'lnlnt. The Lady It miii to me tli we ber ries are; rather amall. Tho Peddler I'm auro they have got tlirtr full Krwnth. ma'am. The Lady Pimalbly; but I'm quite, auro your quart hxea haven't Kot thelra. lldtiu - lit Iiiim lioruii tlio nIlmiii. Inutility and iiuttiml Bleep. 1filtn.i.la 1,1.. ...I .... tlUllll, Slgimturo of ALLTIIB.MOE AND. MITEB. , ulnii., Louclit '" b( IImUii lire Killer ana iuirlrnnl lit ullir hou.o .nllrcljr fr.ttrum jiriuni U.IIIK. iuu Kfuiirj IUU,U w. miitv . IU IVI. imw .MM HIH, JUHT.TIIBTIIINQ FOR LICEON IIQQB, . . .. .fcMMUit) rruui4uumiiiuvri.ju.iiu. ininv (or lie in7& OTL&KjfFW JU j V-VWWW,N Krlend-ls tho ilnko n K. 0, II.? Va them to elevated social station, Ocea-ther-ln-law Diinno; I round him 0. i0iially, however, there Is to be found 0. I). Now York Mnll, I In ofllelal prominence n man in whoso Him IaioU, ileurl Papa's cheek will upward progress the wlto has kept pay for our weddlnjr trip. The Duks itep with him, contributing ability, Hut what nro we going to do after ward I.lfo. "Hho told inn tho was unmarried, mid now I find that she Is a divorcee." "Well, Isn't a divorcee unmarried?" Houston I'ost, "Did ho ever liiruro lu the divorce rourt?" "No; his lawyers did nil that,0"'" 1,rit " t '",v aceompllsli for him. He simply paid thu bills," lonkera Herald. Hlu No, I run never nmrry you. I All our family Is opposwl to you. Ho -Milt If yim are not HIh I said nil our family. Kx. Hho I low do you like my now coitt? The Friend Do you want an honest opinion? Hhe Of course not. Kllcgenilo lllaetter. Mr, Iljoues How wonderfully Mrs. Itoblnsou carries her age, Mrs. llsmlth (sweetly) -- Yes, considering how much there Is of It. K. 'The equator," wrote an Kngllah schoolboy In his examination paper, "la a mcnagerlo linn running 'round tho center of the earth." Kx. "You don't agree then that 'seeing Is believing?" "Not much! I seo somo peoplo every day that I never could believe." Philadelphia Ledger. Clementine Arabella, would you run after n man?, Arabella Yea, I would; If a man's worth having he Is worth running after. Ilrooklyn I.lfo. Tho Woman (looking at a hideous specimen) Oh, what a dreadful crea ture? The Man (with Infinite relief) -Can you seo It, too7 Harper's Week ly. Pompous Waller Have you order ed, miss? Timid Utile Olrl (taking her first meal at a restaurant) N no, sir; but I've requested. Chicago Trlb tine. "Can a man marry comfortably on five hundred dollars a yoar?" "Oh, yes. Hut he can't stay mnrrlrd fortably on any such suin."-Cleve- laud leader. Hllmson Willie, they tell me you liavo the reputation of being tho worst Uiy In aehool. Willie Yes, father, and I can tell you I didn't get It without a struggle. I.lfo. (Irocer What Is It, little girl? I.lttlo Olrl Mamma sent mu for n lamp! chlinnoj'. and she snya she hones It will be as stroiiK ns that last butter you sent us. I'kk-Me-Up. .Mammn Here's the man for that rlock to be repalreil. (Set It for him. Tommy Where Is It? Mammn Up stairs, of course. Tommy Oh! I thought It Jind run down. Kx. WlKwaK Why do you Insist upon; enrryhiK your shirt home from thu 1 Inu nil ry Instead of bavhii; It sent? Hnnluppe Mo that folks will know thnt I have two. Philadelphia Rec ord. . "HHkkIiis puts n Rrent deal of thought Into Iila work." "Yen," said the sareaatle person; "he works ten minutes and then thinks about It for an hour and 11 ijuarter." Washington 8tar. Katlo Tell me, ICdllli, what did you any when Charley proposed? IMIth Me? Oh. there was no oeeaalon for ,1110 to say anything. Charley bad said all Hint was necessary. ltostou Transcript. Church-worker Would you assist us, good idr, to send 11 mtsidonnry to tho cniiulbals? Mr. (iotrox Not much I'm n vegetarian but I'll asiUt you to send them some easily digested ce real1 Puck. "Haven't you any ambition to work as your father did nt your ni;e?" "Cer tainly not," answered tho glided youth; Vlf 1 were to work what would hnvo been the use of father's working? Washington Star. "Wo can't have everything hi this life," said the philosopher. ".No," an swered Dustlu Stax;. "the Ideal but Impossible coiublimtlou Is 11 million aire menu with a iloek-hinul appetite." Washington Xlnr. "I rtH'kou HUl must hnvo been cut out for one o' thosj genluies that writes for tho magazines," sold tho old Georgia farmer, "hecnuxo ho can't mitko cnsli enough to have his hnlr cut, and would rtither watch a star than dig " welll" Atlanta Constitu tion. "Suppose," said he, feeling his way, "your father should ask me what my expectations aro In or this direc tion. What ahull I say?" "Speak the truth," replied tho sweet tflrl; "tell him you don't know." Philadelphia Ledger. "Ah," said Mth. Oldcnstle; "so you're reading Mrs, Illnkletuu's new story? Don't you think her stylo Is nlmost too Idiomatic?" "1 hadn't no ticed It," replied her hostess, "but I Wouldn't bu surprised If It was. You know It runs lu their family. Sha had n nleco thnt was only half-wit-ted." Chicago Ilecord-Herald. "Juhet" growled old man Hnrdfyst, "vfhut In .tarnation aro you carry I n' thct thormotuuter outdoors an' back so often fer?-' "Jest want lo seo the difference In the. tviuporature, pa," ex plained Jubea. "Well, you let It alono. Keep the mercury ruuilln' up u' down lu thut tube an' llrst thing wu know tho thermometer Ml bo woro out, tut thero'll bo S3 cents throwed uwiiiv' Judeo. MRO. OHARLE8 W. FAIR0ANK8. Koremoat I'urllniiieiilnrlnri Ainorifr (lie Women of America. Homo women rench IjIkIi position In olllclnl society by virtue of their hus bands' superior Klfto find adroitness in yuiiuin. i ill' IUMJ KniCH inu pinrea which they occupy nnd umbo their homes favorite snots with the urcrtt men of the In lid ', lint the fact remains' tJirtt It wiim tint liimlmiiilH who liroiifflit tact nnd even genius which tins hnd a marked Influence upon the career of (ho husband, without her ho might .have icalm-d hut mediocre distinction, despite the possession of talent; but by their combined effort public favor and eminence were attainable. What hi ed he achieves by a fortunate domes tic pnrtnerahlp, Charles Warren Fairbanks, Vlro President of the 1'iiltis! 8tnis, doc not hIiIiic by tho reflected light of bis gifted wife, lie gained his plaeo as leader of the bar of Indiana by virtue of native genius, finished education, Industrious habits and a wealth of ac cumulated learning. 'litis was the lad der by which he climbed to the I'nlted Htates'Henate nnd Inter to the Vlco Presidency, Hnd his domestic rela tions been different, however, thero might have been such Interference with hi progress that surecss would una. ciiaui.iui w. KAliiliA.XKa. U'hoto by C llnedluat, Waetilngton, I). C) com-;,luvo bwn inipos-.lble.The Influenco of homo nttain haH hvctl .tublln j block to many n mnn, not because of wifely Impropriety, but because of a .timidity on her part, a shrinking from public observation, a tremulous dlsln cllnatlon to be In the front rank. Cu ller such restraint the husband has been kept from the station which bis merits deserved. Itecause he has a , wife who seconded his efforts, who appreciated bis gifts and the touch of whose hand raealit push and not pull, Mr. Fairbanks has long been a much envied man. Cornelia Cole was the daughter of Judge Philander Cole of Ohio, and when young Fairbanks was a student at the Wesleyan University she was a co-editor with him of tho college paper. A mutual appreciation led to n marriage, which lias been mast happy. Step by step the young lawyer went upward; jear after year the wife grew In womanly aweetnes's. The five children four boys and a girl who blessed the home In Indianapolis re ceived their full share of maternal affection ami attention. Hut tho nrtv: bltlon of the wife, the yearning for' mental growth and the desire f'-r lead ershlp were not drowned In the care of motherhood. She took part In club life. She watched polltlci. She atudlel parliamentary law, and when she finally came to the presidency of ino of the foremost societies of women In' tho world the Daughters of the American Revolution so splendid wai her equipment that she was at ones hailed as n iuccu among women For several years she was at the head of this orgnnlcntlou. While Mr. Fairbanks will ncknowl rdgo the helpful lutlueuce of his wife upon his political fortunes. Mrs. Fair banks will cheerfully accord to him tho credit of training her In parlia mentary science. QIRLOF 10 IS PASTOR. Mian Mjrllo 11. r.trkc, U Nut oil I.ruir UrlUt iiftlir Wot. Mbw Myrtle H. Parke, who 1ms boen called to the pastorate of the Christian Chunh nt Itnm.ey, HI., Is noted ns an evangelist, and Is n student of Kuruka College, whore she titled horself for the ministry. She formerly occupied the pulpit to which again she has been called, but resigned In order to enter college. Ml as Parke's homo la nt Staunton, III, She hut 18 years of 1 and Is thought UYHTih 11. PaIikk by her Instructors and church nivsoclntes to havo bctoro hor a successful future. Ilia Tttattmoiiy. Aneut Did my patent medicine do you any good? Customer I should say sol I got so strong on It tbat I octuully bad tho nervo to tell the landlord that tho roof leaked! Detroit Free Prvss, . 7, r ; 1 ..irll!ntv - ?.iae .1. "Ho never took a d.shonest dollar In his life." "Is bo as poor as all that "III.. nols Stato Journal, When It coiuqs to paying back n visit thero are mighty few woiner on the dead beat list r Tm Growing Old Fast And you know why, too. It's th6sc gray hairs! Don't you know that Aycr's Hair Vigor restores color to gray hair? Well, It doe3. And Jt never fails, cither. It stops falling hair also, and keeps the scalp clean nnd healthy. Do not grow old too fast! "I hae tnl Arer. Hair Vlfnr tot mmr T.r. ana I Mm 11 Ins.nd h (orr u bo n ll(4 to da without It II kMp. mj ti.lr rrom lurnluK r. and ilw ke.p. mr aealpeUaa and tii-ltb.- K. S. rsarictb, Cnoo LII7, Oitfoa, A Vd.brJ.O.SrrC.. Ixrw.ll,MM. AM AUo m.nurM(ur.r or 1 S. JLil&l & CBmPECTOfUL. lasiaaiawiiaai iiiaiaMBaBaaaaBEaiH8aaasaganapj Wasted Knrrgy. Sometimes head and heels work well together, but It was not so In a case reported In the Yonkcrs Statesman. Cam, a colored man, was an hour late, and his employer aaVcd blm to ex plain. "Yes, sab, I'll explain, sab," Sam re plied. "Well, what excuse bare you?" "I was kicked by a null on my way here, sab." "That ought not to have detained you an hour, 8am, If you wtro able to como nt all." "Well, It wouldn't have If he'd only kicked me In dls direction. You see, boss, be kicked me do other way." Cannot Reduce a Rate. It is stated in Washington, that un der the Town tend rate bill, if a rate la fixed by the commission it cannot bo lowered by a railroad. Should an emer gency arise calling for a decreased rate, ths railroads or shippers would have to appeal again to the commission, there being no latitude allowed, whatever the circumstances. Hitherto a maximum rate has been the rule, but no such concession Is made under the proposed legislation. f etliod In Ilia Madt.eaa. Caudlta I was rcsdinx In the paper tbla moraine of a msn who aleepa in the stabl with his horae every night. Mrs. Caudles What's the matter with blm Is he erssy? Caudlea No, I cueas not. A horse can't talk, you know. Hwapplnar Compliment. "I have Just Invented a new sau sage," said the butcher, baudlug some to the poet for blm to try. "Ah!" exclaimed he, "It Is a poem! Uy the way, bare you read my latest poem?" "Indeed, yes." replied the butcher with a light of appreciation In bis eyes; "it Is a aausagc," Houston Her ald. His Health Was Wrecked Pe-ru-na Gave New Life HON. JOHN TIGUC Aiscmbhman TIshc's letter should be rcaa u, vuy cii.l. UKer ivuumg usuiu uous life. Hon. John Tighe, No PR Remen St., Coboos, N. Y., Slembcr ol Awembly from the Fourth district, Albany coun ty, K. Y., writes its (ollowa: "Perutut has my hearty indorsement as a n-ston t-ve tonlo ot superior merit. At times when I hnvo beon completely broken down from excess of work, so that my faculties seemed actually at a standstill, I'eruna has acted as a heal ing restorer, starting the machinery ot mind and body afresh with new life and enerpj . "I n commend it to a man tired in mind ami body aa a tonic superior to anything I know of and well worthy serious consideration." J. TIghe. Excess ot work so common in our country causes impaired nerves, lead ing to catarrh and catarrhal nervousness a disease thut is respoiiBiblu tor half of all nervous troubles. I'eruna cures this trouble because it cures catarrh wherever located. If you do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results from tho use of Peru nn. write at onco to Dr. Hartman, civ ing a full statement of your cas, and ho will ho pleased to give, you his valu- able advice gratis. Address Or. Hartman, President of T,,i,,1M o,.,,,,.,,.,,,, ' r-ni,i, n. ' ' stt9aaHKaKK 3IBBH EafllaVtHaSft CXaUC aBSr&iSSaHSeraatiaKiaiaaBit iH S"3 Odlll! Tsmui sit Uitl I All.. fEi )Si B CutllU 31 UU, TUIMUOUI, U"El I Not the Kind. I "I bad an uncle mo up In Vermont last week,',' said the lloston man, "and, though there Is nothing so very quocr nbout an tinrlo dying, this relative of mine didn't have a fair show," "As bow?" was asked. I "Well, when he was 20 years old a tin peddler advised him to always car !ry snuff around In his pocket to throw Mtlf.1 M ln.ii ,!...' MWn In mmb. I. . .... h .M.t. i.wft j -n, ,1, Vlinu 1117 met one. He carried that snuff for forty years nnd never used It." "Well?" "One day, after be bad carried It for thirty years, ho was crossing a field and an old bull got after blm nnd gave him a toss. When ho came limp ing Into tho bouse and told us about It I said: " 'Why didn't you throw snuff In his eyes, Uncle Jerry?' " 'Why, that peddler told me to ns the snuff on dogs, and that If ever a bull got after me I was to una ground cinnamon. I hadn't any of tho blamed tuff with mcl'" Ills Pref -renco. Wife 'Which of these photographs of mamma do you like heat, dear? Huaband Let me see. Why er X think I prefer this small one. Wife Do you think It Is a better like ness? Huaband Oh, no; but It shows bar dreaaed In a traveling costume. Kach Day's Hnpreme Kvent. Every day's work should be a so preme event In every life. We should come to It as carefully prepared as tba prima donna who Is trying to hold ths world's supremacy In song comes bo fore her audience. Then our work would breathe out tin vigor and vi tality and freshnesa which we put Into It. Then life would be glorified, and the work of the world Illuminated, transformed. O. 8. Marden la "Suc cess Magazine." Malll MakarotT, only daughter of the Iluaalan admiral, who was drowned by the alnklng of the warship Petropavlovak, haa been cboaen maid of honor to tho Curina and to the dowager enipresa of ItUHia. Her mother, a woman of PoIIjIi origin, la a profound linguist and accom plished mualrinn. Site baa dsbhtrd in oc cultism and his written booka and playa. At prevent ahe la engaged upon a biog raphy of her huaband. 1905 LEWIS & CLARK EXPOSITION tit KlrilClM llnUI an I Koom Anon irixloit n. is PORTLAND during Ida CXPOSTTION apply at. one. and nl juor reservation lev ot f .0), to apply on rent of tour rcom. Knoma lo aft rarla of .! elly C lo tiO' par day. RtsrfrvT voi;k rooms without ot- tAY AND OrT YOUR CltOICC. Wrlw lor lull liilormallun In IXartnent I, tXPOSmON ACCOMMODATION BUREAU Tac Oalr 03kiil Banax tf Ot Urti k CUii Fib GoodiMuih Dulldlns. Portland. Orerota "outside inn V'Tli -lxurvn., ""'; .mC.i'ihi M MaJ- Heetrlellahtad roomi liatba and modern convenlcncca. HvomaAOc. II and IIJO perrtar A new, permanent hotel, dlrectljr oppo.llo raalnentranea to hair All atreet cara for yabr land you at Hotel door. Dr. G. Gee Wo Wcniorfa! Komt Treatment Thla woodtrrul Chl im doctuf la ralxd crtol becaoa bo cure, propla witbout opera tion Ibal aro fln op to tit. II curr wlib Uiimo wooJ.rful Chi new btrtw, ronta, buda, bArka ana nct'ntiln tbat aro entirely an known 10 mniieat a1 one In tbla country Tbraujb lb m 0 thoao barmlraa rmed!et tbla runoua doctor knowa lb action or oirer too d Srrriii rmUIa wblcb b aucreufully um in d tT.ru. t iIihuh. II. gnuanl.locurra!a.rrii,aaihmo,lunc,UirMl, rbtumatlam, nerTouaotaa, atomub, llt.r, kM nya, etc.: baa hundrcda of trallmoal&La. Cbaree molerifcte. 1 all and aro blm. I'aUeala out o( U ctly wrll lor blouka and clmilai. twndaunip. CU.NBULTATIUN yitKK. ADUllESa Ths G. Gsa Wo Chlnsse Medlclns Co. 25IW-25J ALDER STM rOSttLXTD. COECOt 3 VanUoo paper 1 STOVER GASOLINE ENGINES 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14. 16 and 25-Horao Power. Satitfactlon guaranteed. Hundrcda In uie In Oregon, Waahlngton and Idaho. Send (or Catalogue. Mitchell, Lewis & Stayer Go, PORTLAND. OREGON Seattle and Spokane, Wsah. Bolae, Idaho, P. N.U. No. 24-1905 11 -T.-m'.T HEN writing; toadvcrtlaarsploaaa mention luia vapor. JW .w-