I ' " ' , i , ... , i , i i THE BEND BULLETIN rum.IflllHI) HVKRV FRIDAY nv 'For cvorv mint iqu'nr it, no tt Vnd ho mor." dtibdCJUrTIOK kXTKSl One jMr-;,.. f i.jo ISlK tU0llthfl,MttW.4ttM,,M. Tnrcc tnDnilit.,.uMMM.YMM, 5 (Invariablr In adrtucc.) HIowto RruMir. Remit ly Kink draft, 'posftil 'Money tinier ot Demi, cxpre money order, or hrgMlcml letter, mic iu rctniiiaiiec mrnWe to The Ilcncl llullcUil. Stage and mall Schedule. AkmVb at i'iumd , al )-romhnlkovl rriiwillc,, .. jp.'w.dHJ 1 rora takevttw and Silvtr tk- .. .-. .......... I . m lil) ewtpt Tnt. VToin Tumulo Tuw , Thr. nd bAl -I l. ", J torn Uldlixr Moa , Wed., That. ud fcL.noo 1 i.rsHmnILn til Prinexllle.. . 1'or Uikevlew and Slivrr Lake . 1 or rumtlo Tuei ..tTuun. and Sal, .,.,. a. m 6 a. m. dally ..?.. in . T-jo p. ni dally txctpl sun or laldlaw Mon.,U-dXhur and Sit i p. tn iv&r nvririr irotaft .Wrtk dars. sa til tost). tn Sunday, from u a. m to it in, and hall houralXtr arrirat of ait matla from railroad reaching Bend before S p. nt. TnLrriiottn Orricu ItoVM-Wrtkday. lton ' rw a. in to 9o p. m, Sunday and holiday, from w a. m. to it noon, and from -oo p. ra. to V p. m. FRIDAY JUNE 23, 1905 The city council fcecrus disposed to reduce the menace of the Fourth of July celebratiou by preventing the firinj; of firecrackers and other fireworks in the tustucss district of Ikud. City Treasurer Minor has the tags and Officer Weymouth has the instructions for carrying the doe license ordinance into effect. All dogs not wearing the license tag in Bend hereafter will be subject to execution without benefit of clergy. Prior to 1 8 14, Norway was at tached to the Danish crown. Swe dcii's affi)taons.wereslr9ngJy Ger manic. By the treaty of Kiel in 1814 Norway was taken away from Denmark and given over to Swe den. There was an attempt on the part of the Norwegians to assert their independence, and tlfey'prac ttadly did so. Then they consented to a union with Sweden which has contiuued to this time. Ww Nor way proposes to go it alone and the chances are she will adopt a repub lican form ofgoverhment. n. , x ' The selection of W. W. Cotton to l - t..j. n-1l!-l'i.. m ucjuugc utmujjci a auunwi uij the federal bench is a most, Uppy solution of a problem thirty Jield many difficulties. Political affairs in Oregon are just now in a state of -flux and the filling of so important .a position could not safely be left to ordinary pxe-executive agencies. In other words, the 'ccommendation of some Oregonian politician dtynbut tng federal patronage would Jjardly do. Mr. Cotton's qualifications, however, weie.suph as commended him to all. fy's fitness for the high position all recognize. He has long held first rank as a lawyer. He has not been entangled in the fac tional quarrels that have made Oregon politics notorious. He is a younjj tnpu It was a case of the ,,oflic'el,eeking the man and Oregon .and.tbf federal judiciary are to be congratulated upon . getting such timber in the public service. t , .. . . . . ,, The Uend school district makes an excteUait showing this year, all things considered. . Though it was necessiury to meet the sudden de mand for a second school, which could be .provided , only in rented quarters liil was maintained the latter sevpli mouths and half of the school year, the. district was still able to pay off $664.49 of its float ing;, debt and has the remaining $240 provided for. This was done, too, iu face of. the division of the district which took $14,057 of our taxable valuation and at least five o the children who draw public money, Thjs left the taxable val uation in the Bend district?! 11,183, This year's enumeration o phildren shows 185 in the present Bend div trict and this year's asssment has not; yet been .compiled. v Bend has maintained a very excellent school the past year and. the finqncial con ditiou of the, district Jias improved at the same. time. . It. is hi .position todoeveu better wtu-k;nex year in a new four-rpom. school house for which $3500 has been voted. 1 1 - u' 1 1- 'i 11 Tivo yeure ahd. hrqe wtjeks ago a railroad party ctme tp. Bend to seeifthe?ky was blue, the wajer wet, the soil dry and the trees, straight and lalh Great prepar ations were made for that trip, n world. Two members of this party President Lylc nnd Professor Vrcuchvcre hcix: two years ago and to them the contrast in con- fditions must be impressive. fcaravan of half a dozen teams be ing required for the lrausMrtaUou of the party and its effects. Nearly a week was spent in getting to Bond and the route was marked fwith tin cans, glass bottles and fierce imprecations. Now another rail road party is here, a more .serious, businesslike party than the other. It made'h "pretty thorough cxami nation of the country along the way; had a pleasant ride and spent the sccott'd niglit comfortably iu Bend, where a "desert wilderness strctclleUb 'miles Withdut human hati!tati5Jnftwb 'years ago there ate V (1-1 .lUt . .,!... . 1 now numerous uomesana uunurctis of brbJli-'acres'in cltUvati6n. And this is but a "start toward "opening the.cduntr', without nhy'bfthc en couragcmclit bf easy 'cbliilcctioii with the d6njJ5rc.iiU aha "social FAITH THAT MOANS PROORGSS. The man without faith is a fail ure. He has no confidence in any body or anything and nobody has 'confidence in htm. And since con fidence is not only the corner-stone but the cuHrc' foundation, atttt most of the ""superstFucVitrc as well, of human affairs, he who has rib part in alt this is ulways a flat failure. What would become of agricul ture if the husbandman would re fuse to believe that the blade and ear would follow the sowiug of seed? What would become of trade if the merchant would not order goods before he had sold them"'And cot his money? Vhat would mon ey be wortli if nobody believed it would purchase desirable things? We live largely on faith and hope. This, in the conditions and circumstances of our 'existence, is necessarily so. 'Without 'confi dence, trnst'in others, 'iW"civiliz' .. .1 l- ?" YM auon wouia oe impossioie. xxiis fact makes the attributes of honesty, reliability, trustworthiness, of such ereat importance' in 'all our affairs. Without ttie'm we could not get alone 'at all. There is even "honor 'among thieves," 'for thieves would be "greatly handicapped if tfiey . ... .. ,t j..!! hilirtlliW)lllTJMJii" attend the mcctitiu; catted for last Saturday to discuss tin adjustment of their road rights. Five turned out. Francis am! Garratt, wtio have fenced tip the roud where it crosses their land, offered, to con tribute as much as any body else toward making a road on the Hue but no action was taken on the olTcr. The question whether it was a public road or not was not cleared up. Thoe present at the meeting did not wish to attempt to bind ttic others to any course of action so nothing resulted. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables ...ISUTTEK AND EC1U5... TEe City Market HUM) I.IVUSTOCK AND PRODUCII CO. Fresh and Cured Meats and Fish Uveryttilnc Pertaining; to n Plrtit-Clnss Market ' WEST BUILDING, Wnll St., MIND, OREGON Moth Papers $2 One Ycfcr sruscRiim for Tin; Weekly Oregonian AND THIS Bend Bulletin Both Pnpcrs $2-i5 One Year fttAhorizcd Capital $25,000 -ilnrorporated 1904 The Central Oregon Banking & Trust Colftfrany of BEND, CROOK COLflTY.It. iiJs j TranSacts a general banking and trust busuicss. Issues letters of Credit goal throughout the wprhl. 'Acts as Administrator, Tiiccutbr' or Trustee bf'lCit'aVcs. Transfc Collections :rs money by Mail'or Telcgripli , h ions made promptVand UponTavdrauTc tcrmfi. Interest -on Deposits C h sev '1 The' Central rffgon Dankjtig & TruJtXo. Vias added jvc'ral new Vqaturcs to' its rnpi(l!vigrowing business. It will now ve Time Xcrtiricales of IJepos.l, 'paying interest inercon ns could not trust each other. 'lie who grubs a .farm From' the desert or forest wilderness must have faith' jn tfie future. So must they who puild mills and factono and establish cjtfps. So 'roust they who build railroads. There can be no progress without the faith that is the licht of experience. We must have confidence in our town, ! confidence in our neighbors, nn un shakable conviction that intelligent, persistent effort will bring piying results. This is the faith that will move mountains the faith that inspires a course of action that brings great results. otl'ows orrVM6ths,T&r&rit For 1 Yearr per ctftt 'safe "deposit boxs"for RENT at Reasonable Rxites 'AU. THE ADVANTAGES OF A CITY HAKC DIRECTORS: K.'gI'EMX, Jit.. IW. A. L. OOOUWIIXTK, Vick Piiim. J. M. LAWUKXC'K, HwY F. O. MI SOU, Cahiiikh BEND OREGON AN ELEOANT SUMMER BOOK. Splendid Publication Just Issued by the Oregon Railroad & Navi gation Company. "Restful Recreation Resorts," the the 1905 Summer Iiook issued by the passenger department of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. contains forty-eight pages and cover. The book is printed on heavy white paper, fifty-eight cuts being used to illustrate the trips up and down the Columbia river, to the mountains, beaches, island re sorts and fonntains of healing. Several of the illustrations are of scenes in the Bend country. Charlie Cottor looms tip particularly im posing in a Deschutes fishing scene. The cover is done in three colors, adding materially to the beauty and effectiveness of the publication, which may be bad by sending two cents in stamps to A. I. Craig, Gen'l Pass. Agt. of the O. R. &. N. Co., Portlaud, Ore. U is a good thing to .send to your friends iu the East who expect to visit the !T,ewis & Clark exposition. The Ico Cave Road, The agitation oyer the Ice Cave road.showp how this .country is set-, tlingjup- J yeari , ago tiiere were four settlers served by that road' Arnpld, McCanp, CJriflin and Mrs, Whitted.. Now the folhnviug are found quttthere: Arnold, three Mc- Canns, three Fergusons, Wilkin- son.Jones, McKeunett, Whitted, Wilson, Grifhu, liuckley, t'rancis, Garratt, Iathrop, Coons, Sheridan, Alorrjll, 1 Benson, , Deemer and Nichol, So much for the growth along a thoroughfare a .dpsep miles long in a region niore or less desert and more or less timbered. r A Complete Slock of . At Bend, Oregon. DRY Rough, Surfaced and Moulded -LUMBER- A Oregon. 1.5 ? All Widths, Lengths and Thicknesses Reasonable Prices Good Grades Dry ' Stock INCH COMMON DIMENSION SIIIPI.AP RUSTIC T. & G. FLOORING HEADED CEIMNG WINDOW JAMBS WINDOW CASING . HEAD BLOCKS O. G. BASEBOARD STAIR TREADS WATER TABLE O. G. BATTINS MOULDINGS P. B. D. PATENT ROOFING FENCE PICKETS SHINGLES ETC., ETC. Lumber Delivered at Lew Cost Aaywhere w The Lauds of m d, j, p. Co.. or pe C. S. 1, Co, CUSTOM FEED MILL IN CONNECTION, The Pilot Butte Development Company BEND, - OREGON BEND'S NEW yiEAT MARKET WAI.I, HTItKHT, 0iKlte II M Co THE finest stock of FRESH MEATS in Crook County. Cured Meats and Lard and all the Accessories of a First-Class Market. Everything new and of the best. WH ITE cS: H I LL. YOU ARI1 INVITMI) TO T Wliite Huse COU. OKItOON & IIONI) !T8. H. B. jgotcuenct, prop. The Best Liquors and Wines DOMESTIC and IMPORTED CIGARS A. II. t.lppnun leo. At. Meyer A. H. Lippman & Co., Furniture Stoves, Ranges, Healers, Cooking Utensils, Doors nml Windows, Paints nnd OiM, Cnrpctl nnd Mnttini;. Wc carry n fine Hue of Rockers nnd CoiicIich. Wo can furnish your house complete GIVE US A CALL TERMS CASH - JL Z, F, MOODY (II1NUKAL ' Commission and forwarding MERCHANT, SMANIKO, - ORIKION Large, Ommoi'ms Warchwsc Cslpincalj Solicited I'rmupt allrntiou imIiI In tliom: nlm fnMir me Midi lltcir wtrmnc , TMROUUIJ FROM UBNII TO SMANIKO IN ONE DAY SHANIKO-PRINEVIUIi CTAfiC I IMC PRINEYILLE-BEND OIAUC UlC SCHEDULE SOUTH IIOUN'I) NOKTIIIIOU.S'O Leave Slinnlko 6 p. in. j Leave Ilcnd 6:00 a. 111. Arrive Princvilli! 7 n. in. ' Arrive Princvllle u:oo 111. Lcnvc Prineville 13:30 p. in. linw Prinevillc 1 p. 111. Arrive Haul , 7:00 p. in. Arrive Shnuiko 1 n. in. PIRSTCLASS EQUIPMENTS FOR TRAVELLING PUHLIC PASSENGER AND FREIGHT RATES RP.ASONALE Bend-Laidlaw STAGE J,cnc liiillii)' cery Miulny, WoliieMUy, Thurwlny ami Suttir ilny nlxnit iimoii, , I,cnc Hcml ntxmt .( p, ni iuiiiic .Ia, AccomiiKMUtlynn for Mfcm!iij;ori iul ;xprcM, I'or;.v)cciitoiicwuy 75 ccnt for rQuiil Irjp, j.c.tOllar. Livery and'peed Stable at Lildlaw The Deschutes Telephone Company Telegram Poniarded to any part of Urn World. Direct Telephone Communication PORTLAND, PRINEVILLE nnd nil Pacific Coast citien Public PAY Station HANK llUII.DINd Hcnd - Oregon THE DESCHUTliS Tfc'LKriWNIJ CO. We enrry only the finest lines of WINES, LIQUORS and CldARS DONT FORGET TO DKOI' INTO TIU MINNESOTA BUFFET SMITH & CLEEK, Props DKND, OKKOOK 11 mmm imiiiimi m mn MILLARD TRIPLETT BLACKSJYUTHINa AND HORSESHOEING All kinds of wagon work done in, jW-clnss .slinin;. Short notice jobs a specialty. on-UHTii wnroiMiiwBU BKND. OBKOOM These people were too busy to MHMMMHHHMAMMIMMI