Please Your Hair (MiiMnnnnnaMnranM Don't liavo a fnllliiR out with yourliatr. It might leave you I Then what? Better plcaoo It by elvltiK It a Rood hair-food Aycr's Hair Vigor. The hatr stops coming out, becomes soft and smooth, and all the deep, rich color of youth comes back to gray hair. " I km trnulilM rr.llf with d.ndrnfl Iiuxl Aii'i llilr Vliur ill lUiui'iin Hint alio iiiiil hi liir f.llliif mil. mo nr al " I wm Wnulil.d cr.ttlf with d.ndrnff anil) 1 mM Ar' llilr Vliur Itroinul.l.lrtui.! frnln U(l III arrantlng in nj nir in Biir 111 imoiiK,iiii(J., i l I wlia." MIM HAIMI v. A U4br J.O. Afrno.t I ,, MMi 9 SAHSAIMWLIA, crvfj" fin j. W j cm bhy rraoHAL I ltngllll linvrrra' llolim. Tho ICngllsh Imr illll clings devoted ly to Km robes, A solicitor who for some ronton wns not prop" red with tilt profrsttonsl coatttmo asked pcrmls Ion of a Iuulon Judge Hi" othrr day to appear wllliout It, but (lie Judge de clarcd Hint he could give no Midi sane lion. However, lo avoid delay, lir re. aotrd to a nno lrgnl distinction: "I do not glvn you pcrmlsalon, hut If the ether profcrialonal gentlemen present ratte no objection 1 will consent to hear you," II" was heard, and It mny be trusted Hint no ancred prccrdvnl was damaged. CASTOR I A for Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought IJonra tho tdUtf&& ttlguaturo o Jinan AppelllA oft tin Rplilar. Tlio spider Iiai a tremendous appa tile and bin gormandising defies all hu innn competition. A irli'iitlit who care fully noted a spider's consumption of food In 21 hotira concluded that ir tho pldcr wero built proportionately to the human scale he would cat at daybreak (approximately) a mull alligator by 7 a. in., a lamb by 0 a, in., a young cnmelopard, by 1 o'clock a iheep and would finish up with a lark pit In which thero worn ISO blida. f'lTQ '""if i'iM. Connor B.ftooin... 1 10 n.rnilit'.UMi.riir.Kllii.lli..l.Sft iif twifM-,alli.iiiii.Mir..ii. "". ii.hiim.mii ,Jl Aituni., riillM.Ibla, I Tha awlftmt dug In the werld, Ilia borxol, or UiimUii wolflimunl. Iiai in ml rrcnrd riltia that iliow aerruty-llvw frrt In a aerond, while Ilia gaaella haa It own mraaurrd tpred of uiura than tight ft a aecond. Kor fortr vrar'a I'lao'a Clira for Con uinpllon haa enrnl couglia and oolda. At urugguia. rru jorrinf. II Waa Ilrukr, "Tlma la moiiry," quoted tha moral lie r. "Yet," rejoined Ilia demnrallter, "and I liavmi't a iiiuiurut that I cau call my owu." A Heavy Fine, Un lor tho Klklus liiw, any rnllrond company which puya relmtca In niiyJ luriu, or any uhlpper wlionccuptn tluttii, in llnblo to n llini of from tl,()()0 to U'0,000, upon conviction. It nlmi pro hlblta tlm curryliiK of freight nt Icra tlinu tho imlilllul tutlffn. Tho Inter fitnto Coinmerro cominlaalou It niivow er(l to deteot ami proMocuto vlolatorn of thin atatuto, I'n-aldeut Knapp of tho comuiltalou nlnlea tlmt allien thla law wna pnm-ed, rolmto pay I mk liua Ih-vii aa rnro aa foritrry. i Mitnufaoliirft of ClKarrltea. Oltlclnl atntlatlca tell Ua that :i,nOfl. 4S7."in rlgnrcttet wuro mnnufactured In thin country during the pnit tin en I your. If tlm population of t'lo United Ktaten In M).0(K),000, If hnlf tlmt num ber t I0.U0O.O00) nro iiinles. If throe qtinrtorn of thorn (30,O(X).0O0) nro of amokliiK hko. nml If nno-lhlrd of tho no.OOO.KH) kiiioUo rlgnrottoa, wo hnvu n.:i(lil,.S7.'Jir. clpuolloii to tllvlilo In n yenr nmoiig 10.000.000 poraona, or only ubotit lUtil npk-co, which la loan thiin ono every dny, MALARIA The air nrislntr from lovr. xnarahv and pools and from decaying vegetable matter, as well as the pases from eewcre, la loaded with jenns of malarial poison. The water wc drink, that lias not been properly filtered and purified, is also full of these germs ftnd microbes, and as we daily . breathe nnd drink millions of kalahia, in ma system vob, ybahs. these Into tho system, to bo Tor aeveral years I Buffered with Chllta ond absorbed by the blood, tho Fever, caused by Malaria In my svatem, and each entire body begins to feel the B! tot everal years I would have a relapse, effects of the poison, Tho -;ially my phyalcian pieacrlbcd 8. 8. S. It en- most common form of Ma- ""' 'VL': ali u wen troubled since, laria Is "clii.Ua nnd fever," 9J w. Market St., lVouiaville, Ky. L Siiapow. but when the blood is thoroughly saturated with the poison It becomes so weak and polluted that abscesses, carbuncles, boils, sores, ulcers and other skin diseases result. Malaria also affects the liver, kidneys, bowels nnd stomach, producing n chronic state of biliousness that often results in Jauu dice or 8ome malignant fever. In cases of Malaria the blood must be purl fled before the body enn regain its natural health. S. S. S. contains purify ing and tonic properties possessed by no other blood medicine, and is the fjtk ja ideal remedy for the treatment of Malaria. It des TJ l (aaT troys the genns of the disease nnd builds up tho ltlsm weakened, polluted circulation. It enters into tha kWw kJ ItBV blood and forces out every particle of poison and -T"; T1 waste matter nnd adds strength and activity to it. B. S. S. Improves the appetite nnd digestion, tones up the entire system by Us alterative and purifying action, and Malaria, with all its bad effects, ia permanently driven from the system. Ilook ou tho blood nnd any medical Hdvice, without charge. TliE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO,, ATLANTA, GAm WHIRR HELIQION COME8 HIOH. Home Clmrcli I'ana In Nan Turk Coat Uood Dent Mora than n llnalllnif. Many rendora hnv probably hoard of New York's famous Clrnco churcli at llrondwny and Tonth street, whoro thero la a choir of "bullion," ranging In nga from t ysnr tip, which church It anld to bo orectod on land inoru rnl tin bis area thiin that vfheroon Ht. 1'aul'a at Loudon atauds. Kara It Is tha cuitom to offer by auction all paws, which tha present owner doalre to ro IIiihiiIbIi, inyt tho Ht. Uuls I'ost-DIa-patch, and which possibly mny hnvo been In their family aver allies tha church waa built. A few inontha ago pew No, 40, In tha south tranaopt of Urncn church, wan put up at auction In tho New York real tato aaloa rooma for tha trua Irea of tha eatnto of tho luto Henry liny, Tho bidding wna started nt IMW nml roiia rapidly to f 1,000, when thero wan n pause. Thou omo ouo offurcd another hundred and tho blddlnic nil viiuced to $I,WK, and Just uboiit to bo knocked down for Ihli mini when lliiiullton (J, King sprung uiiuthor W nml octireil tho pew. On being nuked If hn waa spending nil thla money fur his own religious comforta Mr. ICliiff atntud that ho bnd purchased tho iow for nnothrr jteraon, but whom bcrnfiiied to itate. The pew la n "family" one and holda ilx, li tip hoUlered In dark red and, a coord I ne to tha auctioneer, comfortable enough to toiler the highest forma of rellgloui charily. The powa In draco church, wltb few aiccptloua, are owned by those who occupy thorn, and when on doea find Ita way Into the market It la eagerly purchased by rich pariah lonrra, Una .of tha moat fnahlounbte churchaa In Now Vork la Ht. Bartuolo mow'a, In Madlaon avenue. Thla la known aa "The Vandorhllta' church," for here tha mlllloualrea of that nam worahlp. 1'uwa In Ht. Ilartholomaw'a can often be rented, but now aeldom purchaaed, moat of the pewa being owned by realdenta of "Mllllonalra row," In Fifth avenue. Occaalonnlly, however, a pew In thla churcli hna come under the hammer, when It hna brought a coualdcrnble aum of money, a much aa fft.OOO having been paid for Ix "alltlng" near the pulpit. 1,11 tho Catholic cathedral, cloc by, pewa are alao aold at auction, at tlmea, and, owing to the magnificent choir which thla churcli aupporta, bring mail fortunea. Motbtrawlll Brnl Ku. Wtnilow'a Poothtng Bjriuplha til rimetlr touitfur tbalrchllJrta durloi tbt ItttblDg itlul. Tit I'roKiKxttualn Ntorina. Ily inetinn of a delicate luat.timent railed tho rernuuograph, Itev. l-'rcdcr- ck It, Uderabacli, irofr!)r of cheiula , ... i u, iMti.iiiii.1 ,11,.,- i iii... '"f '" "L l.i -uiU'j.e, in Clove- Clove- hind, Ohio, la nhle to foretell tiuny hoiirn the numerous atimmor atoruia which come iii, often on brlKht, warm, clear dnyn, with ttdrtlliiK rnpldlty, nml with dlro reault to tho amnll ernft nloug tho aea con at and oil Inland watora. Tho action of (he rcrnuiiograph In almplo nnd eaally tinderatood by nny ono nniunlnted with nn onllunry tele grnph ayatein with rolny. The Initial action precede the advent of tlio atorm from one to thlrty-alx houia, Aa the rlortrlc dlattirbniice nilvaneei tue coherer la very buay, aoun produc. lug n continuous bnud record, while tho decohorcr keeps ti n conatant clatter, which Oually becomes deafen lug. Tako It Ky. Mlont the time ynu get to llilnlln' that you're Kit t lit on a bit, An' you JIiikIu of your money aa you atroll niiil strut about, lletler keep your peepers open, for your life ain't over yet, An' there's alvraya lot of danger Hheu the cheat Is tnelllu' out. 'Hunt the lime you alt to loflkln' at your neighbor ltli su'prUe, An' a-feelln' sorry fer 'em cui you've left 'em In tlio press, Then's the time fate's lookln fer you with a club or inlnhty site. An' you'll feel the rungs a-brcskln' In tlm liid'ler of success. Detroit Tribune. Consoling, ' Htella You seem sad thla afternoon. dear. What's the truuhluT .Mildred I en n't help thliiklng about I'om Oreeii, MHir fclluwl 1 er reject in! hltn last ulclit. Hlelln Oh, don't let n little thine Ilka that worry ou. Why, I've rejected lilm three limes In the past six nooks. A Poison Breathed into tne System nlnrri ilmnn ritra itnnn,if rvr.,,,ln I populw3i?cioncoJ Tlm ilcliiio IHcKrnph of Dr. Koni of tlio 1,'nlverslly of Munich hits boon so perfected (hut In ton to twenty minutes n photograph -txl Inches In nIxo can bo sent through n roNlstiinco corrcHiioudlng to ouo thousand miles, Tho portrait or iIosIkii to bo transmit tod la on n Iriiiispnront film, which la wound nrotind n glnss cylinder, and upon which ii Ions focuses a point of light Unit passoa through tho film to n selenium roll In tho cylinder, Tho bright nnd dnrk portions of the picture cmiso tho rny of light to vnry tho ro slstanco of tint selenium roll to an electric current pnsaltitf through It, nml this variation produces n corro nmiuiIIiik liistnutiinooiis lirlKhtenliiK or (larkenliiK of tho glow In a Ti-sln va cuum tubo ut tho receiving ond of tho win. Kxeept h pin point aperture, this vacuum tub Is i-ovored with wax or rubber. Tho light ray from tho aperture falls upon a sensitive Mlm wound upon n ejllmler. ami as this cylinder mid tlmt of tho transmitter nro moved In unison, tho light mid shade of tho orlglmil picture nro ro produced In proper place on the second film, giving n now photograph accu rate In minute detail, Tho dimensions of the Immense din inond found In tho now "I'romler mine" In the Transvaal Inst January nro given by Nature ns follows. Meas ured tlio, iVj by 2Yi Inches; weight, 1,032 carats, equals O'll' grnms, or nearly y ikiuiiiIs nvolrdtipols. The largest diamond previously discovered la the "Kxcelalor," found In the 3a Kerafontelu mine, Orange Itlver Colo, ny, In 1810, which weighed 1)71 carats, was as Inrgo na a lion's egg, mid wna tallied nt fri.Ooo.OOO. It wna cut Into nine Inrgo brilliants, The fa mous Kohlnoor mill Orent Mogul din iiioikIs sink Into Insignificance when compiireil with tho latest nnd, which In snld to bo of excellent quality, nnd will probably bo cut up to make a con siderable number of smaller gem;. Janpioi I "a ure, the Crouch aeronaut, has leiiiontralel, glvn fnvor iible winds nnd other favoring circum stances, It Is posslhlo to ride through the nlr norosa tlio Ifngllsh Channel, nnd over tho Intervening bind on ench aide, from the Itrltlsh capital to the metropolis of Prance. On Feb. 11 bo loft I,ondoii with one companion In bis balloon, nnd nix hours Inter landiil safely nt Nt. Denis In the suburbs of I'nrls, l'ton reaching the shore of the Channel, nonr HuMlugs, they do scondod until the guide-rope touched the water, irislug ngnlu ou nppnmcli lug the French shore, thoj passed over Dieppe nt nil elevation of (1,500 feet. Oreat things nro expected from the submarine telephone by olllcors of tho Fulled Ktntes nuvy. The principles underlying It nro very different from lliosii of wireless tolgcntphy. In tho bitter tho telegraphic Impulses nro transmitted through the nlr or other by electricity. In tho submarine tele phono sound waves travel through wa ter unaided by nny electrical force. Water, being denser than nlr, nets ns n better sound conductor, tt transmits sound four nud n half times ns fast as nlr, 1,100 firt n second being the rate In tho ntmonphere, while In tho water It Is -1,711! foot, or nltuost n mile n second. All outbreak of twelve cases of smallpox Ht Newcastle. Kiiglnud. Inst your has mystluod the doctors. No or dinary source of Infection could bo dis covered, but It has boon found Unit on tho days when eleven of tho imtlouts probably contracted the dlsenso tho wind was blowing from uuo or the other of two smallpox hoxpltals one about n mile away, the other nbout two miles. It s pointed out Hint files, n pest of hospitals, tuny be carried long distances by tho wind. Tho moon Is usually supMiel to have solidified from the center to tho periphery, but lunar photographs hnvo convinced two lending French astrono mers that tho surface hardened flrat. Thin view modifies various theories. Naturalists hnvo discovered n wasp that uses a pebble to pound, down the earth over her nest. It Is believed tlmt this Is the only one of the lower animals tlmt timkos use of a mechani cal instrument. FALCONRY IN VOQUE AGAIN. Itcvlwil of Ilia Ancient Sport TiikliiK l'lnce In Ititropcuii Countries. "Most people have fallen luto tho cotuuuili error of thinking of falconry only In connection with musty old stories of gallant kulghta and guy ladles of yearn ago," said a sportsmnu recently. "Well, now, falconry Isn't so dead aa It might tto. To be sure, we don't bear much of It over hero In America, but It Is regaining Its old time prestige In Kuropoan countries. You would be surprised nt tlm extent It Is now being followed by tho nobility of Kuglnnd. "Until a short time ago gotdiawklug was tho nearest approach to tho old time, sport, but now the real falcons u ro crowding out tho goshawk. "Never saw a hunt with falcons! Well, sir, you have missed half your life. You get out In tho morning with u good live bird, a full-blooded falcon, and If you don't hnvo all the sport you want for ono day, then you aro no sportsman. Kasy, you sny! Well, per haps It Is, but not until you have had years of experience at It. You have your hound start n big bird, say a pheannnt, ami in the excitement that follows try to urge your horse on with ouo ha ml, pud your bird's hoodstrlug with your teeth and driving hand, and toss your bird aloft. Oh, It looks easy, but try It, nud If you don't f' luto a snarl then I loso my guess. And I want (o nny tight here that a full-, oiooiiuii rmcou is a imu iiiiiik to root with. They don't lake, to rough han dling. Thy have bad tempers mid get one thoroughly aroused mid tho bird Is no good for hunting, the rest of tlmt day, at least. "I believe tho tlinu Is coming when falconry will bo n recognized sport In this country. Yes, I know It seomn cruel, but Is It any more cruel than nny other form of hunting la It, now?" New YorkTrlbune. THE TOMU OF WASHINGTON. An Appeal for I mproremeiit of 8nr rounding at Mt. Vernon. Upon tho recent visit to tho home of our country' father, the visitor wns impressed with tho seeming In difference of tho nation ns regnrda tho enihrliiemeiit of the remnlns of such nn Illustrious nnd beloved hero. It Is a disgrace to a tuition such na ours to Imvo allowed this structure to bo built In tho first place, and sec ondly to let tho tomb remain as It Is. Our country Is rich in traditions ami sentiment ami rlnaneinlly It la able to. himI of right It should, own and pro tect the grounds mi frequently visited by children of our much loved coun try. Tho society which has .Mount Vernon In keeping must nocU chnrga nn admission from visitors to the on tnto. This Is necessary for the main tenance of the buildings nnd grounds. It Is not that objection la made to the amnll admission fee of n cent for each person who enters the gnto way, but It does seem fitting that our nation should own nnd care for one of Its most sacred sjiots, historically. A more iMvuitlful location can scarcely bo linnglnod than Hint of tho home of Wnshlngton. Situated upon an eminence overlooking the wide, calm waters of the I'otomnc stands tlio qutilnt. old-fashioned house mid the leniitlrul trees which for so mnny yearn hnvo guarded the memories long burled with the dust of the owners. Oeorgo nud Mnrthn Washington nre laid nt lest side by side In n horrlblo cellnr r,f n vault. No ono curve or graceful turn haa boon put into the structt'ro which Inclose these re mnlns. Instead, Just tho plainest sort of brick tins been used Iii tho erection, nml the visitor Is not only grieved, but disgusted, nt tho sight In allow ing so common n tomb for the father of our nation. There cannot be given na nn excuse that the structure Is ns It was originally, for It has been re built nud removed from the former site, some rods distant. True, we have the Wnshlngton .Mon ument In hla commemoration, and we cnu tie unpoctlcitl enough to say that there Is no virtue In erecting grand shrines for men's bones, but thoso who hnvo some sentiment fool keenly the liinpproprlntonosH of tho crude tomb at .Mount Vernon. Oram's tomb nt Mornlugslde, New York, stands a Imppy contrast to show what can be done to honor tho memory of our groat moil, oven In their death. Speed the day when our government realizes and claims Its right to own nnd to care for, as become our gen eration, the resting place of our na tion's first President. Council muffs NoniKirell. She Took tt. In her hurry to get out of a South Side train the other day a woman heavily laden with bundle- forgot a imckugo of oilcloth, such aa Is used for table covering In humble Inline. A prosiHTous looking couple had boon seated beside her. The wife, when she tiotlcid that the de parting iwssongor linil left the pack age, remarked to her husband: "Here's a windfall for us, John. 1 hIihII take that when wo got out." "No, vou wool. Hum joiiii. -wo nren t so hard up that wo are obliged to take other iK-ople's property." "Hut I will," said the wife, nud "You won't," said the husband, and they had It hummer nud tongs lor fcveral sta tlons. the woman, with nn amused smile" on her face which betokened Hint sbo was Jesting, nud the man with grim eariiotuo4 that showed ho had swallowed Istlt, hook and Hue. "You aro so oHoy, John," said tho woman as they until to go. "I had no Intention of taking the oil cloth." As they were altout to step to tho station platform the guard touched her arm. "You forgot your bundle." ho snld. He handed the nil cloth to her. and btfore she could spoak the train wont on. "oh. no; you had no Intention of taking It," said John. "More than one way to skin n cat, Isn't then'" t'loo. far ttio Silk Hut. A plea for tho silk bat Is made by the lAiudnii Tailor mid Cutter. Why Is It that the silk hat, It asks. Is not worn more generally. It Is surely not lKcaiiHo It Is an pxikmisIvo lux ury, for a silk hat will easily out wear two felts, especially as the shapes In silks vnry only slightly season by season, and, If properly cared for and regularly Ironed, will always hnvo that glossy appeariiuco that places the hall mark ou a well dressed man. A silk hat gives a tone and char acter that Is not In evidence In any uiiu-r lu'iuigcnr. In tlio AVest Knd. A small boy was rccltltij; In a geog raphy class. Tlio teneler wns trying to teach htm the points of the com pass. She explained: "On yo,;r right Is tho south, your left the north, nud In front of you Is tho east, Now, what Is behind you?" Tho boy studied for a moment, then puckered up his face, and bawled: "I know It; I told urn you'd sou that patch " I alttSHuJ fe Huch a Mlstnkc!-Physlclan Your ailment Ilea In tho larynx, thorax nnd epiglottis. Hooligan Indndct An me nfthor thlnkln' tiY trouble wna In mo throat. Long Distance Appreciation. Sirs. Jordan Did you ever hear my daugh ter sing, Mr. Johnson? Mr, Johnson Oh, yes; I only llvo fivo blocka from your bouse, you know. Itnby, tho Hlggeat. Mr, Hlgger, Mrs. lllgger, and lJali Nigger, which of this Interesting family Is the big gest, and why the biggest? Answer Ilnby lllgger, because ho is n little Ulggor. Kxcuscd, I sny, If you aro so aw fully smart at problems, tell me how far off thunder Is when you hir the Unit roll. Calculator I can't !o that, sir. Crowfoot You can't? Catmint orNo; I'm the lightning caleulator. A Fun? A man drirlng In the coun try lost n nut off his wagon wheel. Meeting nn Italian, he naked If ho linil a monkey wrench. The Indignant Italian wrnthfully replied, "Me no keep n monkey ranch; me keep a sheep ranch. Convincing. "Certnlnly, I am sure It'a a counterfeit note," said the re ceiving teller. "It has one very notice able flaw; It'a In the paper." "Hut, my dear mnn," protested tho depositor, "Iii these days you can'l believe every- tiling you aec In the paper." A Hint. Mr. Hlghllve (looking up from the paper) Well, well! Won dera will never cease! They've got so now that they cau photograph In col ors. Mrs. Hlghllve (glancing at his nose) I think, my denr, you'd better get-your picture taken before the old process Is abandoned. Kxemplary Punishment. A mother brought her little son for his first timo to school, and said to the teacher: "Thla boy o' mine la very delicate, as be la afther a fit of barmonla on tho loouga; but If he doea anything bould, an' I know he will, bate the wnu next to hltn, an' 'twill frighten him." 1I Won Kaelly. Mr. Subhubs You know you're only talking non sense. Wbat do you want a couple of new gowns for? Mra. Hubbubs Why, Mrs. I'lnyne bos got n doxen gowns, all of them much handsomer than the two or three that I've got Mr. Sub bubs Yea, I know. Hut a homely woman like that needs rich attlro In order to attract attention. Seizing the Opportunity. "Always," ndvlses the pompoua person who has accumulated several millions, "always say, 'I will. Never allow yourself to be dismayed by the outlook! Over come tho outlook! That's the way to succeed." "One, then." comments the poor person to whom he addresses this homily, "should always say, I will'?" "Yes. sir." "And you always say It?" "I do." "Will you lend me half, a million to get my airship In running order?" Proved Hla Teacher Wrong. I.Ittlo U lllle's father found bis youthful son holding up one of his rabbits by tho ears and saying to him: "How much Is seven times seven, now? Hah," the fnther heard the boy say. "I knew you couldn't. Here's another one: Six times alx Is how much?" "Why, Wil lie, what In the world arc you doing with your rabbit?" naked the father. Willie threw the rabbit down with disgust. "I knew our teacher was wrong," was all he said. "Why, bow?" asked his father. "Why, she told us this morning that rabbits were the greatest multipliers In the world. HOMEOF MACBETH UNCHANGED Cawdor Castle Bill! Mocks the Tooth of Devouring Time. Hamlet's castle at Klsluore, which still remains precisely ns In his day, Is not the only habitat which still mocks the tooth of cormorant devouring time. Tho castle of Macbeth, thane of Glamls and of Cawdor C'awdor castle built In the year UW, nlso still stands Just outsldo of tlio village still called "Caw dor," nt Inverness, In Scotland, says Shnkspcarennn, and If It does not hap pen to rain when the tourist ap proaches It (and It sometimes does not rain In Scotland) he will exclaim as Duncan dkl, "this castle hath a pleas ant seat, the air nltuoly and sweetly recommends lUulf to our sens." During Its many centuries 6f life, Cawdor castle has accumulated many wings, "outer walls" and now Inte riors, and so tho great hall where tho deed of dreadful note wns first resolv ed may not be at present located (and. for once, tradition has not selected one of them). Hut a chamber where tho deed may have been done there Is In on of the oldest parts of the old pile, tor several years this chamber has been tendered by tho present thane of Cawdor on of tho Campbell family (the present owners of tho property) as a bedroom for a night's lodging to any artist who will ns quid pro quo paint upon Its walls a picture of no 1110 Inci dent of tho tragedy according to Sunk speare. That not many artists havo cared for such n night's lodging on nny terms we nro led to guess from the fact that only four pictures aro on that cham ber's walls. Lady Macbeth lit her ulgbtrobo; Macbeth with the fatal dag ger drawn; tho brltullo cat that mowed thrice, and tho owl, tho fatal belmanl ns well ns tbo tbreo secret black and midnight hags over the caldron I .11 1 - Everything else in the house Is moro qulut when thorw Is Illness, but did you ever notice tho Impudenco of tha cloc!r, which ticks nil tho louder? MISS MARIA DUCIIAItME, Every Womnn in America la Inlereittd In Thla Young Oirl's I'.xporlctico. A. ''"'fej. fJ-SiS3 TIAWA W HAKME, V 182 JLZlizr.belh.Jt' -JbV ontpeol.Caa PELVIC CATARRH WAS DE STROYING HER LIFE-PE-RU-NA SAVED HER. Miss Maria Dncharme, 182 St. Eliza beth street, Montreal, Can., writes: "I am satisfied that thousands of women suffer because they do not real ize how bad they really need treatment and feel a natnral delicacy in consult ing a physician. "I felt badjy for years, had terriblt pains, and at times was unable to at tend to my dally duties. I tried to cure myeclf, but finally my attention was called to nn advertisement o( reru ns in a similar caso to mine, and I de cided to give it a trial. "My Improvement bcxan as soon as I started to uk Pcruna and soon I was a well woman. I fed that I owe my Cfe and my heath to your wonderful medicine and xratefutly acknowledge this fact." Maria DiKharme. Address Dr. llartman, President ol The llartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio, (or free medical advice. All correspondence strictly confiden tial. MALLEABLE IRON STUMP PULLERS Ihihi, llfblnl M tliuntnt Hlorap IoUr u Uw wuks. II lliiw power on Utip wlitj two bom. Wrtl lor dticrlpilv maiaf wxl print. : UCIERSON MACHINEKV CO. foot of MorrUon Strett PortUnJ, Ortztn 1905 LEWIS & CLARK EXPOSITION 'or FlrtCU llolrl anl Room Aetora modstlnnt IN PORTLAND during- tho IMPOSITION applf al and tnd your ret rrratfon lea of liOO, to appl? on rent ol jour rcom. Itoumt In all rsrtt ol the city fioetolro pvrdsr. RfSCRVC YOUR ROOMS WITHOUT DC LAY AND C" VOUR CIIOICC Will tor lull liuormstlcn to lrtrurnl I, EXPOSITION ACCOMMODATION BUREAU TW Oil, OfOdil Bonis tf ti Urli ditk Fib Coodnotifh Dulldlnf. Portland. Oregon HOTEL PORTLAND RATES On account ol tha Imrrenlon that list bo n pnvalent In dldertnt eltltt regarding tha ezorblutit rate that aro to 1 charted bj- the h let to PORT LAND durfnr ILe ItVtlS AND ClAltK IMPOSITION, in 'uillo to Hie MOICL PORTLAND ami lit many pattont. I deem It adrltabta to publlth ire tales that will underlattng r trtTall at tha MOTtL PORTLAND during tha laid EX POSITION. Koomt will t charged for at the rata ol li I.' "0 and II 1.0 (or one perton. tha hlth tt prlel room In tho toiet being (.M, which Include' a bath room I'rlcrt In rate are the nie at In anr Im prau-n linn titabllihnsei't and to-Tlecs xcond to none In the country. Price to our Commercial ouettt lll remain unchanged. H. C BOWERS, Portland, Oregon. Manager. STOVER GASOLINE ENGINES 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14. 16 and 25-Horte Power. Satiifaction guaranteed. Hundredt in ute in Oregon, Wathington and Idaho. Send for Catalogue. Mitchell, Lewis & Slaver Go, PORTLAND. OREGON Seattlo and Spokane, Wath. Boite, Idaho. P. N.U. No. 23-1903 TtTUEN writing- toadvertlaarspleaaa TT mention thla papar. :xMWiiiiawi; U16 UOOd. j$4 urugguu. II tit- 7-1 1 TTV kia 41.. &. WHIII A M Betl Couth bjrou. "1 m aj In tlma. Bold or BaHaK9SwIvjLfl2X