The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 09, 1905, Image 3

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In n Condensed Form (or
llnsy Readers,
A Resume of tha Lett Important but
Not Lost Intorotllng Evanli
of tha Patt Wook.
Is preparing for wnr on
Ocriimny bus blookod' French plmiH
In Morocco,
A Chicago Krnml Jury hits Indicted n
'number (il lalKir leaders.
Japan In preparing to make another
ftriWn ngnlmit itusshi, this time on
The Flint Nnloim!
amltji, Win,, has el(md.
I mnk nt tally
'I tn deposit
are f r.'.flOO. (
President Itowsnvnlt Iiiih tolil Count
Cimalnt t f mt HuhcIu had belle'r make
peace mill offers inedliilnu.
'flTr cir lias answered the dnnaiid
of bt pwple (or hwii liy ordering the
innhlllsittlnii of four inoio iiniiy eon.
A graft lino J nut IhtIi tllsoftvfreil In
th&llrlllsh iiniiy by which ollleers and
coiitiHiitort standing twdiior stolofJri,.
Innpiotir of tho Now Orleans ww
Imln'on distillled on tin charge of
receiving $200 mr mouth for. protec
tion of tho tenderloin district.
Il In now practically sutured that
Judge Do llnven, of California, Mill
't yj the Oregon laud fraud rase In
pinc 01 uii iniu Jinigo iiciiiiigor.
Tlii Pennsylvania railroad will
nhortly ? tnbllsli tlm fastest Ioiik dl.
tnnco train In the world. It will be
litwen Nn.v York nml Chicago, nml
will umko the run In each direction In
1H hours.
The KiimUnn Ntlll lefiifo to comldar
Hut little Uva I
now ImiiImk from
A Colorndo IrrlKnllon ' tuniiul raved
In ami burliil 2ft men.
lyplonmtit of the world look to Koow
veil nn u mediator.
CJiIi'uko IiiiiiImt jnrtln will Iks tied up
by tin) teiiliintern' ntrlko.
Hccrclnry Morton will rrnlitn to Ihi
vtiino prelileiit of tho Now York nub
way. The rxrrntlvn rommlttoo will pato
tho ntrti-lH of Panama city, nn indinpttu
itnbli) to nitnltntlon of tlio Iithmtin.
The ltiifnlmi ndmlrnlty rlnlrnii to
have recelvtxl a tllnpatch from Itojent
reiinky, whloh ho eiit from Vlndlvtn
Krniicn will mnko no movo toward
imtllriK the I'nr Mnntern war, Haying
Itimida will take riicIi ntepn when ready
for '"earn.
Tlm total tomiAKo of Admiral Toko'm
main fleet when ho went Into action
wai 13fl,HHil. The total tonnuo of tho
ulilpn he baa eapturetl or nunk li 153,
til. llo has disponed of n Kniiter tou
nago than bo bail, and, Hocordlnj; to
bin illnpatcbefl, all bin ships are still
A revolution Is threatened in Hun
Knry. The crisis Ixitween Norway anil Swo
llen Is amito.
Oermany Is to commenco nt onco n
the bulldliiK of a larger navy.
In the yacht rnro noross tlio ocean
tho American lmnt Atlantic won. Tha
lormnn Ixiat finished recoud.
Dewey nays Togo bus not equaled
America's naval victories If bo allows
sluglo Huiisinn idilp to oncao.
Tho Itio tlrando river bss destroyed
much property In Texas by overflowing
lis banks. Ono section of Kl l'o Is
The Kupremo court has decided that
Ilydoaud Dlmond must bo tried in
Washington for their alleged Inud
The executive commltteo of tho Pan
ama Canal commission has decided
to reduce, the working day of mechanics
nml laborers on tho canal to eight
Tho United States ,Huprema court
holds thnt nn oral will Is valid under
tho laws oi tho state of Washington.
A prominent Hloux City, Iowa,
banker, will lie arrested for contempt
of court In endeavoring to bribe a jury.
Tho magnitude of tho Ilussinn naval
disaster has fairly stunned French pub
lic opinion, which hud hoped Itojost
veiiHky stood nn oven chance to win
against Togo.
Wllkenbaro, Pennsylvania, women
boycotted tho show Nun l'nttesou np
earn in.
European stutceinon nil compliment
Bcc'retnry liny.
Laud Operations In Mnnclmrln have
been suspended awaiting tho flunl out
come of tho nnvnl battle.
Chief Hlgnnl Ofllcer Qreoloy will go
to Alaska In July to Inspect the signal
corps nnd telogprnph stations.
American steamship linos ore not
nnxloiiH to occuro contracts for govern
ment buslnoss, claiming there la no
money In it.
Mnnufncturort Convinced Thnt Canal
Zono It Foreign Territory.
Washington, Mny 110. In view of tlio
published Intention of tlio Isthmian
Cniiiil commission to buy In tlio cheap
out market, thoru huvo boon n great
many liiqiilrlf iin to tlio price of steel
nillH, (inn of tl'u principal article of
supply which figured In tlio cotumls
hIoii'h iltilorinlimtloii,
Colonul IMwnnls, admliilslMltvoofll-
ccr of tlio Cnnnl coiiiiiiIknIoii. addressed
un lniiilry to Secretary Drake, of tho
I'minnm I till I road company, Intended to
illicit Information on thin point, llo lo
co vim I it reply which In aubiitanco It
that tlm prlcn of steel mllN In tho
United Htntes for tho pant 12 month
linn boon uniform at 1!H pur ton, whllo
In foreign mnkorta tho prlco wan $21
ir ton. Tlio exceptions were where
rails wore nolit in tho United State for
export, whim tho priced woro estab
lished by direct negotiation nml woro
matters of prlvato record.
Tho I'aiiiiiiia Itnllnmtl company con
vinced tho manufacturer thai Itrt rails
woro purhascd for export to foreign ter
ritory (which, Mr. Drake niin, Colon
In), and was ablo to gut In Juno lnt
70-pound rallH for 122.00 for first quel
Ity nml 2I .7ft for second ipmllty.
IjinI January It Umght 1,200 tons at
2ft for first clnw nml f?! for necoml
oln", and inoro recently piinthnitl
2,oOO toim for tho Canal rommlmiou
nnd UfiW for tho railroad ut U'll.lft,
all tliteo itintriicU IhIhk niiolo Id com
petition with forolKU blddurN, whoit lint
prlco wan 8ft for f. o. b. at Now York
or 127.76 o. I. f. nt Colon, eiclimivo of
wharfno nutl xirt clmifji.
Chicago Labor Unions All Planning
for a Long Struggle.
Chicago, Mny .'10. Nothing dovel
oped today that would indicate an Im
mediate settlement of tho teamsters'
strike, which lias been In progress for
nearly two months. That the lnbor
unions are of the MM that the fight
will Im) a long one was demonstrated nt
tho meeting of tho Chicago Federation
of ltltor today, when arrangements
were made for boldlmt a strike demon
stration July ft; According to the pres
ent plans 't Is the Intention to bold a
mounter parado of (he strikers ami the
afllliated unions unless the controversy
has been ended before that dato.
At the meeting today eifcih union
afllliated with the central body was
roprcseiiU-d Ly three delegates at the
riHitiest of President Dold. Tho strike
situation was dircunsed In nil Its de
tails nml the sentiment of tho meeting
wan that the tenmsters should continue
the fight until tho seven express com
panies should offer some sort of n com
promise. The oflielnls of tho express
companies are still olxlurato In their
declaration that no concessions need ho
looked for from their side, so the mat
ter of settlement fhrough this channel
seems as remote nn ever.
He Tells President Why Extra Session
It Unnecessary,
Wellington, Mny 30. Senator F.I
kins, chairman of tho Interstate Com
merce commission, in a conference told
the 'president that bis commission
would reassemble two or three weeks
before the next session of congress,
whether it lw extraordinary or regular,
ami roorl ou tho recent bearings on
railroad rate legislation. At that ses
sion of the commission the nature of
the bill to bo submitted to tho senate
will bo determined,
(Senator Hkllns urged tho president
not to call congress Into extraordinary
session, maintaining that, ns the ses
sion beginning ou tho first Monday in
December would bo the long Hcesiou,
congress would have ample time to
consider nil iiuestlonn of importance
without a special session. Ho ex
pressed to tho president tho opinion
thnt senators ami representatives gen
erally hoped tho president would not
call them into extraordinary session.
benator tullom, ol Illinois, who
talked briefly to tho president, ex
pressed tho same wish.
The president has not Indicated defi
nitely his puriioso as to calling nn extra
ordinary session, although be has con
sidered seriously tho fixing of the date
lUKHit tho middle of October.
Opinion on Catenas Case.
Rt. Petersburg, May 30. Tho writ
ten opinion of tho ftuorIor Admiralty
court in tho cnao ol the cotton found
on thollrltlsb steamer Calchas captured
by tho Vlndivodok rmuulron In expect
ed to Ih hnnded down some tlino this
Week. There appeared to bo n division
of opinion In tho court, M. Demartens,
in liehnlf of tho foreign ofllco, holding
to tho view that tho principle of tho
conditional contraband for cotton should
lie enunciated, while tho representa
tives of tho ndmlrnlty contend that
this principle is absolute.
Name of Vessel Not Known.
Toklo, Mny UO. Tlio unmo nnd doa
tlnntiou of tho American steamer which
Vice Admiral Itojestvensky ia retorted
to Imvo sunk off Formosa about Mny 21
Ih unknown bore. Details concerning
tho sinking of tho vobso! nro expected
to bo mndo known when tho crow of
tho steamer reaches Japan. Although
nothing ia known hero about tho case,
it la expected in ofllclnl circloa that
Vice Admiral Itojestvensky will nllego
tho vessel wna cruising.
Sinking Confirmed at Washington.
Waflblngton, Mny 30. Confirmation
lina been received hero from Shanghai
of tho press roport that tho Itusslan
warships Have sunk nn unknown Amer
ican morcbnnt ship oft tho Chlneso
const. Heavy gun tiro Is plainly heard
to tho northward.
Hcinnants ol Ills Shattered Fleet
riylnu lor Rcluge.
Togo 8unk or Captured Nineteen of
fluitla't Voiielt, Including
Admiral's FleRihlp,
Washington, Mny HO. Tlio Post says
the Navy department has received an
ofDoIal telegram from Toklo saying
that tho battleship Knlaz Houvarofl,
Admiral Hojestvennky's flagship, went
iiown in llio action, iwi'i that Admiral
Itojestvensky was lost.
Iindon, May 80. According to tho
correspondent of the Dally Mall nt
Heoiil, Colon, early on Haturday morn
ing Vice Admiral Togo, with practi
cally all the powerful fighting sbijm of
the Jiipnniso navy, was ut Miwanpbo,
Coren, when wlrelo8 signals from his
trout H between Tnn nml (Jiiolpiirt is
lautls niinoiiniwd tho approach of the
J.uiNlaii Heel In full forte.
A few hours later the scouts rcorU
ol that the ItunslaiiM worn not ascend
ing the western channel, as had been
anticipated, but that they were coming
ftp the eantorn channel, which cauced
lome surprise.
Admiral Togo Immediately started nt
full sjH-ed nrournl the north of Tsu Is
land, nml when bo doubled the Island
bu raw the Ituesinus coming in two col
umns. Ho then brought a terrific fire
to Ix-nr on the flunk of the port col
umn, nnd, as the Itunalarik fell into dis
order, be forced them steadily eastward
tow aril the Japanese const, where they
were attneked by every vessel that flow
the Japnueno flag.
ItejMuted torpedo attacks were deliv
ered, Nomo of them with the grentent
The vessels which cscatd, the cor
respondent says, will probably bo able
to reach Vladivostok ami he adds that
other oorntlous of the utmost ImtKirt
anco are jirocefding.
Kuitla It Downcast at Newt of
Naval Dajtle.
Kt. Petersburg, May !I0. After wait
ing vainly nil day and evening for di
rect nnwa of Vice Admiral Itojest
vonnky's destroyed and beaten fleet,
tho Itusslan admiralty at midnight no
longer attempted to hold out against
the overwhelming evidence pouring in
from all directions that tho fleet, on
which all their hopes were centered,
had suffered n greater disaster than did
tho combined French and Spanish
fleets at Trafalgar. More bitter even
than defeat is the Japanese claim of
virtual annihilation of tho Itusslan fleet
with practically nn losses on their side,
and many olflcers cling doggedly to tho
belief that Vice Admiral Togo might
have aufTwrcd heavily.
With every ship of Hear Admiral
Neliogatofl'a reinforcing division either
sent to tho bottom or forced to striko
its flag, and only six of liojeatvensky'a
original 10 fighting ahljis absent from
the list of vessels sunk or captured,
and with tho Japaneso pursuit still
continuing, no naval authority has the
temerity to dream that Itusaia can
again attempt to wrest the mastery of
the sea fioin Japan In the present war.
The captured warships alone will
furnish Japan with ready made rein
forcements, which will Ihi more than a
match for the fourth Pacific squadron
now about to sail from Croustadt.
Tho emperor was completely pros
trated by the news, and. according to
roiiorta, ho broke down and wept.
ino cuccioi ino tiivaster will Do a
terrible blow to the government. The
futility of trying to struggle ou on land
Is tverywbero recognized, and the cry
for "ponce at any price" ia suro to bo
raised. This time, It la believed, the
government cannot resist tho cry. In
deed, tho radical Liberals are openly
rejoicing In this hour of their country'i
Lost Ships Number Nineteen,
Toklo, May 30, The number of
Russian vessels of all descriptions sunk
ami ruptured by Admiral Togo's fleet
now BtAiids at It), It is possible that
three additional -warships were sunk in
tho light Saturday, nnd others Inter.
Tho Nnvy department refrains, how
ever, from crediting reports of this
nuturo until it is assured of their cor
rectness. It ia lielievetl thnt the Ural
is tho name of tho captured transport,
which baa been omitted in tho MbI pre
viously cabled, Tho number of pris
oner tutleu will reach over 0,000.
Russian Version of Battle.
St. Petersburg, May 30. Tho Bt.
Petersburg Telegraph agency has re
ceived tho following from Shanghai:
"Word liaa been received hero that
eoveu Jnpnuoso ships, two of which
were armored, and four Ilusslnu ships
hnvo been sunk, It Is confidently,
lielievetl hero thnt tho Japanese nro'
awaiting the publication of Vlco Ad
miral Hojestvensky'a ofllclnl dispatch
from Vldalvoitok beforo admitting tho
extent of their own losses,"
All Found Not Guilty.
Trenton, N. J., May 80. II. J.
Stouo, 11. 0. Quintan!, Charles W.
Ilusa nnd James Hubs, of tho Nonpareil
Cork works, of Camden, N. J., tried on
a charge of conspiracy, woro ucquttted
tnnlulit. Thnv wnrn niviififul nt tilnMni?
rloit in life prcaurvora.
Lonf? Expected Ontlla In Far East a
Victory for daps.
Toklo, May 20. It is officially an
nounced that Admiral Itojcstvensky's
fleet bss been practically annihilated.
Twelve warshli haro been sunk or
captured and two transports nnd two
torpedo boat destroyers have been sunk.
Imdon, May 2l. No details of tho
fighting between the hostile fleets bare
been received hero as yet and none are
likely to Im until one of tho Itusslan
hips reaches a neutral port or the
Japanese government rolcases tho cen
sorship on inesrages from Toklo. Thie
latter is not likely until tho tight II
Only tho barest bulletins are printed
In the mornlnit paners hero. 1;ut they
ail point ton sweeping Japanese vic
tory. In tact, tho correspondent of the
Iondon Mnll at Toklo, who is generally
most couservntivp, makes the bold
statements that the Itusslan Ilaltlc fleet
as a fighting force has been completely
witicd out, thnt some of Its best vessels
are sunk, others are prizes of war, and
the remainder fleeing before the Japan
ese vessels. He adds no details, which
Is not surprising, inasmuch as the cen
sor apparently got in his work ou his
message, which reached this city un
finished, -
Just what Jins (akenplace is hard to
say, but the nnvnl exiierts think that
Togo attacked the lluesintis Sunday
morning with Ids destroyers, which
have already scored heavily Til The past.
and then bo followed up the fighting
with his whole fleet. '
Restrictions This Year Pending
Study of Conditions,
' Wellington. May 20. Tho secre
tary of agriculture today issued an or
der directing that no restriction be
placed upon the grazing of stock within
new forest reserves that have been or
may bo created this year.
There liM been considerable concern
among the sheep and cattlemen of the
West on nL-count of the creation of new
reserve, which include considerable
areas of what has heretofore been pub
lic range. Many letters received by
the depatrment Indicate that stockmen
fear they are to be deprived of tiller
rango ou short notice. In Justice to
these stock Interests, Secretary Wilson,
on recommendation of tho Forestry
bureau, decided to impose no restric
tions within the new reserves this
However, investigations are now be
ing made to determine bow many sheep
and cattle may safely bo admitted, anil,
liased on these investigations, restric
tions will be imiKMcd next year, and a
grazing season will be set for each in-
llvldual reserve, to be regulated bt
climatic and range conditions. Today's
order applies to new reserves in Oregon
and Idaho, and will apply to new- re
serves soon to bo established in these
stales and in Washington.
Government Accepts Right of Way to
Celilo Canal.
Wasblngtn, May 20. The United
States government today formally ac
cepted titlo to the right of way for The
Dallea-Celilo canal,and early this week
.Major i.angfiu wii. be instructed to ad
vertiso for bids for constrttccllon of the
upper lock and approaches, for which
1300,000 was appropriated last session.
Titlo to the right of way was examined
and approved some weeks ago. Today
tho attorney general examined tlio deed
from the state, and, finding it regular,
advised tlio secretary of war tbat ho
could, under tho law, proceed with
construction of tho canal.
Hits means tnat tho work ot con
struction will commence early In the
summer, and there Is money enough on
hand to continuo it until congress has
an opportunity to make a further ap
propriation. If the original intention
is carried nut, tho Oregon, Washington
and Idaho delegations will attempt
next session to have Tho Dalles canal
made a continuing contract, in order
that appropriations may be mado an
nually until the total cost of 4,000,
000 baa boon appropriated.
Russians to Enter Mongolia.
Paris, May 20. The Temps this
afternoon published a dispatch from St.
Petersburg saying tbat tho foreign min
istry announces that the Ktusiau armies
in Manchuria are preparing to enter
Mongolia in order to avoid a collision
with tho Chlneso troops, commanded
by General Ma, which would provoka
intervention on tho part of the powers.
Tho solo reason for the Ituislau opera
tions, it was milled, was to counteract
tlir.!Atinlnir mnvfliiMiita that hava hem.
.W..U. ., ... ... ........ ..... . ...............
made by tho Japanese who aro in Mon
Tornado and Flood.
Guthrie, Okla., May 20 Meagor de
tails received Into tonight Indicate thnt
n destructive storm passed over Plattes,
Indian Territory today, wrecking many
houses, killing ono man and injuring
six othorn severely. Wirea aro down
unit tho 'Frlcao train cannot reach '
Plattes until tho trucks aro cleared ol
fallen trees and other debris. Tho
tornado swept across Oklahoma nnd
Indian Terrltroy, doing damage to
nearly a dozen towns.
American Steamer Jt Sunk.
Toklo. May 20. Nowa baa boon re
ceived hero that Admiral ltojeatvon-
.1...1. n .....!. M t .1 ..
J, 7 """ T . . ' . . 0iva"r I
off Formosa about Mny 21. The name
ol tho steamer is unknwn, Hor crow
was saved.
V jEf ArWf J. JfJ&Z&i
Vnr TiiMlriu Up llnrl Vtre.
Tnko m pair of cultivator wheels,
rnnko nn axle to fit, out or 2x4 oak, '
Indies loutr. Hide pieces should bs l'A
Inches by 2 Inches, -1 feet on, of hnrd
wood. Holt to axle securely. The up
rlKlits sliotiM Im 2-lncfi by 4-Jncli pine.
securely bolted to side pieces, and high
enough to reach above wheels. The
croon Bar may be Vt Inches stptare,
ends round for handle. The whoto
j (see Fig. li should be well braced, an It
must be sirens. For wlndlas nxlo
(Fig. 2), take ouk, Vj Inches square,
2d Inches long, fit Crank on ono end;
for reel, fake Irarb-wlre reel, cut hole
through It square to lit axle. To take
up wire, fasten end to reel, take cross
bar In left hand, turn crank with right.
na, 2.
Tho cart Is propelled by winding wire
on reel; when one reel Is full, slip off
and put on another. Sylranus Scott.
Ilreedlas Polled Calves.
Answering tho query, "Are double
standard Polled Durham bulls as sure
to get polled culvert from horned cows
as are Angus bulls?" K. B. Utiles says
In Ilreeder's Oazctto:
Without knowledge as to the per
centage of polled calres got by Angus
bulls used on horned cows It would
naturally seem that the Angus bulls
would be the surer tlehomeri, as they
hare been bred hornless for many gen
erations, while Polled Durhams are
not many removes from horns. How
crcr, there aro many Polled Durham
bulls that have made excellent records
as dehorners, some baring as high as
00 per cent of polled calves from horn
ed cows.
If your correspondent wishes to
breed polled calres his best course
would be to buy an aged Polled Dur
ham bull with a good record as a de
homer. Thero Is a great deal of the
lottery about this "breeding oft the
horns," Just as there Is In breeding In
general, and some bulls with many
olled crosses are not as suro dehorn
ers as those with only one cross of
polled blood. Therefore I should ad
rlso your correspondent not to try a
young bull, but to get ono that Is
known by bit works.
Hand CaltlTator.
Take a board 20 Inches wide and
long, and cut a wheel out of IL Then
make a frame of linch-square lum
ber, and two small brace atrlps near
wheel, of light lumber. Get a black
smith to make tbe scutllehc-e out of
tteel, at shown In figure 2, with four
small short rods, rlreted back of blade.
These little rods are curved up, and
turn up tho roots of weeds to the sun.
You can take this device off and put
on n shovel If you want to cultivate
deep. It runs light for amount of
work done, and It auperlor to any (3
wheel hoe I erer taw. J. Holmes Wil
ton. Ropy Sink After Betting.
Bacteria In one form Is probably re
sponsible for tho ropy milk that wit
hear about coming after setting for
the cream. In such cases tbe first
thing to do Is to thoroughly disinfect
the stables by the use of carbolic acid
and then a thorough whitewashing of
walla aud celling. Then turn atten
tion to the utensils used the milk
palls and the other vessels. The
chances are they at tho bottom of tho
trouble nnd need scalding repeatedly
with hot water, and then more
cleansing, such ns only the sun will
give. If these remedies abate tho trou-
u'l ' Prooaoiy will, tlien re-
... ...
lltnliiti.ia li t- ilitj l.i.i
member that this scalding with hot
water should bo done dally with every
vessel used In the dairy. Hot water
and sun nro death to bacteria.
Whtii Lauika Need Dipping:.
If mature sheep are troubled with
ticks and Inmbs run with tho flock
most of the ticks In two or three weeks
after shearing will hare left tho old
sheep to live upon the tender skin and
amtd tho longer wool of tho lambs. It
It therefore evldont thnt money will
be saved by dipping the lambs, In
badly Infected cases a second dipping
will prove advantageous unless the old
sheep were dipped at the first applica
tion. Ticks multiply very rapidly, and
even If a few escape death tbolr pro
gony will cause the wholo flock untold
discomfort. American Cultivator.
Hay Veran. Corn Fodder,
It u dlttlcult to make a comparison
h,tWMI, m f.-viifi n,,i t,v. huaa,
tllw QUanty 0f either largely deponda
na. 1.
.. . . 1 1 ,1
npon tfw curing: Itrlght green corn
fodder, shredded or cut flue, Is superior
to Improperly cured liny, whllo good
liny Is fnr superior to corn fodder that
win not cut until the leaves turned
If fodder U tender nml Juicy tho
nnlmnls will prefer the stalks to tho
leaves, ns the stalk nro rich In sugnr,
but much depends upon the stage of
growth nt which the stalks wcro hnr
rested. Farm Visitor.
Huk-nnlllnic for Orchards.
Fruit trees, ami particularly npples,
require a deep soil and, of course, ono
that Is fairly rich. There aro hun
dreds of acre of rich clay soils that
would do splendidly for apples If prop
erly prepared. Trials which hare re
sulted In failures hare been nltmMt
wholly duo (o the fact that tho soil
bad not been opened deep enough to
permit the roots of the trees properly
to penetrate It
If such sol I.i had been aubsolled,
oslng the Implement made for thnt
purposo which does not throw back n
wide furrow, the roots would bavo it
chance to get Into the soil scrernl
Incite deeper tbnn otherwise, nnd
affir that would lw strong enough to
pierce the soil below without ita being
loscned. Of course It must bo remem
bered that If the soil below the dis
tance peiietrnled by the subsoller la
wet nnd remain so. It Is not suited
to trco root. On the olher band. If
It Is simply wot enough to retain n
good amount of moltttire, tlio tret
will then make a most dcslrablo
Water for Hwrlnr.
There aro farmers who raise awlna
and never feel It necessary lo giro
them water to drink. They argue that
as the slop fa comiwsetl largely of
water that Is all that Is necessary.
It probably If, In many cases, wbcro
tho slop consists of one part solids anil
nine parts water, but If tho slop Is
nutritious, as ft should be, and If corn
Is fed In addition, the swine need con
siderable water. Men of experience
claim that awlne carefully watered are
rarely diseased, and they haro llttln
UliUculty In preventing them from mak
ing wallows. As a matter of fact,
about half of tho nastlncss of the bog
Is due to the carelessness of Its owner.
Glre tbe bog half a chance and he or
ahe will be reasonably clean. Try tho
trough of cold, clean water at feeding
time and see for yourself what tho
awlne think of It
Harrow for Btotir Oround.
Take all pieces of 3x24 Inches.
Plane them and set tbem as shown la
Illustration. Sink the wings Into t oo
center piece ; Inch. This sares mak
ing mortise. Get Hdnch bolta with
heads and bore holes as shown by
dotted lines. The hinges, etc, qan b
mado of old wagon tire. Bet teeth
slanting, and attach chain. This har
row with twenty-four teeth la made to
work a width of 0 feet, and la of light
draft It can be made by any ono
handy with tools, and If well made, U
strong, lasting and effective.
Poultry Pickings.
Try feeding little cblcka a dry ration
of cracked grain, seeds, etc. It It bet
ter than Johnny cake, corn dough or
Place a self-feeding box of grain In
the coop so the chicks can cat what
they want Thero Is little danger oC
over-feedlug rowing stock on frea
If hens on freo range aro given a
small feed of fresh-cut bone onco a
day, or a box of beef scraps and granu
lated bone It placed In tho henhouse,
they will produce more eggs.
Keep tbe brooders and colony house
clean and look out for red mites and
lice on the chicks. Incubator cblcka
are batched free from lice, but It does
not take long to contract them.
Set turkey bent thlt mouth and If
you have plenty of eggs, till the Incu
bator. Arrange so the hens nnd Incu
bator will hatch at the tame trine, then
you can give all tbe polta to the turkey
Plant sunflowers outside tbo wire of
tho poultry yard and In and by waste
places. They will afford shade during
the summer and the hens will relish tho
seed. If planted Inside tho yard they
must be protected uutll out of reach
of the hens.
Garden Hint.
Tho suckers of gooseberries, currantn
and red raspberries should bo rigidly
In making tbe home garden do not
overlook garlic, chives, shallots, herba,
etc., as they aro exceedingly deslrablo
for flavoring purposes.
This season's growth of raspberry
canes should be pinched off and they
will throw out fruit laterals. This la
Important for on It depends noxt sea
son's crop of berries.
Early varieties of dwarf peas can
bo grown between tho rows of tomato
plants. By tho Umo tho tomatoes aro
large enough to occupy the ground the
peaa will be out of the way. The pea
vines may bo removed or left as a
mulch for the tomatoes.
In May tbe seeds of tweet corn and
all the wrinkled varieties of peaa
should bo sown nnd a Uttlo later cu
cumbers, melons, squashes, pumpktoa
and gourds may bo put In tbo open
ground. A fork full of wejl rotted ut.
nure In the bill Is tbo proper food for
tbeaa plants.