The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 02, 1905, Image 7

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We Trust
If you arc sufTcrlnc from
Impure blood, tliin blood, de
bility, nervousness, exhaus
tion! you should begin nt once
with Aycr's Sarsapurllla, the
Saranpnrilla you have known
all your life. Your doctor
knows It, too. Askhlmaboutlt.
Tnu inml I link wall
wall ifiir lli ronillltnn nt
uoflt, union Hurt la ilttlr
wlfHiuotinin rolur!i ir
yuur Htr ami ihiw
.Mint, at Hi bowl
t,Uoilttl.ruilii lrl. liltlMn. nu-
m,, tml lliui ifnlln lti Ktr
riliU from inlnf In imi work Ayi'
llll, l. ll.r llll, irlK.nllr, .11 tuiuU.
Tin ilw li oiii; ou lll it ImHIiiii.
)A J.O. Irirllo., I.ow.11,
Alto MftDuncturvrt r
lln" ! . (llrl,
A tired mother with two children, a
bait uf ' yearn llmt nut on tier lui and
bright eyed boy uf erhap 4, who unt
beehln her, were trjrltiic to cujey n llttla
luncheon In restaurant lu tlir btil
ne eectlon of tlm city. Two youiiK
((lira entered anil i( dewa at tlm
iiuna table. Hceliiic Ibii dlBcully tlio
wuuuin bud In catlnir lunch and held
IlljC tirr yoilllfier child nt the aaaen lime,
one f (be yeutij: Indira leaned over
rid Mid In priiltlntliiK teue: "U'lmt
awcrt little boyt Won't jrn let iiik
bold bl in until you nnUli lunch V Tlio
mother ictntlljr granted the reiucat mid
wm trauafrrrtuif her charite Into tlm
anna of tlio yotiiiKcr woman, when tlio
little boy, with never a ainlle, raised
bla voice and exclaluird. "Up a'.n't a
bojr; tio'a little ctrtt" riiltudelptilA
I Ttm Curlom t,llupnt.
Thn tlmppta nro a curloui kind of
ticllrlati. Thvy renrmble the abalonrt
In thrlr bnblla.
rim IntPrlor la m.Jo
Il.ut color., bron.a
of tbo mint brllll
and Irldricput bui prcdomliintlni;.
Tiny am found on tlm writ roait of
trxlco and arn to lartin tbnt tb pco
pin Uia thrill for wnah bnaltia.
They arn fprocloui anlmnU ami pre
with (trcnt frrorlly on claim. Tho
proem icfiui alow, but the limpet ah
wnya kpIn tlmrc. Up KOla hli c-ovpr
orpr the unauiiPClluB clam ami puta
Ida Uu foot on bla ahell, Keneratly on
a weak apot. Then be whip out a lone,
wiry tonsiiu nml proiecda to bore a
liola In bit captive When thin la ilon.i
tlm ahell fllrn open, and Hip limpet Ii
free to fenil on Hip (fMir t'lnui'a enr
raaa. Up cnt but a purr mid leave
the ret for the flnhc of the ea.
Friends Were Alnrmcd
Advised Choline of Climate
Minn Mildred Keller, 718 13th street,
N. W., WnidilliKlon, D. 0., wrltra:
"I can cutely recommend l'oruim for
catarrh. I liad It (or yearn nml it
would rrapond to no kind of treatment,
or If It did It waa only tcniorary, mid
on tlm allKhtcat provocation tho trouble
would come back.
"I wa In audi ttate that my friend
were alarmed about me, and I was advised
to leave thU tllmutc. Ihen I tried reruns,
and to my great oy found It helped mc
from the fir&t dose I took, and a few bot.
Uca cured me,
"It built up my constitution, I re
gained my appetite, and I feiil that I
am perfectly well and atrong,"--Mil'
dred Keller.
We have on tile many thousand tes
tlmonlnln like the aliovo. We can rIvs
By r.
miss, nyr
our readera only h allnht allmpso etthe
, vast array ot unsolicited endoriemont
' Dr. Hartiuan Ii receiving.
"mImi, llfhlfil ana MommI Hlump 1'ulUr
en tit unrk.u lit Hen piw.r en Hi iHr
nllli two tiurM. Will lur dMOduiiv culu
ud yrlr. j . j
rot of nlorrUon Hlrwt I'oflUnJ, Or(n
lllll fsiai k
lMt Ouui
uoam srre
rrup, TutMUood. bti
Sold br drofjUU.
I la tin.
y- -3
"Any ktiiih In thla milk'" "Not Hint
I know of, No extra clinri;en If there
Krili-kiT- Didn't tlm doctor build
)'ni til 7 Mocker Vca; hut hit seem
to think ho built n bank. Harper!
William TlmiVH jono thltttf nlmut
Mia rluirniliiK'H lioiiso I don't llko
Arthur What' Unit? Wlllhiin Ili
Meekly -Yen, we're k'Ik to movu
ti Hwiiiuiiliiirat. Doctor Hut tlm rib
mate them limy dlMiiuri'o with your
Mlm Meekly J t wouldn't dure! Tit-
Tiwher Now, .liiliiiny, If your papa
rnilKlit one tilth of three pound, one of
(He Hint one of four, how much would
they nil wcIkIi? Johnny Twenty.
Iliiipei'n llnr.Hr.
Mr. I'lyim An ih wn t'n yer nor
Molke dolu' now, Mm. tVmey? Mr
Coney Hhure, .Molke nln'l dolll' nilliy
lliliii,'. Mr I'lynn. lle'N K'H ii i;over'
incut Job -hin llopklitn' Honk.
"Ile'it ii Ihorouuh lloheinhiu lc Jack,"
crlcil nil actor III prnlae of mi nciiinlii.
mice. "He'd kIvh you hi IiinI uhllllnij
without thoiiKlil of repayment." "Yea,
o.- borniw youra mi the name tprma!"
riHiHinilcd hla friend.
Itdltor Ho you wmit n poaltlou n
wenther reNirler. eh? Wlmt do you
know ntHiut reportliiK the wenther?
Illrnin lloota Wlmt do I know (ionh,
I've K'ot the hlKh'cNl eortm lu thla here
(utility. Chlt-aKo Neva.
Mnuinin There! Vou have n blnek
c;e mid it bloody none mid your eonl
1 1 torn to hltn. How many tliium hnv
I told you not lo piny with that hnd
llrowii Imi)? Hobby (See. mil! Do I
look like we'd been n-plnylu'T Cleve
laud lender.
. . " i
Modern Mother Why, child nllvc,
w'ml r you tnklnK off that dolly'a ,
',,,, r,,r? MlM ciilM I'm K1fiK
tor .e brr to aee If ahe'a been vnc
clnntiMl. 1 rnn't hnve 'er.prpa.lln' ,
tnKlon muouK my other dolllea-Hnltl.."
more American.
"(Hi! Ouch! Stop that!" yelled Tom
my. "Why. Tommy, nren't you (minifi
ed T" exclnlmiil IiIn mother. "I wouldn't
cry like that If It were my hair that
wn belUK combed." "I'll bet you
would If I wan doln the comhln'." re
plied Tommy. Mercely. (Nttholle Ktmid
nrd. "You ean'l allow me M alllicle rel
aou," hlllKlcred the Hlter fMUlllbii.
"why we ahould k ' aenahom
thla auiniiter." "WlmtV crleil hli
wife, (HilutlUK to their ipmrlet of mir
rlnKenble lUiiKlilcra, "I cmii alniw vou
four alim'le riwiaoua." I'hlladelpklu
"Wlmt n nlee little lioy." Mid thp
luliilaler. who wna nwkliiK n call:
' won't you come and ahake lintMlN.
my ami?" "Nnwt" annpped Hie nlee
little boy. "My Krnrlouai imu't you
like mer "Nnw! I hnd ter Kit
hnuda nil' fnce wnahwl Jlit becaHic
you come."
There wna n smell of rookies In the
kitchen when Tommy made Ida morn
ing cult on Ida Krnmlmother. "I aup
MMe you hnve Jnt had your brewkfaM,
j rommy." sue nihi. "mm ymrre mil
i Imiiier'." "(Irnn'mn." he mmMertil.
Iioja Is nlwHyi huniery. IiIohbii
Jim t'eralmmima I reckon itat's n
ten Iiomuhimihw automobile! I Vie
I I'linaiuu Wot! YM reckon dat imk
ililne'a xot ten time aa miii'h power
'is ills Ihiwh o' liillie? .lllil 1'eMllif
iiioiih No; twenty IIuiim n iniieh; dm
jlo.ika like a one-half horxepoH er Hrae
tint you not iinr: ruck.
I'lHrH You don't menu to any yon
hnve been out HkntliiK mII the nfler
noon! I almuld think you'd ln awfully
tlreil. I HiipKwe there whh no pl.ic
where you could alt down? Knle Oh,
Jen, there were phtcen nil over tlm
Hiud. I uel them ml, I Kiiem. I'ln-
I'luimtl I'liiumerclnl Trthitue.
Miss Sereech-Ile Mid Hometlilnc to',w,,K,lmKM l' l'"!,.p U ,,ot T' )VVn ,S,U
you nboiit my sIiikIuk last night, didn't
he? Mian I eppery Well, he did ic
umrl; how funny the corners of your
mouth looked when you mime. "Th
hlen! How could he hnve seen them?"
"Why not? He whs elltliiK directly
behind you while you wmic." Catholic.
Standard mid 'limes.
A huly entered n railway station not
a hundred miles from KdlnhurKli tho
other day, mid said she wanted a ticket
for Iiudou. The piilc-looklm; clerk
asked: "HIiikIo?" "It ain't any of yout
business," hiio replied, "I might haw
been married n dozen times If I'd like
tho provtdlu' for hoiiui poor shiftiest
wreck of a man llko you,"
Tim editor or a country paper ro-
ccntly apohiKlxiHl to Ida readers foi
the lack of iiowh aonutwhat after (lit1
following fashion: "Wo expected to
havo a death and a marrlnk'o to an
nounce this week; hut a violent storm
prevented tho weddliiK, and the doctor
himself havliiK 1'ccu taken III his pa
tlent recovcrwl and w worn accord
IiikI)' cheated out of both."
An Irishman was charged with n
petty offense. "Havo you anyone In
court who will vouch for your jtood
clinractrr?" nierled tho Judge. "Yea,
Horn there Is tho chief constable, yon
der," iniHwerod Tat. Tlio chhif con
ata'blo was nntiwd, "Why, your linnor,
I don't oven know tho mail." protested
ho, "Now, norr," hroko In Tat, "I havo
lived In tho borough Tor nearly twenty
years, ami ir tno cuier cousiuuie
docan't know mo yet, isn't that a
chnractor for yes?" i
An Kivltliiu Itiirly Moriiliitf Ailveiiture
III ii Hiiiinillliioil Jiiilulc.
"When lu Hoiuiillhiiid. Africa, I lutil
mi exdtltiK iidvetituro with n lihick
iiiiined Hon," wrltex n eorrcHiMinik'iit
In tlio tendon Chronicle. "I luid In
tended to r en eh n vllhiitu olio iiIkIiI.
hut It wim K'ttlnK dnrk mid wo were
ii eoiiph) of houia' iimrch off; no, Hud-
'Iiik mi old wirclm or thorn IncloHiire,
wo went Into It. Thin zurelm eoveied
hnlf mi nere. Jt wim only iibout four
I feet hlk'h mid four feet thick, the
thorny briuicheH lompoiiliiK It IiiivIiik
Miink down mid fallen npnrL
"U'o repiilieil nbotit KM) ynnU of It,
pitched our tent mid tlio cook pit lilt
lire lighted, Kiivu urn xouie dinner mid
I turned In. Our nineteen chiiicIh nil
miuntteil lu ii circle to the Hiiht f the
tent, our hori" were tetherel neiir to
them mid our twenly-oim ineii IlKhleJ
three or four lire, coukixl their foul
mid hiy down to Klwp uroiiud the
cmiieU. We nlrni hnd lire donkey
tethered to two or three hnpIIiikh,
which were KrowltiK nboiit two pHcen
In front of the tent mid, therefore, to
whpI the center of the zurelm.
"About 'J o'clock lu the inuruhiK I
wnn nwnkened by two feeble brxyH,
followiil by n third. MkIiIIiik h emidle,
I tiiiubled out In my pitjmiimi mid xot
bold of my rltle mid n couple of cht
trldKcfl, to meet the Hunnill hunter
ahovliiK their woolly IichiU lhro:iKli
the tent door. miyltiK 'Wiiwlm.'
(hyrnn). Dei'p kwwIh were wing "ii
mid I nt once felt mire thut It wim no
! bvenn. but n Hun In the wirelin
tintely, the enmela did not atmnpede.
"It wmn pitch dnrk. but I caw that
one of the five donkey tethen-d In
fnuit of the tent wiih Knr.liiK Intently
toward the left mid center. The other
four hnd dlniippenntl lu the renter of
the KJtrhecii, which, however. 1 found
lu the mnrulni; to be almply n imhxh
of old dried thorn brnnchiH. m the
alx or flidit ahota I II red nt It lu the
dHrkncn did llttlo linrui. The men
were now buahltiK tho fires hihI the
conk aiipplleil four or live of the men
with atlckk mid with keroneue rapidly
made Mime torehea. I then noticed that
the donkey wna khzIiik more to the
left of the center nml. Kidded by the
wllnK. which wna rIiik nn niiitlnu.
,,,,!jr:. T'1.1 "".'"y . . '.""
"" ,n" '"" '" '"" " "M,,"r "' '""-
' '"' '"" H'-Jondies were then
. " ' ,-."","'; ....
brlKhtly. and the lluht beliiK behind
me aomewhnt I waa not dazzled by It,
but anw the lion dniKKhiK nn n don
key. It did not tHke me more than
one aecond to Miap liotll barrel nt
him nml Ida uniwla nt once etwecd.
After puttliiK In two more eartrldKM
hihI bnvliiK the torehea retrlmmeil we
nichIii ndvnuceil to Hnd the lion lyltiK
on Ida aide. kIvIiii: n few explrliiK
IfHupi. Ill no1 loucbeil the donkey'
throttt, n trickle of blood llowiil down
from iimler Ida left eye, mid na I nftcr
WHrd foumt be had pit my nctunl
bullet In the unM of the neck."
Ilr Hint lo Hlinly IlirSaiiie n Oilier
The Kinpcror Nicholas mid Ida two
iimtiicra, (usirwe nml .Mlclmcl, were
.iiliieHteit entirely by private tutors un-
"".der tlm dlriH-ttuperlntendence of tlielr
frtlher mid mother, lu the iiimkuUI
eeut Aullehkoff I'm lace on the Nevaky
Trotiekt. h lwrt. iiucm-petcd room whs
aoxlxtieil hi the vIohiI riHiui of the Im
lierlal chlklren. Its furniture cwiislst
nl entlrfly of wimmIiu desks mid
IfeiicUp, and Hie walls were decor
ated liy pleures cut fmui the forelRii
llhistntteil jhms and pasted there by
the boys tlii)liiHele-.
The Imi.vs wen si'iit ,to the school
moiii Imiiirillately after mi early
lireikfnst nml not alloweil lo bssve It
until umiii. The afternoon way theirs
for play, but the morning hours had
to be dewiled to study.
They Mere trttitcht hut little umthe
iimtles Hint, lu fact, their whole tsluiM
thin coiiHlstcd prHctlcHlly of imxlcrii
iHiucUHKe. drmvliik', music mid Itus
shin lilstory. (If tlm history of 'other
countries they were tHiih'ht more us
they Krew older, lint the most they pit
of Kneml history whs n mere stunt
teritiK lifter nil. The result Is Unit
Hhlde from his kuowUslKe of modern
en ted as the ordinary school boy of
The (irHin! Duko (iinirgo whs inHr
er tho age of Nicholas than bis broth
er Michael ami was his couimutoii In
all sports and studies, (Jimrge was a
stout, robust youth, and "Nicky" al
ways looked up to him and rojearded
everything he did as Just almut right.
Ills death nearly broke tho heart of
his brother.
The other brother, tho Oraud Duko
Michael, being the youngest child, was
always the favorite of Ids mother. At
in Michael waa iiiado colonel of a reg
iment of Russian Infantry aud'proudly
put on his uniform and reviewed his
Nicholas and George, also had titles
of honor as commanders hi tho army
and navy of ltussla, and wctv provided
with gorgeous uniforms, Nicholas liked
to wear his uniform, hut hated to go
to reviews and other functions whero
there were soldiers. If possible, ho
would steal away wimowhero and
would bo found quietly sketching at a
time when the heir of tho empire wiih
wanted to sit on horseback before tho
army, Tho young general or i;i onen
bad to bo punished before ho would
go to a review and ho hnd many a
good crying spell when ho was told to
put on his yiiitform and go out mid
play soldier before the nation.
"Woman la man's espial," anys n
feminine nmgiirlno writer. Well, that
depends on who the woman Is and
who the man Is, Sho may bo hla superior.
Don't Poison Baby.
pORTT TEARS AGO almost ovory mother thought hor child must havo
PAREGORIC or laudanum to mako it slcop. Theao drugs will produco
sloop, and A FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produco tho SLEEP FROM WHIOH
THERE IS NO WAKING. Many aro tho children who havo heen killed or
whoso health has been
of which is a narcotio product of opium. Druggists
uiuiui ui buu utuuuuuB uumeu tu uimuren at ail, or to anyDOuy witnoui lauoinng
thorn " poison." Tho definition of " narcotic " is : "A medicine which relieves vain
and produces sleep, but which in poisonous doses produces stupor, coma, convul
sions and death. " Tho tasto and Bmoll of medicines containing opium aro disguiccd.
and sold under tho names of "Drops," "Cordials," "Soothing Syrups," etc. You
should not pormit any modicino to bo given to your children without you or
your physician know of what it is composed. CASTORIA DOES NOT CON
TAIN NARCOTICS, if it bears tho signaturo of Ohas. H. Flotchcr.
fnw m i fwwj
AVfCc table Preparation for As-
slmtlnllng tlic Food andllec tila
ting the Slomflfio and Boweb of
Promotes DicsUon.Cfieerful
ncss and Rcst.Contolns neithrr
Opium.Moqihinc norHincfaL
Not N ah co tic.
ftmflwt Sm2'
Smm S4
Apcrfett rtcrrxdy forConsllpa
lion. Sour Stomach. niotrhoca,
TarSimil Sitmturt cf
NKW vonic.
cxAcrcopyor wrapper.
MnrrlKf In Mpaln.
In Spnln a brlilo lias no Klrl attend
ant to atuiul at tlie nltnr with her,
but Inateni! n "inmlrlnn," or Rtxlmotti
rr. Neither doca alio have a wedding
cakf or nny festive departure after
tlie cerrinotiy. Tud wwldrd pair ro
quietly to their new home, where they
rcnmlti until the following day, when
they atart on their honeymoon. He
fore leaving they pay a formal visit
to their respective relative.
beware of Ointment lor Catarrh that
Contain Mercury
aj mercury will uroir doitroy the a-tnie of
ply tl
metl and ex mpleiely derange the wbulo
tu wMn euunnc it tnroucn tho muooua
ur(i. hucli artit lea' ould never bo ued
i'ptun piMt.'rt.iiuii Iro.H refutable pby
4lan.,aihittniC" they wllliiul Un f. M
tu I ok'hmI )ouon joluiyiU'rlVflro them.
1111 tatairh lure. uianUfiA-iurett Ir r. i.
I tutu A 1 a,Til.lo, ll ,iilintiuHiertury,
ml Ukvn tuiern l,dlng directly U.m
the Wool autlmueuur(treul I tie iium.'
lu bu) 1 lie lull 1 irrli 1 ur I iuio )u get
lha go 11 ut lie. It Ii I ten lmeriially, and w4o
In 1 ledo. Ohio, by V. I. (.honey A Ct. letti
iuuhIiI. Irre.
huhl by Uruggtili, price 7V. per bottle.
Hall' I'arahy Itlla ai the U,l.
Kentuoky'a (Jlrl lllnokamllh.
Mlaa Clam Mnlllii, of I'llot Oak.
Ky., boars tho distinction of belli;: the
only female blacksmith on record, Btiya
a St. I.ouIh (llobe-Democriit special.
MIm Medlln Is a comely .vounp wom
an with n wealth of dark-brown hair
and n pair of bewitching brown eyes.
Kbe can ahoe n horse or weld n tire as
qnlekly us any smith, and ua for nent
iiitia, no other smith will dure compete
with her.
.She Is also an expert carriage paint
er. This Is really her specialty, she I
having painted oer seventy bugclca
the last season.
Notwithstanding all of this, Miss
Medlln baa not neglected to educate
herself lu housekeeping and cooking.
The Present Rate Law.
Tho duties ot tho present Interstate
Commerce commission nro to correct
all discriminations in railroad rates.
I( it flnda that an unjust rate in in
effect, the railroad ia notified. It it
declines to change it, the commission
can tiring suit in court and it the court
decides in favor of tlie commissioners'
findings, tlio railroad must obey, or its
ofllcera may be brought up for contempt
ot court and summarily dealt with.
Ho Hail linen Thnro.
(singleton Are you superstitious?
Wedderly About some things, yes.
Klugleton Kor example?
Weddorly Well, when I see a woman
wearing a new bonnet it's a euro sign
that her husband has been divorced from
a goodly portion -of hi hard-earned
Color mor ood brighter and faster colors
iiiarantead to aiv perfect rult. Aik dealer,
(leach aad mU cetera. MONROC DRUG CO
ruined for lifo by paregoric, laudanum and morphine, each
Letters irom Prominent Fnysicians
addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.
Dr J. XV Dlnllf. ef Cblfaco, lit.,
u in an iimiuti wit? idm ar CDiioren.
Or Itxandtr K. Xlntl. ef Ct'TtUn'd. Clfto, fit i "I har frrqaratlr pr
fcrlbtd your CtrU and havt found It a rUabl tad p.Mttnt rimdy for calldrta.
Dr. J 8, AUitoSrr, et Omaha, Ntb tajai "A mtdltln io Taloabl and brat
Srlal for cbildro aa our Caitorla It, .rrt lb blght pralt. 1 And It lo
T.rwtuj.' ,
Dr. J. A. McCl.llin, ef Haffilo, K. T., 1171: "I bar frtqatotlr prcintbtd jour
Caitorla fr tblldrta and alwaji cot covd rt.ult. In fact 1 u Catterla for ar
own children."
Dr. J. W. lllfn. ef (It. Loati, Mo. 1.7: "I heartily fodon your Ctitorta. X
bit fr.qu.ntly pr.icrlb.d It In or mullcal practice, and bate alwara found It U
do all that la claimed for If
9r. C II. nilddn, of fit. Tanl, JItnn., ttj ; "ilj experience at a practitioner
with our Caitorla baa been blfblj aitlafactor, and I comlder It an eicellint reocd
fer the 701101;."
Dr II D. Htnner. of Philadelphia, Ta., 1171 : "I hare used 70a r CutorU aa a
parfatlre Id the rate of children for jtar put with the n.ut bapp effect, and
full (Ddorte It aa a ul. remedy."
Dr. J. A. Itnirmin. of Kaniaa Cttj, Mo., M71: "Yonr Caitorla I a apLndtd
rimed for children, known tbe world ot.r. I ne It In u practice and hue o
hultanc In recommmdloc It for tbe complaint of Infant and children."
Dr. J J. Kaeker, ef Ilrookln. K. T
c.iifoi preparation ror
for children, belnr
to u. uiie.
A good remedy for all dlaturbance of the dlfeatlr organ.'
Dr. Howard Jame. of New Tork nt,
of New Tork City,
dritr to ttitlfy to the medicinal virtue of your C'aiiorl I bate uied It with
marked bentflt In the cat of my own daughter iod hare obtained exeei;ot reiulta
from It adtalfclatraUen to othir children In my practice."
yp Hoars tho Signaturo of
Boars tho
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
One of Jlany.
Mifkln Has S.luner any capital?
Ultklna No. Nevertliele he give
employment to a number of men.
Mlfkin What do they do?
Illfkini Tiy to collect mouy due hi
Mother will and Ur. VflciloWi eoothlng
fiyrup the be.t remedy to dm for thetr children
during th teething period.
111 IUil Ilrcak.
She I had an uucle who was
by lctricity.
He How awfully slioeklns! Trolley
ear or electric chair?
PITQ rernutnemly Cured. NaSuer Bfrrni
fllO Reram4a)'iwunr.KUHr,iUmI.Nerv
Keocer. KeiHl fur I'rrr b'4 IrUklUxtVetMllewtUM.
Dr. Ik It. Kline. lJd.,l Arcw s-t. PUOaMyU, Vu.
GcttiiiK Itamly to Himic.
Mrs. .WIeIiIm.- uat'a that
racket HiMtalr? It auunds like
a wild
Indian bad broken lowne.
Mr. IIU-aolHT Oh. that'a my Inn
band. He' rtuaraius his bateball vo
cnbulary. For brtineblal tmuirs try Tlio' Cure
lor uotmiimiiMiii. it la a gom! cough
IruccUu. price 36 ccnis.
John Watrrworth, the oldest engine r
In the world, haa just died at Preston,
Kngland, at the age of 85 years. He
began. driving in IbMU, and-drove an en-1
glue 'J.OOO.OOO mile lo hi thirty-seven
years of service without a slugla accident.
6 Stln Diseases speak for the blood and tell ot the acfd-laden, poison
ous condition of that vital fluid, and of its effort to throw off and rid tho
system of the poisons and waste matters that have accumulated In it. Ec
zema. Tetter, Acne, Salt Rheum, Psoriasis, Boils and diseases of this typo
are all caused by a weakened and polluted blood circulation, and though they
inuy have lain dormant in the system during the cold weather, at the cominir
of Spring and Summer, when
theblood is reacting and mak In 1S96 1 experienced at times patches on the in
ing extra efforts to expel all ide of my hands that itched and burned, causing
morbid and poisonous matter, nmch discomfort. I was convinced I was amidol
they make their appearance. ,u n ' of Eczema. I consulted severa. physi
Exterual remedies cannot clan.nd used several external applications, re-'ure-
thev soothe Tnnd rWvel cdvAnS lmt sI'Rht temporary relfef. I decided to
C'! , 1? V 1 ?. c tr" s- S. S. , amfsoon I found myself entirely cured,
temporary relief, but often station A., Kansas City, Mo W. P. Drusu.
clog the pores and glands, and
the poison causing the trouble is thus shut tip in tho system to break out
afresh later on, S. S. S.. a purely vegetable blood remedv. cures nil ulrin
diseases by going down into the circulation, driving out all poisons and wasto
,",""i" 7- r"'v "Hu s""i i wm 03 wosc mat
have their origin in the blood. Book on Skin Diseases und any advice wished.
without charge. WE SMnr SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CAm
than any other 4yt.
On in mrLaaiai AfAa
ervra will aend pot paid at 10c a pachuc
jaJaovlH. MUaeurtT iwaaie.
"I di your Cadorta and adrti Its
, : "I conilder oar Cutorta an ex-
rompoiwd of reliable medicine and ple&uat
iaya ? "It te with
fay ?
treat Dlearar that I
iut Klrat (1a ltnt I ant Koom Ac0 n
rnolaii in .N rOfllLAAD during the
tXPOSIIlON apply a. and .end
yur rorrratlon lee uf t-'.O'. to apply
on rent ol tour rom Kmima In all
iiari of the rtty par day.
RUtnvr voi'R rooms without dc-
lull liilormall. n I" iv'ari ,ut 1,
Tb Oalr OfUdd rUitu ef ti. Liwli k dark Fib
Coodnough Building, Portland, Oregon
otrc-i' lew yom cncaco
P. N. U
No. 21-1905
TiriinN wrltlnc toadvertUerapleMel
1 1 lu.nuuu ii
pa ir.
aro prohibited from Belling'
matters, sirengtuening me Dlootl, leaving the akin
soft and smooth, and building up the entire system
by its tonic effect. S. S. S. cures Nettle Rash, Pol
son Oak and all skin diseases that enter the system
UltYMtcrll I-, Tfra A1 . .-.11 At. A.....
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wool and cotton equally well and I
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