WHuMMiiiwlitSf l '! '"' "' -'"" MMniinmrniiaiTB;ini iriiiim'iwywtf-v !:. k,him .f..!,.!.!,..! . .. ,bi- MfTwwi.i-ff" TmrraiMf.. - -" '" " Mfir ,siiim,n'T.TrTrff yc; rraTy.fi.-.iyiTWr, ., 's&ir'AiiPb&3r v "" J7.t aulA" -''wrj.FlS;YrM121HnSXJ. The Townsite of On the DeschuS iRivW lift Wcsf efrn Paft of Crook County, Oregon l!?vV dcsi' ruaAtrtti.KEtai-wiaAXMmtt3i,"rtiS Center ot the new Irrigation tfevelopritent cov6r1ngf 250,000 ACRES OF RICH LAND 5JLI1SJ ; BW9MMil3MM S AV N oAXvr s MKteKi"WW' ir'i'riMM & IN 11 1?sFFFFFTk 3 lwx uLJjJdi 1 y 1 1 fe i yv vXxy Ac v7SuVv yajg vjh? J w o rz I v7 VVV XVSS? VLV n Y. JUNIPER 1 X 'AVvv-L AWCX J I x vr" KV'A k . vLJJ MUNI 1 - ' ( sNs7 11 " . ! a OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. VMTliD STATHS riJrnt . ...... TheoJorc Hotwrrtlt tec rmldcnt ...... torjrofWute.-- ... Jolm lly J.i."cUry of Ttriry . .. I,rUc M. sfwur Stcreuty of Interior. K- A. llltehfocl. S-TtUrS'orWiir- W. H.Tft .VCTcUry'of Nivy......... faut MBttini S-crttrjB-l'Commre........'.. Vktor II. MHalf '(tniatfrfteiicTl.. . lurorvGcBcTt..... . Wm. II Mealy ic TtUT orAtricuhutc..... ntt WHon fJTATK OTrnor ...... :r.- Gi. K. ChamJfUIn 3rcrctnrjr of Sute... ........... 1'. I. Diinlnr Trr&Mtlcr .. C. K. Moure Attorney eentrl..... A. M. Cmwfurtl 5u)t IruLftcIiiiUlutloti.. . J. II. AcLrniuii Hinttr . ; ...-J. K. VhUncy 'AlrjlttKl Pood d6m...... J. W. luilry t J. II. Mitchell v';S. 6cntton. C. V.'. Tuttoo illinrr lit J. N. WIIIU Illnrr lltrimii CjuKremen.. msou C.K. ( I'. IS. Vl'ulrcrton 6pr(me JuJkc K. S. Ilii , A. Moore Sr'.yilNTf'jf ;tUIICIAI. DIhTKICT Jii're -...S.'..1 -.. W. L.'nrrllMw AUcrnry . . .. r. .l'rank Mtiafcr I.ltGIr.I.AtlVK JiK Scnttlur. .;.....;.... J. A. f.4yeoL J AX HurKcu Kiiimllt litatiluii KepfewrnuMW..:. Cifook COUNTY Jutljr . .... l.t-rL MitrifT Tniiurcr AkUuor U'lool bupt HuVryor COrourr Motk Intiwctor.. , W. A. Ikll J.J Smllli ...... C. Niiii hinltli .C. (iro) . J. I. MMtctl ..C. 11. DiuwMillt , 0. A. GrVf. ,....J. II. Crook. Juelllnl.tr ( M. II. Towel! Cmnuiltrtoutr.... " h. f). httnruit 1IH.NTK)ICT, TliliJvo f'ece .......;. J. II. Laurence Clintl. e ...................ll. W. i;ll Ria nupcrvlior .. Cliu. J. Cottur HuMS;ii(nl)irKicr No. i;. r l l. wiet pinotor. Cttrk Tcmiiera . I !ar. . Kecohler Treasurer.. Marshal.... AlJcnueu .... .J. M. I,Aurrei (A. l,.i(KXl urrencc e .Henry Ilrcttrn (MM '" ' ( MU MM Kulli I, Held Crace Joneit Cuv or JIII.Ml. . A. I.. GooJuillie ...... J. M. Laurence m. -I'- o. Minor .i T K l,eter fC. H.ltrlcUkon I Uuncau McMillan .C. W. Merrill 1 IIukIi O'Kane . 0 M. KetlbelJ l J. I, Wc.t Wall Paper. Come Jn nd look at our stock. If we can't suit you now, will have n larger Hue of samples to select f rbiu iu a few days. Merrill Drue Co. NOTICE FOK 1MIHLT CATION. Iepartment of the Interior, t S. Ijind Orritv, THe IMtI. Oregon, April 10. 1905. Ntle ! hereby (ri-en tht the Mlaning. numnl Miller h fit.il Hi.lke of tier Ititentlun u m.r final nif In upHt of lier claim, ami that jW iwiwf will I m.le tvrfore J. M. l-aw reHCe l. h. Commiioner. at llend. (ireifon, sn June 15. 1005, vie: IManck J.. 1'arV.er. (formerly HUnch I,. Kerer.) of Brnd. nreM. II. I! So iut.i, for the It 4 ec Ji.lp 17. ric. anl iiwJiiiwK. iiee. tp is . r ue. m fltr mimci the Mloi4E witnM to uro- c her omtiniHMM retUlcnct hjujii ami (utliextiot, of mm umr, m: Mkhael J Mrrii. John W. Ilarneii. Thomaa W. Triplet! ami Dwlley Mayfiekl, aitofUewl, oreou. ail-mi6 MICIIAKI.T. NOI.AN. Kecitter. NOTICK FOIl PUBLICATION. Ikpartmcnt of the Interior. V. t. Ind Office, The Dalle. Oregon. April 10, lynj. Notice l tierely tlfii that the followrlne naitieil Killer Im hied notice of hl intention to wale final proof iu auppurt of hi claim, and that Mid proof wilt be iimd- before J J. M11III1, County Clerk, at I'rlne.i.lc, Oregon, on June 13, iy5. eli- William II. Todd, nfSl.tcM, Oreicon. It. I! Vo. Hni, fur the lAt I, mid hne,,MrKtiwtws, IIJ, r II e,w m. He nainea the fullawiiii: witne to prorc hi euutlnuoua ri.ldrnor upon and cultivation if hIi laud, vli. W. V. Co!.!., J II. TB)lor and N. J. LamNert, ot Mler. Oreou; and Alexander Tho;noii, of I'rinrrille, Ortijon. jii-io4 MICIIAKI.T. NOLAN. KegMtr. Strayed or Stolen. Two brown cows disappeared rom mv premises in Ueiid Friday, April h Kach had a rope around the horns. One was a new milch ow, the other sooni to be. I will pay well for the return of the inimuls, Arnt Ai'NK. River Ranch Wanted. We have inquiry for a river ranch, for which about ?ooo cash will be paid. tf CKOOK COINTY RKAI.TV Co, now ,s:,tot,m'1 Buy Town Lots IN Laidlaw, Or. and Make Money l'or partlcularn vrit r call nn J. W. Rutherford, Laldlay, Oregon NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. IeHrtment ol the Inlirior, I', h. Mini OiTict, The Ihille, Oregon. May, i. lytf. Notke U hetthr iiiren that Ihe follewiug named Ktller hat filed mitfc of hi InleMtMHi to .mL final prjf In Mipport of hl eloim. ami that mM prwofVilt I hmmIc Ufore J M. Law rence. I' S CummUMwer. at htaoAn In Hed, Oregon, oh July 14. 1' viz. Henry W iMmket, il Lhto. OrtnoH. II. K 1117, for the ef;wi; jud f t l and 4 ee jo. Ip iv . r 11 r. w m. Ilr name the filUMrfnit wi(ne t nrmr hi eemligWMW rrtidemc apin and cultimtMHi of aiu MM, en John AtV.iHn. of IVhule, Oregon 1'irtett O OulHitiy.nl Ira. Orcvon. ami John II Kan, unci William II llrock. of lleml. (ret;in. m&jy MICIIAKI.T. NOLAN. Kegi.lrr. I)eert Ii 11 J, I'lnal Proof. NOTICK H0U PUBLICATION. I)epilment of Ihe Ililcrlor, I. K Iutl Office, The Dalle. Orecmi, May 17, IJJ. Notice U hereby siren that Julia !. McCallUtrr f hUteri. Crook county, Oregon, hi filed notice of intention lomnke pioof oh her ilrertdaud ctaliu No Mr, for Ihe cKU and Lotl.wcitii 6a, r foe. w m. before the county ileik, at II e court houein I'rineville, Oregon, 011 the uth day f July. i$. She name the f.dlowlng mltnee to prove 'he complete Irrigation ami reclamation of aald U.IIO. John 0. Ilennefirld, Vr'auce C. Uetuirfield, '.VilliainT Kdiearila ami (leorge II I'erkiua, all tf htltr, Orego;i. mrS-jjo M1CIIAKL T. NOLAN, KegUlrr. Drrrt Mud, I'lnal Proof. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Department of Ihe Interior, V S. Unit Office, The Dalle, Oregon, May 17, IVJ. Notice I hereby given that William T Iblwardi. alxneeol Amanda Odell. nfhUter. Crook county, Oregon, haa fileil notkeof Inten tion to make Drool oil hU deaert-taml claim No, lift fur the c)i lie), erf ee It tp i'", r 10 e; ami Lot 1, tnud 4,ev 1 Ip 1 a. r 11 e. w in Ik fore the couuty clerk at the court houc In I'rliie ville, Oregon, oil the I Jth day of July. I'jJ lie namea the- f.llowing wltnetv to prose the complete irrigation mid reclamation of raid laud. Levrl McCalliter. Jainea MrCalt, Jenn C.tt chelland Hugh Kdward. all of Slil;r, Oregon. mjJ-Jjo MICIIAXLT. NOLAN. Kegitter. NOTICK FOR JHJBLICATI0N. DeHirlmeut of The Interior, U. H, Laud Office, The Dalle, Oregon, April 13. l'v Notice I hereby given that the follow Ingiinu ed aelller liu filril notice of III intention lo make final proof Iu upprt of hi claim, and (hut Mid prou tll I made Ik fore J M. Law rence, l' rt. CoinmiMloiirr. al hlaolficc In Iieud, Ortgou, on June 15, j$, vii: Taeodore M. I'oat, ofriltter. Oregon. 011 II. I. No, 7M17, for the wMw)f ec .u, audee!ec 31, Ip IS . r II e w. 111 He name Ihe following wlliiec to prore kia coiitlnuou rvaldcncc upon uud cultivation of aid laud, vli: J. D, (lilmoii, Mr. A. nibon, l!d Wlilte and Jamea Llutuu, all of Hlilcr, Oregon, aS-9 MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, Rcglitcr, Free land in Oregon; Under Ihe "Carey Irrigation Act." need 1 direct from alale, WKII'K OK CALL TODAY. Hookleta and map Tree. . ri. Cook & Co., ail Atdtr atrcct 1'ortUixl, or. "t FIR X7X ' i GREENWOOD i, A 4 S t 1 r i i (' i i i t4 13 t S ' ' ' ' ' ' ' j ' HA WT HORN I hn4trrr rm r Tlwln-r Lamt, A(t jHnr y 171. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. I'.H. Land' Offier. The Dalle. Oregon, September iu, ! Notice U hrrehy given that In coofplUnee with le tiftv4tH oflhe Act of Consre of luitei. i. enlittetl. "Ah art mm- Hie MleofllmtK-rUiHl Ih the Mateo of California, Oregon. Nevada, and WahlwgtoM Territory." a ettemfed Iu alt the puMk Umt tale by Act of Augul 4, itVi, Altec L. lie. lug. of liewl. county of Crunk, a'alr of Oregon ha lhtday filtd In thlo(j her w(h atatentenl Nu . for the jwrehax of the e)(. t i5. Ip 1, r lie.w m Ami will offer proof to hnw that Ihe land aoughl I more valuable for it timber or atone llwn foe agricultural purjaiw. ami lo talitih her cUlm to aahl land before j M Lawrence. V s Conimlxlnuer, al hi office 111 Hend, Oregon, on (lie IJlli. day of June, ! hhe uaiiieaa wituee t'rank (.lax, Millard T Triplett. and IMulel lleialug, all of lleml. Oregon, ami oney W. Trlptclt. of I'rliievllte, Oregon. Any and all lrwin claimliir adrernly the aliovtdtrtilMil land are rroutrtcd to Ale tlirll rhiluiaiu thUofhcr on or before the ald IJlli day of June, lM. HI4-W MlCllAHL T. NOLAN, Kegl.ter. TimlKr Land, Act June J, I. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. U. H. Land Office, The Dallea, Oiegou. March I, iyj. Not Ice I hereby given that in compliance with Ihr pmvlion of (lie Act of Cniigrc ut Junet, i7, enllllcd "An rt fur Ihe auleof limber lamia In the atatea of California, Oregon. Nevada, ami Washington Territory," aa ealemled to all the public laud atate by Act of Auguat 4, !) Alfred I), Johuanii, if North Yakima, county of Yakima, alateof Waahlngtuu, ha thl day filed Iu till office hi .worn tatemeiil No, 1477, for the pivrchaae of lhee!cjt, Ip 11. r tic, w. ui. And will offer proof lo allow lhal the land nought I more valuable for il limber or alonr than for agricultural purpurea, ami to eatabllah ill cUlm toauldlaml liefore J M Mwreure, t'. H, Commladoucr, at hi office III llrnd, Oie tfou, ou the I4lliilay of June, lyoj. He name a wilueut. John Hleidl, Henry Twrel, Theotlore Tweet, and II. W. Herd all .ifllcnd, lutgoii. Any and all ieron claiming adveridy Ihe uliuve-lerilied land are rrucated (u file their claiwalulhl oitice an or before the aald 14th lay of June, lij. I49 MICHAlif, T. NOLAN, KcgMcr. CON SO LI DATltD NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S, Lund Office, I.akcvlew, Oregon, April IJ, I'iJ. Notice la hereliy given that the following named aettler have filed their notice of Intention iu make final proof In aupporl of their claim, .111 that 4ld proof will lie made liefurr J. M fwreucc, I'. H. CuinmUalniier, at hi olfice at tlend, Oregon, on June J, I'ij, t, Antoue Auue, II. U No. ji"t, for Ihe ctfue!, !eJ,vJ( cji',ecji, tpita., rye, w 111. Theodore Auue, 11. l. No. 3191, for Ihe liw U, aec J, tp a, T 9 1, will, -i..w .., il. r.itnu.liiv wliiieae to nrrnre their coutinuou realtknce upon and cultivation of midland, li; Aulouc Auue and Theodore Auue, ofKoabiad Oregon, Joerh N. Hunter, Arnt Aune and John llaracll, all 01 iieua, ureguu, iiiuj6 J. N, WATBON, Reglatef . Uemember that this office does liiglgcade job printing. I? ,. A V E . J K J 4 J 6 144444 , 11 'eft 7 A V E . :i ir ii t7 F TiTe , AVE. ' t, J 4 S 4 Z S 7 h AV E. t - Tlmtier Laml. Art June J ir'. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION V rt I.andom-, The Dll. Oifg-jn, Novrwlirr 13 fcfJOm 1b Ii4.v wlu llul lo r.iio hlli, i.r.- Milt, ' (he urvfH ui Ihe Act of Cnngr of je t. 1711 cHiluea, "Anaei tor me aieo nuinrv law.a In Ihe atate of California. Oregon, Nemd. and f U'ohlnglon lerrllwy," a catemfrd to alt Ihe puMK Mmi atate hy Act 01 Angox 4, ior. LeHtnelO Huone of TilMiato. comiiIv of I rook. tatr l f feinHi.lM J lhiita hledln IhUoHkr hi ,H tatHWH( No 4U. for Ihe iHtrchaae oflhe hwS of c Jl. I in tp i. r, 11 . w hi And will offer tiro.if to a bow tkat the (and aoughl I inoie valuable for II llmWr or atone ikan for agricultural iuip... and in otabllah hla claim luaaid Uml before I M UmiMr, V h Cominiolonrr, at hi nfllfe H Uend, Ore gon, on Ihe Mil day o June, lyaj Henameaa wllne, Cliarte L. Wtmrr. John II. V liner. I'rrtl I' Kmilh and Addiwn lagle, all of Tomato, Oiegon. Any and all nwtii claiiiilHg ailrrr-,y the tie-lr'f Hurt lamia are reiur(ti In fit their claim in thl ofltce oil or liefoir Ihca-.J sjth day of June, lvi a)Jx, MICHAKt. T NOLAN, Keglater TlmUr Mud, Act June l ljn. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. V, S. Uhd Office, The Dalle, Oiegon, I'chrnar) r. tfti Notice la hereby given that in colli lillHt wllh I Ihe piovl.iomof the Act of Congie of June 1, ikyw. entitled, "An at for Ihe aale of limber laual II, meaiateaoi vaiiioruiH. irregon. nc,Bii. aim Waahlngtou Territory," aa eilended to all Ihe public laud alate b) art of Augiut 4, ItyT, John II. Miller, of llend. county of Crook, mate of Orrgon. ha t hla day filed III (Ilia office hla aworn laremeiit NO 147. for Ihe purchae of the c(tw! an. 4, e )"!,' ami awi(nc),', arc v. t r le, w ui. And will offer proof to ahow thai Ihe land ought I more valuable for It tlmtier or touc lhau for agricultural purpoe, and to eataliliah hla claim toMldlaml before J. M Lawrcnte, tf. rt Cimiiuiaaloiier, at hi office In lleml Orr gou, on Ihe 14II1 day of June, lyi.v Hriiameaa wltne. Joeph N llnnlrr, I'rauk Ola, Chauuccy I lleer, and Joliu hteidl. all of lleml, Oregon. Any and all iierxiu claiming advrrely the abotelcKribcd land lire rruucalcd Iu file Ihcir claim In thl olhic on or before the aald 1 4 tit day of June, Hwj, a7-4 MICHAKL T. MOLAN. Kcgialer Timber Laud, Act June J, Ihjl. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. If. H, Laud Office, The ll.ille. Oregon, Mmcli 4, lyuj, Notice I hereby given that Iu compliance with the proviaiuuaol the Act of Cougrru of June J, iSjS, enllllcd, "All art for the Mile of tluibrrlaml Iu the alolr of California, Oiegou, Nevada, and Waahlngtou Terrllnry," a ca(cmltd lo all the public laud atate by Act of Auguat 4, ity', It. Hatelte Kill, of llrnd, county of Crook, atate of Oregon, ha thiaday filed in Ihi office her nworii tatemeiil No 2;n, for the purchaac of the e! rcj(lt I a, r lie, w m. And will offer proof lo ahow thai Ihe land aoaght I more valuable for It limber or atone than for agricultural purpoaca, and to calabliah her claim lo aald laud before J M. Lawrence If H Cummlaaloiirr, at hi oflicr In Hend, Ore gon, on the 14th day of June, lyo), Hhr name a wltue.aeai John Hteldlj I'rwio, Ctaaa, Joarph H. Taggart and llallle C. Kllli, alt of lie ml, Oregon. Any and all peraona claiming ailveraely the abovc-dcK-rlbcd laud are reipir altil lo file their clalitii iu tbi office on or before aald 14th day of June, lyoj. . MICHAKt, T. NOLAN, KeUtcr. , ! Iwr ! I... -r-rrrT' At Gateway to th6 Great Deschutes PINE-Timber Town has Grown entirely in (hi mt year, the w, oflice l.itliiK only from April H, i .( Doubled in Value III six months i wlut lkii'1 Ufiil Instate lttt done I -OR INFORMATION INQUIRI; OF The Pilot Butte Development Co. Proprietor Townsite NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. V H tod(MW, TV Dallea, oiegon. April .! Til Whom Ir Mvv CnwCian. Mm Mar la hereby elverti Ituil (he Utolr of Oregon haa rthrd Iu thl ortaw liar rulhawliag l4 of Ian I In win Uarill' I.AXIMtvl'OK I'ATKNT hat 1. M. A4e wH of KCV 1 l II ya- wW ak " " " HWff " HJPVI. HWfJ " t If II 171 M h k n n "" wh hk i ti t.i K " aa Va ,,. ' " MR l H II . wH " tff " " " t.Mi rl M liwlf 4,i H " -K - - n fu. neb' " U I II 4V ItWf " IH)JX IJ H) II 4 wlj, iiwfe c W naja, w) " w ,w ! ' ie( l IJ II hai e " " icn e'J " IIW(,' a. a. aa 4, , "), M - - ur'f l 1 1 Ifcaoo aa aT al a,4a Cj M IIWX a. J,,, wU " ( IJ It II Hoa eft " liwji " 4 wM liwf aa aa a , wlf " ' - '.M liw'i " lie! A I , II 4Mu aej,' " " " " Oo.,ai w't " own Jja, ' " 7 1 II JKi. nw; al aa aa fc, ,a. eH awl 4lv " )f 4a w wK 40 1. uwi; M t . J tui.eo a,,, iMjrf U 401a, Hmjoo hiiai 4aii 16.110 vi rii,ii h.10.1 40 vu awl, lief; eH sa v w eK wi; (.' !, nw) 'a . uwjr l"!a' awJC II I W (l?l mlhaaaptillel fur a pnlrut for antil lamUiiudrr Hie art al Auguat II, Hwl. (ix hint .171 411,) June 11. lV (IV Wat. 4M.JlI Maicll J, 1H, (Jl Mai Ilij'U,) relating lo Ihe viaiilliiuuf not In i toil a million acre ofaifdlHiiil In i-arli of rer lain alalr. ami lhal the '-anld II. I, oltli It iicunipuii)liiK irnofa, loieii lor Ihr inaprrlluu of all paixiii lutervaUd, and the public gem rally Within the ncx. alMyiln) following the dntr of lliia nollie, proti'M or coulrata agalnat the claim of tin Male to any trait itrMrihcd lu the llt, oil Ihe ground nffailiiie In ciiiuplv with t lie jaw, 011 I In ground of the noiideaerl character of (hi tuml. on the ground of n prior udvire light or on the ground that the Mime I more valuable for inlurrul than agricultural purpoitra, will lie recelvid and noted fur repoit in the Cruiral LaudOlficeat Waahlngtou, II C. BlMjo MICIIAKI. T. NOLAN, Keglater, ANNI! M. LANO, Iticclvcr. Team for Sale. Will welKh HOf) each. Youiik. sound and true. Ilnqulro of STEIDL 8c REED. v tf i tf Jo tf i IJ it Wl