The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 26, 1905, Image 7

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    My Hair is
Do you like it? Then why
bo contented with It? Have
to bo ? Oh, no I Just put on
I Aycr's Hnlr Vigor nnd have
long, thick hair; soft, even
hair; beautiful hair, without a
single gray line In It. Have a
little pride. Keep young Just
as long as you can.
"Im fUlrtfn 7tri old, init nnlll rs
Mnllf inf tmlr w.a ar rrar. Ilul In a law
k Arar'a Hair Vlrur r.Ui..l ilia natural
Mlir la mr lialr au now thaia la luil array
hair tu ba aaaa." J Yt. UASaus, Uvuldar
L'IMk, Oal.
M4 by J, U.Afy Oo., Iwt U&m.
aiv na'iHiHinrirs Qt
Nil J.
llarrnn of lilfr).
If Uio two slinplo tiiils of Rrnvltn
Hon nml tmnpcnUiiro Im tippllcd to tint
ImMtnlillltT of tint plmiK Mam, for
inuiplc, It will Im scimi dint It In fu
tile to (llaciiH tlio kind of llfo Hint
mar o't upon Mnrs, for tlio rrason
that tUo physical conditions necessary
for ttio existence of llfn nro not jircs
cnt lu that very Intcri-stlUK planetary
ueli;liWr that revolves nround our mill
betwm-si tlio orbit of Jupiter nnd tlio
srtli. It lint been cnlciilntud tbut tlio
tfinjKTuturo of Mara Is too low to
upMKt uiolnlrollc cbniiKi'. In oilier
words, Mnri l too cold for Ufa to ex
lit upon It.
tint ttvon worn till objection sur
mounted, tlin aimill tntiss of Mora
would Mill alnud In tlio wny. It hna
beou csilcillittvd Unit tint tnuna of Mar
la not Krrat piioiiIi to exert nu at
trnctire power ciipnbtn of holding tlio
rapor of witter to tlio aurfaco of tlio
phtiiet. Tlio vapor of walur would lly
on? Into apneo from Mara, a freo by.
drops (Ilea oft Into spaco from thu
srtli. If tlila bo true, there la no life
on Mora.
The other plnnnta of tlio solar sys
Inn rue not seriously to be consld-
errU la tlila respect. If Jupltrr la not
ypt cool; If Veniu look with but ono
fac to tlio ami; If Malum la a iiioltrn
mass; If Mercury 'a tcuipernturc la
above tlio bolllni; point, wliy linnjcliir,
thru. Hint llfo of any kind can cxlat
ou thcx planets) National Macazlnc.
Anil Tlinl'a No l.ln.
"Hrrr tiotlra Itt" ((urrle.1 the man who
aalca quratlotn on tint llialslliiunt plan.
"IU I rr nolle what)" aakrd tL
party of th drlian part.
"1'kat tint ball pUjrr who lilta tha
tnvt "ball" at lilalit alwajra hlta the
fawrat ill tha tint ilay'a (am" cvntln
(ltd Urn of hr priil'ijjtir. year .IIMtXI Hwrtlra left tlirlr na
lira lam), ninat of tlirm o maka new
bnmra In tin t'nlted Htntr.
Gold Affected Head and Throat
Attack Was Severe.
Chan. W. ltowinnii, 1st I.leut. nnd
Adjt. 4th M.H. M.Cnv. Vols., writes
from IjuiIiiiiii, Md., u follows:
"Though homowhnt uvurso to patent
ineilloiuett, Mid still morn averse to be
coming n profession!!! nllldavit miin, it
seeinn only u plulu duty In tlio present
Instiinco to add my exporleure to tho
columns already written com-ernltig tlio
curative powers of l'eritim.
"I have been particularly benefitted by
Ks use lor colds in the Iichu and throat. I
have been uule to fully cure myself of
most severe attack In forty-dght hours by
ks use according to directions. I use It ns
preventive whenever llireutencd with un
"Members of my family also uso it
for liku ailments. Wo aro recommend
ing It to our friends." C W. Ilowmnii.
f'e-ru-nu Contains No Narcotics.
One reason why Periina has found
permanent uso In so many homes is
that it contains no narcotic of any kind,
It can bo used any length of tlmo with
out acquiring a drug habit.
Address Dr, Ilartman, President of
Tho Ilartman Sanitarium. Columbus,
Ohio, for free modlcal advice. All cor
respondence hold utrictly confidential.
(VI in lima. Bold bv druwUta.
aa'aafaaS " -aBBBBBBBa'BBW
"Tliolr ciiKnuoinutit wna qullo n nur
prlae, wiiaii't it?" ''Vcb him."
'I'a-tll'll M'llllllaa
, , . ', . . .
A ml how la Jnck lookltiK allien ho
mnrrle. for lovo?" "A jjood ileal llko
ii cm nun in owiieil by n vcj-euirlnii."
"I nolli'it you never wcttr n wntcli
Willi your evening clothe." "No; I
never hnvo both out nt the jmiiiu
IIiiio." (,'ornull Widow.
Jiihiiny'N Krloiid henr Johnny I
leuriiliiK to piny the l-'rench Jioru.
Johuuy'a llooiiimiite Ye, I've hnd
wind of It. Ilurvnrd Ijiinpoon.
I "You huvcii't mueli of n beml," anhl
the lieeillc to the pin. "No,' ieplle.1
the hitter, "hut nt the aiime time wu
pin luive our lino polnla." Clnvoliind
I'IhIii Denier.
Nell- Of coiithi! ahe' not pretty, but
It' rcmnrl.iibh how her fitc IIkIiI up
when nIhi liilk. Ilelle t)h. Unit' not
ho ri'iunrkniile. KIic'h kiiI ii hiuteru
Jiiw. I'hlhidelphln I.ihIkit.
I'lrat Hoeluly Womiiii Tlmf my
bnby Hint we Jiih) pnaaed. Notond Ho
clely U'oiiinn How could joii tell?
l-lral Hoelely H'oinnii I rpcoRiilru'l
Ilia ntirae, llrooklyu I'nKle.
Teacher How many rotniiiatiJ
menta arc thcra Tommy Not any.
Trnchrr Why, Tommyl TImt urn
ten. Tommy Aw, item wna all brokt
lone nKo.Cle vein ml lender.
"KniiMitlilrlcli la certainly the pollt
eat man I know. "Wlmt mnkea you ao
poaltlvcr "llo'a preteudliiK he'a curd
of hla dyapepabi ao na not to hurt Jill
doctor ferllnjca." Town Topic.
"Well, Doctor llrown nndHuilth nre
Bolng to operate cpon old tiotrox." "Ii
the operation neceaanry?" "Why, yea;
llrtiwn hna n nolo comlui; due, nnd
Hmltti wniita nu nutomobllc." I'uek.
"Mnrold!" Iieicnn hla wife lu n furl
nun temper, "my mind la made up"
Mercy!" Interrupted her hiubaiid; "U
Hint ao? I hnd hoped Hint your mind,
nt leaat, wna your own!" Detroit Pico
Krlend You munt enjoy your new
IminIHou. Ko uiurti honor, dlxnlty and
prcatlKc! Uulveralty rrpaldent Yea;
'but I won't ui't ao much money na thi
bend coach of Hie football ten in.
Komervllle Jouriinl.
"I'nn you aupjwrt my dniichtiT In
the atyle to which ahe hna been it ecu n
toineiir' "rcrhnp not. lint I enn
aupjtort her In Hut atyle to which her
mother wn nccuatotncil durlni; ber
early inn rr led lite." Life,
Jaapnr I think I hnve renaon tc
bcllern Hint Inat poem of mine la n
clnaalc. Jlimpupic Why ao? Jnaper
I llnd Hint nil my frlendi hnve either
acrn It or hennl of It, but uouo of
them hna rend It. Kxchnlijjc.
Tlio Trencher I wn aurprlned tt
see your husband get up nnd wnlk out
of church while I was preaching. Tim
Wife Oh, don't think anything of
that! You know he's troubled with
somnambulism! Ynukers Statesman,
"I see, Joslnh, that Mimclmdy has
found out Hint college life decrease!
the desire of girls to marry." "I'll bet
Hie trouble Is, Nancy, that It decrenrei
the desire of the young fellow to
marry 'em." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"Are you going to entertain this
winter?" "Well." answered Mr. t'uin-
rox, "mother and the girls will have a
iot of people nt the liouss. ms usual.
Hut I never can tell whether they arc
being entertained or bans)." Itx
Modem Mother Why, child nllvo,
what are you taking o(T Hmt dolly's
Mollies for? Modern Child I'm going
to 'xainlue her to see If she's been
hncclunted. I can't have er spreiulln'
'laglou among my other dollies Hal.
tlniore American.
Judge You nro charged with heat
ing your wife every morning before
breakfast. What have you to say for
yourself? Prisoner Woll, yon see,
Judge, (hat's my best time, as I have
lo rim for n ear as soon ns breakfast
Is over." ICxelmnge.
"I half believe that there's n skele
ton lu the KlMiiioro'a closet." "I
tdiuuldu't wonder. One day whou
Klhsmore took me home with him un
expectedly to dinner, I thought I henrd
It throwing things at him out lu tho
kitchen." Kxchnnge.
Siulre'M Daughter (to gardener's
wife, who surfers from chronic rheu
matism) Hnvo you ever tried Swed
ish massage, Mrs. llrown? Mrs. llrown
I hnvo heard any It be very good
for the rheumatics, miss; but we don't
grow it In thei3 pnrts. Punch.
Customer How Is It Hint the price
of n peck of potntoes remains twenty
cents so fnr In the season? I'd think
Hie prlco would become larger ns tho
senson ndvnnced.
Hindu in, only It's
Orocer It would,
so much easier to
chnngo the slzo of the pecks. Haiti
inoro American,
Kxnnilnliig Phyalclnn (for lusurniico
compijny) Pin itfrald wo enn't tnko
you, sir. Vott mo too grent n rlsU.
Applicant (resignedly) Well, perhaps
1 mil. Tho fact Is, Hint when I get
Blck I nover send for n doctor. I Just
Iny around until I got well. Uxiuulu
lug Phyalclnn Kb? Uin wo'll tnko
you, Now York NVcekly.
Mrs, lluwklns And 'ave you iniulo
nil tho nrrnngeiiiJiitH for your umr
rlngo, ihy denr'f Mra. Jorklns Well,
not qultu till, Pvo g'tU to buy mo
trooso, and tnko u 'ousu, mid get mo
'usbnnd a job, nnd buy 'im u good
suit o' clothes, mid got mimo reg'lur
wnshlu' work to do. An' thou I'm to
naitio tho happy dny. Plck-Mo-Uti.
Ilia Wife Aiilln Cimitf to Him AmM Theodore Ayrnult DodRC, wna educated
Mini ilnrdklilii.. ,u i,c.r,1( n,1(j ut fl dntlcr pnrty, npro-
Thorn In lu tlio llfo' hlntory of po of (Jeriiinn military disciple, ho
every mini of Krcnt nnd truo achieve once nald;
incut one pnnnnKO which outvie nil "Tho (Jermnn aoldlcr mnnt never np
tlio ret lu It bcinity nml pnalon. penr lu public except In uniform. I"ven
Kor Onrlhiildl Hint aiipremo rotiimieo when ho I on furlough ho munt not,
cninii In the lovo of hi youthful wife, under nny clrcunutnncti, wenr civil
Anlln, any n writer. Their coinpiiti- inn drcn.
lonalilp ciirtiired throtiKli the moat re-
imirknblo hnrdahlpa, for twenty yenra,
nnd there doe not nccm to have been
n cloud lichvccn tlicm from tint limn
lio first mot lii-'r In llrnzll (In I830),
until her dentil on thif slioro of llic
Adrlnllc, nfler the alcKtt of Homo,
(Inrlhnldl wna .'I'.' before he thought of
I ninrrlnKi'.
1 Hit limt lirrn threo yonrs In Houtli
Aiiiorlfit IIkIiIIiik with the revolution
Isls of Ilni7.ll, mid limt semi Ills riirllesl
it ml liest friends mIii In In buttle. HI
lii'iirt oinjiiy, Isoluti! ninl fcclliiK the
ni'iil of coiiiiiiiiIoiisIiIji, lie met the
tfll'Jitl Allllfl ill Ulll'n lint 1fl.t',u,,.iM
. '. " ."'J ""a " "!
tiitiiKinur or n kooii finally, nimr lllo
JnnHni, nml llicy wore iiihitIisI.
Anltn ncitiiiiiiNiileil Iiit wnrllko
'apouaii on Ida iihvhI (xnidltioiia iilona
tint llraxlllnii count. iiMlHtlnu In aev -
ernl aovcro ciikhkciiiciiIh, dlNtrlbulliiK
wonpoua durliiK tlio debt, nml even
IpolutliiK tho million, lu tin; Htruju'le
for Moiitcvlileuii liberty ahe wna, on
ono occiialon, tiikrn prlaoner by n bnud
of the ciieniy, nml carried to the In
terlor. ICacnpIng, aha nxle on home
bnck for four dnya, n cup of coffe
oi.xr.nALc ni'air.ri'i: OAnniALrn.
beliiK her only iiourlahmeut, nnd dur
liiK her earnpv awaui a deep river,
holdliiK the toll of ber borne.
After they returned to Italy, lu 1KI8,
ahe lived for a time with hla mother
at Nice, but when the revolt at Home
broke out the next year, ahe Instated
on Joining htm during the conflict.
When, finally, the aoldltrs of Napo
leon III. drove Garibaldi from the Ha
crcd City, he retrented with 4.000 sol
dier Into Tuncauy, taking Anita with
him. Kho was In poor hrnlth, but
would not leavu her husbnnd In dan
ger. They retreated to tho little re
public of 8au Marino, among the
Apennines, nnd there the Austrian,
with overpowering numbers, broke
(Inrlbnldl's little army to pieces. Con-
!,nu"' '; "!. "rlbaldl. with a
few companions aud ut times carry
lng Anita In his arms, hastened
through the mountains to the Adriatic
coast. Here they found n few boats
aud embarked, although the uvutlier
was stormy. Anltn grew rapidly
worse, and they landed again near the
mouth of the l'o.
Ilexc for a day, with tlio pursuing
AtiKtrlans nil nbout, they lay timid the
tall sheafs of a corn field, aud Curl
baldl watched Hie life of his compan
ion ebb slowly out. Late nt ulglft they
boru her lu n rude iiirt through the
hills to n little cottage, nml the next
morning she expired, her heod rusting
on (tiirllmldl'ri shoulders, lu after
years Oarllmldl enrtwl n beautiful
memorial to Anltn nt the spot where
she died mid whh buriiHl. Aud there
after he gave tils love to none but to
HtraiiKO UiiilerKriiuuil Nolae.
A singular phenomenon ix-ciint ou
the borders of the lied Sen nt n place
railed Nation, stiys tho Philadelphia
Itcconl, where Intermittent under
ground sounds hnve luiuii heard for un
unknown number of centuries. It Is
Hunted nt about a half tullo distant
from tlio horo, .whence n long reach
f siiud iiKcemN rapidly to n height
of .too feet. This reoeh U about S00
fivt wide, mid resemble mi iimphl
theater, being walhsl by low rocks
Tho sounds coming up from the
ground nt this place roour nt Intervals
f nbout nu hour. They nt ilrst resem
ble a low murmur, hut ore long there
Is henrd n loud knocking something
like the strokes of n bell, nml which
it tho end of nbout live minutes he
roines so strong ns to agitate the siiud.
Vlie explanation of this curious phe
nomenon given by the Arabs Is that
there Is n convent under tho ground
hero nnd Hint theso monks ring for
prayers. So they cull It Nakous, which
means n bell.
Tho Arabs afllrin that the noise so
frightens their camols when they henr
It ns to re mi or tuein rurinus, riuioso
pliers nttritiuto ttiu souna to suppress
M volcanic action probably to the
bubbling of gns or rapor underground.
Cliolly Snppey Such nn odd girl,
lon't y' know. - When she wits Intro
duced to me bIio burst out laughing.
Miss Pepproy Yes, she's hysterical.
Cholly Snppey Aw rcnlly?
Miss Popprey Yes, sho frequently
laughs nt nothing. Philadelphia Press.
You have Keen thu musical terms
on thu Ileal Thing program? Well,
tho terms on a menu of Into nre nr
rtuigcd so much llko them that a rend
er doesn't know whothcr ho Is eating
or hearing music.
A woman eoltloin melius tbo uicau
tUlncs slio says.
In th Oermaai Army.
Tha noted aotdlor and hlatoHnn.
"Well, Hwnrtz, a yoiinjr llcutcnnnt of
cnvnlry, during my realdcncc lu llcrllu
wn ono dny cringed III aomc ndven
turo or other, nnd put on, to dlaxulae
hlinnelf, n milt of black cloth. Drcaaeil
In tlila ault, he wna pnlrig down an
utifroi'ucnted ntnet when hoenmo fnco
to face with hla colonel.
"Detected In ao Krnvc a mlademenn
or, Hwurtz proved lilmaelf tho poaneaa
or of n resourceful mind. He anld to
tbe colonel In a baig voice, different
from hi own:
"Cnn you tell me, air, where Lieu
If limit Hwnrte liven? I nm hla brother
from the country nnd I hare come on
to pny lilrn n vlnlt.'
"The colonel readily nnd politely
rave llie. required Informntlou and
Iil on
l '"',"' Heutcnnnt conKrntulntod lilm-
self on hi escape. He hurried home
nnd put on hi uniform. Duty Inte
Hint iiflcrnoon called him before the
colonel ngnln. He saluted with confi
dence. The colonel regarded him odd
ly. "Lieutenant Swart.' he said. 'I
wlh you'd tell your brother from tbo
country Hint If he pny you another
visit I'll put him In close confinement
for ten days.' "
Who Owns the Railroad.
II. T. Ncwcomb, ot the District of
Columbia bar, has compiled aUtisttca
showing that 6,174,71s dejxeitora in
anvlnjr bank of six eastern states are
directly inteirntcd In the Joint owner
ship of Hl'l,354,080of steam railroad
securities, Hint insurance companier
tloing lmsini-f in Massachnsett hold
1846,880,038 of steam railroad stocks
and bonds, nnd 74 educational Institu
lions depend on 147,408,327 Invested
In similar curitien lor a portion ol
their income. Other fiduciary institu
lion on n enough railroad securities u
bring such holding up to more than a
bili'on aud a half dollars, about one-
sixth ot the entire capital invested in
railroad property. Theso Investment
represent tho savings of tho masses,
thero being twenty million holders of
llfo insurnnco policies in the country
a many more of fire insurance policies,
and an even greater number of depos
itors in banking and trust institutions,
where investments are largely in, rail
road securities.
No Wonder.
"The speed limit," aald the and-faced
man, "nhould bo removed from auto
mobile." "Do you own a mnchlne?" naked thr
stranger within the gall's.
"No," replied the gloomy partj
"I'm an undertaker."
Tito's Cure l a :kx1 couch medicine.
It haa cured rotiL-hs and oolda lor forty
years. Atdrup
S3 cents.
Jin TlmuKht It Might Do.
When Patrick received an order he
followed It Impllctly as far us he could
sometimes even farther tbun his Ccl
tic brain real I red.
"He wants a pane o' wludy-gluss tin
Inches by foorteen," said Patrick one
dny, ns he entered a shop where his
employer, a master carpenter, traded.
In the shop was n young clerk, who
never missed n chance for a HtHo Joke
at tbo Irlshmnu's expense.
"If wo haven't nny ten-by-four-teens,"
he said, "I may have to give
yon n fourteen-by-ten."
Patrick rubbed his head thought
fully. Then he stood pondering for a
moment, nnd nt last remarked:
"He's In the great roosb for It, nnd
thore'H no othnr plnce near to get It.
Olvo me wan o' thlm foorteen-by-tliis,
nnd If he turnis It sideways and oop-
side down, there's not a sowl would
know Uio difference."
Tho Kind You Jluvn Always
turo ot Clias. II. Flotclier, and has boon iniulo uiulor his
pcrsonnl MipenlMon lor over 0 years. Allow no ono
to dovvlvu yon hi this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
"tiiist-as-jroocl" nro hut Experiments, and endanger tho
health of Children Kxtierlonco iigalnst JCxporlincnt.
Cnstorla Is ft harmless mibstituto for Castor Oil, laro
Rorle, Drops nnd Soothlntr Syrups. It is Pleasant, It
contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotia
substance. Its npo is its runrautoo. It destroys "Worms
nnd allays Fuverlshncss. It cures Dlarrhwa nnd AVintl
Colic. It relievos Teethlnrr Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach nnd .Dowels, Klvlnjr healthy and natural Bleep.
Tho Children's Pauncett Tho Mother's lYicud.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
In Use For Over 30 Years.
tm cntu oommnv. tt aiuaaar aTiKar, Htw or. orrr.
Color mora loods brtfliler arxl faster, colors than any other dye. One 10c packace color all I. wl J ,ii- -...ii wn j u
suarantaeil to lva perfect raaulta, Aak dealer, or w Hill acml Poit paid at Jo oacka.e vwla l, rif "fcaSiui" ai'f! ,.
bleach and mis colors. MONKOC DRUG CO, UoloavUlc, MUsoiui. Ptt. Wrtta lor free Booklet bow to de.
xUAsrj M n -
household flayintr.
needs treatment from any cause, thin great remedy is the first thought of
and used by thouonndn of people nil over the country, because it is superior
to all other blood purifiers. It is a purely vegetable remedy, and while it
penetrates the circulation nnd forces out all poison and morbid matter, it
also builds up the entire system by itfl fine tonic effect. During the win
ter months the natural ave- . . j f . . .
nucs of bodily waste have 1 a' "HnR from Impure blood and a ccneral
C. nrb ,i rim-down condition of thcay.tcm. .1 had noap
become dull and weak and -me rra. lofling flesh, and in all-Kone tired feeV
fai cd to perform their full fj,gthat made me miserable. I began the use of
dutr, the blood has been slug- a 8. 8. and my blood was restored to its nor
gish and an extra amount nul, healthy condition. Mr appetite returned, X
of poisons and waste mat- increased in weight, that "tired feeling" left and
tcrs have accumulated in ? Kln myself.
the system nnd been nb- Columbus, Ohio. Victor Sronnmrt,
Borbcd by it. With the com- v. Barthman and Washington Avcs.
lng of Spring and warm weather the blood is aroused and stirred to quicker
action and in its effort to throw off these acids and poisons the skin suf.
fers. Boils, pimples, blotches, rashes and eruptions break out and con
tinue until the blood is cleansed and made pure. S. S. S. is the ideal remedy
for this condition; it clears the blood of all impurities, makes it rich and
strong and these pkin troubles pass away. Rheumatism, Catarrh, Chronic
Gores and Ulcers, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison and all other diseases
of the blood arc cured by S. S. S. Book on the blood and any advice de
sired, free of charge. j7r SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAttTA, GAm
Worth Winn I ii a;.
"Pny. Hnrker," begun I'embleton,
"did you ever win n prize by smoking
"No," responded Hnrker, the sensi
ble young man, "but I won a prize
when I stopped smoking them."
"You did? Where Is it?"
"In the hammock over there my
wife, yon know.-'
T Drcslc In rfe-r Shoes.
Atwan ihak In Alk-n's Foot-Eaw, a powder.
II caret hot, sweating, arblnf. swollen feel.
Curra corn I, Insrowlnn tialli and Iranian. At
II drtif data and ihe a tort a, IV. Don'l avpt
anratibttliute Pampla mailed FRE2. Jaddren
Allen 8. Olmaud, Lt Ito. . Y.
Having Mnnejr,
"Why do you spend all your mon
ey?" "It's the only way I can save It"
"What nonsense."
"Not at all. If I kept It, some fel
low would bunco me out of 1L"
Cleveland Leader.
rTQ rmnanenllf Coied. jeoeunrBerreoaneas
f 10 artrBrtdar,aUAufIr.Kllnt'alre.i;rt
Ketnrr. Knd fwr I'rrx 7 trial brHllratraj lac
Ir.H.U.KUDe,US.,HI Jlirli hi, I'liUad.lpljla, lli.
Practical View. -
"Slimmer," remarked the bnnch of
femlntns loveliness who was tskmg on
a load of oysters at the youog man's ex
penae. "is my favorite season. It's o
delightful to alt under the trees and listen
to the concert by nature's feathered song
ster." "Isn't It, thonghr rxclslmed the yonng
man, enthusiastically, "and It dosu'l cust
a cent, either
Mothers will And Mrs. wiruloWs BootMnf
B jto p tha btt remedy to oa for thalr children
daring th t at thine Iuiod.
AakctI and Anawercil.
"Why don't you get your life in
sured, my dearT' asked Mrs. NcwetL
"Pm afraid people might aay I was
afraid to take chances on your cook
ing." replied the gallant young bus
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury
as mercury will sural t deatror th sense ol
mtll and completely ueranja tbo whole sys
tem wiiea eulariog tt taruoxn tha mucosa
surfaces, hucn arlicleaa. ould never bo uaed
eiiploaprac-lplls.nt irooi reiutatil pLT
aUlaai. as ibedainec Iher will do la Un I..IJ
to tto food yoacan joaaloly drlvelrom itam.
llall'a Catarrh lure, manufactured It v. J.
I heney L la, Toledo, O .contalnanoir.rn.nry,
and la taken Interna ly, acting directly upun
tha blood and tnuoouiaurlareaol the system.
In buylne Hall's ( atarrh rur Le aunj you rat
the tannine. Ills taceu Imemally, and ul
InlUcdo.Ohlo, ly '. J. chancy A. Co. Icatl (rre.
rkdd by lirnrcttta, price He per bottle,
llall's Famby i'llls aro the UsU
Tlio Itriilc.
Mrs. fiubblor This health writer
soya that one should keep one's mouth
shut while sleeping. I dou't tee how
I can be sure my mouth Is shut when
I'm asleep.
Mr. Oubbler You might get In the
habit If you'd practice, on It while you
are awake. Cleveland leader.
lloutrht has borno tlio slsriin-
Signature of
S. 9. for the blood" ban p-rntrn In 1 a
When the blood is out of order, or
The Ittest and most fascinating meth
od of teaching children to road Is to pat
them at work on a typewriter.
Swollen Veins, SpraJns,
Strains and Weak JefAts
ItallrTad ami. Carad wlU
oar Hllk KUatlo Htocklnn.
1-aitoa TU Uaanuiteed.
Rtlk hiik
Witttirta i.; im
Anklria. 1.71 Z-V
KnecCapa. .1.7 SJO
Jsrlni xm X.H
Uartrr How. ,110 Ul
Abort Knt-eHoae,.. 8.00 S.00
We alao niMiorartnr a I forma
of iielu aod BopporMn.
Portland, Oregon.
"1 have tried ail kinds of wsterproof
clothing and have never found anytlung
si any price to compare with your Fish
Brand for protection from all kinds of
rtW mm a4 .4.1,. ' Oka wr1.r t Ola
M.Ikh.4 kllaf hj Im a4 aana .41oUn)
nhtsUirarinVorU'i Fair. 1904,
A. J. TOWER Ca Tkainef AeRA
en. U.S.A. rrjTjWERjJ
TOWn CANArjIAM ?adBaaWtf!
Toronto. Canada
I ap
Woieri VtanrusUd Wrt WntStr CllUt
Dr. G. Gee Wo
WcBlerfuI Roits
Tola wondrtil CM
sea doctor la oal.d
rrra.1 otraoaa be eorre
pavpla wltboul opera
tion inal are (Iran op
to die. He care wbb
tboa woodtrfol Ibr
ara btrba, root, boda,
bukt and rciallra
Ibal are estirrlr ui
kuowo to medical ad-
uwlnlb'acouDtry. TUroujb Umcm oftboa
barmlraa remtdlea tbla rainnaa doctor knawa
IS action oroferlAldiftrraulreniollea wbieb
be aocrraarnlly nara in d Srrv t dlaeiuea. lie
IbettBiiuiam, Mrvuuaoraa, akunx u, lire', ktd
aaja, tic.; baa banrimla or laallsio lata.
Cbarcra moderate fall a ul ar bl'-x l'Uot
out o? the dty write for blanka and (Hmilara.
ISrndatainp. CV.NbL UCAtHjS fUa.lw
Tfaa C. Gee Wo Chlnesa Hedlclna Co.
S" aleDtlon raper
Ilivlr allium tM3tlr. vrar luuirr. a
nn ul irrvitler iilno titan any other
iS'hAoaliiMiiiti tlivmnrltrttiiMlay. M. L.
litiiiKlaa eiiurantrra tlirlr . villus hy
atHiiiinc iila nniiio ami iirlc un Ilia
hiiltuill tif t-acll aluMt. 1..MIU f,ir IU Tatia
no ailballtutn. V. 1. l.luuKlaa SU.fiO
ahiMM Mm miUI thrunuli Ii a iimm rlall
alorva In Ilia irlnclutl llllra, una) by
aliiM ilritlrra everrvf Jiarn. Ko uiallvr
wliere y.iu llvr, W. I- lluunlua aliuoa
aro ultlilu jour rvacu.
"Tha Boat I Vsm Wart:."
mM nli It lay Mat kit l rtr knar IIN
vtir lit jmiI fit lcarl, tmlAnl lira, far
ktt If'r -01 1." -.tin. rraft t. MtfUy, 0
Boys wcarW. L. Douglas S2.50 and $1.00
shoci becausa they lit batter, bIJ thalr
shapa and wear longar than other pukes.
if. L. Pougljl nt Corona CVItitu la au
ISJO iA.i. Carxao Cfll u teJtJ la
tt ( Jtaril faint UalKir fivJutiU,
I'asl Color Eycltl will not wear bntty.
Vf It. Doufflaahaatlia laruaal .hna mall firtlap
builni.alu tlia-wuiia. So trouble to latafil
mall, is rvuta ours propaia d.llrrrr.
ruu utir inriuvr iniurniauoii. vi
rait J Catalvam of JtprfO Xttttu
w. u Douaus,
Grtxklta, Miu.
P. N.U
No, 20-1905
WUKN wrltlnr totjTertl.arapIiMMai
mentlun tlila pa par. I
union F J "ljd&yt yWv
I flTlaa. w E010LU aUXXS ASD SHU
' !0t UIH S tt tt IHOU TILtN AMI
, oraca Muivracrusix in tkz wosia
I -7 lu Sliymt tkta aUUBub
-- W. I.. noiicMa Kl.nO ahoe arr the
, J Krr.jt.-t .aTller In llit nurld lr-
II rwtiMt ol tlirlr tlriit al)l, nr lit
II InihT ami auKrlnr Hrurlitir utiMlltlra.
il Tlu-yiroJut hcumI alli m) llHtr.
U (rum Stt.oo 1o M7.O0. .llm uiilr .III-
lrr.iir. la tlio rrlce. W, I lluuslxa
al atj.nil kli,u.a r.i.r ihuiw ui mull.-