The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 26, 1905, Image 3

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In a Condonsc.. I'nnn lor Our
A noiumo of the Leas Important but
Not Lets Interesting Events
of the. Past Weak.
A now coiuainmlur has been sent to
Ilotli armies In Mnimhurlii urn ready
(or another gicnt Imttlu.
Chicago tenihsturil urn seeking u way
nut of tint strike, acknowledging their
I'nln, I lin outlaw Mom chief, him
been killed ly Iho troops under (fene
nil Wood. .
Tho (mirlli division of RoJistvensky'H
riiiudrmi will hiiI I fur tliu I'ur Hunt
J nun II.
Henry I'., McGinn, of Portland, w 111
Itkuly lii Mppolntwl iign Judge Helling
jr'H HiiiH,ior.
4" Tail's MHiltliiii on buying canal sup
plies llHH Split tilt' I'llllllll't IMIll lllliy 10-
nult iii liirill rovlrinii.
. Kiijiwtvciisky Is said to Imvii asked
Hi. l'tcrabiirg to be relieved (rum fom
iiiiiinl nf tin1 Russian tli-i't on account
of sickness.
()( tlin Iiwiil to hit reclaimed In Kb
innth bantu, I HI, 100 norm In In Oregon
and (10,000 acres In California. Work
illl begin on tho Oregon side,
, A iitiiiitiir of papers relating to tint
lloMi'ii-lxiiuU vmmi, sent toHcunta'y
liny liy tint minister to Vonozueln,
liavit Ihi'II lout. Mr. I.oomla linn charge
of tho documents un acting roerutnry of
A Japanese steamer linn liecn mink at
1'ort Arthur liy coming In contort with
u limiting inlnit.
Tint governor general nf tlin province
of Ufa, Russia, Iihn Imiii mortally
wounded liy revolutionist.
Thn government cable between Val
des nml Fori l,l'iiin, Alaska, htm been
laid nml I in working operation.
Them In talk of China inttliiK trmlu
reprisals In for in as n result of tlin strict
delusion of subject from tho United
General Nngl unit III nrmy In nink
Inn n foritnl march to reach Tsllslhnr,
n station on tint Hlht-rlaii railroad, ami
rut off communication with llurliln.
Russian-troops nresjld to I hi mnsliig
on the northern coullncs of tho llalkan
IKiiilimiila In a way that arouse thu
fear nf Turkey mnl thu Ilnlkmi state.
Preisdent Rnhhlns, of tint Armour
ear llnca, iidinltti'd hvforu tint senate
committee on Interstate onminereo
whli'h In Investigating railroad rate,
tlmt hln Unit linn a iiiounoly of tint
trannortntlon of fruit.
Tint director of llm Panama KnIKny
wnKny hnvti approved plan (or tint
mtpttiidlturu of 12,000,000 (or thu mi
Inrgnment of tlin terminal nml iliM'k (n
lilltli of Panama mnl Colon mnl thu
doulikt tracking mnl rcoqulpplugof tint
Riilan olllclnln look (or a naval bat
tle noon.
Ailmiml Dnwuy In recovering from a
KlVtllO illnt'KH.
Japan hnn renewed hur protest
against broken neutrality hy Prance.
A Itusslnn Imperial dectco authorises
tint Issuance of $100,00,000 war lioniln.
Many Japanese troops nro lioltig
landed In Coroa (or mi advance on
Tho Canadian government In about
to spend more thnn JII, 000,000 In lin.
proving thu dufunscs of (Juebec.
A Homervlllo, Now Jersey, man hnn
oderiHl a Jekyll mnl Hyilo jwriHiimllty
iim aii uxcimo (or crlinii ho ban commit
A movrmunt In on foot to connollilnto
thu United Itrethreii, Coni;riKntionnl
mnl Metbixlliit 1'roteittAnt churchen of
tint country.
(leneral Mnxlmo Gomel, tho nitet
Cubkii leader, In tutrlounly 111 with
blood jioIhouIiiKi nnil on account of hln
iidvuncel yearn, (vara nro entertained
(or hl rvctivery.
The Htandard Oil dividend for April
wiui $U per Hbaro, bidtiK ! pur nliaro
moro thnn that paid for April, 1001.
Tho Northern nml Bouthorn IluptlHt
couventloiiH will hold thulr 11 mt joint
ini'titiriK this year in 8t, Louis. It Ih
probable ntom will bo taken looking to
n coiiHolldntloii of thu two IkxIIch.
Htrikivi aro brcakliiK out In mnny
IttiBHlmi cttleH.
Thu JikIko who trlcnl Nun l'atturaon
nya ubu Ih guilty.
Tho KiiHfllnn flout In nnld to bo nn
chorwl eouth of Uong Koii,
Ixoml ami Howun each hnvo atatwl
111 tdo of thu ooutrovumy to thu presi
dent. 'ho Fcdural grnmltmjry, Btttlnn In
OhIcnKo, lmn aucuroil all tho Innermost
worklnguof tho hoo( truot (rom tho
trnnka aoUwl a abort timo ago. ,
Govornmont ofllclula any there nro nl
ready too many in Into and thu lmpoa o(
tho Northwestprn oltlea '(or mints or
UBHay oillcca nro not llkoly to ho real
ised ,
HIkIi Worda of Prnlao for Condition
of Cblnoio Government,
Hnn I'mnrlnc.o, May III, M, II, Con
K"r, I'X'Aiuurk'an mlnlntor to China,
who wan lecciitly npKjliilcd amlmnrmdor
to Moxlio, arrived today on tho Htciim
nr Hlberla, fr'oin tho Orient. Mih,
('oiiKitr iiiTiiinpauliil him. It in Mr.
Comkdi'h Intention to proceed nlmoMt
luimeiliatnly to thu Ulty of Mexico, un
Ichu Iim recnlvcH oiiJum to tio contrary.
Mr. Coiner Haiti tlmt illiloiiintlo mat
te rn In China are In a Natlnfactory con
dition. To a (piealloii un to Cblnn'n
neutrality In thu KtiHHO-Japaiicm war,
hit Halili
"China hnn alwayn linen i1Ihhii1 to
mnlntalu tho "trident neutrality bo
tween tho wnrrlni nntloua, atnl, ab
tiiiiugh there hnn been coiiHlderabbt
urltlelnm (rout both Jupnnene mid (tun
nlim noiirceH, I ltllovu that thu Chlueno
Kovurnmrnl baa never nliown partiality
One way or llm other, but lu.a alwayn
iiilbered ntrictly to tho reipilreinenta
of tho Internatlotial law."
Mr. Conner wnn ankiil concerning tint
periodic rtimorn of iloxer uprlitlnun and
"There In abitolutuly no truth in audi
reportn. Thero In no dmix'tr of another
Itoxcr outbreak. Of oourmt, thero are
iHCjiitlonal troubled In tint Interior, hut
they iirle from jmrely local rauniii
which have no IxmrlriK on thu prifciico
of forelnerH. Thero In no
iiioveineul in China iikiiIiihI (oroluu peo
ple. There never ban he-en a time In
the hlntory of the country when thu
Kovurnmcut wan moie nmdy or Ix'ttur
preimriil to put down any incipient
oi;nuixfl effort that might be dllected
U(,'almtt rimlileut foreigner".."
Comnltilon Extends Tlmo Ton Days
Upon Request.
Han Krnnclnni, May 10. Thu efforta
mndu by thu commercial IkxIIch of Kan
J-'ruaclit'o to have tho tlmo extended
(or Pacific cimnl people (or making
bid to till contractu (or aupplien o( lum
ber (or thu ldthmlan canal (-ouiuiIhhIou
to Iki dellvertxl at the Inthmunnf I'nnn
inn have been Hiicce-nfiil. Altogo her
'.'0,000,000 (eet of lllliilx-r nro nei-dtMl
Immediately by the canal eommlnnlon
for into In lint great workn to be under
taken. Iteecntly the eritnnnel of thu coin
mbitlon wan changc'l and thu ollleea at
Wanhington, I). C, were alno removMl
(rom one pine.) to another. In the
cnnftiilon that reultil tho cont cltlen
fiiiltvl to get blank proporaln early
enough to compete (or thu lumber or
item, which alone amount to more than
IIIOO.OOO at a cmiHcrvatlvu entimatu. A
dinpatch wan reeelviil by Kecretary
llurkn, of the chamber (if commerce,
from Wanhtiigtnn, which nnid:
"lteferrlug to (KMter circular invit
ing bldn for yellow pine and Dotiglan
fir, to bo opened on thu Kith and lUih.
inform bldilern on Pacific count tin t
owning of May 10th xtoiied until
American Troops Slay 300 Members
of Outlaw Uand
Manila, May III. l'lcrrn fighting
hnn liecn going on tint bint (w weeka
on the Inland of Jolo, between the out
law chief 1'ala, with 000 woll armed
(ollowern, and troopn under thu per
itonal (Mimmnnd of Mnjor (leneral I.ikiii
aril Wood. I'ala'n bxifi thun far are
H00 killed, while thimu of (leneral
Wood art) reveii killed and It) wotllulex'..
I'ata and bin remaining (ollowern, In
acconlanco with Moro tradition, prefer
death to capture.
I'ala wnn a noted nlavn trader and
warrior when thu Americana vcuplel
the inlanda. letter he ewapeil with his
(ollowcia to the Inland of I'ula Kekar,
near ltorne. One of l'ala'a leadera de
nertel ami took rcdigu on thu ltrltinh
aettlement at Ijibnd. I'ala, discover
ing hln whereaboiitn, landel with a fol
lowing and demanded of thu Ilritinli
magUtratu that hi) turn thu denerter
over to him. Thu demand waa not
compiled with, and I'ala ordered a
maanacro. Twcnty-flvo peraonn, Includ
ing iievoral llrltlah, were killed.
Investigation To Go Further.
Chicago, May 10. Following the
prenent luventlgatlnu of thu packing in
duniriea by thu Federal grand Juries,
according to thu Chicago Chronicle,
atepa will Iki taken by thu Federal au
thorittca to make an Investigation of
the drug and atcol Indu.trltH, with a
view of determining whether or not ' 0
larger flriiiH controlling tho bulk of
thceu Induatrica aro not violating thu
aiitl-trust lawa, Thu 6icret aervico
men, it la until, aro now at work aecur
lug ovldun o to bo ueed in conuiction
with thu two Induatrica.
' Porto Rlcan Strlko Ends.
U'liatilni.lnil. Mnv Ifl .Tlin ulrlkn nf
thu 14,000 agricultural laborers in
t'nrln Ittrn Hr..nrilliK In it
ifllilitL?rnin riMidviul tnttitv t,v Proutilntil
Oompora, (rom Hantlago Iglealaa, tho
organizer 01 inu iisioraiion, uiucauie
gram reads: "Strike ended natlsfactoi
liy." A recent mail report waa recolv
til by Mr. Iglealaa that 800 of tho "14,
000 who went on atriko (our weeka ago
una accurcu du ier cent increase in
wagea and a nine-hour day.
Route of Irrigation Committees,
Washington, May 10. Juno 1 a con
gronaloual party, formed of momliora of
lioth irrigation commtttuca ot congreaa
ami others, will leave Kaunas City on
n personal trip o( Inapeot Ion of Irriga
tion construction at El Paso, Ban Fran.
cIsco ami other California points; Hax
on, Nov.; Ogdon, Bait I.ako and points
in Oregon, Montana, Wyoming and
Colorado. Tho trip will conclude July
4, in Denver.
Supplies for Panama Canal To Do
llonylit In Open Market.
Great Outcry Expected If Purchases
Aro Not Limited to Amer
ican Products.
Washington, May 10. Thnexecutivo
committal of thu Inthmlan Canal com
mission today decided to purchase In
thu market, of the world material and
ships necessary (or thu building of the
Panama canal.
This Important decision wan -reached
with wime reluctance, ln-cause it waa
appreciated by Kocrutary Tnft and the
executive committee that there would
bo surely a great outcry (rom two great
lutiirenta In thin country, tho producers
of material and the shipowners, U thu
purchase were not limited to the
American pnxlocls.
Hut It ns decided that thu money
consideration wan no great that it could
not be Ignored, (or it wnn held that in
some rosea (ully 50 per cent more
would bo charge! (or material needed
in canal construction thnn the same
gixxU could be procured (or in Europe.
Chief Engineer Wallace, (or In
stance, showed that two ships, in ad
dition to tho ones running between
New York mid Colon nml owned by tho
Panama Railway company, wero abso
lutely necessary to carry thu (ood nop
ply and material needed (or thu work.
No American ship could bo bought at
any reasonable prlco, and when it came
to building shliH, It wan found, accord
ing to Mr. Taft'a statement, that, while
be can buy two 2,U00.ton ships In Eu
rope for 1760,000, it would cost 1,
100,000 to build such ships here. And,
in addition, while thu European shins
could be had at once, It would taku at
least 18 months to secure American
Aa to material needed (or canal con
struction, thu committee decided that
by rcftcrving to Itself thu right to pur
chase In thu world's mnrkutn, it would
at least oblige American mntinfucturem
to give them tl o lieneflt of their foreign
rlcc if they wish to sell goods to tho
Mr. Taft explained today that ho (clt
obliged to indorse this decision, be
cause, having given congress every op-
IKirtunlty to give a contrary decision,
he (ell that thu very terms of tho canal
act provided that it nhould bo con
structed at thu lowest possible cost.
President Roosevelt entertained at
luncheon tday Mr. Taft and Messrs.
Khontn, Wallace and Magoon, constitut
ing the executive committee. lie em
braced the oportunity' thus nlToriled to
have a general talk with tho momlicrs
of thu committee about canal matters
bcfoiu they sailed (or Panama. Thu
committee went to New York tonight
to attend tomorrow's meeting of the
directors of the Panama Railroad com
pany and will sail immediately there
after (or thu Isthmus of Panama.
Vice President Coming to Portland as
Representative of President.
Washington, May 15. Vlco Presi
dent Fairbanks intended to leave (or
his Indiana homo last night to spend
the next two months with his family,
but ho received word that the president
wanted to see him, and called at thu
Whlto lioiiso at 11:30 today. Tho
president told him of his deep Interest
In thu Iowls and Clark exposition and
bis regret that ho himself could not
attend thu ojienlng of it. Ho said,
however,- that the administration
should bo represented, and to his mind
nothing would bo moro appropriate
than that tho Necond official of tho na
tion should represent tho prealdcnt on
that occasion. Mr, Fairbanks prompt
ly (ell In with tho preaident'a auggeM
Hon, and expressed bis thorough will
ingness to go to Portland, and has now
changed hln plana so on to reach Port
land the last wek in May. He and
Mm. Fairbanks will bo present and
partlcljiato In tho opening ceremonies.
Tho vice president will make tho prin
cipal speech of tho occasion.
Being unable to get to Portland either
nt thu opening of the exposition or later
in the summer, tho president has ac
cepted tho Invitation extended to him
by President Uoodu to pre the button
which will ho tho signal (or thu formal
o; ning of tho exiKxntlon, at 1 o'clock
on the afternoon of Juno 1 that is, 1
o'clock Portland time, 4 o'clock Wash
ington time. A special through tele
graph wire will bo run from the Kant
room of thu White bouse into thu ox
jMwltlon grounds at Portland. At tho
Washington end will bo the same gold
key which President Roosevelt unci to
open tho Bt. Ismia exposition last year,
and which (orrner presidents used to
open tho Chicago, Buffalo and other
expositions of times past.
vKmrFSZJBZjiFirw s . A. ft '"5fwii ?V9BflflBfii MffH HsxHaBBaLsBnl
Japanese Receive Large Additions for
Army at Front.
Gunshu I'nwt, Mauohurla, May 10.
Skirmishing continues in the Olourin
mountain region, on tho Russian left,
but thu fighting is not serious. Calm
continues on thu right Thu Chinese,
however, reinirt Field Marshal Oyama
la directing largo massea nf troops (rom
Fakoman toward Tountinkou, where a
coi ceutratlon Is proceeding and tho
river la being bridged by pontoons.
Thu I.lao river la (till of junka which
bring ut stores and provisions.
About HO, 000 Japanese rolnforco
nients have arrived at the front. Tho
Japanese cavalry, in particular, has
been considerably strengthened.
During a recent terrible dust storm,
which raged three days, tho soldiers,
tents and entrenchments Buffered so
vt rely
Dakers Want Eight Hours.
New York, May 10. Delegated of
the Hebrew linkers' union bavo liegun
to order striken to force an eight hour
work day. Hlnco the United States
Supremo court rendered its decision de
claring thu ten hour law unconstitu
tional, thu employing bakers aro said
to have been working their men 11 and
12 hours a day. Strikes of 400 or GOO
bakers already hnvo been ordered in
ten shops, and about 10,000 moro men
will quit today. Some of tho maatcra
have conceded tho demands, and moro
nro likely to follow.
Suspects Are Arrested.
Emporia, Kan., May 10. - Seven
men were arrested here this afternoon
by Santa Ft) detectives on suspicion of
having been connected with tho wreck
of train 17 yesterday, Flvo wore ie-
leased and two wero held (or further
Investigation. All wero former rail
road men. A email boy living near thu
junction tee titled that tho two held had
been hanging around thu Howard
branch tool house (or thu last week,
and talking about breaking in.
Rio Grande Changes Ded.
El Paao, Tex., May 10. Tho Rio
Grando rlvor la again on a big rise.
Thu river changed its bed yesterday
near Laa Crucea, N. M., inundated
many acres o( land and deatroyod a ca
nal which provided water (or other
property under irrigation. It is feared
tho proBont crop will bo loat before tho
ditch can bo rebuilt.
Reclamation Service Promises Atten
tion to Its Project,
Washington, May 15. Tho Reclama
tion service has received a resolution
passed by tho Commercial club of Kit
titas county, Washington, asking that
it make a careful and speedy survey
and investigation of the feasibility of
the construction of a high lino canal
(or thu purpose of reclamation mil cul
tivation of about 100,000 acres of land
In that county, which are (crtilo in tho
production o( all kinda of hay, grain,
fruit and vegetables, including augar
beets. It ia urged that tho irrigation
of tliis largo body of land will result in
effecting storage ot the water so used
(or lands below in tho Yakima valley,
(or tho reason that all the water so
used naturally draina back into the
Yakima river.
Tho Reclamation rcrvico states that
it (ully recognizee tho great Importance
of the Yakima project to Kittitas coun
ty, and that a careful investigation to
determine its feasibility (rom an engin
eering as well aa (rom a financial stand
point will bo made.
The bridge which la being constructed across the Zambesi to carrr
the Cape to Cairo Railway northwards, will cross the gorge immediately be
low the famous falls at a height of 400 feet above the water level The clear
span of the arch will be 500 feet In length, the bridge being built out from
each end of the ravine on the cantilever principle to meet In the middle.
For the transportation of material a cable way about 000 feet In length has
been provided. It Is capable of carrying ten ton, and Is worked by electric
ity. The Illustration nhows the construction it the piers on one of the
banks of tho river, with the aerial car at work.
;-M-H -I4-4-1 H t 8-4 14-1 IH I I It-
II 14-4 4 V t IH' Htl II I till III-
Liberals and Moderates Will Hold
Nominating Conventions.
Havana, May 16. The national nom
inating convention of tho J.N'ow Liberal
party will open tonight.
All Indications point to tho nomina
tion (or tho presidency of Cuba of Joe
Miguel Gomes, who was apiointel gov
ernor of Santa Clara province by tho
government of intervention and after
ward was elected to that position.
Tho convention will bo made up of 160
delegates, of whom 00 will bo Nation
alists. Maximo Gomez having posi
tively refused to bo a candidate, the
only other prominent iierson mentioned
ia Governor Nunez ot Havana province.
Tho Moderatea will shortly hold a
convention to nominate President Pal
ma by Declamation for the presidency
and Mendez Capote, former president
of tho senate, (or tho vice presidency.
Tho election will take place in Decem
ber. May Tell More Secrets.
Chicago, May 16. Federal olllclnln
claim to have an important now witness
in tho "beef trust" inquiry. II. J.
Btreyckmans, who lieiore tho Interatato
Commerce commission divulged tho al
leged secret system of rebutea and over
charges by Armour A Co., and read a
secret code, will today bo brought Imh
(ore tho Federal grand lury investigat
ing tho beef industries. Tho witness,
formerly an employe of Armour A Co.,
ia expected to glvo testimony befoto a
grand jury similar to that of tho coml
Kansas Not Quite Dry.
Topckn, Kan., May 15. Special ro-
porta have been received (rom 42 Kan
ana counties regarding tho enforcement
of the prohibitory law. Of theso 10
report thu existence of licensed saloons.
Over 480 ealoonR in Kansas aro paying
licenses to tho different city govern
ments. Tho information has been
placed before Governor I loch to form a
baala (or his coming ordor to tloso
all liquor soiling enterprises in tho
Valuable Relics of Pompeii Found.
Rome, May 18. Excavatlona near
Pompeii bavo resulted, in tho finding of
a human skeleton and nearby (our solid
gold braclets of beautiful design and
set with emeralds, n pair of pearl ear
rings, two golden necklaces aot with
pearla and emoralda, and two emerald
rings. Tho articles of jewelry, being
(rom tho Pompolian epoch, nro ol great
artistic value.
Do you know
what you will do,
or should do, one
of these days?
Away over yon
der, whero the
hills meet the sky
in a purple haze,
tho trees are
greening and do
ing their best to
burst every bud
the pussy w.llowt
are preparing for
ES--sbx catbird, and the
"roaklng of the frogs and the smell of
new earth la a call of the wild aa loud
as trumpet blast Follow the scent
llko a hound and at the end you will
find a creek that has Its source In n
swamp and trickles Its merry and tor
tuous way to the river.
Don't you wish you could turn time
back for thirty or more years; back to
tho days of patches and bare legs,
laughter, freckles and atone bruises;
back where there was only one care In
tho world, and that was to bo on hand
at meals?
You cannot. You didn't appreciate
rour own boyhood. You are a slave to
buslnesn. You aro chained to a desk.
You huvo to make pronto. You cat
and talk and sleep business. You. talk
It at home until the folks are annoyed.
The other day ouo of your children
naked; "Waa papa ever n little boy?"
Iofs Bteal a day. Even a slave
nhould be allowed to drop his. chains
once In a while. Certainly an over
worked business man, carrying n load
that rounds his shoulder and grays his
Iialr. can tleo from trouble for a little
while and try to think that ho is Vi.
aml'that there ts only Hunslilne In the
To-morrow morning, early, come
over and throw a stone up ngulust tho
window. We will pack
up some lunch and steal
away for ono whole,
golden day. Never inliul
thu famllv breakfast.
Come nt 4 a. m., and
we II leave a note saying
that wo have been sud
denly called away and
that the folks are "not
to worry."
Get the simile. Thero Is a bully cor
ner for halt lu tho hncx yard. We will
dig a cnnful of Uie wriggling worms,
hide the spade and the evidence of our
crime, and then away luto tho country.
We'll cut alder poles and, with trem
bling lingers that have all but lost
their skill lu the lapse of years, ar
rango our tackle, And n deep, dark pool,
burn tobacco In our corncob pipes, and
Youil wonder Avhat they aro dolmj
at tho ottlce and what thero was In tbo
morning paper. Cut thnt out. Thero
Isn't any otllco. Wo are boys to-day.
You have a catfish and I'm trembling
because my bobber has gone under
water and something Is pulling llko a
whale. It's a bullhead. Wo will dros3
It and somo moro llko It, rub them with
JT jfoJU
salt, cook them on a stick and eat
them, bones and all. Yes. sir, bones
and all. You don't mean to say that
you never did? Well, you have missed
a lot Wc will fish a bit and after that
you may shout If you like.
A country boy yells Just for pure
Joy of living. It will do us good. How
good tho suit feels! There Is a squir
rel on the fence, and a hoy Is driving
cows down the road, whistling as mer
rily as a bobolink. Poor devlll Ho
doesn't know, that Steel common la
paylngno dividend and that cotton la a
lost He doesn't care, but be can spell
h-a-p-p-l-n-e-s-s, God bless hlml
The smoke from our fire smells good.
If we had a apnde we would dig out
a woodchuck. There Is sassafras In
the womU and tho young wlntergrcens
aro ready for eating.
Over at the farmhouse we will get
rich milk, doughnuts, aaltrislng bread
n"l russet apples.
And then the sun will go down over
tho hills, wbllo tho
abadows will pur
ple and then grow
black, and tho
country will grow
still and the silence
will aeom almost
sacred, as wo
trudge down tbo
road back to tho
other life, the trou
ble, tho hurry nnd
tho cares of a great
Never mind. It Is a part of the great
plan, and the man who has kept his
heart so free that ho can still love tho
soli, tho trees, tho aunshlno and tho
Joys that nature has bestowed, Is
worth while.
So, don't forget I a. m. Throw a
stone against the window, and we'll
steal a day. Cincinnati Post
The propensity of some hena to sit.
in season or out. on eggs, atones, door
knobi or anything that cornea handy.
Is ono of the most grievous afflictions
or the poultry keeper. In his lutercst
is reprinted the description of n "sum
cure" discovered hy a correspondent
o,f the Chicago Chronicle In Lcsucur.
Tho cure consists of a cheap watch
that ticks loudly and clearly, and U
enclosed In a white, egg-shnjied case.
When a hen manifests a desire to sit
at the wrong Hme, tho poultry man
gently places under her this bogus egg,
and tho egg dooi the rest
Cheerfully It ticks away. The hen
soon begins to show signs of uueasl
ness. She stirs the noisy egg with her
bill, thinking perhaps that It Is already
tlmo for It to hatch, and the chicken
lu It wants to set out She grows moro
ami more nervous as tho noise keeps
on, and finally she Jumps oft tbo nest
and runs round a while, to get cool.
Generally sho returns to her self-
Imposed duty, but things get worse and
worse with her. She wriggles about
and cackles, ruffles her feathers and
looks wild, until nt last, with a fren
zied squawk, she abandon the nest
lor good nml all. Tho fever of Incu
bation la broken up completely.
Tho Lcsuour poultryman declares
that ho has novcr found a hen that
could stand tho strain of tho conversa
tional egg for moro than three hours.
In much less time than that, as a rule,
the hen la ready to return to her legiti
mate business.