The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 19, 1905, Image 3

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In a Condensed Form for
liusy Readers.
A Rssumo of Iho Leu Important but
Not Lest Interesting Events
of the Putt Week.
Tlio Chicago Trutiiowtuird nmtocln
tloii say they have tho strikers lion ton.
Huron nilimr"' wnrrt killed in nn ox
plosion nt Untie, caused by careless
handling of dynamite.
Tint CIiIcako grand Jury Invcatlgatlng
the Iwef triint linit secured Armor's se
cret cihId used In making r elm ten.
Tlio financial loss At Hnyder, OkU
liuiun, will reach inOO.OOO. Hovurnl
more Injure! persons Iiavu been found.
American employe In tlio I'aiiaiiia
canal soon Am leaving ful as pia.
slide (in Account of yellow fever, nml
chnrgn tlm oIIIuIaIs with taking no Ht-n
toward protection ol hcAlth.
Togo's lllM't IiHH bcell Aeell (iff tint
IVm-adorcs Islands, aiiiI It In liollnvcd a
battle will occur near IIoiik Kong soon,
A tlm Itiind.ina must light U'foni Juriit
or I mi caught by tlio tyjiliootni.
Tlio president lis eMabllnlied a (or
.nt rexcrvo In Wallowa county eriibrne
I li it Alout HOO.OOO acres ot litiul, aii.1
will cre.tto several morn In Oregon,
Altogether nearly 10,000,000 acres wtll
Im placed In reserve.
Nad I'Atternon has Imh-ii relf-axcd from
JaII. It In not probable HiaI aim will
lw called iim)ii to face Another jury, an
District Attorney Jerome lielleve IiIn
liMlatahta Iiavu iloili) their let and
lurwior eiioiiN would ihi imeienN.
France licenses Jaaii ol binding on
the neutrality iucllnu.
The Jamiicmi have iiiaiIo the llrst
move toward a new llitnk nttnek.
The Union I'acIuV la building six gna
olliio motor cars At the UiiiaIia nIion.
Tlm KiimIaii licet In rcjiortrtl to Ihi In
Valong liny, which In French waters.
An erthiimkn throughout central
aim! southern Mexico damaged many
During the next I" year Italy ex
MitN to nhiiiI I .'7,000,000 for new wnr
Judge ItollliiKer In growing weaker
nd IiIn physician hold out lltlto Iiojkj
i( IiIn recovery.
The KUniAth Canal company In
Southern Orrgnti hint offered to sell
out At n reduced price.
Twenty pernon Are known to Ihi dead
mid morn than a hundred Injutod In
the railroad disaster At llarrMiurg,
l'roiecutiug Attorney llcncy says the
llltieaa of Judge llelllngcr will make no
difference with the land fraud trlaln.
Homo other judKn will preside.
It In nmIi! that negotiations for jwsee
between Japan and Russia were nearly
vompleto when the appiniranco of the
I'acIiIc npiadron In the CIiIiiIa sea re
vived Russia's hopeN.
An earthquake In 1'ersla killed f0
A visitor to tlm ltiiKlnn llect glvea a
Imd Account of tlm orowN,
Kooanvult reiterate IiIn di-cixlon not
to n n candidate NKaln and aaya ho will
Accept no cornproiuliH) rate law.
Hccrotnry Hay will return to tlm
United KtAtcA In June, Alter vlnltlnn
nil tlio Krcut capltalH of Hurom.
The Carncl)' Html conipAtiy pro
I a to eriHit now furtiAceA aiuI iiiIiIa
nt YouuKHtown, Ohio, which will coat
'.'0, 000, 000 And employ .'1,000 men.
Chicago einployera Am running more
tfAiiK, lint rioting coiitlniiea. Moru
unioiiN Arc expeoUl to Imh-oiiio Involved
In tlm trouhlu,
(ieruiAiiN feel much nntlrfaetlon nt
thn uncomfortnlilu poaltlon Kngland
Iian Ikmiii placed ill hy tlm violation of
neu .rallty hy Franco.
Oliver V, Nixon, tlm author, In dead.
Among hia work wan "Mow Mnrcun
AVhitmau Havetl Oregon to tlm United
Htatea," and "Memories of a Forty
Ninor." ChnrlcN II, llolllngor, Judge of tlio
UnlttMl Htatca court, In critically ill at
IiIn hoinu In rortlaud. HI pliyalciAii
aya that tlm outlook for IiIn rccovry In
exiHHHllnglj grnvo.
Itolgn of terror in renowwl In War-
Tariff rnvlidon li again a leading aub
Jcct in WftBlilngton,
Tlio Jopanooo fleet awalta tlio Hub
laiiH in Coruan atrnltn.
AmcrlcAiiN have obtained valuable
snlnlng concivflHlona In Corea'.
Doth Bldon claim gains in tho Chi
vago Atrlku, Conditions am returning
to normal,
Ilnnan Varllla, ox-minister from
I'anaina to tho United Btatod, saya he
lias a plan whereby tho canal mny bo
linilt In (our yearn.
In n raco between tho battloBhlps
Mianourl, Alaburan and MaiwachuButta
tho MlBfKiurl gained a mllo nnd u halt
on tlio other two, -oovorlng 120 milea
jn eight lioum.
Southwest Oslo Onuses Havoc In Ban
Francisco Day,
Had Francisco, Mny A stiff unln
.."in tun nwiiuii'iiRi cnuneo oamnKo to
"tvornl vi'mhIm In the upper liny toduy.
Tlio torpedo hunt tleMroyor I'ntil JoiifH,
At Anchor off Htewnrt wtreiit, ilniKK"l
her itncliorn nod collided with the
crulaur IMiirhlnheml. Mnvlin In n idule
(rotll till) southeast caused dniiiatfii to
of tlm I 'mi I Joiicn nnd iuIiiIiik onu of
hitr Ufa IkiaIa.
Tlm MifiiHitinr lluhy, nlthouxh film
had two Aiichom out, wan carried hy
tlm kI n down tlm hay from Imr por
tion off lliirrldlon ritreut, And It wan
necranAry for tlm Mnrhhilicad to nlilft
Jutr Anchor to avoid heliiK "truck hy
the acliooiinr,
Tlio hlir colllor Kurnkn, lylnu on the
north ldn of Polaoin Ntrent wharf,
partial her a tern llne And wan carrlel
hy the IiIkIi aca akaIiinI tlio tug lxat
(leuerAl Mllllln. The Mllllln wan dam
akihI to tlm extent of pcrliAp 16,000.
The Nlern of tlm Kureka wan dauiaK"!
to thn extent of Noveinl hundriNl dol
lara. Tlm river nteamer Alvlan, At Harrl
Aon lreet wharf, wan huffeled Ahout
hy the roiih acan nnd In her lurching
lout Imr MiuokeatAck, Im-nIiIia Aiiinrhlux
her fimtAll And thn giurd rail from
atein to atom, tlm iIaiiiako AinouiitliiK
to Ahout $1,000.
AmerlcAn DeilRner Ruthlnff Work In
nunlan Yardi,
HelmatoKil, Mny 11, Tlm torpedo
hoatA which lire heliiK hullt nt the K'iv
itrumeiit yard here, umler the Keneritl
HiiervlNloti of IiwIn Nixon, of Now
York, ahi iienriiiK completion nnd thulr
uiain in urn iiiack ivn will Im-kIii In a
few dnya. In order to overcomo the
dilllculty nUaya encoiiutereil In work
In a foreign country, Mr. Nixon pro
vided Ida own orKAiiltAtlon, with which
he Iiah puahed thn cotmtructlon of tlicao
Imata to n a Into of completion.
Much In exixt'teil of thcan tortlo
Ixmta. The HunnIaii admiralty Already
Iian had priictlciil evidence of the pea
worthlneaN of tlm Nixon Itonta in the
IHirformunce of tlm (liegory, which
croaaed tlm Atlnntic In tlm face of
heavy weather, hut the future prea
tlgo of tlio ilealKimr of tlm American
Imttleahlp Oregon will depend in Kiih
Ia iimui tlm reault of tlm coming trlnla,
which will Im much moru aoveru than
uniial, in order to teat certain tlilnga
cIaIiihmI for them hy thulr American
Counterfrlten Caurht After
from Coatt to Coast.
rortatnoutli Va,, May 0. After a
vigorous cIiako that led through auv
pmI AtlAiitk HAt cltle, Becret Bcr
vice Olllcer T. K. I-and, of ltoaton, to
day Arreated Thoinaa Ilrewater, Charlca
Falrlianka, and Itolmrt Black, all of
Han Francisco, charged with extenslvn
counterfeiting oeratlous. Tim trio
wero located at Key West, Fla., but
they succeeded In eluding arrest until
they reached hero.
It In said that largo fjiisntltliti of
Ugus money have Ik-cii clrculstel in
nil tlm cities through which the men
pursed. Together with tlm prisoners
tlm secret service olllcer captured If),-
000 in counterfeit money, moat of which
la in the denomination of .'0 hills.
Olllcer Jjind said today that Im dis
covered that a largo number of spurious
bills were made at HufTalo, N. Y,
which was the distributing olnt of
tlm gang tliAt was operating.
Over 12,000 Admitted at Now York
In Twelve Hours.
New York, May l. All records wero
broken today In tho numlier of Immi
grants pAaalng quArantlue. Within 11!
hours l,0:it) foreigners, arriving in
steerage, wero permitted to enter New
Yoik, indicating that the soring Inllux
of Immigrants this year will probably
exceed Iho records for former years.
Ten trans-Atlautiu liners brought this
army of Immigrants to tho United
Htatca. They began to arrive early In
tlio morning, and the Inst to pass
quarantine was the Hamburg-American
liner lllucher, which was admitted
at (I o'clock in tlm afternoon and milled
1)05 names to tlm already long list of
foielgueru arriving in tho steerage,
Stockman to Organize.
Denver, May tl. Today loading
stockmen from all parts of tho country
will nsiiotnhlo in this city to tako up
tho work ot concluding the organiza
tion of tho American Htockgrowera'
association. This association was par
tially formed during tho annual con
vention of tho National Livestock
association held there in January last.
Those who wont Into tho now organ
Ixatlon wore displeased with tho admis
sion to membership In tho old associa
tion of packera, railroad representa
tives and poruons of that class.
Made Russian Naval Daso.
Iondon, May 0. A telegram from
Hongkong to a news agency gives a
long dispatch, which it alleges tho
rrench authorities at Halgou ruiusou to
transmit April 30, detailing how (or
ten days tho Russian Paclflo squadron
was allowed to convert Kamrauh bay
practically into n Russian base, freely
coaling and provisioning under tho di
rection of Prlnco J.luven, captain ot tho
interned Russian cruiser Diana, tho
French admiral being present.
Officers Torn to Pieces.
Kknti, RliiBburg, Russia, May 0. In
rovongo (or tho death of n workman
who was drowned In attempting to o"
capo from n patrol, a mob o( workmen
imthorod nnd toro to pieces iwo omcurs.
Order has been restored,
' Clilnmnnr Im llonomo Mnui Clnw
ui.i.nrhnv luv.l0"'!"'""" "J i uiiuuiu nun uiun
and Expensive.
Ratsa by Government Railroad Mutt
be Very Low to Offset Lois
In Handling.
Han Francisco, May U. A matter of
great commercial Importance to the
raclfic coAst is discussed In a report
that Iian bn prepared for the informs
tlon of President Iloosevelt, Secretary
Tsft, of the War department, and J. I..
Ilrlstow, a special commissioner Ap
pointed by 1'rosldcnt Roosevelt to visit
this coasI And acqulro facts, Thequcs
tiou refers to the utility of the Panama
route for tlm movement of freight be
tween Kan FrAiiclsco and tlm Atlantic
states. The report was submitted to
W. It. Wheeler, W. J. Dtilton and
Itufus P. Jennings. It was Adopted by
tlm trustees of tho chamlier of com
merce anil forwarded to Washington in
printed forn by the chamber.
Tho report says In part:
"Tho present freight schedule via
Panama is apparently based on tho
overland railroad freight schedule, tho
charges of tlm former varying from 78
to 10 h:t cent, with an avuragetof about
H'J per cent of tho latter; in other
words, the differentials in favor of the
Panama route, with Its 30-day trip as
compared with the transcontinental
route with its M-dny trip, aro so small
that the shipper either east or west
docs not consider the saving sufficient
to cover tlm risk of damage or hrenkngo
in tho necessary several handlings of
goods via Panama.
"Cniler government ownership of tho
Paiiaiiia railroad and tho sea route to
New York from Colon, tho only ques
tion to bo considered would bo whether
tho freight rates could he made suffi
ciently low to make the saving on trans
portation cxpcnioi an object to the ship
per and enough to offset tho additional
time required in transit."
Forestry Service Is Improved Under
Civil Servlco Rules.
Washington, May 0. Up to a lew
mouths ago tho forestry service, includ
ing forest insiKctors, forest suvrin
tendouts, (orest assistants and forest
ranger, wero outside the classified ser
vice, and tho positions paying all the
way ironi 7.'U to l.'.ooo a year wero
prey for Influential ollticlans. As
was to Iw exK-clel, many lnconiH;tcnts
wero loaded onto tho government, and
there was much complaint liecauso of
tho inefficiency of the forestry forco.
December 17, 11)04, tho president
brought the forestry under civil service
protection; soon thereafter congress
transferred forest reserves to tho con
trol of the department of Agriculture,
and now (51 fiord Pinchot, chief of the
forestry bureau, who is actually in
charge, is inaugurating reforms which
he believes will greatly Improve tho
servlco In every way,
Tho Koosovult Idea Of promoting good
men Is being applied, and tho higher
iKMdtions in tlio forestry service are
hereafter to bo tilled by the promotion
of cometent men in tho lower posi
tions. In the new servlco tho osi
lions will bo graded as follows: Forest
supervisor, 11,800 to l!,o00 a year;
deputy forest aiiervlNor, 1 1,600 to f 1,
TOO n year; (orest ranger, f 1,200 to
91. 400; deputy (orest ranger, 1 1,000
to $1,100; assistant (orest ranger, 800
to $1)00.
Persons who wero in the (orestry
service on tho dato of tho president's
order wero carried under civil service
protection; hereafter all appointments
will Ihi made after examination of ap
plicants and preference will be ulven
to local men, selecting rangers and su
pervisors, when practicable, from tho
states in which they are to bo em
Copper Found In Helena.
Unite, Mont., May D. A minor from
Helena says rich copper ore was itncov
crcd today within tlm limits of Helena
Tho lead ol tho rod metal was found
adjoining tho Pursoll llmo quarry, on
tho cast side of the town, tho lead be
ing worked by tho Alberta Mining
company. Sixteen Inches of very rich
oro la in tho lend and tho discovery
created no little excitement, borne of
tho oro was "blistered" in a black
smith's forgo nnd the copper and Bllver
wore very distinguishable. Tho oro
runs $76.31 to tho ton.
Propose Boycott on Franco.
Toklo, May 0. A mombor of tho
chamber of commerce ot this city has
written to that oiganixntion suggest
ing organised commercial retaliation
on Franco on acocunt of tho hospitality
shown by her to tho second Russian
I'aclfla squadron, Tho writer proposes
that tho chambers of commerce through
out tlio empire net jointly in boycotting
tho goods of French merchants. It la
probable that tho chamber of commerce
hero will not consider tho question.
New Road to Pacific Coast.
Now Orleans, May 0. The Colorado
Southern, New Orleana A Paclflo rail
road filed a charter hero today to build
a railroad iroin now urioanB to connect
with tho Colorado Bouthorn and thenco
to tho Paclflo coast. Tho chartor bears
tho names of local directors.
Taft Issues Orders New Commission
Going to Isthmus.
Washington, May 8. Bccrctary Taft
today cabled Uoveronr Davis, at Pana
ma, to return nt onco to tho United
Htatcs, placing Colonel Uorgas In
charge of tho Administration of the
canal xone until tho arrival there of
Governor Magoon. Governor Davis is
suffering from malaria, and his phy
sicians advised him to Icavo the Isth
mus to recupcrato. lie has resisted
their appeals, however, (earing that
his sudden departure at a time when
tho health conditions on tho isthmus
ant advene would be mlsumlertsood.
Tho secretary plans to have the ex
ecutive commlttto of tho canal commis
sion, consisting of Chairman BhonU,
Governor M spoon and Chief Knglneer
Wallace, sail for the Isthmus on May
10. It will be followed by the remain
ing members of the commission July 1
and the entire body will make a thor
ough examination of conditions on the
Isthmus, with particular reference to
tho formation of plans for canal con
struction. It will consider the import
ant question of tide level or lock canal.
These plans will be submitted through
Mr. Taft to the board of consulting en
gineers, which will bo called In session
tor the first time In Washington Sep
tember 1 or 16 next. ,
Mr. Taft feels that two months will
bo sufficient to ensblo the board to form
final plans ujion which can be based a
presidential recommendation to con
gress at the next session.
Fierce Wind and Rain Demolishes
Buildings and Ruins Crops.
Muscogee, I, T., May 8. Several
tiersons are reported killed, many in
jurod and much damage wrought to
proiKtrty as a result of the flerco wind
and rain storm in various parts of In
dian Territory. Wires are down and
names ami details aro lacking. At
Owl, 26 miles southwest of Bouth Mc
Alestcr, eight persons aro said to have
In-en killed and a doxen injured. At
that place nearly every building Is re
torted wrecked. Among tho buildings
demolished wss tho town school. Pro
fessor Hinson, a teacher, is reported
fatally hurt, and many pupils are said
to have been injured. It is believed
none of them will die. Among the
buildings wrecked wero a church,
which was totally demolished; three
business houses and 20 residences.
A sjK'clal from Welch, I. T., says
that a terrific storm ewept over thn.
part of the territory, and that several
persons were injured, some ol them
In the central and northern part of
Indian Territoiy, tho worst-rain storm
In years was experienced. Crops were
ruined and many homes in the low
lying country were flooded.
Demand Election of Popular Mem
bers on Bouligan Commission.
Moscow, May 8. Tho most ambitions
and thorough project of the new govern
mental organization contemplated by
tho rescript ot Match 3, namely, a pop
ular assembly, is being discussed by
tlm second Zcmstvo convention, which
opened hero today. The first day was
devoted to explanations and familiaris
ing members with tho various details
of the progiam, making clear points in
doubt. Tlio project waa exceedingly
well received by tho delegates and
probably will be adopted in its main
linen by tho congress.
It is noticeable that the program
confines itself cntlvely to tho proposed
representative assembly, not mention
ing tho executive, tho intention being
to avoid any attempt at definition or
limitation or tho powers of tho em
peror. lteforo beginning tho discussion of
the project, tho members adopted a
resolution favoring participation by tho
iRMjplu In tho work of tho Bouligan
commission, only If tho popular repre
sentatives aro elected, and not selected,
and aro given an equal voice with the
government representatives. It was
also resolved that tho deliberations of
tho commission should be subject to
tho broadest publicity nnd that, as a
necessary preliminary to any satisfac
tory result, tho abolition of mnrtlal
law and the establishment of the right
of assembly and freo expression ot
thought by word and press should bo
Raid Japanese Coast.
Tokio, May 8. Four Russian tor
pedo boat destroyers from Vladivostok
appeared westward of Hokkaido, oft
8utsu yesterday. They sclxed and
burned a small sailing vessel and im
prisoned tho captain and disappeared
to tho northwest. They wero evi
dently returning to Vladivostok
There is a possibility that they have
destroyed other small craft, although
no reports to that effect have been re
ceived. Tho object of their visit is
net clear. It la thought they hoped to
torpedo the Japanese patrol. r
Oyama Ready for Russians.
Fenshnshhien, Manchuria, May 8,
Field Marshal Oyama ecema ready
to assumo tho offensive on n largo ecalo
and activity already has begun on
General Llnievitch'a left. This may
bo tho prelude to another general tbat
tlo. Tlio Japaneao havo concentrated
heavy columns on the Liao river, and
their advanco divisions have been in
contact with tho Russians, who aro
holding tho main road from Fakonian
to Bashlenchen.
British, Trade Statistics.
London, May 8. Tho April state
ment ot tho board ot trade shows a
decroaso ot (4,004,600 in imports and
an increase ot $3,208,000 In exports.
JCvsy Vj yirr . --,- "- -
A Hand Harden Cart.
No one realizes how bandy a small
cart Is on the farm until one has used
it; the wheelbarrow Is all right In It
plsce, but there are time when the
band cart answer the purpose much
better. The Illustration shows bow
one of these carta may be made with
a little lumber and any old wheels
from a mower one may have. If there
are no such wheels and shaft on the
farm, the local blacksmith can prob
ably supply the want from articles
ot the kind that come to htm. The Il
lustration shows plainly the mode of
Have a box of convenient size, being
careful not to make It too large, else
It cannot be pulled except with con
siderable effort when filled. The width
will, of course, depend upon the length
of the axle. Thills may be msde of
any suitable material, If one cannot
obtain a made pair, and If they arc
homo constructed It will be easy to
bring the outer ends nearer together
by placing a two-Inch block between
the ends next to the box and the box.
At the front end of the box a strip of
bonn! Is placed, to which the single
tree is attached.
No Cabbage Bnake.
Recently an absurd fear has devel
oped In the minds of some eaters of
cabbages relative to the so-called "cab
bnce snake." The superstition Is that
the snake poisons the cabbages and so
renders them unfit to eat. The exist
ence of such a creature Is denied by
our scientist, but so prevalent Is the
belief that at least one experiment sta
tion Las Issued a circular denying the
existence of the so-called snake. In
some parts of the country a small
whitish eel-worm" has been found to
Infest cabbages. The larvae of this
worm prey upon tho common green
cabbage worm, and hence are doubt
less a benefit rather than a detriment
to the cabbage-growinR Industry. 8ome
of the more superstitious people In the
Bouth Imagined that these worms poi
soned the cabbages, and tests were
made by scientific people to clear up
the matter. Extracts were made from
the worms and Injected Into the hu
man system. These Injections failed
to produce tho least effect. It Is there
fore considered that the character of
the Utile worm has been cleared of the
New Ited Grape.
Although not yet tested In all grape
growing regions, the Regal show
promise wherever It has been grown.
The vine Is a most vigorous grower,
strong and healthy and exceedingly
productive. The quality of the berry
is very good, though not of the best.
The skin Is a rich red, thin but very
tough, and one of Uie chief character
istics of the variety Is its long, keep
ing qualities. As wtll be seen from
the Illustration, the bunch Is compact,
the berries of good size and uniform.
A number of the State experiment sta-
tions have tested the variety and speak
highly of It. If It does as well under
general culture as It uas on trial, It wtll
be of distinct advantage as a market
sort because of Its color and It long-
keeping qualities. Indianapolis News,
Finding Ae of Fowl.
A pullet will show rose-colored veins
on the surface of the skin under tho
wings; there will also be long silky
lmtra growing there. After a year old
these disappear, so, too, do the veins,
and the skin shows white and vein
less. The difference can bo seen at a
VaaHf tr'Bva
"Wtv. L-jMf jWi
UjaauBci jL'JiK 1
sl k? ?--1 Vbbt ' Ai
nincc. Again, a pullet that has not
laid, or linn only Just commenced to
lay, will have tho bone of the pelvis
or basin almost touching. The bones
gradually widen as the fowl continue
laying, and at two years old are much
further apart than they were at one
year old. The third point of dlfferenw
lies In the claw and shanks; In a
young bird the skin of the claw I
supple, and the scales thin and bril
liant. The skin get coarser and
stronger and the scales harder as the
bird grow, and the nail of the last toe,
which doe most of the work, when
the bird scratches, get much worn.
There Is also a difference In the eye
lids. These acquire wrinkles as the
bird get older, and there Is also a
lightly shrivelled look on the face.
This, with age, get more and mora
pronounced. In the case of cocks,
above and beyond these point of dif
ference (except the bone of the pelvl
widening), there are the spur to judge
by. American Cultivator.
Klectrlc Plowing;.
With the development of electrical
work proceeding to rapidly In Italy,
It Is not surprising to find that special
attention Is being given there to the
design of electrical agricultural ma
chinery. The Socleta Klcttrotecnlca
Italians of Turin has Invented and con
structed t number of devices for the
application of electric power to farm
machinery, Its latest product being an
electric plow, which Is said to have
come out of public tests with gratify
ing success. The device consists of
two twenty-five horse-power car,
which are stationed at each end of
the field, and between which are
stretched cables attached to the plow.
The electric current Js taken from a
trolley line. The plow is pulled by the
cables from one side of the field to
the other, and when it reaches the end
of the furrow It stops automatically,
the current being cut off. It can be
run backward or forward with ease.
One man manage the plow, and each
car I operated by one man. These
power cars are said to be as easily
managed as traction engines, and their
power can be applied to thrashing ma
chines, pumps, grain drills, etc.
New Farm date.
Serious defect to be overcome In
gates are strain and leverage weight,
which result in sagging. W. J. Slack,
of Fort Wayne. Ind., has Invented a
gate which It I claimed will large
ly remedy these defect. A triangular
frame 1 hinged to the post, with two
rollers attached, whereon gate panel
Is supported and freely operates. The
cut shows gate In usual low position,
closed, and so supported at front end
that no leverage weight or strain can
Incur to either gate or post Tills Im
provement may be used as a small sin
gle or largo double sliding or swing
Gathered from the Garden.
The best tblug for the garden
brains. N
Cut the black knot out of the plum
and cherry trees.
A particular titbit of the San Jose
scale Is the currant
Radishes are usually ready for use In
six wecCs from sowing.
I to no meal and wood ashes In the
soli are great for sweet peas.
Probably no other small fruit will
give more weight of crop for tho space
It occupies than the currant
Don't trim the cherry trees now.
Walt till June, and tuen be light
handed. To bleed the grapevines by cutting
during March, April or Mny Is bad
Cold frames are useful for forward
ing lettuce and cabbage In spring or
early summer.
If tho rhubarb la run out or mora
plants nn wauted, It can be propa
gated by dividing the old roots. Kach
eye or bud when broken apart with a
root attached forms a plant.
Poultry Picking.
Why don't you raise turkeys? Vho
price U high and they are easy to
raise, though some think It Is diffi
Special care must be taken In nan-
dllng the eggs tho first fire daya of
Incubation, when life Is not firmly es
tablished. The cause of fowls taking cold Is al
lowing them to sleep wuere they are
exposed to drafts and feeding them
soft and sloppy foods.
It requires capital to go into the
poultry business ou anything but a
very small scale, and economizing on
some things Is the wrong thing to do.
Wyandottea have for the last few
year taken a commanding position
among the fanciers of this country, be
ing of American origin and a great egg
A great number of beginner who
ore Just becoming Interested In rais
ing poultry, etc., do not know what
breed to select Try Barred Plymouth
Rocks or Wyandotte.
issfjn imp a ijnC 'jrlScic