-A L I i ' FAMOUS ATHLETES As a Spring Tonic to Gel "I aJvIic all Athletes who Are about to ro In training to try a bottle of Pe.ru.iu." mmw Jm jww&i j w iar'S? S4ww .roiiw' . W. VfKV IOri"' tftiJS'i GlcnUtcr. ,?.1 -vt-s PtFj jolin UlelilsUir, (jUMiiipla aw ui ui and Unt; .tUUeto to KUcceSa.ail Hwrlni Tliruttli th MIcuIkuii WlilrljMKil Itdd. PE-RU-NA Renovate., Itritubtlcs, Kevlore. a System Depleted by Catarrh. Jolin V. Ulruiste r, of Providence, It, I,, champion long distance awltiiumr of America, linn Ht formed notable train In tlila country and Kugland. Jin liHit used l'criinu n it tonic mid gives 111 oiltiloii of it In tlm following litter: New Vork. Tho IV rutin Medicine Company, Columbus, Ulilu: (Irntlrmrii -"This spring tut tlm II mt tlmn I Imvn taken two bottle (it 1'eruim, mill, a It lias doiie iu it great deal of good, '"d " " ' iiiikIiI to eay a good word fur iti worth. "During the springtime for the Ut few years, I have taken several kinds of spring Ionics, and have never received any benefit whatever. ThW year, llrour.h the udritr. of a friend, I have tried I'crurw and It hat then MlMac tJon. "I lrr all nthlctr. who arc about to go In training to try a bottle, for It certainly grt the )vtrm In good shape." Your truly, JOHN W. GltNISUK. Oilil Animal Law. When n dog wan unlawfully klllt'd In reuiitrlo differing ihi tvldolr na (Jit many unit AtaIiIh th uwntr of the an lliml uniiI to lie ludi'lillilrlrd III thn fo lotvluic iimiiiier. 'I'lie ihiK 'n huiiK up by tlm lull, ullli Hut Htnt of It mux rle imieliltiK I lie Hniuiul, nuit the limn whit hud ctimmltliHl tho ofTenni wmk ohllKcd to Mitir over It corn or llnur until Hie en ream wna niinplelely hid ileu by tlm hmp. ThlH hiwp Mien lie ciiim tin property of the muu who owned tho do. In Hyrin thrr waa n aHHially fiirl oua variation, for If It were n ulrtet dint that huk UIIIimI tho Hour tvna made lulo bread mid kIvoii to Ita fid Iowa. No dniilit (Ida nro from thn value ntllaclied In tliwo old pwri to atri'ft doea na mitvi'incera. My I lie old Wolah lurva of llinvel thn diuuiiKH for kllllni; nu nultunl lielnnnliiK to niiothur with nnH(Kol In tho lunio odd umu ncr. Note on the May Century. (lenoral attentlou la twIiiK callel inoro and more U lint awnift' to lie a wlclwprond ndlloua nwakcnlliK. Now it la AimtrulU or Witlra or New Zew land thai la affected; thou itninxliiR ic porta roino from Korea; next, )ir)ui, aro uxtraonllnary retiirun from )m An Reloa, Atlanta or HtUburK. Themi coiidltlniiH will Ihi diamniiHMl by lliiury It, Ivlllot In tlm Mny Century under thn title, of "Tho World-wide Hplrltunl Avtnki'iiliiK." Alltnknrt Uliiitno. Jack Hello, old inn tt t Awfully Kind to mh you. More, tnko on tlmt cont and put on thla Hiiioklui; JiuUet mid iiinkn ynurelf comfortiilile. Dick Deuce hike Itl Do you menu to IiihIii. unto Hint I don't feci comfurtnhlu In a tlrCHH hlllt? NoUiIiik is more offensive than an old sore UlnIImitSJJ tlmt refusca to heal, Patiently, (lav after day, it is treated and nursed, every calve, powder, etc, that is heard of is tried, hut does no ROixl, until the very night of it grows offensive to the sufferer and he becomes disgusted and mor bid. They are not only offensive, but duni-erous, because the same genu that produces cancerous ulcers is back ol every old sore. The cause is in the blood and as long as it remains the sore will be there and continue to grow worse and more destntctivc. The fact that thousands of old sores have been cut out nud even the bones scraped, mid ycl tucy returned, is in clInmftat.lB rvldenei, that the doctors tdonil In dNenieil nn.l rearwin. tottt evcr broken out ORln. JOHN W, JNDIS. JliX1 fo? iheMsorcnorr"!cer: Wtall-8. W' Vtt" a8' ' Valuable time is lost in experimenting with cxtcninl treatments, such na Calves, powders, washes, etc., because the genus and poisons in the blooa must be removed before a cure can be effected. 8. S. S. cleanses and purl, flea the circulation eo that It carrlea rich, new blood to the parts and tho exhilarating tonic, aids the digestion nnd puts every nnrt of the body to good healthy condition. Hook on the blood, with any medical advice wished, Without choree, THE SWIFT pffi PE-RU-NA Ific System in Good Shape c'TjU&$ yVifc N I. Jui. ATIH.KTKH reslli the Importance of keeping In gwni iH-allly trial. The digestion mutt be good, the cir culation perfect, sleep regular and enough of It. If thn slightest catarrhal couilltlon of lung or stomach In allowed to r inulli, neither digestion nor sleep mill Ik) strength-sustaining, Tho who lead very active Cvm, Cte athletes, with food nuntuUr development, find the spring month especially trh C Atlilrtra every whero praise I'ctunn Ix-caurn they, of all men, appreciate tho value af a tonic that dlscl phys leal dcprcalon. lie vocation of tome men may allow them to endure the drprcivlng feeling lr cident to spring weather, but the athlr'r mutt never allow hbmelf to set "under I c weather." Ho must keep in the "lnk o( condl lion" all the time. In order to do thin I:p muni avail himself of a spring tonic -upon which he run rely. Therefore Athlete are rtpeclaOy friend ly toward i'rruna. reruna never lad litem. Man lu Ho IlUrann I'mmiT. It haa alrcHily Ih-hii aiiKKevtiit t tint thn appendix ahoiild he removed from ru'ry Infant o u routine mca-iire. Hut thla la clnrly liiNUItlclent, aaya thn llrltlah Mwllcnl Journal The aiirccry of the future miut Include fur more than thla. Tho tonsils and turliliuite boiiei of tho none muat he cut out, bivmi'e thry may harlnir ;erimi. Wluit ArlniHinot lano cans Hie "hiiinnu ctNtupirol" (Hint la, the Inro InteMlnp), niiiat bo rcuiovisl amm; wllh n i-oiiHldernblp part of the upper IHirlhut of the nlliiieiitiiry oanal, be iituao It won't ! iirwlthl when we be gin to I Iff on M. Ilerllielot'it tabloid i uimI pllla. The too readily decaylm teetli will ho pulled nut lu curly life ami the Kcnn-proof atore variety In mtIihI. Tho fiillluK liumnii eye will be iiutlcliMttrd liy upoctaclM Iti early oulh. Dcllclcut moral aciue mid de generacy will be trtsttod by cntlhttloii of tlm bruin and removal of the olfeud Inc nrcna. Tliui protected aenluat the prrlla of cIvlllMitlou, the muu of the coiiiIiir cciiturlca will bo nblc In Ida Journey throiiKlit llfo to defy tho couutlcaa cue mica Hint Krek to rob him of health until teeth, anna eyed, aaua taste, suns every tiling. Philadelphia Hccord. Hnmrwhai Dlmrrrnt. fond mrmarlwi of the Inni; ago Coinn back with koiiks I lined to sine; Hut w lien sonc I unul In puliliidirr Come back well, that's number thine. Aa 1'iplitliiPit. lliubatut I "under why men's pock et nre mi cany to net at, tthlla womeu'i are mi dlltlriillT Wife Oh, that's easily explained. A man lias no bii.lueiH with a woman'! pocket, hut u woman has with a man's. That' tlio answer. Some years ago mr blood became poisoned, and the doctor told me I would have running sores for life, and that if they were closed up the result would be fstal, Under this discouraging report I left off their treatment and resorted to tlio. use of B. 8, S. Its effects were prompt and gratifying. It took only u short while for the medicine to eu tlrclv cure ut the sores, and I out not dead as tho intimated I would be, neither hove tho sore or ulcer hcaln permanently, b. b. b. nor. oniy removes the germs and poisons, but strengthens tho blood and builds up the entire system by stimu at. Ing the organs, Increasing the appetite and giving hArirtilnllintiMnt. t.rnct.wl .AHfil till t Intl . Tt IS atl SPECIFIC CO. ATLAKIA, UJU . TTter. Si Ui T ' WJcK ffl& "Doctor, Isn't thern iisiytfiliiK I can do for this aeiislekncs?" "Why. yes. Try fiiniiliiK." Mfe. .lohnny I'nw, wliitt'H tho real of Hint quolntlou heKluuliiK "Truth la uilirlity?" KiiHiit "Hcnrco," I reckon Plltabiirjc Post. He I ko to bod lit iiIkIU with lllovna on to keep my hnmls soft. Hho And do you wear your lint, too? Ilnrtford CourHiit. Miilltun Do you wish to your ilcpiirjed htisbnuil'N spirit? Mrs W.hlf llelree No, I whiiI to hco his Khostl Josh neter hail no spirit! -Puck "Ho tlio s Inllst nnIiI you'd Juivo to kUh up auiokliiK for n while, eh'" Yea, Mild lie ali Mid I'd have to Kho up flfi for kiw.I." Collier's Weekly Hultor I'm M,or hut honest, sir. Old Itocksy I don't doubt It nt nil, my iMiy, mid iiiiIhm you ehiuiKe jour prin ciples you'll never K"t rich. Town 'JVpJcs. NellHow In the world did you dis cover her ako? Hello I nskett her at what ago alio thoiiKht a lrl should marry, and aim promptly snhl li7. Phlnidvlphla IiilKer. "What la the chief product of tho t'ultml HUtea?" asked tlio toucher lu n Kiiropesn school. And without bent tJttlon thn hrtk'tit pupil replhI, "Mon ey." Wnshliijjton Htnr. "A New Vork mini advocates the drotvuliii; of all Idiots." "Why, tlio cruel brutel I ahull rulsn my voice In protect! I er oh, well, it doosu't matter to me." Houston Post. "What Is the secret of your suc cess'" nuked the tery joiitii; man "lu buyllik'," sulil tint old hurso dtMler, "I look shnrp, nml lu m-IIIiik I loik Just us iKiioruut us I cun." C'hlcaco Daily News. "It's 7 o'clock, I'rltr! Wo must run home." "No, if I k homo now I mIihII bo whipped for beiiiK w lute. I'm (, liiK to s't.iy till II ami then I'll p-t Imiii lo u and kisses Iuhmuso I'm not drowned." I.ustlxo lllnetter. "Old i on spend money to get Into public olllceV" "No," answered .Senit tor Hortchnm; "I didn't spend It. 1 Kite It iiwm), nml then depended on decent sense of UTHtltudc in the bell ellelurltM." WusliliiKton Ktar. l-'olr Devotee I don't mi hii way to ml ve our ehurcli delit, except to lime m lottery. Minister tshiM-kiil) That will neter have my HHiietlou, inadani, never, utile ,m call It by mime other naHM'. New York Weekly. i)ll Party Hy. you'll catch eokl If joil K'el your feel wet III that puddle. Smnll Hoy Dut's wlmt I'm uftur. Put a koIii' to pk "MjMrtacus to do tiladlators" tit M-limd m I'rbUy. mi I whiiU to Kit me tolce Inmrse. OhlcnKo News. "Their pay la Hockltii:ly siiihII for tome of our public olttclul," snhl tbo broad-minded mnii. "Ys." answered tlucjiile; "but It avernKs up. Komo of tde public ottlciHls are slxn-klunly small for their Miy.M Washington Ktar. I'lnnetan Oh. yK Ol can under stand how ttilm aatmiHiinen can cnl kllate th' distance mv a ill tare. H.i welKht, and dliiNlty and color, and nil that bnt th' thlui: tlmt K4 m Is. how th' dlwle do they know It'a name. Puck. Khe What Is the Ue of soflrvliInK for the NortJi Pole, anyway? lie Why, It would result In h KrtHit suvIiik of money If found. She How's that? Hclt wouldn't be necesaury to send nuy more expeditions to look Hfter It, -Phlladelphlu linpilrer. Constituent Now, Mr. Wunnout, I wish you'd do your beat to i;et my boy it K"od government Job. CVniKrcMiiinii Well, what can your aon do? Con ailtucnt What can he do? (Jreat Kcott, man! If ho could do iinythlm; I wouldn't be iMithcrliiK you! Cleveland Phitn Dealer. Mrs. McOull I do wish I could get h kxk1 maid. Mri. Vundlne You mlBht Interview mine I think she'd be dollRliteil to k to you. Mrn Mc Cll Hit why don't jou keei her? Mrs. Vnndlno Oh, she wtin't sliiy. Hho snya alio wnnts n place where tdie won't have ao ninny kwiim mid hats to take care of. Philadelphia Press. Miss Hmytho (orKnnUIng a aubserlp Hon dance) I'm In despair about our dance, Mr. Ilrown. Ho ninny pctiplu have fallwl inc. You'll come, wou't you? Mr, Hrown (extremely stout) Kelly, Miss Hmytho; I'm not n dancing man. 1 don't diiuco nt all! MIh.h Hmythc Oh, that don't mutter In tho least. You'd help to (111 up, you kuowl Mr. Hrown Ah JCH with pleaamv. I will look In about nuppcr time Punch. Uitessu. Odessa Is one of tho lluest cities In HushIii. Foundatlotm for the present city were mndo lu 1TIM, and It Ih built upon territory ceded to llussla by Tur key In 17l-. It him a population of 000.000, nearly n quarter of whom aro really tho AmcrlcaiiH of Itussla, enter prlslngi proKrcsslvo and peaceful. Would Oortittitly Hont-o Him. It la safe to say that tho man w)m had tlio llrnt case of good old-fiishlonod JiimpliiK tootliuclie thought ho was a goner. Detroit Tribune. "This U a kiosis case," snld a Man chester inaglstiato to u prisoner, who was making bin Mltb appcanuicu bo foro him for druiiUciincaa. Pale, Thin, Nervous ? Then your blood must be in a vcrv bad condition. You certainly know what to take, n then take it Aycr's Sarsa parllla. If you doubt, then consult your doctor. Wcknow what he will say about this grand old family medicine. Sold for over 60 years. Tlits ! Ihs Bn pMtlon jrmt Antlnt would k "AtsyniirbuweiiftruiarT'' lis know! lluldllT trtltifi of Hi Ixiwtli It Uolullf eiMiitlal In rtcrr Kf ' your liter ctlT ml ;ir Imwiii MKuUr Ij uklus litttle Uottt u'. Ajtl't I'llU. M Uvltbr. Alt UvlttirlC AtrOo.. Ix.w.11, Sill. .sui.ciui.ri i nun vioor. SI vers AllUC CLUE. ciiLm putobau Anollirr Point of View. llyki-r As Hliakspeare says: "Jesters do often prove prophets." Pykrr Yes, ami he might have troth fully added that prophet often prors Jesters espcclilly political and weather prophets. Matbrri will Bad Mrs. TTIdi!w' rooCktnr Hyrop Umi beil rtra4y to dm lor tbclr cklldrea dorior th Utilise rlod. Key to th Hlfuatlon. Th slieritf as standing on the corner with a larKe brass key lu his hsnd. "What's that bit key for'" asked tbe ImiuUltlve person. "That," answered the sheriff. "Is the key to a clock factory. The proprietor let the business run down and Pv cot to wind It up. Bee?" Effects of Prosperity. In tho nix years of tho country's grc-ateiit prosperity, from 1807 to 1003, average priced of breftdstuffa advanced (16 jrt cent, incuts 23.1 per rent, dairy and irarden products C0.1 per cent., and clothliiK 24 1. All these were product of tho farmer and stockman, who profited more than any other "lass of thn community by these advances. The miner Ix-ncfittcd 411.1 per cent, by that advunco in tho average price of metals. Tho only decreaso In the averago priced of commodities in that period was in railway freight ratcx, which decreased from .71m j-cr ton-milo in 1H07, to .763 in 1003, n loss of 4.4 percent. Tbo rejKHt of tho Interstate Commerce com mission allow that tho average Increase in tho pay of railroad employes in that period was a trifle atwvo 8.6 jer cent. A I.tfr-Saver. He Ued her band and then her lips; .She bade hi in no away. Hah! he: "I lire from hand to mouth, So don't be angry, pray." "Oh. well." she sa , "If that's tb case. I'll let yon lire today." For forte year's I'lso's Cure for Con sumption hss cured coughs and oolds. At druggists. I'riee 36 cents. At Hhort Itunice. "It must be awful," said the type writer boarder with the $1.US pompa dour, "to be deceived by a false mar riage." "Well, I don't suppose It's any worse than being deceived by u real one," rejoined tho landlady. ' And her husband continued to giro a correct Imitation of a muu trying to read a newspaper. AVcCctoblc Prcparationrbr As slmilnling thcFoodandncdula ling lite Stomachs andDoNrels of m Promotes DigcsHoiLCIwcf Tuh ncasnrulResi.Contalns nelllicr Onlum.Morptu'nc nortiiicraL KOrARCOTIC. jkytareuji-SiMzzmcsax UyAoW' JUS MMUSJ- AwM f CrmAjJ.tiMT Iifcaijni iVanwt ApcrTccl Itcmedy rorConsUrwi Hon, Sour Stouach,Dinrrlocn nnd Loss op Sleep. anvawMsaaiw t jaawaavaaaavawai FacSlmito Signnlure of NEW YOHK. exact cony of wrarrcr. sx var-:: ,r?wrtrreBj-r afelfaafSl'V'P'll' VM w - to PV Color mora goods brighter and falter colors than any other dye. One 10c package colors silk, wool and cotton equally well and I limranlced to ilve 1 perfect results. Ask dealer, or we will vend Poit paid at 10c tt package. Write for frcs booklet how to dye, bleach and ntU color. MONHOC DRUG CO., llnlonvUIc, MUsouri. mmavLiMmtw.im&i'.Ma H itmi siii au itiifAiii., OoufSBfrnv, lite (lool. Vl ItMt 6oufk Bm in tim Sold hr nraefltti UiKT2i??l,ffuI;MIJiM Oooct Advlco. Sylrls I'm Invited to the T'pperton's bsll next week, but I really can't decide what to wear. What would yon ndrlse? Phyllis Well, dear. If 1 had your com plexluu I'd wear th thickest veil I could find. CITC P'rmsnentlJ' Cured. ICofltiorn'rvoutneM rilu flr Bnl dr'sniofIr Kline,t(ire(Nerv ItMlurr. Mend for Vrretl IrUlliftlUeAndlr.stl. 111. it, U. Kiln, Ud., Ml Antiht., 1'tillwlHplil, I'a. FMIbln flnalla. Daughtsr The psper says that edible snails ar advertised in Kusllsli restau- I rants. Old Lady Land sskesl Who'd erer t'a thought that sdlbls snails wera fit to tat You Can Oct Allen's root-IUse VUV.n. ' Wrll Allen B. Olmnled, ix jtoy.N. Y., lor a ire tnjl of Allen's Kit-'i. It earn twestlnr. hot swollen, sehlnr; feet. It mskes sew or llsht sler r A eerlsln evrn lor corns. InrrowlnarslUsnd l.iinlom. Alldrsr; (titiKlllt. 2Tc Don't accept say sutstltalo. Out r tho Ordinary. Mlfllrt What do you think of Knox em as a pugilist? Hlffson I don't believe he's the real thine. Mlflles Why not? Hlffson Ilecause he ssys he Isn't 0 ioc to try to elsvate th stage. QflEGONfffijwPuRlfER TC8TED AND TRUB-flUAKArrriiEt) KOWI Is tbc time I USIi IT. If Had No More to Raj. Orowells Oar new neighbor must be a hnppy'wornsn. Mrs. Orowells Why do yon think so? Orowells Khe goes about tbe house, singing all day long. j Mrs. Oronelb Oh, that's easily ex plained. She's a widow. j Deware ot Ointments lor Catarrh that Contain Mercury as mtrenry will surely dattroy the sense ol well and completely derang th whole sys tem when entering tt through tbe mucoo urfaees. huth articles SLoold never bo ucd x-pton preterlpllun froin reputable pt.y tlilsnf.sithedaDitLgithey will do is ten ! Id to !- gnot you can puMlbly derive from them. HsU's isttrrh Cure, msnufsrturetl by V J. Cheney Ala, Toledo, O., cunUInt no n crtary, ud Is ukn Internally, acting directly upon the blood snd mucous turfsecsol tho system. lrf buying HsU's Catarrh Cur be aura you get th rvnulne. It U taken inlernallr. and tnalo I tnTotedo,OhJo,byK. i.L'beoey Co. Tettl-1 munikii irrv. iid ur i)rurlu. ynee 'ac per botue. If all's Tamil 7 fills are the but. Two Uiceptlon. "They say that all the world lores a lover," Mid the rejected suitor aa he ato his dinner from tho mantelpiece, "but there arc generally two excep tions to tho rule, the girl you want to be your wife and tbe man you want to be your father-In law." Princeton Tlcer. Swollen Yeliis, Sprains, Strains and Weak Joints IlelleTMl and Cuml with oar Milk Kbwlle MtockUgrt. 1-crfret Fit tliuusntrvd. 1ne Mont Mlk Mlk VVrl.tlels .7 l tu AnkM. 1.7k l Kneecaps. 1.T4 UO I'Cirtna Xio IH llarter Hone. UO l Abov Kne JIom-,.. S.W SOO V also mannfartHre a'l forms of MU and ttupporten. WOOOARO. CLARKC & CO Poetland, Oregon. I P. N. U No.1S-t905 WI1KN writing to advertiser mention this pa par. pleaaoi For Infants nnd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the I Signature f A w of w In Use ,f For Over Thirty Years TMS stNTaun eneaNr, ncw voaa orrr. wmmisEmsstmssszxm GASTORA FAD E LESS DYES ORIinON POTl.AND ST. HELEN'S HALL a ointM nrnoot. or tiir ntoitKr ( I.AHiieorix'il tssehers, loeslli.n, bin Id Inir enuitnieut tin Ul. Hstid for cat alogue Turin 0)iiiMontomliorln,iy04 agfc Tested I True GUARANTUliD Used and Sold livery where. Positive, Ccmparalive, Superlative. " I have vttti one of your Flih Orsnd SIUkr for five ytn, and now wtnt new ont, alto on fee friend. I would not be without on fortwlc th cot I, They sr Juit br hcd of a common cost a common on I ahcid of nothing." (S.M4 i ttWatl.) lUfillEST AWARD IVORIdYS F.HR. 1901. n sure you don't Bt one of tho com mon klnd-thls I the. eTQVVEJtj marlc of eicllenc. t 4 9 A. J. TOWER CO., S5 motion. u.s.A. SMJf TOWER CANADIAN CO., Limited, TOSOHTO, CSNSDS. IS UakertofWet Weather Clothing & Hat. Or. G. Gee Wo WrjJsrfvl Ron Tftalmant Th! wonderful Chi net doctor Is cslltd mat twcatiM b corn V popl wltkoat er- y, uttn lUM-i mrm una up tod1. II eurn wllh tbo wondtrrul Lbt nee bertn, ronu, bad, bsrki and vrtriftbln tlut sr entlrtiy nu known to medlrsl set- nee Id this ooontry. Throuh lb um eflhm birmlent rvmedle thU ram'w doctor kntwi tbe actum rnter(09d.irrrent rtmnllr whiett bMTrullrDWln diff.rent itwun. II aaratitrn to en re catarrh. Ml biu a. Innr. threat, rbeumaUstn, nervuhinrai, itamacn, llrtr, kld nert, etc 1 baa banttrrUs of teallmoelala. Cbarc' roo.rate. Call and blra I'atlraU out of tbecllr writ for blank and clrrolan. Kendllan.p. COMBUL.TATJU.N VilEK. AUOIIKMn Tho C. Ges Wo Ckimic Medians Go. JSlK-JSl AtSEX ST rORTULtD. 08ICOR -WnUn vpr ......... To Convince You THAT THE CHATHAM Is tho J1BST INOU1UTOK on the market, I will send you one, freight prepaid, and wait for my ay until October 1, 1UU5. It was given the hlijhe-tt award at the Oregon ."tato Fair, held at Falem last fall. Wrltd for our Dcecriptivo Catnloguo of Incuba tors and llrooders and our time propoaitio 1. GEO. W. FOOH. DepL 12 Portland, Oregon j yflpoVShM W. L. C000US alAXU AMD tills UOSt MIKB SI 89 SB0I4 THAN AKT OTUtaMAMorAcnrazaui tuewoud. IIO.000 ItEWAriD Hurmttt taa alaam UOa lUUuuu AV. I lauglaa 8XB0 shoe are the IcrrHtr-t .ailleralu lli. nurltl be. ranao of their ritvllent style, t-a.r III- tliiir ami auiHtrlur Mrarlna: tiuallllea. ?lierart Jut ua 101 aa IIh.o tlinteo.t nun SkI.OO to Kt.oo. 'fli nulr dlf. Kt.ll Vrl li-n-iHt. I tht ttrlte. V. IM iHMialna l.nu alKM- n.t moro lu make, iiittii their aliniM. iMitlrr. enr lunwer. ami nnt of icn-atrr iilui than liny i.lhrr 11 H;i..-1() aliuo mi the iniirbrt liMllir, V . L. Ilointlita iruitrHiitit-a their table I17 t imiHitiff liu iiniiia nnl .rlc- on tbo lxittomf t-ncli elites. l.tMik furlt. Tube 110 ubttltul.s V. I.. UtiiiglHa at. I. fill iliiw. iiru anlil tliniuult li ill Trlnll nn.l hr eli.Hi clenlra reejrtlter. 111 1110 iriniim ru, -vuller. Nil lnnlti.r ulit-rt y.iu llvi-. V. In lluuglu aho uro ultliln ruur reucli. "Tho Doml I Vor Wore." " ttnit it lav tint I katt vera ynr IS SO !. r A tuf lie y.ari. aJ A (Am le Wt I ; rituf" ,V jia.t 1. hifUVt Au( JKfftrtvn SI., Ivkutill, Ay. Hoys wear W.L. Douglas $2 50 and $2.00 shoes because they lit better, hold their shape and car longer than other nuke. If, 4, Ik-uilji ui't Corona Cvlltti isAU f JJ0 Koi. Cortnta (4I 11 ttnetdtU l& It lt Jlut puttml hiilArr fitductJ, Tail Color Eytlctt will aot Hear bntty. W I. Pouilaa liu the largett shoe will order buuneKi In Hi vrorlJ. ho trouble I" set a fit by mall, to tvnu extra iriiyupUvery II iu Mill further liituimaUmi. lirutjer JIUiirvtvt lutaUiut a Hgnto JjttfiU Vt. L. DOUGLAS, Urockloa, Mil. lajtaoEaasau m iflllMililM ,mm re . rJ