k'fV; ''SW' tpBffWW" "f v i V 1 11 Jl ilt h'fi P I a I w I ZZSSBEmmHnui WICKIY'S WOODS By II. "crs CIIAl'TER XtV.-Contlnocd) Unfolding her enveloping shawl far enough to free her right arm, I.laay slip ped her right hnnd with n rapid move ment ninl n certain sense of exhilaration that mint have communicated Itself to the nrm which It gently clasped. "How very ngrccnble to have your band upon my nrm," h inltl, turning in piilmnteJ face toward her so thnt she had a Iniit opportunity to e It clearly In the cone, of light thnt had turned with them an far as It could; It turned and now vanished, leaving the darkucts dou M.r Intcnslflcd. He hnd mndp n hort pause. In which her answer ought to have been made; hut lu which she was looking at UN face and etudjlng It do Intently an not to be able to withdraw ber attention aulUclcntly from the man himself to catch at once the full Import of the words. If they were more than a mere empty compliment! Thnt could have boon de termined by hi maHuer, If she had studied the word aud tho mnuner to gether. Hut ho seemed to feel that he bad not begun this part of the colloquy ntisptchiusly, nnd hurriedly mM: "What a black night! I ought to have brought n lantern. Hut I know thl road ns well ns If 1 had made It foot by foot. In fact, 1 can fairly claim to have done much more toward making it than lm any one ev It i the road that I used to hurry lack ami forth upon from Kamltewn to the geologist's camp. jou remember." He laughed In such a light, mocking, carcle. way, n It appeared to l.ltiy, that nil the exhilarating anticipation of thl walk through the midnight woods vent out, no the light of the dark lan tern had gone out of the road behind them. CHAPTHU XV. The rain had entirely ceased and the wind had blown Itself away to a fitful end occasional rustle high up In tho top of the trees. Hut I.luy did not notice these signs of the fact that the night w not nearly so black as It had been nt the beginning of the period of twenty minutes or ten, or half hour she had no notion which In which they had Mood and talked in the cone of the light from the dark lantern. "You are a very successful dissem bler, Mr. Mason," she said, unconscious ly assuming hU own light and frivolous manner. "You have succeeded admira bly in Imposing upon the simple, frank nnd unsuspecting viltagers and country people in and about Sandtown. Hut I submit w hether this were an object whol ly commensurate with your distinguished Ability. The feat of deceiving Ignorant nnd uneducated people is one that U eas ily achieved every day. by very ordinary tricksters. A man of genius, I think, should have exerted his powers upon a community like that of a great city: wide awake and vigilant aa to Its Inter ests." lie laughed so very heartily at this j waspish attack that she felt very much like joining him In It, although the laugh would then ear the construction of be ing ngainst herself. "Take care of that brier. Miss May. I had almost forgotten the locality of that bunch. It dragged my bat off one dark night when I waa returning from jour house to my tent. And although I hunted and searched for It a full half honr that night, I had to abandon It at last ami go twine batless. Next morn ing 1 saw It from quite a distance grace fully dangling from a branch ef a little ash sapling where the brier bad thrown It in the rebound. I thought I would cut them out of the way; but I didn't. The total Irrelevancy of this some what tiresome anecdote only confirmed I.luy Wkkly la ber determination to make this man feel somewhat of the weight and the sharpness of the edge of the Sandtown aversion for him. She could net sec what he must have seen at once that this acerbity, so for eign to her speech and manner, was the iiatHral ontcry of her wounded self-love aud self-pride. "Hut, after all. it is perhaps as a simu lator, or a personator, that you have made your most brilliant record in Rand town, Mr. Mason. The pious assistant to an eminent geologist who in answer to the hungry cry ef a religion starved l-cople, wen bis way straight to their simple hearts, Sunday after Sunday, by discourse such as they had never beard iter dreamt ofl What possible ulterior design could such a course subserve, Mr. Mason? What possible design could jus tify that particular phase of Imposition? Was It for the sole purpose of affording ou some amusemeut, when all the few sources of amusement in our simple and serious community bad bees exhausted?" Oh, IJixy, how very ingenuous! How xery incautious In one who wanted to conceal a self-hurt! Anybody oould have seen the real and ouly source and origin of such a phiiliplc! "I beg to assure yoa. Miss Wlckly, that 'there waa no deception nor dissimi lation In that portion of my relations with the Sandtown peopl. I beg that jou will believe this upon my own state ment made now; because the Immediate future ran do lr to exonerate me from this charge than from any and all the other, ltemniiber that I declare to you in all solemnity that I have not exceed ed my powers and duties. I was once an ordained preacher of the gospel. Years ago I left the pulpit for the business world. Hut I have remained, I humbly believe, a consistent member of my church." There waa a noticeable quality of com plaint aud remonstrance In bis latter sen tence. It wa to this that she address ed ber answer her Inconsiderate and un guarded answer as she afterward ac knowledged to herself, with burning cheek. "Do you think you did me no barm In pretending to take such an absorbing Interest In me, and In my plain and aim ide and uneventful Ufa In Bandtown? YYas it no harm to ma to lead me to believe Implicitly In the extraordinary at tribute with which yon Invested me, in the many conversations you had with my friends and neighbor concerning me? Was it no barm to me, too. to have pat before m. in the moat fascinatinx llbt. W. TAYLOR -Q tho personal nnd mental characteristic, of nn Ideal liinu thnt I might loam to worship him? Wns that no " "Miss Wlckly, for hrnven's sake don't toll me that even now, knowing what I perceive you to hnvc divined, you are e rlnuly affected toward towanl " "Toward your employer? Toward Mr. Huntley?" she said, with great bitter ness, and emphasising her manner with a conclusive dutch upon Mr. Mason's mm as she pronounced the relatlouhlp and the mnn. "It h, perhaps, the very poetic revenge of fate upou you and upon me that I do not know; that 1 cannot determine. When ou yesterday a dim suspicion of the truth dawued upou hip" She pattcd, and almost spraiig forward l.i n sudden caprice of auger, tiupntlrtire nnd distraction. He pressed her nrm strongly aud rcstrnlulttgly ngainst her side, until she could not fall to recog ntie the calming mid reassuring influ ence that he had over her. "Oo on," he nald lu n tone thnt pre- supposed an nccompatoing smile of ex pectation. "Tell mo fully ami without reservation nil tt you thought when you began to set" the dawn or the sus picion to which you nllnde and which I had Imagined nuwt have reached its seulth long ago." There wa something pervading all his word and action, nml hi a bole man ner, so very, very different from what the had known of Mr. Mnon! Mwt she he gin by telling him this? Ye, plainly. If she entered Into such a complete un burdening of her ml ml. she mixt tell him this, and tell It tlr-t. Hut she must know- to what It would lead! If he should ask her In which as pvet she thought him bet. she wtmhl be compelled to give the genuine and uni versal woman's answer. Kven to a woman of education ami some degree of refinement, with superior talents and acquirement, thl half-military, bold, confident, smiling ami jaunty cavalier was infinitely letter. more at tractive, than the plain, unrtssuming, philosophic assistant to the geologist, no matter how learned ami thoughtful. She had begun to tell him something ot thl choosing ber word as carefully a she conkl, so a to preserve for her own reflection ami sdf-comtnemtatUm that attitude of womanly dignity and self-poise which she actually Imagined she had maintained throughout this short but momentous Interview. She had said perhaps enough to com mit her to the whole opinion of him aa It has here been outlined, from her last brief cogitation, differing as radically as it dees from her more elaborately pre pared and expressed opiates as shown In the begisutlsg of tke wall, only a few moments ago; and which opinion surely must have been the public opinion at all Sandtown, rather than her own. Tke first opinteo which she imagined was her tree estimate of Mr Mason was in fact bat hrr version of the verdict of Saudtowa upon him, given upon ex parte tesiimosvy, it i true. The Vast estimate which she had for mulated, and had even expressed to all Intents and purposes, although she was preparing to formulate it in twenty dif ferent ways, perhaps, was in reality her own opinion, ami one that she may have really entertained from the first. So strange are the apparently contra dietary ami wholly irreconcilable work ings of the human mind, and especially that particular quality of the human mind evolved from a woman's brain. She had scarcely began to recite some of these Impressions when in the now almost quiet wood there hwped up the distant but perfectly dkMtnct report of a rin, keen ami penetrating iar its whip like echo about the remnant assies of the forest. Mr. Mason Mopped instant ly, and turning hU head, listened intent ly "I hope these men have not been fool ish enough to gathor up a force of the ruttUm of Hlg Rattlesnake Creek t make aa attack." he said, still leaning hi bead a little, in the listening altitude. "I will have to go back Instantly, Mi Uaxy. ("an yo rnn on alone and join Mrs. Redden? I saw- her a few mlnutn ago, not more than fifty yard" lu advance of us. Well. then, good-by till I we you again, whieh will be soon qnlte soon. If I have any control of the matter." He pressed her hand warmly, a be disengaged it from his arm. and then started to walk rapidly bark. But, as If under an Hneimtrottable im pulse, be turned and ran back, and caught ber in hU arms tor an Instant, pressing tits lips again and again to her own. Then, with some Inaudible murmur of apology and entreaty, he turned once more, ami wa gone. CHAITKIt XVI. Never in the known history of Sand town had there been a time of excite ment equal to this that now emptied all the cabins and "double-legs" along tbe Wabash, from Heelfoot Pond to Hlg Rat tlesnake Creek and from tbe Wabash to the uttermost parts of the Overcoat road. Everybody who told tbe story In after times, and all thos who (nek part In the tirrlng events as they occurred, were fond of making thl commentary upou them. Of course, there were the Dlkeses, the Sparkses, the Ellets, the Oo-unse and the Shipley, that knew better. They had seen excitement In their limes the old people. They could tell you of time that were times! Hut for the time be ing, and for tbe purpose of the argument, thl wa conceded by everybody to be the most exciting of all times. Just as bit winter's coldest ten day are uni versally conceded to have been without a parallel In the history of meteorological observations. And what would you have? If there are to be held in remembrance maximum phenomena of arery variety of incident epochal, meteorological and seismic what 1 to become of posterity In the way of itory telling? Art we to be forever silenced simply because our ancestor lived and lied before us? For the purpose of thl period, then, there wa never an approach to the ex citement of tbe day that followed the night of which we have Jest spoken. Men aelxed tba just and lawful excuse, of the late heavy rain to keep out of thrlr1 wheat llelds, nnd nwny from their wnlt ! Inir meadow . Plow horses were saddled, Where saddles were; nnd wliero they were not, n pn tided sheepskin or n folded horse bhuikvt. girthed on old Jim or old iSniiee, or some 'J) car old colt, served the present purpose, nnd every umle In hnbltnnt over twelve nnd under a hun dred wns out and mounted, "single." gen erally, but not Infrequently "double," ntul lit each nnd every instance armed la some sort of fashion -nrmed to the teeth. Men frequently, but by fur the most generally, Iki.xs, gitllnpcd ncro strip of green prnlrle. loaded with a long ham-liter-lock squirrel rllle, carried upon the right shoulder or ncro the lap, upon the toiiiiuel of the saddle. Here they dash through n thicket of yellow blos somed wild artichokes, mid Indian cup, nnd wild hemp, nnd purplc-hollcd jiiuson. They nre expecting to come upon tho en emy nt any tuumetit all those who coma from Heelfoot I'oud. b'or they hava heard thnt the enemy the railroaders- hold nrutod and hostile possession of ths r-'nrmer' Hank, ami. In fact all Sand town, Including the captivity of their hading cltlaeu, Coonrod tteddeu, together with the sheriff and all his poe. A smoke hns been seeu In some unac countable quarter, for a smoke, and from a suspicion unguardedly propagated then' arise the authenticated report that little Jim DlkescV house I Mug burned, along with others, up on Hlg Itnttlestink Creek. Hoys nre careering about with wild de light, liHiklnc eagerly for the enemy In every thicket, at every crixsltig. Other Hjuad of Imyn, fnr off, up or down tits wide river Ixittom. nre nt time taken for the enemy, and there I danger of collision among the different squad of tbe alMHh people themsvlvc. However, old Captain Joe Kllet. who wa in the Kcxotutlonary War. and who has mounted hi antique cocked hat. hh blue brasM-huttotted oat. hi one hitae leathern eiaiilette on hi right shoulder, ami ht seated In a twn-hnr-e wagon, play ing m a very shrill life an absurd trar oety on "The tllrl I Left Heblnd Me." pause to suggest that all Samltowner tie a piece of red lis tinel upon their right arm for a sign by day, ami a strip of white tow-linen upon the same arm for a sign Ity night. This suggest bin i nt mice bruited alxmt a a very romnrkahln cldonco of the practical knowledge of an old mddlrr. ami I acted upon at mien even very many women Investing themselves with thl war Irndge. (rent number of people from all parts of the country have made the, wild ex citement of thl Itrigbt. cool, sunny July day a pretext for concentrating at ths large hone ami gathering at the ampin twviru of Coourwl Holden. They all wanted tn hear, direct from headquarter the story ef the noted old Hoo-4er farm er's capture. And then they were sure that hi house would be a sort of central station for the reception of dispatches from the seat of war. The large stable were fall of the visiting "nags" of. the Immediate Itcdden family, and their wive nearest relations, nnd the hitch ing rack and the lane fence wers thronged with squealing, kicking and bit ing obi mare whose maniacal young colt were eart-erlag up ami down htm and roads, neighing shrilly nnd tn chaotic chord a they dished at every old moth er mare save the dam that belonged to the particular dasher. Not by any possibility wa any one of the hHndrtsl of careering ami shriek ing colt ever aide to rt-engulae tbe moth er, past whom it dahe-l in mad pursuit of some nnsympathetic and wtulnt horse baring not the slightest resem blance to tbe abandoned ami Ignored dam. (To be eoDlinumt AN OZARK POWWOW. The Indians Hut I'enchra llelwreit lilt Ilancca ef Ceremony. No region In the I'nlted State I morti noted tK Its prehistoric lore a thl romantic history than tbe Oaarfc Moun tains!, Miya W. C. Carter, who recently returned from a visit Id what may Im railed the wilderness of tl Southwent, where om get lifty uiIm-h front a rail road. While there be witneMl a welni hewn that ha Itewti golnie on annually, it la sbl, eer since Columbus itlcv will America ami no one knows, bow long Itefore. There In a eak down there called Hahl iMte. which I tbtt scene every year of tbe remarkable oc currence referred to. The annnal vWI of the Indian this year took place not long since ami tbe nrt Intimation of It wns given by a nebertnan ami hunt er. A party was made up to visit the peak ami ohnerve the peculiar scene. The teak in l.NO feet aln)Ve w level ami the only tegetutloM upon It. ex cept tome wirvgTHn. bt a bme pesirb tree. The party reached the foot of the peak about dusk ami pooping from their place of vantage they saw an In dian band of fifteen or twenty sitting around a vamp tire. Presently one of them aroee ami threw a pile of nine knot upon the tirv. which made a bright light. Tbe others of tbe band came up ami they all walked toward the Kwch tree in single file. They were all dress til In war paint ami feat hern and when a circle wa formed around the peach tree, the whole band began a doleful chant At abort Inter val an Indian would take one of the ripe peache from the tree and eat It ami the dance was kept up with It In cantation until the Indian fell ex bauited. The watching party wa awe stricken and departed a allcntly aa they bad come to the place. A larj; party wa gathered together next day, all heavily armed, and returned to the place, but when they reached tli mountain there wa a smoldering ramp Ore and many other signs of the great powwow, but the Indian were gone. Thla scene, according to local tradition, baa been going on eiery year in tha autumn time for hundreds of year. Among the party were many old-tlmera who were familiar with the story, but had never observed the occurrence a tbe party above referred to did. Thl la but natural, for tbe place 1 much Isolated and the Indians go there, It I supposed, at different dates to avoid having their secret discovered. No one knows what the significance of the weird gathering la and tradition does not enlighten any one upon tht subject. Springfield (Mo.) Leader. 4i Door for n llity Harm Thl cut mIiowm it simple milliner of coiiatructlnj doors wbon It Is desired to lime tliu (tuck oxlouil nut eloso to tin; pi'Mk of tlio roof. Tim Inrgo doors should bo uboitt 7 feet Hqiiitrc, unit awing Inside; nliovo tlieso n suinll dour 'J foot square hinged nt tlit top t swing outside. This tipeulUK will bo sullliii'ttt for the trnck nnd bend of fork, leaving the full apnea of tho large door for the limtlltiK of buy. When the lower door nro opened, raiting tho trucking will open tlto up per door, allowing It to lie upon the trust rod of truck, out of the wny of the carrier; when the truck la lowered It will shut, closing tight ngainst the top of tho lower door. Uoth positions of tlu trnrk. extending out ready for use nnd lowered within tho building. MtV nlso shown. To secure the track In working pol- AJL v i IMHIIM I1IH A M.W IIAH-I. ttoii you have only to pull down upon the hoisting rope until the supporting loop of the track 1 hImivc the hook; then a little able inou-Hieiit will move It iitHin the limik. lu lowering the track, cletnte to clear the Mnt of hsiok, when pulling lu n little tixiu the rope will draw the loop clear of tho hook. liaising -ml lowering the track I but n moment' time, and can be done after en til tend If you desire to close the door. When nlng track the rope enn be throw n over the door or n nail tn door Jamti out of the wny. Next wo will Illustrate n single ami double rail hinged extension track adapted to nil the various hay enrrler In use. Michigan Parmer (ixxl Pntiltrjr llreeit. We believe that some of the trouble of raiser of the White Wyandotte come from Improper feeding. While the breed Is supposed to be tough mid Imnly there Is a wenkne lu them somewhere which deiuaml careful feeding. In an experience of ten year with the brei-d. we have found they must te uniformly ft! nt the same hours dally, ami that their food must be of tbe Ih-sI quality ami In consider able nrlety. Handled In thl manner they will give satisfactory result ami produce egjr In about tbe same numlier dur ing the j ear ns the Plymouth ltiK-k. but, with na at least, they do not equal the Leghorn In this respect. On the other bawl there I rttnsblernble tn tbe rari-a ami they aist readily fattened for market when desired. In tbe lmml of some poultry men they are very sat isfactory ami will probably become Tiir popn.An wrAwwoTTr. mere o In the year to come, for they are noticeably better and stronger now than they were ten tear ago, In dianapolis News. OrttliiK 1'otsto Crop, In riMtimuse to the query how' lo get a good crop of (mtntoeti on expert re plies: "Use plenty of good rumtnerclnl fertilizer and you will havo no trou ble." Very dellnlte, I It not? The writer thought It a good plan tn put thl name question to an expert potato grower, ntid the following I the sub. tanee of hi reply. "In a general wny, one can get n good crop of potatoes n n normal sen- son If the soil mod I well filled with humui and I mellow and friable. The seed must be flrst-clnss and bo proper ly and thoroughly treated with forma lin for scab before being planted. Of roune, the oll mint be well fertilized, but more limn nil, tho cultivation nnd care of tbe plant I essential. Tho soil muit be cultivated nnd the sprayer kept btty, Then. If nothing happen, you'll have good crop." While per haps tula reply la not wholly satlifnc- tory, It at Iraat give one some Idea of what 1 necessary In tbe wny of ma terial and labor. Tha Beedlsss Appl. A Utah nurseryman report In tho Country Gentleman that he has finally gotten hold of specimens of the much-talked-about seedlei apple, and he says that the fruit i very Inferior, and 'certainly not such as would bars a ghost of a chance of a showing In the i mtiLA vw ;r. ",fsiii.iBifcA'"r ' rZSaffMi-rl lit i.'U'U.syfiJ: 'WJ'-i-sim j J , P Vv, l &MpS. -rlBiL' j nmrltot wllli any of Uit sliiiitlntil vn rtiilos." It I ovhtoiit tluit II Im tin sumo old nihMIonn iiiilo tlutl wit known In Vlrnlnln u geiKMiillon tigo TIioho who wniil it poor uppli' uu't'iiA lioi'itiiNit It iiuiy tut sot'ilios ii ro wcl come to pity $:l entii for Urn treeh, At Hcrd-lliiliiu ' Imi'i It Is oNtlnmtnl Unit If tho corti crop of tho country could lie lui'ii'itsi'd HI per cent It would ttild to the piodin tloo or weullli In Hie t'ulted Stiilcs oc soxonty million of iIoIIiiin Tlmt 'h corn crop enn be luereiixetl till nuii per cent I well known, ror It require only the selection of the best seed unit lite host method of mlllwitlon to do It The t rouble Is, com Is too ensll) Kiiiwii ninl the crop I usually lurge enough so (lint thete nre enough ker nets left In the crib for seed Ho the nventge farmer urgties, "why should I pity out good money for seed eoru when there Is more tlinu I need In my own erltil" He forgets that tint seed si tsi-i ii- an iii-' ikiii sis - r i ivn erltil" He forgets that the seed j iru lu Ida cribs may be Ihe kernel ropped from nubbins nnd If so they , corn dropp will produce uiibblus. The tendency to pny out n little ns possible for seeds Is wrong. It Is safe to say thnt In n normal season one would innke more clean ciish from crop grown from the best seed sold regardless of price tlinu from double the quntitlt' of what uiny be culled chenp scimI If you don't believe In the hIiii of tho best seed, test them In ii small , Take, for exnniplis n few seod tubers front the miIhIo pile In the cellar, then buy from some repu table heetUmnti the miiii quantity of .,,' rwniT- .niirij, i in iiir if--. ... -.-- same way, plant at the same time and gle Ihe sflmo enre ami eulthntloti AI harvest time i-ompare result and If you do not Hint the argument In favor of high cIhsh seed a solid one we'll take It nil bark. lloioeitiMtle Htiiotp I'oMrr, III lliMIO places In New Jersey thert nre lliillnus who t-leau scrub oak lain I on contract for nlMitit per acre Thnt I the best and tiicaint plan, but J oil must wuti'h hikI see that nn sunup nre nunisl in tliciliever noie i iinf- ineii un it dltl imt work stump piiiier. imii Well; It Was tl heavy to mote, nml It took four -men to work It I wnut to tell thl iMper rentier nlMttlt one of the best anil liHHtt lalMir sating rontrlvanees for working out stumps. I call It n "stump twist er." see diagram Plrt make a strong hosik as for a log book, ouly three times ns henry liet a gtmtl stout pole W to "A'i feet long Atmilt 1 feet from the large end of (Mile fnsteu Ihe hook mw A STt'MI' "rwisTIH." lu the manner of a cant hook, nml hitch n team to the end of lever. The stump I easily twisted out. If there Is any trouble at the start, rut one or two of the larger root Alwnys try to twist stHmpsMH after n rain: It I then mi much easier work. In using thl Iw later there are mi tool to carry; team pulls Mle to next slump Two men pull thirty iuhim a day easily Correspomlencrc Itiiral New Yorker. Troll for Orcburtl. There are Hume who do noil with owe MIIH.II cruH In tbe orrbanl. lu last season's experiment no different c.tibl bsn bHwevn Ihe summer cnl- thMilou pUn ami tin plan of growing ! a cr..p. that w. no tllfTerene. In tha tree ' grt.wth Th bet result for both ' Ireei ami i-mhh IhXhmi ra. t .. i growing two rows of mtal4 set far enough apart so that they rouhl be cnl livnteil im both shies. Thl itnuivtii the light culllvalor cbwe to Ihe tree "' '" """" Ml ". ign.ii i.y on the itutshle row ami enableil u to ,u" ""'"''"W ' 'SVw ' set the teeth deeer for Ihe Inshtn rows ' when It whs uecossary for llm benefit oriY Voara Ago, of the potato crop The soil was fei- Mobile wns ovntmaied by tbe I on llllxeil for the Mtntoe ami quite heav- fetlerHtes. Ily, so that a tKirtbin. nt least, wan, The testimony In the uncalled rid left in the soil for the benefit of the cngo conspiracy trial In-for a military trees. Ily planting early sorts we were court nt Cincinnati eh-l able still lo get lu our cover crop fori Henry S. Pool. Confederate Sena the hmioilt of lb., orchard thl cover' tor, nrrlved In New York front Murope, rr,,l' Iwliiir e.l umler Ihe spring to traveling sieernge to mold iloii-imii. nun iiiiinus mi- ..mi. uv iouow llg this process tho best results may bo obtained, nml the orelutrd will reap ttfc benefits. Poiiltr Vur.l licliliiB.. Our fowls would sunfor were they presenlwl with tho same unvarying mess dny nfler day. lu fettling fowl Ihe best rule to go by la u balanced ration. This menu that tbe hen should bo fed Jut Whnt 1 I needed. A variety In food mint be given our feathered friend If we would have them fill our expectation. Variety I one grcnt rlinriu of life. (let n table of food nnd study the proportion nnd then bnlnuce them up n little, ciover. nrnn, green bono nnd. inent nre good to bnlnuce ngainst corn If the chicken must be penned up, ee that they have an opportunity to get n good dust bnth occasionally. iU n half-psll of dust where they uitty rentii It. An egg I foinposed of a certain per cent of albumen, of mineral matter, wnter and other materials. In order that an egg bo formed these nrceisury constituent must bo uppllrd, The hen that steal nwny nnd ac crete her eggs should bo tcuned up. Thus confined, nnd with n atiltabl netlng place nt hand, die will aton!0'" Depnrttncnt at Woihlnglon. thl practice when ngntn rslrased. .. . .. . . . . i An egg-eating hen might as well b dlipoiod of by amputation of tha had, It Is a habit that Is so hard to break that tha troubls Is hardly worth it.. value of the offending fowl, (THEWEEKLY HISTORIC Onn Hundred Yrnrn Ago. lifty four thousand troops atntlniird along the coast of Prnliee were uiderril to (be border of Itnly. Meettiolrli's "Pldello," wllli the Ig nore overture, wa produced In Vl eiiun. The Hry f 'Algiers declared war ngnliist Spain ax Nelson's squadron nrrlvetl at Prtteriuo III pursuit of tll I'telieh l.leiit. X. M. like wa ortleml by the giierttor of 1-ouMann to iirin-eetl to i Mliiii.Mu.lu uik.1 Mklkl tfll Itelllkli trillion 'ffum ,(1 errlinr Itisli Jollied the coalllloti agalmt Prance ItilHsU etablUhet all embai at Peklu. China. Anton llurr arrived at llleunrrhn sett's Islaml, In Ihe Ohio Sevcntyftvo Year) Ao oxen were uel for tbe first time on the rbtnla l- trail The King of HimiIh Issued a tlecifs abolishing the tqtefstlmi of the Kslle law In the surroMhtu to the Hiwinult niuHBrrbj ilr,lliwit i.umente. of Xlexleo. ' ,...... furtUr ln,ilin.tl..l, fr.,1.1 II.. ....,....... ..,.,,... ........ ,..... ....... .... United Slates. Ohio was the fourth Stale lu toptiU Hon In the Palled Mint Seen person wore burned to drath In a lodging bti fire tn UuhIoii The first omnibus ! as n public conveyance In New York Iwgnii it trip through the city The Hank of ICnglaml lost f.Vn.iso by Pauntleroy's forgeries President Jarkson nt a public dinner In Washington gave the following toast: "llur federal union. It Hiut be preteried" Vice President Calhoun responded. "IJbcrty denrer than union." fifty Years Ago. The first dental cMnle In (lermsiiy was established. The ship canal at HU Mary s Mlili. j was opened. I Hrmta, tn Asia Minor, wa visited by earthquake, ami all wooden build lug tlestrwietl by lire. I Tbe system of registered letters was 1 Introduced In the I'nltetl Mat") -tal service. Tbe prohibitory Mil of Pennhnnia wa signed by the Outeruor and I" en me n law. The United Stale Ifnve tweltn month' notice to iHmtnark of Its In ,r0,,OM ' '""'" " "' ,ss o'hh-h Ihe M;ment of mmiim! ilu- r"rw,M- TtM" a" '"' N,,w 0, "'", ,:ru l,lrM,M, JT '"T. ' "everal imsstenger ami ireiam car, wa tie stmyetl by lire. Tbe rburrh lenure bill, putting ths letqterly of all rwlixboi uVnwmlnntbm lint wns nrnlul !.ynelihtirg surrendered lo I nkm acoiiiliig iwrly. Selnm. Ala , am) Mont gomery were reported u fMbn batels. Hen. Koltert II l.e, a Appomattox, surrendered the Coufetlerate army of North Virginia to tlen. (Irani on tha lerms proptts by the hitter. A Jubilee celebratbm wns being lieM In etery city of the North because of 11"' ""rrender of !.. nml the apparent end of tho wnr. Thirty Year Ago. A tnittlo occurred between miner nnd soldier nenr Haxletou, Pn. MnrtlHl Inw was deelnnsl In the mln- " region of Pennsylvania because of riot by striking workmen. Moody nnd Sntikey, the revivalist. opened a now Itnll lu How street, l.on ilon, ronslriK'Ird for them nml cnpnbl of sentlug 10,(KK), Paul lloyton, In n bnlhlug suit, made an uusticcesafut attempt to swim ncro the Kngllsh channel from Dover to Hotilogue. The steamer believed to be no con structed n to do away wllli aeiialck lien crossod tho Kugllih chiinnel stic ecu fully, It wns niiiinuneetl. Contructor 4. J. Hlnes aud Clerka Chnnnel and Van Vleck, of the Post ...... . ..... ... ., " snviini in cuuiicction witii con tract frnttd. With n solemn and emplmtlc denial of tho elinrge ngnlmt him, Henry Wnl lleecher concluded his direct tes Itlmony n defcmu In tho Hrooklyn ! .1 i. Villi . HLfCffi-AX .. U.tn.WiJ. I 'Mm yJ I