LOCAL BITS Wall paper at the Merrill Dni(;Co. Ice delivered In hcjiisoii. W. K. Nicliol If CalibiiKU pin titH reuily to net out, Juil'i'iic Iyiicler, neiir l.aldlaw. j i a (Jive yoir fiinilly n rent mill juke Siindiiy dinner lit Pilot 1 1 it t to inn. The new doo-pound lull for ihe I'ii.it liapliat chinch was . .swum: this week. Nurw jjirl wunteil, 12 to i.j" yearn old, fa ,yv u-eek. Mri. liaxter, lluxter iouil-lioii.se. We are In the wall paper hull nens and won't lie tinduirtold liy anyone Merrill Druif Co. The telephone rate Imtwccii I.alil law and lleiid it j.s cents, DlWCIllITIM Titl,. Co. I'anlurnge for horse, 50 cell's a wuuk, $2 a month, near lluiul. If II. U Moiuuu.. Ifvouaie going to,pijH.T your houie, coiiHiili us. 'e can auvc you money. Merrill Drug CoiiiHtuy. U. K. llicksou. a voting euKitiuer who hai liceu winking at Prlne villo, It iendiiui the week In town Theie in a line nflicv room with doulilv window on the second Hour 11I tlit I mil k iiiildiii( lor rent nl ?io a muiith r.enre,e (larduer, of .Columbus, Ohio, isixHHtcd to arrive the hint ol the wetk, to pny a visit to VelllOl I). Miciuiaii. C.i'iirtnl team work. exCNVHtiUK lir ti'lliirs, et-; move wood. Leave order ul II M. Co 's Mutt;. jit I'MANCIH ft (iAKKUTT. Prank Hutitr worth dnea nil hinds ol txM't Hiid shoe tewiriut at leason uAv puori At the Cm M well Jfc S.iUhwell UiildhiK. Ik-nd, Or. tf We have an iuiulty for a home strnd telitHpiishiiieiit in the Umber and one near town Addles. 11119 Cwhik Co. Rkai.tv Co I' A. Mi'C.iiui. an expert ileel and Hurley trill sharieuer. of Port bind, has come to enter the employ of Hie I). I t P. Co. 011 the cm il work. C. A. Chapman leaves next week 011 u liusitiesN viwit 10 Portland, mid will go froii iheie to Minnow. Ida ho. to look alter some proHrty he owns there too acres of fine pine timber in a laxly near sawmill mid uood mar- ket Two larjje spring.-! dntifu traut. I'nrsale at low price. It. C. Smith, fc I tend. Oickoii. Manou Carter and Mri. Clara Hawthorn were married In Print- ilk last week nod have taken a lottae on the et tide of the river at Hend. J I). Hoiieyimtti and II. J. Me IhmaM, 01 the It M. Co , mk.miI a lew days hint Aek looking Mt lauds I in the vieinit) of Pine uioiiiitaiu, I in the meantime enjoying an outing. ' J. C Datv. uf Port Wine,, Wis-,! is a e,uest of Pr. Merrill this week. lie has hail loux experience in Wwoiimii lumber vmK and 11 looking over the timber tewnuce.H of this country. The Mimes Myrtle and Addie J.ewii. daughter of Foreman J. C. I.ewis, of Cauin 2, ai rived from Portland Tuewlay eveiiuit;. anil have Koue to the camp lor 11 visit with their father. Definite word has been received from the Sisters ImmImII team that it will not be able to phty bull here next Sunday. Manager llllyeti staler that while at Priueville he tried to arrange games with Hay Muck, but learned that no team has lieeti organized there yet. lid Kinney, who has been en Imaged 011 map work iu the I). I. & P. Co. ' engineering offices, has resigned his position and will soon go lo ,SHikime, and later to Mon tana. 1'.. K. Knight, who has been with the engineers at the camp, will succeed Mr. Kinney, and L. It. Allen will have the position Mr. Knight has previously filled. Charles lloyd is president and manager of the Head I.ivistock it Produce Company, not C. A. Hunt, as appeared last week' through in advertence. C. II. Kricksou is secretary and treasurer of the new corjioration and Mrs. Krieksou vice president. Mr. Krieksou will at tend to most of the outside work and Mr. Iloyd will have the shop management. A charmlnir daiiciuir party was ..! XI". ..!....,, I... ..I..1.I In limim- nf "V"'V iVvwiiwKitiy lllfjlll .." 1 Mr, I'M Kinney, who will .soon leave I; lluml, by Mesdames J. M Law rence and W. It. Wilkinson and Miss Kthel Chapman, at the Merrill building. The room had been transformed into an attractive Iww er with decorations of Chinese lan terns, funs and greenery, and was filled with hapjiy Kiuuits. Music was furnished by ft graphophone and dancing continued until after midnight. Until punch was daintily served for the refreshment ol dancers. (trceu Onions ready for the tabic, W. S. Nlcliul. tf Cabbage plants ready to set put. v n. ixicnoi. if ltcnl'eiier the Htiiiday dliitiur at Pilot Hutte Inn. l:or lent, newly, furnished rooiiis ; mee at tin Merrill uiiliiiiug, Closing out mite, next week, at New York Cash store. Ivat Sunday dinner at Pilot Untie Inn. Von will be HalNfied. At the Morrill building, furnished rooms for rent, liKJuireat drug store. (iraut llraskett him eiinc to look after the crops on his ranch near Antelope, Kvcrv thluu in the wall imner line at reiihonahle prices. Merrill Drug Co. SSj5,0j to dnvest with reliable sheep iuai, ,M. Uay, llox 1868, Spokane, Wash. 111 12 Pot rent bv week or monih, newly fiitulshed rooms luquiiu at the Merrill drug store Rasolnrrries. Hirawbet ties and all miimII nursery mo k for mite by W. J. Iliukley. Hend, Oregon. Money saved by buing shoes etc , at the closin out nule of the New York Caith tore. resell tiles. Ofllce room f..r nut 111 the Pilot Unite OrvclHiit'nt Co.'u office building. AppU at the t-oinpaiiy's ollice. . tf Tout JJIckuv, the violinist who has furnished itiu-ir tor the Ilend ilauceii, starteil Tuembo lor Lewis ton, Idaho. Parlies desiring home grown uuiH'iy lock hi commercial va rieties call eet same liv uriug W. J. Itutkley, Itvml. Orrg.,11. Purnciilur ntlniti.Mi i i-nlle'I to patrons ol the itlephoti syslem to ring Aff when i.m tulkinv. Ui m, iii-TKs Tki. Co. Attention Uud si-tkem' I can iorate you on .1 voo-l homestead or Umber land a .my m for 50. L II McCauii, Hunt. Oi.-voii miz Jim McCoy Ims.uim to Hay Cteek to shciir lu-t-p uir the IMId win SbH.p aii't IikI Co Ten cents a hcHil is Uou pud thisyeHr. Hugh O'Kattf.ha recuivml a trio of name thickeni from Port l-ANf) RHORcMrilZEl). Mcmliorrtlilt Increiincd mid Dr. 0. C, Cue I'li-clml l)lr--i-lnr. TlicIlcnd Concert ,,l)ind was re organi'ed Tuesday jvciiljiB ril a meethiir,,, lel( in its .iiall ,.nnj iilaced on a footluir. that is believed jllaced (in ifo.otluf' that is belicvei will brliiL' inost milisfiK'torv results Ten new meuijwrs,, (iieluiHiu; Dr. IJ. C. Coq, who was plcclcfl director, were enrolled, , yh)ch makes the meinbership 18 num. ., . . An ilection r;f pilicers vas held, resulting iu tlie 11,0,11111 of C;. A Riddle ,as president and business manager and Vic O'Connor, secre tary and treasurer. It was decided to procure a si-t of new instruments, with a few execptjons of the old ones which urc serviceable, each mciiilcr to furnish and own his piece. Monday night of each week was the time set for practice. The instrumentation and mem bership as arranged, follows: lib Cornet II I. Overttirf Creeil M Triplet! lib Clarinet " . Alto W. I. liui'klvy Vie J. O'Connor C. I. Ilt-tker Ur. I'. C. Coe II. j. Mt-Doniil.l Curfyle Triplitt I'. I mroml T "JT r - T TT Bi Fresh Fruit and Vegetables .:.Burrete AtiD laoasit. TH IBITY MARKET C. II. HRICKSON, Pmoi'MIKTok FreH and Cured Meats and Fish llvcryllilng I'ertnlnlnj: to n Vlrst-Clnss Atilrkct Lt WBST IIUILDINO, WnIL St., IIIJNI), ORHOON " Tlico. Ilerki'r TroiHtwiw Xiek Weiibr " IfI. Itfinlerliou BHd TfoliilKtae - Ah. Crahtree IhHUMW C. A Riihlle H Unm.iL rlla O tiitltlklmi Till C. II. Ilrown imm Druiu . - - (irtt roliiilixti-r HiiHtc , V. I. Hifrniuii Harney Lewis, who is h1m a inenilK;r is out of town for a short time. He plays nolo alto, ('.runt Mrankelt. cornet player is also away. Hob Olaze who han been playing mIo cornet, cxhxIs to leave soon for California. The new instriiuieiils will In- ordered as mhjii as possible iu order to net the Uhuu in trim lor tne Fourth of July celebration Ur. IJ. C Coe is a vlariueli-u of large experience and attaliiinentt. with a thorough traiuiugand uuiler Maudiug iu the liel music. He otfers hit services gratis to the baud, mid the promise is that Head will soon have a first cIknk baud. Lewis & Clark Centennial. The Columbia Southern Railway Coiii'miiy will sell excursion tickets from all ticket offices to Portland and return dailv from May 20 to iinm tun. Ken-, mini 1 mi-1 ------ -- . - I.....I 11- . .-I v 11... w.t. 1 October is. imkmI to return witiiin 1111, ., lie J.- I rs. 1. l.F llinq MIC v.-is I ' - - . . ... !.-..;... 1,..- ....1 .......1. i.r... iu davs f'oiu date of .sale, but not 111 iiiv nj inii im nun iiiwivii iitiu for fights iu the pit. I)r If. C. Coe. W II. Wilton and C. II. KnckMiii have gone to what is known as the High Desert, 30 miles Mitithcast of Hend. They will return Saturday evening Walter Piay, of - Oiangoville, Idaho, arrived Sunday to visit with Carl Chapman, Ins miu-iii law, and family. Mrs. Pray, who preceded Iter husband here, will return home with him next week. Dr. It. P Hutler left I.aidlaw Monday for Mailras where he will remain about ten days doing den tal work, and Irom there will go to .Monmouth to visit his lamily be fore returning to this city. K. II Andrews and family con sisting of his wife and lour children arrived from Hloomfield, Neb., ilns week and have taken a cottage at Deschutes. They arc well pleased with this country and 'expect to lake H.rmaiient location here. The father of Mr. Andrews cx'iects to follow soon to make investments iu this locality. The council Wednesdav iliuht MhM.sl nu ordinance amending the saloon license onliuaut'e mi as to make it harmouue with the state luw It also ousted an ordinance providing for registering dogs after June t. the lee lor lemale dogs ue-, iug f 1 50 and for male dogs i 50 PieUiiiinnrv steivs for nrov dint! fire fighting apparatus for the city weiej taken. An Indian named Corbett was in' Madras the first of the week, got Honor and became ouartelsonie and a policeman Irom the warmspri lurencv was sent over alter 111 The officer. I im Sticoua, was tak ing the buck back to the reserva tion when the latter hit his escort with 11 demijohn and then beat his head to a pulp by putting stones iu the ollicer's hat and using it as a sluiig'.shot. The murderer was ar rested and taken to Priueville. lion Ami Meeting. A meeting of the Hon Ami club is called for 2:30 o'clock next Tuesday afternoon , May 16 at the Hend Library for the transaction of general business, particularly to take action relative to the funds ami books of the club. Gladys L. cuici.it. Plshermcn Tukc Notice. All persons arc hereby notified not to fish, or in any other manner trespnss on the property of the un dersigued, lying along the De chutes river about five miles below Hend. Anyone found fishing on tin. nri-misos will be tirosccuted to the full extent of the law. Kccpi out. ). W. H. ltiutv, I later thnu October 11. loos, at rate rh follows for the round trip: Wasco. $j.8o; Moro. $5 75; CriiKS Valley. iff 35; Shaniko, ;?S.oo., Children between five and t2 years, oue-hnlf the alwvo rates. C 1?. I.VTI.H, 015 General Pass. Agent. lror Snle. Complete roller mil. and saw mill iu good , order. ,vill .sold . -I '!'... ...,. IIuiH NcwlxTg, Or.j Team for Sale. Will weigh MOO ench. Young, sound ami .true. Umiulre ol STEIDL & REED. Mr isTiuniMi; ...10 Buy Town Lots - IN - LaidlcrirV, Or. 1 1 and Mako Money for particulars write or call on J. W. Rutherford, l.nhllaw, - - Oregon ;; ' pree Land m Oregon .J.. 1. I'nilrr Uir "sft- lrilk'Ulloa Act ' Owl inrcci iruin Muii- w 111 it tfi v.-i.i. TODAY HuukUU Jinit mop (ttt II, H CouV. Co . IM AUIrr .luct I'otlUml, Or. Ice! - Draying! I am. now prepared to do 1 Water Hauling: and General Dniy'fng I WILL liKGIN. TJII- Delivery $? , Ice on Atoiidiys ,V9.dns days and 'Saturdays Telephone yottr orders to WIIITK vt IIII.L. FRANK W. GARDEN1ER BOiLDIIvlG CONTRACTOR J: W. "nVriqht. J'lfins and Specifications Supplied and Kstimates Puruishcd. jvcrtl)lno lftrstxnaoo l.envc Orders at The Bulletin Office. wh a 1! JOB printingI S 1 X 1 ' J Are you particular alout yottr stationery? Do you like neat, clean, up-to-date business printing on the very l."t htock made? Don't you think it a good idea to make these things a part of your business? 00000 The supplying,,0 this clas; of work is a part of qwij misiucts that re ceive purtici'dar , attention. The materials we use and the type faces and workmanship we put into the jobs we turn out give you a product that cannot fail to give satisfaction. 00000 1 1 . Our equipment is second to none in the interior of Oregon. When you bring" us n piece of work ybu may know first of all that every line iu it will be iu the latest type .styles we haven't an old type face iu the shop. Bone Promptly There is no delay in getting your vork. It is n point with us to get the finished job iu the hands of the customer with reasonable dispatch. Reasonable Prices 1 Another satisfactory feature iu our job business is that we do not in any instance ask n hold-up price. All we ask is a profit compatible with successful, business. Your printing will not look as if a black smith had dotie it when done by The Bend Bulletin o 00 I I HADLEY & STEPHENS Highest grade The best LIQUORS CASE AND GOODS CIGAlvS on the market Finest bar and best service in the city SUBSCRIBE FOR ... THE WEEKLY OREGONIAN ... -AND- ' V The BEND BULLETIN $2.25 Both Papers One Year $2.25 OREGON and Union Pachfic TO Salt Lake Deliver Kansas City Chicago St. Louis New York Haw n Steamers between Portland .md Jan Francisco every five days. Ticket to and from air parts of .he United Status, Canada and ''.iitope. I'or particulars, call on or address JAS. IRELAND,' Aj?t., The Dalles. Oregon. Columbia Southern RAILWAY. I'ASSKMGHK TKAIN TIMIt CARD. , Klfacilre July j, vyn. ...ulh .mil XO. t UAH.V r M. ' i ' JS J J " J j J l 4 it 1 4 II I s 5 3S ' AHVN STATIONS. Nor lu brniB'l no i ' DAILV rAM. I AIHI I A l .RHMMk.. I 3" II w I it II to 4. in 4" lo 14 a n in u 9 jr ,; S 49 9 tpt LRAMt IMIly tUgcepfiMCiteMal SlMnlXe for AnUI yr. ITincrai. Hd. Ilurrn. Sflvrr Ik. Ult-tm-w. MKchcll. IMylllc. Autsnr. A.hitooJ. Can- yim City. Joha Dty Cily. ikI FomII. 11. D. WOODDIiKKY, C. r LYrtlt. SuprrlnUudcnl. 1'. twl r A. Munlku, Ure ..S4k.... IVilW... I KM4yfe '' Jlwmmlt .. . Ilay CaayiM Jauclloa ....( '."..'.'. fteMttM ....'Zi'.Z'.'.-. ..... .Mr ..... ....i KrtklBfflt ' 0w VS ty . ...lwwWa .... Kent .... UUcdx ... MIANIKO ' The Deschutes Telephone Company TcTcRrams Forwarded to any art of the World. Direct Telephone Communication PORTLAND. PRINEVILLE and all Pacific Coast cities 1 Public PAY Station ft BANK BUILDING Bend - Oregon I THE DESCHUTES TELEPHONE CO. J M Come intake a look at n j M beautiful display of JL JEWELRY i iffSm On the counter you will f ' ' tli also tlnd cataldC illu " ,1,m' tratintf thousands of useful and practical Gems IJ JBEND, OREGON 4 If you -want the very bcstvalucs for your money BUY HEaB THAT'S ALL Merrill Drug Co. JBEND, OREGON