The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 05, 1905, Image 7

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For Thin,
Poor Blood
You cnn trust n medicine
tested 00 years ! Sixty yenrs
of experience, think of that I
Experience with Ayer's Sar
snpnrllia; the orlulnnl Sarsa
parllln ; the stroncestSarsapa
rllla; tlicSursnparllla the doc
tors endorse for thin blood,
weak nerves, r.cneral debility.
IIMI even Mill fMfi.1 i.M niMletli" rannnl An
ttr bo.l Mink if H, II.. r ( Ih.rilt. nil Hit
bowel. fiiiIi l.l. Km Ilia l t..hl f
llMl,ynilllilllitUklallltDili.4iir AW'l
I'llla lill taking tl.n t -.t nit T'llr
wtll'iutc klf t.ibil,eiii iii Mill Ida IkjkpU,
MaasbrJ I) JvirOit,,Me.
ih mflHuiAviurvra wr
9 IMItl I(V)V.
1IPVQ AiiinciKE.
In lilulit niatr.
A now term win heard the other
(rj. All old ludy ttiiil tier two tlniitftf
ters caiiin Into n millinery store. Tho
yuiiin: women worn inniirnliiK tint,
Til ii old woman mill to tho clerks: 1
wnnt iiioiirnliiK lint, for 1 nm lu
miiiiriilni;. Hut tux ilntlcr Iiitp," lud
ciilliik'. "U n wlilili-r of two yrnra'
tninlliiK, ninl he Ii In Hi;ht distress,
(llvf her n lint with blue feathers oil
IL" Clilrneo New,
Hrmor Omn, (itt r Turn),
I.Uti. I 111' KIT.
ih that
Ka.Ka; J t IKHt HinVc (Hill that hn Ii
ulur partner ih rirmol I' 1 Ihi-ikv.V
i ii iiinnc nw.iii.. m it n i 11701 minli, cumi
y ami Mate nl.i khmI, mill 11 hM fw wilt
lvlleumfOMt Ill miKKIi IHII.I.AKM fur
Ii i .vriyrawitif I tTAMkli UileHMut t
cuml l,r tl.o iiMtii lUu'x'Attkini vr
fANK J rlll.M:V.
Pwnrn t Imlorr M i etilxrrlt-nl III nir
f-tewiit, lliU MU day ul icwMlr, A l , l
t W ,lf t IrillH
Nu'urr i'uUIo.
Hair Catarrh flur leta.en Internally, n1
art. llrrfHljr n lit liltl el mhniiiiiiiiIum
el ll;iom. Mml I r tMilnuMll..fre
r. i iii.KNKV A CO , TuleOw, O.
Hold tir itirU, TV.
itftir I'.iuifr niiiai th Wet
Taylor What la meant lijr the spirit
of the prr?,
Tyler One of Itifrtf ghost stories tint
they print, I prnmue.
Oragon Blood Purifier In
rlKlnly named, iH-cntiMi It purlin.' tlio
blood ami tones iii tlm body.
Ill" III Ni'li'iH.lliMlly Cnnaltlrrrd
Mother WliBt'i that emailing ule
In tli ir rlur 7
KtU'li'iiu liny (who goes to ertiool)
Il'i slater and hrr fount nuti vtcbaiuiiuc
ti Cllll whllA(l lltl Ml).,
Ml ItMt lHui J'U. I H4 U l. U
1r lma N,Mit lv ilruftflMA
Recommends Pe-ru-na.
v MStmt? lii!iaMK2l'ycy5'aJS' ' " ' 3p9fiS2'' VTOvi
icnor Quciutta, Cuhtin Minister lo the United Stutcs.
Henor Quriniila, Ctilmn Minister to tlio Urtltod rltntes, la an orator born. In
an nrtli'ln in Tlm Outlook tor July, 1H00, by (Icorgo Kenitun, who lionril Qucsada
peak ut tlio KhIoImiii Tlieatro, MatnnxaH, I'ulin, lie snldi "I liuvo seen mnny
aiiilleiii't'H under tlio spell ot eliMpit-ut speccli nml In tlio rlp ot stron emotional
exlteinent, but I liuvo rarely wltnehsed such 11 M-eno iIh nt tho closo ot Quemida'a
eulojty iiK)ii thu dead patriot, Marti." Iu a letter to Tho Poruna Medicine
company, written from WasliliiKton, 1), 0 Konor Quesada sayai
"Pcruno I can rccommcntl ns n very gootl medicine.
It is nn excellent strengthening tonic, nntl it is nlso nn ef
ficacious cure for the almost universal complaint of ca
tarrh." Gonzalo Dc Quesada.
Coiitf.rcHiiuia.1 J, It. llaiikliead, ot Ala
Imiiia, ono ot tho most Influential mom
bum ot tlio llouea ol Representatives,
in a letter written from Washington,
I), 0,, kIvos his oiulorsoiuont to tlio
great catarrh remedy, I'eruua, lu tlio
following wortlst
"Your Pcruno U one of the best medi
cines I ever tried, and no family should be
without your remarkable remedy. A u
tonic uml caturrli cure I know of nothing;
belter." J. II. Itunklicud,
There li but a nIiikIo luedcllno which
OiMUH Trllm cif ImiIUmi ArcCnllrd Hi
Weiullilr.t l'Miitaiiii Ifm Hi,
Murli him )cin wrlllon nliout ths
wpiiIIIi of Hi (j Umiu IiiiIIiiiii. TIichh
foiliuinlii pt'opltt n h n ti-lhu nro m
InipN (lin iklii-l iHOiln on mirth.
To In-Kin wllli, tlu-y Iiiivii KomntliliiK
HUn H,(M)0,UOO on tlcpoHlt Willi Hid
I mini HImIpn K"viriuiiHiil. 'J'hlii lnr
Hiini n ilriiuliir ii kooiI mto of liilcr
it, htiillHi'in (o nivn fiicli mriiilicir of
lint tcllm fllU pur iiiiiitiin. Tliey iIno
luivo uhoiit l.doo.OOU iicri'i of IiiiiiI,
whli-li, In vlrw of thu IniiiifiiKi' IW'liU
of kiii nml oil now IicIiii; iliivi'loicil, In
worth ut n coiinirvntlvo culliiiiito V
mi iicri'. Thin iiiiitiiiciiln tliclr money
linlilliiu'i $.H,(i(K),000 nml ulven a urn ml
totnl of $IU,WU,(XK). U IliU linn
nhotiht hi) illvlilcil c(imlly iiiiioiik tho
Mll.'l II vliii; Oiiikvi, each would huvs
lll.'JTL' H.'i.
Ili'nldi'n tlm rcKiilnr ntiuulty tlcrlvnl
from liitereitt on fumU on ili'iioilt, encli
Ukiiko Ki'lH n coiihIiIitiiIiIi) niiiii of
iiiuiiey tecelveil from tin uiiimal rent
al n of tint trlluil pmturen. To thin In
now bi'lnu milled that of oil nml Kin
royHllli. Tin full .wlllo of thin Hum
In illllU'tilt to nrrlve nt, from tho fuel
that fri'ijuent uuw ilevi'lopuipntri nuic
inent tho iiiDiiiniy reveniin from thli
oiiree. At tliln Hint) the trlhe I druw
I Iiik Noinctliliii; llkn fl'.'.IXKJ monthly
1 from oil mnl j;n royultlen, or nbout
i(7!i par cnplln per nniniui, nmouiitliiir
I In nil to nvnrly j'J.'X) a yimr which ruch
UnnK receive nn hi pro rntn ihnr
of tho Inroiun from their trllml ftiiul.
AmIiIo from thin, thu OnnKo Journal
report Hint there nru ninny member
of tho trlhe who have prlvnto fortnnr
of roiinhlerublo volume, Theno prlvnto
holillnit Milled from Hid common fnrm
home, equlppml with the ortllunry con
veulnticen nml comfortn of life, to
Intlul iniiiploiin nml live utorU nml oth
er peritomil pmperly IioIiIIiik vnlueil at
mmiy thoiUHiiil of dullnrn. Moru thnn
n doieu Onni(i) Indium nro rnteil a
owning property vnluni nt from $10,
(nxi to f'.'O.OOO or more, nml nevvral o(
llieui have eommoilloun country home,
rontnlnliiK from ten to twenty room.
Tliene pernon nro not nil mixed blooiln,
but n number of them are full-blooded
(liniten, who hnve by their own llldlli
try nml thrift nildiM to their original
patrimony. ICnunn City Journal.
H0I11H1H107 Ilunior.
Ktc. I a iIkii lined to mnke bel!T
you know more thnn you do,
The etintar I a menaKerle lion rm
nhiK around tln center of tho earth.
The zebra I like a horxe, only
ttrlped and ued to llluitrat th let
ter '
A vacuum Ii nothing ihut up In a
box Definition by I-ondon Bchool
(Irnlerul ClmtiAto.
t'Ura l)il uii have pleunaut weatbrr
tt lli nnc till "ulniiier?
I)ir.t ".No. It nun hut, tlreailfully .
"Iteallr iiHeonifurtitdr, wa ItT"
"Awfullr. Why. tltc weather wi no
iMrin llml wlien a limn nith a cowl mill-
' Imi pruHvd to ud I accepted tilui at
' lillio."
Is a radical Hpeclllo for catarrh. Jt 1b
Poruna, which has stood a halt century
test ami cured thousands ot cases.
It you do not derive prompt and aat-
Msfautory results from tho uso ot Poru
na, writo at onco to ur. unruium, biv
iiiK n lull statement ot your case, and
ho will ho pleased to ylvo you IiIb val
uable ndvlco gratis. ,
Address Dr. Hartmnn, President o
Tho llarttnati 8aultnrium, Columbus, 0.
All correspondence hold strictly confidential.
! Humorous!
One dny I Kfivo my littlo counln n
ulntiTKii'ii lozoiiKo, nml, hn tt burnt .
bur toiiKiie, alio turned to bur inotlier
mid criou, "uii, muzior, puv u m
frlerntor, quick,"
"To-dny," mild the mlnlnler, "I think
you'd bettor Hike up thu collection be
fore I preach my aermon, "Why no'
aakol tlio ventrymnn. "I'm Koln to
pronch on Kcoiimiiyl'"
I .Mm. Cnney An' phot did tli' doo
thor any nlled ye? Mr, Cnnny Appen
did tin. Mr. Cnoy Och, worrnl 01
know he'd any Hint If ye. woro lliot
(inu, Ullfitlnv alllf . IllrlfPI
I'npn How did you jjet your clothe
torrlbly torn? Toinuiy Tryln' to
keep n little boy from belli' licked.
I'npn Ah, 11 1'i-nVD dci-dl Who wuj
tlie littlo boy? Tommy Me,
"You?" miorled Ml Hlmrpe. "Mnrry
you? Why, you're only nn npolouy
, for n imin." "Hut." proteatixl Mr.
Kmnll, "you will not " "No; I will
not nccopt tho apology."- riillnilelphla
I "I fell over the bulwiirkn," nnbl tho
nnllor, "end the hnrk came nlotiK ntid
Krnbbwl me by the l" "And wlut
did you do?" "I lot him hnvu U10 Jctr.
I never dlnputo with dlinrk." Chi
cneo Journnl.
I "A Hhnknpenre iyn," remnrkod
Cnnnldy, who wn fond of nlrlug hi
"book Inrnlii'" occnnlonnll. "whnt'n In
n nnme?" "WWI," replied Cnney, "cnll
me wmi Hint 01 don't like nn' 0111
ahow yc," I'hlhidelpbln I're.
1 "Well," Minpped Ktilnt Peter, "whnt
hnve you to any for yournelf?" "I 11 in
not n Kxd man," replied the nppllcnut,
"but I didn't bo nlmtil mnklu npolo
Kle for niynelf 011 enrth, mid I don't
Intend to IiokIii now." And he Rot In.
Now Hint Ann' nee hn been thor
oujthly dliUMd, the fiuncll Hluffri
Nonpareil KprliiR thin one: "A youns
womnii Koe upntnlm to dron nt 7:15
for thu evcnlni;. Khc In lf yenra old
nml wcIkIi HTJ Kuud. Statu tho wait
of the rami below."
I Littlo Hoy I wnnt you to write :no
an i'Xcuho for belnc lato to achool yea
terday. Jeweler Kb? You nro not
my on. Little Hoy N-o, but mamma
miya I had plenty of Ume to Ret to
achool, o I Bue tho clock you aold
her doein't ko rllit
I "What do you think of her rocal
nhlllty?" iiknl Ujo umnnper of tho
ahow after tho urluu donnit had
ccnacd to warble. "Wtll." rcplUM tho
11111 11 who bad romo In 011 a nan, "nlu
hn nn admirable rolco for dottroylnc
alienee." Cblcngo New.
A well-known JudX'i wan atandln;
at Uie dfor of n ballroom when n very
bemitiful woman iwwed him. "Whnt
n lovely woman!" aald tho JuiIko, but
ko loud that the lady overheard It,
TtirnluB her bend. he reooKiiUed tlm
'apeaker. "And what n KoJ Judso:"
alio nld.
MnBltrnte Why did you atenl that
hmn, Undo Itnntun? Uncle ItnHtus
Hckaie mah ooh fnuibly wn atnrvl'i'.
you' bonncr. Maplatnite 1 mnlly ,
atnrvliiB. diT Hut tliy tell me you
own live dog. Uncle Hantu--I)nt"n
it fack, yo bonncr: but Ah reckon yj (
nil wud n't 'iet mah fambly ter eat
dem dawB. CIiIchko Dall New.
One afternoon ItUl Johnny happen
ed to look up ami i the nmon. mid nn
ho had never neeti It tx-fore In the
dayttuiP, he run Into the hoi!W mid x
clalineil: "Oh, niammu. I've cot 11
Kood Joke on 5hI." "Why. what do
jou mean, dear?" nnkl tho nstonUhe.l
mother. "He fore)t t tnke the moon
In thla mornliiB." expluliiwl John.
Motorist Are nil the tool In tin
toolcheat? Vnlet Yen. air. Motorlnt
Are nil the cunhlonn mid Inprobea !u
the tonneau? Valet Ye, dr. Motor
ist -I U10 tank full of Ranollne? V.-ilet
Ye,lr. MotorUt Hnve you umtmht
ilowu nil our kokkIos? Yoi, lr. Motor
Ut Well, run up to my room nud
brliiB tho roll of lilll out of the top
bureau drawer o that we will hnvo
enoiiBb money to ty our fine. Than
we ahall be ready to atarL
ful, nml romembor that jou aro on
your oath. You admit that you Hro a
driver; now, lioiimtly. don't you drlvo
n whroiiT Witness No, sir; I drlvo n
horse. Albany HvonltiK Journal.
"My dear," 'ld Ml hi I'lflKitnff to
her country beau, "I thoiiKlit 1 ouuht
to tell you beforehand that I m a sotn
nnmbullst. You mlulit not like to
marry a woman who" Hut tho
Impatient Mr. McCoy cut short her ro.
marks, saying! "That makes no dif
ference, Caroline none lu tlio world.
I'm a Methodist, you know, ami I cnu
ro with yon to your church In tlm
mornlni; nl J' 'R'1 K w'th me to
my church at nlicht." I.lpplncotfs.
"I never was .lobuffod In so pleasant
n way n "" lt Journey," ssld
Joblots, tho cotniuorclal traveler, lato
ly, "1 was Just about to outer an
otllco when I saw u atalrcasa wltli n
hIkh, Till wn' 'or coiumorohil trttv
elers.' I supposed tho stairs led to tho
countlng-hotiHo, so I went up and
found myself In n Ioiik hall, with walls
wlioro polutinK lwnrila directed tho
way. I passed throtiKh the hnll nml
cniiio to a leadlni; down ns
another board pointed. I descended,
nnd, onoulntr tho door nt tho lower
step, found I wus tu tho stroot
,. .. , ,,.' Wlltor." WlllCll llHVl nppeiiml ill The I iaie ymir iwny, rtviHei in. ueiisu-
Wvor-iiiiinW """" Cantnrv imv nttraclwl widit nttontion ,H, Mli 'V howlms auuoya uiy
., I want you to ir&S. ""-'" V-rk-r.
Wltneaa- m ilriw. ---10, ,, T.e art kl Im- been t ran-" fYIO (W? U A
Ilo you ilrlvt) n wmtonT WIImmh No, . . . :, ,,. ia., ,..i..... 2lft BlW K H ISa H I kl A5
,nlr; 1 do unt. Uwyi'r Now Iw caw. 0 . , , , , M1i,,M,t llf , Gbs ai$ oslfii KSaf
Save the Babies.
INFANT MORTALITY in Bomothing frightful. Wo can hardly rcalizo that of
all tho ohildron bora in civilized countries, twentytwo per cont,, or nearly
ono-quartor, dio hoforo thoy reach ono year; thirtyscven per cent., or moro
than one-third, boforo thoy aro five, and ono -half boforo thoy aro fifteen!
Wo do not hositato to say that a timoly use of Oastoria would savo a ma
jority of theso precious lives, Neithor do wo hesitate to say that many of theso
infantile deaths arc occasioned by tho nso of narcotio preparations, Drops, tinctures
and soothing syrups sold for children's complaints contain moro or less opium, or
morphine They are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons, In any quantity
they stupefy, retard circulation and lead to congestions, sickness, death. Castoria
operates oxactly tho rovorso, but you must seo that it bears tho signature of
Chas. E. Fletcher. Oastoria causes tho blood to circulato properly, opens tho
pores of tho akin and allays fovor,
nm ,.r .r..r'.-m.
AVcficlaWc Preparation for As
slmllnling Uic rood ami Ucgtita
ting llic Sloinarlis ami Uowcls of
Promotes Digeslion.Cliecrful
ncssntuJIlcst.Contalnsnclilicr Opium. Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Nahcotic.
avm ocu Drswvamaos
tiXUU Mm -
Aperfcctncmcdy forConsllpa
lion. Sour Slonuch, Diarrhoea,
Worms , Convutsions.Fc"crish
ncss nt td Loss of Sleep.
Tat Simile Signature of
y-u'"i') '
Kfcurti, ligliir.1 ih nuns! Kiump I'uli.r
00 Um uinrkfi. lis llpr. wr oa lb. aw.
wllli ia Uvr. Writ, lur dnenixiv. mij
uhI JMf.
Cool ol Morrlto.t Sired fortUnd, Orttoi
, rtci unctl.
f?lN34Sass3N USEIT!
p. n. a
No. 17-1905
YUIIKN writing toadvartlsarapleas
1 1 lueniinu sitia papar.
Two Vlcwa.
Wtatern Karmor The corn crop Ii
ruined. Why, sir, tlio hot winds juai
burned It right up.
UVstern Koal Hstate Man The great
and glorious West Is theplncc to live.
Why, air, this summer we just feasted on
hot roast corn right out iu th fields,
Mr. Grotvenor's Articles.
Tho nrtlolwi by Mr. Gilbert II, Groa
vi'iior on "Inociiliitlnn the Giountl,"
nml "Tlm Now Motliod ot Purlfvtni:
editorial mention In jHirs all over the
glolio. Mr. droaveiior is pow engagcM
niHiti several nrticles for Tho Century
on timely subjects connected with agri
culture, thu tlrst of which, on tho
Weather Hureau, will appear in the
Juno number.
Ijoiit n t.ond Opportuntly.
"Y'es, Uiey licensed me of adulterat
ing my cnniuHl fruit. They nniued
certain formula that Is dciiljcimtod fo.
adulterating and iihUikI me If I dldn t
uso It."
"What did yon Bay?" .
"I said I didn't, and then the.v
wouldn't let mo icpy It. You sot, It's n
Kooil dtHil better formula than the on
I'm using uow," Cbivohsiid I'l'jJ 1
The Dirreronoo,
Little Rodney Papa, what Is tho dtf.
ference between climate and weather?
K z :Slj "uXtirf.. xs,"
ward. i'uck.
txAcr copt or wnAppcn.
I ... ....... . . "' . t-1... ,, .,..! I .1... ll.
' w . -
I.uiur iiiuio yuuui ucisiucr uihi luaicr colors man any otner 0c. One 10c package colors alia
audrantceil to give perfect resulta. Ask dealer, or we will send pott paid ul 10c a packs,
(leach and mU cols.- MONHOC DliUQ CO.. jnIomlllc Mlssourt. P-.
,.... . I- ,.-,-. ..... 1
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.
Dr. A V. i'flr, of Ht Iolt, Mo..
minjr and tiArr aiwijrt luuod ll an
Dr n Down, of I'lilli'lelobla. I'a..
y mj prariire (or onny yean liii gitai
Dr 3. R. Wtcjonrr. of CMrieo, III.,
.1 jour i'attoru to lb public a rcmet)
A it and (ound It of great ralae."
Dr Kdwird I'trrlib, of Ilroolljn, N. T., Mfi: "I hT uwd roar CiitorU la
tny own buuMliold with tjood iraull. and bate adrUtd itttul pallculi tu um It
(or Id mild Imtlre (Sect and (rttdom from harra.
Dr, J n. Klllott, of Nw York Cltj, ujf. "IIitIoc darlnj lb pait fix 7'r
firtirnbtd jour I'a.lorla for Infaaill tomaeb dlxirdtif, I mul hrarillr rotnnifod
Ii uk. Tbt foruula contains uoibloK dcttcrlooii to tbe cne.t delicate of children"
Dr 0 O Ppratue, of Omaha, Neb, wts: 'Your Caatorta la in U'al tnedlrln
tor children, and I frequently prracrlle It. IVhfle I do not sdvueaic lb loilia
criminate uae of .proprietary oiedlrlma, yet Caslgrla la an eiecpllon far cusdltlona
rliich artae In tb care of children."
Dr J A, I'arker, of Kanaai City, Mo, tsyi: "Yoar Caitorla botda th. etteea
of the raedl nt profeaalon In a manner held by m otbr pntprlnary pieparatlen It
la a aure and reliable tsedlclno for Infanta and children. In fact, It li the tnlrerea!
bouaehold remedy for Infantile allmentf."
Dr It K Merrill, of Augusta, Me., rays: "Caitorla Is one of tbe Tcry fln'.t
and moat remarkable remedlea (or Infants and children. In ray opinion jotir Cut urla
baa aared Iboaaanda fr m an early grave I can furnl.U bundreds ef testlmaalals
from Ibis locality as to Its efficiency and merits."
Dr Norman M.'Oeer, of rteeeland.
I hare frequently r.C'Bimeniled your raalcrla at one of tbe beat prepaaatteae of Um
kind, belnir safe In Ihe handa of narentu
dltordera, while the rate wltb whlcb auch
a great advantage "
Ir. I II Kyle, of Ft rani. Minn., aays; "It affords me pleasnre to add 07
name lo lbs tong Hit of theae who have nael and now endorse your Castoria. The
fact of Ibt Ingredients being known Through the printing of tbe formula on tho
wrapper Is one good and sulArlent reason for tbe recommendation of any pbyslclsa.
1 know of Its gwod qualities and recommend It cheerfully."
Boars tho
1 The KindYou Haye Always Bought
In Use Fop Over 30 Years.
A Muliulou Hjli.riuliiiu
1 "Do you ever hare momiultoos here?"
sakl the relative from the city.
"Yes," answered Fruitr C'urntoisel.
"And malaria"
"How's the weather?"
"Hotter'n blazes uioat of the time."
"You don't seem to worry much."
"Not a bit. We're got a family here
that's three wkt behind in their board
. n' we're gel tin ereu with 'em. even 1
they never pay." Waahlugtoa Star.
Mother. will fln.l Mr. iMtew's Heothlnc
8yrup tba beat ramedy touse for their children ,
auring me iceming irvoa.
TJ10 llnml or Palo.
"This tine in your hand," said the slrl
nlio hud ittnltoil iwlmUtry, "itMlicates
that you bare a brilliant future before
"Is that so?" queried the deme youtij
"YcO annwereil the fair maid; "but
this other lino Indicate that you are too
slow to ever catch up with u"
For coughs ami colds there li no better
medicine than I'iso'a Cure for Consump
tion. Trice 23 rents.
Muzzle Nretlnl.
"See here!" I'lclaimed the angry man.
"I wish you would muixle that dog of
yours at night. Ills barking keeps my
batty awake."
"I waa Just going to reflHent you to
The tainted Wood of ancestors lays upon the shoulders of innocent off-Gprfng-
untold suffering by .transmitting: to them, through the blood, that
blighting disease, Scrofula; for in nearly every instance the disease can be
traced to some family blood trouble, orblood-kin marriage which is contrary
to the laws of nature. Swelling, ulcerating giands of the neck, catarrh,
weak eyes, sores, abscesses, , ,
skin eruptions, white swell- Sc?, ... nPPared on the head of my littlo
hig, hip disease and other S2Mi?iM "J Py I8'utl,S0,d'rn'Prea1
deformities, with a wastinr ff Pid,y v her boily. The disease next auicked
of tlw imti iml n.nthn5 l1" eye? nud wo feared he would lose her siRht.
ol the natural strength and It was then that we decided to try S. S. a That
vitality, nresome of the ways medicine at once made a speedy and complett
this miserable disease man- cure. She h now a young lady, and has never
ifests itself. The poison had n sign of the disease to return,
transmitted through the 13 S. 5th Lt, Salina, Knn. Mrs. R. Derkiv.
Wood pollute and weakens that lieaUh-sustaiuing fluid and in place ofita
nutntive qualities fills the circulation .th sciofuloua matter and tubercular
deposits, often lesultmg m consumption. A disease which has been in the
family blood for generations, perhaps, or at hast since the birth of the suf.
raMsas. asaa5S
m Mi istai-'"" i y -"
.. ...
One 10c package colors
H.Tt'1" ,J I.E.' ...VirTJb
tjn "X hr. prftcrlUd your Ciitorl la
.ID tlm t ami tprtdf rtuitoy."
lira: -I baT ortirrlbtd if Ciatnrla In
Mliifactlun 10 mMlt aod Unttlt to ay
uni "I nn mot hrartllr tteommtai
(or cblldrtu'i eomplalnu. I bT irlfd
Ohio, eays: "Dnrlng the last twelre yean
and Terr effective In rellevla: children a
a pleasant preparation can be admlnlatered
Signaturo of
tower CATiaoiati co , LTO., Toaonvo. ca naoa.
Antiaeptiu To.eihoiiea.
The Krcncli tetei&ono gorvlce has
Just accorded to the public ono of tliosa
littlo nmenltlea of civilization which
iiilsl't. with obvlou advnntaKc, be ex
tended throughout tho world. In every
public otlk'o there will henceforward
bo Iiuiik with n white linen handker
chief, t rooted with n chemical solution,
with which every person can cleans
and disinfect the plate or tube boforo
uhIiik It- If he will only do so also af
ter breathing Into It himself for sev
eral minutes, so much the better. Thesaj
Imudkerchlefrt are renewed dully.
A Disease
iSaasrSa Wc Inaerit
NL L .
1 X I JKlia
1 11 J
jurer, requires constitutional treatment. S. S. S.
is the remedy best fitted for this. It cleanses the
blood of nil scrofulous nnd tuberculous poisons,
makes it rich and pure and under the tonic effecti
of this great blood medicine the general health im
c posterity i3 protected. Book on the blood
cd by our rhysicians, without charrre.
' mnriof c!iii:
slllt. wool and cotton equally well and U
nrue iw iree doomi new lo uya.