The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 05, 1905, Image 5

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Wall paper nl ttiu Met rill l)ru Co.
Ice dcHvoicil in mmnoii. V S.
Tiicliol. If
Kciiicinltci' Unit UiN office doc
IiIkIi-BiiiiIu job pi lining.
(live your family a lent nnd lnke
Sunday dinner nl Pilot Unite Tim
Dr. Jlerbeit ''lleliy, the, optician
Itt now nt Lnidluw, supplying Bjrtc
tucle needs.
Wm mo in Hit wnII jinner Inml
iietw mid won't lw liiidcuold liy
anyone. Men ill Dhik Co.
Tlia telephone mte between I,hI!
Ihw and I tend j 35 cents.
I)Kuit'T.w Tki.. Cu.
I'tiNlurHge for Iioises, 50 cn.n u
week, t h moiitli. near ik-nd.
If 11. V. Mokkim..
If you are going to jwjwr your
house, consult in. W cm 1 wive you
money. Merrill Ding Company.
There 1 it fine office mom with
double window oil the second Hour
of the tank builduig fur lent mI $10
n mouth.'
Dr. H. 1'. lluller. ! it., Im
gone tu 1 n'l . .0 do work In liU
1 .iv'. lie will alto inukc h ptofc
slotml villi t to Madras aoou.
I'fHiik Mullet worth doc all kind
or boot ud shoe tcminng Nt reason
able prices. At the Caldwell (k
..!. u. ..It I. ..It. 11.... II-. ..1 r .r I .
.w.vimvii uuiiinun, ircim, ui. u lllorillllg.
N. V. Taylor, who In 1 liter cut cd ' lUlpli Swneor, of Antelo). for
111 iheCviilrul OttgouiMH Ml Silver merly forerimii of The Ilulletiu
Mike, stopped over ftundiiy in town' "Aii-v. spent a few duy visiting
011 mm way to rot t mini 10 remain
fin-on fxiimi'tteiidy for the t.ibli
V. M. Nlchol. ti
Ciibbniju phiiit.s lundy to net out
W 8. Nlchol. if
Remember the Sumlny dinner 11J
l'ilot Unite Inn.
Kor runt, newly furnished mom
nt the Merrill biilldhiK.
Clrtii out sale, next week, ut
New Yotk Crinli store.
At the Merrill mnldltiK, furnished
room for rent, drui lort.
Itvery thiiiK in thu wnll mper
line Hi rensonable nHces. Merrill
Drug Co.
$25,000 (0 invent with reliable
sheep iiihii M J3,y, lkx 1868,
H)olHiie, Wash, ill 1 2
I'or tent bv week or month, newly
furnished room Inqulit at th
Merrill drun more.
Jim McCov i Imck from Mudum,
where he plMiiled spud mid out
on hi luni'li luitt wtek.
Ilmpbcrries, strawberries and mII
Auitilluurwty MiM-k for Mltf by W.
J. Htukley, Mend, Oiegou.
Money saved by Iniviug shoe-
etc . Ht the rhwiiiK o ;t -,le of the
Nrw Vck Uisli more. Ueschutch Sunday dinner nt Pilot Hutte
Inn Von will be siitinlied.
The Ladies Aid Society will meet
nl Mr TonipkinsVl'liursduy after
noon of next, week,
A social dunce will be given by
tlit bfHob.dl association at I). M.
I .ill Kuiurday night.
Caer Kuehler, of Kllcixburg,
Wnsli , le here. He desires to buy
laud under the ciiunU clone to lieud
Andrew Oroiidcs, of Iluiiiwli. N.
l)ak , who litus m timber claim oil the
TuiiimIo, was in IUmicI this week
looking uftrr his intercuts.
Dr. iSflkuup, of I'riueville, who
whs lying nt death's door for a
week, is now lepotted to be fairly
started on the road to recovery.
The (- pound bell lor the Baptist
church arrived Dim .t. The
church hud oH'wnl the tine of thi
bell for (In aluriut and the trity will
ptolmbly uciept the tervtce.
The Chfintiau Undeavor Society
will have cotmecratiou meeting on
Sunday writing, April 7. All
inenibeiN are requefited to be present.
Mr. KM -ill lead.
I'reightei v. Iliain lloaglaud ar-
rlvel in low.- .eHterday with Iiin
Oilier rooumfor rent in the Pilot ! lw-,,on"r ,,e.' nmi. pulling three ll...l,.Mu..... !..- ..lT. ' WHKMIIB. C 111 rMIUIHKU Willi
-"" - wi'ni im v i ratiw
building. Apply at the eoiiiwmv't U'JSa 1 .1 .
It. A. SutherV new ntoretiwiti ad
dition h 'Niiidly iieHriug comple
tion, and (bM progirwi i IwiiiK
made 011 Mr. Kva A. Steele's new
two-alory atnutute on Wall vttecl
C. S. I.ivingHton, who linn, until
recently, conducted a bat ties and
saddle abop at thm place, departrd
for Portland Tueaday. He will en
gage 111 bumueaa m .ir McMlunville
Will Hrock wh showing a pur
of coyote pup lat wk, which he
vajmiretl out in the deftcrt. 1I
raught thter. They have bern
taken to raise by V. f.i Cuerin. jr
John I lent y Carter has taken a
lease of the Sox-more htitwes nu tlte
range for a term of three year., at
at the end of which time there i to
l an equal division of the stock,
hatr und shute alike.
Sam iT'Keyuofda has sold lil
frendm here thi.s week,
Par tie dealrlug home grown
nuisery tock of commercial va
rieties can get wme by seeing V.
J. Iluckley, Metiil, Oregon.
M S. .Mayfield and family left
thu uioriiiiig for theii new ranch
alwx'e. I'riueville, where they ex
pect to make their future home.
l'nriiciilar attention in called to
pjtrou of the telephone .system to
ring on" when done talking.
Dkhchutich Tki." Co.
Attention laud seekers! I in
locate you on a good houicAUbi. or
tinlvr laud a any one for $50. I,
II .NUCauu, Itend, Oregon, mix
C. II. Allen, wife and dau, !.ter,
of I,ava. were in town Sunday ami
Monday, having dental wort done
and attending to Inmineiw u.ctter.s
I T. North dropped ! ia jack
plane a.uiLxiuare the first .of. the
week long enough to cntif tome of
lmrbcraho to Tfirtt lltos,. who the tiuest trout in the rive to come
will conduct both tthoiw heteafter.
Mr. Keyuolda expects to leave soon
on a tup thiough likeview, Klam
ath 1'ulU and Hogtie river valley
A 11 tenuis club will mmiii be
oiyauiitcd at this plaie the member
ship of which will be Vic O'Connor.
V I) liter inaii, Theo. Meeker. Kd
Kinney, Charley Johnson anil C. A
Kiddle The court will be laid 111
the ard adjoining the I). I & I
Co ' ofliccn The outfit will abort
ly arrive
"Dewey" Tyler, with the lag
automobile, ha been spending a
lew days tliiat week at I'riuuviTle,
where the townspeople have been
Irving the carrying capacity of the
machine. Regular trijw from the
railroad have not yet commenced
011 account of the toad not being in
The Mend livestock & Produce
Company wart incorporated and
orgauixed here this week. This is
the style under which the Hricksou
market hiisiiirM will hereafter Ik.
run. C. A. Hunt is presUleut and
inaitager of the new coriMiration,
Hetty Krickaou viuo-pretiidunt and
C II. Ilrickaon .sect etury and treas
urer. p'rnuk I lodaon'.s cottage at De
chutes ctitighl 011 fue Monday
Hl'teruiMUi from a flue and things
were scorched some before the fire
waa put out. Mrs. llodsoti was
ironing and did not notice that the
house was burning until neighbors
came rttiiuinK t the rescue. The
house .stands close to the river and
witter was ready at hand for the
Imckul brigade.
Conernl Manager J. 0. Johnston,
of the 1). I. cc P. Co., arrived
Tuesday evening, having come
through from the Hast. Mrs.
Johunlou wna prevented front ac
company iug him 011 this trip by the
visit of Miss Ilolen, who was just
home from t-chool for 11 brief Krister
Micntion. Mr. Johnston will ko to
l'ortland in n few days and soon
return to Haul for n stay of two or
tluce weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cnrtrlcht
(colored) arrived Monday night
of freight but tin-
oflice. if wa,,r, Mifc . way pomis.
At Iho homestead of William P.' J-K A,kb formerly with the
Downing, on the Tuiualo. a new ltmeiit of engineering of the
daughter came to live Wednesday ' ' to . armed ineMiuy
levelling wiin tue autoniouiie party
ire lias neeii spenoiug some tune 111
$ihw Creek and in Portland.
I). V. Steffa, of the Crook County
Journal, was among those coming
from I'riueville oil the auto Wednes
day evening. Mr Stella extects
to oou dispone of his interest 111 the
uper to his partner, S. M. Uailey.
The entire kiln of Itrick burned
bv the I.' wis brick company was
, ii S.uday and was found to
be terfect Ijeyond the higheat ex
isevtationa. Cousideiable numbers
have already leu delivered about
lowu and f re being put into flues.
The I). I & P. Co. is now em-
J plo) iug all the laborum thut come
to them wanting work in the ditch
camps at $2 jatr day. "We are
hiring every man that wants to
work," sukl Siierinteiideiit Kowlee
'yesterday. "We have no specified
1 number to which we desire to en-
j large our force. We are simply
putting to work every man that
comes and do not care how many
' The Royal 'Neighbors of America
of Miatletwc Camp will give an en
tertainment at II. M. Ilallou Satur
day evening, May 13 An interest
uig programme has )eeii prepared
A miisHal romance and chip picking
and nail driving contents are feat
tires Six orixes will be awarded
to the winners Come one. come
all and see the fun. Admission 25
cenu; children 15 cents. Refresh-
oat and get suited.
Olaf I lagan, it lnothc. m-law of
Ole Kricksou, arrived last week
ironi Sioux 1M1U, S. Dak., with his
wile and five children. Mr. Iingau
Hunks of making investments und
locating iiermaucntly near llend.
Charles Mscolm's right hand
was cut on the edger saw at the meiits will be served by the Neigh
Pilot Unite mill early this morning, bors.
The back of the hand and the bone
of the thumb were lmdly mangled,
lie was cleaning out trash from be
neath the saw when it happened.
The case ot Jamas Merrill vs. the
Coruetl Stage Co., for personal
damages 011 account of the upel
ting ol the stage near Auteloe last
summer, is 011 trial in I'riueville
todnv. Dr. Coe went over this
morning to give export testimony.
Mrs. K A. Orilliu has also gone
as a witness. She was injured in
the same accident. It is alleged
that tlie stage driver was drunk.
The Ladies Aid noclety would I
like to obtain work in the following
hues. General mending, (gentle
men's mending a specialty, making
children's aprons, babies' clothing,
ladies apioii1. of all kinds, and
hemming household linuns. Please
leave pack'igea of mending with
the name plainly written at Itend
Mcr'iiutilc stoic. All ladies are
coidially invited to attend meet
ings of t.. -Ladle 1 Aid and
become active members.
C. A. Chapman tells a story
about some Japs. A wrty of them
was hunting jackrabbits and had
seen some animal which 1 they
thought was n coyote, dodge into a
hole in the ground. They wnuted
to get it, so Cliupmau produced a
pair of shovels and told them to dig
him out. The Japs went for the
quarry but nfter two hours' work
came back looking tired and dis
gusted. "Did you catch him.'"
"No, no catchee. Too mttchee
dig." Chapman knew all the time
it was a badger.
The Hums Times-Herald of
April 20 says that Charles Hunt,
of Haul, and Lloyd Miller and Kd
Ward wen arrested In Drewsey on
from Chicago and will open a hand the charge ot horsestealing
laundry 111 Jluud. A building
j 1x30 feet has been built for them
this week near the river buck of
the Pilot Hutte Inn. Laundry
stations have beat established in
tlte two barber shops and nt the
Pilot Hutte Inn. These people
linvc had experience in this work
in Chicago and promise to .supply
11 lony felt want nt Ikml,
were held in bonds of $750. A
bunch of 20 horses, variously
branded, was found Itt their pos
session. Mr. Hunt went over from
Hcud about three weeks ago, in
tending to bring back horses to sell
at his barn here. It is supposed he
fell into bad company. It Is said
that Ward is a pitrtlvttlttrly tough , very cheap,
uuti l
Mr. W. H. Ciiieriu, jr , and
Miss Helen Ciiterin left this morning
for a visit in the Host. Mr. Gucrin.
who is now attending to court busi
ness in I'riueville, will join them on
the road ami. the three will travel
to New Vork together. Mr. and
Mrs Gtieriu will probably laj absent
about a mouth. Little MaryOuer
iuisleft with Mrs. W. H. Wilson,
who will '..ive charge of the Cr..'crin
house duing the absence if the
Valuable Dug Recovered.
Last week Arthur K'y, Fred
Hargeumaatcr, Llmer Mot .1, Wil
liam Iliglow and l.'red At:, .id, who
had lieeu working at Lytic started
lor the Willamette valley, taking
with them a valuable fox hcuud be
longing to Andrew Leei-en, frm
plaiut was made in just id 's court
mid a warrant issued for the men.
George Anne was tipixnuu.l special
constable to serve it. Aft.-: u liar
diivc he found the defei diints in
camp at the snow line be oud Sis
tew. lie seixe.l the dog a .id arrest
ed all the men, but his jaded team
could not haul them back. So the
otTiecr permitted the offenders to
make a dcoosit to cover all excuses
and to surrender the dog, which
was- valued at Sioo, So the matter
now rests nt this stage and valuable
dogs in the.e pom are safer.
Lewis & Cc.1ten.1U!.
The Columbia Southern Railway
Company will tcll excursion tickets
from all ticket offices to Portland
and return daily from May o to
October 15, good to return within
30 days foni,datc of sale, but not
later than October .31, 1905, nt
rates as follows for the round trip:
Wasco, 4. So; Moro, $s-75'
Grass Valley, ?( 35; Shauiko,
$8.00. Children Iwtwecn five and
12 years, one-half the above rates.
C. K. Lvti.k,
015 General Pass. Agent.
For Sale.
Complete roller mill and saw
mill in good order, will be sold
WttYberg, Ofi
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
Fresh and Cured Meats and Fish
Hvorytlihig Pertaining to a rirst-Class Market
11 mniLf-vjf-yfy-w"tv7TTf jflJ... ffn .yfi
Team for Sale.
Will weigh MOO each. Young,
sound nnd true.
!2nrulrc of
Plana and Stiecificatiom Supplied and KatlaiaUK
jSvcrtbino JiroUGlaoo
Leave Orders at 7 he Htilletln Of (Ice.
Town Lots
- IN -
LaidXaw, Or.
and Make Money
Fur particulars nW or all mi
J. W. Rutherford,
l.nlriluw, - Oregon
t g t ST.
1 3
pree Land in Oregon
. t'wtcr the "Crr IrHynlI'm l
direct from Mate UKiri' K i
TlOA. Ihmkin. J nil map ' I
Cuok to , Ml Aldrr Mml 1'otHbiiU or
Arc you Twrticulur alxnit your
stationery? Do you like neat, clean,
up-to-date btuiueMi printing on the
very lest utock made? Don't you
think it a good idea to make these
things a part of your busruwrfi?
o o o o o
The supplying of this class of work
is s pwrt of our business that re
ceives particular attention. The
materials we use and the type facet;
a:d workmanship we put. into the
jobs we turn out give you a product
that cannot fail to give sntitifacliou.
o o o o o
Our equipment ia second to none in
the interior of Oregon. When you
bring us u piece of work you may
know first of all that every line hi
it will be in the latest type stylus
we lmveu't an old tyie face in the
Bone Promptly
There is no delay in getting your
work. It is a point with us to get
the finished job m the bauds of the
cuktomer with reasonable dispatch.
Reasonable Prices
Another satisfactory feature in our
job business is that wc do not iu
any instance ask a hold-up price.
All we ask is a profit compatible
with Miecesteful business. Your
printing will not look as if a black
smith bad done it when done by
The Bend Bulletin
For Sale or Trade.
So acr-- in the Columbia
Southern segregation,
very favorably situated.
Will Ixr sold cheap or trad
ed for town property.
Kuquireat The liullctin OiTice.
The Deschutes Telephone
Telegrams Forwarded to
any part of the World.
Direct Telephone
and all Pacific Coast cities
Public PAY Station
Bend - Oregon
See! - Draying!
I am now prepared
to do
Water Hauling
and General Draying
A1AY 1
Delivery of Ice
on Mondays, Wednes
days and Saturdays
Telephone your orders to
Highest grade The best
CIGAR.O on the market
Finest bar and best service in the city
$2.25 Both Papers One Year $2.25
I a t'ixbMi
Tii V ipsa
article la
Come In tnltc a look at n
beautiful display of
i On the counter you -will
also nnd catalog iuu-
of useful
If you want the
very best values
for your money
Merrill Drug Co.