IHHHriHMNHMHHHNM THE BEND BULLETIN runusintn kvkrv ckiday iiy LUUDDUMANN & LAWRENCE. "For every man aquara deal, no ten anil no more." 8UIISCKI1TION KATltSl Olie yMMMlllMMIMillMHtllmiMtMMIMtlnMHtflJ hx ttiot)th.M........t......t.OT.. ... S Three month 40 (lnvflrlnbly In nilrancc.) HOW TO RUMIT. Retail by lntk draft, jvotl money unler on lletid, express money onler. or rcKisiciiMi iciur. Make nil reinuwncts payable to The ltetut llullitiu. the Lord is not turned back" nt River Rnhch Wonted. taMt not yet. j We have inquiry for n river While there is no excuse for the ' "V'6!1 for which nbout S50 "" Will UK 1)11111, tf Crook Cwntv Stage nnd Mail Schedule. AKM 8 AT BK.VD Vrom Phaniko ta lllucvfll ? p. mi dally prom it-rrwiT aim smer uikc i a. m tlly exceM TWt. l'rt ThmmIo Th4., Thaw, ami Mat. u p m 1 rem LaUtlavr Moti., Wnt., Tnnrs. it aaUHfton Lbavb Bbnb. i'or fthantko via rrincrttle - (1. M Ull I'M Iakvletr ami smr Lafcr , Jvotv w dally ecM San. .. ..-.. M. - . M.I T " . . . " 1'W rumara ivr.. 1 nan. ami -ai Vor LaWUw Mow., We. a. m Thnr. and Sat .3 n, m. roar Omen Hwm Wwk ; Ss.m. to Su. m itamlay. torn 11 a m. ! 11 m , autt hall hour after arrivnt of alt naMk (rem railroad reaching Rend ItftMe 8 1. m. TKLariioNROrKKKHavK Wttkday. from n tM In no . tat " " aiul LJUaui . .," .... y. (' &.... i 1 c n,n .w.iu.. v mm mi, m. 19 is nwn. ami v ue p. m. big offenders uow in the pillory, it may be too hursh to judg their minor imitators by the same stand nrd. It must be admitted that ir regularities in the administration of the public lauds had grown t be so much the rule that the ordinary citizen was largely justified in the! belief that the prevailing practice was right. In many cases there was no criminal intent on the part of the offender. This excuse, how ever, will not apply tq those whose knowledge of law tttul business, and whose opportunity for know nig more than Hit local practice. made them acquainted with the fact tlmt their acts were illegal. They are in no sense innocent Their disregard of the law made , trouble for others as well as them selves, it the law wns wrong it was their duty to try to have it corrected, but so long as the law The Ladies Aid society have ready-made kitchen aprons fur sale. Ukai.vv Co. Strayed or Stolen. Two brown cows disappeared from my ptcmises in licud i'ridny, April i. Kuch had a rope mound the bonis. One was u new milch cow, thu other soon to be. I will pay well (or the teturu of the animals. Aunt Ai'nk. SHELDON & M'KINNO.N General Blacksmithing and Wogon Repairing HORSESHOE! NO A SPECIALTY jffiT" Our shop i' ku-aU-d opposite HiptWt Church. Bend's New Meat Market WAt.t. h'l'lll I I'.'Omwirn M, M 10. WHITE & HILL THE FINEST STOCK 01' ERESII All-VTS IN CROOK COUNTY Cured Vnts and Laixl mul all the Acccflso k'cs of a Hrst-Class Market EVERYTHING NEW AND OF THE BEST 5 p. . to stood it was for them, -unite as much T.rr--TTTr j " tC hUtublot citilCIl, to Obey it. ' o.,U.rwl.bctn MlNNe.H.t...d ..,,. lend Livery & Transfer .1. PRA.NK SIUOUI), .Manager LIVERY, and FEED STABLE IloKSKtt UoAKKKO MY TDK IAY, WKKK UK MoNTII First-Class Livery Rigs for Rout. Tlwnc No. 15 I ' - .X'liL mi INV '" C The White House i FRIDAY !To cry now that it was the law llciut, Oregon. , oR "Rl i.V IHiM sis H, 30. nintclKMtct. iprop. The Best Liquors aid Wines DOMESTIC and IMPORTED CIGARS 5. 19Q5 j that was wrong and not their acts. is too chiliiish to receive constder- The trout fishers are beginning ' ation of grown men. to bring in long strings and tall I stories. And the owners of river, Ucnil Weather for April. IM J to II a ' ij demonstrated 1 a:.:."-: slowly and it will not be a difficult matter to control fires in Bend when ! there shall be water available. Per- j haps this explains why our forests are so immune from fire the wood docs not burn readily. It is clear that even a bucket brigade and an open ditch will subdue any fire here that can be reached with buckets. Max I e. 61 U MIh 0 "' f7 m nt, ... m tit. . . 3 fe...:: fen:: S B::.:.::. at. ti Iw ....... if, I at. JS - SI J.. .., J n t Max Mm M 8 N M Mean Maximum 79 degrees. Minimum 16 degrees. Precipation 0.29 inches. Notice. Effective May 1st, 1905, the rates of the Deschutes Telephone Com pany for rental of its telephones in liend, Oregon, will be as lollows. For telephones in places of busi ness three dollars (3.00) per month. For metallic residence line two A CHILDISHLY WEAK PLGA. How the sympathizers with the land swindlers do crievc over the dollars ($2.00) per month. hard name Oregon is getting be- . For Pa"' "ce line one dol r u ui 1 j . . 'ar and fifty cents (51.50) per month. caueof the bold and systematic These rates will apply Vo all ex thteving that has been brought to feting as well as future telephone light! The Salem Statesman is one contracts, of these weepers. ''The laws wereiTK Dmciictbs Tulkpiionx Co adooted bv men icnorant of or) By W . E. Guenii, jr.. blind to the conditions," it wails in anguish. "It required a Hitchcock . to show how laws could work to a ' state's undoing." Many a convicted felon has been given to similar lamentations. Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Laldlaw Notes. Mr. J. J, Cook dhi Bend visitor ye-tertlay. 1 roit ttotitHK U in lull awtng now ami tin- specUWd Uainttca w coming in iu real number. W. G. Stilk uharinra new warchoutc "Hoiv easilv mipht I have borne an i tilt . M fl..l...w ..J1I .- u:- . . . t.. iMiHKii nm knu iGWjrj Hl nl ' lew collage. J. C. decree ami (amily b moved mt on thir farm. Xr. (Writ haa none .0 his place aUo. A -ery larjje fialt-ttawlc Ha attrartrd honored name bad I respected the law!" "For this gird you with sackcloth, lament and howl. "said tlie Pronlipt Jeremiah; "for the fierce anger oil TXMT the Lord is not turned back from I Tbeladusof th church aw contctn- i j UtiiiK '.lie organization of a Indies Aid ." ! -joewty. It is doubtless more uncomfort- j Mr- Haniea and family are expected to i.i. ri.:.. t i.!i 1 . ttlc on their placrwwr here, awl alo able for thieves of high degree to i ir. Kropf from Hubtawd. be orouglit to bay than for thot j who have been less prominent in .their trausgressions. But is that Something Dropped In Bend. ThU is wlwt yon can uet for ronr WMiev at the We Tree Store. the fault of the law? These upper- 100 lbs. dry granulated snear f 7 65 crust offenders nre thcnwlvM; nnr-13 " Inneille flonr - - - - 1 60 yo Dalle white nvr Hour 185 crust offenders are themselves par daily responsible for the con ditions of the law. This is not the first time the law and the agencies of the law havt been scolded because they stand be tween the plunderers and the gen eral welfare. "No man e'er felt the halter draw, with good opinion of the law." Are we for that rea son to change the law whenever a person wants something that the law would forbid? Is that not just what the law is for to protect public and private property and righto from those who would Jake them unjustly to serve selfish nnd illegitimate ends? Too often there has been one law for those who would pick your pocket in a crowd and another for those who would plunder the public of priceless treasures. While . .execration and the prison cell have been the portion pf the petty thief, 1 poarl corneal oottee ... jc 2 " extra peaSerry coffee - jo i-2 gal. Westmoreland maple syrup 1 ou 1 rocic cawty imp rrui - 1 00 lb. royal club wear J nip - I 00 Rood baking powder - J$ uue Liverpool salt - 1 50 gal. small pickles (fancy packed) 60 " can pfe prunes ..... 40 peeieu pears - - - 45 peacttes - - 55 .... 1 in - 35 l t I I I ( I " tomato catsup 3 1-2 11. macaroni and other tilings in proportion. H. A. Satiixk. April Postal Business. The volume of business at the Bend postofEce for the month of April wa as follows: Stamps cancelled - - f 133 65 Stamps sold - . us jo 221 Domestic money otd. isaucd 2b2tt 3b I'ees on sainu . - 1651 11 International money ord. iss'd 757 21 Pecs on same ... j go jo money orders paid - - 775 59 itumocr 01 registers, 103. Notice. The Deschutes Telephone Com pany has established the following hours when its exchange will be admiratiou and .honor have been PP6" m uena: wee,c days- lrom the "reward of .merit" for the 7:3r,a,,.m' tu9; Pom' Su,,days uic jcwmu v .w tWi l"ian,i holidays, fiom 8:00 a. in. to grand larcenist and purjurer, if ,2:00 uoon aud from ,:00 p m t0 .only his offense ware grand enough. Now it is different. .We .are getting .a square deal for every rortn. tFor tthis do the fancy offenders .lament tudilQWij ' uut ' uue .uezce juigcrjH j 9:00 p. m. Wall Paper. If we haven't what suits your fancy, will procure them on short notice. .Merrill .Drug Company. lauds arc fast erecting trespass no-! flowing tlc temperature rec .. 1, .iii,r 'ord for Bond for the mouth of tice, and barring the landless from ,A iu ,s b v D the choice fishing holes. , uicrman, voluntary olcrvcr: The Bulletin has information, the sourcCj.of which cannot now be giv en, vindicating that active construe-1 tion of the Columbia Southern rail Toad toward Bend will be begun within 60 days. Definite official announcement will probably be made within the coming two weeks. The O'Kane fire that the Deschutes lumber burns j m m 96 , za2jrSRXsJ2iUJwtaucuua Authorized Capital 525,000 Incorporated 1901 Kr: eesxxjr&acs A. II. I.lppmnu The Central Oregon Banking & Trust Company of BEND, CROOK COUNTRY, OR. Transacts a general kinking and trust luiinvs. Issues Letters of Cndit imkI thrutighout the world. Acts as Administrator I'xiviUor or Trustee of lNtates. Transfers money h M.nl ur Telegraph. Collections made promptly and ukhi favorable terms. Interest, on Deposits The Central Oregon Banking & Trust Co. several new features to its rapidly growing busittet. gie Time Certificates of I)qoit. Myiug interest thereon follows: For 6 Months, 3 per cent For 1 Year, 4 per cent SAFE DEPOSIT EOXES FOR RENT nt Reasonable Plates AM. TUB AUVAXTAGIiS OI A CITV I) I R K C T O R S : V. K. aUKItl.V, Jm., Pk. A. ! OOODU'ILLIIS, Vita l'n. J. SI. I.AWKKNCK, nt'r r. o. mi:;oi:, c.hihkn BEND - OREGON yuy'iaWWJ4JMJii3Byasi: 1 jfBk .fjSUKSKflBhEBXS i At (Send, 1 I Oregon. 1 1 1 LUMBE n U2 7 I has added, A 3 It will now k H as J I HANK R u r a ' 1 1 stTEjemasTft?iasanf.vwByK!ra-r!aK (Ico. At. At 1 A. H. Lippman & Co., Furniture Stoves, Ranges, Healers, Cooking Utensils, Doors mid Windows, Paints .Hid Oils. CuriK-ts and Mailing We c.irr a line Iuk h i. k r .nul t'uiu hit We can furnish yotir house complete C'.IVK I'S A CAM. Tl RMS CASH Ij roffraMBtfaatfawaapaa Kurusw&H&m wftssciw BasaOkB&tiaaaKiiSB&siK&itzx&m Z. F. MOODY General Commission i Forwarding Merchant SMANIKO, OREGON I.AKOIt AND COMMODKU'S WAKKUOITSK CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED Prompt attention paid to tlioc ulio laor w with their puttniinge era uxwpivmiM.VsiXinrQc?!Eryuru!t TimOUHl FROM I:M) TO ir'IANIKO IN 0,'K DAY SlIANIKO-PRINEVmii PRINEVILLE-BIiND S C II I: I) U L E STAGE LINE I.eattrN Miillaw ever M nM,n 'rimrwluy am1 ITlfc KiFIR'SPOr.VS Kk Oregon.' I 1'AS.SK.N'C rrfi.ffTH f"i lb mi H I S lie . g! r 1 I Ei 1 , H JMHTHMOUXb Leave Sbmiiko 6 p. w. Arrive 1'rinevilW 7 a. m. Leave I'riuevilk.... 13:30 p.m. At rive lkml 7:00 p. m. MONTH novjfu I4mv Iletul 6:00 a. Arrive l'riueviile ia:a Ijtnvt l'rinevitlc 1 p Arrive Shaiiiko 1 n. iu in 111 in S KQUII'MKXTS I'OR TKAVKI.I.IN'G 1MUIMC KR ANMJ IfRHIGHT RAT1-S Rl-ASONAM- npHE mill of the 1 Pilot Butte De velopment Com pany is prepared to supply all kinds of surfaced and rough Bend-Laidlaw STAGE MiiihIm), Vn. SaUiKlay aliuut I.cuvr Ik-mi alHit t n. 111.. 111111 (Uva. ii-.iitiiiKMlHtltiii fur i.Mitfr hihI rxjircaa. I'are yt centMuit May, 75 vviiu (ur round trip. J. C. TULLAR. Livery nnd Feed Stahlc nt Lnldlnw BEND-TUHALO STAGE I vatea IkllJ vwiy TiH-la. l Thurnlay ml Satunlay at H a. m , arrlvliiiat Tnmaki at 1 1 a 111; li'utti Tuwalo oil mmr Any at 11.15 a. w., arHviiiM "t llcllll Al 3 IS h Ml Atrt'llllllo ilatMiiia for MM'llKrra hikI William l Downing Lumber and Shingles at Reasonable Prices Wc carry only the fmwit lines of WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Pilot Butte Development Company . -V9 DON'T FORGET TO DUOl' INTO THH MINNESOTA BUFFET SMITH & CLICK K. Props I MINI), OHIKiON wiwiiMiiiMiiiaiMiai pin mimmruis2eexiMii!asscAaaaitm-fh rw an n .MHm.rff.BcntV.mi iyi i iu l. k v iKirtci 1 BLACKSMITH INO AND IIORSESHOEINQ All kinds of wagon work done iu frst cl;us ahnpe. Short notice jibs a n? laity. oi'niMTK hciioc ir. ' rutin. mj.ooN 4 I i ( aatpiwnrgi'teg;fflEsrr'7Trni .TnwyKwiBin