NEWS OF THE WEEK MOUTE 18 much wonnicD. H. '.' Our HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS A llnsumo of lliu Loss Important bui Not Less IntornitlnR Evonts of the Putt Week. . Jitpini nwnll n naval battle Ih mull- tlclll'O. Cnrneglo Iiiih i;lvcn 110,000,000 to pension ret I ml prnfeimorM, A wltni'M Iiiih ti "tilled In tho Nun Patterson trial that Yciiui nliol him It. Toll n Itorrelt In to Im minister to Co IiiiiiIiIii when It Ih l'liiiniiiit (illicit In nliol Mini. Itusslit will lut cunt men Id nil flilp building yard in Amorlcii for tlu run tru (ttliiu n( warships. All Muesli, in In it panic iih it riMiilt ol tlirmtl ol dynamiter to begin opunt tloim t Knstur. I'rtthk lllgulow, tlm defaulting ftrtftl ilmil o( Him Milwaukee httuk, Ih behind In IiIn account !l,x77,000. ItoJiwlvi'iiNky will Im Joined by Ni. iHiuiitoft Mny ftV Tim Itiuwliin lleet Im using llitiiiuii Island iih it Iwmi whllu uniting. Thu teamster' trlki) In Chicago In spreading ninl may tin up otury branch ol liimliifni In tlm I'lty employing unbiu until. Wot nro of frequont eurioiimi lit timny Htrt of thu city. hihI I'm I oral troop m.ty livt to Im chIIhI on below the trouble I Hrttlwl. 'II im ttwiimtitrii ilwlilwl to give "I1 t linlr tight, ImiI whmi thoy applied (or work Hunt tnM no hiHii who ImmI rtrqck would bt tttkuit back. Thu Ittttwl Rtrikti Ih the tiilt. Itln ilm not MM't n imvttl Imt lie (or MHHM tllMU. Ititln ioh place I iM loe of itnui itt the buttle of Mukden Nt HH.00O. KumIu tin arranged (or n limn of 0,000,(H)0 with (icrinan banker. Tint revenue cutter McCulloch linn 141 ordered to Portland (or tlm fair. Tlm rloittoiiH striking teamster of Chicago lv Im'oh mfuMl mp1iyiiH,rit. The United Slate nltorimy general ki)h rebut on Irrigation material In legal. Tlm letf tnmt charge secret scrlvre men with tcallug document for evi dence. Tlm rejKirtail suisnru of Hainan In land liy tlm Kimilnn limit U causing ac tlvlty among Chlnwu olllcinl. ltcort coming from J.uroM My Secretary liny in n nervous wreck and nuty never return to liU olllcc. W I iiiit fluids of Hun Joaquin nml Stanislaus counties, California, itrii badly infected with tlm Hessian lly. Tlm Now York coroner' physician my Im ha changed hit niiiul uinl le-llnvc- tlmt Nan Palterwin dlil not kill Youni;, Imt tlmt It Mmmrawof Hiilclilt. HiimIu ilann to rwtort irMtiK ly KolihtliiK Turkey. An lUllmi crulinir nut llroto a (lunti inuUn Uiwn in flrlntt it Kaluto. Tlm KiiMiiitn Kovoriimi'iit linn onlerol vllliiK' to 'y for tlm iIaiiiukch tloim liy iH'ncunl iiiuImi. Iteprii'iitntlvtt I'lnrkncy nmi four othem wt'Mi kllltxl In it prohibition riot tl lleiiipnti'inl, Toxiih. Nun I'ltUi'Mon hroko ilown on henr init tlm mioo oMtmi ukuIiihI hur nml tlm trial hail to Iw poitponnl. NiiliOKutoff 'h Nimulron him Imhui hIkIiI l ami it Ih holluvM will Join Itojfit Mumky iHifom tlmru U it nuvitl Iwttlo. Flvo Ihoimnml tunployi-H of tlm Nu tlomilTMlxi workn, of MiKiMnort, Tit., Intvii lutil their wnnen liuiriitci from ft to 10 jxir t'tint. I'ruiik (i. lliKelnw, primliltuit of tlm I'lrnt Nntiomtl Unk of Mlhuuikee, Iiiih roiifi'witil tlmt Im Htolu t,4BO,000 nntl loct it In HMiMiliitlon. Tlm niwltno motor t'nr, Intonihil for tlm Boutlmrn I'litiiila for mm hutwettn l'ortlitml ninl I'orwtt (liovo, Ih ImiIiik teHleil un tlm hilln ut Doiivur mnl Chuy unno. Tlio Ilnwihin thnit Ih whiIIiik off Hnl iiitn inland, whluh Ih CIiIikhu territory. JomjjiIi Jiifltirwin, tlm uminmit tiotor, Ih (lend. ttairtitnry llny'n l'wltl ' "twiUIy iniiroviiiK AhltnUloti Iiiih min mjwtocrin tho GhluuKo Htrikn. HiihmIu Iiiih increiiHinl inturmil Uxw fm witr purport. Tho hnttlenhl OrtK"" 'H " ,,,, w,llt to tho l'liet Humid nnvy yard to ho overliHUltsl. Ilrynn linillotH nhlp of rullromlH. irovuriiniuiit owner- Tho traiiMport Hhurlilnn Iiuh nrrivtnl nt rorthtml from Mitnihi with tho Four twnth infantrvt Tnu Ohlcnt'O urund Jury Iiah hiiIhiw nnisl n number of hnuk ollichtlH to tcMtify iiKnliiHt thu hoof truat. DolcuHHii lmn flnnlly ngrccd to remain head of tho French foroltjn ollleo, which ineaiiH rvulaUmuo to Gornuny in Morocco. In a Condensed I'orm (or Ilusy IKiiidnrs, Afrnld Thnt llnly It About to 80I0 Tripoli nnd 13iriliarjcl. CollMtlllltlnoliht. Altrll LTi Tlm Huh. Ilmol'ortonndtho Turklnh council of inliilMlerM Ih ureitlly wrought up ovor tlm report tlint Hilly Iiiih bur uyeH on Tripoli nml llmiKliHrxi In Africa, mid Ih milking rimdy 1111 expwlltlon to niidio KimmI her cIiiIiiim of ponHewiloii. TIiIh liiforniiitlon I'uiiieti from it trmilworthy Hoiircn. 11 Ih known Unit tlmTurklhli council of inlnlnlerH Iiiih been for nunc tlnmdk I'UhhIiik the iiiicHtliiii, hut tlm I'orle'n nil vIuctm are nil nt Him in tlm iiinllur until tlm iitltliidii of (Ileal ilrltitiu ran ho iih cerlalniil. While Turkey Iiiih tho tinopH to place In Tripoli nml Hen hitrr.l to iiwIhI Hit) forcen of tho Italian Kovnrnnieiit, If It hIioiiIiI try to tnko ixwiiwilon, it Iiiih not tlm ineaiiH of con voyiiiK tlii'in to thu African (.'(mnl. the Italiitu naval forcen MitmlltiK in thu way. It Ih iliHilnred that Ilaly three yearn ki turned it tvivetoim eye on Africa, hut that tlm tiirklnh pivurnmunt'n pro tentH wero Iwekixl up by KiiKhtnd nml thu prntent wiih recelveil by Italy nnd rii'injiilrnl an valid. Tlm fuel that (Heat llrllaln linn juitt enleritl Into a Hi-cret trinity wltli France and Italy Ih tlm nliirinlnu lent 11 re ol the Hltilatlon from tluiTurkUh ntnndiolut. It Ih mild tlmt the mvrct treaty with Franco iiIIowh hur completu Ireiiloin In ri'Krd to MoriM'eii and It Ih funroil hero that there In a Hecntt HtrHiMph thnt kIvih Italy thu hhiiiu freedom In reHtd to Trlioll. If thin condition In found to exlxl, Tuikey will le unable to op hhu Italy In her action townrdn Tri- NEW YOHK CRIME FIGURES. Prepondnrnnco of Mnlo Wildne I Vory Marked. Nt-w York, April lift. Although tlm piiltloii of lint county of New York ImH Incrwuwl I IO.H70 duriiiK the wnt three yiitm, tbeie him not Ihnki a pro Hirtloonlu lnernHM in erlinu, neirdluK to tin nniitml rujMirt of District Attor ney Jeromt-V chief clerk. In tlm detailed rejMirtH of felon ltH thee Ih no nmrked hiIvmiich of flurw" im MiinpHrwl with former ywtrn. Tlm average utimlx'r of prliinerH charge! with fwlony who were roiiflm! in tlm city prliHMi during the lit three yenr wnn 17(1. Thin Ih thu low wit iivurnKU on record. Tlm iiiiiuIht of ludlctumntH and coin pUintH dinpoKod of duritiK thu year H0l wan f,o:iti. Forty-nlim pur cunt remittal in pttstn of Killlty. A little over 1" mt cunt of thu prln'inern were convlctcil by vurdlct. Alxml 17 jkt emit were ncmilttcd. Thu olniHttlliHt lint of conviction dur ing ItlOt fhowH a HtartlliiK preM)iider mice of iimtu crimiunla. Only 1(10 women were convicted, uh nKlniit -,-"l mull. Of tlm lilt) feiunhti, I'.'il were found k'l'Hty of larceny nnd three of mmmlaunhter. Of thu 2, lilH ernoiiH convlctcil dur liiK tlm year, 1,(110 wcru liatlveH of thu t'nltiil HtntuH. Thu othurn were divid ed an follown: (ierniiiny IH'.', Ireland rt, lvnlaniL 1(10, Italy 17(1, Jtmwht 171, Aimtrla II Houimtnht 17, Soot Imul VJt, Hweilen IH, (irefofi, France 1 1, Bpaln 1', other countrieH 61. WHEAT DIRECT TO EUROPE. Floet of Whalebacka Will Take D'B CArr.ooi from Chicago. Chicnco, April Uft. Thu Tribune nyn: It in reMrtcd thnt thu "ore llcut" of ten wlialebaek fteainerH ban been nold to Kahtern cnpltnlintH, be lieved to Ixt John W. (inten nnd IiIh aMoolntea in thu May wheat dual, tlm plan bchiK to ulilp wheat direct (rum ChicitKti to Kuropu. lliu tleut, which Iiiih hcuu opcrnttsl by tlm I'ltthurK Ktoumiihlp company, ono of thu MiiiiHldlnry corpora tloiiH of thu rnltcd Htnten KIih'1 corMiratlon, in now in drydnck nt Detroit, IiuIuk re modeled fot ocean vtiynpri. Hoine of IIiuhu vewiuln luvvu iilrititly cronnwl thu (H-euii with cnrH'H of uteel rallii. Mr. (luted declined to lie Intor vluwed. T. J. llydu, ncurctiirry ol tlm Milium' Steel company, wild hu had not heard of thu tleut Imt tiid nut ileum it ui proUthlu, Small Force of, Toklo, April 'Jo. It In olllciiilly un nnuucuil thui it force holding TiiukIiwu Iiiih ruHirtul thnt it hiiuiII Iwxly of thu enemy in Mil! Mopping ut IjioIIuv; nml Miikouluu, twenty milun north of Tiiiik Iiuii. Thu unumyH' cnvnlry, 100 utroiiK, itttumpttHl tin attack on April U0 iiptliiHl KiiiKKchiiiK', but were twice rupulHcd. Thu ununiy'H watch Kiinrdn iitTulnii are iucrciiHiuK in Htrcnuth. Thun fur they linvu nhown no activity nnd thuru have been no uxcIiuiikch with thu exception of an occiiHimml cnvnlry Hkirmlrih. Forost QoIur Up In Smoke. Dultith, Minn., April -Ti. North miHluni MinncHutit nnd thu weHtern end of Ijtku Kuiurlnr urn cnvulopcd in it pall of muoku from fore-st tlren. Kcore.s of llrun ttru burning in thu wooda nun hIuhIiIiikh, nnd ruportH nro comliiB con rurnliiK tlmm 'ro' uvory lino of rail communication unturiiiK Diiltith. Fires nro ImruiuK cbwu to uuvuntl of thu min ing lociitioim oil thu M.uHmilm, Thu country 1b dry, no ruin having fiilluu fur three wcuktu Rain Neodod to Save Forests. Cumburhuid, WIb., April 25. For-i-Ht flruH rnuhiB lro nnd BprcadiiiK throiiKhout Northurn WUconsIn thrcnt uu tho Ions of property unlesa rain stops thorn soon, FOIirlCCIl WOIIICIl (111(1 filflS flK liiiriicd to Ucatli, NO lli:i,r WITHIN THEIR REACH Qlvo Up Thfllr Llvos In Effort to Snvo Children nnd Help loll Old Woman. . Montreal, April l!i!. Tlm little vll bine of Ht. (iuui'vliivn Ih In moiiriiliiK tonight over tlm Iohh of 1 1 liven in a (Iru which duntroyed tlm convuii' ' Hi. Anno thuru eutly today. One ..jn, nine children, rnnlii( In ngu from 10 to II), And four ni-d women, purinhed in thu llainen. Two nunn wuru no ce verely burneil thai it In feared they will die. In their Krlut ovur thu cittantrophu, thu vllhiKurn llnd hoiiiu comfort In relat ing tlm liurulHiu dlnjilayiil by Hlntor Mnriu Adjutuur, who Knvu up hur life, and Hlntur Marlu Therefi) nnd .Mario Itohurtlnu, who wuru purlutpn fatally hurtled In their eftortH to puvo thu liven of the children and helphvn old women. Ducket brlnnden wuru hurriedly form ed by thu vllhiKorH, hut thu flro had Itulucd Milch headway thnt it wiih noon npimrent thnt them wan no chance to nave thu hiilMIng from ileHtructlou. Hhiter UiiKt'ttoru, in hur effort to cave thu liven of thu children in hur charge, HUccumhul to thu cinokit nnd llnincn. Tlm pllpiln who perliilied wtiru In 11 xrtlon of thu hulldlnj; whuru thu tint had oblnlnel too much headway hufuru thu alarm wiih kIvcii to enable tliotu who ruHM)ndel to eflect tholr run cue. An effort wan umdu to Kt Point Claire by telephone mi thnt lUfdntmice cMihl Im bad from Montrunl, hut fur oliie riwiMiii no rmjHiiitti whm recelvwl from l'oint Claire, The ft re ntarlwl nlmut midnight in tlm old ladle' ImapiUtl, nnd tlm nuioke wmh hi thick thkl thu children mi thu (lixir hInivh wuru unable to tut down. The convtmt wnn chIIhI Ktu. Anne'n. hihI wnn n hraiich of thu tNiiivent of thu Klntern of Hte. Anno'n of Ijichlnu. The blllldiliK W'ua it Krlly dtouu Hlructuru. REFUSE TO PAY TAXES. iRorrotet Cannot Sea Necessity for Helping to Support Government. Kunttlu, Wnnh., April 22. If the 1'hllippiuu cominli'ilon nttcmptn to en force thu collection of taxen anions thu iKorrotcn, trouhlu will lw uxpcrlcncud. Twice thu datu for commencing the pay. merit of taxun linn lcun pontponol, and each time thu native hnvu concluded that thu Amuricnn government iIihm not dare to attempt tlm enforcement of tho comiulwilon'n decrcu. During thu time thu Inland were un der Hpnnliili control 110 attempt wna mndu to collect tnxen from thu Igor rotun and other no-called noii-Chrintlnn trilten. Kpnuinh ollichtlH wuru unable to penetrate very far into thu lgorrotu countiy, nnd thu wild tribuninun hnvu never contrihutud toward tho cxicnH'9 of whito government. Chief tomclouy, thu lender of the Igorrote party now in .Seattle on the wnvtothu l'ortlmid uxHnitlon whose nelectlon by his tribo for thu journoy IndlcntuH Ida popularity, in iitrongly oppontd to tlm collection of taxes. He In regarded iih it rich man among thu lgorrotu tribe, owning nbout 200 liead of carabao nml it corrcniondingly large Hinount of land. Thu curnlmo of tho Igorrote are worth from 175 to f 100 gold nnd nre rained more (or food purponH than a benntn of burden. In thu lower pro vincuH thu curnhno nro traimd to work, nnd are worth twicu m much it the Igorrote animals. It in imponnlhln to explain the nccen Hitv of taxation to Fomuloey, who Htunllly Innlnt bin people never paid tax en nml gain nothing by contributing to the government. Wants a German Jury. Chicago, April 2a. Johniin Hoch, on trial (or tliu imitMcr ol out) of IiIh wive, Marlu Walekur Hindi, expressed a den iru today fur (iotnmn Juinrn to try Mini, the confetwed liignmint nlrwuly had secured 11 change of venue to get before it (itirman judge. With n Her man Jury, Hoch professes to believe that he will succeed in gettini; his lllierty. When thu hearing was re- Bumed counsel for Hoch made it motion to ouush the IndictiuentB. Thu motion wiih overruled by Judge Kurstuu. umlimtion of venire then began, K.v Turning Russian Right. St. Petersburg April 22. A ills patch f 1 m (iuimliu pas miys the Hut. bIuiih have dltcovurud it turning move ment 80 miles unrthensi of Kuan ehengtsu, about ill) miles unrthensi of (JuuhIiu pilBH, by two foiccs, each of 11,000 Chinese ImmlitH, several thous and Jiip.inuNu cavalry nnd 22 gnus, Kunnchonglmi la Ideutlcnl.wlth Cluing cliun, thu uxtremu right of General I.lulevltch'H main front, which uxteuds thuueu toward Kiriu. Gives Hints to Homesteaders. Washington, April 22. Commis sioner Klclumls, of thu general hind ollleo, has prepared n circular to bo sent to entry men under tho homestead lnw giving them minute instructions as to how to proceed under tho law to perfect their claims. This nover before has been duno nnd thu igunranco of tho homcHteaderri nnd their attorneys has caused much confusion. PASS INTERNATIONAL LAW8. Congressman Dnrlholdt Will Present Plan to Pence Conference. KnnmiH City, Mo., April 24. Con-' grunnuinn Itlchnrd llnrtholilt, prenldent ; of thu Interparliamentary union, tho ' International lxly that neekn to bring about pcaco between natlonn through arbitration, npent Unlay In KnnmiH Clty Mr. IS.'irtholdt left tonight for thu Kant mid will ntnrt tomorrow for ItrUHHoln, whuru 11 meeting of thu weecu-1 tlu committee of thu union will bo I hulil, May 1ft, to net thu date for thu International pence coininlwilon. A now bleu will bo pruhuntcd by Mr. Itartholdt. A renolution will hu offered to have formiil nil International an-, Humbly which will hu given tho power 1 by thu respective governtuentH of thu I liieinbern to jmrni lawn on Internatlonul quuHtloiiH. Thu imiinbern of thu union nru iiiemhurH of parliament) nnd ouu grewwn of thu vurioun tlgmttor powern of KurojK) nnd America. Three proKnitions will m irenenU.-l by thu delegate from thu Unlteil Htnte. Thu flrnt I thnt nn Invitation he extended to Ho nth nnd Central American govemment to send repro Hontittlvun to thu pence congrennj nee ond, that n general arbitration treaty hu drafted for nubmlsgion to tho vari ous governuientn thnt would cover nil Hpetdflc jiolntn so nn to obvinto the nu censlty In our own country, for In ntnneu, of thu prenldent going to thu senate for advice nnd consent in i-wry limtnncu in which international mien tlonn are Involved; and, third, to ar range it IfHsin of reprosentntlon for each of thu nation taking part. PERU AND CHILE MAY FIGHT. Territory of Tncna nnd Arlca Is Bone of Contention. Washington, April 24. New ha Wen received at thu Statu department indicating that the long pending trouhlu between Chile and Peru over tho ownership of tho two provinces of Tneim and Arint, on the bonier line, In rapidly reaching nu nctitu stage. It In onniderud entirely prolxtble tlmt, un Ihm one side or thu other yield some of it extreme deumnds, the next few iitonthn nmy wiMien the outhruak of hostilities between these two republic. Thu pn"iect of troutilewill probably lifliten the action of the prenldent in tilling tlm )onl of United .States minis ter to Chile, which ha la-en vacant nincu last October, when Minister Hen ry Wilhon wan transferred to O recce. At present thu Interests of thu United Htnte nt Santiago are being looked after by Charge d'Affalre Ame. Itecent dispatches from Peru declare that Peru Is buying warships and arm nnd ammunition in preparation for the coining struggle. At the same time Chllu nnd l'eru nre endeavoring to form alliance. If they nro successful in this, and trouble actually develop Into war, a now seems likely, Loth llriizil and Argentine nmv 1 drawn into it. SEAT FOR ALASKAN NOW. Opposition by Late Senator Piatt was Only Obstacle. Washington, April 24. The death of Senator Piatt, of Connecticut, prob ably menus that next winter a hill will lie pnntcd giving Alaska n delegate in congress. Cunhmau's delegatu hill would have passed the last session had it not been for PIntt. hen the senate committee wns ready to report, Piatt served notice that it would Im) useless, for hu would defeat the htll. Inasmuch as he bed it in his power to carry out his threat, no action wiih taken, though the bill hnd twice passed the house. Ah Piatt wnn the only senator seriously opposed to nu A'askn delegate, it l believed such n measure can pass next winter. Piatt' death will elevato to tho chair manship of the judiciary committee Senator Clark, of Wyoming. This is the tlrnt time a Western man ha held such nn important chairmanship. The jndiciary Is the most important com mittee in tho senate. Plot Against Czar. St. Petersburjr, April 24. A plot to kill the csitr, It in alleged, has lieen discovered among the troops of the im perial guard. Many ollicers nro snid to lie involved thu very men whom thu Imperial family depends upon for pro tection, (iovernor (ienentl Trepoffa secret ngeuts unearthed the plot, nnd assart that seventl of the eonsplintors of noble birth were in iHwtesslon of large quantities of dvimmitu. The din- wiverv has unnerved the er tit Tsur-Bktm-Selo, who, it in reported, constant ly ttxulnims: "Whoin eun I trust? Poisoned Bullets for Police. St. Petersburg, April 24 In all te cent attack mt tlm police and ndminlH tmtivo ollicers in Poland, their nssuil nntn have used poisoned bullotn and dagger. At the popular theaters and music halls purfuimem lire arousing great demonstrations by singing revo lutionary verses, These are intro duced us encores., which must be 'pushed by tho theatrical cuneor, Kecently, the performers did nut hesitate to lam poon thu royal family, Signal Man for Alaska. Washington, April 24. On .May 15 CO signal corps men, under Captain Carl W. Hiirtmauu, will hu sent to Alaska to relievo the men who have been on duty there for two years. Their principal work will ho in connec tion with government telegraph lines. Good Loads on Schooners t Wllloinstcdt, Curncott. April 24., Gold estimated to amount to $1,400, 000 and sent by President Csiiro, of Vonezuola, arrived hero n fow llays ago In echoonom and an Italian'steanier for shipment to nnd deposit In New York, mmmm 3 m j - rrarsw,' $&? &?& r ' ZitVTzJfc-'" Aiitoinntlc I'oultry Feeder. An Illinois fanner, evidently a po"' try raiser, tins patented the automatic poultry feeder which Is hown In the Illustration. As soon as daylight ap pear, chickens nro about and ready for their morning meal, nnd to pro duce good stock their wnnts must be attended to. This -means that the poultry raiser must be awake enrly In tho morning to feed them, and this automntlc feeder Is designed lo do It for him. It consist of a hopper hav ing nn outlet, this outlet being closed by menno.of n partition or diaphragm, which Is Independent of the walls of the hopper and being Hvotally mount ed nt Its lower end. This partition or pivoted door can be adjusted to any AUTOMATtCAM-T rEEDS lOCLTBT. Intermediate point, so that the capaci ty of the hopper may be varied and an unobstructed discharge maintained. A latch arm Is connected to the pivot ed door, this latch arm being con trolled by an electro-magnet The lat ter Is operated by a clock, so that the contents of the hopper can be emptied at any predetermined time. Home-Made Hnbcoll Plow. A very serviceable and practical sub soller may bt constructed with but lit tle work. The beam and handles are the same as any other plow stock. The two uprights which support the plow point can be made from pieces of old wncon tJre. each two feet lonjr. The point bar should be about the same length and about two Inches square from one upright attachment to the other. The front end should be made with good steel, well tempered and drawn to a point which Is best If made wide and flat. The upright are at tached to the beam by stirrups or clamps made of three-quarter-Inch Iron rod. The front upright should be sharp ened on Its front side, which will as sist In cutting the old roots and thick clay. This plow will break the bottom of a nowr.MAnc humoilxb. furrow made by any two-horse break- lug plow. If made for .one-horse, It should be constructed lighter, and need have but a sluglc upright. It Is espe cially adapted to loosening up sod which has become very solid from long tramping. Karat nnd Home. Duck Ktfct.. Those who have hatched both duck egg nnd hen egg In nn Incubator claim that they cannot expect as good hirtchcii from the duck egg a from the hen eggs. For some reason the ducks, many of them, die In the shell. The reason may be Insuitleleney of moisture, as n duck cg requires much moisture, to hatch well. Ducks nre very near to tlsh In kinship. Tho duck In returning to her nest brimc moisture on her feuthors. And yet enough iluckt are usually hatched in the Incubator to pay for the hatching In thnt way. though one does not un derstand nil tho requirements to get a good hatch. They nre not so liable to have the life crushed out of thorn In an Incubator as under a hen, for. like 11 gollng, they are very weak for tho tlrnt 'day or two nnd easily killed. There are Incubators made nowadays to hatch every kind of nn egg from that of n humming bird to the ostrich. III11U About Driving, Don't trot tht) horse down hill. It jars the shoulders, weakens the ten dons nnd springs tho knees. If you need to drive fust, send him along on tho level anil when you como to an up grade, let him break Into n run, then take his time down hill. The change from a trot to n run brings Into play A different set of muscles and doe not fatigue the horse so much as If he keeps up n trot nil the while. Keep the Young Stock Orowtnjf. The calves, tho colts, th pigs, all from tho tlmo they were put In wluter quarters until spring, should suffer uo cessation la their growth. The calves --. '', I 11 p A A A M Ji tfi I sV it yearlings and colt should be kept steadily vigorous and growing; not merely holding their owtt, but Increas ing In size and proportion; not neces sarily the laying on of fat, but the en largement of frame nnd muscle, with a healthy vigor. ISxpenntve Pnrmlng. When one sees a farmer buying ex pensive grain nnd feeding It to stock that are housed In bleak yard or In cisures through which cold drafU blow and snow drifts around the ani mals, one concludes this husbandman Is Indulging In expensive farming. Any management of live stock or farms that doc not return a handsome profit Is expensive agriculture. Too many Infer that expensive manage ment of farms and lire stock Implies) luxurious' buildings and high-priced help. Unquestionably too much cap ital can be Invested In appointments for remunerative operation of farms, but all rural buildings should be sub stantial and constructed for warmth as well as ventilation. It Is a wrong Idea that young cattle should be unreasonably exposed In or der to give them n ragged constitution. The hardening process stunts the ant mats and prevents the development of their greatest commercial possibilities Cattlo raised In open yard, or cold inclosurcs, never display the thrift nor moke the rapid growth which charac terizes stock raised under more gener ous conditions. An animal that nom inally should realize $00 at 3 years old, under generous treatment will be a slow seller at $30 tinder tho expoiuru regime. Drovers Journal. Water for Farm Animal. It Is admitted that water Is essential to the well-being of humans, and It this Is so, why should anyone presume to think that animals can get along with little or no water? Yet that Is the plan on which many farmers work. The cows and horses are, perhaps, properly watered, but the other farm animals are given llttlo water. In a series of experiments carried on by the writer a number of years ago It was found that sheep, swine and poultry gave us nearly 20 per cent better re turns when regularly and carefully wa tered than when the water was given but occasionally. That Is, the egg supply was larger from the hens, and the sheep and hogs kept to the desired weight More than thhv we found tbero was less trouble with diseases, particularly those that bad the stomach for their base of at tnck, it Is now a regular practice ta give all the animals on the farm reg ular supplies of clean water. In water ing Uie sheep and swine, troughs are provided and kept for the purpose. After the animals have drank, the troughs are removed, so that there Li no chanco of them being defiled. It will pay jvery time to water all farm animals regularly and with clean wa ter. Indianapolis News. Clean, Quick Bap holllns. In handling sap every precaution should be taken to keep out dirt, and the sooner the sap Is boiled after It runs from the tree the better for th quality of 'the sugar. A dark-colored product Is far from dcslrnule, and quick, clean work Is necessary to se cure a clear, light shade. Maple sugar Is marketed at a time of year when there Is little else to sell from the farm, and when other work Is not es pecially rushing. Modern sugar mak ing with modern utensils and business like methods Is a profitable enterprise, and a source of extra Income which should not be neglected. A Ituluou Method. To depend upon the use of purchased fertilizers, to the neglect of such as can be produced on the farm for the production of each year's crop, Is a ruinous method, which, while It may not prove Immediately disastrous. Is sure to Impoverish succeeding genera tions. American Cultivator. Fortius I'uyi. 1 had a remarkable crop of 7,000 bushels of apples this year, says A. D. Appletree Humes of Wisconsin, and by careful assorting and handling was able to sell them for $1,215. I tell you there Is nothing like systematic sorting and enreful bundling to make apple puy. The CultVt Feet. Wheu the colt Is growing, the hoofs should be looked to occasionally to see If they do not require trimming. 1'onttry Yuru I'tcklns. Cheap food Is always at the expensa of quality. Quality In food for poultry Is what gives It value. No food Is cheap that does not bring paying results." Damaged food Invites indigestion and various bowel troubles. Lack, of grit when snow covers the ground endangers tho tlock's health. Provide plenty of nests whero there) nro many hens or pullets. Grit, either oyster shells or crushed, granite, should bo kept under cover accessible to the poultry In all the houses during the winter. Keep the cockerels and pullets sep arate until a couple of weeks before you commence saving eggs for hatch ing. Doth wilt bo the better for tho plan. jl '1 , r, i Ml