THE BEND BULLETIN voi,. in MINI), ORKCON, FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1905. NO. 8 ji PROFESSIONAL CARD8 w. it niiiiHiN, jh. (). C. HrillNIIMANN (hiurin & Steinumann Attorneys am! Counsellors nt NOI'AKIItA I'UIII.IC I'Mtllre In Htnle ami 1'ntrmt CnmU HUM) OKIUKIN U. C. COE, M. D. OHI'ICIC OVIM HANK Physician and Surgeon 'I KI.UI'IIONIt NO. 31 lll'.M) . OKItCON DR. B. F. BUTLER DENTIST All Kinds of Hcnlnl Work Fair Prices KXAMI.VATIOX lrKIII (imf In (tank HulMlNK HKMII, OMIIflON KfcAL NtA1 WHPUHt AMU M.H -! AMItCIIV f HOf It IV. .1. L. AlcCULLOCM, AtiKtrnciur mid lixninlticr of lltles. MhiI and Tft l,iV4 Afr KINIIVII.I.K. OXKKON .1. Al. LAWRENCE, U. . L'OMXMMIONKX. Notary Public. Inmirauce. Township Plat fr Upjier I)ec)iutwf Valley. 1KNII. OKHOON, OTHV fllMUC INML'MAKCH A. H. GB.ANT Liverpool, London & (llnbc, iiiiiI Ijiini.slilic I'lic Insurance Companies. III.'M), ORIHlON H I' 111 1 Ar M. II. Cmao N KmmaiM 11 luuKtr PtiyaMan Drs. Belknap &. Edwards, PHYSICIANS AND SIMMONS. PRIMiVll.l.l! - OltlUION (MtU l Mrr of Wlflnck' IHm WHf Miss Grace Jones TCACHCH OF Voice & Piano I ii" lor uihU mtA ihh h ft. 1 h" it "Mr IK r mi K Anii h.I irth Mori IlKMI. OHM J. W. Bledsoe PHOTOGRAPHER HKNII, .... OKIlttON. All V.j.ll.r. I'frMlvnt il Imullmlr I'liluitd iiiultlinl Kl Ah TIim Crook County Really Co Heal L'stnte Itouglit and Sold. Life nni Accident INSURANCE. 01' I HK I l U.l TIN M'tl.lHNO IIHNM, IIKWION TRIPLETT BROS. Barber Shop & Baths Best of accommodations aud j wotk promptly done ! WAJ.r. ST. IIIINIt, OKKOON L. I). WIEST Civil Engineer Special (nullifications for I.autl Surveying ami Irri gntioi'i Work. I1ILNI) ORIWION FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS TWO Well-lighted and con venient rooms in. the Bank Building 1 ; PRINEVILLE H- T O I MMM. C. A. MCDOWMM. J 1 tj, JU I'roprlclor ntul Rooms always clean find well supplied-Riites reuhonable l'JUMfVIIiUt OUHQON All this, 5o pounds Granulated Sugar 1 sack Flour 10 pounds Coffee 10 pounds Rice 20 bars "Diamond C" Soap 10 pounds smoked bacon 10 pound box Macaroni 10 pounds of Prunes 10 pound box of Crackers 5 pkgs. Borax Wash. Powder 4 lbs. loose Muscatel Raisins 15 yards Calico All the above and more too &t The Bend Mercantile Co.'s 7 1 ? 1 C I I ) I i I ... Store ... )-,NX',V" . t 1 BRICK Tho Lewis Brick Co. now has brick for sale at the Barney Lewis homestead, two miles from Bend on the Sis- 1 ters road. Deliveries will be made on 24 hours notice. sasra Because we are selling the samo and better quality at a closer margin is a very good reason why yen Will find our store the best place to buy anything in the line ot Groceries, Drygoods, Furnish ings, Shoes, Hardware, Sash and. Doors, Paints and Oils Ihe PINE TREE STOR.E K. A. SAritlili, t'ltOPRII;TOR NEW SPRING STYLES Laddies HatS Trimmings To Tine I.Awrs or Bi:n I have opened up a new millinery on Wall Street, first door north of the B, M, Store, carrying n full line of new mid up-to-date goods, Cull and iilspect them. Mrs. H. Crabtree, Bend, Or. PILOT BUTTE INN DAN It. SAW III, Proprietor Tables supplied with all the delicacies of the season I'irsf -class Kquiptnent Fine Rooms aud Bedjj All stages stop nt JQ tlA OK i ORDERS Should be left with J. H. OVERTURF Dhnnn "A. ,,otM flip I nW,V Rr?rr f a Ht "Ib DllUK LU. Ikiid, Oregon the hotel door P " wiii 1 1 iiiimiirrr li ! muMHWii AUTO BRINGS CROWD Easy Round' Trip Princ ville to Bend. Bid MACHINE BEIIAVHS WHIJ. Convinces the County Sent of Its PracticahllltySoon to Oo Into Regular HuhIiicsh. The big automobile w in Hend uniii llx'. .....!. I. 1 ..!.. dozen men over from 1'riueville WtMlnexIay afternoon, by wny ol roient, anil yesterday took most of them back, over the desert road. The machine worked beautifully. It was a revelation in country transportation and the country it mcII was a revelation to most of the excursionists. The visitors included Judge I. H. HHK who is holding court in I'riueville in place of Judge lirad haw this term; District Attorney Prank Meuefee, Attorney M. It. Ulliott, Sheriff C. Sam btnith,' Dr. J. II. KotreuberK, Cashier I'aUlwin. of the Hirst National Hunk, Court Reporter I.. S. Dufur, I.. R. Allen, of Portland, D. P. Steffh, of the Cnwk County Jouruaul and '.V. H. Guerin, jr. Central Man Manager Don I'. Itea had the ex ciirsHtu in charge and "Dewey" Tylvr drove the bite machine. The .to-mile trip tfround by l - 'or - est wait made in three hours ami a half. The onlv mishap was at n place in the river road lotwett Prie'ill and I'orest where an ; irrigation ditch had overflowed ano made the road so muddy that the wheels clipped. It took half an hour to gel pabt that spot. The rest of the journey wns n toem. 1 Yesterday morning the machine I went back to I'riueville with the .visitors, leaving IJcud a little after 1 7 and reaching the county seat before 1 1 n. m. I The fore part of the week was sjwnt in showing Prineville jxioplc I what the big unto coul J do. ! It is expected that this machine I will begin regular runs between Cnivkcvs and Ifend within the coming two weeks. TIIUI3I2 DAYS CBLKURATION. Thnl Is the Plan for Bend Talked of by llascball Askociatlon. A three days' celebration may be hsld in Bend, extending aver thf 3d. 4th and 5th of July, the occa mod for such au obMsrvauce buiug a ba.seb.ill tournament in which all the lendiut; clubs of Crook couutv will take tMirt. This wns the nlan mentioned at the baseball luikolia ii...f no . I mcctinit hthl Monday night at B. M. Hall J Three saloons have paid the citv If this Ian goes forward, there can ; hcen-e. Their competitors are run be no question that, with the ball ningon the lower county license. In games as a leading feature, other onler that no injustice shall be done appropriate exercises will be ar- ranged for. which would make lake a I rousing I-'ourth of July at Bund. celebration a .,... .:..:.... r .i. n..j 1 liasuball Association was effected, , which puts the entire business of ' the club in the hands of n board ol directors of which J. Prank Stroud is prcfeidcut aud Duncan McMillan, Clark Hadle. C. I). Brown and James McCov are members. A. h GfMxhvillie was elected treasurers I The board of directors will apjxiiut 11 secretary and manager, which : offices are to be combined in one. 1 he mutters considered of most importance nt present were to raise funds aud to keep the team in the main, as it is now organised. ft was announced that Prineville, Antelope aud Madras desire to form a league- including Bend and to make a season's schedule of games. The matter ot fencing the home , grounds so as to hold a better con-, trol of gate receipts was discussed' and it is ccrtaiu that this will be done before another game is played. 1III.YJ.I' MADlt MA.NAC.KK. Charles Bilyeu, captain and pitcher of the local team, was made , manager by the board of directors I nt n meeting held last njglit. C. I. Iladley, C. D. Brown and Dun , can McMillan were named as a finance committee to canvass the (.situation, and James McCoy wai 1 detailed to look after the matter of giving n dance tomorrow night. "There is no truth in the rumor that I am going to quit Bend," said Captain Bilyeu this morning, "for both Shortstop and myself will play here all summer. We will try j to arrange games on the home roti ml with Sitters, May 14; with Haystack, May 21; ami another nine with I'rincvillc, May 28." Hnncboll Noted. Tiic IimcImiII club goes to Princ ville flXflin, where, on Sundoy, it will piny with theclnb which it tin already beaten twice. The odds ofconriw, sir in fnvor of IJend, Int' the teams arc k evenly tnitche' thflt any alight run of luck in favo of either team won hi easily make 1 anybody 8 Raire. I'nneville wi ,' make great effort to win this game while the locals will not surrenne without a MtrtiKgte any of ther iprestiKC. WorJlliM been receive' t,.,"t ld"? w,. J 8,ve" "l "" ville Saturday in honor of the Ikn players and accompanying fans. The Sisters luisebaH club will b here on Sunday, May 14, to cros bats with the home aggregation. CITY LIQUOR LICENSE CASE. J. S. Smith Arrested for ScWn Llnuoi , With County License Only. J. S, Smith was arrested las. Friday on the charge of mjIH.j, liquor without a city license. Satur day morning he had a hearing 11 recorder's court, being represente by (1 W. Barnes, of Prineville, tin prosecution being in the hands 01 Gueriu & Steinemann. The defense first presented u motion to dismiss for the reaoi that the recorder's court had n jurisdiction to try the offenie This was argued by buth skies and over ' ruled I he-.i a demurrer to tin complaint was filed alleging that '"nd toe board can go ahead arn. the plaintiff had no legal capacitx , "wue notice of election, which must to sue, that the complaint did not , ' ported for at least 20 dsiys. stale a crime triable in recorder's In all matters affecting the au court or in any court. The de ! .boruation and issuic of school bond murrer, after argument, was alv t is highly important that onl overruled and the tx-urt adjourned for noon. Upon the convening of court after noon the prosecutioi moved to dUmitK, which a ranted It was found upon close inspec tion that the ordinance did not con lorm to the state law inasmuch as 11 fixed the 6nc for its violation ai Ssoo to .O0. while the stntutr authorized no higher fine than $50. Pending amendment to the oitli nance it was concluded to drop tin prosecution It is understood tha the matter will be tnkeu up again when the defect in the ordinance 1 shall have been cured. The question at issue is whether the city must a countv license Before the incorporation ol Bend two saloons Smith &chool building indebtedness witl Cleek and Severt Debiug had ihe exception of outstanding war county liceuws to run saloons here, rants aggregati ng about $2 iO Hut the state law says that incor which will proba bly be paid soou. porated towns shall have control o , . thelicensmi' of liuuor saloons. The1 WATER AOA IN FLOWING. iicen-e in Bend was fixed at 600 i : . . .. ' Ssoo more than the countv cene. the city wishes to know whether it ' can require u city licence, notwith standing the fee previously paid to the county. 1 his is the object 01 Ul.n l...ol .,,-,l wuv. IV.HM1 ii.evu 1115a. A suggestion had been made that the two county saloons pay only the proportionate increase to the city. but Sinifh & Geek rejected that proposal and the proceedings will be to collect the full city fee. regnrd-1 less of any prior payment to the county. Mike Mayiicld's Wagon. When the ditch camp, broke up in March quite a number of the people who had been employed here went out south to the Klam ath countrv. A wagon belonging to M. S. May field also weut in that direction without the permission of the owner. News of this reached Mr. Muyfield, who charged William Wege with the larceny of the wag mi, took a warrant aud went after the thief and the vehicle. Hf traced both to Klamath Falls. 1 here his wagon had been traded for another and Wcge had taken the back track and was found working for an Indian 55 miles off t!:o main road to Silver Lake. Wege was arrested and brought to Bend. The defendant said he had bought the wagon in Bend from some man whose name he did not know. After sharp questioning in court he volunteered to get the wagon back to the owner. In the absence ofa material witness, Wege was given opportunity to restore the wagon. There was a Urge family of the Weges and they moved about with cattle ami fowls and lived in tolera ble comfort, BONDS FOR SCHOOL Election to Be Held Day of MnyV Last JAUT TO BH FIXED AT s a Preliminary Step New .Clerk It Blcctcd'.f'rc-IImlnary Peti tion Is Piled. The election to determine whether this school district shall issue bonds or a new schoolhousc will probablv e held on the fast day of May in ' the B. M. hall. The petition for ubmission of the ruestion to the I s'oiers has been filed. It asks for 1 lUthority to issue bonds to the , imount of Sssco for building pur 'poses. I Advices which the directors have ..btained from the state supcriutend j .t 0f public instruction indicate -hat the qualifications of voters a xnding elections will be very strict j -y construed so strictly, indeed that the eligibility of Clerk Hedges night possibly be questioned. In rder that nny possible taint migh? removed from the proceedings ; f the board touching the bonding luestion Mr. Hedges resigned the clerkship of the district last Mondav nd Dr. V. S. Iv'ichol, who ha I ictually paid taxes in the 'district as elected to the position. Upon 1 'he completion and approval of hi ona fide taxpayers should act; and not only must they be taxpayers ut there should be competent cvi ence of the fnct. Any doubt in this respect will cloud the validit j ot the bonds arid unakc them un I marketable, l'or this reason the Krd proposes to proceed with de- iberntion aud "out of au abundance if caution," us Judge Bellinger ays, allow a large margin of safe ;y where any question arises. The school district this week paid note of $:sS.S-s and S7.76 interest vhich was made for the furnishing f the present schoolhousc and an ther note for 55244.42 and $20.37 interest, which was given A. H Lippman & Cc. on tlic same ac count. This cle ans up the 'present I flll. .. r? r . f ." "i buo numc Kcpnirca. OtlwrVork. The Pilot Butte Hume, 500 feet ot which went down on Anril 6 bi reason of having been weakened for ' ihe construction of t he bigger adja vent flume, was restored lust Satur 1 day aud water was turned in Mon 1 day. For seven hours the watei I ....... ...... .1 ... , L'fitpr 1 cui um me wosicway near rue 100; of the flume- Then the loss was discovered, the gate shut and tlu ' water turned down the canal. It was a welcome visitor along tin I whole route, Work on the 10-foot addition alongside the Pilot Butte flume is now goiug torward. Forty men are at work there. This will de liver water sufficient for watering all the lands tinder both the Pilot ' Butte and Central Oregon canals l that is 650 cubic feet a second. 0 ) tl,M d:in i.. .W.....1 ...:ii ti.. '" '"- i lJ UUllC WUHU1 WJIl lUkl 250 and the Central Oregon 400 cu bic feet. Most of the lauds under the Pilot Butte- canal can now Ix reached through the laterals, ami the long miles of desert between Bend and Forest, where there was not a single civilized home a year ago, is now thickly dotted with set tiers and considetable crops will be grown there this year. Townslte ot Redmond. Kngineers have this week staked out the streets and lots of the town site of Redmond and the two prin cipal streets are being cleared Work of platting what is to be thf main townsite, comprising about 2i acres, is now going forward and after the plat is filed a date will be set for the opening of sales ol lots. Three hundred and twent acres have been set aside for town site purposes. B. S. Cook & Co. have the property in hand. The new townsite is located about four miles east of Cline Falls7 in section 16, towpship 15 south, range 13 east.