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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1905)
iCTMpmspOT '' wn'" r K ' r . iim . ivn ' ii i. fii ,U -'' ' " III , t i f I Townsite of BEND On the Deschittes IUvei in Western Part of Crbok Comity, Orefeoni Cctitcr of the new irrigation Development covering 250,000 ACRES OF RICH LAlNft II i iiLl atamuMMi I'r p ' rrcr Jf' l' tWWWWWBtWHWI Te ' . V ' : 'X x i 1 if V s 3 - jiVJ W xx rfl'. yoXXfX?X jcNv(A5. ' AWX X XtVX XV -q ( XX V Xj111 a X6X xv x XS. tY yX xz,y w V" xNxxv XrP CvO 5xNxyxV " . FRT A xVv w 'aJCw X. CX. v X e VS. vX x S. Vv V n X X XX 5 X 'VX-Jy X X vr.X e "v VM r 1 I 1 v XfX 6X VWV Ar 7X O-X' C " A J x ytL xVv J X NrXJ: X XLi - - i !x -s. .-:&- FIR J pm ijyUU rn f L.JL J kUk J I 4 J h-) CREENWOOD AVE. Z J J t 7 I ' ' "I I f""i""l I ' 13 a. a i X J 4 S t 7 i ts i f s 4 tt . J 4 J t it ' i t 1 HANAT HORN ' 't ?E a v e: . l ' '0 7 r IRONWOOD AVE., ! ff --! I"- I I ' "I I"" I I A 'J ' I J 4 S i ---3fcy i u Ai f 1 7 At Gateway to the Great DESCHUTES PINE Timber1 U Xe Town has Grown rntiidy In tltr ju.t year, the ot officr lUtiiij? only iroiu April A, gi.. JUNIPER AV . I 'J y c 4 -.- KOA t r A V t . w Doubled n Value In iix motitln in whit Ikiul Hml limbic him kMM. I'OR INFORMATION INQUIkls OF HMMWK , The Pilot Butte ii" Development Co. Proprietor Tovnsite I )' OIWICIAI, DIRECTORY. UNITKD ST, t'rofcltnt-. -.. Vke rmldtnt ecTUity of State .. ... . ctlry ofTrttutry... ... Hfury uf lH(trir .... ..... scrtryof Wr Mercury o(iTj... .... kacUryaf Cn M4nuMr Central AtttttKY 0DTS Scattary of .srieuH, tury but.. Ttywrcr.. . AtlwiKy Cencrat.... fcii rmWic iBititutien - Dairy and l'ood Com. ATMS Tbto4orr RMKTtt Jsfcn Haj .... IMeK.ha H A. HUdwocl .... . .W. M.Tf . .. Ptal Morto. . . Vkutr It, Kcaoalf . ...Wm. If. MWi) t.HMvwV wMvf) STATK .-...-- Geo. X. Okuunrtaiii .. r. I. uaUi C. H. Meer. ..... A. K-Cwfcrc .. J. Mv AVf . ...-J. R. Whltuc C S. benxtsr.. 0meitMffl(aH Sufnatit . J. v.: Batte; c J. II. Mlwbl "" r c. w. lhtua. Mb ear IlarBMi J. S. UtMhiuw r C. It, U'afwrtai "" t K. A. Moof 8BVMK9JP JUDICIAL W6TKICT Jajet W. U. Br4ka AUutotyu.. .,,,1'raak Mcnafn r,lWWtATlV jfrtrsMr.. ..-. J. A. LayooH Xepiettuhtthrce, CROOK COUNTV ( K. W naroaa. Uvatniti utiUiw. JuJttf.... Clark.... Utter!"....-. Tfraturar AMor .... Bchool But rrcyor.. Coroner... block Int pector, CommtMioacri., mt4H..tpHHMt'"' .. W A". IW' ....... J. J.timttl ,.C.SamKaHk .....O.CCra) ... 1. 1). lafolleti ..a . UlnwUJJk C. A. Oravt J. II. Cicxjk. Jecllinklt !1I. I). IHiwoll 8.6.61 rami iiiu(d rvixriKCT. Juttlee of Peace... . J'W,.,I',5r'?i?! UomtaWo....-..... ....- "UKi t rnitBr MoaJ hujKrvtaor................. J-ia. J. Coltor ubsu School Ultrthtm NO. i. V. Wicl Ulrectora Clerk- aiiaaaaati (I.. V. V J.M.JU (A. r-Gc Tcaclicra. .... MMM alayof HpcorJfrv... Trvaurer... Marshal.... - Aldermen . fAurrnre f!nMlwillir ..M liciiijr m" SMlM Kuth I,. Kctd Mlw Grac jonea Crii ov Dw. .. ....... A I.. OwidwUlle . ... J. M. Lawrcilce ZTZ".....-- -l'.O.Mluor .'....' ... I'- H Iwtcr (C. It. Jirifkttn injucoii McMUlau ,. C. w, Merrtil Iluch O'Kan" C. H. WnlfieW , j. 1. went Wall Paper. Come ill aud look at our stock. tU wewrt.suit youjiov wi.V U?ye K larger l?tlt of samples td .select Irom iu c fevV doya. Merrill Drug C? Timber Land, Act Ja J, itra. NOTICE FOR i'UBLTCATION. V. S. Lajtd Olfitr, rievkw. Oteiva. 'Uwiry iS, ItS-.- U krreby riven tint In aomptUMr wtU ike prvrMoiM o tke aet QrmnM of Jimr 1. i7. ratitleri An ct fa Ifer aalcof tiaibrr Ian. M Ike Male of California. Oresoa. Mevida. whI MTaMctoft Territory. a rxtrttderf Uk alt Hw public Ud Matnt by act or Aug 4. iw. HrtHlrnm. W Murphy. f IsdepeiHtraee, cMrtr at Mt tUteof Oreonfi. litittwiliT tied nt tUfc oOct W aWornrWte nrat Wo. tlj. for tke imtchaie of the cHoK. KK J7. i t , r 11 e, w w. AmlvrtU oCVr veftof ta UW that the Ud wgMKmore vCkMawe lor tU thaber arAwf Jm for smrftltxa! bifpw. and to atekUli luctaire tjM'owt Brtiire J I Mnitn, Cimolv lcrk. at PrinevWe.'jretuu, on We4noMly, th. 04 h dayofMlky, ivV He anmea t wtioewet, O A. Wc, and "rank CtrauMl! of farkrra, Oirnm. I, f. Well. nflHHM VtMo. Orevoo.aiHl Mr Sarah V. Walt, .flialrcy, OrtKon. Any and H pcraosa ctatmlne a4ve.fe!y tht ,bore-tcwrio( tamU nre rrqurte4Mfik thrii -talma in, IkM ofle on or hclerc aatdfothda) f WayK73j. ojj . N. WATSOJ , HjWr. Tnaaer I.arvl, Act Joke J. t7t. NOTICE FOIt J'URLICATION V. H I.ud Oflke, The AoSna, Ortaou. Morttr 4, i4 NaMct: h, hereby given that m amp4tiKr will. - he irev.l'KM uflhe Act of tonsrarM of June 1 74. cutittwi. "An act fbythc ahnrof timber land, a IheaUteaofCalHorHia, (Iraaoa. Nevada, an. Vahiajlon Territory," a ,nruded to all th, .MtMlclandaUtra ly Aet or'Auk 4, 1(91, II. IMclle mH, Hend cuootyof Crouh, ttdte of Oregon, ho (hia day ftkn iu thk office her aworn tUleincnl Vo njit, for the purcnkMi of thcaeK. avc 18 a, r tae. w ra. Anil wiH offer proof to than that the land MzUl ia more valiuMr r ito timber or aton. than Sjr agricultural putbtea and to etal4ih hercUimtn m Ml la ml Icibre J. II. Lawrence U. S. OwumaMouer. ac bv offae in Bend, Ore 40a, on the 14th day r Jui.r, lyjj. Hhc namea aa witniarmt Joliti Slridl. frank Olw, Joi H. Trt and IUIHc C IOH, alt orilriid, Oregon. Auy and all 'jhhui tHlmlBj.- adrerirtly the ibovc-dtacrtbod land arc riueicd to flit their tulmln tliiaWUc uu -or b(ure aaid MtKday of June, I'jai. aH9 MWHAlif. T. SfOI.AM, Rtriter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. BertuNt'ir The Interior, IT. 8. Land 01fcc, The Dalle, Ore jou, April it, xyn. Outlet ia hereby rheivtnat the follow inx nam edaettlcrhu Slro Monro of hU intention to inoke final proof in fuppurt of bli claim, and that laid proof will I made before J. M Law reucir, U h. CMiimiMloner. nt bU iUice Iu liend, Ore-KOu, on Juuc 13, 1'Jf,. viz. Tkculwcll I'oit, ofrtlster, Oregon, On .11. K. rf'i. 717, for the wJiawKC i3i aud;e! e hi tp IS. r It e.. w. na. ir iianiM the lolloMrlacr witneiweii to tirove hli contimioiM rcaidciicc upon and cultivation of aid mini, via: , J. I). :ilsoii, jfra.'A. Cibriin, Ell White and Jamea I.iuton, all of patera, Oregon. a-9 MICUA'fiL T. NOlN, Kegiater. 3oo acres ot,Gtie pintf timber, in a Lcpy near savmill and ggpd 'lyarr ke,, 'iVcr large s.p'pnglfVn tbtf trdfct. l'ors'ale af fovir pnceV B.G, Smith; Bend, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PURLICATION. Hetmrtwest of the laterver. V. A. Land (Mkoe. The IMtea. OieOfi. April 10, toey NoUe l hetehe jrlten that the fatkminic named aettler ha AIM iwtlcr of her intention to -avakc Anal proof in aappon uf her claim, and that aatd proof will be made before J M Law--enee f ft Commiaatoner at Mend, urrgon. an )ane n, iov rtl. lllancW L Kuker (formerly Manch L- Kcver.) A Bead. Of rfon. II K Ma. IJJ1, for the Lnt , wcji.lpi;a, r lie. and nwlinwSi. tt , tp 1 ., r tie, w a. Htir namat tint lattowing wHnewea Is pro.e her cowttawma taatdence anon and (MltivalHM af .aid Und, n Michael . Meeeiaon. loha tv. Marnea, Tnoma W. Tripleu and Dudle MayfteU, all of Bead, reon. oi-mtA MICIIAKLT. WOI.AX. KcxMer. Timber Und. Act Jane j, lay. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior V. a. Land Of&te. The Daltea. Orcsaa, January 17. 1905. Notice It hetehy given that In rompltence with the provMoa. of the Act of CottitrvM of June 1. iT, entitled, "An act for the wli ol timber lamb in the aUlaa of California, Oregon, Nevada, and VVa.hlMgtwn Territory," a extended to all th KWIc land Mate by Aet m AMt 4, ifvt Ihr lowing ixrwfaahave flUd In Ihtaomce their worn aUtcweuM. to-wlt. William Carry, uf Waton, eoHnly of Kherman, aUlebf OrcgOH. i.hh ataUment No jrji. Aled March 4, iyu. for the parrhaac of the wKnef, Bjinwf t i and ncftneH Dec Jo, tp M a, riei.w m. HeUna M. Curry, uf VVaaeo. eonnly of Sherman, aute of Oregon, .worn atatemtnt NO. )H& file, I March , 19U4, for the Lou 1, . j, and 4 of ec j, lpij, rwe, r m. That they will jri praomtoibow thatlhetand Mught are more valuable for Ha timber or atone thereon than for agricultural rmriKnea, ami ta evUbliih their elainia to Mid lamia before the hrgikter ami Per-eiver. at the Lud olnee in The Dallea, Oregon, on May t, I'jj. They name m wilueMeai I.. I'.- Alliiigham and X- II nparka of I'rineville, Oregon. K. J. firman aud Mleha.l II Cwinor. of The Dellea. Oregini; William Unrry andllcleua AI. Curry, of vaucuvcr, waaningioii. Any and all ptrioua. daiiniiig ailveraely any of the alxve-leacribetl und are rcriucated te tile their clalma in tlihl oBcc on or before the tald jrdday of.Muy, I'JJ fit-mrf MICIIAHL t, .VOL A.I. ftcgUter Tliittr Mnd, Aet June 3,17. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8, Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon, r t'ebruary t3, i'j. Wot let U hereby given that in compliance with the provitiona of the Act uf Coiigrca of Juue , i&js, entitled, "An act for the wit of tlml'trUnd. in the atatea of Calitornln, Oregon, Nevada, and Waibiiigtou Territory," a extended to nil Hie ljuMic laud atatea by act of Augutt a, l5i, John II. Miller, of SWtid, county of Crook, tUte ,ofOregoh,,ua thld4; filed In tllli office hi. afroru itarcoieiil NO. Mi, tr the tmrcllate of the t)ilf o, eW'iwy and wUntU, aec 9, )p IS ; r ii c, v4 m AtuJ wi,ll oRer proof to lltow,, lllat lUc liyd aougbt ietnofe valuable for l timber or (tout tlian Ipr a,gnrijltira purlxae, and to cstablltb hi elaiim 10 Mild land before' f. M iJiveucc, II. H. C4mmiKioiier, at his otfice Id Devil Ore goni'on the rttli duy ofJMuc, 171. ' ' llcVuiataaii vrituee. Joaeph ft, Hunter, I'ranlrtttaia, Chaunccy I' llcckef,' tb'l John tUeldl.ifl! onieilU, Orcgdn. l ;,. , t A((y and all pnon clulmlun edver.elv Ike abft:drKrlbed Indc ate teqaeilfit'to file' Ihxlr elxlrrn in thlf oflceou it Veletr tM'iaie'itlh day of Jaue, ivoj. . a7-; UICILUJL Ht ttoLlH, V.egUtif Timber Land, Aet Jane j, 1(7. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V 1. Und Otaer.The Imllea. Urtgem, Aeptemtaar 1. l4. Notice ta hereby given that in rompttaare with the provbriuae oft he Act nf Coagrtpa of June x. iHm, en titled, ' Aa aet for the aaleol timber Una. in the .ialeauf California. Uregaa, Nevada, and Wa.hmgtwa Ttrribwy " aa eiteaded lo all the public land turn by Act of Auttat 4. lM. Alice I.. Iletaiat, of Bead, eoaaty of Crank, vale ofOtegtm, ha lata day tied ia Ihia oAre her awora aMtement Na leM, for the pnrcaaac of the k(, m13. tp ia. f lue.w m. And wilt oSer proof to .how that th. land .ought U more valuable for IU timber 01 tone than tor agricultural pnrpuwa, and ta e. Ubhh her claim to aatd toad before J. M Uwrvace, t fommtotuaer. at hi. oWce Ir Bend, ilregem, on the ijlh, day of Jane, iol nbc man aa wllneaaea Prank (llaaa, Millarr T Triplet t. and Iktanrl lleMng, alt afBea.!, Oregon, and Oney W. Triplet!, of lllnevlll.. Oregon. Any and all ptttHi rUiming adverwly th above dcacribcd landa are itiueMed la Ale thru claim. In ihUovnc on or before the Mid 1Mb 4y of Jane, la), auto MICIIAKL T. NULAN, KegMer Timber Und, Art Jane J. 1I74. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION V. a. Und OMtce. The ItallM, iHcgon , I'tbrnary tC, 195. Notice la her f By given that In compliance will the prvtottol the Aft uf Cuagram a June a i7t, rtilHled "An act for the wleaf limber bmf' ia the vUteaof Californw. Ofcgon, Nevada, an, Watiugton Ter rttor) ," a ealcnocd lo all lb, public laud wale by Act uf Augitat 4. , Martha Wqihena, of Iva1iutM. ownly of Crook vtate of Oregon haa thi day Atrd in lhl ofnee tier awarn atat. ment No Hit. for lite purchaac of IbceM iwll ami lot sand 6 of neb, tp id, r lor, w. m Ami will offer, proof tnihow that the laud aoughl ia more valuable lor it tliyutr or atont than for agricultural ir-y". ami to r4ablih htr elaim to aald land before J M Utvtcuce IT H lommlMiuner. at hi ofKre In Bend. Oregon, uu the istli day or May, 1914 hheiiameaa. wllnrMea John IUum and W Kobert Hoolh, offtittera. Orcgim; Kichard King of lltttd. Oicgon; ami UlllUm T. Mephen4, ol Deacliutea, Oregon, Any Hhd all r.ernon. clalmlnz adver'aetV the ..vt deacrild Uii'U are rniietv In file their clalma In Ihlaolfice 011 or Uleic the ulii 151b uay 01 lay, lyia, mji-mj M. T. iJoi.AN. itegUter. Timber j.aiul, Ac June J, it;, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ii 8, UnddfliccThc Dittec, Oitgon, March 1, 1' 5. Nollee 11 hereby givrn that in compliance wild the prrjvliionaoflhe Act of Cuugreit ol June), 1U7I. ehtlllrd "Ail act for the Mleof liiutrrUml. in tile ulf of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Wa.hlugtou Tefrltory," aa exlciiiled to all t lie public land atabM by Act of Auguit 4, l&9, Alfred D, lohifaoii. of North Vakhna, county of Vukliiih aUtenf Waililtigtou, haethia day filed In Oils office III" aworu at.lciucut 'No, m, for the pnrclulcuf tlieacy ic Ji, i 10 , rue, w. 111, And will offer proof to allow that the land ought I. inure valuable for It. timber ,pt alvue iiiuu fnravriculturdl iiurnriata. and lo lua claim iu aaid land btforc J. M. I.ewrciiccr U. ri. Vuuiiiiaaioiicr,ai ma umce 111 iiciiu, lire gun, tin the I4ih day of June, lyoj. He Minti at wltiienti; John hteidl, Ilmry Twecli Theodore 'IHvrei; and U, W, Krfd all ofilfnd, Orefjoo. w ,,,Anyand alf ptfrmn claiinirtiradveraely, the abovc-deactibed landii are feiuci'cd lo file their ctMMin.lrrrcftU un'tifUfure" irte-Jld'l4(r dayofjuue, I'pi. ait-lti MICllAL'L T, JOl,AN, Mtgliter. C N n o L I t A T K D NOTICE 11)4 PUBLICATION. lMprtmat of lac iatertat, U. k. ln aV, UVevvrr. Ona. April It. tn- Notnv la htrehy given that the foMaWtaf lamed artlter havr AM laetr U'ltwir af tateMtoa o make Anal proof Mi aapport of taelt claim.. .ad thai a.M io.rf will a made nHar at ijivreme. I C-Hamtaaaiaet at Pia atace at dead. Oregon ua Jaa 1. 11. U Aaloae Aam, il X Na iij.for the KneK. k'llf K rK.oee j,tp .,rt e, w ia. H K Na ji, fee the aw V. aec plp M .r t. Thee aa. I he follaaXaa wit a. me ta 1 hell coatlauuaa r.atdaiioa, apua and CiiMHraUaM A aald Und, via. Aatowe Anne ami Theadate AJae, af HaaUMl, rregua, Jowrpb N. Hunter, Aral Aane and John llaraell, ah of head, Oregon ul-mm J N. WATKOH. BegMer Ttmker Load, Act Juu- j, inL N'OTICE FOR PUBLICATION U. A. Und OAhM, Ta' ImtM.. Oregon. Novemlr h- MM Notice la hereby 'ltv) thai la campUaHte with he provialniw of the Act of Cnngtem of Jane V 7. entitled, "AM act fur the ! of limber lanfej u the atalMOf CalifufuU, fxeaim, Nevada, and Wavnlngtou Trltoy " a. ealended to all the uMIc land Male by Ad of Augiral 4, lu, Lemuel (I himv ( Tumele, eonnty 01 tlooV , atate ! rNrgon.kaa hi. day Aled In I hi aWcc hia mwa Halemenl No HU. for Ulr purrmMe of le nw , nf MC Jl. H tp 16 a, r, II r, W IU And will oCcr proof Ui ahore bt Hie Und MHighl M more valua,ld wr t twilier or atona nan tor agtiemmrai iiurnyan, arw 10 tMauiMn hu claim mm id taad brPae V H CommUlocr, at, hla all jom.oii the Mthddvol lent, icm, He name a. wltheaae. t' mi lee L. Wlmrr, John H Wlmer (vrd I' mnltS ami Addiaon Hagle, all ul Tuiualn Oregon v Any and all prraoilt cbnjnluc advefwiy Jbr 4b.rte4teacrtUdlandrrerailwitel la file tl)4r .Ulmjln Ihlt office on or Unite The... I n(b lay of June, lV HHji MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, HrgMer. 1 J M, Lawrence, rtAcr inileUd.Oir. NOTICE FOlt'lPVBLICATION. Dtnaitmritl f Ibr falrilor, U. H, Land Office, Tlit Ilallri, Oregon. 'April in, (,J. NolUe U herrlry given' IfMI Ibe following named aetllrr liaa lileu Mullet M hi. iiiltnlmii to' make final proof in Mtiiorl if In. claim, and that Mid fitoof will be nwtde 'eftrtr J Nmilh, County Cleth , fit I'rluevillr, Oregon, on June ij, I'Kn V'1 ' . William 17. ofwl.ttra u lit IIAlnta the fillloXlH Witlint. In hrnve liiacoiitiliiiona reaiiltiure nfvjn and ciilllvutloii of mIi lamL vli W. N. Coim, J"lf. Taylor and N I. Lambert, ol HUttra, Oiegini, ami AUJuinUt TlioiiiUin, of rrinevilte, Olrgon. aii-iiwo MICIIAIiL T noLAH. Kegltter. if hller, Olrgon, II ( Nn K.r.', fr h' Lot I, mil . Hut!, nJlnw!, tf.v ;. tp K, r iir, w 111. -L 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. iii'itv I. (ivitliy Kivri, iu.,tu ,,"v. ,,p.,iiK tlmm Bgaln.l joMph Ivhtlficlil, dtjtaitil, lo )it?niilic iuiiiic wiiii iiie piuiici voucircip in irr uiidtrilgnrd iiiluitfil.trator o i'jI'I eatnlc Willi in lUimonllfa from llie dale Jiirtol, a( bin VI )jit0f trul'leliCf it llend. IH.(ii. Ifclcl lhl lollt day i Aptlt, Wl 4 ' ' M fjTjrl kHmi t tf. MAVrifitt'iv ..I.Htl.t.l.Ai ... i.rllj ..-.., JUtpb Vliilll1d, Mneattd NOTICE I?Ol PUBLICATION. I) A. Utd 0m. To tadora. tntf.., Avfrtl . Iv To Wtcrna If Jdtt CrajcMiM Nolle la aerebr la ifet IB Btate f 'neg. Ma Mm ta laraaofec Ibt MU'Hag ual ol lni lavwMi Llt Of UNfBI "OB PATKNT e? H : J N H H l 9 t 1 I? W e? H 4 n I. ' K. II n M II II N 'i : 11 I M ,. .. I t H 'n M It n ,. , M .. I II Act" laui.i 4. 40' ia- it:: JA- S 4tt ,. fo" .. aa,. 6 ai fo i i.r K ij Mar ia.' aa. r J.ea l" 4v' out; llnMl't Ut) fur a palenl lor tald land.uinlr ratUM Aiigh.t la, Ida), (I BUI i7-4.) June ly4,(iWat 411.) ami March 1, ii,(ji hljit 'ai iriaiinu in inr ma ored a million otttaol arfil I raiilliigof not in t. 1 latul In .rli uf tY lain atalcti ami that I lie aabl IW. with In AijeunipaiiyiHg proof, uuimii for the In.ptcthHi V( M. i ,',". .,,.t, w,.i, n,,., ,,t f .11 t"S 'Vlinui tut ntv,llyilnj folliinliig lie ilalt nfllilatiutU'c, pioli.l. or coule.ta nuUiiim llu clallii uflhe Mule Inany tiaet dtfcrlbtil In Ibr 11. 1 . ,111 Ihr Mroititil ,r falling In miuidiv ulllt IU- X t PR:.NEVILLB HOTBLKn. A. MCIIOIM.1.1 oprlclor , 1 TiitiM, .ind Rociiln;nliViiyjkl&rii aiiiltvVU cUiipllctlollatta nJtfaoh'aWf" ikiiviLr,ii oiiijcm 5' Ktlw law, on Ml' ground of the iviudrKit character ul llie laim. uu me gioiimi ui a prior auverae rigni 11 r 011 the? ground that the Mue fa mure vuliulilr fur inlnetal than aKilcnlliirnl piirixea, will ! fJ recctyfi ami uulid for rrport Iu ibe nriiria' vl I LaorVifnre ut Wathliigtoii, 1) C. J) I 1 ATI M-'"1AIH. T. IILAN, Kegl.ltr, ,J S 'W ANNI', N. I.ANO. Kevtr ' ri