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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1905)
For the Children To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour age, strength. I low Is It with the children ? Arc tlicy thin, pale, dcllcnto ? Do not forget Aycr's Snrnaparllla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health In every way. Tti MMln rannnl pnialtilr have iwt haallli uiiIm. III Ixiwalt ai In lor run ill lion. A tlli'tl.ll llf ! f..l.. liinaua. but lifaatli. riiiltlll"l lmii ( ullaM nil lllMelll (Hill Mull l.lill.a itixtt atAitr'a run, All itl,untoiM. MJ brJ.a.Attr Co.. I.oaU, llui, Alia aauraiurtrs er 9 mm vtnoi. 'ers A Vrrjr IIhiiI HIiiii. "I nm nil I ly nml nliieiTi'ly proud of tlm common people." niiIiI Mr I'tuiipim, "1 mil fond of tlu plain, ctorjilay fel low who en ii never hope to bo it rent. On II It qiitxoilMii, ir )ou wUh " Oh. I wouliln't rniy Hint," Interrupt ed I'epprey. "IM call It pgolliiu." 1'bllaili'lpliln I'rcaa, Qftt-GONfllobopURIflEfi IllSllili AND 1WIIII lllAUANfl!i:i) NOWI It Hi tlm to Mil) It. liifltr.Mnllnii WntilPit. "Hnjr, im," qtnirled Hie f.iiiucllmmr mull .-.ii. "U It true Hint Oi-irut Wimli liiEloli ncrrr tuM n 117" "I linr mi renmu ti doubt It, my on," ninwrriM tli local tatiiniiiii. "Tumt." iMiilllliml lk litllr felluw. "how ii hn iiiniiaur to get such a pull In polltkr To llrrak In New Shod. Alwar t ihek In Allrtl'l roul-Ka, m itr limit, hot, waallng, aching xullrii Irrl Curr FMrtu, iHrnmiiiK toll anil Imnloni At II iltunfln mnl in, ttitn.'Jb' l.itri ''t nytulMiimu Hamit Mallnl KIIKK. AiIJiim All.ll n, OlUilxl, U lUijr, N V. UiiIipiI Hlnlr' (Irrnt WpmIUi. Tlm world trnnwcln lt tiitnliicnn, nc ronllnu to tliu niiuunl rrpurt of tlm ill rrtior of tlm Uultrt! Klnlen mint, on n tuck of Kold money nuiountlni; to .', CdO.UOU.MK). Of Hint totnl, the United Htnten ponee $i;t(H).UK),(X). Tlmt iiicnim Hint In llil repulilli'. with nliout oim-twi'iitU'th or tin Mipulntloii or tin world, wt hnvn nliuont oim-iiinrli'r of II tlm cold money there l. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo A Marvel of Roliof St Jacobs Oil Silt M aura let Lumbago and Sciatica lllalha arine vlitu a iMtrUcn In IMi tamaJr th.t witl It rltht la lha pln nl uJ tllKU a pnanH cuia. Oooooooooooooooooooooooooo n tii wniii aii im.iAiij. laa ! Ootna Bruu. i'mim il.l. l IVl In lima. rVJ1 br dniatgliia. VK32ESHSEHE3Z1 Zl A. JhKJjKsl O CIIHKY I'ICTOHAL I wCLJlrJvI,( Tutu Tlio Kind You lluvo Ahvnyrt Uoiiifht Iiuh Jiorno tho hIkiiii ttiro of OIiiih. II. riotclicr, nutl lian been iimtlo under lilx IiurHoiml HtiticrvlHlon for over ilO ycnrn. Allow no ouo o tlouolvo you In tlil.i. Counterfeits, Dultatlonri and JiiMt-u-H-jrooil" nro lnitKxpurlntuntH, and viidiuigcr tho liciiltli of Chlltlron lixiiorlimco Hj;aliiHt Jixiiurlincitt. What is CASTORIA OnHtorla Ih a liannlcss Htibstltuto for Castor OH, l'aro ttorlc, Drops and HooUiIiik" HyrupH. It Ih lMcuHitnt. It contains nolthor Opium, Morphluo nor other Narcotic Hubstanee. UhiikoIh ItH miurantee. It ties troyn "Worms ami alliiyH FeverlHlinoHH. It cure. Dlarrhtua and AVInd Colic. It rellovoH Toothhifr TrotthlcH, ouruH CoiiMtlpatlou nutl Flatulency. It a.snlmllittcH tho Food, rcKiilatcrt tho Htomaeh and ilowolN, ulvlnu' healthy and natural aloop. Tlio.Chlldroit'H Panacea,-Tho JIother'H Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho (Jt&styz7GUC&M In Use For Over 30 Years. THieiNTnun 00MAnr,Y MUnr arniiT. HiwvoanaiTT. IAlnt a CatAtroptie. Frank It. Htockton'w "Iteforinrd I'lnito" linil a linrinlcai Mint nliaorliliiK ncciinnllun, 'I'o keep liliiinolf out of li.tHcliluf, tin linil (ilium to knitting IIiIIcm, M. A. I', aaya Hint among Hid iIiihhca hold nt tlui Kant Knil of Lou iloii fur tho luntrurllnii of tliu poor waa i)iii duvulcd to auiliuliiuro work, Olio ilny a woiiuiu ettiuu to my tint lior liimlmuil hail been ill Inking liumotl c lately, mill to beg Hint Noiiinthln, might tin done for him. A clergyman nought lilm out, pcrauailed lilin to bo C(HMi) a member of tliu dull, and put lilm Into tlm niiiliulniii'o clan. In n abort Hum tlm innti became earneat In tliu work, nml waa n regit In r iittmiilant. "How In your man doing now?" linked tlm clergyman, tliu next tliuu lie Hint till' wlfn, "llo never KOCH to thr 'iiul). air." xiilil filie, proudly. "Ho pi-tul'i III MciilngH nt Iiiiiiip. bandaging the cat." llnlnil loOo It. DurltiK tlm IunI coiiKremilonnl cnm pnlKii the en uilliln ten for tlm honor or reireeiitlnK n cerlnln Hunt TeniicioieB dlNlrlet, tiny tliu WnnhliiKtoii font, k'ntliered to incut dm votur ut n coun try court hulino. 'I'liero wim n roiiKli-lodklni; old tnoiin- iHlueer In tlm uudleui'o. llo looked over tho implrniitii on tlm plutrorm with n crltli'nl eye. One of tliciu hud done lilm Neveml rnvorn, nnd ho felt In duty hound to ote for him, "Not n rery promhtliu: lot, nre tlmyl" tin reuuirkeil In mi oudlhlr whlNper to n mini three nentn nwny. "Theiu'ioiily the kind we unrd to run ror eonntnlili) when I wnn boy. Thnr'n my rniidldnte Hint ynller lieniled clinp, third from thin eeiid. I've Kiit to vote for lilm, hut I'd lvo ten dollnm If I hndu't fen lilm lint." l'ur lirtinrlilnt trouMra irr l'lo' Cure for Ciiiniihijillon. It U n (fiHid rtiugh ni(Hlcliir, At ilriiKKb'l1. prlco aft icnu. It l lltrrnlly true tlmt nrw linxim nrt-pa rleitll. If n lif liriHini In -niu-Inn), tli piiiU of the tmwii will Ii fiiiiinl to hit utmlslit and tlm hrtiuli iiarr. Aflrr It lini liM'ii ii"I n wlillr tlm emit upllt nml Iiiisiiiio ulinrp. and tlir lniin nf llin liruuli lircomr IrrrdiUr. To renew Hi youth of tlm linxim dip In lint uHlpailil and trim tlm tufUllfd itrawn to tli proprr aliapp. Hf at or Ohio, Citt nr Tolximi, I i.ri tiwxtr, i fmux i rilihir maki oaib that h U nlr 'tiniT ul Ilia nrmof y. 1. 1 iimnr.V ( n , 1mIm IrinlnrMlti lh CltrolTiililu,Cuiin lir ami tHaln alutiall, and that !! nrm Mill t-r thaiumnf (INK lIl'.SDIIKII DOM.AItH for .h anil Trt)frafl ul CTtill that ranuul Xim cuira nr iii umui iiall i atamiii ij. fKANK. J. CIIKMIV Hworn to 14-tmo ma ami tutirrlti In hit .tfwnr, itililthOtjr ul lxriuilr, A 11,1m, A. II UI,r.AITU., our i-ubtic j.i llall'a Catarrh CiirvlilaVrn Inlarnaltr, am am illirrllr nil tha blow! ami tHUruWi lurlxoi ul tli tjt.m. Kami I t trtllHlulllaW.lrta. r i CIIKNKV A CO , Tutalo, 0. M'Uir lirll. 7. Ilall'a r.iallr I1IU ara tha UiL Htranuona 0iMltlnn. Oldun Whnt a. terrible o clone w hud liiht nlulitl Nowjiop Did wo? Oldun Oootl lieu vein, mnn, didn't you henr It? Nowpop No; our baby Ii cutting teeth. MothfMwIII Bnii Hn. WlnduWi Boothlnil tt... a.. ft... &. ..... ..m .1.-1 a l.ll.(-.i- ' r7IUl lliq Wl ivihW IWHI.IUI UW.1 vmuuiih aunuff in itciuiui riou. I Llmnl thnt Walk on Two Vtirt. i I.Unnl of novornl norta enn wnlk nnd run enxlly on their hind leK. The Auittrallnti water lliuinl, which l three or four feet In leiiKth, keep qultu erect when triiMTsInu lon dlntmiccs on land. It I found In tho iieluhborhood of river IwiiLm and pittum muck of in tlmn in ulinllow water. Tlm frilled lizard or Queemilniid nlno travel on Itn hind li'K" on level croiiml, keeplue the frill folded while ruiiului;. When nttacked It ctphiiiIm thlit fold or kin, which Miiuda out like a rulT nt rlcht nuttl" round the neck, KlvliiK It n fonnldulilo nnpect. ho Hint iIor. thnt nttitck nnd kill Inrirer llt nnlfi will often retreat before a frilled llutrd nt Imy. There In nlio n treo llxard In Aus tralia that mown In a ulinlliir way. All thoHo Npcclc walk on all fourn when merely inovlnu about or koIiir nhort dlstniice. Slgnaturo of Jen -Old you nee the rlnjc Jack givo May? Heat -yea, two yearn aio. nrlfic I'ldWImplplon marry a girl with a million? UrlKR-No, ho mar rled a million with a sir), lllll Did you hnvo your head ahln glet when you were a lad? Jill No, not my head. Yoiikera Htatcmnan. "I have J lint spent two weeka at a summer reaort." "Horry, old chap, but I can't lond you any money today," Walter Itoaat beer or cured hum, air? "Urine mo aoiim beer, Tho lam cured ham I ordered hero waa only convalcacent." He I suppose Miss de .Millions mnr rled that poor youni; artist becnusn uliii lovwl lilm, Hht No; heeaiiso her dearent friend loved lilm. Ainntcnr HporUiimn 1 say, did I lilt unythliiK that Hum (Jiimekeeper I ililnk not, air. There wnru't nothing In alKht hut tho birds, air. JuiIkc Tho Lawyer ll'ml What makei you think you wish to study to become it lawyer? The Applicant Well, ma folk object to mo belli a burglar. JlldKC. Man Overboard I Iclp, help! Htrnn er I'huy don't )vr. swim? "I don't know how." "Henorry, yo've irot an lllRaiit chance to learn." New York Weekly. Her nuifRentlon: U You know, darling, we cannot live on cheese and kisses. Hhe Then tvhy not lenve tho nnaty old cIiwho out? Llpplncott'a .MnKiulne. firemen rush Into a bouse In rt sKiuie to an alarm or lire are met by a snmll toy. Italph Kay, If tho hoiiso burns down, don't aavo my Man nela 'cause they scratch tne. Life. Iena l'red didn't blow his brain, out because you Jilted him tho other nlk'ht; be came and prosed to me. Maud Did he? Then he must linve cot rid of them In some other way! Mr. BUnnint -Tlio paper says skirt are to beworn longer than ever! Mr, Hklnfilnt Well, you needn't be tlK icerln' on mo wearln mine any loncer. I've worn it five yean this rail al ready. Borne one asked Lincoln how lone a man'a Irca should be. He replied bn had not given the subject any thought, but should say they should be lonir enough to reach rroiu his body to thr ir round. "You kin help de cause or honcity it heap," said I'nclo Hhen, "by preach In' about It, but you kin help It a heap mo' by not danclln' roan' chicken tin ier a huiiLTy man's noo." Washing ton 8tar. "Hillings' wire is a most accomplish ed woman," remarked the man who neer. "Indeed!" "Yes; aim under i lands Ave languages and knows how to keep quiet In all or them." Wash ington Htar. "la your friend a good shot?" "Ye," answered Uin aportaman after aomo hesitation. "He never hlti any game, hut then he never hits any of the peo plo In his hunting party, either" Washington Star. Medium I can tell you about a hurled treasure. Patron Dense don t! My husband Is always tooting that I't my ears. Medium lHe. he know anything aliout a burled treasure? Patron Yet; Ida tlrat wife Tit lilts. "You aay he lina a visionary and Im practical nature? "Ye." answered tho girl who Is employed in the xistoee; "ho Is one of those people who wrltu itiish' on an envelope Instead of put ting on a ipeelal delivery stamp." Washington Htar. "The trouble," said the dentist, as ho probed away at the aching molar with along, slender Intrument, "is evi dently due to a dying nerve." "Well," groaned tho victim, "It a up to you to tront tho dying with a little more re spect." Chicago News. Young Mnn Say, you er remem her tho engagement ring 1 bought of ton yesterday? Jeweler Yea'a wrong with It? Young Mnn Nothing; but there's something wrong with tho girl. Would you mind taking It bak nnd giving mo collar buttons ror It? Mrs. MulgVew Are ye goln' to alnd yer Iwy Tommy back to achool this week? Mrs. O'Dooley No, lndad. Me ambition la to make an aldhermau or him phwln ho growa up, an' If ho got too much eddlcntlon he'd ba alipolled ror tho position lntolrely. Tlt-lllta. "What are jou doing hero?" aald tho woman to tho tramp, who had got over tlio wall Juat In time to excapd tho bulldog. "Mndam," ho aald, with dignity, "1 did Intend to request houio thlug to eat, but all I auk now Is that, In tlio intci-cata of humanity, you'll feed Uiat dog." A demonstration: Jim Dora'a fnthor l an awful freslt-alr crank. Dick How do yon know? Jim Ho turned mo right out of tho house Into tho cold nlr the other oveulug, and told mo that It would bo n good doal hotter ror my health to stay thcrol Detroit Kroo Press. Mr. Lionel Ilrough tolls n story of Douglas Jerrold whlcn la not too well known. Tlio wit nnd u mend wero dlucusslng ii mutual ncuualntauco notable ror his want of cleanliness, "How comes it," asked tho rrlond, "that Ho-nud-So always has such dirty lunula?" "I oxpoct," said Jerrold, "It Ih owing to his habit of running thorn over his fucol" A Disappointing Occasion, "How was the lecture?" demanded Mrs. Hawln, with the Impntlenco of otio who had been denied a coveted pleas ure, at Mr. Hawln Hooped to remove bis overshoes before entering tho sit ting room. "Afy cold's a sight better. I bellevo I might haT gouo ' well as not," "I guess you did well to remain at home," said her husband, as he seated himself before tho stove, "ns far forth an tho lecture waa concerned. The en tertainment ' 'led with a selection by tlm baud, then prayer by tho Congre gational minister, then tho baud again, then a song by tlio Methodist inhibi tor, accompanied by Ills wife at tho cabinet organ, and then the lecture; after that the band onco more, and then tho benediction by tlio Episcopal minister, "Well, whnt nliout the Wcturer asked Mrs. Knwlu, "I can hear mill Inters any day." "The lecture was on Hcotlnnd," anld Mr. Ma win, slowly. "I never felt much lira wed to Heolland, and I guess after tonight I shall give up all thoughts of ever going there. Folks that haven't got any more Idea of the Kiigllsh Ian guago after all these yours need a missionary, but 1 don't feel any call to be one. And as for their houses, there wasn't one single good two-story framo building In all the uteri-optic that man throwt'd on the sheet. If It hadn't been for tlm baud, I should almost have felt I'd wasted my Ifi cents' ad-mlMlou." erjr Mrs. Norton came home from a call one day in such a disturbed condition that it was evident tears were not far In (ho background. Hhe lost no time in beginning her explanation, "John," she said to her husband, "I am so morllllod 1 don't know what to do." "What Is the matter, my dear?" asked Mr. Norton. "I have been calling on Mrs. Pev erlll. You know her husband, Major Pcverllli" "Yes," "Well, I have Just learned to-day, to my horror, that 'Major Isn't his Utlo at all. 'Major Is his first name." "Why, certainly. I've always known that. What Is there so mortifying about that?" "Nothing," said Mrs. Norton, with a groan, "only that I've been calling hlra Major every time I've met blw for the last six months!" Tliiwn IxitImk Olrls. Kdyth Was Cliarllo cool and collect d when be proposed to yoa? May me No; lie nss awfully rattled. Kdyth Well, 1 always thought lis btd a scruw looie somen here. GOOD BLOOD TELLS ITS OWN STORY And tells it eloquently In the bripht eye, the onpple, clastic movement, the smooth, soft skin, glowing with health, a body sound and well, an active brain, good appetite and digestion, refreshing sleep, energy to per form the duties and capacity to enjoy the pleasures of life. The blood is the most vital nart of the hn.l,,. cy organ, muscle, tissue, nerve, sinew and bone is dependent on it for nourishment and strength, and as it circulates through the system, pure and strong, t furnishes to these different parts all the healthful qualities nature intended. When, from any cause, the blood becomes impure or diseased, it tells a different story, quite as forceful in its way. Itching, burning skin diseases, muddy, sallow complexions, disfiguring sores, boils, carbuncles, etc., show the presence, in the blood, of some foreign matter or poison. Rheumatism, Catarrh, Contagious Blood Poison and Scrofula, are effects of a deeply poisoned blood circulation. These may cither be inherited or ac a .a ' J o5 s the blood, the general health is built up, all disfiguring eruptions and blem ishes disappear, the skin becomes soft nnd smooth and robust health blesses life. Rheumatism, Catarrh. Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison and all dis cases of the blood nre cured by S. S. S. Book on the blood and any medical tulvlce, free of charge, jr swtfT SPECnG co.t ATlMlTAs c. An OverslKtit. He wouldn't hire an architect his hard earned coin to waste; he knew he could a hoiiio erect Quito suited to his taste. Ho did and now the neighbors find a csuio to stop and grin; for, strange to say, It slipped his wind to put a clilm ii ry In. Swollen Veins, Sprains, Strains and Weak Joints llfllMf.1 aihl din-it with nur Hllk htiwklnga. l'ctfrct Fit UunratiliTxl. 1no Hlmit Silk hllk Wrlmlrla ,. Anklvit. Knre ('). Iglllll .... Urlrr Hoar. Aboe Kiiro Hoar,. I .7i l.iu . 1.71 1J0 . I 74 ISO . (U 5.7J . IM 150 . a.U) LIM We alao manurarture all fotuu or l)rllaaudSuHirtr. WOODARO, CtARKC & CO, Portland, Oregon. .towp thti sbUO WATERPROOF i RECEIVED Tilt HIGHEST POSSIBLE AWARD AT TUB ST. LOUIS WORLD'S PAIR. .Send us the names of dealers in your town who do not jell our goods, cxnd we will .send you & collection of pictures, in colors, of famoui towers of the world. itO A. i. TOWER CO, ESTABLISHED 1036. aoirON. HtW YOim. ckicaoa Towra canaoian co. iwiw. Toronto can. PUTNAM Color mora sool brtsMcr anil faster colors m yftHr;M NuvsAnuayi CRANDSy r4n,wiaixF,niyT , h QUEEN OF ACTRESSES PRAISES PE-Rlf-NA iiiifiij If!''"'"t,"")W,l"'"w ' ""' ' ' , " MISS JULIA MARLOWE Heartily Approves of l'cnina for tlio Nerves. In a recent letter to The I'eruna Medicine Co., Mls Julia Marlowe, of New York City, writes tho following: I "I ant glad to write my endorsement l of the great remedy, Pcruna, ea nerve : I tonic I do so moU heartily." Julia j Marlowe. - 4 Nervousness is very common among women. This condition is duo to anemic nerve centers Tho ncrvo cen ters are the reservoirs of nervous vitality There centers becomo bloodless for want of proper nutrition. This is especially true in the spring season. Kvcry spring a host of invalids are produced as the direct result of Hllver Service. "Hey!" shouted the rich man, peer Ing cautiously over the stairway, "1 wont you." "Well. chuckled tlio burglar, reach " -'--- 4 7Ka figs ' w is quired, but the seat of trouble is the same the blood. S. S. S., a purely vegetable blood remedy, cleanses and purifies the circulation and makes it strong and clean. Under its purifying and tonic cf fect.4 nil nntanna nml mr...r.. - -..1I..1 r Kjl i in flwrTZ"-- To Convince You THAT THE CHATHAM la tho BKST INOUlUTOIt on the market, I will send you one, freight prepaid, and wait (or my pay until October 1, 1005. It waa given tlio highest award at tho Oregon fitato Fair, held at Piilem last (all. Writo fur our Descriptive Cataloguo n( lncub.i tora and liroodora and our time proposition. GEO. W. FOOH, Dept. 12 Portland, Oregon ------- P.N. a No. 1 6-1 90 J WUEN writlntr todvertliarsiIoaoi uiantluu tula vapor. I FADELESS DY than any other ly. One 10c package, colors wesk nerves. Tliis can be easily obviated by usirg IVrunn. I'eruna strikes nt the root of tlio dilflculty by correcting tho diges tion. Digestion furnishes nutrition for the nerve centers. Properly digested food furnishes these reservoirs of life with vitality which leads fo strong, steady nerves nnd thus nurisbes life. I'eruna is in great favor among wo men, especially thoio who have vocsv t'ons that nro trying to the nerves. i ..,................... 5 Buy a bottle of Peruna today. If you t do not receive alt the benefits from Pe- i j runa that you expected, write to Dr. S. B. Ildrtnun, Columbus, Ohio. t -rnnvj yywMUgH nrcra-T Tested 8 True (IUARANTUEO Used and Sold livery where. I , ... Lir. U. (lee tfo Wcaiirffll Horn TreilnisEt Thta wondtrful Chi Bra doctor I ralltd crval bcatta ba car ptopl wltnoat opnr Uon that ara tlTto an tod't, lit enn with Uiau woodnftil C'hl nra btrb. rwita, bad, barka aaU vrciallf tba ar nllilr an known le inrdlcal art m.Mln thlarount-7 Tbruotti IbaOMorilw barmlna rtmaillr thl ramuua doctor knova lb action of o,r JOOdiBrrvul rnidl. trblen ba luccTMrully u. in rt Itrmil divaiM. Ha saararitm to cure nilarrh,ailinia, lum, throat, rbrumalitni, D'tvomixw, lonia.b, llrrr. kid nra. ate I baa bumlrwla or Uatlmoilal. Cbarn mo-trnur. Vail and ar him. 1-alk.nta outofibt cijr wrua mr bianica ami ctmiUr. rindUinp. Cu.saULrAHON VICUK AUllltli The C. Gss Wo Chlnasa Midiclns Co. 2SI4-U) ALDER ST.. rOKTULtO. 0KECO1 W 1ft utloa paprr tuUon $30 SHOES Men. IV. T- Tnnctas mitlcr and anils mnn Jlcii'a A3Jiu aliur tlian. pjur .otlir innniiractiirer In the unrlil, fctlll.fHIO UWiUuuj oaa waa ui ajpi, uit autaaaah W. I. Donela 3.00 tha are tho cmilwt avller In the worlu beroiMa of ujvcrlur wearing qualities. Thr ara) Iut tu aTMMt thoao that coat from 13.00 to KT.O0. Tho onlr ttlttarenca la tho iirlra. V. I Uuuulna atajlO ahoaa tlirlr tho tirlce. roat niora to iiiabo. hold their ahaiMi better, wear lancer, ami ara of srrtMier valuo than unr other eja.60 ahooon tho market tljr. V. I IKiusIms Kuur. antre their aluo br stnuiiiliiK lila i Kino nncl iirlco on Iib bottom of each ahoo. Look (or IU TuUo no subatltute, W. L. Doutrlo S3.SO ahoea ara ao!4 cltlea, Ulul br ahoo Ueulrra errr whvre. Noiimtterwhrre ou live, W. L. lluusliu ahova nro within jrour rcaclu EQUAL 9B.OO SHOES, AihhI, JiantiU City. ila. Hoy wear W. l Oouzlsa S2.50 and $2.00 hoe btcauu they lit betttr, iold thtlr shape nad wear longer than other make. tit", i, Ijouelai u$ti CVraaa Cetti Hit AH JJJiaoji. Coroad CV" r tamtJtii t i t jtaMl pattt linthtr product!. Fatt Color BytM will not wear ttmijr. W.UDpugluhaatheUrgeaUhoaroallortlar biulneu In tha wurUI. No troublo to set at OS ceota antra prapaya dallverr. lnalrM furtliMr liifiinni.,l.i u arauaiiverr, 'rniatlou, urtlior jw.rwiu vu.4A.vva ST djiriaa atkKt .r.r.i tt". o'-?ri:r". - 'uu onalro further I raiM uiw ' airK Brocktaa. Httl. V. L DOUOUS. silk, wool and cotton equally well anil la Wr& i SotSsI