m.mMMmmiirW'!l'&m'vm'!v' l r ' . . . a u i i i M V 1' 1 lialnt. V 1 lbj- ' WICKLrS WOODS By II. aify JoiWy 55? CnAPTBR X.-Contlnued. Rhc could not bellere It. This man rwho hnil atood Similar after Similar In the little white church, ami had talked iw earnestly of the after life In relation (o the Inflnltclr amaller questions of thin life! this man who had first Riven her ao lofty a perception of the character anil person of his principal, by rercallng a surprising breadth and depth In hlmselfl It could not be that ho could- slink away from all of them for the base pur toe of perfecting a Tillalnous scheme to rob tho people amonc whom ho had lived continuously for uearlr half a rear; and whose klndlr acta of confident, trustful hospitality had fallen about htm like the ilcwa of heaven, as he had aald. It had been said that she had become Ma onlr defender. Hut she could do no leas than believe that the assistant and confidante of Prof. Huntley could be nothing loss than a sincere and honorable man In all hla dealing. But why! whyl could he not come to licr and tell her all? He had shown, and had spoken In hundreds of ways an ad- lulratlon and fondness for her that had Klvcn Sandtown the undoubted right to say that he waa "head-over-heds In lore Mith her." She had been Jestingly cnial to him In that respect, it la truel nut he knew that was because of her lore for the man who was his master and employer. How could the slaTe and the hireling expect more cf her? Dut at last It was daylight, and Mrs. Xtedden was calling tham to breakfast. "Coonrod et hlsn a good spell ago," Mrs. Itedden said in explanation of the absence of the head of the house from the head of the table. "H-yur, Miss Weekly! you act right down In this chur closte to the store. Hit's kine uh damp tin chilly this mornun. LUiy, you aet down thar. Yonre young un hearty, un kin slan' the damp better'n your mammy. How did you aleep? I was certain at you wouldn't haTt enough klrTcra on yur bed las' night. Hit's been so aweltry fur the last three-four weeks. You take cream un sugar both, don't yuh? I do! 1 don't wawn't no coffy less hlt'a gut Rood fralsh cream un augar, both. Hep yursef to the fry, LUiy, un pass It to yur mammy. That aalt-rlsun bread halnt ns fralsh us hit ort to be! When did you fust nodus anytheng outen the way with John Miss Weekly?" "Never till yesterday morning, after we had heard the news of the bank lireaklug," aald Mrs. Wlckly, who waa sitting at the right of her friend and neighbor, trying very hard to show her appreciation of the friendly offices of the kind-hearted old Hoosler woman, by nib bling a rerr little at almost erery bit of delicacy that was heaped In almost un limited Tariety and profusion upon her plate. "Well, well, I do say! Why. I sea to Coonrod two weeks ago. Miss Weekly, "They's some-h'n the matter with Squar Weekly. He a a do-un work at bed ortn't to do,' s'xL 'I nnrrer see a man a do-un ur weemun'a work, but some-h'n wrong.' Why, I'd git down un crawl on my han'a un knees, Miss Weekly, 'fore I'd urrcr thenk a lettnn Coonrod CO out un milk one uh ar cows. He halnt nuTTcr done no weemun'a work fcenst him un me went togyuther, so he halnt. Why, when Lura thar was a 'Now, mother," aald Columbus Red den, warnlngly, "please don't say any thing about that interesting period of my existence, on this occasion, will you? I don't care for those reminiscences my self, hsving beard them twice a 'k for, say fifteen years." CHAPTER XI. Columbus glanced a little confusedly at Lizzy Wlckly. His mother paused In the n-ry act of cutting her fried bam, aud sat ominously still with both arms extended and the kulfe and fork held nsdj to resume operations so soon as she could get sufficient command of her self to turn her bead away from the di rection of Columbus Heddcn's chair to ward her own plate. "You don't k-yur! Huh! Well. I reckon you don't k-yur. Hit halnt ben no trouble to you, cf hit has ben to me, uh! Hlt'a mighty fine to hare some body to work fur yuh! un sen' you to collige, un pay fur your alge-catlon so jour kin set rouu' un make fun ut the way your mother un your father talks. iAt'a about whus alge-cation'a good fur, Miss Weokly! Hit's a good tbeug you ain't gut no boy to raise un afge-cate! A. g'yurl halnt a go-un to set up un meek fun a thur mother's way a talkun right to thur falst." "You don't happen to hare any girls, mother," retorted Columbus Redden, amlllng in a very self-possessed and ex asperating way. "I wush to tbuh Ian' I had g-yurls, Instld a the kine ur a boy Pre gut. So I do! Whur did you stay ao lato las' wight, tay larkey? I wawnt to know Komo-h'n 'bout whur you pot in much time. Bo I do!" broke iu Mrs. Redden, in a fury. Mr. Columbus Redden smiled, and winked deliberately at Miss Mazy Wlckly before proceeding in a calm aud pleas autly mischievous manner: "Oh, these secrete of oura are not at alt to be Intrusted to the keeping of women, mother. There never was a woman who could keep a secret, you know. And, of course, I couldn't for a moment entertain the Idea. Indeed, I couldn't. I'd do anything to oblige you. Rut really " And Mr. Columbus Redden smiled again aud winked at Lizzy Wlckly, with quiet, enjoyable humor, "Yes, you'd do lota to uhbleege me," retorted his mother with great scorn, and going on to cut and eat her fried ham with great rigor. In aplte of a downpour of rain, cool and eren chilling In the mero suddenness of ita fall of temperaturo from ninety de gree to aixty-elght degrees, there waa al most a contlnuoua procession of two horse farm wagons along the Overcoat road In the direction of Saudtown. Little troops of horsemonvwent scurry ing round these wagons at erery point, going this wjr and that, aud looking not W. TAYLOR o unpleturesque, and eren cavalierly, drap ed as they were, lit variously colored lioreo blankets and llney counterpanes, whoso variegated colors and cunningly wovcu ornamentations are marvels of the ancient housewifely skill In many In diana homes. And very ctnclcnt "water proofs" they were, too; the fine long wool of which they were closely woven "shedding" the water of an ordinary rain and tho coldest wind of any winter day In a maimer that secured the wearer from these Inclemencies of the weather to a very satisfactory decree Indeed considering all things. Directly after breakfast Columbus Redden donned his own long-caped over coat, and with an umbrella In hi hand and his pantaloons turned up at the bot toms until his neat fitting calfskin boots showed to advantage, had gone cautious ly out of the front yanl Into the side lane, and stepping on bunches of grass and chunks of firewood and large chips aa a sort of disconnected pontoon, he passed scatheless over the waters that had spread about tho level of tho fields of corn and the narrow lane and so joined the procession of wayfarers goiug to Sandtown. Conrad Reddon did not come home to dinner, and supper was upon the table and waiting at that, when he Busily made his appearance. "Whut In the wurl's kep yuh this way, Coonrod? Why, I 'lowedy some-h'n must a happened to yuh, relse yon'd ben home to dinner, shorely." Mrs. Redden said as Coonrod hurriedly jerked his chair up, and nodded to his two guests, who were already seated In obedience to the urgent request of their kind-hearted hostess. "I spose you give I.um a purty good rake-un, did yoh?" he said, winking sly ly at his two guests and beginning to pile eatable upon hla plate, and to hurry the dishes around In a way that Indicated the extreme pangs of hunger. "Hit don't do no good, ole womern. Jls s'well let the boy 'lone. I'll git him a plaint en the bank when hits fixed so hit kin open agin, ur when a new un starts. He don't wawnt to farm ut. t'n I don't blame him. He's gut a alge-catlon soce he kin meek a limn without work. Un uv course no feller's a go-un to work ef he kin hep ut. Rut I've gut to eat, un hurry back to town to-night. I'm needed up there." "Whut fur, Coonrod?" said his wife, pausing again with her arms extended, the points of knife and fork resting om inously upon her plate, while her face was turned with fixed scrutiny towanl that of the head of the house. "What you needed up thar fur? You halnt a go-un a step to town, ef they's go-un to be a ruku up thar now." "They halnt a go-on to be no rukus up town if I kin hep ut. 1 don't know whnrrer I ken or nut. Rut I've kine a kept ut down all day. Rut they's a lot a the Dlkeses un the Sparksea un the Elleta un the Shipley, un I don't know who offun Rig Rattlesnake Crlk, jist come en, this erennn. Un they're fur hossun that feller Mason np. Un he'll be boast up, too, ef I calnt keep up down." "Is Mr. Mason In town?" Llxzy asked. She did not know what It was to be "host up," but she knew enough about the impetuous people upon the Rig Rat tlesnake Creek to know that he was men aced with a real danger. And the very uncertainty of Ita nature made It perhaps more threatening more to be dreaded. "I don't know JUt whur he is at. He's some'rs up awn your Ian' I theak. Camp ed ap thVre, so I h-yearn. They's two companies ur railroad fellers up thar watehun one unuther, I low. iou see they both wawnt your Ian,' Lite! Un this feller Mason's gut some-h'n to do with ut some-way nrruther. Un one com pany' tryun to sk.year the other'n off; un hits a tryun to ak-year tham. Un so they hare ut." CHAPTER XII. There was perhaps as much of 111 omen In "Coonrod" Hedden's Information as to make Mrs. Redden visibly uneasy, and ao, by natural and obvious processes, to communicate her nneaslness to one of her to guests, at least. Mrs. Wlckly, perhaps, having no other sorrow pressing upon her sure the one involved In her husband' enforced ab sence on account of bis dreadful malady, had, eren in that, some return of satis faction. "Your father would never hare dreamt of such a thing a mortgaging your land without your permission, Llrzy. if he had not been actually Insane then," she said, a the two undressed for bed, tearing Mrs. Redden trying tho front door to see If It bad unlocked Itself within the last ten minutes. "What a great pity such a dreadful disease cannot be known In time to prevent It. like other disease," "You remember that be was wakeful, mother. He slept very badly for weeks," Lizzy said, thinking of her own wakeful night of late. "Yes, but we thought be was only studying about the fortune that we have been making-fun of him about. Poor man! I weaker how be hi faring? I wonder If thtty are kind to him? Mr. Redden assured me that they would treat him very kindly. Rut I'm afraid they won't understand him." HImple and unemotional as were her mother's words and gesture-, Lizzy knew that Uiey indicated a depth of feeling that no one else would suspect Ho she set about the task of reassuring her mother, with all that Mr. Redden had said to her on the subject. They talked together In low tones for a long time while the wind and rain beat upon the reaoundlug weatherboards aud shook tho window sashea ti the win dows, and pattered drops of rain against the panes', with a sound that might have been made If the Overcoat road had thrown Ita coarsest aanda In shower against the farm house, in a burst of anger at the Innovation that put a new and painted bujldlng In the place of the old log cabin that now leaned lonely and dejected against a bunch of dreary, sob bing, soughing pines a quarter of a mile away. Finally Mrs. Wlckly sank into a deep and restful sleep; and Lizzy; feeling thut hi her only hope of aleep lay In tiring her aelf thoroughly by walking, arose, dress ed herself, and slipped noiselessly down stairs, Intending to go through a side hall and let herself out on the long shel tered south porch where she might walk and walk until she waa tired enough, without disturbing any one. In fact, there was very little danger of being heard, once she succeeded In reaching the long, wide-roofed and lat ticed porch, cut off a It waa from all the sleeping apartments, so far ns she knew. Rut scarcely had she reached the foot of the atalrway, when the "front door" opened, dUcliwIng Mrs. Redden also dressed and holding a candle In her hand. "Is that you. Ll.ry? Kf I'd a ben shore you was uwake. I'd a ben upstairs' after you to go with me. 1 ealnt staiinut any longer. Somc-h'it must a happened, ur Coonrod wouldn't a staid out this away. I wush you'd put awn this big shawl over yur head, and come along. Is yur shoes all right? I've gut a pair a good uns h'yur ef yourn wont keep the worter out." "Mine are proof against any moder ate amount of water. Mrs. Hodden. And besides, It doesn't hurt me In the least to get my feet wet." "Oh, dear! I dasn't to get mine the least bit wet. Las' Nil I gut one foot wet en a puddle, out en the cow yanl, en hit thode me onto a chill un I bad the fever fur three-four weeks. Retter slip thf IJti-tey ak'yurt over your whit drest. White shows teo much after night. There, lenimy pin ut good un tight, soce you kin climb rouu en ut ef you wawnt to, thout ut drappun offun yuh." LUiy had not had time to offer any ob jection. If she had really thought of objecting to this short and usually safe walk to (own. For In those day the women ot Indiana were safe anywhere, for many and cogent reasons. There were no tramps. And beside, women were strong and courageous by reason of the hard work they did with their hands; and so were able to make a good defense of themaelve If needs be. This endowed them with a courage that women lack In later days. For, af ter all, what we call courage Is simply confidence In ons'i own powers, physical or mental. The man who knows or deems him self deficient In such physical or mental powers as are to be called Into action Iu any emergency. Is necessarily a cow ard. The man who Is confident Is also brave. "What If mother should wake whit we are awny. Mr. Redden? Oughtn't I to wake her and tell her?" LUiy said a the two stood at the front door. "Oh, we won't be gone no time at all. Rut mebby you better write a little not un leave ut by the can'le h-yur awn the stan'. She'll be shore to see ut ef sb gits up. I'd hate to wake 'er outen sich a good sleep as she's a haven JUt now. Cut a pencil? H-yur's some paer." The ever ready and capable old Hoosler woman had found a scrap of foolscap psper where she had put it among the leaves of a large history of the world, that, along with aora almanacs and a book on "The Horse," constituted the whole library of the Red den family, save the big. brown-harked leather Rible out of which Coonrod Red den "loved to read out loud" on a Sun day afternoon when he had tired himself with a walk around the farm to see If the "army worm" and the "lly" were making their annual incursions In their usual force. LUzy rapidly wrote a few lines, ex plaining their temporary absence by say ing that she had gone with Mr. Redden at II o'clock, to avrrtsln what had de tallied Mr. Conrad Redden so long, ind that she would be back very soon. (To ! continued. I A LIBRARY 8,004 YEARS OLD. Tablet Taken from One at Nlppnr Data Hack 7,000 II. C. The oldest city public lllirary In the United State la that of Hotton, which wuh founded In ISM, aaya the Xw York Mali. That makea It very old. n ceo nil tig to our standards. Rut I'rof. Angelo Hllprvcht of the Fnlveralty of Pennaylvanla hna l-'ii examining a library, nnd n public library of aoino sort, which la a little older than t hat It consists of a mnxM of documents, In acribod Iu (Minoiforiii letter on tile. In n wing of the teinplo of Hani nt Xlppnr, the ancient Rabylonlan rlty which lies Iwtwevn the Tlgrla nnd the Euphrates. I'rof. Hllprecht liad already dug out of tho nilns of this teinpln atmit 80, (XX) commercial, lejcnl anil literary ta,! let, and this Inst summer bo hna found 4,000 moro. The tablets whlcU ho ha dlscovpTud this year nro the old eat over, ao to nsik, for ho devlnrea thnt they (Into back aa far at 7,000 year Ix-foro Christ. This illacovery la startling In more senM-H than one. If the familiar ruiil ao-called biblical chronology I right tho Is'lppur jioople had u library of doo umilH nnd atorie. probably fre to tlMJMj who could rend tliem, aomo !, 880 yenra before Attain waa created or. aerordlnj; to Arcliblahop Uaahiir'a chronology', 1,102 year before It; for this leiirix-d iiihii supposed thnt exact ly -1,001 year had elapsed from the urvntlon of Aduiu to the birth of Chriat, nnd 1WM year arc aupiwiicd to bare ehipHed niwe that date. Tills chronology luta Ihk Muncrrlmt discredited alnco Archbishop Uwalwr made hla compiitntloiiH, nnd illHoredlt wl largely ns tho roault of aiu-h dls coverlc na those made by Prof. Hll precht In Rubylonla. It li to be aald, however, thut tho more the old Assy rian or Rabylonlan record are looked Into the more they Increiwo tho re apect of Btudenu for the Ilebrow acrlpturett, Itavcraico nnd authority muat always go with tho record which survives In men'a Uvea nnd thoughts. Ages after the temple of Rnal and IU great library had beon "n KMneswIon for the bittern, and pools of water," and after tho vry duet of tho Iaat sur vivor of the old librarians had van ished from tho Interior of Ita tomb, the storiea of OciiohIs weru atlll tojd by tho living aucceasors of the prlasts who compiled them. i '- j ' win" n?u t'i u . tTs n:mirim?rMm7Le&v . A llotocinudo ItimilHcisptr, a n n re 11x12x8 feet long, bottom edge hoveled wllli Ita lion of stwl Vixl In., bolted on cutting edge a shown ut g. Tho orosaplocos, c, ', 'r lilted with Inch bulla In mortises 1x8, J IneliM from tho top of u n, nud nro uimlo out of lxIx.tiMm'h Iron, which has holes In front ends to fasten dmft cliiiln to, also n holo In ' at tho rlcht linnil end to bolt bmeo. f. on. which la also bolted to Hie rear n at li. Tho giihler. f, Is 1x2 Inches and tl fret lotijr. wllli holes In buck end ho tho roar a can bp changed nt any time so It will properly follow front a. A amit Inmrtl. Is. Is bolted In n a at I I when team Is hitched nt I) for ditching, mid at J J when smoothing up the roadbed. Tho rlglitliand ends of a a are sloped back -15 degrees to prevent cntclilug itouEviAtir. r.oAD sniAiTii. In the Dank of aide ditch. If properly made of good material, this la very durable, and does almost as good work aa a coitly grader. W. A. Sharp In Farm and Home. Coat of Making reef. That tho cattlj feeder has not been netting the cost of the beef he has marketed lately I an assertion not opened to. dispute. It waa the theme of L. 11. Kerrlck of Rloomlngton. III., one of the most extensive and success ful feeders In the country, at the dinner given by (leneral Manager Leonard of the Chicago Stock Yards, to Illinois editor. Mr. Kerrlck. who never speaks without preliminary thinking, guvo as his unqualified -opinion that the beef" supply of the United States during the next twenty-five years would uot be made aa cheaply or marketed at audi low prices as have prevailed during the last quarter of a century. Among the reasons assigned for reaching this conclusion were: Appreciations In land values; Increase In acreage devoted to dairying and oth er lines of extenslre agriculture. A growing commercial demand for corn haa furnished the beef maker with In expensive raw material In the put Live Stock World. 1'ractlcul HoK-Ilanirer. The Ohio Farmer gave this plan twenty year ago fo'r a hog hanger: The post (A) should set 4 feet In the ground, and the height above ground about 5 feet, tl Inches to the cross arm (B). Arm ore of 2x1 stuff, 48 to .VI Inches long. Top post Is 1M Inches above upper arms. The bole for rod R Is drilled 1H In-lies deep from top of post. The lever C Is of any de sirable length, but the short end. 0, must extend nut beyond the end of the anus. I) la the stay chain of a wagon, faatened by n clevis to the lever, and slips back ami forth In the cut-out at II. The end of the lever ((1) I low. ered, the lower hook of I) la hooked onto a gambrel stick, the carcass raised up until gambrel Is a little higher than the arm, when It Is easy to slide It over onto the arm. I'uHtiire. We aee farm after farm without a good pasture. The pasture Is one fundamental feature of th farm. It does not pay to uso grain and hay when grass Is bettor and cheaper. For the necessary food supply of the farm stock twouty neros of good pasture la worth more than twenty acre Iu rice, allowing for the difference lu labor. I am uot much of n believer lu speci fic rules, except ouo rule, nud thnt I for every farmer to study his farm and see If hu cannot make more nut of It than hn has been doing; keep a bettor book account of each crop and dotermlue whero tho gain ar loss comes In, Investigate the nluo of grasses, forage crops and legumes. Dr. S. A. Knapp, lu Gulf Coast Farm er. IluyliiK Cuttle I'ced, In comparing the prices of feeds, Professor Taylor of tho Now Hamp shire station finds that with cotton seed and linseed at $30 per ton and gluten nt $20 per ton. cottonseed was cheapest to buy for wlntor feed with hay and silage. Tho dlstlllerors' dried grains, be states, have a feeding valuo i fife I noon lirxl-HA.facn. isilv count Iu gliiton feeds ami rela tholy cheaper. Tho corn and oat feeds, lie thinks, nro overrated, being really worth, on the linal of digestive matter, not mora than fmiMlfllw H value of bran, Oat feed were still poorer. Hominy feeds were practical ly as vnltuiblu as corn meal. Hook to the Form, Things on tho fiirm are changing, and wo already observe. If we watch the bimnui'ter of soda! life, that there la a tendency to get back to the conn try. Fifteen years ago. for Instance, lea than fit) per cent of the population wwo moving couuto ward; lu HKK) Hi" statistics show that 70 per cent were socking homes In rural districts, and It la likely that the proportion now go ing away from the city reaches 7o per cent, saya Opportunity. At last, with Solomon, they are discovering that "all Is vanity" Iu the cities; that friend ships are difficult, that neighbor don't know the name one of the other, thnt noise, dirt, confusion are there, and tlm struggle to live Is nt tlm desperate stage all the tlijie. The telephone, tlm tndley line, free rural mall delUery -these are mitigating the unsocial side of rural life, and the beauty of nature Is doing the rest. Intelligent men and women, seeking the health of their families, physical, moral and spiritual, are taking up homes where neros abound, and are giving to rural life something It ha tacked before. The practical farmer llnds In these addi tions to tils neighborhood circle stimu lus and cheer, and the children of th farm aud of the families from the city find mutual pleasure In association. Tho movement I an all-around ginxl one. It marks a new era In rural life and a change of Inestimable value to those with courage enough to pull up stake ami leave the town. It I nun of the mot encouraging lgns of the times. Exchange. A (IihmI for ii Crlli. The accompanying Illustration show a neat crib for corn, one that can bo constructed cheaply ami any size to meet the need of the farmer. A good site or one tint Is commonly built Is .10 feet long by 7 feet high. The timber should be well seasoned, ami dressed ami planed ImiIIi Iu mid outside. The roof Is tlrst toardcd, then shingled. A cheaper covering would nrAT max rati be rooting felt paper, tarred; but shingle roof looks better, awl In th long mil I as cheap ns the jmper. Thn Illustration gtvea a correct bleu of the building, so that a detailed descrip tion Is unnecessary. Obtain your lum ber and tools, ami If you posses ordi nary atdllty at carpenter work, you will find m trouble In erecting the rrlb. The expense will be ttwderate, the size, of course, regulating th same. l'ar Orchards Destroyed. California pear gntwurt ar greatly alarmed over the ravage of the pear blight, which has already destroyed many tree ami can Mil some grower to cut down their orchard. It aeemi that the mining pear crop will be a short one. probably not more than nuc half to two-third a normal yield. The subject Is of Intercut to Kaatern pear grower, a the competition of Califor nia Rartletts ha Imh-ii a tery marked feature of the peiir market the pvtst ten yoars. American Cultlwitor. Cot er Crop. Somo recent experiments with or chard cover crops Indicated that the time of maturity of tree growth I af fected by the kind of crop grown. In the case of peaches It Is found that clover plowed under la likely to en courage growth too Into In the season, causing tenderness of the wood. The difference In this particular, however, Is not serious In regard to such fruit as apples and peara, Vuliie of Inferior Wlieut. Damaged wheat, shrunken, shlveled wheat and screening are all good for feeding purpose. Probably Iambi utllle them to a little hotter advant age than other animals, although w,H grorlnd they mako good food for plgi and cattle. America' Oalrjr liiiliuirj, Tho development of the dairy Indus try In the United Stales I scarcely roalUcd by business men. In 18US tho butter hauled over tho Minneapolis A Ht. Louis rallrond was -IOO.ihM) pounds. Last year It was nearly 11,000,000. Note I'rooi the Orchurd, Pruning may be done on mild days, Study spray pump catalogues, ()r. dor tlm necessary outfit quickly, Rind cloth around young trees to a safe distance above the snow line and savo them from tho rabbits. Does the orchard need fertilizing? Queer If It doesn't. Something conuot continually coino from nothing. Look to the dralnaga of the or chard. Seo that all tllo drain outlets aro open and In working order, Now Is a good time to scrape tho loose bnrk from fruit trees aud white wash tho trunks. A llttlo sulphur add cd to tho wash It au Improvement THEWECKLY . HISTORIAN tUii nmm w urai Kv. . iuUJti Ono llundrrd Vonr A(jo. Napoleon declaird tho marriage of his brother. Jerome, to KUsabotli !(. tersou of llaltluioro annulled An epidemic of typhoid fever caused hundreds or death among French prls. oners III ICliglaml. Ilouaparo assumed the title of king of Italy The sudden rising f the waters of the River Kibe Inundated ninety vll lages. Teciimseh. tlm groat Indian chief of the Northwest, had Iwguii to show hi Jealousy of the Hhlle man a prog ress. Admiral Nelson began hi pursuit of the French ami Spanish fleets The Cisalpine republic was mergeii Into the kingdom of Italy. ScvontyfIv Ycm Ago. The Russian ship St, Nicholas was blown up at Ismail. The population of the United State was ll,(URl,(ss). (leneral Orvalle wa elected- Prrs. dent of Chile. A violent hurricane caused treat damage to life and property In Wash ington County, Ohio. Tho United State government bad spent but l-S.Ooo en Internal Impiuve. meats In th State ef Illinois III 2,1 years. There were III Illinois four tribes of Indians, the Menominee. Kaskasklss, Pottawatomie and Chlppewas, num bering lu all about tl.000. Tho province of CoHcetwtan declared Itself freo ami Independent of Chile Mfty Ycant Ago. French and Russians contended fiercely for the rifle pits which thn 1st ter hadestaultshed between the French advance aud Ma melon. Recruiting statlens for enlisting men In the lltitlsh army were discov ered lu New York and Philadelphia The President Issued a proclamation declaring In force the reciprocity treaty between this country and Oreat Rrltaln. A rirn works manufactory at Her gen Point. N. J., exploded, killing aev e person. An explosion took place In thn Midlo thian coal mine In Virginia. Of th Cn'i person In tho mine ut the time 33 wero killed. Torty Yean Ago. The Confederate Congress at Hlca iitoud adjourned sine die. A heavy trm arcompanled by freshets swept aver New York and Pennsylvania, doing great damage New reached the north that Sherl dan on the proven day arrived at White House on James River That Jeff Hart had resigned In th Interest of (leneral Lee wa reorlrd III tho north and denied. President UiH'oln isaued a procla mation ordering the arrest and punish ment by court martial of alt person supplying arm and ; Munition to th hostile Indians. A breach had oertirrcd Imtween Km peror Maximilian of Mexk'o a-nl In Roman Catholic Clmreh. i A week of panic In ike New York markets had resulted In decline ot 28 polnta In gold, $1 a Imrrol In pork, M cents a barrel In flour, aud IS to 18 cents lu wheat. Ihlrty Years Ago, The Hawaiian treaty was ratified by thn United Stales Senate. Port Jervls, N. Y., waa Inundated by tho breaking of an lre gorge. Wilkes barro, Pa , nud other place were flooded. John Mltchel, the Irish champion, whoso olcctlou to tho House of Com mons was set aside, died. Miss Resale Turner, girl witness against Theodore Tllton, told her story nt tho Tlltoii-Ileochor trial In llrook lyu. Coventor Tlldon of New York sent a message to the Legislature declaring tho State canals to bo mismanaged and tho fund looted by contractors. The mills of tho Austin Powder Com pany, near Cleveland, ()., blow up, an nihilating three persons mid fatally lu Jurltig others. Tlburclo Vnsquej!, noted California origami, was exceiiled at Ban Francis co, Twenty Year Ago, A fierce engagement took ploce be tween tha Rritlsh and Arabs under Osumn Dlgnm at Ilasbccn, Tha Rritlsh under Ooncral Oraham wero ambushed by Osman Dlgna'a men near Hasbren, who later attacked Saukin, tho English base. General Grant was nblo to sleep only through tho use of opiates and tho In flammation In his throat became vera. i i t ii ij. i jij V