NEWS OF THE WEEK III n Coiiiloiiscil Form (or liiisy Readers. Our IIAFFENINfiS OF TWO CONTINENTS A ftoiumo of tin) Less linportnnt but Not Lots Ihturaitlnft Evnnts of Ilia I'nst Woak. 'I'll ii .luputiorto uriny Im tu) viiiici n northward, preceded by euvnlry, Tho Io-hunIoih' nlrlkit In Cblolngo inny iilfocl nil (liinirliiiint Moron. A run on it Now York trading Mump Moro hits caused 1 1 h lining l' 1 1 wt I. Irrigation onmmlltcuNnf congroH will lour tlni Weal nnil visit Pnrllmnl. Honntor O II. Plutl In In u very sorl ohm condition, having hud n inlnimu. Tim State lHrtiittnt miy il Iihn not nccKM Mltiltitur Ikiriott'N reNlgnntlon. Tim I'nlnn Puullle railway will Imllil iimri' KtoHillm motor cur hihI run ilium on till brunch lino. TIih ulrlkH In the Arkimmti Vnlhiy smelter ill I.utlvllb, Colo., Iihn Imhii settliM anil work lotuiiuwl. I-"iio mlmri were killed In mi explo nIoii in tin1 OhIiIii Crook inlneN .'10 in I It (mm Cliurlitdon, WeM Virginia. The Ixcf trust Iiiih been emight In tlm net of sending witnesses nwny from Chicago who might till I too miitili. Tint Until Northern Iihn lot coiilriii'tx lor tlm extension o( Hit 1 1 no from Hloiix City, lowu, to AMilnnd, Nebraska. lunula liuvo Ihoii sold (or tlio exton rtion n( tlni Western Paelllc railroad from tlm present tormlniiN ut Hull Ijtko City toOnklnnd. Knlicff, tlio nssAwdu'of Ornnd Dnkn Herglus, hns Inmiii condemned to (loath. TrooMi fired on railroad strikers In un Italian town, killing nnd wounding ninny. Tho inontlnn o( lirokon neutrality hy tlm IttiiMilntin him aroused keon IntorcM In JrtHin. Contract hnvo Ik-oii dosed (or build ing nn Immense utool mill In Chlmt. Tlm work will ot rlomi to :i,0()0,000. I'ortlnml In now olllclully rcwgnUed an tlm lending whonl exorllng city of tlm Culled HtaloN. Tlm i!oxrtiii'til of Commerce and I-ntsir neoords PoiCsnd II rut pluio. Tlio JnpAticmi government linn lot contractu (or tlm oiot'tlon of hug" utool jtlitntn iiml otlmr necrsmry machinery (or tlio euuslructinn ol honvy ordnance. An American tlrtn will do lliu work. No women tpti'Ul.ini will ho nllowod nt tho third trial of Nnn Patterson, rim Chicago toniiintorit' Milko ngiilnst Montgomery, Wunl A Co, senilis to I hi losing headway. Hints continue, how vwr. A young limit ol Miinclo, Indiana, Iihn Imiii lined 3A mid costs for haviiiK cigiirolln papers in IiIn 'mmhmhmIoii. Tlilri is tho first pmmlty nssitwcd In Indlnim innoo tlm unlbcigartitto law Im'Aiuu effective. Ncisda state htmlth ollli'ori ruiKirt conditions improving nt Toiiojmh, tlm now ininliiK ramp. Tho rotmto eominlttco on interstate commerce Iiun commenced Hn htwrlnpi on railway logislullon. Commissioner (inrllold In holding night iHtHdnun examining into Htandiird Oil methods in KmiHitN. John A. ItotiHin will hnvo to Htand trint In Wnnlilnutoii on hind fruud rhnrKon, tho Unltinl KIhIon miiroiim court IiavIiik doulod IiIm ri);ht to lo trhil In Ciillforuln. Tho miiromo court of tho United Ktittiit linn dii'ldoi! tlio iwi IiiwiIvIhk tlm romovnl of (uHirKi) W- HimvurH from Mrooklyn to WnMliliiKton iiuttiMt Iloii vurn, holdlriK hlui nuhjot't t romovnl. Tho iirollmlnnry 1 tm 1 Uittlo In on nt 1'oitlnnd In connection with tho hind (rnud eant, llormmiu, Mltcholl, Wil llmniKiti mid tlio mnnllur offoudorH nro till in nttouilnucol nt JikIko lUdlliiKor'n court. Tho Ix'ftt h'Knl tnlout of tho otuto In urrnyiil nun hint l'roricoutor llonoy mid thoy will h miKiuontoil Inter hy hoiiiu of tlm Ut luwyurn of tho nation. ChlcnKU will own tho clty'H our Much within three montliH. Carnegie will noon dlMtrihiito !-, f()0,000 iiiiioiik M) imiIU'KoH in 17 Ntutori. Mlnturn, n Hiimll Colorftdu mining town, Iiiih heen pruutiuully wipinl out y til v. IIIiIn hnvo jtiHt been opened hy tho Muvy department ' for tho construction of three erulncrH. Iiidiiiim'H antl-clgaridte law Ih In (oho mid a idgurotto cunnot ho pur vlutHcd in tho Htutu. ChlcnKo tomuHtorn' HyuiDuthirorri hnvo inuhbod tho ncuru ilrivom (or Mont Koinory, Wunl V, Co., mid other iIIn turlmnccH nru dully ocuurriiif; in con nectlon with tho atrlko. Kurtlicr vloloiico on tho jmrt of tlio wtrikerH Iiiih ouilcd jicnco confurenccH on the Chii'UKO tenmuturb' Htrlko. Oiunhn rotnllurH liuvo hud tho prlcu of heof rulHod on thoni, Tlioy um now nyliij 15 to (20 inoro pur curcuHB thun thoy woro two wooku ukoi 0MON18 IB TO UE GHIiZF. Socrnlnry Tnft Bnyi Hn Will Work With Cnnnmn Ooininlstlon. Now York, April 1H. Hocrotnry of War Tuft, who In horn to uttimii I tliu miuiiitl moutliiK of tho illrcctorM of tho I'miiiuiu riillnmd compuuy In HiIh city toiuortow, lunl thin to miy tonight on tho iiffulrH of tho ntllroml company: "Tho mi'otliiK will icmilt In n coin plolo rcoritnlnitldii of tlm coiupiiny, Tho Kovoruiuitut hi now In control of thont'N'k. It In nlMiltittly iwi'iilinl (or tho United HIiiIoh to control tho nffaliN of tho company In tho work of coiiHlrtii'lliiK Iho ciiiinl. Wo ihwlro tho a (fill of tho road (mndiietod In luir mouy with tho couiiiiImIou whloh will Iikvii clinino of tho utinorul comitriiutiou work. "With HiIh oml In vlow, thodlioctorh of tlm rmimuii rnllrond comiNiuy nt tho iiicotlriK will dect Thwxioro I. HIiiiiiIm, tho now clialrinnn of tho I'miii iiiii canal cuiiiiiiliwlon, primhlunt of tlm l'linniiia rallnmd rouiHiuy. "With Mr. HIk.iiIh at tho hond of tlm oommiiy It In cortnin tlmt Hn itffnlrN will Im conducted inimt catlnfni'torlly. IIIn oxporlouco hn n prneticnl rnllronil man will eiinlile him to oporntn tho mllrimd junt mh tho I'miihiiiu cannl com iiiIknIoii may doNlro whllo tlm work of tlm iimntrurllnu In In protfrot. Tho onllro olllulnl hiwrd of tlm miiupmiy will he coiuprhiHl of either inniuhorN of tho ontnuilMlnii or moll who nro inter iwted In tho work of ioimtructln tlm w n a I. "Ity olllcinl IhmmI I mimn tho olllcorN mid director of tho ciimpfiny. "Wo expect to hnvo thin rnud ill roudluerN nt tho tlum tho work of tlm cniiiiI roiiHtriictliin Im-kIiin mid innuuKi'd In n muuiior no u lu fuollltnto thiN Kent work." HUMORS WITHOUT HEAL NEWS. Corrospondtints Quest At Many Thlnp; Doyond Thnlr Vision, lmdoii, April IH. Thorn In iih yet no down of n great nnvnl hnttlo lu Iho Fur l.iitit, or of the whcrewlxmtn of the rl ill llii'tN. Tho HoiiKkoiiK eorreii Kiudent of tho Dully Mali nouIn n ru mor of n niiiiiII i'Iik'ukouiiiuI, hut there In no coiillriuiitlon of thU roHirt. DntnllN rtwirdliiK tho ItuiMiun idilpt In Knnrah I my, (Vh-IiIii China, nro too iiiohkio to Ixi luntiiictUo. According to tlm Dnlly ArnlrH WltiKMiro oirreN. MiiHlent, tlm North Ourmnii I.loyd NtoHtuor I'rini! Ihdnrlrh raw ieernl Imttlif hlm mid lx crulerri In tho Uiy, hut tho dlnprttchen to other newpperH mo not no precloo. Tho D.tlly Tele Ktnph'n HltiKAHiro correfindent, like tlm Aiwociutiol 'riM, mertdy reHirt "eighteen VormdN," and nddn that tlm cnplaln of tho 1'rliu Helnrlili ntnten thnt iMmNihly mure wnrihlHi woro in nio tho hurlNir, hut thnt thoy woro in vl-llilo from the ollliiK. Tlm priftence of tlm Itumlnu ciiuid run off the Alinnm ooniit In raining keen interent hero, in vlow ot the Hw-lhll-Hy of their Infringing Chliioon neutral ity mid of tlm likelihood of HojetMii nky having had to i-pllt IiIn riiundron. Tlm Morning I'imI'n corretondeul ut Hhaiighal telcgiapliH thnt Cliiun Iihn In Ntructiil tho governor of tlm ntithcrii provlnce-i to inniiituin xtrlcl neutrality in view of tho iMX'-llilllty of ItiiHilan uhlpN nlieltiirlng there. WHEELS ULOCKED IN ITALY. Hallway StrUo May Extnrul to Other Forms ot Industry. Itiune, April IH. I'.very railway line throughout Italy In tied up tlilr morn ing hn a nwiilt of tho xtrlko niuoiig tho omployiw, who nro dl-Hitlelled with wngifi mid hourN of lalmr. Tho utrlko In exected to njireacl to nil of tlm large Indiihtrleti in tlm morul citien, mid Imc foro it In ended IiUkmIhIuhI Id likely to roNiitt. The Htrlko Ntnrtod lu Nnplon, and u few iiiluiitort afterward tho hood of lnlMir iiiiIoiih winil toeery HiilMirdlnnte organiration tellingtliem to notify their ummhorH to flop work nt midnight. Tho order wan literally obeyed and not u wheel In turning till" morning, al though the ulllclalM of the riMiU allege they will linve tliiim In operation he fi i re tho end of tho dny. All tlio Mutton I'lorkn mid olllco em ployen hnvo Im'oii ordoriil to reprt to tho Million iiuiHtorH to aid In moving truiiiH, Burned Stores Too Soon. l.ondon, April IH. -A divpntt'li from Ht, IVturNliurg to a iiowh ngenoy roportH Hint (ieneral l.liiiovitch Iiun IhniuhI nn uidor (orhiddliig olllcinlH of tho oom mlHNuriut to hum Moron hum proinn turely and reproving iiIIIcIuIm in cuxeN that hnvo already iKcurnil. Tho ordur dlrcctH thnt MnrelioiiHitM ho duHtioyed liuriMitoi only hy periniwtion of tlm comnimiilurH of army corpn mid iIIvIb ioiiN, Tho Tolegrupli'H corriwpondunt nt Toklo rojKirtH thnt tho Jupiinomi ro covered U'OO of tho oOO Ituwilan guiiH abandoned In tho retreat fiom Mukden. Tunnel Socuro from Strikers. Chicago, April 18. Ijibor liHiilora will hold n conforonco tomorrow with Mayor IMwnnl F. Dunno, who mild to night thnt Im hud hope of un mirly net tlemeut of tho tcmuMorH Htrlko uguiiiHt Montgontory, Wunl A Co, Tlm coal tumiiHturH todny decided to rofiiHO to lmul coul to tho Montgomery Wunl building. It iri learned tonight thnt tho Chlncgo Tunnel conipmiy Ih ruMiing work on n connection with Montgomery Wunl A. G'o.'h huHiiineiit. Grand Trunk Station Burned. Dutnnd, Midi., April IK. Klro to night dcHtroyud tho (Irnnd Trunk union Htntlon huro, in which nro located tho gonorul olllcua of tho road division wiwt of Port Huron. Tho bulldlnB waa nuw nnd wim vnluud ut $125,000, TO HEAR ALL SIDES Senate Coiniiilllijc Will Consider Hnllroail Kates. NEW HILL IS TO UE PREPARED Two Months Will Do Dovoled to Hoar- Ing Tatllrnony of Exports on Question. Washington, April lf. Itallnmd rate IcgiNliitlou and kindred topic will again ho brought ptoiuluoutly to tho attention ol tho public with tho meet IngH hero, beginning Moudny, of tho nenute coiunilttee on inferMntii coin men e, which will nmiemhlu (or thn puiMHi of ventllnllng tlm mibjcct III u manner more thorough thun any here tofore on record. Tho meeting will bo hold In tho coiumitteu'fl roouiH ut tho cnpltol mid will bo public. Kmiiitor KlkliiN, of Wet-t Vl.glnla, will pretilde. Tho Itepuhllcmi memlxirN nru Cullom, HIIiioIn; Aldilch, HIkmId I "land; Komi, NowJornoy; Dolllvor, lowu; I'ornkor, Ohio; Clupp, Mlnnimoln; mid Millard, Nebranka. Tho DumocrntN nro Till, iiimi, Houtli Carolina j Mcl.-iurin, Mi HiNNippi; Carnmck, Teiiucmieo; Kimtcr, liiiiNliiiui; mid NowIuikIn, Novudn. An n IiknIh of coiiBlderatlon, tho I'M'li-TownKend bill, puHNoil by tho hoiiNo nt tho laM fcrnlon, will Im; ex pected to curvn Tho committee had tho mennuro Itcfnro it many dnyn Ixiforo tlm Adjournment of the. Innt congrfM mid wan urgeil to put II on Hn pnnfoige, ArgutneutN woro ndvnuced, however, protentlng ngnlnM lia-ty action lTnilno of tlm nllegiMl rudlcnl clinrncter of IIiIn inoAMiro, mid thu liuNirtnnco of tlm In tonNtN Involved. Chulriumi Hlkiim mid Hcnalor Fornker worn mining thono who mhocflted delay, mid tho commit too, iiiHir tho cIiho of tho im-mIoii, nftor much tlum hud ln-en dovotiil to hear-, liign, reported to tho ceiiute n recolu tioii niithorhiiig it to continue tho liiHirlngH during tho rii'eN. TIiIn authority wun grnutiil mid Mondny'n meeting will i tho Initial meeting under thnt authority. Although tho hoiife committeo on in terMate oominerce, whlrli cvohed tho HncIi hill, tixik hulllcient tentimony to fill neveral Inrgo volumes, mid Although the i-enate committee waH not Idle In thnt regard, tho liivoMlgntion of tho nubject now Imminent promineN to Ixi moot oxhnuMivo. Iloth Mden, in fncl many nlden, ut tlm eno will Im lusiru. BUTCHERS DENOUNCE PACKERS New York Trade Up In Arms About Advance In Beef. Now York, April ifi, Price of nil kindn of meat have begun to rice In Now York becnuno of n rojKirtod in erenned ivnt to ihmlern of nhout It centn a pound. Thin advance In dromied In-ef hy tho Hickern miwinn a corn jioiidlng iucrouno of from 4 to tl cenU Kir oiiml at retnil on tho uvorngo grade of nlr loln MonkN, HirtorhoUHo nteakn and prime rlbn of riMiM. beef. Itetull dwtleiN my thoy Mnelved iiotico of tho llrnt ndvance ten dayn ago, hut poNtonel mi advance to their I'liMomorn. However, on revuivint notice of n further mice next week ll wun found ncccfiimry to make a chunge 111 retnil prlccn. MiotlugN of tho Hutull Iltitchura' nnd Meat DiKilern' Protective atnx'la tiou will 1k hold in nil ImrnugliN to take action. Tho Ilrooklyu brunch of tlm iiKftofinltou alrisidy Iiun met mid dlci'tinecd tho Nitunitou. Povonil re tailern hltteily dciuiumed tho jmckern, who were allcgiil to bo taklngi-oncertetl action. It wun divlnretl thnt while tho advance of wholixmle prlccn wu uttrlh iitfl to falling off in mipplioH of cattle ut tho Chlongo ntock yanln, no hiicIi falling off had taken place, mid thnt tho ruining of print wiih entirely un juntltlnl. Preparing for Long Siege. Toklo, April IB. It Ih reported hero that tho KiihMiiiih are continually rein forcing tho giirrioon ut VlndiwMtok mid that tho work of Mrougthuulng tho fort re, in coiiHtuntly progrernlng. It Ih nuld thnt tho plmiH of the KiimIuiis coiitomplaton garrison nuniherlng 100, 000 men, with oOO giinc, Muny addi tional buttorioH, rodoubtN, hnrrlern, nnd pitH am InooiiiHoof coiiHtructlon and oiioriuniiH MorcH of mnmuiiltioii nro bo lug nccumuhttcd. Tho KukhIuiih, it Ih nnld, liuvo iMjulpped thulr (ortntM to williHlaudlng u nlogo. . . Standard Asks tho Impossible. Topukn, Kim., April 15. Tho Stuud ard Oil company Iiiih tiled In thu Su premo court a motion "to make more dollnito mid certain" tho petition in tho Hull Med hy Attorney Oonurul Cole man to ouhI tho Standard company from tho ntnto. Il will bo absolutely impoMlblo to nunply with n motion of thin kind, tho attorney geuuiul tuyn, but tho Standard nays it Ih nircHHary to obtain thlH iuforiuatloii In order to properly dofund ltolf. Ton Million Dollars for Good Ronds. Alhuny, N. Y., April 16. Tho pro poxed coiiHtitutlonal mnuudiuuut nit u atnto Ihuuo of f 10,000,000 (or building good ronda under tho btnto aid law pnsHod tho itHHumhly todny. Having pnHHcd thu leglslaturo luM- year, tho proposition will now bo Bubinittod to tlio popular vote nt tho November election. TALKED TOO MUCH. Sovero Rabuko Given to Spoclal Land Af-cnt Lench, WiiNhlngtm, April 17. Arnold F. Ix-ncli, rhjvIuI ngent of thogonornl land olllco, who In quoted In dlHpntchcH from Tiicomii un declaring ho Iiun unearthed tremoniroiiN hind fruuilH in WnNhlngton, Im!nIiId which tho Oregon frmulN palo Into lliHlgulllciiiice, hitN been called no mndy to Htcouiit by Lmul CommlNlon or ItlchnrdN. Aceordlng to I'ucIi'h Intorvlow, ho Iiiir Sherlock llolmeti ilono to n frnrle. lie maile It appear tliat he hnd gath orud evlilenco which would Jiond to tlm penitentiary ninny lendinu cltirotiN and oIIIcIhIn of WnHliliigton, who, hu ulleg wl, Iiml bwm dvfruudlng tho govorn tiiont of hundred of thoUMUidH of dollar-,' worth of tlinlor. In ii lottor nddroftied to Inch, Mr. ItlchnrdN my ho linn examined bin olll cinl roMirtN to tho depnrtmontnnd flndii nothing in thorn which milmtnntlnU-H IiIn Intorvlow ; IamvU Iiiih omittoil to notify tho dutmttinunt of bin m'ticntlon nl dlwworleN. If ho linn micli evldenco uh ho cIhIiiin, Mr KIcharilH wuntN to ecu ll. furthermore, lench Ih notlflttl Hint Npeciul ngonlN nro font out t gnthor infornfntlon (or the gunornl land olllco, not (oi tho newnpapern; thnt tholr nixirtN nro regurdwl an conflden tlni ut nil tiiuw, nnd if any part of thorn In to bo Hindu public thnt Infor mation will Im givon to tho prem in Wnnhlugton, not by olllcorniutlio fluid. l'iich In n Htibordiuuto npirlnl ngent in Wnnhlugtou. Ho In not working under tho direction of Kccrotnrv Hitch cock, but of Mr. ItlchnrdN, nor'la hn in chntgo of lmul Inventlgutlonn in WuhIi Ingtou Ntnto. It In not IxdleveO nny fiirthor HtopN will Ihi tnkcu in Iach'n ennu unlenn it lo to ngnln reprimand him when bin reply In rccelvi-1. ROMANOFFS IN THEIR COFFINS. Cartoon In Prominent Russian Paper Sends Price to Premium. St. IVlorpburg, April I". Quito a renmitton wan rnupod thin morning by tho npix-nrarico lu tho Neva, tho rnoxt widely circulated illuntintvl wii-kly in ItiiMin, of n half-tone picture represent ing tho iiuiterinl tmnlly, including tho ompriMo, holding tho hoir to tlio throne, thu background of tho picture allowing, in "hudowy outllnen, tho emperor, (Irnnd Duke Hergiun, (irnnd Duke Alexin, thu downgur emprenn, tho heir to tlm throne und practically nil thu momlx'rn of tho Itomanofl .'cinily lying (lend in their colllnK. Tlm work In douo m nkillfully thnt tho nlmdowg in tho drnKry behind tho imjerlnl (mnily nro discernible with grout dllliculty. Tho publhiliern diwhilm nny prcviotin know ledge of tho tdindowy figured. Tho cut pritn, who were ntudentn employ el on the paper, hnvo not yut Imjuii located. CopiuH of thin edition of thu Neva nro felling nt a big premium. Tlm Slovu Iiiih received itH Unit warn ing for tho publication of articled en titled "Tho Hurinucracy," und "Tho War nnd Itelorui," in which tho paper eovorely nrrnlgnttl tho burenucrnoy, tho genunil Mnfl nnd thu wnr olllco (or in- comiietency. SAVED FOR CELILO CANAL. Sand and Gravel Pit at The Dalles Withdrawn from Entry, Washington, April 17. At the re (pient of Major Ijingtltt, thu Hecretnry of the luturioi today withdrew front en try Iota 1, " nnd .'I, in oection -,' town nbip -I, range 1U, adjoining tho Heuf fert projicrty nt Tho Dalles. Thin tract contniiiN n Inrgo hand und gravel pit, nnd Iniing nil vneant government lmul, it wun destined ndvinnblo to eucnru it (or the use of i-ontrnctorn on Thu Pullon-Colllo canal before it (ell into tho IiuiiiIh of Hpcciilntont. Mnjor Ijing fill Hnid it wiih not known definitely how much wind mid gravel wa on theee lotn, but evidently enough to help along with tho cannl work. Tho fact that tho government owiih thin Ir.nd will tend to materially re duce tho coM of tho canal. It in likely tho contractor will bo allowed to use thin wind mid gravel without coet. Convicts Who Broke Jail, Sacramento, Oil., April 17. Pnlu mid emaciated from tho e (Teeth of thu Hovero wciiihIh received in their breuk for liberty, mid from confinement in thu dungeoiiH nt V'oIkiiii, convict J. W. Finley nnd ChnrloH Curnin upjHtireil boforu Judge Hart'w court today nnd woro arraigned on n charge of nwiuult with n dcadlv wouiHiu with mill ice und aforethought, ltoth men nro life-term-oih, and if couvicteil on thin charge they w ill gruco tho gnllowH. Tlutio nro tho couvlctH who were concerned in thu last break at Folwnn priKoii. New Destroyers for Japan. Wellington, April 17. Information Iiiih reached Wurihlngtoii through Ktir ou that tho Japanese navy has within tho hint four duyH coinmlssloncd 10 now torpedo bout doHtroyorH built in Japan ceo Milpyanls. It iri believed that within Mix weukH i!5 udditiouul destroy ore, building under runh orders, will bo put in commission. Tlirco liundriHl mid eighty-one lulnon plautisl by tho JapaneHo in front of Port Arthur havo been taken up nnd placed oUuwhuiu. Cherries Ten Dollars a Pound. Sacramento, Oil., April 17. Tho flret box ot ripo cherries shipped out of tho state by tho Karl Fruit company on April 7 was sold In Philadelphia todny for 100, being $10 u pound. Manager Geoigo 11. Kutzunstutu says tliia la tho highest prico ovur renllxed from tlio siilo of tho first box of California chor rlos, which ia tho result of tho fierce rivalry among Philadelphia dealers. HERE SHE ClnclnnnU Poet Fill TJIEE AS BELFKY. UNIQUE SPIRE OF ST. PETER'S CHURCH, TACOMA. I.ltlU Hotixof Worship llultt Aronnd the ilti-idrcd-roat Trunk of lliBcu-C.ntnrjr-Otil Monarch of the Foretit Corcrcd with Knullah Ivj. The olileat belfry In the United HtntuN, nnd one of tho oddent church tow-em In tho world. In the rplre ot St. Peter'a Protentnnt lvplncopal Church, In the outnklrtn of Tncomn TIiIn church luppllea aIm what In perhaps tho flrnt chrc oii record In which a congregation selected n belfry and built the rent of tho church around It. Although the nplre In made entire ly of wood, It Ih now 700 yearn old, and will probably be ntandlng when many comparatively new Iron and steel bel fries have been raxed. Forty yenra ago the pioneer of Ta coma organized a church society. They -.elected n Mte for their place of wor nlilp In a forest of Douglan Mr trees that skirted the nliore of Puget Sound 'J,xMS 2M Tite oi.niT i.i Aurmcju nnd Htrefclied Inward for many iuIIcn. Out of tlione immenxe, Minggy-harked trees thnt towered upwurd for 20rt feet without n tint nch below the upper half, they chose one eight feet In diameter to MTVe iih the steeple. When the brnncli-boaring portion of the tree hud been cut uwny to prevent the fallliiK of limbs In itise of n storm, there was left n bare trunk nearly HX) feet high, lleslde It there was built a plain little structure. The hell wan fastened to tho tree, nnd the little church, with Its enduring steeple, was complete. In later years the women of the con gregation pla n led Hugllsh Ivy nt the ti.ixe of the tree, which In time not only shrouded the steeple lu a thick green cloak, hut crept through the church windows, until finally the Inner walls und celling were covered. When the roof hnd become most grown, St. Peter's formed n picture of -,uii boHUty more appreciated by nrtlsts who ciime to know It than by the little con gregation Itsolf. Tho Ivy coloring of the steeple wns so thick that for yours the tones of the hell Ncurvoly penetrated through tho Iwify blanket. Recently the hindering foliage linti been cut nwny, nod the belfry has ngnlu become both useful and oriiuuiental. ALLOW NO WASTE. Secret of UiittliiesaHuci'CNa In l'luilliic" lino for Km) lliini;, "One of the secrets of business success Ilea In n voiding waste," re marked a successful business man tho other duy, "In this single fact lies tho principal reason for tho great success of tho Armours, the Swifts, tho Stand ard Oil Company, the Amorienn Sugar lteilnlng Company und practically ev ery other largo and successful Indus try. "Take tho packing Industry as an example. Nothing Is allowed to go to waste. The buttons that you wear ou your coat nro timdo out of the blood of tho cattle, hogs and sheep. Instead of allowing this blood to go to waste It Is gathoied up, congealed and uiauufac- tmmimmmmummmammimmammmmmmmmMiaBaammmmmummBmmimmmm yri-fj.k COMES. tured Into buttono. The hoofs of th cattle Are manufactured Into combs and brushes Ohio, vaseline and doz ens of other by-product arc manufac tured out of the entrails and other por tions of the animals that at one Om were allowed to go to waste. At the present time theae by-producU furnish one of the principal source of rcvenu to the beef packing companies. "Tnke o 'another Illustration thi Standard Oil Company: When this company was flrnt onrnnlxed the vol ume of waste In the business of refin ing oil wan enormous. Cruu oil was taken and refined nryl the refined oil was practically the only product. Ev crythlng else was allowed to go to waste. The Standard Oil Company, however, began taking this waste anI manufacturing It Into by-products. It will doubtless be a nurprlmi to many to learn that the company to-day has no less tiian thirty-two by-producta. The revenue derived from the sale of these Is enormous. Yet previous to tho organization of the Standard Oil Com pany prnctiraly all of these by-products went to waite. "The railroad Industry furnishes an other Illustration: The effort to econ mlze In small Hems of expenditure and save waste Is the main object In most of the enormous Investments that tho railroads have made during the last few years. The number of train nillen run In 1000 was 830,000.062. It is celnr that a saving on each of these train miles, although nmouutlng in It self to but a fraction of a cent, will aggregate an enormous sum when ap plied to the tota'l number of train miles. Tor Instance, suppose that the rallronds of the country are able through Improved operation to eavo the small sum of only 2 cents per train mile This would tie equivalent on Ux &'C000,0S2 train miles ran In 1000 to a total saving of over $17,000,000. This Is equivalent to an nnnuul dividend of 4 per cent on $0J.",000,000. It Is easy to understand how the right man, who can bring attout such a small saving In the cost of a train mile, can demand a salary of more than $100,000 a year." New York Commercial. EDITOR, SOLDIER. STATESMAN. The Lute (Ieneral Joseph Itonwell lluw- Icjr, an AltleHcnutor. The death of Joseph Hoswell Ilnw- ley, of Connecticut, removed one of the able men of the united States Sen ate. He was born at Stewartsvllle, Itichmond Couuty, N. O. October 21, 182d. nnd gradu ated at Hamilton College In 1&I7. In ls'o he was ad milted to the bar L. VT JJ-7 "t Hartford, iVnin . r n,,d thnt place had J. S. HAWLKY. f"KV Hr0" homo. He prac ticed law six and one half years, and In 1S"V7 liecame editor of the Hartford Press, which ton years Intor was con solidated with the Couraut nnd he be came editor. In lJMtl ho enlisted in tho C n I ted Stoitoo army as a. captain. und nf the close of the wnr he iuw a brigadier general nnd brevet major genorel. In 1NM he wns eleetwl Oov ernor of Couuwtieiit. nnd In 1S72 wus sent to Congress. Prom tho llouso of Iteprosentntlves he went to the Sennti lu 1SS1. bolug continuously re-ejwted until this winter, when lIMienlth le iiioviM him from the list or nvullabla candidates. i He was nt tho bond of tho Centen nial KxiKvdtlon In 1S70. wns n trusteo of Hamilton College, and had received various marks of distinction. A long-headed former tied un empty beer bottlo to a fence post along tlm railroad track. Kvory ttinu n tralu pjitcs thnt way the tire in an tires i lump of coal nt tho bottlo, and nil win ter long, whllo the rest of tho world hna been wrestling with tho coal famine, this farmer has had plenty of fuel, nnd to spare. Is life worth living It depends al together on the stomach. 7 VM I 'MB M