The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 28, 1905, Image 2

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Ml . ,
1 .
Broken Neutrality May Involve
Iter in War with Japan.
Russian Fleet Mutt Either Leave Kam
rnh Bay or Fight Battlo
In the Harbor.
Toklo, April SO. Japan is contem
plating declaring war on Franco ami
calling on Great llriUln (or support.
This action follows tlio sending of a
formal protest to Franco against tho
uso by tlio Russian Baltic fleet of Kam
tanh bay as a rendeivoua ami the
coupling therewith of a statement that
if Franco refrained from acting Japan
will fond a tlect of war vessels to attack
tho Russians in the shelter of a neutral
A conference of elders was held lat
night at which tho entire sltutaion was
discussed. Immediately afterward tho
mikado was no titled that the elders be
lieved that the time had come when
France should be forced to live up to
her declarations of neutrality, and the
note of protest was drafted and for
It is felt hero that the situation is
estierncly grave, and there is no doubt
that if France does not act quickly the
consequences will be far-reaching.
A dispatch from Saselo states that a
Japanese squadron is getting in readi
ness there to sail for Kamranh Iwy and
attack tho Russians there, while Ad
miral Togo continues to hold the pass
age toward the Pacific.
It is reported that an American ami
a British squadron is in touch with the
Russians, watching for violations of
neutrality or the endangering of British
and American shipping. The belief
is growing hero that the stay of the
Russian fleet in Kamranh bay was prearranged.
Baltic Meet Joined by Third Squadron
of Five Battleships.
Paris, April 21. If the French mi
thoritiea nro to bo believed, news of
momentous iintort may Iks expected
from the Far East very soon, as, ac
cording to Foreign Minister Delcnsie,
the Russian licet under tho command
of tco Admiral Rojestvensky sailed
early on Thursday from Kamranh bay.
Its destination is unknown, but It is
believed here that it. will now sail to
endeavor to locate tho Japanese fleet
and give battle.
Naval experts here believe that the
third Pacitlc squadron of tho Russian
navy, which is commanded by Admiral
Nebogatoff, has joined Rojestvensky,
and that the latter now has eight first
class batlteships, three second-class
battleships, three, armored cruisers and
a number of other vessels of not outte
so good a typo. He is also believed to
haw received large quantities of am
munition which had been shipped to
him some time ago, to have filled the
coal bunkers of his ships, ami generally
to have placed his command in condi
tion to give a good account of itself.
It is believed here that Admiral Jon
quieros, who is in command of the
trench naval force in the waters of
French Cochin China, agreed to get a
message to the Russian commander to
day, ami that the departure of the Rus
sians followed. Such action has been
expected, as the French authorities
consider that the protest of Jaivtn
against Russia's using neutral waters
to recoal ami refill depicted ammuni
tion magazines was well founded, ami,
if Russia has boon asked to move bv
the French commander in the Far East".
a difficult situation has been cleared up.
Now Discovery Made In a Woll Known
Old Mine.
Granite A strike has just been made
in tho old Monumental mine, near
here,that bids fair to cause no little ex
citement and prove of great value to
the mining Interests of Eastern Ore
gon. It was made in a winze lelng
suns irom tlio lower level of the mine.
The wlnie is now down 100 feet and for
some time Manager Allen has had a
crew drifting from tho bottom. Tho
new discovery shows a vein '.'0 feet
wide. On the hanging-wall side of the
ledge is two feet of solid quarts, heav
ily charged with antimonial ruby all.
ver, characteristic of th il..iwii i,r
silver ore formerly found in this oht
After May 10 One-Half Their Wages
May Bo Taken by Creditors.
Salem Oregon mcrchantn will have
a good remedy against many of their
Iwd debtors after May 18, when the
act of the Inst legislature regarding tho
exemption of wages from execution will
go Into effect. This act amends the
law by making one-half the earnings of
the debtor subject to execution proceed
ings if tho debt bo for family expensed.
Prior to 11)0.1 all the earning of a debt
or for HO day next preceding tho serv
ice of an attachment, execution or garn
ishment were exempt If the earnings
were needed for the support of n fain
mine, w hile on the opposite idef the ily. I'mler that law men with eonsld
vein is a strong seam of gold ore carry
ing three ounces ef icold per ton. The
silver oro runs not less than 600 ounces
per ton. Between these, two rich
shoots the entire vein is of a good mill
ing grade. This discovery was made
at a depth of about 000 feet Mow the
apex of the Monumental ledge.
For the past four rears the tminortv
lias beeu owned by the Portland Min
ing A Reduction company, of which C.
J. Allen, of Portland, is manager.
Accused Examiners Who Gave Pen
sions to Carpet Soldiers.
Washington, April 20. Nine of the
ten pension examiners constituting the
board of review were separated Irom
the government service today. Com
missioner ot Pensions Warner trans
mitted the nine resignations to Secre
tary Hitchcock, with the recommenda
tion that they be accepted, ami Mr.
Hitchcoct took the desired action with
out delay.
The resigned examiners assert that
repn-itatioJt9 were made to them,
purporting to come from the commis
sioner, that should they band in their
resignations, the matter would be re
lieved and restorations would be made
at fome date in the Bear future. Mr.
aioer, however, made no such repre
sentation to the secretary ot the inter
ior. The difficulty involving the board
of review was its approval of several
pensions to applicants whose only
claim was enlistment in a Pennsylvania
and a New Jersey regiment of toIub
teem for service in tie Civil war, bat
the services of whoa were never
availed of by the government.
Will Make Good Deficit in Indemnity
Due to FaH in Silver.
New York, April 21. After two
years' discussion, the powers ami China
will sign an agreement today, accord
ing to a Herald dispatch from IVkin,
regarding the payment of the deficit in
the indemnity doe to the fall in the
price of silver, ami providing for the
future payment ot the indemnity in
The agreement comprises three para
graphs, and briefly stated seta forth
that China is to pay 15 days after the
signature of the document the sum of
16,000,000 and interest at 4 per cent
oa this amount from January 1. UHV,
which sam is to be accepted in fall
payments of all deficits due to the
change from silver to gold.
la the second paragraph China agrees
to sign immediately fractional goM
bonds, expressing the amounts due to
each country in the coinage of that
By the third paragraph China under
takes in the future to tav the amount
uue each year in 12 equal monthly in
stallments, credited every six months.
China will be allowed interest at 4 per
cent on the monthly payments made in
advance of these biennial periods.
China will pay also in gold bullion,
gold drafts or telegraphic transfer of
silver at the average monthly London
rates, each foreign government select
ing the method it prefers.
Logging Engine for Curtis Road
Albany An immense logging engine
ror use on the new logging road of the
Curtis Lumber company, in the Cas
cade mountains near Mill City, 1ms ar
rived in Albany, ami will be put in
operation on the road this spring. The
engine comes from the Urm lx-onnv
tive works, in Ohio, ami is the lirst of
its sixe ami kiml to be pot into use in
the lumber business in Oregon. It is
of a type calculated to do very heavy,
rather than speedy, work, ami marks
the beginning of a new epoch in the
lumbering industry in Linn county.
WW Have Special Car.
Independence The Independence
Improvement league is makinc arrange
ment for a special car to take its mem
bers to Portland to attend the State
league convention April 28. The Lew
is and Clark club will be asked to dec
orate the car, and the "Blue Ribbon"
romiT win do weu represented uy en
thusiastic members of the league. The
league is taking up the matter of beau
tifying the town, ami a large commit
tee of both ladies ami gentlemen will
be appointed to look after this work.
creuic mommy income would oscutvo
the payment of their debls. The legi.
Mature of lt03 amended the law by lim
iting the amount of earnings exempt to
7A, but leaving the law otherw iso tho
mime. A there are comparatively few
men working for wage who receive
over f ft a month, this law still enabled
men to avoid debt which thev should
le compelled to tuy, ami the leglsla
ture of lt0o amended the section still
further by adding this clause: "Ex
cept when the debt is incurred for fam
ily expense furnished within six
months of the date of the service of
such attachment, execution or garnish
ment, SO per cent of such earning
shall bo subject to such attachment,
execution or garnishment."
AscoM'trucd by the court, tho term
'family expenses" include such items
as provisions, fa I, rent, furniture,
wearing apparel, piano, orvnu. lw.
elry, medleal attendance, eto.
Togo Will Not Risk His Big Vessels
Agatmt the Russians.
London, Ajirll 111. Huron llayaslii,
tho Japanese minister to then I llrllaln,
expressed tho opinion to the Associated
Pre today that Admiral Togo would
not give battle to Admiral Rojestvcn-
sky with his entire squadron, hut
would continue the cautious turtle
which has chanu'tcrlicd hi attack on
tho Port Arthur squadron, not Ixt'iuiso
he feied defeat, but owing to his de
sire to lulllct the greatest amount of
dauiago on tho Russian with the least
posMihle loss to himself.
While 'confident of his ability to ac
complish the total destruction of the
Russian squadron in a big battle, llieie
I danger of Togo losing one or two of
hi big ship. Therefore. Huron llay
aslii believe, Touo will employ hi
torpedo boat mid torpedo InmI destroy
or, which iiiuiiber more than t()0 and
nro vastly superior to the Koslaii lot
Hin Umt llottlla, in hataliig the Bu
statu while gradually picking oft the
Itui-slun varlil.
He said the coast of Julian, Corea
and Formosa lend themselves to night
work with torpedo boats, while the
narrow channel will make the maneu
vering ot large war shlim dllllcult and
Four Hoys Killed ami Many In.
jurcil by Alarm uf Flro,
Hundreds Wero Walling at lntllnp
oils Masonic Temple Whan
Panic Started,
Chicago Strike is Spreading and
Efforts at Conciliation FaH.
Chicago, April 30. Although iuSu-
cures are still at work in the hope that
an amicable ad justment of tbedisBealty
existing between the teaaaeters and
Montgomery, Ward A Co., can he
reached, the indications tonight are
tint the strike of the teamsters will
spread to other concerns. To IM
drivers employed by the E. M. Forbes
Teaming company were ordered on
strike because the arm insisted oa mak
ing deliveries to Montgomery, Ward
A Co. President Spear, of the Inter
national Brotherhood of Teamsters, de
clared tonight that be would order oat
all drivers engaged by arms that insist
oa delivering supplies to the big store.
Barrett Has Resigned.
Washington. April 90. John Bar
rett, of Portia!, Or.. United State
minister to Panama, has saved the
State department the esabarraseaaeut of
ordering his recall. He has asked that
he bo relieved of his post, so that he
may retire from the diplomatic corps.
The government has been dissatisfied
with some of Mr. Barrett's acU, and it
was decided month ago that he should
be succeeded at Panama by Judge
Charles Magoon, of the Insular bureau,
but it was the intention to a&iga him
to another post.
Great Snowstorm in Wyoming.
Denver, April SO. At midnight it
was announced that all telegraph and
telephone wires leading into Cheyenne
were down as result of a heavy fall of
wet snow. Previous to this, Imwever,
the Postal Telegraph company bad one
wire working ami information came
that trains were running behind the
schedule. It is impossible to learn
any details, but it is known that the
storm was unusually heavy over South
ern Wyoming.
National Irrigation Congress WW Be
Held August 21-24.
Sacramento, Cal., April SI. Gover
nor Pardee, as president ot the National
Irrigation rongrees. has hsued an an
noanoesnent that the next teseioa of the
congress ill be held ia Portland, from
August SI to Si. The section U to
follow shortly alter the Trans-Miseis-
sipwl congress, which takes place from
August In to 19.
Governor Pardee states that be ex
pU this meeting to be one of the
most interesting as welt as the most
important. Tho Tailed States Ke
dauMtiou forriee will be one of the
enbjecte of dfaenstiow. There is sots
hope that President RcoTlt will at
tend the session for one dor. and' Presi
dent Dm, of Masico, has ako bran in
vited. An eanrt will be anode to have
both dignitaries presont on the same
Given Time to Fix Up Their Books.
Topeka. April SI. RonresoaUtivee
of the Swift. Arsnoar and Dold packing
companies and th MeDow Stock car
company appeared before the State
Board of Railroad Asbmots to explain
their failare to asake eoanidete reort
of their private car lines as required by
the Uw pasMid at the recant soeseon of
the legislature. They said it was im
possible for them to comply with the
law at once, as they had not Wen keep
ing their record ia a war to aaake the
obtaining ot information easy. The
board gave thorn aatil May 10 to report
Rogue River Fruit Unharmed.
Medford The recent light frost in
the Rogue river valley have done com
paratively no harm; in fact, have been
a benefit by thinning out the fruit
somewhat on overloaded trees, ami the
bnst apple ami pear crop ever raised in
the valley is now practically assured.
W th the exception of some apple or
chards which were allowed to overbear
last year, and in consequence which
could not set fruit buds for the present
season, the fruit bloom was neer bet
ter locally titan now.
Oregon Days at the Fair.
Portland Oregon lavs. as set apart
by the U.wl ami Clark fair manage
ment are a follow: June 8, Moadav
Salem, Iallas; June it, Tue-day
inner wny. Miminer: June 7. WmIhm.
day Pendleton, llepimer; June 8,
iiiurmwy The Dalles, Prinevllle,
Moro; June t, Friday Oregon City,
McMinnille; June "l0, Saturday
Astoria, Hillsboro; June 12. Monday
Albany. Corvallis; June 18, Tuesday
taGrandc, I'nion; June li, Wednes
day Ashland, Medford, Jacksonville;
June IS, Thurwlaj Grant Pas; June
16, Friday Itoseburg; June 17, Sat
urday Kagone, Cottage Grove.
Steamer Minnesota Croisni Pacific In
Very Fast Time.
Seattle, April ID. The steamship
Minnesota, of the Great Northern
Steamship coiiiiMiiy' Seattlo-Orimital
fleet, ami the largest freighter carrier
aHoat, reached iort hut night, tm her
return voyage from the Orient, having
broken all trans-Pacific record on her
trip across. The Mluiiemita' lime from
Yokohama wa 13 days, 21 hour ami
five minute.
Among her Htnnger were a nunil-er
ot ltumutn otlicer ami their wive U-
iHg sent homo on imrole from Shang
hai, whither they were taken at the
time of the capture of Port Arthur.
There wero also a ntmiW of American
army otlicer coming frmi Manila,
either on leave or under order to re
irt at Washington, I). C Altogether
the Minnesota brought 1H2 passengers,
47 of whom were flrst-clas. ami a
little more than 7,000 tons of general
freight, of which hemp formed tho
Heading Off" the Standard OIL
Astoria The city attorney has lieen
instructed by the public property com
mittee to prepare an ordinance for in
troduction at the next mtetiai: of the
council forbidding the storage of crude
oil or other explosive in larger quanti
ties man ivu gallon at any one place
erne ute cur until. Tm roason for
presenting this ordinance i the an.
aouueed Intention of the Standard Oil
company to erect a targe storage tank
on its property near the foot of Sixth
Specialty of Fine Chickens.
Milton W. C. llojison, manager of
the Milton Fruitgrowers' union, is rais
ing chickens on a large scale en hi
farm four mile tin on tin. U'.IUl
ii- . .. . .
nun river, lie ins jour large Incu
bator ami four brooder. Mr. 1Iohnhi
i making a specialty of raising tine
chickens, keeping several varieties of
pure bred fowl. At present he I
hatching Rhode Mam! I ted ami is
marketiug the tiny chicken at 13 tmr
uuzen, wiwi a leany market for nil he
IMldies. A numter of other residents
of the vicinity of both Miltoa n.l
Freewater are tturehatim; incubator
ami engaging in the poultry businrmi.
British Engineer Named.
Washington, April SO. Sir Morti
mer Durand, tho British ambassador,
today informed Secretary Taft that the
British government had, at the secre
tary's invitation, solcoted Chief Engin
eer Hunter, the bulkier of the Man
abetter ship oasal, to act as one ot the
consulting engineers of the Panama ca
nal board.
New Opera House for SKverton.
Silyertou Work has begun on the
foundation ot the new opera houee.
The building will occupy a half block,
ami will be Slxl40 feet and two
stories high. The opera noose wilt
be on the lower noor, and will be 60x10
feet. On the second Moor will L a
dance hall M feet square and two kle
rooms . neetttos tne opera boose there
will be three stores on the lower noor.
The building will be ready for ute by
Julyl. '
Fish Cannot Get Over Dam.
Psadleton Complaints are coming
front residents on the Walla Walla
river that trout are nnable to get over
the Northwestern Gas & Electric com
pany's data aero the river and that
above the dam there is very little ash
ing. The dam is seven feet high ami
is not SUed with ash ladders. Tboee
who have visited that locality say that
fish are constantly seen leaping in their
endeavor to scale the obstruction.
Take Over Light Property.
Raker City Article of incorporation
have been filed incorporating the Raker
Light A. Power eomimnv. with a rauiul
tk of 1400,000. The incurpoiator
are F. N. Averill. J. 11. Parker ami C.
A. Johns. The rotnnaar Ium Immmi
formed to take over the properties of
the Baker City Go A Electric company
and the Roek Creek Power A Tramimi.
stew company, recently purrba-ed by
Isaac . Anderson, of PLibnlelphU,
w ho is here to complete his organiaa-
won. The otbeer of the new company
will be elected soon.
What Indian Children Can Have Share
In Lands.
Washington. April lu. Indian Com
missloner Ixmpp today promulgated
the order denning what children of
I Indian paroHMce are entitled tn ?
In land ami annuities of varxm
Western tribe. I'mler hi intiucttm
all children whosn irHt are both In.
dian may sham In these honeat, a
may all children whse mother mar
ried white men, provided the mother
i still a recognised Hitiuilr at tin.
tribe ami affiliate with It member.
Whenever an Indian woman, after
marriage to a v. bite man, ha with,
drawn ami is no longer tdnnlined with
her tribe, her children are not entitled
to land or annuities allowed that tribe
IiidiaimMll, hid., April H. prrn.
lied by a false alarm of fire, twtVera
hundred eager mmslMiy, struggling (
obtain their share of free ticket to a
loonl theater, which wefo being dl.
trlhuted by a traveling rvjiriwftiintleo
of a patent medicine eHiimny, en,.
eded lii a narrow stairway In tlm ,,.
soule Temple tonight, crushing t, ,(
out ol four lMy ami seriously liijiuin
several other.
Long Mote the time appriwelul fur
the dlstrllmtloti ( the tickets th
stair of the Masonic Temple, at llm
southwest corner of Wahlugtoti utrt-rt
oih! Capitol avenue, wetecrowdl wi,
a pushing, yelling ctowd of iieMsUiri
tach anxious to lx first to leccivn ),li
lies. When the dlstrlbutliHi lirH,n
the excitement liet'auiH more Intern
ami the effort (if scleral lierlin
whi had been detallml to prmsat
troiihle were unavailing.
It I alleged that one of the t, n
tho emleavor to Innlim the exit of ih
who had rccehed their 4e, sli.xilnt
"Fire!" Immediately tlnwe at lbs
top luce. I about and alitMt with siqwf.
human treugth Ikvnu to forte tiieir
way to the bottom of the suit
Shriek and physical etrciHinter f.
loweilfora few second, when from
some muse those near the bp fell l,r..
long on the struggling him at the l..
tmn. Immeiliately Miliremen (runt
the central slalioti, wIhi responde.1 to
riot call, iH-gn dm work of rescue
I'lHir of the buy were ilsad when si
trlcateil fnmi their MiitiiMi at the lot.
tout of the stairs. Other, Mlevrd W
have been fatally crashed, were Ulsa
mt a fast as they cirttM Imi ihso
tangll from their ftemlwl rmMa
Ions, who fiHight ami clung tn each
other in decrtloa.
Cancel Deeds If Fraudulent.
Salem In reply to questions sub
milted by Governor CbamWlaln, At
toroey General Crawford lias rendered
an opinion holding in substance that
the state land board has authority to
cancel all deeds ami certificate to
school lands wherein fraud appears on
record, but that it is not within the
power of the board to take arbitrary ac
tion in the matter. In other words,
fraud must be alleged ami proven be
fore the board has authority to cancel
certificates of sales.
Japanese Accumulating Stores.
Ymkow, April 10, via Tientsin, April
1 - Few transports are now arriving
at Niaehwajg. This eonUast with the
rush of tramc since the oeoninc of the
I.iao tiver indicate that precautions are i
being taken apaintt possible interfer
ence by the Ruseiaa PacJnc squadron.
ast accumulation of stores have al
ready been made along the Japanese
lines oi oommuntcauou, asenrins full
supplies to the armies in the tieM. even
if the transport eon-ice k interrupted.
Gives Roseburg a Chance.
Engene The focal directors have de
cide.! that the Second Southern Oregon
IKetriet fair (ball not be held in En
gone this year and Roeburg has been
given the privilege of giving it there.
It was thought that the interest taken
in the Lew- and Clark exposition by
Engene people would detract from the
of a district fair, to the matter
Watco Land Brings S4G.
The Dalles One of the best land
sales ever made in Wasco county ha
Just been closed. It was the sale of
736 acre ot wheat laud adjacent to the
town of Dufur, which brought the
owner, A.J. Dufur, 133,026, or 4S
an aere. The purchasers wero John
ston Bros., the well known merchants
ami land owners ot Dufur. It ii all
fine wheat land, and last year 4rt bush
el of wheat to tlie acre were harvested
off the entire tract.
of holding it bore this year
Stock Transfer Tax Law.
Albany, April SI. Gov. Hipgins to
night signed the stock trancser bill im
posing a stamp tax of S cents on each
flOOofpar value of all corporation
stock securities sold or transferred.
Orange Boxes for California.
MarshfieJd General Manager Vala
gin, of the Com Bay Furniture factory
at North Bend, announces tba't he has
made a contract with Southern Call
fomia shippers to manufacture 3,000,
000 orange boxes, and that his factory
will be kept running night and day for
a year, lie m luetalltur this week hi
own sawmill, which will cut SO.fVi ?
eet of soruce lumtier dailv. w
Wheat Club, 8687c per bushel;
yuetem, 96t)4e; valley, 88.
Oati No. 1 white, SS20 per ton:
Kr, tiiesia.
was given Hay Timothy, I4 10 ner tan-
clover. IlieiS; grain, f 11612; cheat,
111612. '
Ergs Oregon ranch, 18),' 6 Ute down
Butter Fancy area mery. 18MUr
Potatoes Oregon fancy, $161.10;
common, S0eOc.
Apples Fancy, 1. 76620 per lx;
Hops Choice 1804, 2aK36c per
o- alley, 206S4e per pound;
KrWfasV"VHi, io ejt ibe; mohair,
eat: jst !i- c per pound .
Admiral Tram Is Having AH Waters
We Patrefted.
Manila, April IV Admiral Train.
determined to maintain the neutiallly
of the Philippine water, will Immed
iately dispatch additional vmwels to
patrol the BasiUn strait, a a rwrnlt
of Ute relKHta tluit leHh RumUu au.1
Japanese vtewel have been sighted
there. Saturday the I'nitwl State
gunboat (uiro wa sent to imect six
ItuMian colliers w hkh are reHrttl to
be lying in the gulf of UHayen. A
gunboat is also scouting for Japanese
A report baa reached bore that I
Japanese eruisers have been sighted oft
Sumpalok jlnt. The cruiser are said
to be scooting in force for stray seouu.
snip cowers ot Unt Itnestan ueet.
Judge Upholds the Law.
Denver, April 1W. Judge N. Walter
Dixon, in the IHstrkt court today, up
held the eonstitutioualitv at ti.- i...
of 187 relating to lmihling ami Umn
associations, under which Preldmt E.
M. Johnson ami othr mtUo .. ,i.
ueiunci mieltty Hav ni a!.!.,..
nave ieen imucteil on cbarv-M f
Inrv (.. .....j... n-i a
...h iripuna, i ill. iw UB.
tacke.1 by Johnson's attorneys on the
ground that the legislative records eon
cernlng its passage were incomplete, a
leaf apparently having U-en torn from
the journal of the Itouse.
Supreme Court Declarm New York
Osiers' Law Unconttltutlonal.
Washington, April 18. In an opni.
mn by Justice IVklmm. the Kufrrme
court ot the Tnlled Sute held Ui le
unconstitutional Uw New York state
law making ten hour a dity' w..rk m.4fc
no lemm a week' wirk In Iwkerirs i J
that Ule. Justice llallaii, h (, '
Day ami Holme disMUtll and JuttV
Harlan declatml tliat no more Imp. if.
ant decision had Urei remlered in lU
last century
The oiunion wa handed down in tli
case of I.oi'kner vs. the state of W
York, ami wa based on the un-urnl
that the law inletfere with the frre
exercise uf the riKbt ot eoi tract le.
tweeu Individuabi. The court of Ap
al of the stale upheld the law sad
attUmed the IttdtMneA ot the trial
court, holding Loekner guilty
ine taw in vol Veil In tne rae sef-
tfon 110 of the New York Male labor
aw, pfwcriuiug ute Hour of r ia
bakerie In the stale. Ixrkner l a
lker in the uily ot I'tica ami m
found xoiltr of pormltllng an employ
to work in hi bakery more than
hour .u a wi-ek, and asm! fAo TW
Jmlgment wa ainnoed by the Nw
York Appellate court.
Senator Thurslan It Retained.
Btoux City, la . in Jl, U.
Thurston, ex-l'niteil State seaiur
from Nebraska, ha Imh rata.tuJai
pree claim for indemnity on acef
ot the massacre ot several Antertaw
by Yaiui ImlUns in Honora, Mrt..
January 1. The claim will mi
lt I4M.000, fl 00. 000 each f.irlbt
four men killed, J. K. McKeosie s4
Dr. Iloberl Mc(y, of Chicago, Wsltsr
Stubinuer. 9t Kewanee, III., and M. It.
( all, of kliottx City, ami tsft.uot) suk
lor tie terrTble oxporience of the !
Fifty Boys Were Injured.
ImlUHapoll. April 1. - N ,MH
Imvv Uun aihleil to the list ot four bovs
that lost their live In the crush of
Mle IniIMim laat night, ,nigr to ob
tain free thtater ticket for a perform-
of th injured show that no fewer
than 60 were more or less Injured. Of
. a.iK.r, in ny 36 wurewiriously
crulie,l and the death list may bo .
creased. '
Fifty Hurt In Strike Riot.
Wheeling, W. Vu.. 10. Pifu.
men wore hurt in n fli.M i-.i.. . .. i
nonunion men from Plttslwrg ami 180
Jlrikow from the Whitaker m ?
Clul, stones, knlvea ami pUtols were
"m'i "o nonunion mon a,.ii..I
scored in getting into the mill,
Hoodoo Beat May Qa Accepted.
WaahinKion, April 18. The report
of the naval board which conducted tke
recent trial of the tiohUboruugh la
Pugel sound has been .received at lbs
Navy detiertmeut. It, -i.u- li
ation show that altbouuh the specl i wl
wwk- altogether satisfactory, due prolhly to
u at- the natural deterioration t the
cninery since its Inetallatlon, about
Ave year ago, the veesel i. .tructurally
jjuml ami otherwise in goo.1 condition,
fhe dlsHHiltlon of the naval authoritirt
Is to her.
Death Rata Decreasing.
Chicago, April 18. 1 cwlft) hii 10
year of mvice as eommisstoasrof
.1 " ,. " rU Chfoau... Pf
Arthur It. Reynold prosenta ia m
nmiBl tejMHt MgniUcant data shea leg
tlHtileereaseid thu .U.H. ... .. ilt
.. .-. w,n ,n,c .h --.--
to m inclusive, the yrly wwi'
lethratewaM.08,n every l.OdT !i
puimiaiion, i)arig the Hieedis(t
y",."J,w r,c lreKl to HI ia
every 1,000 of polmUtUH
American Mlulanxrv !ita.
Shanghai, April 18. A native Chill
an wlw has arrhed here reiwts tbt
hand of Chunchusea have murdered
an American misahmar)' wl Kw
ii T at. ,Ku,,K'M"e, Hear HangrbsU.
He could elv n.. ..-..i.i ... . . ., .1.
i , -,.-.-.- iiiiviiuiri ui -
I leged crime.