.4 , rm . fmff u r 2 JLL. rr..r, '.tt-"r,,t:. LOCAL BITS h Willi ptwr nt the Merrill Dr'u,; Co. in Hcnftdii. W. tf. tf CdclUuil at Ice delivcicd Nicliol. will next Thatiew l'lorn-Dotu YlicOlliecHiilooh. , Closing out sale, ne.xl wfeck; nt Now Voi I: Cusli Ntoic. 1 The I.ndlei Aid rtociuly liavc toady-niudu kitchen uproits for mile. , The fuinottft American Ilutittty, u Hew cocktail just out, nt Tlie Office. i Work Huh ediutiieilccd on the liuw luilt of Hie hand. It will be HX3. feet. i John vSteidl, lliciwiwritill inali, re lumed Monday from a lnifiine.Ni trip to I'ortlaud. . Mim. J. H. Iluwthoril niul daughter of Roland, wete Ileud Wsiloia tliid week. , The I.udie Aid .Society tiieutitt MtN. V. I), Hicrmitii'.i Tliurmliiy nfteiiioou. . We are in the wall pucr lilisi .Hess and won't lie umler.iold by iliiyone. Merrill l)nu: Cd. Mr C. II. Allen and daughter Mfiu Viola were down from The Mendow.1 for n vilt lust week. I'uMtttniKu for horsed, 30 cents a Week, $2 u month, nu.tr lieud. tf If. W. Mokkii.i. i MVOUNre ;oinx to jxijwr your JioiiM, commit, tit we can mtve you iiiouuy. Merrill DniK CoulMiiy. Hniryjonetmud Hail MoKunnett were down from their claluw in io i,1 Widuwidiiy, returning Tliurv day. Mr. S. M. Whitted thU Inst week hud l j uctrn of wound fenced Win! plowwl, Ht lief litmirttend in IS-1 2. Tlitrc in m fin offtee room with double window oh tht lecond floor of th bNHk building lor rent t $10 n mouth. Mm. W. K. Wilkiimou this week rtttiriKrd lo her old xi(ioii hs da uinUr with the IwchutM Tele di one Co. l'irit vInm timothy audclover ha Kiowu iwtir MiMeN lor wle hi Arm AuiHf'ii iMnt in Ileud, in hiiv tiiinti- titKii leired, hi ih regulur tiiHrkut price. n-i. . J. 1'. JoIiumu imn IcMMiil his tluev-ntory jooiuiiiK hoic to his (liuiKhtur.MiM Annie, and hiuuwlf youe t) make improvements on hib hoiiicMettd. Sunday ul 1 1 o'clock the Rev. J. A. Mitchell will preach nt the It. M. Hall 1111 "Tint ReMiirection." At p p m. he will eakoii "I'rovhtiou for Drounlit." Mi-e Iilu mid Com rfntlicr. Jackie llrock ntid Annir Johnson went I'lincvillc to- Saturday and "rooted" for tint bnaulmll team at Sunday's nmu 1 iloblM MtHtimt on tlie Priueville road h.u begun earing for travelers. Its find hunch of business wnt. to rcfrctdi the Iwhtlwll people InM Saturday mul Sunday. Oil Wedinwdny the grandstand was built at the ball ground. It lias capacity for m.-mjiik foo koplc. iTlic diamond link Iweu ll-velvd and p.mked with' a roller mid in Iwini; put into improved mIihpc. Mrs. II. P. llclkuap, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Booth ami Mr. mul 'Mrs. DavidStewnrt, ol Priueville, diove out yesterday mid went up the river on a fiuliiiiK excursion. They expect to return tomorrow. Robert A. Pitett, who came to Ileud last week from North Cnro Una, this wek bought thl- bakery of 'Mrs. Itvu A. Stiele and protMMws to enlarge tlie husitiestt in till Hues. I fu will put in 11 brick ovuii mid bake nil kind of bread mid pnstry 011 a larxe scale. He will, liowever vtit out tlie rtstaurnit, which Mrs.' Stuulemadea feature of her business. TemiKirarily Mrs. Steele has taken the new Ilndgea building. The Liiillct Aid wiciely would like to obtain work in the InllowiiiR lines: General iiieudinn, (yentle inun's mendiuRa specildty) making chiidreu's nptotts, babies' clothing, ladies apron of all kinds, mid humminir household linens. Please leave packages of mciidiiiK with the name plainly wtitteilat Hcfld 'Mercantile store. All ladies are bordially Invited to atlend meet lugs of the Ladies Aid ami become active members. Untile Rye coekuii'. t The OfiV ('lOeli Oniulis luady for tlie table. W. S. Nicliol. If Cnbljiige plants ready to fict out. W S. Nicliol. tr The John I'liiih punch at ()' Kline's Tlie Office. Id! IliosterhoUs lias cleared nhtl seeded five acres on his homestead. ICvery tiling in the wall pajwr lineal tVaoilable jltices. Merrill Drui: Co. A daiicc will be given this even ing in the Hall for the benefit of the baht'ball team. wns down from ty-t2 for hcveral mid wife have L. II. McCaiin his homestead in days this week. W. I) Wilton moved to Ileud lo reside during the summer seiutou. Raspberries, strawberries ami nil miiiwII nursery stock for sale by W. J. Iliickley, Ileud, Oregon. Money saved by buying shoes etc., at the closing out sale oT the New Vork Cash storet Dtschulcs. Dayton, df Colfax, timber proof on his before Commissioner S. M. I!(iilev, of the Crook County Journal mid MIm I'Ay Ilodees. were I married at 'Priueville Inst Sunday evening. I he groom is the son of Rev. C, ) Ilniley. Mihs Uitth Dayton daughter of Merchant P. V.. Dnytoti has arrived at I.aidlaw mid joined her jinreutb. She speUt the winter with let atives at Waitsburg, Wash. Mr. ami Mrs. William T. Stephens left yesterday for .Cash Creek, tfi miles northwest of Sisters, wheie they will have cliaree of the toll gate the coming season. Mr and Mrs. A. 1.. Hunter will leave Sunday for Hums. Mr. Hunter will VcUlrn'to Pcnd inn few weeks but Mrs. Hunter may re mniii in litirna well into the slim mer. J. II. Miller, wife mid two child ren nrrived in Hend Kridny evening. Mr. Miller has been stationed nt Shaulko representing the Dos sliutes Improvement Company His family has Ikx'Ii residing at To coma, Wash., but llaS ctmie here to live. Mr. mid Mrs. C. A. 'SiWinbour, of Pittsburg, Pn. nre g4te?Ui at ,the Wluttcd homestead . tliut week They nfe so well plcnscd with Uii country that they have decided to make llieir home here mid lake up laud. Tlie Spniuliours arc old friends of Ihe Whitted family. I 1 . O O Hieeie, of Wnltesbilrg, Wash., has nrrived 'iit I.aidlaw, and will lc ' timckccpOr for the I Columbia Southl'rn c'ompmiy. Mr. Hrec.e hns been connected with the bunking business, and it is under stood that he will be Connected with the I.aidlaw bank. when it Opens its doors for business. Miss Ciiieriu loaded nil the cares of the telephone company ujhmi her shoulders yesterday and wan ilelld girl at the Ituttd exchange all day, Mra. Olierill Inking her place nt meal time. They have mastered the rriUtihtt of U10 telephone busi ness and gel much enjoyment from tending 'Ihe 'switchboard., Mrs. (iiicHii will have a day next week. 1 . . . A new grade is beiint constructed .'. .'"T 1 .. . just this side of Priueville oil the urnnRe m tno 11. 1. s p. C9. C'OijUy road, which does not ex- A ;chmige has Ixjcn made di the cecu 7 pur cent' at any point, ami uehciiuies irrigation a. rower uo, vill to a very great degree do away vhurcby Ku S, StUule MiccH'ds witli the lionvy three-iiuarter mile , W. It. (iuurin. jr., iii the bbartl of pull from .the'jevel of the town to 1 directors and 1. If. (Ueriu an.socre tiie plati'ati west of the river. The.tary and treasrirer' of the corpora iew road swings up the lull to.tlie, tioiiv Tlie work o disposing1 of left from the Crooked Hvor Dridge'laudfrof tht' company'fl segregrttiou lind is oile and a quarter mileHn in this region" lias been put in the leugtli, joining tlicprescuttrlivclleU bauds of H. fi. Cool: S: ipglrway ,eiy near the 'descent of previously Jild till' lliecld giadi Twentv--ev4M ir,eu Somlurn davejjat.n Ufe1 employed Mid Nill hv he oliangts wer nai'o i !' Myron 0. Wash., made claim, today, Lawrence. 1 A. C Lucas will go to Madras soon where he. will conduct a hotel business. Mrs. Lucas will go about May t. The Poiudexter Triplett - Puett fishing parly returned last Friday with five big Dollies and 100 pounds of smaller fish, John K. Ostriim, of Unllard, Wash., was here the first of the week looking over the country with a view to locating. Parties desiring home f.rown nursery slock of commercial va rieties can get same 1) ikeing W. J. Iliickley, Hend, Oregon. Attention land seekers! I can locale you oil as good homestead or timber laud as any oile for $50. L II McCaiin, ilcnd. Otcgon. mi: V. S CcmmiMioner Don P. Ren ami Archie Mason were in Ileud Monday 011 automobile and stage business. They live nt Madras. The Pilot Unite Co. this week llBll III., ft. .1.1 tl.al II.... ..tllMIt ill.. river 011 the easi side just above the -10"1 Aptll t.j. 1905: bridge planted to alfalfa and oats curly iMiiuiios Hdgtiile liiiuler brdugiit to tdwn thift week some fine rndisheH grown 011 his place near the Swallcv bridge on thcMlW.ig ranch, which Lucier has leased. The seed for the radishes was rather carelessly sown on New Venr's day and 1U1 old window wns laid over it. Snow came niul btlried it and there seem ed small promise of a radish crop, but in due tittle tlic-planU appeared mid now there nre radishes to de light both the eye add palate, They grew half in tlie ripen air. Radishes grown wholly in the open air by Mr. Litcier will be ready for market in about three weeks. They might have been ready earlier had Mr. Lucier leguu cultivation sooner, but he waft en gaged elsewhere until 11 few weeks ago, He is gteatly pleased with his gardening prospects. Ndtlcc. Kffcctive May 1st, 1903, the rates of the Deschutes Telephone Com pany for rental of its telephones in Uend. O'rcgbii. will be as follow,: I'or telephones in places of busi ness three dollars ($3.00) per month. I-'or metallic residence line two dollars (f i do) er month. For l.irty residence line one dol lar and fifty cents f 4,1.30) per month. These rates will apply to all ex isting as well as future telephone contracts. . Tin: DnseiHTKK Tiu.iti'iioxit Co. UyW. H. Gttcriii.jr., Pres and Gen. Mgr. Chnncc for a Rcdtnilrnnt. liogue & Son, at Holland post office, which is also a stage .station, have for a long time kVpt a stop ping plaCe for travelers. They wish to give up that part of tlteir 1 business, and offer inducements for a good restaurant there There are now steady boarders and a consider able number of transients to accom modate and there will be a fine trade in the summer. For partic ulars call on I ion uit a. Sox, mi Roslaud, Or. ow-'rnsPicrnJiwjwrT'ir-irfa tn vzijr?n?rwxx? ''- J('U- 1. I, "T -1 r- rs. Advertised Letters, i'hc following is a list of letters remaining uncalled-for in the Hend i Allen. Oliwr Morxn, Nnri AihIt4ii, HiihH Mtfrclmul, C. A lkt. V. II. I. McDmhIoI. U. T. I lU1111.nl, Iuru KiiImh, J. M. llnmii, IMU.) Soiilll. V. I'KMIhIv, Vvrxinh Stawntt, J. I.yutt I'rry, Julia Soelwl, Henry l,wS, Jhui-i Vhicient, John I'. Moorelnnil, C A. Persons calling for these letters will please say tlicy are advertised. A. H. (jiant Postmaster. All This fur $15. 10 Hi, police I 11m. tr 50 111. MIltNk . .lrir.1 lo IIm. lt to IIm. apple 1 cbm- liullinl cstru lo lit, rife IX 11. irunir' 1W. iiocnnwii ' nt II. iUk wlHMt 10 UK ridkil imU in III. Imtuhh 10 IIm. (Him inul I Mtfk lUiar lU!i;iieTK.s Ikkhution- s lwr.K Co. ll Notice. i he Deschutes Telephone Com pany has established .the following Injurs when its exchange will lc okmi in Ileildt Week dny, from 7130 a. nt. to 9:00, p. in. Sundays and holidays) from o. a. 111. to i::oo ilooit, mid from 5:00 p in. to 9:00 p m. w . Have Your1 EYES TESTED FREE OF CHARGE Col,, who Cd'umblh iTIInS.- 'h"d 'n-.tj Dr. Herbert EHeby Graduate Optician Will be )u Hend on tliy I5th of APRIL to rcitiui'u soine time, upd will le repa-cd" to tel and Ht the eyed of all persona in need of .. YEGliASS)S Rttlicr Single or Ul-Potnl. )trora of refraction sttcli' as Hyperopia, M.y6pia, AsVigiun- , carefully conccted properly tilted. ft .Yqut dome if Desired t JOB PRINTING o, 00 Arc yoii particular about yotif .stationery? 1)6 you like heat, clean', up-to-date bufciheM priulilig on the very l.6st Mock made? .Don't you think it a godd idea to make theftc thiUgs a port df your bu.siudM? o b o o o The Kiiiillying of this class of work is a part of our biuiiucaa that re ceives particular attention. The materials wc use mid the type faces mid workmanship we put into the iolx wc tlirn olit give you a product that cannot fail to give satisfaction. ,0. OO o o o Our equipment is second to none in the interior of Oregon. When yoti bring lis a piece of work you may know first df ail that every line iii it will be in the latest tytc stylos we haven't ah old tyje face in the shop. Done Promptly There is I10 delay in RCttiilK yodr vork. It is a point with us to get the finished job in the hands of the customer With reasonable dispatch. Reasonable Prices Another satisfactory feature in our job business is that wc do not in any instance abk a hold-up price. All we ask is a profit compatible with successful business. Your printing will not look like a black smith had done it when done by The Bend Bulletin HADLEY & STEPHENS Highest grade LIftUORS AND CIGARS The test CASE . GOODS on the market rr licst bar arid best service in the BUILDING CONTRACTOR 1 W. WRIGHT. 1 . Plans and Specifications Supplied Furnished. and Kstunntcs ieicr!tblno jfirst-CEInoo ucavp. ,vruers m 1110 miucun uiuici on."' ?.iv Fresh Fruit arid Vegetables . . . BUTTER AND EGQS . . . THE CITY MARKET C. II, KUICKSOK, PKOPKUiYOK Fresh and Cured Meats and Fisli i; Uverytlilnjc Pcftalnlng td a HrstClass MaHiet WUST BUILDING, Wall St., t BHND, OREGON T T 1 A-p- Tr?e OFFICE SALOON tism, etc. mid fe'ill tall raiiOa pt TldlincD aut tmpoctp& '' CUblOltlco HUGH: O'KANE, Projprietor. 3Sct 'mv Service lit QwqW bounty, WB ! 4w I I IIMH.I I ' Oowilng AlltJy I Hot IrtiiuU of Stfhiobt Mblsutco 011 die Market &Ollt Mi Xtllhvb, Olc ' irtvjfqnrmitniw crab otcoato Now,,s1,15T,MB my Town Lots - IN Laidlaw, Or. and Make Mohoy Tor j'.-irtfrulnrs write or call on J. W. Rutherford, l.nldlnW, - - Oregon Free Land in Oregon Under the "Carey Irrigation Art Dercl illrect frm Ule. WKITU OK CAI.r, TODAY lluoktet' 'nil map free II H noV A I n il Alder trt I'oftUml. Or. Notice. Notice is hereby given that my property next . south of the Bend owniitc is not, a dump ground for ubbish and persons who hae laulcd rubbish there will save hemselvcs expense by taking the atne away, in V. H. Staats. Office Rooms TO RENT In PILOT BUTTE DEVELOP MENT CO.'S office bulldlnfr at Cor. Wall and Ofiio sfs. APPLY AT COMPANY'S OFFICE The Deschules Telephone Company IclcgVamiPonvarJcd to any port of the World. Direct Telephone Communication PORTLAND, PRINEVILLK and all Pacific Coast cities Public PAY Station BANK BUILDING Bend - Oregon THE DESCHUTES TELEPHONE CO. BEND TUMALO STAGE Leaves Iteml every Tuesday, Tlturwlay ami Saturday at 11. nt.. arriving at Tuntalo at 11 a m.; lcaxs Tumalo on Mtne lays nt in, a in, arming at Ilcnd at 2: 15 p. in. Accomtiio datiuiif for paifevitxepi a'td exptos. William j Dowhiflg imk .' iwk?A IBM v i5QA Coritc Irt- take a loolc nt n beautiful dlpjay of JEWELRY 1 On the counter '6u will otso unu catalog mus- tJtlrtf tiiQilanda of useful pnactlcal Ccms :Ssp If you vranttlu: very bestvatttW for youfTTnpnsy BUY HEK.H THAT'O ALL 'Merrill Drug Co- BRND, OREGON 4 rx&ir Vi. r id open m twrt v cck' , Week I r