wrawosw '?( IW 'yt-'' Pi ii) TJ k ii3 4- y .; ;.W' J-. ...- 1 .,ty.,,. THE BEND qp btiliLEflN runhinuim itvitkv rklllAv nv LUBDDUAtANN & .LA'RUNCH. "For every min A qudre dtal, no let nil no mon," SUUSCRUTlON RATlId: .J (IdC jtfTlMHIHHKxmiMI Ml lx monthly-. Three tuontlii ... (InvarUbly In adranc.) , iibW. to RitSiit. i . RbiuH liy Kink draft, postal imncy unlcr on llcinl, c.splvv money ohlrr, oi tvjjlaterxsl lettet. Make ill remittances Mvnl1c to The Henri lliillctin. comparatively slow though such progress lliiutit bfe. And A. I) Hammond, who manifests n .suiUtcu interest in this country, is fit ntul essentially n lumberman nml only incidentally n railroad man. 1'or our agricultural development n mil road is highly desirable; for our tunnufneturiue; development a mil road is nti absolute necessity. One concent has Tcceutly pur chased outright more than 1 5.000 acres of timber land South of Bend and it is .still buying. It already controls a railroad that mnv lw ex- m rrzrs.- , I. I a. MILLARD TRIPfcETT BLsAGKSAUTHING AND IIORSESIldEINd All kinds of wagon work ddilc in fust-claas shape. Short notice jobs a sjcciaUy. OI'fOSlTIt HCIIOOMlOV.mt llltNll. OHIHION StKe and Mali Schedule. tended into the Deschutes timber akkivk at Btww. locr. If the lumbermen and irri- .7 p. m. daily gntimi men get tpgether the Central but gth to build it I c 1-1 cm rvrivi .c. iwliiMMnxi General Blacksmithing and Wagon Ropairihg HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY g T" Our shop is located opposite Baptist Church. HTr&MXZ&VZ Oregon ruilroad will be easy. . Mpn . vi..tWm iirfSM wi either have the Strength to buil rnwti Rhnnlkort ITttwrille. Irwin Ijiketitw mid hllvtr lVe nt THnaato 1 rum LMM l.rilv tir. 1 . (OniLinlLalll IMitrlllf ... a. m iUHv I " lOllC Inr MWcleyaml Silver t.Ve ...... . ...in. in iVailr ewept Shu lr rmsk TK, f mr Ami Sal... . S a. m. lSr Uildlaw Mon , Wed., ThHM. and Nt 1 p. to. Pimt Oi-rict. IIoch Week My; . m t5 a hmty. from ti a. m. tb It m.. ami ImH fcnr afltr arriinrt f all mi4 Irew mflrwMl reaching Heml iwfw S p. tn. ( TKtHriHWK OvriCH Hows Week Uy. from ?;ta. m. lo aaw p. m. Similar wl btm. (ram 3m 11. in. to rt neon, and frwo j-oa p m. tn V.i p. m. FRIDAY AI'R. 14, 1905 For Sale or 1 radc. 80 acres in the Columbia Southern segregation, very favorably situated. Will le fold cheap or trad ed for town property. Enquire at The Bulletin Office. I.aldlaw News Notes. I.AIIil.Av. Or., tiril 10 On Tliurs,lav J J-t. Mr. Oerkm. wImi Utclvtn ovnl licrv, "The Itend Bulletin is building incctxsli...x.ixwii.N of alfalfa -e.Uhicli I , tauwHHt to a )kh ileal tn tlii rnuittrv rndroads agn.ni, obscp-csonr acute ifrinin: imiluintii accatnimnivd tiie ', contemporary the Prineville Journal. I?.1, . ..... . . .... J J 1 .1 'r Rt ditch KMf; tarts out tln now wm me journal leu h.iiwi week nlHiuUivi-nttlvi mirtlne-.t ol town. it is doing to build tip tiie couutrv? I 1T- Cmw" frt,' "'' l'rcarlu-.l t.. ' Rooilly atHlieiiCtf Sutnlrty exenni);. iKs 1 icnenor accoiiiiniiiei liv Mim Ruth Pavtoti arrhcil here Sunln morn- Max Luctldcnlann, l. S Com missioner al Antelope, proprietor of , mp. MWTUrheiior i vnfttiij; Rev. J .1 ...I.. it it j i ... t C Gerise ami fiMHil ami Mi Dn ton i the Antelope Herald and Ashwood gM , fw t h,,,, fu.r slv,,lf. lllc Prospector and part qwncr of The . whiter in Vitli;. ,,..,, , . . 1 i, r i l'otnMiT JitlU nent to I'ortlallii Bulletin, has purchased the Madras iutlUx IU ,, u MUi.,uhl)v. ,tltllc Pioneer. S. D. Percival, Until re- uw am! mMofflce during hi. iWucv ccntly foreman of The .Bulletin, has been installed as manager of The Pioneer. No great ahiouiit of wind has been expended to notify the world pf the doings, of . the .Lewis Brick Company, but the modest fact exists that a very considerable in dustry has been established by this fouccrn and it is going ahead with commendable energy. Tins is tlr. Sort of industry that makps the community industrially strong Instead of sending away for brick the money is kept at home and a ; superior article is . provided here. Jlere is the creation of wealth, fdr the individual and the.commouuity . the prpduction of .several blades , , where none grew before. By t,lls I C i qT a C & C process .prqspcrity and sta.bi!ity 13fc: Vld-O come. It deserves all encourage-' ment. ; For t fow it develops hat Senator Mitchell was a stockholder in the JJooth-Kcllcy Lumber Co. State Senator.Bppth is the Booth of the Jiooth-lselJfycotnpanv His brother . vas receiver ,of the Roseburg laud "- office. , Congressman Hermann, of .sbiirg. . was .formerly a Jand . p(aur thcrp and always belonged to . Uic Mitchcjl . faction . of pplitics, as Jld,(thc Booths and Ex-Senator Jones and the rest of the indicted land pwmdlcrs.. I,t,is getting to be pretty; evident where the sinews of yvar come irpm for the Mitchell factionaj campaigns in Oregon. To the cohsive? ppwcrpf public plunder was added ,tbe aMjip.cing fear of -"private danger shouiil the machine fail to work. And the gang hung together and the machine .'worked" runtil President Rooe- el t camp into the game. -' v 1, FIRE INSUR- K -ANCfi THE CGNTRAL CWEOON RAILROAD ( As to tile, railroad, it is coming; there can r riq doubt of that. There 1 canlxvno dodbt that te people who have invested large sums of, money in reclamation of Deschutes lands, and arc still investing it, mean to realize a profit on their in vestment, too, and tiie. only way to 1 lo that is to get the land occupied There is no profit i building ex pensive irrigation worKS.uniess they ' are used by settlers- at $' " acr ii i year. Adequate transportation fa cilities wilVgreatly hasten thesettk ment of these lands. The railroad will solve the only regaining prob lem in the development ol the Deschutes valley. 1 ' Wliile the irrigation interests ' have been most active in moaiures 4.0 open till region, it must not be j iforgoUeu tliat the Sjinbermen are; also working in this direction The attitude of the.lumbermcn may be even more significant .of a comnif? railroad, IjecAue uhelr lepewls abdiitf1' upon transpor- Call bh j. M Lawrence GO VEAnS' experience: .vjHHb. frfyvvi TnAbc Marks CcVniCHTS bc. Ait nit' ' ir a ffcn-h mi1 rtevT Wlriiffsi urt "- icr , it ti tio whHhar uii v.. 111 1 ,ir m ri miiMh (iUKmliHIrfi. ,,,r.Hr' ldin.-li' HlNOfiOOKtail'iirnu I !. Ulilf ilffl T f' r.uiliiiH.iMii. 1' 'riiia I ' (in Kll '" .11 A. ' icovlre 'U rr il'rt, r.rj1. ui. criHrtre, m uiif tpr'Ul Scientific nmtm. liandM "!' tiliinfrafml wftkl iiktioii ilr w irii'ioi- Joiirm jiwri f.,urfl "ii'ljf.ll. t?JVi,VT' MUNN ft Co.?""?: iLfHit rir. Ir . irn'iar- loiirnl;.' lrnf. II a n'ljf.JI. la-MWrMTfivaiofj. m ew York lllwiHi 'live, ra&yt-t VfnUtuiHUU, 1. C. "' 1 ''' NOTICi; TO CUI-.DITOR.S. finm to H uerwui. Ihi.iiik- Mio i hrrrb' (;i'Hi l al ueraoui. Im.iiiK' lit ii!4in-t iurpb Vliilfir)l t!'r.i-rl to cut 111. uur Hifli iiiv j.t'M-r wiiiliera t.. iit Hi Ul ,114 .Nok. i hrrrb' -IklBlf Hrci UHSUlt-Si , ,n,t,riKi. .1 . 1 'n.iraioi ! i ! i i in . .it .i.tli. I., in ill. il .ti i i ri i .ii I I r. - I. II .1 ISci.il OI C'll - I ii i. f i i w ! 4tir.i icrf.i . .i.ifior vv'iile .lcncult'iral deelon-i . Smmumi Bend livery & Transfer Co. J. PRANK STROUt), Miningcr LIVERY, and FEED STABLE HOKSIW BoAHUHII MY Tlllt 1)AY, WlJHK Hit MONTH Plrst-ClnsK Livery Rte for Rent; TlioucNo.15 Behtl's tm MeM kei W.M.I, HrHIOiT, Oil-imtrli II M CO. wHire &, hIll TUB FINEST STOCK Ol7 PRI2SII A1I2ATS IN CROOK COUNTY Citrcd Meats ami Lard ami all (lie Accesso ries of a FfrsL'Clnss Market EVERYTHING NEW AND OF THE BEST YOU ARIJ INVIIliO TO 'phe White JJouse COK. (IKKOON A MONO STS ri. 30, jfiotcbenct, iproj), The Best Liquor and Wines DOMESTIC and IMPORTED CIGARS Hon 1 U4.l"etwTti MtiiHtnta ami Oirxon, Iti'ttd, Oregon. Authorized Capital $25,000 Incorporated 1901 imanmmiL-M,m A. II. I.lpiiiinn leo. A) iSBBSlSSSS Meyer The Central Oregori Banking & Trust Company of BEND, CROOK COUNTY, OR. Transacts it general bnnkitiK and trust business. Ismics Letters of Credit t(od throughout the world. Aus as Administrator. lixecutur or Trustee of Kstntes. Transfer!, money b Mail or Tt'Iexniph. Collection made promptly aiid ttjKJii favontble tctm.s. v interests on Deposits A. H. Lippman & CoM Furniture Stoves, Railges, Healers, Cooking Ulonsils, Doors and Windows, I'.ittttn alul Uilv CaliK.-ts and Maltiiin Wc carry a fine line ol KikUcJI and Conches Vo con ftirhish your" House complete OlVh t'S A CLL . Tl'U.Mrt CASH Tht Central Oregon HnnkitiK & Trust Co. has added sevternl imsw features to its rapidly growint; business. It will now give Tiiue Certificates Of Deposit. nying interest theti-Un as follows-' For 6 Months, 3 per cent For 1 Year, 4 per cent SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RNf Qt Reasonable Rjtes f A4.1. Till? AI)AXTAC.i:S OI" A CITY HAVK V. I1IR K C T O R S K (U'KltlX, Jk., I'hw. A. I. (.OOimil.l.ll .1. M I.AWUVxii:, finr V. (). MINOIt, l'HHIKK I'm- t I31HND OUlHG(iN PILOT BUTTE INN DAN R. S.MIlll. Proprietor Tables supplied with nil the delicitcies of the WhNoii First-class Kquipitiuut l'Stic Roouw and IWi All tHgcs iltip at the hotel dour I LUMBER At Ik-lid, Oregon. At iicild, Orej;liil. J25Z- jr'si Hi3 mill of the 1 Pilot Butte De velopment Com" pahy is preparell to supply all kihilk df siirfaeecl airtl huH ; : : j : ; : iisniber and Shingles hi Reasoiiiiliie Prices ; nwwca Z. F; MOODY GeneY&l Commission H Forwarding Merchant SIINJko, ORKGON l.AKOIv AND COMMCJDIOrS WARKIIOilBK CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED l'ntnt attention jmhI to those wh') favor uu with thur jxitionaKi Tiw?mwMmamm!mmfwuttxvMvs4mmwammH - '- " Pilot Butte DdveidfrtifieHt Company hf-H .1 4,".'.w V'V.iafcV '. rKlTV'ti""Jl1l''r4t M Tmrol:(hi;I'rom ijhkij To i-MANiko in oni: day SHANiKO-PRlNEVILLE PR1NEVILLE-BEND s c 1 1 ri d u L B STAGE LINE orTHllouli I.cnvi; Hhauiko 6 p. in. Arrive itriueville m. Leave Prineville 12:30 p. m. Arrive Demi 7:0a p. in. . , NOKTIIkOL'MU tve Heud fl;od n, ArrivC'I'titievllle is:ou t p. tn. 1 n. in. Leave I'riuoVille. AiHveSlmtlikd.. in. in. pi rtS'r-cMsta 1-QiiiPMUNTa von tuavullino kmh.ic I'AflSKNOKR AND PKKIGHT RATIvS RIvASONALIv ' 1 ft !" nai ai - n fi.n.iiiYri,,", ui. X aaka Wc carry only the finest liueH of WINES, LIQUORS and CIQARS DON'T FORGOT i'o iJmoi' imto run MINNESOTA BUFFET SMITH ci CI,li5K, Prop HICK)), OKIUIOS uaMwritm l"IT MniMm.KimOT, Mew S'RINC STYLES f ames AND ... , . , THmlmins ToYlllt LAttiKKOl' HltN).Ki 'Inn c oncned dii il new miltliifi n on Wall mruo,t, first tlooi' north of Uiu41. -M..' Word, citrryiiiK u full In1 of nev. and ip-to-dtt'e Rccds, Ca'l :"id ifspect them. Mrs.' H. G(mth$: tikhd', Or"' ff I h'4 j!, f n- nrrye"-d r-jtliMlt'' r ilrOad, " I ()lll.tllll I -I it- I ..!. Uliiu,. Wriil'Tfimiaiiwiwiniirnnr t