The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 14, 1905, Image 3

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(u a Condensed Form for Our
iv wo
A Resume of llio Loss Important bur
Not Lett IntorestltiK Evnnls
of tho I'mt Wank.
Another gunoriil strike o( Chicago
liiiniHtoiM In mi.
Tim .lupiiiicnit iimlii itriny Ih advanc
ing to envelop tlm Itiimtluii (limits.
l'tiur puiniinn were killed In it Now
Vork tenement house liy iwenplng gun,
' llunnhiii MHiHitnt mob urn liiirnhiK
nml IimiUiik twtntoH In tlm Itnltlo pro
vince. An tileclrlc mllwH)' In projected from
(.'ripple (Jrcek to Colorado HprliiK nml
Pueblo, Cnlo
A colored policeman hint been np
MlllltlHl lltwk nelglHtlll I) till) C'llll'HKK
ttlllllf of polll'l).
A ('IiIohko A Northwestern train linn
been ilrlvcm from Clinton In limine,
limn., ilMmicoof SOS! inlli n, In IHH
A voluntary Inrrimnu ol III pur runt
In wagon hits Iteim given employe n(
tlu intcistnto Htccl workn nt (lumen
ttini, l'.
I'lru caused it pmilr among tlm guiwiln
of tlm Itloiul hotel, nt lluffiilo, N. V.,
mill tunny Jumped from weonil ntory
windows. Ihm, 110,000.
Tlm Vmnlcrhllt mid MiirriiiiHii rail
road liitoresln urn to combine. The
valuation o( tlm until In plucinl nt n
IiIIIIihi ilnllnr- nml over 30,000 mile
will be placed iihdcr one hi(d liy tlm
new deol.
An unrtlwiunko linn shaken India nml
cmumsI grant Iimm of ll(l).
Reports from Kwrrtiry Hny nay bin
IiimIiIi in much liuproviil.
KhkInihI neetumn Inntwny nl violat
ing agreement regarding Ulnml trade.
Tlm KtMMinti minister of wnr miIhiIIn
that Kttroptttkln w out-gsntewled nt
Tlm French Cabin company linn ap
jumIwI to tlm imtlro VeHmmuhiii court
it-gwhllug tlm hum of It franchise.
FevreUry Tnft lmn approved remrl
that the iNiyoiml ummI liy tlm nrmy lw
mm In blotter and not attempt lo make
mi iiilimchlng Iim'iI of It an wi'lt hh ii
During liU hunting trip in Colorrado
PlfsllUtlt ltM"Vl'lt will l kept In
ItHHili with thi uiAtiruiiiHtit by wlntlwH
telMgrnph from Mm ommi to tlm iiunrnet
tiiHNjtniph station.
It In Hpri)tly noltlwl thnt (Iwngo
If. linker, of UoldHlidale, will im b
jKiluled mm situ I for tlm mm Eastern
Wnafclmj-toti Judicial tl 1st tint, IihI tlm
tlitm n( hi appointment iotiiH'urUin.
The governor uf Montana linn tie
dars. h iiuaranlin again! nlitKp fmtn
OHlifoiMlm (olormtu, .MlimmwU, NV
ItrmikH, KnnM, North f)kttM, South
IfekoU, WyomirtK, NViMthlojcUwi Uml
UrHgoa un mxHJUOt of rt)niMwl kj-hIi.
Both ftrrnhw In MnhtirlH am rumly
for HMotlir blK IwttU.
IimIUh MnrahlpN nrH nt lutMl to mm
forcn iIwiwihIn on VouhmimIu if iimmi
(Hry. It In oHIeUlly Hiiiumiwwl that tlm
KuMitmi llwit hnit Ihmlly ntitrtt fur
It In nnmiunrml thnt ICIhk Alfotiw of
Kpniu Mill lunrry tlm I'riuoiiM of Con
imiiKht, of KiiK'litml.
ItiituriiN hcoiii to Imllonto thuttlut lto
pirhlicmi Ntntu tlokut Imi mirritil lu
MIohlKmi hy ujivMinln uf 70,000 uiif
Koonuvolt linn nnniMimil thnt Im
would innko no iihivii townnl hiiiurlni;
piwru In tlm 1'nr Hunt until iMith nn
tlont hnvo mtuouiH'tsI tlmlr ri'iullmwi
to illH'oiitinuu hotllltli'.
lli'imy Imh iiniinuiuttHl thnt Mltclmll
v 111 Im tho Unit trltnl for luiiil frmnlN.
Ihiriunuu nml WllllimiHon will follow
mul tlmii tlm otlmrn. Tlm trniln will
coiiiiimui'o early lu J mm. Iluiiuv miya
hit will hIho not work for othur I ml lot
iimntn until hiiiio conviutloim uro ho
inr. Tnft proHWfn to tnko tlm Icinlum of
tho uutlH to tlm riilllppluoo lu hopM of
hIiowIuk thviu tlm uccixwity of rtHliialuK
tlm tariff.
It Ih rnHirtiMl lu WiiHlilnt-ton thnt Ihv
fotin IiIh iliipnrturo from tlm city tlm
lrufiltlviit IhhiiwI nn onlttr rvcnllliiK T.
Cnilur Powtill, ni'imtly nppolntiHl
Uultcil KtiittN uiiirHhul of Alimku,
IttiHriln will (lout ituotlmr lutumnt
lomiof 1100,000,000.
(lovurntumit rwoljitH for Mnrdi ox
rtlinl tho uxpomllturi'H by Hourly 1,
CoiiKroHHinon nay Hunto DoiuIiiko
uihmIm u pro to' torn to.
Ilolxirt J. Wynno, rtcontly nppolnttyl
coiihiiI Konornl nt London, hnu loft for
IiIh iont,
Tlm JnpnnoHu nro innkniK n turniitK
tiiovuinunt on Klrln, propnrntory to nn
nttnck on Vlmllvoatok.
Tlio Ki'nttlo iuprtHntativoof n Jnp
mmmt coucurn lutH offorinl to fuiulHh
20,000 JiipmmHO lnhurom to dig tlio
l'minmn cuunl.
Qritnl Irrlnrttlon Projncl for 8oitlhorn
lilnlio llaculviti Approvnl.
WnNlilnidnn. April !. Tho I'nyottn
IIoIho IrrlKiitlon project In Iilnlio Iiiih
rrntlvrd tlm foiiuul upprovnl of thufcc
rclnry of tho Inlcrlor, who recently not
nNlilu fl,:i()0,000 for InltliilliiK tlm
work of uotiHtriit'tioii. Thin mtliiu him
liocn niitlviputiMl for winio tlnm, mid In
lurKoly tlm reNiilt of tint nphmdlil enter
prlNit of tho iiltlr.miH of thnt nectlou.
Tor imiro (hull u year tint himlownern,
orKiililcd Into it wntertiNiirM' hmnihiIii
tloii, hnvo lulioicd iudefittlifuhly to Imr
tnnnlii tlm iiiitny cnuflietlni iIiiIiiin of
prlvnto IntntentH lu IiiiiiIn, eminlH, mi
witter rlnlilH, with tlm rcMiilt thnt tinliiy
priiutlrully tlm vulley iin ii unit hIiiiuIm
ilcil(il to tlm Koverumeiit entiirprlro.
(Irent iin llmtHttlnfm'tlou of tlm eltl
r.etiN tuny Im on account of tlm favor
ulilo action of tlm cccrctury, it In no
Kreitter tlian that felt hy tlm reehiuni
tlnn nervlin, which ItnN Ioiik recnKnlid
tlm (act thnt tlm I'nynttifllolnu project
In iiiih of tlm mont attractive in tlm
arid Went, mul hut for tlm many nml
complicated prlvnto nml eorpyrntu lu
tnrcNtH IiivoIvhI, would hnvo heeti se
lected for tlm Initial work of tint gov
ernment in Idaho. Tlm people, having
worked out Httlxfuctory nolutloim to tlm
iUvith prohleuiN, are ilwrrliiK of tlm
nuccemt which hnn finally urunned their
While the cltliei'm weroNtrnlKhtenlnx
out their ilillk'iiltleN tin; ioveriunelit
ettulneent thoroughly InventlKuliil tlm
phyidcal eomlltioiiN nml worketl out
domprel eiiNlvo plnttN for IrrlKittioti,
which hnvo Item, prifentiil to nml'ru
cehed tho npirovnl of tlm hoard of con
nultiiiK eilKlueern. 'Ihce Invehtlntlonn
nliow thnt tlm project In entirely feanl
hie from mi cnuliui-rln utamlpolnt.
The IiiihIn to he rechtimiil lire of excel
leu ipmlity, nml with llie climatic
eomlltliiiiH prevalllriK are enpahht of
HilKtalnlliK h, dniixo Mipulntiou. Tlm
fertility of tlm land-, now under Irriga
tion imutreN the llmtni'inl MMimlmt-N of
tlm undcrUkiuic. Nearly 00 per cent
of nil tlm Irtlndlile lmul In the vnlley In
plmlgwl to reny tlm Koveriiineiil Un ex
miiilituro for provlditiK n peruinuetit
wntrr Niipply.
Tim iwtluittted rout of the entire nyn
Imn in 1 10, 732,000, or mi rvhiukh e"t
tint to excfi-d f 30 mr ncre for the land
which Imn no fncilitli-N ut present for
IrrlxHtlon. TIiIn amount Includi main
teontiCK (or ten ycwrc, hIihi the value of
ttxinttiiK workN which would Ixt utiliieil
hut which would not havo to Ixt paid
for hy the pivernment, nml the pur
cIimm of rixhtN of way, which will have
to he provided from tlm reclamation
The full titltlMitloti of tlm water niip
ply lu the I'oltKt nml I'ayctte rlvcm will
Mimlldy Ixt the complete reclnmutinn
of uiwrly IH)I),(HK) acretl, which, divided
Into farm unltn of HO acted, will mean
7,A00 fariim, a rural -opiilatlrti of $0,
000, nml h population in Iohiin nml
vlllaK'-N of iloulde thnt IKlluher.
Tlm agricultural wottlth of the val
ley, itlinati-l ou tlm Ia4n of tlm Init
cormiiH, vm nt Id be approximately: Iril
rtateil IhihI, 130.000. 000; farm htiihl
trtti, M.ftOO.lHH); Implement ami ma
chinery, H. 110,000; livx ntock, U,
800,000; iiihIn and nwrvolrf, ft,
000,000; total. $fi7. 210,500. In ItHK)
tlm value of farm projwrty for the
whole lMt of Idaho wan tH7.5J71.HOO.
It hmiihm aafu U awniuiH that with the
completion of the Ilontf-Pajette project
the (ami pmperty of thlN i-ectliHi wmild
have a value epinl to 60 per rent of
thnt of the whole ntale.
Tlm lloiiM mul I'nyetto valley n consti
tute one of tlm inimt attractive Hcctluun
of the 'wt. In tlm WNt fuw ywrn
they have undergone n trnnr-formntion
thnt in nothiiiK lex' than nmrvelouM.
Tlm prok'retm In agriculture Ih rellectul
in the nplumliil Krowth ol tlmtowiiN ml
jnccnt, mid the whole laniln prefentn mi
alluring picture to tlm vlnltor, and fur
iiInIiuh mi excellent natuple of the renult
of IrrlK'atlon. It rcqulnn no jHirticular
neumon to nee thnt thene vulleya have
entered upon nn em of nulmtnntinl de
velopnuint which Ih dentlned U unite
them in one of the richeat nurlcult'iral
oommuiiltiea on thlN continent.
Ducldat to Indict Packers.
Chicago, April 4. Well-nut In-nti-utiliil
rejxirti that the Federal grand
Jury which Ih luviwtinatln tho liunlnenii
inethoilri of the meat packum will ro
turn ImlictiutintH whuit It reconvcni
next WiMlnemlay wore prevalent today.
Tho report wiih that tlm adjournment
taken ycHton'iuy wno renlly ilividwl
upon in onlur to nllow AattlHtnut Attor
ney General ratln tlitut to dmw up tho
hllla nt IiIh lelHuro mid give duo con
Hhhinitlou to the iiiiikh of tcHtlmony
taken hIiicii tho jury tint went Into
Display Uurbnnk't Wonders.
Hmt KrnuciHco, April 4 .Tho women
of Kiinta Itomi mul Honomu county will
innko n lloritl exhibit at tlm 1'ortluiid
expoHltlon with tlm other product from
Houomn county, mid it will lie made up
for tho inoHt part of I.iitlmr liurhnnk'n
Horn) crcntlmiH. If enough can ho no
curixl thnt will ntmul nhipmunt to Port
land, tho dlHplny will ho entirely of IiIh
lloworH, iih tho women of tho city mid
rouuty nro auxlovH to hIiow Mr. Dur
ban k- how tluty nppreolnto bin work.
Chile nnd Peru Hnve a TlfT.
Limn, Torn, April 4. Tho papers to
day print CIiIIo'h reply to tho Peruvian
protect rcKitrdiiiK Tnenn mul Aricn.
Thu reply dolcarH thnt Cbllco Ih ronolv
ed, without woundliik' the tuiHceptihllU
tloB of Pont, to ncqulrtt dnllnltoly do
minion, nnd sovereignty ovorTacna nnd
Jolm Diiy Klvcr May Irrlynto
250,000 Acres.
Engineer Davis Proposes to Wntor
Lnrt;u Sucllon South of the
Gjlumbln lllvor.
WnHliliiKtoii, April 1. Tlm prospect
for government irrlgntioii in tho L'mn
tllbi country hiiMiiuturlnlly lirlxhtened
in tho Irnit few dnyn, nlnce tho receipt
of n mMrt from Kdward I. Davln, iih
nlNtnut cnglnier In clinrne of thu I'nia
tllla proJH't. After inaklriK exhauntlvo
loMigritphi' nurveyn, Mr. Ihivin reort
thnt ho Iihh dcvlecd a Nuheme by which
Im hellevitt it will lie mhhiHiI(i to irrl
Kitte miyHheri) from 100,000 to -toO.OOO
uenN uf extremely fertile land lying
j tint noutli of tlm Columbia rher lu
Umntilht, Morrow, Hlioruian and Oil
Ham vouutien.
ft wnn originally Inlemled to utilizo
the lloodwiitorri of thu Umatilla river
for Irrigating thenu ImiilN, but an ox
hnttntiro nettrch failed to find nny fenn
ihlu dnuiNlto on thnt ntruam. Kngineerii
found thnt tlm btil of the nttcnin wntt
of nttch loie ntrticttiri) thnt no reser
voir could bo built thnt would hold
water, lint Mr. Iavln linn (Uncovered
whrtt ho ladieven to lie u HhinIIiIi' plan
whereby tlm government can ntore the
Hood wntern of the John Day river and
by a long canal divert It onto thu laud
originally intended to be Irrigated from
Cuiatilla river. While bin plan in
probably more exinlve than votlld
m the original i'matilln projevt, hud it
been feanlble, it neeltiN to preneut the
only dilution of thin great irrigation
An hioh an convenient Mr. Davin'
plan will be niibmittwl to the lamrd of
reelamatlim etigiueern, who will go over
the ground ami determine upon ita fian
lldlity. lteMirtn Mi'iu to indicate that
there in plenty of water in the John
Day river to irrigate at lennt MO. 000
acnM of very rich IhihI. The reclama
tion nervlce In very anxloun tooinntruct
nn irrigation nyntem lit the i'matilln
country and In hoH)ful thnt Mr. DmvIh'
plan will prove practicable.
The withdraw nlNyontcrdny ttmler thin
project are denireil either for irrigation
or for right of way. The new platiH
call for mi extennivu nyntem of vmialn,
and the government, an far nn M-iilblc,
otHloavom to protect rlghtn of way of
thin c.linractor, to prevent oottlllcl with
private owuern.
Government Negotiates with O. R. &
N. for Waslttucrva Coulee.
Washington, April 4. Junt at mou
an tlm government reacbei a natinfact-
try Hgrefinent with. tlm (). It. A N. Co.
rfijaiditig tlm removal of tlm railroad
trark frutti the Im1 of Waelitucim com
lev, in IJwtern WanhiMgton, nte will
Ik taken looking to Urn count ruction of
the big Pa lou w irrigation project. The
government is ready to go ahead, but
can do nothing nn long an the railroml
occupie thii' coulee, for (Hie of the en
nential featurtw of the PnloutH) project
Ih the couvcrniou of Wnnhtuena imhiUw
into nn innuendo ntorage renurvoir.
At the prenent time a ropreeontntho
of the reclnmntioti nervice in in confer
once with a representative of the liar
riinaii luteritn, in tlm hope of agreeing
upon ii llgttre which will vcoinm!wto
the rallroud iHimpany for moving itn
truekn to higher ground, nml which
wilt, nt tlm name time, not be iHtunlder
in I an iinponitlon on the government.
The railroad riiii)vaiiy Iihh ntnted thnt
:to0,000 whn a fair price for removing
ItH trnckn; tin rivlaniation nervice be
I levee that thin in more than it would
actually cont to perform the work, and
in not willing to my that price.
Says It Is All A False Alarm.
Wellington, April I. Mr. I.eger,
the lluytimi miuinter, linn received n
cablegram from tho preniduut of I In vt i
contradicting the cuhlogrmu of MinlHtcr
Powell nvelveil yenterdny, ntatlng thnt
nerioun trouble in pending in llayt!,
and that it in doubtful wlietbei the
nuthorltiiH can maintain pence and
order on March 31 nnd April 1 Ac
cording to Miuinter (.cgor'ri advicen, tlm
country is ipuet nnd there Ih no fear of
nn upriHing; the law concerning the
SyrintiH in lailng executed peacefully
nnd no trouble in feared.
Blockade Runner Taken.
Tokio. April 1. Thu Htemner Indus
try, whoso nntlonnllty linn not been
nxcerliviued, wnu Hci.ed by the Jnpnnene
ou March ?H. She wnn promimnbly
bound for Vladivoatok. The llritiHh
ntenmer Mara, which wiih HtratuUil off
lUtnil promontory on Mnroh 17, while
attempt lug the passage of Soya ntruit,
ban lirokcn'iu two under her engine.
Her bow mid Htern are both Htihmergcd.
Her captain nml nine of tho crew hnvo
been ri'HCUcd,
Irrigation of Umatilla Land,
WnBhlngtou, April 1. Tho ueoretnry
of tho Interior today ordered the with
drnwnl from entry of (100,000 ncroa of
hind in Oregon nnd 00,000 In Washing
ton on account of tho Umatilla project,
Adulterator! Infant Food Kills Half a
Million n Year,
Chicago, April .'I. Nearly hnlf a
million lmblen died in tlio United
Hlnteii hint year from the effectn of adul
terated Infant foodn, polnoriM tioed in
coloring butler nml candy, formalde
hyde In milk, nml other Impure article
of diet turned out hy fraudulent niaiiii
fnettirerH. Data to prove thin nnnertlon
were prinlttced befont the meeting of
the executive (!otimltteeof the National
nHnochitlon of Htnto Dairy and rVxnl
Departmentn, which met today nt thu
Grand Northern hotel.
A bitter wnr in tho mnkn of the anno
clnllon Ih expecttil to bo revealed.
I'oikI commlnnlonern from different
ntnton, hralth oflleern ami olllcerH of thu
National nit-ociHtiou are in attendance.
Difference of opinion concerning thu
alleged adulteration are nald to hu re
npounlliln for the ntrife. Paul Pierce,
of Chicago, mid It. Allen, of Kentucky,
necretnry of ilie nnnoclntiijn, nro the
leiniern of the two factions. Mr. Allen
IntN coino to Chicago to look after liln
Thuchiim of enormotiN fatality among
Infant lant year renulting from impure
food in mnilo by J. N. Ilurty, nwretnry
of thu Indiana ntntu IxMird of health.
Mr. ilurty produced figure) to nhow
that 00 ht cent of the totnl deathn of
InfntitH in America lant year were due
to poinonn ndmiiifntured In Impure fcKxtri
nnd the deadly concoction placed on
the market by fraudulent Uk1 rnanti
fncturern. He producen ntntintlcn to
nhow that more than 700,000 Infiintn
died in the United Htnten hint year.
"If Mr. Iluity'H flgtiren are corn-ct,"
naid Mr. Pierce, "and I believe they
are, nn nrmy of 465,000 Infantn was
mttrderel lant year by food adultera
tion". They were poisoned by Infant
foodn and dyen and chemiciiln contained
in the diet their inothern have feil them
in an effort to apitcano their nppetlten
to nntinfy their natural deniren for notir
Iniimi'iit mid rear them healthfully to
"When nitch conditionn an thenu aro
harrnnning our land, when thenu baby
killing lood aditlteratorH are permitted
to ntalk forth among un, blighting our
homen, feeding on the liven of our
children to fatten their ptirnin, In it not
time that pure food workern regarded
ntime other subject of greater import
than whisky, to the adulteration of
which they have lately devoted meet of
their energy?"
Russian Bomb-Thrower Mutilates an
Enemy of Socialists.
Ih, Poland, April 3. -Police
Commissioner b'zabalovicz, of the
Second district, wnn seriously injured
today by a liomb, which wan thrown at
him in thu street.
The Mlice ooinmlM'loner had Wen
ntiuiuionel liy teleplione to come to the
olllce of the chief of police, ami started
on foot, followed by a jx)! iceman. Thu
former noticed, at the corner of Kon
stantinosk and Zawamki streets, a
IMxirly clad man carrying a lianket. An
Hrnlmlovicx npproachel, the mnn nml
denly hitrleil a Imtub, which exploiled
with terrific force, blowing-bft the com
minnioner'n feet nnd neverly wotuuling
him in the hreatt. It la feared bin in
juried will prove fatnl.
Tim force fo thu explosion in judgahle
by the fact that it tore a hole in tho
ground two feet deep ami IS fetit in cir
cumference. Tlmaeeomianylng polictv
man drew bin kwonl ami wounded the
cominisf.iHr'H awwilant on thu hea.1.
When tlm prisoner wan searclieil a
loaded revolver ami some cartridge
wete found in IiIh tmekeUi. lie in r-
jvortiil to Ixj iVing from the sword cuts.
The cxplis-loti wan heard alsmit five
mlten away. All the window h in the
ueighlMtrluMsl were nhattureil. People
in adjoining houncrt wuro thrown to the
BmIiaIovicz In bntwl by thePoctnlintn.
He Ih charged with killing a Hocialist
during the disturbances, horo in Decent
bor lant.
Bidders for Refinery Bonds.
Topokn, Kan., April 3. The Kansas
oil refinery tamiU will not Ikj pur
chuseil by the state school commission
ers, iih Iihh been reported, IlidH have
Ik-vii received fnuii lloston, New York,
Chicago, Philadelphia and u number of
Wentern cities, but they were all re
jected liecnuse of tlm statement thnt
the bids were conditional uju the
IkjiiiIh itaniling the tent case to be
brought in the Supreme court. The
cane In court will K deoidwl tw noon as
possible, nnd auotbur chnncu will then
be given bidders.
Oregon Used Up the Funds.
Washington, April 3. Sovunteen
special itguutH of the hind ottice in vnr
iotiH Western Htntes were furlough
today on account of nhorttige in fttndH.
A large part of the appropriation for
t-pwinl agents ban been cotisumel in
tlio employment of npccial otlivera en
gaged in running down frnudn In Ore
gon. Secretary Hitchcock deemed it
more Important to get ut the bottom of
facta lu Oregon than to conduct exten
nlve formal examinations elsewhere.
Coal Miners' Scale Renewed.
Philadelphia, April 3. The soft coal
operatorH late thin afternoon Htntcd that
they hnd practically agreed to renew
tlio wugo i-cnlo. This will prevent the
threatened striku of 60,000 minora in
tlio bituminous district. A joint con
ference of tho operators, and miners will
bo hold in Altooim tomorrow to com
plete the arrangement.
Rushing Supplies to the Front,
St. Petersburg, April 3. -Jlore than
ton trains, stocked with provisions and
wnr material, aro leaving St. l'etoit
burg dally for Vladivostok.
:HmM "1 "nr life
ClncinnaU l'ost.
A Little Lesson
In Patriotism
"A our object be our country, our
whole country, and no tiling but our
country." Daniel Webster.
Thu United States owes no 1cm of a
debt to the men who oHUblinhed a
government out of the chaos that In
evitably succeeded
tho revolution than
to those heroes who
fought the battles
of liberty on the
Held of war. Had
It not been for the
untiring energy of
the nation builders
the work of the
r e to In tlonlsU
would have been
for naught.
No ouo saw more
clearly, or urged
Ri-rus KI50. tnoro zealously, the
want of a consolidated government
thnn did Ituftts King. He was one of
the most ardent of the Federalist, de
voting himself to upholding every act
of Washington. Ho collaborated with
Hamilton In several articles thnt ap-jK-ared
over the signature "Camlllus,"
King's unimpeachable honesty and
undoubted loyalty led to his nppoint
itietit to the post of minister to Eng
land. Ills mission bad to do chiefly
with the question of the right of
search. Through the unpleasantness
that finally culminated In the war of
ISt'.! King acted with discretion nnd
the mont earnest patrlotlKtu.
Although not at the outset an advo
cate of that war, nevertheless when It
was once declared he gave It his most
decided support. One of the Incidents
which marked hts attitude was his ap
pearance in New York nt. tho time
when a financial panic was threatened
and by his advice and example restor
ing confidence In the government.
To Vrevent Overflow of tho Hefrljj
crator Drlppan.
Of course, there la but one way tt
satisfactorily eo.ulp a refrigerator to
drain tho water arising from tho
melted Ice, nnd thnt Is to connect It
by pipes with n permanent drain, as
.no health authorities will not allow
It to bo connected direct with a sewer.
W'hero this luxury of construction is
not avallablo the overflow alarm nnd
reservoir shown tu tlio Illustration
offer a good substitute. This Idea, tho
invention of n Chicago mnn, provides
the usual piping lu thu rofrlgorator
leading to a pan coucealed underneath.
In tho pan a portable float Is ar
ranged, connected with two 'arms in
such a mannor as to ludlcato on a
registering device tho height of wntor
in tho pan and thus warn tlio bouse
wlfo or domestic when tho pan needs
to be emptied. The construction of the
tyaOBBPT I ' "riii ftSv
several parts of tho device la exceed
ingly simple, and as It can be readily
dismantled rrhen not needed, as In
winter, It does not complicate matters.
J. Hill Bays that United fltiitca Is Fac
ing Htarttlna: Condition.
"I don't believe In viewing condi
tions through the colored glasses of
either optimism or pessimism," said
Jamca J. IIIH, of the Great Northern
Hallway, to a representative of "Suc
cess Magazine." "I bellevo In exam
ining them without prejudice, in order
to form conclusions Hint approximate
tho truth. For Instance, I don't try to
palliate the fact that In this country
we have som? big and threatening
problems to solv.
"One of them is the labor Question.
The present standard of wages Is arti
ficial. It must be reduced if this coun
try Is to compete with others In tho
markets of the world. Our foreign
trade In manufactured products, In
stead of increasing with the Increased
production. Is falling off.
"Consider the single but important
Item of steel. A very few years ago
wo were told that our steel was com
manding the world's markets. Nobody
dares to tell us thnt now. Even na
tives of our own country. In the Philip
pines, havo recently been sending big
orders for steel to Germany. Why?
Simply because they can get it cheaper
"As It Is in steel, so It Is In many
other products. Germany is making
grant strides ahead of us. She is, in
fact, leading the world,' nnd promises
to increase her lead. Her mechanics
work cheaply, nnd spend sixty -six
hours a week In tholr factoiles, where
as ojtrs spend but forty-four. More
over, they aro better workmen.
"We cannot liopo to compete with
her hi foreign trade until wo reduce
the cost of our manufactured products
ami Improve their quality. Even Eng
land, suffering from Industrial paraly
sis because of the power of the trades
unions and other Influences. Is moving
faster than we are. The simple truth
Is that wc are being badly beaten In
tho race for the markets of the world."
Seated on the grass In front of a
sod cabin In Oklahoma was a man
cleaning a double-barreled shotgun and
after we had conversed for a few min
utes I asked him how far It was to tho
nearest neighbor's.
"A trifle over two miles," he replied.
"As far as that? You must find It
rather lonesome bore."
"No. I can't say us I do."
"Perhaps you aro not one of the
lone-onie kind."
"No. I'm not. Hut, you see, I mort
gaged the claim for flOO."
"And I couldn't pay and they fore
closed on me."
"I see."
"That was two yenrs ago, nnd the
slier lit has been trying to get posses
sion ever since. lie comes twice u
week and we hnve a shot nt each other
and nt least twice a week some durned
fool comes along nnd wnnts to know
If 1 ain't lonesome, nml when you add
tho claim jumpers, the rattlesnakes
and the skutiks this life Is about the
exeltlngeat tiling I know of. There
comes the sheriff now and you had
hotter get down behind that log and
keep clear of his buckshot" Topeka
(Kan.) Journal.
Why He Kicked.
"Look hero!" exclaimed Uie Irate In
vestor. "I bellevo I have been bun
,tocd In the stock you sold me."
"My dear man," replied the suave
volced broker, "you fall to realize '
"That's just tlio trouble; I haven't
realized a cent."
Important Question.
Troud Father And while at college
my daughter learned to be an excellent
ritlo shot. Why, eho's an. expert at
nny range.
Suitor (anxiously) I wonder If sh'
an expert at a kitchen range?