The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 07, 1905, Image 3

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III a Condensed Torm lor
linsy Readers.
A Resume of tha Lass Important hui
Nat Loss lntnrellriK Evnnli
of tho Past Week.
Iluyll Im threatened with null-Hyrlnii
Tim kaisers visit to Morocco irritates
Franco ami rnlnca llrltlnh hopes.
A mmly arrived KuhhIiiii tit Now
York Iiiih been found to havo leprosy.
Japanese statesmen prnpomi a triple
itllhtiiiii o( Japan, United Status itnil
Tim Kulvnlloii Army lm entabllnhod
n (rmli nlr homo fir Chicago waifs on
it farm of ft() acres.
Japan will Innint mi mi Indemnity
largo enough l ly I''" i;(ml ' "'
war mid eenalou n( territory.
Huron Monro hull, with it number
of valuable Inntriimiuits nt Donlnnn tin
Jvurnlty, (Iritnvllh), Olilu, burned.
I Aim, (100,(101).
A InuneswkorV trnin on t lit Caiui
dlan 1'itfllli', carrying HOO piinmingtirs,
wan wrecked near Dryden. Several
panni'tigers were slightly Injured.
A Bt. Petersburg dispatch says Ixilli
nations lnivn chosen Ihtonovolt to net
uit mediator, hui Kur negotiations urn
tit n standstill, owing to tht notion of
tint war party.
Tlit pri'itlili'iit of tint National Packing
4'oiiipitny ha been indicted for tamper
ing with wltnentHt before tlm Federal
grand jury pitting In Chicago, .nuil
itliors aw threatened.
Ilunnhiiin have kldnnMd tint Cliliu-eo
governor of .Manchuria.
Hevrttlnry Morton ttml it ooiigrewtliuial
IHtrty are. visiting In llnvtinn.
Mrs. Mityhrick wt)n fitlluri' to receive
money duo her canned littr conviction.
President Rooevtilt linn ntveptod it
plan for revolver of Pimilnloaii ri-vo-mien.
Cliinn In arming AOO.000 limn f.n tint
defence, of tint rtmiilty ngnlunt foreign
The United Slate will liulp Prenl
lmt Morales, of Hnuto Pmnlngti, main
lulu tlm pttfKiil government.
Caatro denies tlmt tlntnt In eaimt for
attack on Venezuela, itn ho In paying
of! tint nntlonnl tlt'lit nit fnntn ptnmlblo.
Admiral Kvaus ha taken command
of tint North Atlnnllt' llrot, nuectedliig
Admiral Marker, who retires from
nctlvo Htrvlctt,
A ri-jHirt tlmt ho would Invcntlgato
tho general html ollli'tt lit denied liy
Hitchcock, mIid nay affair in tlmt do
paitinont aro.all right.
An entire almonre of now from Kit
itnny cunne Ittiwdnn otrlelal nl Bl.
Petersburg to foar communications lmu
I Him nil ami powtlhly tho army itnolf
Itt'iwwM illitiirlntncwt in ItUKulit
cuum) grttnt nhtrin.
1'ri't.liliint Cnntro In tlirtHttvniil with
revolution nml fnrolgn war.
Tint JHtni'fn tlift linn Kfliltil from
ItorniM) to tnitit tho llaltlc mimilrm.
Mm. Ohnilwlok hint Intin rontviiriil
to tiu ytttrn' linprlitouiiHiiit. Blut hint
An Amtirlcnn wnmlilp will onrry
lioiutt tint Ixxly of tlm litttt Buiior
Aitplrox, Muxltinu amhaiwnilor to tho
I'nlUil BUttt'H.
Ittnuilnn olllclalit Ixtllitvit now tlmt tint
priHHiiro on I.lnlnvltoh lutn Iiun Imii rtu
lii'Vttl, tint Ja)Htnifo will nmt bo lustnl
from in front of VlmlivoMok.
A rtMirt frtnn Jitpttiu'wi mturt'tit wtyn
that ft largo part of llarhln Iiiih Ihmhi
hurniil, (Iri'iit ttiitntltiH of rrnnrvo
toipplliH liitoiuliMl foi tint ItuiHtliin army
urtt alyo ri'orttil to havo lit'uu liurnml,
Tlm Chicago, Mllwauki'o A Bt. Paul
Jum rompli'tiil nurvttyn to tint 1'nultlc
ctutHt, touehlng nil tint principal cltU'H.
Couatruction will commiiiu'o nt nucu
nnJ $110,000,000 U plactslaH tho amount
of tixpi'iiillliirt-ti to put thollnu In work
ing oritur.
I'ntiltlcnt HoohuvoU ami rrcnltlent
Diiu, of Mtixico, may moot on tho in
ttinmtloiml honnihiry whon tlm formor
inukt IiIh Bonthorn trip oarly in April.
Hotttll'tlffl in Manchuria nro buh
IhiiuIihI whllo tlm nrniU'H roorgiuiito,
TlinimnntlH of lookml-otit worknum in
Ht. rutfrnburg thrunton nn owtbronk.
Bitnto Domingo may auk tint United
HtnttH to net iih rwolvor for-tlmt coun-
CiiHtro'H nttituilo contlnucH menacing.
Ituiuc uiul tho Unllinl Htati'H nmy
coinhlno to illuclpllno him.
Contrnctfl for rook for tho Jotty nt
tho mouth of tho Columbia havo boon
lot nml ilollvorloa will begin next
month, jr :
Tho two big oeenn llnorflj'arlilfitn
nml Alhano collliled whllo imtorlngjhu
Halifax. N. B.. harbor, and both worS
bmlly injured. "'V1'?
A man mis ronitiBHiHi to puUlngiao.
npikoH nml hiIIh Ioobo from tho Itoolr
IhIiwuI truck in Iowa to boo what would
liuppen whon a truln jiadbcu. f;'
DnninRo to Ocnnn Llinir In Oollltlon
Worio Tlmn Tlioup.lit.
Halifax, U. H., March i!H. Tlm two
ocran Htoamorn, tho I'lirltilan ami tint
Allmiio, whofo I, HOO piiHKciigoiM worn
navoil from poHnlhlo iloalh nl xoa aflor
tho ciiIIIhiiIiiii bolwciin tint two viwhoIm
off tlm hnibor'H mouth yttilonlity by it
thrilling lo-iiilliirnco for nIiiiIIow uulor,
nhoc plainly tixluy hotv corloiiH wan
tlm iii'i'lilnnt, tint I'arlNlaii roHtlng on
tint bottom nt lior tlntk anil tint Al
bitiio'n font peak bolug full of wntor.
Tint I'arlmin, which nimo up tint liar
bor at 0 o't'liM-k hint night with n gap
ing hohi In her Hturhoanl hIiIo from tho
Allmiio'M xliarp proiv, llllotl gradually
during tho night, nml at dawn hor
iiiiglmt riMiui had boon flooded, her
II rod extiiiguliihoil, her lower tleok wiih
iiwiihIi uiul her keel routing In tho mud,
A largo part of her cargo in ihuimgod
by water, but tho bulk of thu mall,
eomilntlng of 100 Niokn, wh recovered
In good comlilloii.
Tint Htatoinonlit of tint two comuianil
em of tho veHHttbt nit to tint probable
online of tint ooIIIhIhii are con II let Ing,
uiul tint eimrtit will Ih lnvokol to place
thu reHponnlhlllty. 1'rorewlliigii Imvu
boon iM-giiu In tint Atlmlrnlty court
ngaltiHt tint Hamburg-American com
pany, oMiiem of thu Allmiio, nod tmlny
that nteitmer wait llbelletl for floO.OOO
ihinmgeN In Iwlialf of J. A A. Allan,
iiwiuirn of thu I'jirinlnu. letter it wait
nuuotiucetl that it counter milt would I hi
brought by tho (lerimtu company.
f'roildent DUx Uiuei Decree Author
ized by Conjrei.
Mexico City, Mnrch 1!H. I'roMilont
Dhtx hnn Innuod a ilocioe fur thu reform
of tint iiiouetnry cyntoni authorized by
cougreiot in DocoinlMtr Innt. Tint ilicrce
oittalillnlioit the '..'-petto, or nllvor tlrilbrr,
l n Mtltitt of Ml centit gold, and the
theoretical unit of thu Mexican cur
rency In defined to Ixt the dollar or pi-no
of 7A ceiitlgrauiit of gold
An Important feature of tint decreo
hi n provUlon for a renervu exchange
fund, which, at flrnt, will connlnt of
f 18,000,000 or $16,000,000, nmt may
Ixt Incrennod. Tint original plan did
not provide for tint Immediate otttab
llhhmont of thin fund, but it In now
deemed wlw to Mart with olio hIiiiuI
laupotiitly with the lieglniiing of the
new monetary nyMom.
Tint mint will 1m cliwtil April 10 to
the free coiitHge of itllver nml thu hum
UKiiirtary ityntem will go Into effect
May I. Tint ptiblli-Htioii of thu decree
given gonoritl Htt Infact Inn In btlnllienn
ami lliiHiiciul circle. It nnniiron bunl
neHi men ugttliint hwon In lmMirtlng.
Every Clew Known to San Francltco
Police l Run to Earth.
Bun l-'rHitcife'ct, March 28. It wan
announced at miIIco hotuliuartorn toihty
that every known clew in thu Stanford
cano bad Ik-oii run to earth, and that
tint complexion of thu matter had not
nhatigtil in the leant. Itarrlug a con
feiMtliin or nomtttlilng "turning up," tint
police admit that they will never nolve
tlm myntery of how, January 1 1, in thin
city, ntrychnlne Kilon wnn plncetl in
the Poland witter une by thu late Mnt.
Tlmt Mirtioii of the myntery wtnnect
it I with hor tragic death nt Honolulu,
tint M(Hce Nty, ban In-en nolvod on tho
thiHiry that Mm. Btanford tlitnl by
natural caiinen ami that tint powdorod
ntrychnlne fminil in the blcnrlHtuate of
wnla wan placel there by wtmu tlrugglnt
and Intended nn a tonic.
The tKilictt detectlt'n working on thu
cane Imvu all turned their attention to
othur inattorn, and while nominally
men are detailed on thu uanu, in reality
the department ban entirely dropped It,
Decomn Secretary of Treasury In
Another Year.
Washington, March L'8. M.
Bhaw, nwretary of the treanury, Iiiim
itlgiiitliHl bin intention of retiring from
public olllce on February 1, 1000, at
thu end of a four-year term. It In re
ported in olllclal circloH in Wiinhlugton
that I'ontmaMter (ieneral (loorge It. Cor
telyou will Mieceeil him. No authorlr
is ntatemont ban Ik-uii mndu on thin
K)iut, but tint ntMumptlou in gunornlly
accepttnl iih correct.
Allan by tho Thousand.
New York, March 28. With a
for tho lant week of 20,000 allium
With tlm pionpectH of nt leant 2.1,000
more to come in on tho HteamnhipH ar
riving thin week, it in probable that all
Immigration llgtiren will bo broken be
fore tlm Hprlng in ended. From all partH
of ICuropo aileiiH are hooked to arrive
and thu romnircon of thu otutiou nt KIIIr
Inland will bo tuxetl to tho utmont.
At tho next homhIou of coiigreHH Mr,
Bnrgunt will imk for an appropriation
for tho ctttnblluhment of n dinplay of
thu varlotin Htatea' ronourcen.
In Very Strong Position.
Bt. 1'uterHburg, March 28. A din
patch received from Bypingni ntatea
that tlm HuHnlan commandor hnn hiic
ccimUhI In withdrawing all of h In rear
guard to a very ntrimg position, where
they will bo nblo to wltlmtand nny at
tack of thu Japanotie. Tho dlnpatcli
HtatoH tliut tho Hpirltu of tho men in of
tho bent and tlmt thoy aro becoming
more and more confident. It In furthur
nlntcd Hint (lunural Kuropntkltt Ih iIIh
tlngulHhlng lilmHtlf.
Hit by a Bomb.
intr.w,... XI..r..t. H A mmi U'na
Mnrch 28. A bomb
'tlirwh into tlm cnrrlngo of Unron von
fNolkon: chief of police of Warsaw, nt 8
o'cloctytnlti oventng. it wns reponuii
that he llnron was eovoroly woundod.
Grand Jury Learn ol Methods of
Heel Trust.
Price Aro Kept Uniform BIr Profits
for Packers, Small Ones for
Retail Merchants.
Chicago, March 25. Tint Federal
grand jury which la limntigatlng thu
bilnlnonn inotliixln of tho puokorn iuj
quired a lot of Information today from
two of tint four wltnennen examined
during thu tiny. Thornim (. Ituddy,
of ituddy Ilron., an fiidupemlent pack
ing firm of Kalian City, nml Michael
It. Murphy, general malinger for thu
Ctiththy Packing company In Booth
Omaha, Bloux City and Kannnx City,
contrlbuteil thu bulk of tint informa
tion, Mr. Ituddy occupying tho chair
all afternoon.
I loth of tint wltnennei', after having
tint grand Jury room, oxpronned tint Ite
lief that tint grand Jury wan purniilng a
nollletl policy In linking (UentionNVliicli
boru directly on tho charge of viola
tion of thu intcrntato commerce law and
thu Bherman nnti-trunt law. They
did not conntriiu thu ipientloriH nuked
of them to lw framed for tho purKtto
of gathering general information con
cerning thu packing indiintry.
Tentlmony nhowlng tho profltn of re
tail meat dealernaiul prlcen of unfailing
unlfoimity for meaU at tho "big flvu"
puckern' branch houneit wan given. In
a detailed ntatemont tho cont and nale
prireit of lieef handled by retallern ill
Knnnitn City war explained by Holx-rt
Hall, a dialer from that city, and thu
high prlcen blamed on thu packunt.
The glnt of Hut evideiiiu wan that tint
charge made by wckern that retallern
were making 100 er cent pioflt on lieef
In incorrect, am', whllo on homo cilia
lliu profit In nlinonl that amount, it in
tNpiallMtd by tint fact that an txpial er
ceutagu in Mild at it Ion or at leant no
Mr. 1 Iftll'ts testimony alno nhowed
that thu pnekor who imvh $4.r Mir 100
HMiuds for lieof on tint hoof nolln it at
$H ur 100 jxiuinln to thu to
taller, who nvcrngen trllio lens than
$10.43 In grtn rocolptn for tho eamu
Thurti were 30 wltnennen in thu Jury
room annex at the opening of the reu
nion. Kxtra precuiitionn weru taken to
ptevetit witnennett from coming in con
tact with outnldurn. Thu doom were
locked and Deputy Mondial Mlildluton
mtl luniile, whllu Captain Porter ntood
outnldo the door.
New York Opons Bids for Structures
Costing $230,000,000.
Now York, March 2fi. l'lnnn for nob
wayn to cont $2.10,000,000, submitted
by thu New York City railway company
ami by the Intorltorough compfliiy weru
made public tolay by tho iMianlof rajud
transit commlncioiiem. Tho plana of
ttie New York City railway company
call for an outlay of $105,000,000. Au
glint Itelmont'n plana fur additions to
the lutorlMirougli nyntom provide for tho
exMiiillture of $05,000,000.
Tho Intorltorough company's plann
all for a four-track extension of tho
prwent nubway from (irand Central
-tatlon to HHth ntreet, thu llronx, on
the Kant nido; an extcnnlnn on tho
Went nido from Timon cquare to tho
Mattery; two additional tracka to tho
Second avenue elevated, and extoiinlous
nud looim on Maubattua inland and in
Tho planM of the Now York City rail
way company providu for threo com
plete now linen paralleling tho prwent
Hubway, with a cronn-town lino at
Thirty-fourth ntreet and thu Urooklyn
Standard Asks for Merc.
Topeka, Kau., Mnrch 25. U. I).
IMdy, of Chicago, general counnol of
tho Btntiilaril Oil itiiuiiuny, conferred
with (InVHrnor lloch today rtgnnling oil
lttglnlation in thin ntnte. Mr, Kddy
anketl that no receivership proceedings
be ntarted ngniunt the Pniliie Oil and
Unn company until the ounter cano
agalnnt thu wtmu, now lis tho
mipromo court, linn been ilecldeil. Mr.
Kddy tiuiil tho Btamlnrtl would nbow
evldenco In Itn favor during tho hear
ing of tho ouster cano. Governor lloch
would make no ttromincH.
Trade In Desperate Straits.
Moncow, March 25. Ono of tlio
strongont (ncturs townrd jh-uco in tho
critical financial stiuutinn hero nud in
nil of tho towiiH of South Kimsln. Do
Blto tho rosy Btorlen sent abrcmd to tho
efltct that thoro existed strong pa-ni-bility
of an Internal lonn being nego
tinteil, it can bo Htatcd upon authority
tlmt tlio people, have no tnonoy to loan
and tuulo is in u denporato statu. Two
of tho largent llrmn havo failed for
6,000,000 rouhlcd each.
First Female Deputy ShorifT,
Colorado Springs, Colo., March 25.
Mrs. Kllxnboth Cnns Ooililaril, ono ol
the most prominent woman of Colo
rado, was today appointed a deputy
aherllT of Kl TttBO county by Shorlff
Grimes. 8ho Is tho only woman occu
pying this olllco In tho stuto of Colo
nulo. 'Whllo bIio Iiiib rccoived tho np
pointmont in onlor to facilitate hor
woik in tho protection of mistreated
animalH, alio hna tho full powers of a
deputy BhorifT.
Reclamation of Tract Ih Idaho and
Another In Montana.
Washington, March 27. Tlio nccro
tary of tho Interior today nut apart $1,
1100,000 from tho reclamation fund for
thu purpono of Ix-glnnlng operations In
connection with tho Pnyotto-Itolno Irri
gation project In Idaho, and $1,000,
000 for thu ramo purono in connection
with tint Milk Kivor project in Mon
tana. It in calculated that 370,000
acres will bo reclaimed In Idaho and
325,000 In Montana, and thu ultimntu
cont of tint two ontorprlncn in fixed at
$11,000,000 mid $10,000,000 renptct
ivoly. An International ipientlon In Involved
in Hie .Milk river cane, an a jtortlon of
that river, from which It Is projnm-d V
divert wator, Ilea In Canada, and to
tl.u matter Becretnry Hitchcock ban
Ih'oii giving ttcrnonal ntU'ntioii. After
conferring with the prenldont, ho ban
Inntruc wl DlrecUtr Wnlcott, of tho
Geological survey, to take immediato
ntepn to carry Into effect the plans of
tho reclamation service for storing
floods In Bt. Mary's lake, diverting the
water of Bt. Mary's river over Into tho
head of Milk river and ultimately
acrons the headwaters of Milk river in
to tho Marias ami again out of the
Marias back into Milk river in Mon
tana, thus creating a great artificially
tegulated system of water supply south
of the international boundary.
It is exjiecletl that construction will
Ixt begun this season on tho diversion
of Bt. Mary's river into the headwaters
of Milk river, allowing tho water to
How for a time through Canada bock
into the United Btates.
Preliminary Pourparlers Being Held In
Northern Capital.
Paris, March 27. Inquiry late lant
night tends to strongly confirm the
statement in lant evening's dispatch
that approaches toward peace between
itunnia and Japan have already begun
at a private conference in a Northern
Kuroeau capital. In view of the
statement from Bt. Petersburg that
K)urpar!orn were going on in Paris, the
'Associated Press lant night called at
tho IttipIan embassy and at thu Jap
anese legation. Ambawodor NelidofI
stated sKlfically that ho knew noth
ing about such negotiations Indng in
progress here, and Minister Montono,
whllu declining to discuss the general
question of peace, authorized the state
ment that no pourparlers were occurr
ing in Paris. At the foreign olllco it
was also stntcl that olllclals there were
not aware of stejw toward pence.
Tho foregoing statements by Count
Nelidoff and Dr. Montono, whllo indi
cating that negotiations aro not pro
ceeding bore, do not alter tho main
statement that pence preliminaries are
atually progressing eleewhero. The
real explanation is probably to bo
found in tho Paris dispatch of last
evening that a preliminary conference
had already been held nt a northern
capital. There aro strong indications
tlmt this capital la Stockholm, and that
the negotiations will to conducted at
Stockholm, if the preliminaries prove
successful. Copenhagen also is men
tioned, but it is understood that the
point was raised against past or future
conferences there that there is n largo
and influential Ilritnh element at that
capital, whoso sympathies might bo
hostile to Russia.
Sweeping Increase in Wages.
Pittsburg, March 27. Otlkials of tho
United States Steel corporation nro ro
ported to havo completed all plans pre
paratory to making the announcement
of u sweeping wnge increaso to go into
effect .Saturday, April 1. Tho amount
of tho increase is not known nt present,
but it is stated that, with tho exception
of tonnage men in the steel mills, nil
employes will receive tho full amount
of tho former reduction. Tho total in
crease, they wy will approximate $9,
000,000. Tho advance will nflect 00,
000 workmen in this district.
Washington Building Falls.
St. Unit, March 27. Whllo work-
mini uxrit rmliH' tlin tall llllllllini?
erected by the statu of Washington nt
tlio world's I air, tno uuiiuiug suimeniy
OTlltitiu.t.1 mul tlirot. mmi unrii itifurcri.
VW....J"'-.. ...... ....-. ...- ...- -;
Tho work of demolition had been in
progress since thu first ol tlio montti.
All Imt tlmiH nf tlit pk-untic 110. foot
timlier props tlmt peculiarly character
ized tlio construction 01 mo uuuuing
liml lu..iii tnkmidnu'ii. While workmen
wore taking down another thu building
Collecting Alaska Exhibit.
Washington. March 27. The Interior
department recently sent Godfrey
Chealnniler on a tour 01 Tiouucrn Alas
ka to collect exhibits for tho Lewis and
Clark cxitosition. in addition to those
shown at St. Louis. Ho will cover tho
tiirrltmv from Fairbanks to Cuito Nome.
collecting specimens on tho way nud
advertising tho exposition as ho goes.
J. II, HUlgoivny, government tnxiderm-
1st, Is now nt bltkn propnrlng tlip Alas
ka fur exhibit for Portland.
Lena Remains Until War Ends.
Knn Fionclsco. March 27. First As
sistant Secretory of Stnto F. 11. Loomis,
when nsked today whether ho had re
solved on nny nctlon with regard to tho
Russian cruiser 1cna, wbich is now
hold nt Maro Island, said: "I paid a
visit to tho Lena yesterday, but elio
will not bo, roleonod until tho war la
ended, for that would bo a breach of
tho neutrality laws. 8ho will havo to
utay at Mare Island."
Tipton, Ind., enjoys the distinction of belne tlie dally meeting place of
twelve passeuEer train under very unusual circumstances. Four train
on tlio Lake Krie and Western Railroad arrive from, and depart for, the four
principal points of the compass, three tlmt earti day panning at tbla point.
Three times a day dtirlnr six days of the week the four steel charger
are stxtn drawn up at the station crossing, as shown in the accompanying
lllnstrntion, which Is reproduced from the Four-Track News. They exchange
pamengers, baggage, mall and express from the north, south, east and west,
then pnss each other and follow the rails In their several directions. Twice
during daylight thoy stand there and snort at each other, and once In tlio
dork they come together, each trying to outdazzle the other with lbs big.
bright eye.
Kultia of Civilization KsUtltig Itefoni
Calumbua Landed,
With the entrance of New Mexico
and Oklahoma (Indian Territory being
Included In the latter) as State, there
will be admitted many copper-colored
voters. The Pueblo Indiana of New
Mexico and Arizona are full-fledged
cUlxj-ns even now, under the terms of
the treaty by wldch the country they
occupy was acquired from Mexico. In
Oklahoma are a number of trlb
which, having recently accepted allot
ments of land In severalty, are en
dowed with the privilege of the fran
chtse; and, though the no-called "Ave
civilised trllc" of the Indian Terri
tory arc as yet a nation w-psrate and
distinct from our own, they will like
wise possess the right of ballot when,
in 1000. tho region they inhabit Is
opened to settlement
Some of these peoples, voters and
non-voters, comprised within the area
mentioned, are very curious and Inter
esting. For Instance, there are the
Havasupt, who lire deeper down In
tho bowels of the earth than any other
known human beings. Their dwelling
placo Is Cataract Canyon, an offshoot
of Grand Canyon, which la called the
Placo of the Ladders, because the
town nt the bottom can be reached
only by such means, descending the
vertical cliffs. These strange folk tan
buckskin and make beautiful baskets;
and they own wonderful deposits of
copper ore and red earth suitable for
the manufacture of paints, which are
nagerly sought by the Mokl for color
ing their weird masks and other para
phernalia for ceremonial dances. The
Mokl are such marvelous runners that
frequently they make a trip on foot to
the canyon, a distance of 100 miles. In
a single day.
Tho Mokl of Arizona and the Zanl
of New Mexico are called Pueblo In
dians the word "pueblo" meaning a
town. They are builders of town of
a most peculiar pattern, which are
cLut-sr noise ix au.iiua.
rotutmcted much afteMhe manner of
beehives, an entire city being prac
tically under ono roof, with a multi
plicity of rooms arranged In suites.
Entrance to the apartments Is accom
plished by ladders. The) aborigine
are suu-worsulpers, and the orb of day
Ih their great god. Next In Import
ance In their cosmogony Is the nnakc
god, who controls the rain supply. In
honor of various divinities are held
elaborate dances, tho most remarkable
of which Is the famous "snake dance,"
In which some of the participants act
unlly carry live llvo rattlesnakes In
their mouths. Another odd custom of
theirs obliges the young girls to wear
their hair done up at tho sides of their
heads In such a way ns to Imitate
squash flowers, whllo the tresses of
the old women are braided to repre
sent the withered stalks of the squash
From an antiquarian standpoint this
southwestern region Is the most won
derfully Interesting on the continent.
Here where snakes hiss and rattle and
the coyote howls was a civilization
long before Columbus touchod these
shores and relics of It are still blis
tered by the sun In their derest lone
liness. Hundreds of rulua are to bo
found of a race of men who, scien
tists UU us, were 7 and 8 feat tail
and who Iivd In houses cut la th
solid rock. Here the cliff dwellers had
their seat of power and here are th
links which bind the old Spanish In
vaders with the civilization of to-day.
As one walks about Santa Fe, or any
of the other cities, scenes of th cen
turies past greet bis eye. Bants Fe 1
the site of an ancient pueblo, or town,
rulna of which are still visible, and
which present a singular contrast ts
the street cars, electric lights and oth
er features of modern dry life to b
found In this second oldeat city of th
United States. Ono of the interesting
spots Is an old bouse of crumbling
stone and mortar which Is reputed to
be the oldest house In the United
States. Not far from Santa Fe aro
Tillages which present all the aspects
of the aborigines practically as they
appeared to Cortes and Coronado. Of
the adobe towns, or pnebloa, the most
noted in Taos, which Ilea In a beau
tiful valley, watered by branched of
the Illo Grande. It has two great
adobe buildings Ave stories high, sur
rounded by prosperous ranches.
Tho pueblos of New Mexico ar
nineteen In number and are very simi
lar la appearance. Each accommo
dates from 100 to 300 persona, th
pneblo Indians being communistic In
their manner of living. The bouse
are built one upon another. In a suc
cession of terraces, sometimes five In
number, the tipper stories being reach
ed by means of ladder. The walla
are very thick and the Interior is gain
ed, Dot through doors, but by entrance
ways cut In the roof. The Pueblo In
dians have been pronounced by eth
nologists to be the oldest race on ths
Popular Notion that It la Canaed by
Bxpoanre Failure.
The common theory that all colda
are the result of exposure of some sort
U a great mistake. Exposure la not the
direct cause of the disease. Scientist
say that colda are caused by a bostlla
microbe, which gains a foothold when
vitality Is lowered by exposure, and
that If one la Inured to exposures ha
has an effective remedy against the mi
crobe of cold as well aa many others.
There are many evidence to prove thla
theory. There are many places where
It Is Impossible to catch cold, becausa
there Is no cold to catch.
Nansen and his men, during the three
year they spent In the arctic region,
were Immune from cold, though they
were constantly enduring exposure of
every kind. They passed day after
day In clothes so saturated with per
spiration that by day they froze Into
a solid mass, so that they cut Into the
Dehv And at night In their sleeping
bags, the first hour waa spent In thaw
ing out. They returned to civilization
none the worse In health, but soon
contracted severe colds upon reaching
Then thero Is the remarkable In
stance of St Klldn, that lonely, rocky
Island which was Malted by I)r John
sou when be and Ho.twoll were making
their famous tour of the lleitrldos.
There are about 100 Inhabitants on the
Island. Tho counts are ho precipitous
that for eight months of the year It
Is practically Inaccessible. Several
vessels from the mainland call there
during the summer. And. strung to
bay, whenever a ship reached the Isl
and from tho mainland every Inhabit
ant, even to the Infants, Is seized with
a colt. This fact has been known for
more than 200 years and was of great
Interest to Dr. Johnson, who wos skep
tical concerning It.
Tho question of this St. Kltda cold
long puzzled men, who never dreamed
that It was an Infectious disease and
Utat without the possibility of Infec
tion It Is Impossible to catch It, no
matter what the exposure may be.
That Is to say. It ts due to a micro
organism, and without the presence
of this micro-organism the disease can
not be contracted.
What It Hlgutfles.
"When a man writes poetry to a.
girl It's a pretty good slgu that ha
truly loves her, Isu't It?"
"Not necessarily," answered Ml hi
Cayenne. "It may be that ho merely
happened to think of a lot of words
that rhyme with her name." Wash
ington Star.
Those women who look "as If a wind
could blow them away," can usually
weep and dust all around their beaviar
sis tor.