w '' "r , i'1 iimftmmmmmmmmim '"ii '-ji'iiiiiiiigi kj"?3HffiT?r r .AwjnA'W W1 ' M Iff 1 H ffj H COMMISSION IS OUT Askoil In ttoslp by Direction ul tlm I) Ml! HAND IN HU)H(i,M.,TH)N All Ooromlttlonara Now In WtthlnRlon Comply with Heiplatt, Which U Cabled Oovernor Davit. VMlilo, MawIi art. Tho tltM piAClUl tlep having In view tho rv iMtfAtiUAtlou nl Ihe INuiaum vivxl win. iwImWov WW taken ttnivs when, In wntpllAiioe with. InalntcHont twin tWdent HooavAoU, fivrelary Ttt tv tiuwtal tho member ot the wnnil tlon to tender their tvlRHHon, This tSel waa promptly wmpllwl with. ty tho member, ot tho vwrnmlaalivn now In WblnRton and their tvatisoAlbm w. III W In hand l tb.e president tomorrow. The putpotl l Mf h' loi,r ,v ipteatlnu the tvdiAtlow ot theoow mVlomvr WAA tent to Major viemwA.1 Ovy W Vvi, tvtitvd, t tbe Amy, KONtM ot the caha roue, and aVa me vd be ntmWn t the ommWw, ml a vrompl kHtr H fi! trm him. A Imitated In tW Wtocot Mt.Twh, tho yrwaW are rwjweotwl m order tbAt tbe rveWe toy Wv ftve hxiwl Vn iwyHMR tb cotoroWton. TbA tWptvabkaat Wm wwtnwVt w rvwtiltoM W Wm Vmowv. Iw a" Urn k1 b W We to ,vHtt wAb Mt . Twh M to b Ww rlwy (ft Iwns lril m1 Vt)C wvV. w VeaKv-4 sa Wj tb MVt tvH tot Wmvoma yVv by IW f v.tot ( wtt tjkMm tvttrl W ! M)' lttW ftMMMKA KH fc rvV!?rtWi- TW"T! Jf- na. Im mMMm to Oimhj.1 IVxn aa 4e A4al ak 4 Wi-. is Wrtst vtMiwaoM. WMtaaa y IVta Wttata -. m vtatM M. leA A C VmU4 tatrnVy w Wt tor Vat aMI SBNO TXKS JSOOK BST. TH Yow !V5at Ast OrvN TX. WH t a ' AVeisaaw 'Wfc Mat; V, Mil at Taa Ifct.aaa au mh4 Vy fjfa Im aau i aln at If Ores )fAtr4l A aaaai a awa- k . k r., .-, . 1'MlaW ta Orvav a w tar aHa-. Mktf TWWtrtlMaMaatofaM tKtiMM. ClliMk, tVtrytMft, K- Mi Mtft, CWNr i haM aiajMjt - tm t VAWS JtfaWtt"M aW BBPfc'S M w i V !--.. W -0-a)K JBkXa. k W 'SftKaOl.i kMk $tUti 94aB XtWPPBPrt 0B SaarV WwBIPWt Pfc "(W)? ai W a aJto WA f h wl H W WPBiWtPH aHBl vita bm V Im Mt,a(W Wgr-ap., a Mai2 j tijaa. -w?. 8 KMtfljeviTm' iMaat r tm - it IJfc, ---- ---1 --- . - lWto-4 n m xhmw ar. OflraaaM. Tam -T-7 '.. - , . . , . . . , . t k aw- -a apaaM am aar im f- U IM totoM , Ft- v a-j itm. !-. f.wtaai Wa a-r-ar ym mm r. 7T ' .T .!---- ,. , , t, - , toaa h ' " aaaifciM itollli ilia aM JkWaaav ra-. a K r. m HlL,-l tow aa M( T fc. . At tW Wt t ulai i m tWar a-w o-tv to a " " fa aaa -. tlm aa MW a-aa Waa t K .x ttom aaa- tototoa atto aM-w a-aaa- . , mmtmmS0t - inteaaiMaaM laaaaaa-- mm tnmwmmm m it 1 1 a to - j- -j- - " mmm mmm ' " 'M r 4H PW -Vtoto V V P toi r 'aMI-a-i T "--- toNBP -Br l-BBF Br C-BBB-a-B to , r Bl M VBWjpMtot CtoMPW Mt lt ft WH Bfeil 1 MMB tof BM-B 1BT B feVBBBMBtt aBBBrBB,taf BBM t. riMWi to aW VaAaa ta-4 -W in j aa.)Wattilit J,' La atollS Mbto-IIW ?ZJ?Tiy?TLL . wTto-t mi t - -' "' i" ' '"J IW 1 It ioU: -to afciato w4 to aatottoaa mm tmiiii to to to a- a a ar -auto to m mm mmmAmmr mnm SM-aa-a it j.im T - - -'- -:"--- oi -. mmi mmm W " at to W mimm a. at aiaa 1 to -Ui 'kfettktfW. 1NB IntfV l-BBMBBl BkM BM AmWA Ml B-toBB1! AMll(tT B . . .. . BBBBBBB-W BP BB-I- -B. M 9 . MMI BbftR WbBBP 4MKHBb4 9 tifcw fr- l fcfc b- lkW. Xlt , -iwk -. - - h mmmmwwm9- wrmmmmmmmmm BiB WW Bia-rwB toWJI r " tor -- m-k mb p k l fttf L iBBP4BB' BflBriM ByRHl VB BMHI 41k , . l. Liat kBB k ""--- hw trlWIVf "B aaiNRK. Vlto flaVMto -- QMkMayk. - - - wJb M 9mmmmmmtm9 mm u ' ' " BBr BB B-ik IBi-toBB 4hB-BF pBB B-k TTrBB toto "" i 4 - B1-" m VBBJtfKHBBHK JWBBBBb B - B-Bl mmmmmmTWrn' 4 .-. . fc bc - BMMM-W OHL. )fcMBt - V 6 kiAfeMa bm. Xto ft.L tMAtm-. m&mm tot Aite- -fe--to te b lA. B BBh B P1- 4 B- b -r ImWmm " C --BPB "HBBBBk BB AVBBrUb a.. . - , a 4TBMPBBBBW iJBBJr -. BHBBR Bto-" tob Wmmm BBBT -BBBr BBBBPiBBB--, mmnmWMw r - -. - , . " lBML. A gnflatf -Jt m WmmMmmmmaam . . w . Bv VmWmW ImOmm mmmWl IK a mm m T , j, L-k. m a it tot mmmw WMaW Tr BB WhBto BBHMB-BBB VW B Mr- BPBBBBP 4m BB VVBBB-BK MMl BPBpB-B BBBBr taBiK iM &AbP B-b. - " w -- . " -- -k 9l P aB MV Bf- ktoM MMM lte H tl avBA . ,. to-' toW mmm mmrm mmmmmm toto jw mAjJ 1B-V BBSHBB Ml flfeH-flB mmmmm mmmmi t mmv ft , "- W WHa mmmmm mmm mmm- mmrmm mmmmmmmmmJmmt mmmmm, mmm mmmm gmmmmlmmmml W n Vl h MlMi BW-PMBPto-P to"". B Bl --.W- . g Bto-MMM-I toC BfeB 4MMfmmt 4 W4 JBrB-rBMBBBM toFjfclBB, mX toBBB A----l l . mmmmmmm rmmmt - m.--a w m-A li MMM MlutfL ' JWBB BBBV BBlBMBal BB BBW - BBBB-BbI W BMBtaA ttM BBB.P V M ai . -. BMBBV' BBb. Aak-I-M v rl--B-i-fl-t B-B-M-BHA-k BhPl-ft. A-i-b k mB---H- to tl-hrtP. a - -m v toJHl-PHB oi K v -v K mmmmmmmp 4fm BBBBVMlHtfltPBBB Bs IMB-L l--Ai-& tv 'tofft 4p?BBtoto-l--ik ftfVBI'fBBBBk WBto) VPtoVVtoW ItflMfB MBMt VBBBBdMb BBB t- .. "-- . - VOGA Bii T mmW9mt4mmW BB-Bft MM W bVB-BBB, 1- TJ - - W f aj C . a ww to. v . . . -. i toWB BtoBBBBB JBHBBW SIT' 7VBr 94m m9mmm -ftfe BwHC b-B BBbMA. .. 1 - . . " W mmMmmM mmm HtoB fBHBBB Atoi e -- mm mmmm bJIMH-A B PWBak -LWl-T l---P tojaMU tab-Mto Bto MfttoMM-BB IM t ' " '" . . ,. mmmwrm mmmm, mmmt wmmm mmm rnmmmm mmmmptrnm -BB MMMM MK OTtHHPBl mmmA A -mmm . . . . 'Oilll'B BB BBHP Ar-to?toto sw wmmmmmm mmnwi mmmmr mmmmmmmmm r-itoMv ,--toiH a 1 . - - . -1 ri' BJhk Mto al - -. . i . -- u - mmm - - -- - Mtt4 W mmmt WM-k..-. v. .w,-r j n b m-m-iB-. Mimn-ui tMtfhBii- ihf ni I. -t pr. jbbv. mmmn. -bbbb b. m4mb1 m m trm-yj Mm m um a m fr a -- -- - '"b-- bb1 bbbJ f f HBBjt BBBBi ww Wfmm4mme4i m mm- mm -to mm mwpmm mmMymmmmmmwm, i ,- . .. - M , -B n -. ,. . - - F " - P-nPIBBBlt ai -t . - - k -- , - - -- - f BBJB BBpriBBto MmWmW to-NMBV BBni mmfmmm; VBBBBr ig ml mmHL RM fct uiMBBr IB M a4. fc , - -- - I tofffiHk BBM BB1 IBN) BBBMBrBBrV ' BB-toB l-Jh AaM--k-M--M Ato feto to BBhhK .-.. n --hm 4 - a - -a -r iT - mmmmm mm aaa v BBr BBBT BBMBBBi BC ! iBk BftoB BB -Bt-?-tototol imnm mmmm mm B-to - J BBS m. M KtoM HMlifeto A j j. -. ' - " " -a a a Nml t to W batoaaa. W-toe Qoa-WoaAao a Faa aMrt U !. ":Tr-.! ,'"",.a-, -fct y. m--ta fcp a-t .a n mmf , , t n., . "-"- atot-tow. -- - S liitoMA-Mt. toaak K 1 a. ao- " "to""-' - tos toat-n-a a -W But . --. hq y, j t,,-. mhw, -gw ,,,-too, M...-.,.. to.. ... ?wu ,"" j : j J2rsU!Sr ITT. . gy aaiMtoto -toj all to S-toto to ton Jyto tW n 111 iito laaat Ml y.,,,,-,,,, --,-- --, , , - , mg- - - ?KT3t.VV tMdr-. "" " ". r;l,rM.Tl . -. aJKitoM W mm Wwa-toBMtM totttoto- mmmIm- at toMMMi toto Wo Wa. 1 iLii! k WW - Wfc- tobbi. SMMtoW. totr- -JBW itmummm aaa amtm -Maanr mm- v totofg tM fkr j MMiai aA MWa tMUto t 4W aarial WatoMMMatoi ato MaaAk m " J JLZ, .oo-MMM-toa SlMfettlL atea ML1 Vai JWm ta Cl--u--. tojMMaal n oo mmo ritoM tSbmi a "Mtoi to Mtoto ummt to mmm m mm b m a imi a t toaMa 'm. Ma C tMribtot mmmm rmim m at to- WPaM. aiuo toa o 4is T i o mm aw ifi hm Mm vto 1 1 fe m in -. aMtf UHiiitMiN to to ipHptoawt m to 4totoK tonMMti wW to-Mg toto tojfcat j tooatoa aa tW IMm mmmm. mm-W!1 r toMMM3w M-atea aa-Mto iW -bat te --- i, a -r MiM-tog AaB-ito H4to a aW y atf 4to MMHto c Mp uT , -. SlZ '-' '. j mmm totapiM. w-wl. XTm mmr " -MoMBMa -mmm ta-M-Mbtol awaaao. ' XL !I -a-wtoaaa. a - 1 -PJ NIPj-FWBtoEWP ltojato to- mmmt m m rnmam 4&Uii pi-Ato - mmmmm mmmmWm BB BBB -MH-MMH Bm flMt l r , Maia,lb idmn Way. M M iWaatoa toj Ma4 ---- 1 lt Bani aa hoi m, jr MP-Ty WJWtwiW -a-t -, tar ,,, ' --l--!!!!- ---1---- : aTnuj...-Tiiiir-nrt. l Ti to Baai tja To- A j '"" j. , WHIla ;"-mmi aa W ," n Oa m Waa 6atoa- VJtWiaMbiittoa- - Sattstomjr to toMMaa. to mon-mm-mo hmM tW aaa-i.a -t Ti-toiir a.maito Wo fc mm- mm Bimi. t bN M y Wk. "Scj Aofe m toBaaaa- -." mZ11 ' ".-' "' T . - -.- Trii-ai . a. - -. ak - --i-..i- - I k ,kaa Mll-tt Ml ,..... -.. - . . ! MM -. MHMtrv loiia. to1 - - - -w 11 - 1.' "i ' ' hi --1 ' ' !, -v jmummx ao aa - . - . -- tvWtfW aba UONVCN la UI'HBLD, Ha. Not Kcr(lnil Hit lnructlomli UrftllMR wllh Ctlro. Wnriilititloii, Mnwh ,11. Pr. Joo lo i- PiHtli kihhMhI hronlrtlvo of Vrwlitwit lrtUo, Imil nit lnttvUw lo lny wltli tlio prvuhlonl wmwUiik Uto ImnivK Hint linvo nrlnMi Ik1uhh Wito kioIa mul Uio I'nltiM tntw. lr. Vivol iinortrn to IhHv tlmi tluw nw mlnht bo vottlMt hy ohmi In tlio Amotlorttv h'isrttlon In tion. In vlow of tho kUwIuuI wlrttlont ltwn VniU ilont lxtt rtinl Mr. Nowcn. Ho l hwaUIor tho toxt of tlio oviumunictttlon from I'wldwtl 0th to tho Amorlon mltilotor t'tlvt to tin- ftthltrotlon m wwaI, v hloh hvnuiNvt U on txntto to VAhlntton y mAlK At u ImnivMlon i'tvnty iitvvmUm to tomo oxtont, not only in Vonncin vl, Imt In thlt wnntry, thtt MlnUtor llowon Intt liwnrml tlio tit win oi IVMdont lVt Uy n w of in1 In tin prwMlMlon of tho Amorlonn oWlmt plmt VonoU, It may K ttol tlt ortk-tnl Inanity frvwi 'Ah tHitlon h d.owUivl tho ftcl tlml Mr. Itowvn mowVy t,,ntil to tho no tnoUn Rotmwt tho rwiw Ihuh tlowt ront to htm frvnn thoSlAto UiAt. moot tvltttw to AtWtnUmn; lhAt Uo lhl not ioM to nor tV from Uuw In MmotUmt In tho ullchlool l;m Imt In fact Kvl Ulmt'Olt, v tl tct It tlt tU 5Hto WArtmoHt ml tui Mr. Ioh U "Mkii Kr titl tvw nut hk4 U w Mlrr tko Vot iucUh cvrwmHt. 1m vlow l tho ttwoMt trow IV. 1W tm4(Mi; Mr. rVv, It oh td4l xim tho hlWt tMtlnriv tW, Im vw at th lwlMtMtWM, tH tkvtor W1 m .mIMaI toMUIi; am1 t yvWit vWrtat fM m Ww wvtptti c Vri)C. If vwOit 0r h'.MMKA iv Hk Mr. Kwvm. W Waw rr fc W tvVr Jt4i Wm4 mnI oMwwwft tWt rt (wwmM- t Ut trM4MNt, MMftk WkMtNlt RVWtV f tvMlUM 4k H Inw Uir NWW MM.U IS N KIMNS, R4 by FW AAy. Or., MitrA U TW M AW Wmu- vy- MMU. W X VIMm V.. - - - - War t tumAVmi T r . .. k V-Mtt! fNty, c nwttf. UlXAttt..WiMl' vr. mm4 tyaaManJ v9va4Majw-- m W S i L,v JII 1fcfB, rrT- - y rirr- i V tws. Ivre -W -r w . W VV WVU tW --vVW- VgO- u - V- . w I itww. ' aka aKHMK Mali iwt V tt Va- tk TV It m WU. M-l ktoar ?a-Kf ML.M aaT aa rai V VW th( 4aTC)BaMWP 1 1 a rv 4 tt&Gt QM fWMr w ., r I Z: . yw4 to W W- iMt V mi atitaa, to ttx ana- akyatar -aas aft aaK Uaa awtVH A Vac i yarn WaX to fc M am! - 1 fta laa - a-IVaW--t? anr r II t mujn a i a m T tW I ailfcaa.. a H tm0m ( V-MF AAli re4haV ts ito ioaMi aba AaiMeimMi iiiibumi Mtofw- ai w i a.JA-n( . a. 9aaaiak wm - -- J - - ! i ' " " - r-v i ib aur ipr. x - ... K r-tm m MMa. Wari-WMar 'tot I-aaaa- tio-..Utjr -riiailaiili. -a af'rto,f ul, i.m r tW mm a.' , -. ..r . - fto a-ac a, . k. ... E4w. &- t w , litoiw aa totaa wan Ota aary f- m,rmx emmxmr t tw, i ! v f-B .- k & a . w .: i - -as "--"- ' " : -"-. - - ,, , inrti TT lrln:f TT H atarui-l My, aa-l "- - lraM,.WiMTtS r W OASTWTS LCTTER . lMto to T- Yaet- IViia-lt YWaa t aa " a---a a r- - ------ -t.ifcatai kmt Waa) at W ewa- . siT?w . - w-' toM-TTMlZZir ""Vi i-'-" TWfanajatittoM a W -atofc.",- -------- - - ' Cli ...j t v, -.., I V '" '.,!! T7? m a-MHto.,1 Ibilav,,,,,,. -. CW-A- a-ai r, c . -. I -a ttotooa n H oat-. !a W mmom W tW Vital ,W mlbtirrto.,,.,.,,.. JTZy TV TT - -. - - - - - - ----- -t a 1 - a -a - 1-" W-a-lflft aft) 4PnVVPBrf - - -J TBk mM MM P ll I-" " T5T k . . , WflH-lL MM WmtmWmt mmW 1-irtaT 4B 7 4 .. . . .. Sr-ni-- t m I--! -a iW-n ' r -Bar - - ,. -- m - .-J . AmtmAmmm m - o--to-M l tto a-a- . . Tfc . 1 a VB -l 4Pi- feM. UV ! 1 -a a . ia . --f W . to - a r vm w ton 1 MCm rfMBB VaVHW .IH.Bf ik - i W RhJ. im no toi- aa- ftWtoa towto aniwtoitoaiia tatoM-iWtot 'to-Miiiiiiiit to mm tot i-aaf too tot at' - .-.-,.. -. ,,. -... i m .1 . . . 11 - --- ---. mmm tA W onawa tan-iia a 'tafM to mmm. taat aot-r tfcto aiinajiray yni-a- , to lto-al aaHNMioo u - rTT "T 'mmmm TM OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST i ir iii - -i- iT'irt-- t " " ""' ' PROTEST TO GOVERNMENT. Rtmovtl of Ltml OlNca to PortlAiul It Ulttarly Oppotnd. Urtm City Thoro will Imj vlorou opiHwltlon oftonl to tho propoum! u movnl of tho IaihI ollloo from .thin city. Tho olrtlm thnl tho romovitl of the olHw to TortlAiid la hottti; mndo for nwmU,Al MMtont n not wcooptwl n gvuvnno hy Oregon Cttv wplo, w ho thlnV thoy w In tho ym movo pn llmtmtry to tho vmiollltlon of tho KwornmontV Inml hoslmvioi hi thU tAto In a ci'iitml olHw with hohpitr tcrt t lVrtUml. At prwont lhor t ttx U ml ollU In tho MAto, tlw othor tliAii In this city Mug UvAtol At Tho 1aHm, j Urnmlo, 1jWvIow, Kowhuiv Ami Ihitn. At aiiv rto It l 1hUowI hotv thAt a ovMUlAtlo of the Orvgott City ahI lojohr; ottlrt ctuihl U oftvtol to tho ttnproxowoHt of tho wr vtov, lhit w fAr as th moxo lHlnt; in tho tHtorwt of economy, Orvm City Hiplo laugh At tho hl, Tho Orvo Oily ortk m xhhIoa a hU of Bw IMM, tor whtOK A HHHllhly txtl of f .10 I ivaKI, Ami it t AtvM tWt xlm lUr nnMW mW mH K Wa1 a! IVkiUm! for rvwr! timw tkAt Amount. Im Atl tlitlOM it AfIHMr th-At AVOMMO.UlUM MMt Iv )H vmU1 tar tho WkMl x)kv At IVttfomt, aII ANttiltxhlo rvom Kav): !hH HlHrio AVftnH4tl in tW rov orwmoMt ItpihliMkT- Im tlwin pvrt rtor to 4kUW t tfc Otvm Cit,v )am.1 oUtce hav m trt mvmm am4 M mi lrAiMi tKy Iwmmm o( t ikW tn mkmv UmiIH-4 iMrtr. Th Vm4 r Hro i U Ari kwi ttiktt Wt a 4aMMv4 t vVvim, 4 m t h rt crvHsl U Ux MiM4tH Hr. RvWct From cVn Cewnrt. MmU4 TW -- a4 teMM teg rUr IowimI kt am IvhUam ptnv tW amm t J. H. Ki-c. JimVm rttjl;, a Aj" V", ill W !-t m IVmUmU a a part 4 tWAcVMMt tMtly bfy ti Uw Ijc mn( OIaV Hilt. Im t etv, Wtir k V4- HM 44 t W Uf 'M W A VAjMl m' Wt.Vi. I . S. mv t. t- kno Mr i.k h. M c -mM ' ' -,v- " ' H7 -r W It l. TVw Itwi J!1 - - aUa--to-- toV- y Oat.t aMtaataMaat xwii Im- ; I x am MtiM t- a-ny ya Br Sto f S . yartk.Ml TW rky aaa ftar tW iMa M JWak- b Wmi Aif v4 Immb Oktciwy. to N YarV. -W- tito ait iii eM8MC U a MW .Vtor CMwr . twaripto. - aatnaaa 4 . riManlattf iMtonw m Wr -V. AHa- - AMataaat W itoi Ut W ft naato4 to tW catjr at TWtUai.. TW - - U W .. -ai tr.M W Wai faaVfnaeA. Ul ftxailT $ aut ur njjtmii. a)w Ma a 'Sl f .'? aOJ W-" tow MMI mmmmuk w. iij.;!-mur awanr. w awata a IT' wan 4e t paatiiai. JmIt tv aawwA 4ajr. all WI a Mar U , - ii " f i - aovtaa uaaa caa mi - . ., . r- w - mm w -. - w . mm --.- , - cii a . JOHH- " --- dtimo IVm mm iNMtoMM Wa e- -" . . . . r- I n. - -- i. . - - LITTLE WHfcAT IN UMATILLA. Only One LArgo Lot of 40,000 WaIU Coming of Attettor. lVmlloton Awowor Slrnln toiwrtt hut mm lot of whontof nny coimiionco In tho couiily to Ihi tnml thin your. Thin it 40,000 biwholt holonnliiK to tho llrtUotirlliithrio Wnrohouno coimmny In thU city. All otlior Imgo lott hnvo Ihvii llipwvl of lonu ao ml niot of It thlpppil fnmi tho county. Tho TiiKot Somnl w Atohoiio rojHirtii tho purohnto of kimaII lot of 1,000 hunhclsof whivxt from Oliver A Oo., Kiwort of this phico, hut akUIo from tlmt thor aw pntctinitly no wilcn. Somo of tho f Armon w ho IiaiI mntl hAt wvl over fnm ltut ftll, which they did not ihh1 to uio, are offering tlwt for wlo, And nomo uia11 puiclmiHi Iiavo Ihhmi nintlo. KMiiuAteo Ate tliAt not oor 7S.00O huohelt rtHAin in tho ctninly, aimI ll those aio in pkiaII hohlln. TIwko wlm liAve not ihl will likely hold over UHtll Another yer, a the pric of Utc hvv Ihxh divlinini; intcml of advAHC TO CONTROL FRUIT PRICES. Gnsr Aoctloni ArrtnRO for SirRle SetWng Agent. He.xl ltlr Im order t prcvtwt ewivKic of ike frit MrVt4.. the fmit MtvAtHMi f Hyl Ktver, 1X allM a1 Vmki prf.e to MMite Im WviMf; ok rvfweiAti m1mm eMk At UeWM, ttMlte am1 Ore I F.1K taxi iW ul otWr )MtU At Vl yMW it U iafvrvA tt oar fc-ilr mU H tot tW wv-nl - vmimmm. Ktl,e iatel a Mr m M to Ai Im a4 ( Ua JitWreM awlfl. Jt- Wru 4 rtMiii iitoM mh'cmmmIo Ul ktMUe tin tntlt a ir4 V4. tm4 Kt . aMwrVet likfty to W vr4vlr4. Ik- rft nUUw ill 4vW l tanaatif fc-.v-tloe to U- vert tk tiyanM w Tut Slimhr Or. L. Killaai aarf X K. Wum. ( tW arm - Kiltoa. v. V.V. aaiaua; am at if a. r- iwav t tito oa mt tiMinr efwaiK to tW 4aarrt. TK ir - gMa- nd. aui wara Wvpc ntarw fraa t laiM-T We4y I a( rr aa-aw4 m Ow yratT TW ! ebjm ( tW to to 4k wftm U Ifhatactor et tW n4-ataai aat to W , wmM-1 At tW aaMw Uw taaaai tar ttto Maata tiattoeal ti IW -- TW , ?aj.iial W m l Uka a-v-r iMffii aar to tW Ca4ts Grava MM CetMim Oiaat It May Start. tW tWL-acA U. lMtm 4 tmthr aoM to Mruax, vl m W itorfcui Mf. tow mi 1 1 r.ni W-t Was baU b tW tat in a t yttw. Ma. it U -J T-M r ar anataa: -oJMr atr tnrwit MMBMaaa Mm-aai MMMMM aaH ao--to 2toKSr ynr awaaat .a to Wimii , -- -- .. T-T " " !"'"'" . . fc"to 'awto -V ht aNataa: aaat a. ... .,. ,.." T T7 I -IBO' RUSSIA HAS OFFERED TERMS OdlclAl Ailmliilon n St. Molnrtburg UIuIIImk on Indomnlly. Ht. I'oteridmrK, Mnrcli Ull. After meolliiK of tlio council of iiiliilidora, which limtiHl until tiller inldullit, thu ponltlvo Inforiiiiitloti wan kIvom out throtiKh nn olllulul uhnunel thin inorii liiK Unit lluvriln hnn otitlliuM tho terint tiudur which tho In prepured (o iienn. tluto ihuico. It waa mtaartcd on the Mine authority tlmt, tlmnkt to tho (0d olllcrt of tho United Hlutet mid lriu-o, tho itictloii of hriiiKiiiK nhout the tnriuiiinlioii of tlio wur Imd WHmiined tAtiKlhlo form mid tlmt prullinlimry Hlepii In tho iieKotlntlont would Iki Irtken In tho liiitncdinta future. Of tho termt iixm which Itiittlt would he wlllliiK to Ik-Ih neKotlfttloiit, enough waa known tonlnht tlmt Hitrnltt will maintain to tho eleventh hour u nlNHduto opHiAltloii to nny Jaaiiwo proiAwnl to ImiMMw a tllrist liHlemnlty Uhui her coinpierel fiw. It In 1" In tlumttHl tlmt a deiimnd for the ceimlon of lluwlaii territory would uirot with the Mine vlpmiu oppoeltlon. It tn AppArtnl, however, that tho rrnr hiumdf 1a eunvlnrwl of the Itinwlan aitiutitm in the Far Kt and id the In ability of the ItiH"iAti to remimn hi--tilitiea with Any cIiaiwo of necHHi in tbeeioMt ftf a aiiKnpliHi of prelimin ary IHVOtlAtiH. Tie ojdhm wa nxpnwl ywterdy b" aII exceptionally well infurmeil ff eM diplomat hero thot the deHnm trUr d-clarAlkwA of the inlHiMta om iIm) Mbfvt of Imlawnlty aw! rlo of twritory Are ImWhmIcI m a Uliwm d Kt-i lodrAw tHil ojdnioHuti the ml J-et i Tolto. KMilHlly. thin dlpla mmI aPrtol, Hfl 1 prepaml to a. reft f-rt um any termi that Jah Mr V w iUiMg ot oder. FIXING A WITNESS. Charga Placed Againtt Armour'l Can aral Suparinltmiant. Cbkvt, Mtrcb !. TW KeO-ral C-uW Jay taaaigbt rrtne4 am todiaU MHt aafaaK TtoMu J . OsaMora. (?- ,( mt wrtotiaanait ot Amaoair A Co., a cWrgf W batot tortan; w it a it Mm i aaaiini i to fff I1'""1 - Jawj toati-4ir tW WW l . Mr. (ataaii, W W J. CVaVai AiaMmr'a Mao r liliMttal aaarlofF aod tW act rva W4 of oaar c. tW Uf C (1imc tuaaia- f iW rU, an 4 i a Wrb vamat W a aVfaaty l' atv aair-il Mad tataa to tW xnt jorr raoaa, w Wa W a tilwnnt oo 1,MM baaV. Altar MM aatoa Mr OaaaaMtv jaiain. to 4m iW mtMmt TW laaartaa t rfr tWt Jo Kaaa1 SanUi. l Mrauttya. a to wa iwajlaj'i l A aaau- JL Cs . lkahatiM 1 ijai t Uae rua4 toj-. afMinnlat. iaMi a4 iiaamriiMi W Mr Caa- aav. m4 iiiwbiJhr ttiarfctttW .m Mr It M aipo Wan4 tWt SbaaMi an ittaaa) tW '- a. A ir A Co ' itln -t IM La ; Salle aW tW w a a r am tW ato a. V lVian w - imimhJ , mi m --t -,--.-. -1 -aoMi a.oiH m ao-rMaa---- - tototoMto B iviflltotojHMBML a b HAY MAY MEDIATE. Susiiocleil Purpose ol Hay's Eu ropean Trip. OPINIONS OF THE DIPLOMATS Whonaver Hay Hat Ooen Reported I a Qroat Slrono of Diplomacy Hat Quickly Followod. WnahliiKlnn, March 2. Hoveral prominent diplomat in Wnlilnloii Im. Il..v.. ilitft tnliii lliiv. uriitntiirv of alale. tlurltiK hit trip to Italy, will make an effort to tee what eu I hi none in wie way of mediation and Mtlriiieiit of tlm war In the Far Kant. Tho iiowa from the Awirea that Mr. lUy'a healih waa Impruvinl, nml that ho exeotel to re turn to Waahlimton by May P- adU tHilor to tliln theory. The dlphiiuata attarh Kfent Import ico to tho new that Henry White, the new Tutted Hlatra iulmAtli)r l Italy, waa ordered to haateit lilt arrival at hi pnt. Mr. Hay and Mr. White am warm peraonul frlniMl, ami llo re retarv lui K'1! rMlldiw In Mr. Whlle'a ndndlrieea In dlplomary. It lw leen HK'irel mil III the dld matlc cori here that Italy l prarll. rally the imly eiHtntry of ImiMtrtam-n in Kurupe that Mihtht leipie. to takn tiart Im friemlly ii-llAtiim wIiIhhi! U liitf HtHtl hy either ItMwiia nr JrJhiii of Nllerbir motivet or Inwtlle nb nt Mr. Hay ha ente t ! Irvarde.! alMMMt A A fetOll by lllploWAta U ll.m.1 In Wblk't4. Tbey retail that W frepieit:v ! We n III, cm dtte.1 k M boHae, AMI llweaamible to illpkMfMt. awl Wlf a 4eai Um aftr lb lllnea aomMblMk' ' K'real Im portal baa bapH-l Urla) on dip hMwatk aftaira. MUST GIVE SPAIN MEM OUNS Stcratary Tafl Caa)t axi Cuba to Carry Out Tar-ma of Traatf. Wwaiiatsia-. Marrb fit. Ho-in baa Mrvwr b abl- U HWMre fruan CitU tW anbaB b4t Um at tW Ufn.in. Uom of tW Spaoi'bAaawrarw war, mmI Swnr OtoAa ralbai wm fwavtory Tart talajr to Wa tW ftMiltm o tbi r-- ' Nart Im IW Maattw i Um4t tW tafi ot aaiaaa K -a- babl tWt fta-iM wa -aiUtkat to aJl W-urila-ac. to Otba aaai INarto kar . aaat , to tW battor e- Ita rialtM bo4 ai i a4 tW oaatoaa tr. Wri Part im tW e a. 0b Ua af m to W wa aMartoXy to - r imc tW ro ruMttaaai by iW OaWa. p J rMir -nt t1 tW aMtajatton iatoaal lot, , by IW Caitoal Skato-. i fi eaatory T w4 abti lai to be Mt to Mtototor gaiia?a to Haraau rttor btoi to -ataty tW O aotWntit Ufeat tW tiJMiMii m IW mm mttf U ua. rt m oraor aim a1 W tW rwM Atoto a4 i Mat. W f tmt4 to: