The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 31, 1905, Image 7

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St. Jacobs Oil
Tlia old monk cure, slronc alrlf;lii, surctaonles
Hurts, Sprains, Bruises
Tlis muscles Ilex, Ids kinks untwlil,
Ilio loronoii (ilea out, I'lloo 25o. arid COo.
WJi! 1. i . 1
Twnnljr Tliiiiiaaiiil Mile of Truck II f
tier Construction.
Alttiough tho inllo of rntlwrt at
ready built mid hi imo In tlio lUtnlim
llvo country of Jnpnn would nmko a
doublo truck across tlio Aincrlcnn con
tinent, tho sunrlio kliiKdoui him reach
t only tho first period In It rnllwny
KO, any th Ilooklovora' MnKiizlnu.
When tho line now uudiir construction
ml tiroponcd uro coinplotcd, Jnpnn
will hnvo 20,000 iiillc of track. It
railway moil cstlinnto Hint tltirlnj tlm
coining dcrndo their country will pur
clmio 7,000 locouiotlvcn, 110,000 pitsieii
Kor conches nud IMI.OOO frr-l-jlit vnt.
Hero I nu opportunity for American
enterprise! for theru In n tendency on
tht pnrt of tho Jnpnine, jun( nl pre
out, to look to thu United Write for
Idea In regard to rnllwny eiiulpnieiit
ml iiiniiAKciiitmt. Hitherto ICiiKlnud
hai heau Jnpnii'i model In rnllwny tif
fs I r.
One rldn In a rnllwny trnlu In thn
tnml of thu rising nun doc much to
dlsllliilotilr.o the Amerlcnii, who car
ries to thnt country thn hollef that
Undo Ham la thn f-odfitthcr of Jnpnn.
Tnko n trnlu nt. Yokolmmn nud ride
to Tokyo, nud but for the chnrueter
of your fellow passenger you could
rendlly bellovo you were trnvellng
roin Liverpool to Imilon. The whole
aystom Is thoroughly IlrltUh. It U n
revelntlon to find puluted In
oror tho booth where ho buy ,hl
ticket at the rnllwny station, the sign:
"IlookliiK Onico." Ho u'ta n enrd of
luktructlons which tell him, among
other things, how he cnu "forward hli
lilggago." Vou neror "check our bag.
gaga" In Jnpnn.
Walk IT Vou Worn Hoiin-lioily.
Kerer allow your physical standard
to drop. Keep tip your energy i walk
If you weru somebody and were
going to do ouicthlng worth while In
the world, so thnt oteu n stronger will
nolo your bearing nimI mnrk your supo
rlorlty. If you hnvn fnlleii Into a hnblt
of walking In a Untie, Indolent wny,
turn rtifht alwtit face nt oiiihj nml
make a cluing". You don't wnnt to
Jiuflle along tike tho fotlurm we often
o silting around on park benches, or
tolling about tho itrcoln, with their
band In their pockcta, or haunting In-te-lllgcnca
otncei, and wondering why
fnto has been eo hard with them. You
don't wnnt to giro people the Imprev
nlon that you are discouraged, or that
you are already falling to the rear.
fJtrnlghtrn up, theiil Ktnud erect! lto
man! You are a child of the Inflnlto
Kim;. You hnvo roynl blood In your
vein. Uniphsslwi It by your henrlng.
X man who U conscious of hli kin
ahlp with God, and of hli ower, and
who bellorca thoroughly In himself,
walka with a firm, vigorous atep, with
tits head erect, hi chin In, hi shoul
dera thrown back nml down, niul till
cheat well protected In order to give a
larjco lunif capacity; ho U Uio tiinn who
dooa thltiK.
You cannot niplro. or ni-complliili
great or nobln thing no long n you
assiimo tho nttltudo nml hearing of n
cownnl or weakling. If you would bo
noblo nml do uoblo thliiK. you must
look up. You were mndo to look up.
ward nud to wnlk upright, not to look
down or to ahnmble along In n senil
horizontal poaltlon. rut chnrncter, dig
lilty, nobility Into your wnlk. O. U.
Mnrdcn In Huccca.
MiM(iiltoe ami MMlnrla.
Moiulto nu currlerri of thu Korms
of ninlnrln ciuino Itl.OOO death over'
yenr lu Italy.
'I'lut Kin. I Vim 1 1 in-. Aliniva
V" "'"'r .V Hi ","'" ""Hi"' iiim iiiuiu) inn nii;iiu
turo of piuiH. II. rictolicr, nud Iiiih bvcit liitulu tuulvr lilts
liurHounl Hiiiiorvlslon lor ovr .MO yonrn. Allow no mm
to riouolvo you in this. CountcrfcltM, IniltutloiiN mid
JiiMt-iiH-jrooa " ro luti:xiorlni(ntH, mid oiiilmiiror tho
honltli of Children Iciiurlciico n;iiliiHt ISxiiorliiiunt.
What is CASTOR I A
Cnxtorlu Ih h liarnilc.iH HiibNtltuto lor Castor Oil, Vara
Rorlo, )riH and Htiotliliitr 8yruiH. It Iri IMoiisaut. It
contaliiH nulthur Opliiin, Iirorpliliio nor other Kareotla
Hiilistanco. Itsajrols Its iriiarautuo. It lo.stroyH AVorniM
nud alliiyH FovcrlMlutANM. It cures Dlarrluvu and AVIutl
Collo. It relievos Tuethlnir Troubles, euros CoiiNtlpation
mid Flatulency. It usNliiillntes tho Food, re;rulates tho
Htomaeh and Jtowels, K'lvlnjr healthy niul natural aloop.
Tho Children's laiuiceu-Tlio Blother's Trlond.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
In Use For Over 30 Years.
I lluth are cheap In Jnpnn. lit Toklo
n Imth tOKtit nhuut one cent. Tlieru nru
eight hundred public bnthlnl liuuati lu
the -'tjr.
llesp. illilllty wull. liHttd lu hnud
with capacity nud power. J. (1. Holland.
About Tlmn,
Fntlier (of Inrgo family) My dear.
Isn't It about time you were tlilukluit of
getting mnrrlnlT
l)itiiuliter I.itwl nakrt I hareu t
thought of nuytliliiK t-lxt for year.
To Break In Mew Shot.
Alt a;i iliakit In Allrn'a foot-1! tie, aj'iwilfr,
trut lint, iMrcttliic, aelilna. iwullrii If.l.
Clltr. mtiii, ItiKtliHlIlk ntllt till Irillltiilit. Al
II iliiiimlili niul (lion ilrrt,i Umi'l rr.
iiv.illnlllllln Htmiild ninllnl KttKK. AiMrtit
AII H. Olmilcl, Uf, N Y.
A futtn-prrcha and rubber nunufte
torltiK ciniipnny of Toronto ha made a
belt for tint kthIii elerntor of thn Inter
eoloiilHl ItNllwny nl Hi. John which I
oiio of th Inrceat erer prducrd. It It
nf niliher, ami tinfniirit 'Jl&M fvt. Its
wrluht It nine imiii,
Wothrri will fin it Mrt. Wlmluw't Hoothtnc
nyruptlit bit roiHuly toumor tlwtrchiiartu
dutliiic tlit tttthlnc orlwl.
I'AyliiK Hir Inniritinlloo.
"Hny, me Kol limn," ext'hilmrd the
city youth, who wu undecided wheth
er to buy alirlmp or iiilnuowa, "what
do you cntch IInIi with nroiimt here Y'
"(llvu mo n (Uurtcr nud I'll tell you,"
Rriiuteil the rurnllto with tho new-cut
"Here It I. Now, what do you catch
them wlthr
"Hooktl" rhllndelphln Itecord.
l'orcourht and rolilt tliei I no better
medtelna than I'lto'a Our for Co mump
Uon. 1'rlee 'J3 cent.
VIitkliiK ( Iota lllKllnollon.
Iteiievoleut i'nrty Youui; man, I'm
torry to m-o you thu IdlliiK nway the
(olden hour of youth. Kvery tlmo I
look out of my parlor window 1 ace
you ilttltiK on thl fire hydrant.
The Youiil' .Mnn Whufa th' matter
with you? Wlint are you Klvln
mo? I nln't Idle when I'm dolu' noth-
' Iiik. I'm n anwer Inspector. Clove
laud Plain Denier.
Tk llllv llimna (4ilnlh Tiiblit. All "true-
liu truHl lt iwrirf If II felli lu lf. II. W,
Oiut ' clguolui U uu xli bui. c
Lunch cart are an Inttltutlon In Iter
, lln. They call at tho tiomra of work
men, and convey luucbea to tbttu at th
' 9100 Reward, $100.
Thtrrftrio(lhliptr will tx rletttd to
in Ihtt thtralialltulont ilrtJl OImud
tlitt tclonc liti letu tLIt lu rurt In tit lit
itti, and thai It Otttrrh, llttl'tCtttrrh
lui lilliaouljr ivilllvt euro known lo tht
mxilftllrtitrnlty. CtttrrU txln tconitllu
tiuntl dlMtM, require 1 1 cwnitliuilontl irtt
mint. lUII'tCturrbcurtuiaktnlnttrDtlly,
telinr dlrtcily Uu th llooJ and mueout
untrt of iht uio, thtrcby drttroylnc tut
ItHiiiJtllunollhtdlMtM, and tUIn lb i
Hint irriKlh hr bnlMlna up tht fxiiulltutlcm
tad tuliiluf ritturaln dulurr In wurk. Tht
pruerltlort htra to much Itlln In Itt curtuvo
puKtrtthtt thty offer out Hundred Itolltri
lur anretMiiitiltltiutocurt. Mtnd tor lUt
0,li!r"Mr. J. niiWET co., Toledo, o.
Bold by dniRltli.
lltll't r&tully 1'lllt art tht btiU
Social Kiiallly In Canitirlitun,
Iteforo I.ousjfellow bouuht tho houso
In CambrldKo so nwioclutml with hi
memory It was owned and occupied
by old Mr. Cralide.
Mr. Crntglo wnn n woman of many
eccoiitrlcltloM, Mmicuro I). Conway
anyn In hi ncout book of "lteuilnU
cencen." Homo one onco tried to persunde her
to hnvo her trees tarred to protect
them from cnterplllnr, which also In
vaded her neighbor's trees.
Klio refuaed to bo so cruel to the
"Thoy aro our follow worms," ah
an Id.
lln,...l.l l..... !..... W?. i....
SIgnaturo of
Clin rle "Wore nny of your aea
Ido nKnKnmeut koiiuIiio?" Myrtle
"No. Btmply war rumor." Chicago
Caaey "Did ye tnko n vacation this
ytmr, Mlko?" CorrlKnn "01 did not,
01 wns out on strlko from Mny to
October." l'uck.
"Wnlter, I find hero In my soup n
needle n noodle, nlrl" "Thnt must
lx) a mlnprlnt that ahould bo a
noodle." Jii(li.
"How's you K'HUn' on wld younh
'rlUimotlc, Lou?" "I done learned to
add up tho oiiKhta, but do fliiures bod
dor m." Collier's Mnicnzlno.
All In thn brnud: Homer "Whnf
tho dlffercnco In tlmo bolwcen CIiIcoko
and rnrls?" Itounder "Well, thnt do
Iienda on tho kind of n tlmo you are
looking for." Chicago News.
"Ho say ha propones to mnke auto
mobile that will entlly attain n piil
of eighty mllei nn hour." "Whew!
Hint's n Krent btinlue uudertnkliiK."
"Yes, but, most of nil, It unwind n groat
undertnkltig business." I'hlladulphla
"How did they ever como to send
him to the lej-laliituru" "Well, you
ane, Uiey wero prevented by n tochnl
entity from acuitlng him to tho pent
teutlary and he nlioweil no dlapoxltlou
to move out of town," -Chicago Itec
ord Hirnld.
Parmer June "Wal, thnr's ono
thing I Ilka nbout themi phiguey nuto
mobollsui, nnywny." Furiucr llrown
"What Is Uint?" Knrmer Joneu "Tliey
don't mind getting killed tlicuiHclvei
nny more than tliey do killing other
folk." llrooklyn Life.
Itngg "And ho poor Dngg Is dead.
I novi-r got a chnuco to bid him good
by. The first tiling I do when I get
to heaven will be to say bow norry
I wan." Kagga "Hut atippote ho
didn't got to ben ven)" llagga "Then
you tell him for me." Town Topic.
"How la your school of JourualUm
doing)" "Well, It la a little alow. Wo
have no trouble In getting people who
are willing to be teachers. Tho trouble
Is to find anybody who doesn't think
be knows nil about now a nowtpaper
ought to be run." Washington Star.
"1 understand your wife Is cpilto
literary." "1 ahould aay to; ahe won
a ten-dollar prize from the tallica'
Own Journal with an article on 'How
we managed to aavo enough In two
year to move twice and pay Uie
plumbr for connecting the gaa range.1
"1 don't like to say such long pray
era," mild a lltthi girl the other night;
"I wont to aay nice short one like
nursery doc." "What kind does nur
sy s.iy)" Inquired her mother. "Oh,
she Just says, 'Oh, Ixrd, why do 1
have to get upl "Philadelphia
Klfter "That's a nice umbrella
you've got." Idfter "Yes, It wns a
presont." Klftci- "Indeed? Who gnvo
It to you " Ufter "Nobody gave It
to me, but It has nn Inscription on It
showing that It wns 'presented to
1 John P. Jones,' whoever thnt la."
Philadelphia Press.
"Old llllggvrs Is such a strong Dem
ocrat I ahould not hnvo supported lis
would consent to his daughter's marry
lug young Smith, who Is n Itepubll
can." "Well, Illggora aaya hU wife
la Democrat, too, and ho U going
to get somebody else Into tho family
for her to argue with." Life.
The tic, man had called bis lawyer.
"I wish to explain again to you," Mid
he, weakly, "nbout willing my prop
erty " Tho attorney held up his
hnud reannurlngly, 'There, thcrol" snld
ho; "leave that nil to me." Tho alck
man alghed resignedly. '"I suppose I
might aa well," said he, turning upon
his pillow; "you'll got It, anyway."
Anxious Inquirer "Is It true Uint
for fifteen shilling I can lusuro my
houso for a thousand pounds?" Clerk
"Quito true, madam. If your houso
burns down wo pay you a thousand
pounds." Anxious Inquirer "And do
you mako nny Inquiries as to bow the
tiro originated?" Olerk "Cortnlnly.
Wo mako the most careful Inquiries."
Anxious Inquirer "Aid I thougut
thoro wins catch lu It aomo where."
Mrs. Kidder "Charlw, can't you
glvo mo another check) 1 soo you
hnvo a whole book full." Mr. Kidder
"That doesn't signify, denr. I hnvo
used up my balance at tho bank."
Mra. Kidder "Then why didn't yon
glvo up your check-book T Now, It's
no uso for you to toll BtorltM, Joseph
Kidder. If you mean to say I nlina't
hnvo nny money, why don't you bay
ao right out, Uko n man)" Kr.
Tho principal of tho school was
talking with hint nbout his boy. "Ity
tho wny, Mr. Wlpedunks," ho said; "l
have inailo n discovery about Jerry.
Ho's ambidextrous." "I don't bco how
thnt can bo," replied Mr, Wlpedunks,
with rising Indignation; "ho hnliit
never been exposed to It, Ilcsldos, ho
wns vaccinated last year, wo bathe
him reg'lar very week, and his mother
always mnkos him wear n little bag
of natiatlddlty tied around his neck.
Homo of Uio oUter boys has been lyln'
on him," Chicago Tribune.
One Hiuall Pair.
"Woll, Mr. Hart.' 'aald tho doctor,
"I congratulate you. You aro Uie
fatnor of") "Ahl" exclaimed Uia
proud man, "A Hart turns up, eh? I
hopo It's the Jack Uint la, a boy,"
"Two boy. Twlus, In fact." "The
deuce." Philadelphia. Record.
The Population of
Uie Carlli is
One Million
Die Annually
All over tho world I'cruna la known
and used for catarrhal dlsoases. The
I'cruna Olrl has traveled 'round tho
llvr faco ts familiar everywhere that
civilization reaches.
Unlvtrtallr Pr.Ixd
From Attica to Greenland, from
Manchuria to IVUigoiiia, the faco of
tho l'erunn girl is familiar and the
prnleea of I'cruna as a catarrh remedy
aro henrd.
SuiiM In North and South
Peruna crorned tho Kuator foveral
years ago, to find in the Southern Hem
isplicro tho tame triumphant success
that has marked Ita career in tho
Northern Hemisphere.
A Stamford
Peruna la a standard catarrh remedy
tlu world over.
It cures catarrh by eradicating it
from the system.
Permanent Cure
It obviate tho necessity of all local
treametnt and its relief is of permanent
Without a Pttr
No other remedy has so completely
dominated tho whole earth aa Peruna.
In Cvtry Toni u
III all languages ita glowing testimo
nials aro written.
In all climes tho demands for Feru
na liicrcnio.
An CUcmloc laboratory
To supply this remedy to the whole
The Wild Dnck.
"You wero out gunning yesterday, I
hror. Boo any wild ducks)
"One," replied tho amateur hunter.
"Hut you dldu't get within range, I
suppose "
"I was wlthtn range of his voice all
right while he rwore at mo for ahoot
lug hla tame ones." Philadelphia
llftur. Illl,. IUm.II nr Fmlrurtlnr 111m.
Your ilnifcfel will rrunt menr ir I'AZO CINT-
Tlrrt or Kngllati.
Htiiband You onco told ma that you
studied Prencli, Italian and Spanish
whllo at school Can you speak any of
thrm now)
Culture,! Wife All of them. Why)
Hunbaud I wish you'd do your talk
ing In one or the other of ttmm until I
get through with this newspaper.
Have becu suflerine front Impure Stood
for many years, having Bolls and other 1
Eruptions. Havintr heard of S. S. S. I de
cided to try it, and am clad to any that it
basdouo men. fjreat dcalofgood. I intend
to continue to use it, aa I believe it to bo
tho best Illood Medicine on the market.
Cleveland, Tcnn. W. K. DuTims.
Pur over fifteen years I have suffered
more or less from Impure Mood. About a
year ago I had a boil appear on my leg
below tho kuec, which was followed by
three more ou my neck. I saw S. S. a.
advertised and decided to try it. After
taking three bottles all Bolls disappeared
and i itave not becu troubled any since.
Gho. O. PltRTIO.
114 W. Jefferson St, Louisville, Ky.
Newark, Ohio, May 33. 1903.
Prom childhood I had been bothered
with bad blood, skin eruptions and bolls.
I had boils ranging from Ave to twenty in
number each season. The burning ac
companying the eruption was terrible.
S, S. S. seemed to be just the mediclno
needed in my caso. It drove out all Impu
rities and bad blood, civlitf me perma
nent relief from the skiu eruption and
boils. This has been ten years ngo, and I
Lave never had a return of the disease.
Mrs. J. D. Athuuton.
Write for our
book on blood and
skin diseases.
Medical advice
or any special in
formation about
your case will cost
you nothing.
Tho Swift SuoolflQ Company, Atlanta, Qa,
Color mora goods brUMcr and fatter colors than any other dyc Ona 10c iMKlmta colors slid,
luarantccd to l pcrfact raault. Aik dealer, orwq will scad aoU paid at 10c a patkaca.
lach mud mU colors. MONROC DRUQ CO. )o1oyUI, Mkjourt "
?WW tor f CPAs f
worlJ taxes to tho utmost ono of tho
best laboratories in the United States.
' A Word from AuOr.Ua
I Walter H. Woodward, Bomadlcr
Itoyal Australian Artillery, Hobart,
Taomania, writes:
"I suffered for several yeara with a
'distressing condition of the head and
throat, cauted by continual colds.
"My head and nostrils wero stopped
up mont of tho time and there waa a
discharge, and my sense of smell was
affected badly.
"After two weeks nso of renins I
found title condition quite changed, and
eo I continued to uio this remarkable
medicine for over a month.
"I am very glad to ray that at the
rrid nf that tlmn I was rnrrvl and felt in
fino health generally, and am pleased
to give Peruna my honest endorsement."
I from Hawaii
j Prince Jonah Kalaninnaole, delegate
i in Congress from Hawaii, writes from
Kulrat, llablnl and lUoacnt Hlomp PnlWr
oa th. uiukrf. lit lion power on th iwmo
wltii two bon. Wnu lor dncrtputo rataluc
aad prlra. - i
foot el AtorriMn Slrctt Portland, Ortton
mrrmatKxmpttnna. O.tIi.-"-,
WT I)ons!fa S.1,ftO hr nre tho Kralrl ellnr lu (l.o
vurltl lr?4tu uf Ittvlr Mrltrul tyerur UIIIh nud
riur MajtMrlncauuIUIf-r, 'lliy hi Jm kmm! wthufj itu(
rssit fVorM W.OO ttir.7,00, Tho uulytiltrrrriiod Is Clio irlrs
V I lluufilu ClU.ftCt ftiiara rust itir t tuttkr, he I J their
hti iM(ei vnr luHcr una arufgritur vitlitethmi any
utttf rtf:l.3tlattoou theiuwrkrt -lMy tViIItuti4suiu.
UHlrri Ittvlr tulue by tHiuitlun liU umno aud nrlco un lie
Itulttttit uf rurh shuts lawulr. lur ll 4VU nuubIUii(e VI
IuubIiiIsMI..SI aatiuuriuia tttratualt liUuwurrlnll - I u
IhriirlnrlioiilrlllrBaiiiitlbi ahoiltMkrerrvrryvhcr ruiut
lc wUer ou l c, W.!, liuu-i lua al.u un wutiluyaur rtiucu
nsrrsR rM.v onten jJtKS3 at Axrpwx.
HfirtJl0ttutt1rttipariIhr4 worn U'.i.kM.(j,uXi-iV)n-ii jJ(tnot
BvnrVui "" ll T IW1 IIBJV tm,'V fiJf IH'friMlirTVJ W - Vf f T-a
CMuul, tmrrUt Ant Vathttr 1 CtpuMS-HwnitoamtIJMmjputinJ
Boti wear w. L. D.afflaj $3.50 and $3.00 saott bseausa thoy fit
better, hold their shape, and wear longer thm other makes.
11'. U DjHQlai uttt (Vroaa CWit la AufUDiaoM. (Vnrna
CVil u cvHiiJtrrJ (a m Iht Aat paltrt lttkrr proJuciU.
W. 1. pouitlu bu tb Hiintt ihoa mall onlrr bnalHia In tba world.
No truuM lo grl a at by tuail. tin. lra prrpajt dcbTtrr. If ou itrilra
iuitbcr IntoruuUou, trrin Ar JlltutmnJ CuliiuaiM c Spring Afvicj.
. F A-D E LS-S- D Y ES
Washington, D. C, as follows:
"I can cheerfully recommend yoat
Peruna as a very effective remedy fox
couhsg, colds and catarrhal trouble."
A Cuh.n Minlttcr
Ecnor Qucsads, Cuban Minister to
the United States, writes from Wash
Iington, D. C, as follows:
"Peruna I can recommend as a Tory
good medicine. It is an excellent
, strengthening tonic, and is also an efll-
cacious cure for the almost universal
'complaint of catarrh." Gonzalo D
front All Quarters of the Cloba
We havo on file thousands of testi
monials like those given above. Wa
can give onr readers only a alight
glimpra of tho vast number of grateful
. letters Dr. Hartroan is constantly re
I cciving from all quarters of tho globe,
in behalf of bin famous catarrh remedy,
National Oats
OmtMt oat of tb eootnrr.
Yl.ldrMl In Ohio l. In Mlctu
CI. tn 1.1 ft. 22A. And la N. rvikntm.
I IlObo". praer.
I oa can oeai uut noora 10 io.
For 10c and this notice
w mall foo freo lota o t frm ttri
aampica aoa oar pi cmuuoc, wis. ,
toe ati uomuu ou womiar ana ,
tbououMia or ouxr Mu.
Dr. G. Gee Wo
Wcsierful Hoes
This wonderful Chi
bm doctor I. oil.ij
treat tcuta h cure
Mopl without opera
tion taal ara gtv.n op
to alt. II cutr. wlib
Uio. woail.rrul l'b.1
DM Df rba. ronta. bud,,
bark, attd rtct ablM
tbat an tnUiMj un
known la mnllcal art
aac In UiUj country Tbromh IL. dm of the.
buinlru rniodla tal. famou. doctor know
tbaacUon oroTtrtOOdlBrrenlremMllM wbloa
ba aucrtafully uara lu d.aireut dlMaaM. 11.
furanltra tocurecalanb,asibma, 1ud(, throat,
rbcuniaUam, n.rrouioraa, loniaco, llr.r, kid
ney, tic. baa bumlriHla or IrailnioDlala.
Cbarcf a modrret. CaU aud blin. I'atlcnta
out or tba cllr wrlta for blank and circular.
HrndaUrop. CO.NbULTATlO.N mKE.
The G. Gaa Wa CMnaso Medicine Co.
3- UcnUon ppr
P. N.U.
No. 12-1905
WUKN wrttliia; toB4vertlonilMu
utentluo ttilt papar. I
wool anil cotton equal)
Writs tor frc booUtt
ay. it. rig. ffiVaTii iaaB
ajjgymgjlyp i
rjt t