The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 31, 1905, Image 5

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Wnllpupcrut the Merrill DrilCd.
The new iMnrifDora cocktail nt
The Office miiIooii.
iiloMHt utiUnnliM Avexl wVek, n(
New volt Cash Htorc.
The I,iidles Alii Hoclcty linvc
lOnily-madc kitchen aprons lor hale.
The fainoiu American Iluutity, n
new cocktail J tint out. at TheOIiee.
Deniircnnd hear the IHuHlriitcd
aoiipi t the Opera House next
Miss Klvu King left Wciliieuliiv
inoriiiiiL; to rottirn to her home in
llolliuKliiim, Wash
We are in the val pnjier bui
mws nud won't he undersold by
anyone. Merrill Drue Co.
I'lwttiriiKe for liorsn, 50 can'j a
wuuk, $3 11 month, near Bend,
tf II. V. Momui.i..
If Vnnnre jjoiiiK to jnpi" your
iiouw, t'onnnlt 111. Wv can smve you
money. Merrill liriK CuuiMiiy.
Them Is a due office room with
double windows on the second Door
or the iHiuk buildiiiK for rent at $iu
11 mouth.
Don't overlook the fact that the
lluud l.ivury &,, Transfer Co. sell
hay, oats anil hurley chop as clump
ns any place in town.
The great train robbery at the
Opera I louse next Wednesday. Thin
is one of IMihoii'h lcst films ainls
1,700 feet long. Hce programme.
800 HcruMof flue pine timber in a
body neur .sawmill and i;ood mark
ct. Twt) latgv .spring oil the trait
I'orwtlcHt low price. R.G. Smith,
llcnd, Oregon.
They live in clover over on
S(iiaw Creek. The finot faun and
ohltmt water rlajht is for sule or lease.
Address II. It Heed, 1'riii'iville, or
e him 011 the place. 111)5
I'runk May wn iu the city ftom
Khuniko. the first ol the week.
hriiiKitiK with him (mitics ititereatcd
iu the Dcftchutcif luiprovemcut
Company' lauds
The fine juniper tree UiAt wn
allowed to Maud iu the middle of
the kidvwulk nt the Merrill drtie
.store, has finrtlly been Micrificcd 111
the march ot progress.
UiiKiueer I.. I). Wiest spent lust
week iu I'riuuville surveying and
ret'tifvitiK Mtivets, and this wrik lit
? 1 lociiiuiK irrigation plant for
number of farmers north of Hcntl.
, Mrw Anne Mtllnni, vtia wan
Kith the United suite National
Bank in Portland for mote than
three ycni.s, has conn- to Bend and
tttkeii n position with the Pilot
lltitic company.
Mr. and Mts. William II.
Stephens extwet wkiii to resume,
wrvicc .it the CnsU.Orack toll gate. ;
I, tint enr they went up there Mil)
25. but thik vear tlit roadi across
the mountain will be owu much
Fred Renter, late of Pruieville.
formerly of Chicago, him accepted a
position as i utter with C. II Krick
son's market, filling the vscnuc
-made by the r.-sij;iiuiou of J J. A.
Ciifl'iu,,wbo t tA taken up reeideuce
on hs Iioim end.
I). M. Siry'a tather, mnther and
Mister ami Mra John Hell will leave
Pullman, Wash , next Tut-Mlay foi
lleml and Mr. Siry wilt meet them
nt Shauiko. They will make their
permanent home near heir, wheie
Mr. Siry has taken a claim.
The Ladles Aid society would
like to obtain work iu the following
lines; General mending, (gentle
lien's uicudiiiK it Specialty) umkiu
children'. aprons, tMibles' ctothiiif ,
ladica NjiroiiN of nil kinds, ami
humming; household liueiiK. Pleaae
leave packages of mciitliiif with
the name plainly written nt Heiid
Meritutile htoie. All ladles are
cordially invited to .ittend meet
ings of the Ladies Aid nud
bucomc active members.'
Notlco to the Public.
. 'The D. I. & P. Co., regardless of
the rumors bclu drcuUtcd, are still
(loini; busiues. m vtjie old hUikI nud
m are we. NcU'lic'r nrc Inolce , both
on a cash basin. Our line of house
furnishings is now complete,
is the time to hulect whnt you
i iii
and you will have to liurry.
Oui fishing tackle has arrived
ntltl we have a .stock to select from
'tltht yynuld tempt even ft name
warden tf go i.fyliliiK before the first
of April. PnVt of pur new shoe
stock is now hem, the jest is on the
toad. In a few (bivalve will be able
t,o offer you the Roynl Chinook, j
"the beit shoe made, barring none. I
(jyjV.c are anxiously nwaitiun the
niriVfU.of sevcrnl larce .shipunjntsi
ll jjwvnin. IIW1II jvtlll-l llJiVJIllt.l,
when wc Will be able to Qflt& you
the best tfojlds foe the least nio'ney
of nny htoie iu Crook Co. Wait
for us. Mail orders will be. prompt
ly nud carefully attended ih.
Sincerely yjtir.i,
V A t'HM'fVj,
ViHl f riiHirtH'ftrtfrinY
wUlllHl'l" cD-1
The John i'llnn
O'Knue'n The Office.
Oct the Uciid Mvcry & Transfer
Co. to do your hnullui; and truck
ivVcl'V lliliiK III the wall pupfi
line nt rea.soilable prices. Men ill
Driijt Co.
The lest Hue of whiHklcs and
clours iu Crook county at The
Office Hiitoou.
An entire change of programme
each eveuliiK at the Opera House
April 4II1.0H1 and 7th.
Ifci N. Wallace, nccniupnuled
by his wlfenud child, was in town
from I.uldhtw, Tuesday.
Knppberries, MrawlxirrieM and all
small nursery stork for nale by W.
J. lluckley, Mend, Oreson.
W. H. Ouerlu.jr , left Tuesday
nlijlil for 11 trip to I'oitlaud, cx
pttcthiK to return Sunday.
Money wived by buying .shoes
etc , at the closing out sale of the
Tlat 'irl rfl-1 IllAfil f tiaLlll IllaU
4iuir itfirv wimi mw.v, 'm.iw,
ror wile, tut f 4 x 1 0 nummiK now
.......I ... -..... ! 1 II I... l. II-...I
iiwu H.i iiinvurc nun ny inc jjciui
'iriml ll.iml. dr. St llin li in.
dexter, manager.
. ..... .-j .. ... ...
1'artias desiring hourV rovn
ntuhcry Mock of commercial va
rieties can get same by awciiiK W.
J. lluckley, Mend, OreKon.
7. T. Cideou, who taiiKht the
fiend school half of last year, recent
ly finished
. ' ' ' "".
a term nt .Histcrs and
is now teaching nt I.Kindntn
I?irht class timothy and clover hay
Krowu near Sisteis, for stile nt Anil
A ti lie's Imrn iu Heiid. iu any quail
titles desired, at the regular mnrkct
price. a-13
O' Kane's new liowliiu: nlley on
Oretton .street l now lendy for
l.f. .t. . I ..!
uu.iuewi. u w u nmi-ci-iM auey in
all restcctM, iu h
iiwwl inca Iti mill
. .. - .
there will be Kpccial iroviious for
the ladies on Ttieilny and I'riday
eveniiiKH. ICrl Wright if. iu chargf
of the ImiwIiiik alky.
The baud holds n lease for ten
years on a lot granted RRitis by the
Pilot Hutte Development Compsny,
to be use-1 solely for baud purpose
The boys iutrnd to mtII the hall
they now use for practice and erect
building on the lot which Usituat"
cd on the corner of Greenwood ave
nue and Tenth street
The city council last Tuesday
nlKht IsMrl inanimousl the three
ordinaucen appearing in this paper
ami veil Ml in (iiiymtiiiiiiii-nil wrviit'
voted to d 'continue the aervue1
of uii;htwatrhuiRn. '1'here was a
liltlc informal disctiasioii as to the
adviaabibty of placing a license on
Kcucral business but no formal
presentation of such proposal.
President H. I). Turncy and
General Manager J. O. Johnston,
of the D. I. it P. Co., came in from
the railrojd last Sattuday afternoon
and left Monday moriiinir to return
o Portland, nftcr takitiK a drive
over the ditch construction work.
Kred J. Stanley, president of the
new Hood River bank and n prom
inent lumberman, formerly state
keiiator ftom I'nion county, accoiu
pauved them. He was greatly
taken with the industrial prospect
and it is understood that he will
become identified with important
interests here.
Moving Picture Concert.
The uioviue picture ronurt xlveii ti
the Steel A: PiccIaimI Coiiiwny at Com.
tnercla! lull uii WmIhcmU) hihI Thmi.
Ihv fTMln!Hi tlu- licl I'liU'rUltiuicnt
of iu kind ever KUeu in nUlop.
Tlxy bad it IniK auifit-nrr both evriuujc,
Uht nlltiK eMeity of Uve lull Iteiii
t-l tu iu limit, mid unlike tlw ma
turity uf "bIhihh" UHitlni; the inland
country, live ritterlaiiimrnt waaaixuod
ss ttw-y aivtrtiki1 it m Ix- Amniotic
The Steel !i I'reelaud Concert
Couikiuy willleat theOcin House
Wednesday, Thursday and I'ridfiy
April 51I1, 6th and 7th. Admission
25 and 50 cents. R se ved seats at
Chapman's store 60 cents.
Chance for 11 Restaurant.
lloRtiu & .Son, at Roslund post
office, which is nl-o a stime station,
have for n Ioiik time kujit n stop
piilK place frYi ftWrji. , 'piny
wish to j;ive up 'tlifcl .pat,6f thulr
business, nud offer iiiUicetieAnt.s for
a jjood restnurnut there. There are
now steady boarders ami n consider
able number of transients to accom
modate and there will 1 be -a fine
trade iu the summer. I?or partic
ulars call on
mi RostWkli Or.
All this for $13.
10 lbs, coffee
2 lbs. tixi
50 lbs, MiKr 1
10 Hit, ilruil npjilcti
in 11m, wit ,
l case luillcil Mini
10 lbs. rice
IS lbs, prune '
5 lbs, nuiruroiii
in lbs. linked v,liiml
in lbs. rolled oats
lo llw. beans
in IImi. com meiil
1 wick flour iv,
in k row
IlK C(.
VVjfcu Vjl t
Wall. Pancr,
If w bnveu,,t whut. ,iliit)i Vour
fancy, will proctfre Hhciq tn .sjipr.t I
i. ...;.... vr.....n rS.i..'. fi. .'..!. J... .
rmtiil iiif Ii.r iL.niiiitf. kinl .rrimu' Hit
Il.hiiiik, wnl CtttilH'Utu
carrying on ui certain jiMiimnim, waiic4,
raltliiK. (! occupation! wlthlu (lie cororU
IlinlU of Jlcliil.
Ileltoritalutil by the Coutnort Council orlnc
frttlon 1, tin jitfiH, flTtd fomp.itir prcir
Miration lill lit riigaueil liu WMffnlfi ''''!'
mi iiny Itmif l.ii.lnni iir iirofraaifiii wMhimlir
HiMit of II" illy r ll'llll f"f wh'-li li ""
iiikv I. r. I'C tliliunliii i.e. iiiiiu li
Our .li, II lnvr (.In . iit'l "'I'll I An
Hi. II HrllUHlufl
rr hu in lui'U 111 iim n"t fiinrif
liiiiulirililulUl or ilull l lmirloiifil rr
Irim nil cr'llm liny it . or my l tniiilth.
nl ly Im.Oi fine mil liiiprlwJiimeHt, ml Ibc
miiiiiiiitriicli lktii liall l dtrmfl 1 -M
Inllir Cllyuf HriMl urnl irh tntwiii II nil eui.
imiiy ur iriMirNlluii nlMll Iw llM In III III "f
uf Ikinl f'if (iir ninwiiit nf'iKli li nt
K'lln llvtry UcriiK lukeii im iiwlfr ur l.y
)linr orihll i,ii(iiiii 4hll f'iillii mul. I
fiitUi tlir liiiipor. lrsl. ImMHfM w tKufrMloM
lor wlilili Mill lliHM U nranltl,Md lh iinitif
ami lMYi.r ntnl of Die iitfcni or pfnwui
UkliiKimUlieMme sM llpfn (lull mIIi.
lie lilt mil 1 1 11 mi hit of Hit I,iiIiicm iHinMl lhrr
IH 1 Ihr i.lx limnnl Oif'tlll for tlirlriMol
ikIi llrtHx- Ally irrmirtliifora.tfyi!!
wh any lrt cantiie llii nrfpSt
ilMuu dliy m I for whli li ikvtIM 14 ritlrrt. nhuM
mii d.wn.l ..r hv tlw uAcur irfMlucr ihkH
, llcror imI hhItm lie do ft. hU l.f ilrrrnol I
limv iw llnr mi' I lull Im- IM lo nl, bur
mid limiilmiiiiirnl m HU'II"I In m1Ioh I of
I iNuot4liwir
HIIINII J .w Hfjw ... ...... .in., w...
of III hiimII Hitt)fmHl or ocuitWM4 fur
which a llrtiue 4 rriiunl, hMl l jhimiiH m
milrl mi Iti Ihe unr jlr ly the Miwr ro i
I Ihr itnu llinr. Ik-cinc niill In-ukn wil fr i
cmIi, cruidiiiii lulhi rclrt m vrrmly rcrnl
Itrrnm lnl
lliiiM4 4hatl nidrc'llwUilita oftMlniuinrr,
u j-a.ty.f
' itt4rltilM r. fettM
tin y rtiiv M Mrcii. 10 iuy n
prmii. wl i dy f l i
rcli. joiUy n( lull-
' 'lir lf'
';.'.tii ,i,W ,if,i tu aiii !., rtii.
litttlhr Nrrt
' him of tutnumlluii lull lUlrl rrvM IlK IM
, -...,. .' ...fa ... wl.ti.1. .k tll.ifltv lk..Iti
4r i.llhc Hiotllh In wlnrh thr llnl.inty Ihifrl'W
I .m.inl mil tfill ! Iuril HlwM III imyuical
of wiiuWt ihviiii f llir hlr mouunt of
I .lulu IuiuujJ far M. It lkn.4
N'T, ...r-r--. -. .- .
kVm 3
All Hcfiix-4 imultd ttr I lil onll.
ttiK liTl Ik fl In dne (m Raid m Mlvr
hnltotiC If miy ri.ii lill fnriil-ti wtch
rvtdrwtrjM nhill lly Hit Ur Ibjt hr r
thr, liy irnvjiiofMtUfwlMHrof itiytrt lijllfm
lly, Hirill4riiHlhlifroi Xhr M)wriil of ny
lictiiM lflii rnlil. Ilic ly--r ny rrmlt
uicii Imuv fif li PrriiM of imA lr IImh or
I.i.u .,1 .lu.ll irtrrfald rtrlKill wrMUII IKIllill.
.uiihk why mkm in-milt i rrmj, tn of
HllkH 4111111 W Illr.1 nn llic mj nnwinvi,
lftrtr 4u.ii ciiuil dtall lit wtmw
m.i lull 7 Artiotoi!"". 'iliy''., '
IoiIuhc Irllrta aliiill My lkH fee of lu
.liAlmtm tar .liiv ttt lu iriUffft 1rf wrk
NM4MU a AtttXtountt Hl M Ik iim- fre of
Utcwiuiir lUy or Ih oUi. ptr wrtk
l(riy wWn ball Iw iUiiiI mi mitllot-r
wllhiH Ihc MumiliiK of I hk onlliiiinrf wIim-
iMMHMHuiBiri.rititiyr-,r t ' jbuc
""rht wolloii4'lhU rclM, howrrrr, ImIi
uuimipw lo MKI or rroiil uiflwr HiaMug
ui.ili lrt Wy Hum of 'i dirr of y
. l tulll
rrr.-':. "li'L.'.TJ .i.oi imBi- . mC ..
imk Mir njr rirriof4 or wnwni.
. . -. -- - - --X--"- . ..e -..i..
Mrnil. oroli-4Wuuoi iicw
Html, of ol inMtuti of IkoM. mUIii o( 1km
. .-...1.4 hmiIi.i liUHHWf
mmkmk HHkci4hallMyii Ikftw (er of
r .MUi. orr dy IWh nod wry ii-m
wkoillufrr m.y mlkW for ilr fiom ui i
i him wrrtl. .WK cM tv4L4
ilBlMlhfiiuH4lihrgr. lull fe 4oiU n
Kinktr nodrr IWM mlMio. h limi
MiMr lhH or h kll wll of oiler lo acll
fluM Ik ( ld r wcH. ttU of Mtk
pnmtnt (kaUl o r.(M.fv lo uu .mii 11k Ikmc
McttoM i l'radlr lll w rUH 4
,i.t! Mlo WkH Uliu. 4uh Iwo or
wot uinil. brt rt, ! uvtuif mim
un rntiHwl, kohhI ci4 wMtm Iroti.og oh
fuut.lkirai.UM i-kW.MfihltrnU. 4mi.
lulKciwrfri.flifdo.lir prr rrk rf
otxuir mi oay, w4Mltrf4f Ik 4Mod dt.MlwU
imv a lurMM lr of owlUn ftr kcl or om
0.411 ir dy, rMiti of 11m- tktrd tU klwil
My lirtH tofUii4oUMKrfckoroc
hour Iwr rta)
Am ut4Mi. rtctul tititmi Mliuc ur-
lawn kMc4. mulrcUkluJ lfct4, u4 UriiKi
.. ..-"... .. .. 4 I
j ftKSSruSk Vb".
j ;'ri,JrJJ,',3'Jll
Hr tn l ijfettttfaf -w4i w
J .MaU tallM baa t viftM lilll Iir OftJtCf
' ...a.wai.n vn
.a.-iii r"i.r' 'r"" HU.iiHt
aiimii lut tin- fci ikmi
NMI tr tiM1
iUiiii, .uuii Hit ..nil itao- '
iclioi 11 l!t-r iwtwwnmlocliias'wnl
twinUlltor MMUbU. HM4-HI um.v M,iiiar
v.y Ah ,dl aMl cfty UUr a lwM hi uJ lu
aoUo-ilflUPr qoaftr
Kwy -pcrauH .il'lu.1lK a hiwllns altcy hall
aylfo auO ourhalf 4lh tweh for ny
ltry. lr lrtM. ry lae hIhii twwt atr
tuwMH.oti.u l"t paMla nssh or Milhoat 4hall I ir,(4iJr.l a lMr ally
uvrty Mtao omtuIh or MMoliKiiais Itaotiu
lalWry 4Mll y a Imum Irr of Iru tlulUri r
loaiUr vny 4eor halMUit hci. kiH4ui
Ltlult ai krot M stwotluic 41 laijfit tl Ihrr
(ui wr out, aaalt b ttArrl a aouttn
HvcryoxlH0VcT pmII ly a Wcur frt of
,hi, kulUit kc qoarlcr
Hvrry -oJ aaad &nt mII pay a lrar
ft af lUw nultoi ior .iMftar.
ryjaul.atVtt aaail pay a llcrmc ft of
thirr JotUM r puller
hry prrMM ciMbMlac a paeraph uUM
pay lttmr frr of oac iluUar wr uhmii It (or cadi
livery paltat nmlklw prdnter or teiUcIl
tulut u.ii.H orotkrt drUc lo attiact CI owOa
Hall p a ltrHe Ice of hvc dotUta prr da or
hflrcu dulUia tnr tk All olr i-l'Hi
mroK-iH udlfi4 or tcwltra, tvtv aul uhc half
iluUt lr day.
hn I'lHW atlMi ai itW. kfral or mir
r. iu oliuulltilt for lMlutlHH l4oaiiluu or
furHlthluc pwtra of aoy dmeiiotM.a or who.
oltata lui w.l4 lor or 'IU Uio. alaama or
Haua, atwll pa a llcaar Ire of hrcdotlara par
ick, or two dollai rr day, eieapl pcrrawa !.
INK Mblr4 urwtiMpri atMl o.utM ttml teal
dVal uhiMoail4Ki4 aad Ibflt a'ata
llvny pcroM who klialt aril or cauiract Ut Mil
uoy i '14. aia. ehlul or mcrtliaii. a- b.
Mui)4r ur orJrr, ior Mlwvlfr any uibit p-r -in.
ur uuu'i vaaiMtou, aball pa) u livritac l t
lMi.'Iil.y or UN dollar! par vrW; WMttMi
thai lhi aliall lt appl) I'. ptlwM 'Unit kood
or 1 1 Win oilrra lor mutt I row mi in HriMl, or
lo ptttoua iu thr emplo) if aimtkrcpma In
kVuil, Uk.uf trdrr for ijoodt la turir aiorr.
Jultia lull pa a livauw fo. of Ihrie dollar
lor a mrfufwaui.', aad mt Mrrio no,) aliahluf luad aaaU U dreamt a
juaaUr ouitr imIi ordluaaic
1 ne prta(H or ayriiU of lt other exliibi
Uua. dlvat or IhoairKat iwlhMMwacea fui
wonc). ur airecl faVcr. oat laumeraint im Uii
action, "hill ut a li.Hr tVe of iMuikdlara Kr
.la or ilnidUtaip'rcei.ptVHWl,lHtcter
lhal urhrHrver the rrcl't fur ail), tlirralrr coil
v.crt, rth uilUMi, IttSMe or ruletliUHHielil Utobe
ur will U approp. Uleil lo u chmoli
irkux.l .-.loioiii ur IwikvoI. ul IWIIMe u'.lllll
the HI) "fJWuil.lluic
lotliei.iMu or ih rHM coadudiMg IM IMnw
iWrtiuii i J Client.- hflt or vlaaalu'd kb.1
ralrtl at l.tllo4 Wkarc I Mr ulce charme.1 fur
aouilttiii iMiSudlNL ltAtl Mrala u ae-eul). tlie ItrttilcM where the jirKr
,'ha l fur a liiUi.i luctii Im,: iwtnriu
lU4tliaii m truly lite k-ent, the atcuiul i la
Ta. proprwleror uiaiiajir of exry elru of Iht
rirtiUM ahall pav n llceHte frr of tweiit) ne
dollar i for one tMrrluruiniicr. or foitv dollara for
lM, iwil'.rmmicr, for elrciiwa uf tlic arniiiil
elan Hfloen ilollaia for our pel formaui-e ort
li.t'iil) Ae dollar for lvo iverforiiiume No
clrva niiriii;rrieor luivf nfii) kind hnll !
ulluwul loparaile iihiii or l!ir.ull an) ufthc
alrrela, alh) or liiisliwn) ur Itriul vMilioul
liaMi'kl'ix obUlued tlic wrilten prrmiMiou of
the Major to lo do audi penult aliall I Kraulut
liy llic Mayor only uiiuii uitlcu iiilKutiou ol
Ihe niniuncr or acrlit of ucli ilrcili, uirtuerrlr
or allow, accompanied liy cllher llir llciawiKrM
inUluik' aiicn clrcu. meiiacrie or anovv i-; imc
a iHifuriuaucc. or tlic irreiptofllieCit) Xil.Mrtir
rr akottArrshat Hie Minuuut tefpilreil f h
llceilira hu Uxn paid.
Scitiuti ij Any pcraon or firm comliirtini:
mrit room ur tiilliard rount Iu cuiiueciiou ullli
which clcur. lotwcco, unllun or oilier, mer
rli.imll.c it oM, ahull In Mlilltloii to the bTUard
lirrnie reuuiArd In be paid for billiard UlU'. -l
on l ItmtvliuB it of lUli onlliuuce, par tMlie
CllyTrrirerllie iiw of twenty dollar pr
iiiinittr.'ntiil ahull prenoil wllll the rvoilpt for
uilie(t1lieKcfiiplrrHa laiiut 111 the minof fie
luiiMrrd ilollnra, wltji two le vpiirov
t U) the KceoTdc r, cviidllluiinl thai niipliediit
will not prrndt inly unlaw fid piiljn: or ill
ordeily conduct In or nlioiit aaol plire of liul
imnoefore llcenav ahall lne.
Ap,HoJed.Mrel.1,.n. . .
A'fleel J M LAWRUNCH. Mnyor,
Keeouier .
. tv
Por Sale or Trll,ij t,
So ncre.s iu the ColupWa
southern .seKrenRtiou,
very fuvprftply situated.
M'ill ls,c),VQlte.( or trhd
j, cl fpj'tvufi property.
rfryoii miv ttmlf, binliioior iriirfMlsii hi llil
.rdliianc eeinf4, wlllimit lirliii ni;t pio.
cured IIwiim o lo io, lull U ilUy f ml;
i............ji ilium A..11VIHI0H trurtMie l(rof(l.
iitfrit'jii. iir i. conniiT r iuiir..-
i inimtfnraceaflateiit'g'iTiir" m7nai
Mii limy k Tralisfer Co.
' . i . . j i ' ' ' '
i 'rt . .
llojittkt UoMiuiiD i.y him lh, W'mr. on Month
F.rstClas8 Liycry Rfgs for Rent. 'Phone No. 15
IloiidUrt,Utwrrii Xlmictat im) dirtcun,
Highest grade The best
anii GOODS
CEGAR.S on tho rAarket
Finest bar and best
'!! 1UfcJiJ4JMHff4l
J. W. WRlGrlT.
Plans and Speciilcntious Supplied and Intimates
iSvcitblno JfifotCElaos
Leave Orders nt The ttullclfn Office.
If you need Clollifrif It will be to your
advautiiL' to buy them of
"A iSIK T 2
Tothk I. miiks op Hi nd: I hnvf opeuwl up a new millinery
on Wall Street, first door north of the B. M. Store, carrying a full line
of new and uplo date goods. Call and insptxt them.
Mrs. H. Crabtree, Bend, Or.
General Blacksmithing iind Wttgon Repairing
Sf (Jur -h p is I ctiteil opposite Baptist Church.
Fresh and Cured Meats and Fish a
. . 5
J u cry thing Portalnliiir to a l-lnitCUss market
All kinds of wagon work done iu fint-cbvs .shape. Short jobs u specially.
OriliHITlt fclliMll.H)fK HI'Nll UHI i.ii
.. - --I HUGH O'ICANE, I ,, , ,
V.'r1 m ' IWX Ura 1 U of
SSSSKf. Proprietor. . gtrhtflbt
TWlincs nu? Best Sl& feefvice in "SiSiiif S
Gtflnro iirool; $oimtv. - W & .
liiiHrtniullKinnKlc - f , , Xllln, OIC '
-niportco , Bowllntr Allev droijcnnUato
j- Billiards and Pool : '
Office -Roomi
in, pi!6r nurrn m- nt $f,-
MliKl'l CO.'Sorfkotdldtni nt
twkll M iliiio S&.
M'$&J$L83RWL'$ V?:ViCA
fiend, Oregon.
service in the city
PrmeviUe, Oregon
and Vegetables
AND EGGS... fl
M1 I fc""
fflnrness and Saddles'
OaytyaiaayalBlll I
nxtrnaof All KlnJs
nnil First Class (
H . s:
tin llund M !leMr llvnr limi
mtwMMiuwiiiiaiii,iii w iriakjiii
-r -,.,.. .., ,-,,.....,. ,..
VttMlt' fff ) yr1
i.-. IU
Laidlaw, Or.
and Make Money
I'or jrliriiUr wrlle ur rail on
J, W. R.uthorford,
l.nlffliu. m ireT it
IH "'"
liAin i -iiaf.
H'ZMMtllK I (,( fhlh ,l4tl 4
IK n oraMnrfl T irw vowinow kvin
CMtm r.f
iVCtK.n 1 It . 411 M MttMWTal for .-rvcl
uhrinf Into , 1 iv I In brooflil l.i: or
f. tc or hn" .f lP, or -orc ..r 4ulT r I.
rciaalM In my. irllnri fifth- city, wllhrn ("gin firl f m y ilwrlllng ttu or I'lif
huftaci jtn, liioctidcr ornllro-.j'.criii-or
daalliic, or rtj-nmriK, ut other r ,j4i.
material or i.aiiiin'l IiuvIuk at .k.loi
fxnttt inm tbnalhatofi'llnarv iiiik.w '.ti
vtwm i t Mtan i Hnuwim nn uiu jr..
I to kM or lorr. M or aUt any prrxitt ..
1 ri4f ar tftfng, nay fMclufct iir i t
itnMtlon or drtfmtliK rH la n .! tir
I liulldlac or triata u lrrr 14 UrlH or nl i."
l.'aMlag ponrdjT Mtnvlytf,a. ilaullnr ilyui
ite.ot ultHf 4,'Ml r i,ih rial or niutit'
haljBipaWfarf grrtirr ihn ilia
.fdlinry ftmujwr'
rtlwi i- TIM p'mli) f.t iafiU.n f tin
onMiMHte alMlt DC fli'i ri'4 laett Dim i
or lnlvKiaa.'h h , ,i tt nmr- twin
ft fhtyv. arloHji atrftB- j, innniri
' a 1. '.ooimn.UK.
Attrl- J, M. I.AWKKMCI'.. Mayor
Fr.eo Ltmd
In Oreson
IN THK richest grain
fruit and tock section iu
the world.
HuudradS of thousands
of ucrcjl of ltttid ready for
the bctxlttt
From the Stale of Ortvn
The cost uf laud .averages
$10.00 jrer acre.
Irrigation Company under con
trol of the Stnte Land
Board of Oregon
ine!rx-ta!"a' r
beautiful ;i!sj)liy ot
On the counter yi't
also iloa cutu'oc .'
trou r
of u-'
If you want tlii?
very bcatvaluM
Merrill Drug m.
.2 :
s J'
ten vKn i.t
Ml T3l
i'juii:, iucuui 1'ii'j; v i'.u('aii