u NEWS OFjl WEEK In a Condensed rorm lor Our Hnsy Koiitiers, I, HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS A Resume of Ilia Loss Important but Not Lose Interesting Events of Ilia Past Wook. Duly will fortify her frontier mul In rtxtily for war with Austria. A Chlcngo pliyNlclitu prnponen ti tine hypnotism for Hid euro of rhmiinntlnin. I'ursnt llren which lutvn been ranging In I In Mtll fur nomo 1 1 mi Imvn been ox tliigulnhcd by ruin. Addlcks limy bo given ii foreign up jKilntinriit to mul tint deadlock In tlm Delnwnrt) leglslulurn. Tim HlhHiiton mul Wnlipidnii IiiiIIiiiih In rlontli Dakota urn to hnvo $100,000 1lnlrlhuttn uinong tlntin per cnpltii. iteglntor Urldgim nnd itecohc llootli, of tln Itoneburg liinil olllce, Mill Imi lie ihttil by tlm grand Jury when It con vents In April. T)h Isthmian iiiuinl commission linn Ari'itiil n large number of good paying positions In connection with tint prom oullon of tlm citiml work. Kuropatklii lias been rcjlnrsl by Ocncrul I.lunvltch, lio s 1 11 command the Miiiii'burlnii nriny until nomo other iiinn In M'tit from Russia. It In now rstlmnted thai Kuropal kin's forces at tlm beginning of tlm bat tle of Mukden consisted of 4HO.O0O men. Ilia Ions In killed mul wounded Irt'lorit tlm retreat Ix-gun w 70,000. Kuropatklii la reorgnnlilng III" army t Tlo pnss. Asnlstnut Hccrotnry I,oomis (limb (riotlen with lluy. I'n-oldent Castro linn suited ami nil tlm French cabin In Vwiettioln. TIik Colorado legislature lain n (load lHk over tlic governorship contest. Tlm president vt 1 1 1 reorgnulro tin' I '.in a tint t'fliml dimiiiliMilon soon hiiiI lrp n Milliliter of useless olllehtls. Tlm Alii'-rlfnii stmiimr Tnonmn, from frstltlc to Vlndlvtwtok with n trg ot iHHif, Iws Ix-eii captured by tlm Japan wo. Arrangements arc nearly completed for tlm nrwtloii of n bum' !! refining plant at Kansas Clt) In opposition to the Standard Oil. KnrHmtkln must now take with blin the supplies itt Tlu iM If lm retreats froin that place, aa there nro none Imc tween n paca nml llnrbln. ht. Petersburg, dlsjsttchen cay that Knropntkin'ii resignation haa It-on ac cepted mul that dm n I Duke N'ii'hotaa Nlcholalcvltch haa eoimcntM to tnko ohlcl command In Matiehurln. It U stated that Hceretnry bniinla will 1m; appointed miilniHudor to Mexico in nuceifiilon to Hdwlu II. Collar, whim tli latter ret I ria next nilintiiiT to In-come r candidate for the. governor whip of Iowa. Japan accuse ItuiHiia ot violating Jliliiefi" iit'iitrHllty. Moimmlnci), Michigan, baa lccti tibakvn by an cnrtlxpiakx. Tbt I'orti Ulenn Itttthilutiiro haa ml Journal nftttr paoaliiK -tfl blllaoutof 1UH lutroiltu'iil. Moxli'nii rural hi1Ico Iiiivo run down tlm IkiihI of YinpiU which rolilM-l tlm .Miuutlan atiiKn of ir,000. Soiiii' of tlm witr ntrty of Itumlit fn vom tint raining of it nmv nrmy to llpht .Iiiwn, to U) Hinioually commatiibil by thMMtr. Tlm Uuiwlmta ant furtifyliiK Tin paM wIiIIh tlm JajwiiwHi rn prfHrliK mi Wilbur tHruliiK iitovtMHtuit Himltar to that of Mukden. l-'roin httiwt ruportM of Umnm it 1a 1m llevisl tlutt KiiioMtkln tinunot luivii iiiuio tlinu 100,000 tiffit'tlvti tl)htiiiK limn with blin lit Tlo puaa, A tiiituma of tlm Ittipiibllnmi iunm bora of tlm Mlwotirl luKlittuit) haa nw miltwl In mi aiirmiiimnt to votu for A. I. Kptiuunr, of Ht. IoiiIm, for Unltt'tt fitiiti fiinator. Many nrma uro IiuIiik hiiuikkIiiI into ltiiHibt for lino ly Htrlktira. TIim Colonln nupriuim court Iium riilttl tbut tho K'ttlNlittiirt) iiiiiat neat tiitlmr Ailuma or lVul oily, uuti cannot mlopt tho rtijiort ibt'larhiK that imlthor wuh vbiitiNl. Twonty-twi) nminburH luwo hIkiuiI pltilKo not to Hint 1'oulKHly, wliloh iiituiiiH u llnitl vb'tory for AiIuiiih, Mm. Chiulwli'k haa bci'ii fouinl utility of HwlmllliiK tlm Oborlln, Ohio, bank. An oxtrmlltlnn treaty IihhIhtii hIkiusI butweon tho Unltoil fitutt'H anil Urn- Tho Doniltoriul ilrntllm-k in tho MIh Hourl anil Dohiwnro bliiliituri'ii con tlmiofl unbroken. Ht. ritornbnr mlvlri'H rnv that hh wikiii uh tho Hnltlo Hijimdron rtH'oivt'H ro lufnrroimmtH it 111 iigaln Htnrt Mr tho 1'ur KftHt. Tho kuIo of vry young glra im wives 1h coiniuou in UIiIuuko. TIio largi'Ht pur cvut of them uro Italians, but ninny urn Americana. Two men found K'lUty of BteuUng btiilotH in Denver at tho November ulectlon iuivo been fleut to tho peulten tlury for ilvo years, j; UTAH LAND FMAUD8 DISCLOSED Qront Trncti or Goal Land Fllnd on n Farm Laud by Syndicate, Hull lake (!lty, Dtali, Mnreh li. Hpeelitl nueiilii of tlm Federal K"vern ment urn reported to hitvohcen eiiKiiKed for Home lime pant In luventlKtlii pub lio laud fraiula In Utah. Tlm Halt I-uke lleritld today ntutea that hundreda of tboiiciuidH of nereH ol vnluablo coal IiiiiiIn have been iu'iiilred by corpora' tlniiM by iUCHtloimhlu uietbodH. ViimI triicta of coal IiiiiiIn are wild to Inive been filed oil mid patented an iiKri cultural mul Knir.ltiK land, and tlmn trmiiferred to tlm coal companies. In many Inatuiu'ex, It Ih mild, land luive been llhxl on ua coal IiiiiiIh, under tlm law which periilla every adult clllren to iiciiiirt) 1 110 iicreri of ixatl landa by liiiriiliinut, upon payment of 110 mi aero for audi landa when alttiutod morn than 15 iiilleH from any railroad, and L'0 mi iicro when altuatod within IT inlleH of it railroad, biter tlieni) IIIIiikh have been allowed to lapue, mid the annul landa have been neiilred ua aurl tilt tirttl or KnuliiK bind at ( 1 M) uu acre. Morn tlmn -'.000 of tbefo coal entrlea luivu b i made in tlm Hull jtkn land olllce, but not morn than one In oO of tlm Hraomi who mado the filing iiaa completed the putchiiMi, tlm HIIiiki bipaliiK and llllo beln deeiireil iih n?ri cultural or KrurliiK bind from tlm atuto IiiiiiI ofllcn throtiKh atato land celcc tloiiH. Forty IliliiKa uiaibi In 1001 within ii period of 110 duya huvo recently been iiivenllna'cil, mid 110 of the lOchtlmuiitN uro fouiul to huvo lafii reprMeiited by mi emjiloyn of u blK coal corporation, Mercian Miwer of ultorney. Tho land wan tiled on mul held for 14 montlia, ua la permltliil under tlio law, without In'Iiik paid fur, but In none of then) cani'M waa the purchiinn completel, title bollix ttC(ulrnl through tho itato land olllce at a nominal iluuro under pro ceMliii(a limtltuted while tlm laud wna coveted by the coal land llllliK. DEAD IN HEAPS. Oyama Roport notultt of tho Dattlo of Mukdan. Toklo, Mnreh H. Tlm follow Ihk re jMrt Iwa Iwen received from Field ,Mar idml Oynum "The iiuinlMir of prliitmra, apolla and tlm eimmy'a ititiuintwl CMiuialtleA nKulimt nil our forwrn In tlm direction of tlm Klmkhu follow, 1ml tlm number of prliHinera, K"11" and km)Ih are in crennlnn moiimntnrily. "I'rlwiimra, over 10,000, Including Ueuentl N'akhiuuiff. "Kllbil and wouihIiiI, twtlmaled nt 1)0,000. "Kiiemy left dwtd on the field, SO,. fiOO. "Flnitn. 8. "(iium, nlHHit BO. "mtiws tio.ooo. "Ammunltlou wunnu", D0. 'fihelln, 300,000. "HiiihII nrnm ninmunltion, W,000,. 000 roiitula. t'erenla, 10,000 koku (nUiut 76,000 ImikIii'Ih.) Fodder, 66,000 koku. "I.IkIiI railway outllt, 16 miltit. "Homea. '.',000. "Map, 211 cartloads. "ClolliInK and nccoutreineiita, 1,000 cartliNid. "Itread, 1,000,000 rntioim. "Fuel, 70,000 tout). "liny, 00 toim. Inside tool, tent, bullock, tulcKprnh wire nnd ole, timlMtr, lntl. iitove, nnd iiumerou oilier projiurty. "No reKjrta hnvn lantn received from our forctM in the direction of SIiik klnu." BRIEF LULL IN THE PURSUIT Retumptlon of Japnneie Advanco It Expocted Any Time, Tie PniHi, March II. Tho Japnuece. it I roMirtcd, linvo cenmil tlielr pur Miilt. ut It'imt tcmiMinirlly. Some of the Jumuut) are U6 mile Indow Tie pawi. A rtmuinption of tlielr advnnco I ex peeled. Ituinorn uro in clreulatlon that tlm JapnnttHi) nre nlready itttempt- ItiK miotlmr wide turuiui; innvemeul to drive (lie Uumdun from tlo ma. Tlm lliiftdnn trtMtim lmre have laniii arriving with hoptdiwdy inlxtsl unlta, in coiiMp'Uiinco of tlie change in tlm front. The troopa nre belli); norteil out mid orauiMitiona reformeil and mmluniil to iilucca to defend tlm now itntdtlouM, but whether Tie laiwi will be held or nbtiuiloued prolaibly w 111 not Ih) decid ed for novum! day. Kuropntkln Needs a Rest.' I-ondon, Mnreh H. Tho St. 1'etera luirK corroKpoutleut of the Tiinea fitya: "lleneral Kuropatklii haa nuked the empujor'a gruclou permbaiou to hand over hi command, ulh'KiiiK that lie Ir in urgent uetn! of phyiilcal and inental rent. I learn on tho bet authority Unit tho Japaneiie twice huvo ap proached 11uhIii on tho mibjeetof peace ncKotlntlona. liul that Iir euch cuoo tho iironoaal failed becntmo Jupan demnnd itt mi Indemnity mul a pledge tbut HuHsIa would not keep warHhlpa in tlio l'ucitlo for "6 ycnrH.'1 Spotlod Fever In the East. Now York, March 14. That cerebro Hplunl meneiiKltlH, or "npotted fuvur," Ih killing about 40 pertioua u week in tliln oily wuh aborted tonight liy Com mlHHloner Darlington, of tlio health de partment, nnd'roportH recolvetl from clttcH mul towns in Connecticut, Now JorHoy nnd 1'oniiHylvmiin hIiow that renuaylvnuln la not alone in lighting agaiiiBt the riivngea of this dread dia eitHo, which killH about 60 per cent ot those nttnckeil by it, Iroquois Theater Trial March 16. Chlcngo, Mnreh 111. March 16 wns llxed by Judge McKwen today for the opening of tlio trial ol Manager Will J Davla on tlio charge of mnnalaughter, growing out ot tho Iroquois lire. TV Loss to Kiiropntkln's Army Esti mated nt 200,000 Men. TWO ARMY CORPS ARE CUT OFF Almost Without Supplies nnd Capture Sanms Certain Will Greatly Increase lumber Taken, Toklo, March 11. All newn reaching ,btmu, both olllchtl, Heml-olllvlal nnd from mime other Hoorcc, eiiiplmHlr.iti what ban been patent to military atu doiita for tlm pant week, tbnt the pri.fi ent movement at Mukden In the great eat Hlrulrgy of tho war mid in being at tended by what in really n nerlen of Mtupeiiiloun battle Unit will go down in hintory u one of tlio bloodienl mid moot terrlllle military conlllctn of ancient or moilerii time. From inixit clonely Informeil ipinrtern it In tiHtrniil tlmlcoiiHervallve entimaten of Kunninii cnnualtien exceed 160,000, while 60,000 ltunniatin were taken pris oner nt tlio culmination ot Mondial Oyama'n great Hanking ntrati-gy. While no flguren nro obtainable hero on tlio JnpnneiM) Icwfen, there In no rcanon to Im'IIovu that they were much loa than the cnnuultlen nufferel by tlio enemy, although, of courne, no Jnpnuenu bnve lceii captured. Neither nrmy ban njinriil men in the nupreme encounter. While the prenent distribution ot General Kuropntkln' nrmy, other than that jmrt of tlio main liody which In tx'iiig liaranneil in retreat to the north of Mukden, l dilllcull to determine it wan neml-olllclally rejxirttsl yelcrday that two nrmy corpn wero still went of Mukden in nu inolatol poltlon nlmont without mippllcn. Tliey hnvo nmnll chnnccfl of cutting through tho Japan cmi eordon mid will In nil probability Imi added to the great iimt-n of prlnoncra taken when Mukden fell. The Itunniuun nro utteinptiug to Con centrate toward the hontli nnd southeast ot Mukden with tlm JniHtnene occupy ing tlm city threatening their rear. In thin vicinity, however, where ltunniatin nro uiniMlng in front of the JnHtnene right in exK-ctiil tlm iiercent lighting for the next few dn). (leuurnl Nog I In ntill mnrclilng to the eantwnrd completing the circle nnd cut ting off every itotwdhlo loophole of en enpe. The ilinorderly chnrnctor of the retreat Indlnite that tho rapid inovx ment of JniNtiieim column cMtight (ten erul Kuniixttkin entirely iiuiircpnreii. Tho bilwt iiewn In that n Mirtion of tho Jumuou center in prenslng the Iiunniuu uiulii l6iiy northwitrd. FUNDS FOR COLUMBIA JETTY. As Finally Passed, Bill Allows Expen diture of $700,000. i Wellington, Mnreh 11. From let tern which he ban received, Senator Fulton tlndn theiu in n gccnrnl minim dorntnudlng in Oregon nn to what ap propriation wn nctunlly made in tho river mid harbor bill for improving tim mouth ot the Columbia river. The fact in thin. The bill nn enacted carrion n ensh ap propriation of $400,000 nnd ntithoriien tlm expenditure of f .'100,000 additional, which latter amount will Iks provided III the hiindry civil bill to U panned next newiiou. An tlio bill patted the lioudo, it carried 11100,000 cnnli nnd nu- thorlzetl nn ndditiounl fMOO.OOO in the next nundry civil bill, Senator Fulton uppenleil to tho nennto cotnmitteu to in croafo the eanh npiiropriniton, but bin rcqucal waa turneil down. When the hill wan Itclng counidorcd in the neunte, he offered nnd fecureil the ndoption of mi mnenilment incrtsining the audi ap propriation to $460,000. The bill then went to conference and Cbnlrmau llur ton endtHtvortil to reHtiire tho hoiii-e np propriutlon, but tho Heiiato coufereeM would not content. A compromise wan llnally leeched mid (60,000, one-third of the aiiiount added by the nenate, whh cut off. An the bill llnally xuKcd, it carried $100,000 more than wan pro vided in the bonne bill. Armed Peasants on Warpath. I-ondnn, Mnreh 1 1 . AdiKtteh from Kleff to the Dally Mull nnyn: "An nrmy ot 11,000 KiuuntH from tlm Or lovkti dlntrict in ndvuuciiig eoutlivumt erly. lturnlng and Kxiting ot entaten in in progrtwi, Kighteeu eHtatiui have already been nicked, Tho Michnoloff nky sugar rerfnory haa U'en burned nnd the employe have been robbed. It in alco reported that tho pennant huvo buruetl it retluery belonging to the crown. A Htrong military force bun lieeu ent to tnipprenn tho rising, nnd a bloody contlict in feareil. Demand Their Old Rights. St. l'etondiurg, Mn.ch 11. The Hal tic province, tlio Hussitlcatlon ot which wan regarded uh prnctlcnlly com pleted, huvo been encouraged, by recent developments to again dcntaim tlio re atoiatloii ot Home or nil of tlielr an clent rightn. A wel'-devoloped move ment, Imeketl by the uoblea and Intel ligeut clnxsen, in now openly demand lug that tlio teaching of German in tlio nchools bo revived, and lliut native old cIuIh conduct provincial affaire. Irving Will Tour Americn. London, Murcli 11. Sir Henry Irv ing baa signed a contract for nu Amer ican tour under tho management ot Charles Irohman, beginning in Oc tober. Ho probably will open in New York between October 10 and 16, nnd will, mnko n farewell tour lasting 20 weelca, ot all tho principal cities, GERMAN CLAIM8 ARE TOO HIGH Negotiations for Settling the Samoon Indemnity Drnp;. Washington, March 1.1. Tho nego tintloux between Americn, Orent Ilrit- iilu nnd Grrinnny looking to a nettle- ment of tho Hninomi Indemnity claim, have practically come to n Mtmidntlll, owing to it wide difference of opinion an to the extent of damage nuntnlncd by tho Gorman nubjectn in tlio Hnmonu group n n renult of Joint opcmtlotm by the American nnd Itritlnh naval force in 1000 to nuppnH a rebellion. Tlio ipientlou of the linbllity of Amer ica nnd Great Itrltnin for the dnmngM Muntulncd by German plantation owner wn decided by King 0cnr of Hwcdcii, In fitvor ot the claimant In 1002, but tho arbitrator did not attempt to'intcnn Individual damngen, leaving thin to be adjusted by negotiation, Theno negoti ation hnvo dragged along ever nluco 1002, nnd tlio principal now Ibid them nelvcn no nearer nn agreement than at tlm beginning. The German claim amount to nlxmt $06,000. Tlm Ilritinh nnd American ncgotintorn lnnlnt that thin mini in excefnivo nnd that $26,000 in u g(l price for tlm property de stroyed. It in probable It will Iks nectfnary to npiwint a comminniou to tnko tentitnony nn to tlm extent of the actual dnmnge, though the nmnllneen of the amount in volved would went to make thin an unduly expensive undertaking. Meanwhile the claimant nro In-coming rentlvo nnd nre bringing presnuro to In-nr en the Germnn government to se cure settlement. WILL NOT GIVE UP. Czsr Will Send Another Army to the Far East. Ht. Petersburg, March 13. The im mediate nnnwer of tlm Itunnian govern ment to tho defeat nt Mukden in tho nn nounceinet that a new nrmy will Ihj rnlneil and tlio forced in tlio Far Kant reorganized; that Vice Admlrnl llojent vensy will Ihj orderel to sail on nnd try conciunionn witli Togo, and that tho wnr will 1ms prosecuted to the bitter end. Thin in the prenent temjKjr ot Einjicr or Nicholan and bin dominant advisers, voiced In n firm olllelnl Announcement that the jonition of Hunnia in unchang ed, nnd that the initiative for pence can only come from Japan. Should the Inland empire chooms to tender "moder nte" termn nml recognise Ita adversary nn tlio power in tlio Far Kat, Kce could lx easily arranged; liut the voice of Iter diplomacy in various pnita of tlio world indicate that she in not ready to do this, nnd tho Hurninu gov ernment, witli the full magnitude ot the disaster nt Mukden still undeter mined, but witli tho ll06 campaign seemingly nlready hojKjIei'sly compro mised, retreat to llnrbln inevitable nnd Vladivostok prnctlcnlly lost, declnren that tlm trine has not yet come when Russia can In) forced to humble herself. HE HAS DODGED OYAMA'S TRAP Kuropatkln's Line of Retreat Secure, Though Japs Pound Both Sides. St. Petersburg, March 13. ltussla still bun nn nrmy in tlio Far Hunt nnd it lino of retreat in not cut. Field Mumhul Oymnit'n tntpwnnngain sprung too lute to bug the prey he desired, nnd, though ounded on the rear nnd both flunks, nnd lotting heavily in kill ed, wounded nnd prisoners, General Kurowtkin with tlio main portion of bin force intact i fulling slowly back to Tlo a, where n considerable part of hi nrmy hu nlready nrrived nnd Joined linnd with tho rwcrve in pre paring a Kdtion Indiind which tlio loutcn nrmy may tlnd shelter. General Kuropntkln himself, witli the renr guard, wan reported Saturday nfturnooii in the v'cinity of Synuxia. 26 mile 1m)1ow Tio pux, having accom plished some 16 mile of Ids retrent, nnd being already iMjyond the jaws of tlm trap n originally set. How many of his men lio wns obliged to leave be hind, nnd whether nny of tho unitH of lii nrmy wero cut off or cnpturwl Imi fore the retreat liegun is not stated. Arizona Hat a N w C fmate. Kl laso, To., Mnreh 13. Tim whole territory of Arisoim in covered with witter nn n result of the hmvy rains nml snows am! in ninny plactw tho desert tlint ban not known water for u decade in now a lake. At S her City there hns fallen 28 inches ot ruin during tlm last olght months, at d rivers heretofore dry nre now crowed by ferryboats. All re cord for moisluio hnvo Ih-oii broken n thin entire sect lor. Itallrcds uro do moralired, not only from washouts but from soft tracks mul n a ty miles will hnvo to bo rebuilt. Investigate Railroad Rates. Washington, Mnreh 13. ltailroad rate legislation wua the subject ot n talk today lietween tho president nnd Senator Klklns, chairman ot tho Inter state commerce committee ot tho sen ate. Senator Klklns said It was tho purpose of tho committee to begin ita investigation nt tlio rate iiucstlou next Tuesday, Senator Klklns suggested that NovemlKr next would bo early enough to call nu extraordinary session if one wero called nt nil. Only Awaits Third Squadron. Purls. March 13. Vice Admlrnl Doubasoff, who has nrrived hero from tondon on his way to St. Petersburg, in nn interview with tho KchodoPnrfa, Bays Admlrnl ltojestvonsky'8 squadron ia not returning to tlio Haltlc sea, but is simply cruising nnd awaiting tho ar rival ot tho thin! equndron .under Ad miral Nebogatoff, When this junction ia made they will proceed Immediately 1 to tlio Fur East. COfirenlrnt l'lir Vtn Vront. The illustration herewith shows n convenient pigpen front. Tbo fecit trough Is securely fnntenwl nt the front side of the Mn, and the side or wnll of tho pen In hinged nt the top so it will swing over tlio trough. An Iron rod Is pnsned through tlio bot tom cross-piece and Inserted In another hole In either edgo of the trough. When feeding, the rod In lifted, th gntn swung hack, nnd the rod Is dropped In the hole In the back edge of the trough. To let the pigs cat, tho gntfl Is swung toward the feeder, nnd tho rod pushed down Into tho bole In outside edgi of trough. Huch nn ar rangement will save much annoyance nnd give racb pig a chance to get bis SWWOISQ koht pro rt-T. share of the meal. The Illustration shows the front swung back to that tbe ttnl can be put luto the troughs. Kxcbange. Paris Orttn and WcctII. That the boll weevil Is not to b driven out of our Southern cotton flrlds by tbe use of psrls green is the conclusion of tbe Ilureau of Entomol ogy of the Department of Agriculture after extensive observations and ex periments. This conclusion In based upon the following factas "1. Persist ent use of parts green from the tlrao of chopping until picking (In some case as many as fifteen applications) lis failed to materially reduce the numbers of tbe weevils or to Increase the yield. 2. Careful examination of very many experlmenU writh the poi son made by planters In Texas has failed to reveal conclusive Instances of Its successful use. 3. Reasons for the Impossibility of poisoning weevils successfully are to be found In th fscts that only a very small percent age emerge from hibernation before the squares are set upon the plantJ, that they do not drink the dew on the leaves at night and that as soon as squares are set all feeding Is done within the shelter of tbe bracts (shuck) beyond the reach or any poi son that might be applied." Place for the Sheep. A place for the sheep should be found In the plans of nearly every fanner. A small flock of sheep can be kept on nearly every farm, while a large flock would prove hard toman age and care for. When the flock Is small It msy be sheltered every night, and thus losses from dogs avoided, as the night Is the time tbe rhecp-kllllug dog selects for his expeditions. The Incn-uiH-il Talue of shevp should con vince all that there Is money In rais ing them. We msy expect to see mul titudes of farms that are now sheep lens soon sustaining fnlr-stxed flocks. In the general pasture there Is feed that will be eaten by-no animal. If not the sheep. Hreeders of rams and ewes fit for foundation stock are now ex periencing a sison of prosperity due to the. Increasing number of farmers tbnt "have concluded to keep a few sheep and are looking for material with which to begin. Farmers' Re view. Pout Puller. The post puller Illustrated Is a strong and durable one. It will pull nny fence post. The two uprights ar 2x0 Inches and 3 feet long, mortised ErrECTivK rosT rutxen. In 12x30-lnch scantling, nnd 2 Inches thick and braced. Iloro a 1-Inch hole In upper end ot uprights, In which insert a smnll pulley wheel. Take a. chain, fasten around lower end o! post; put chain over wheel; hitch horso to end of chain, Ily this device you can pull a more solid post than by band. Productive Island Farm. In some respects, Amerlcun farmers might tuke a lesson from those of the Jersey Islands lu the English Channel. On one fann of say forty acres, a man expects to keep thirty cows, a large herd ot swiue, and employ Ave or six men. The climate is very favorable for fodder crops, but a part of the suc cess of tbo Channel Island farming is owing to tho excellent stock kept and the care taken In saving manure ami tilling the land. Irouren and Cost of Irrltsatlon. The Census Ilureau has Issued a re port on the condition of irrigation In the United States lu 1002. showing that 3.1,415 systems with 50,3 U miles ot malu canals and ditches were Irrigat ing 0,487.077 acres on 134,03a farms. The amount expended In constructing 4 all these systems waa $03,820,453. Tbs average cost of construction per acr In the arid region was $0.14, and the avers go per Irrigation system was J2, 710. The report says that the great obstacle to the development of Irriga tion in Texas and Now Mexico Is the present treaty between Mexico snd this country, which prohllbu the im pounding of tbe waters of the Itlo Grande. Ownrea Want More Money. A farm exchango says: It is reported that In some section where there are mnny hogs their own ers are positively refusing to tnke less than 4 cents n pound for them on thn farm, nnd buyers nro finding them selves "up ngnlnst a hard proposition," nn they put It, for the packers' prlct will not allow tho farm price de manded. Hut It looks ni If tlio farm ers nre standing put, judging by tho receipt of hogs at the big markets. For Instance: For the week closing with tho writing of tills the receipt at Chlcngo alone were 02,000 bend. against 09.000 bead the previous week, and 02,000 head the corresponding week last year. It will not be neces sary to keep up such light receipt more than a week or two to bring the packers to terms. And at this season that much more feeding can doubtless be done without los to the feeders. At all events, with feeding stuffs nt their present price, hogs cannot and thould not be sold at less than 4 cents, If cost of production Is considered a factor In tbe business. Handling; the Apple Crop. If apples nre picked too early they are apt to lose tlielr firmness and color; and If too late, the keeping quality la greatly affected. The proper time to pick la when the color la brightest and while the fruit Is yet hard. Do not let the apples stand out after picking, any longer than is abso lutely necessary, especially If they are to go to thecold storage. The Investi gations of the United States Depart ment of Agriculture show that the keeping qualities of applet depend as much on the handling before betas stored as on the conditions after stor age. If you want your fruit to reach the fancy markets, the straight and narrow way of delivering the best In the best condition is the only way to realize that aim. Careful picking nt the right time, careful sorting and packing and careful delivery are es sential steps In catering to the finy apple trade. . Handy Farm Cart. I have found that a cart with two wheels made as shown In the lllustra- HA.tDT rxiHi CAIIT. Uon by using the rear wheels of an old buggy with the nxle clamped to the frame by clamp bolts to be a nice cart for almost any purpose, and es pecially for garden use. I recently took the milk to the cheese factory when all the horses were In use. If. F. Jabnke, in fowa Democrat. Had Way to Uremic a Colt. A great many people hellere that the only way to break a colt ia to throw him, bobble him or tangle him wlthntrapaorropea. An Indiana horse man tells how he prepares a colt for bis first visit to the blacksmith's ahop by putting a strap around his neck, passing It along the near side and be tween the htnd legs, then up and through tbe strap around the neck ami liack to his bind leg. The Idea U to hold on to this strap while you lift the colt's leg. and If he kicks or strug gles pull on the strap until he falls down. This Is an excellent way of frightening a colt half to death, and rendering him vlcions, livery colt ought to be handled in such a way until, by the time he Is a year old, his feet can be picked up enslly and with out the aid of straps or ropes, Ths best appllancvs for breaking colta ars the ifakcd bands and a good halter. Checking Hoot Oall. When new apple trees nre received from the uursery Uiey should be care fully Inspected to make sure that thsy nre not nffected with root gnll. This disease Is now very prevnlcnt In some nurseries, and great care must bo exer cised. It Is a dUeuce. that spread through the soil, mid n single tra may Introduce It Into nn orchard, where it may undo the work of yenra. We have several times Illustrated root gnll In these columns, and It does not seem advisable to repent tlio illustra tion at this time. Sufflc It to say that It Is a gall appearing on the roots, and nny tree affected with a protub r unce of this kind should be discarded. This Is the first thing to be looked out for In planting trees. The shape of the tree is important, but It Is lest Im portant than to know whether or not tbe tree has a disease that will prove deadly to Itself and to other trees In tbe same orchard. Illinois Varnta Hell Hlnh. Why do Illinois farm lands sell for $125 to $200 an acre? Hecauso they nre productive. This year one Chris tian County farmer gathered a field of corn which yielded 110 bushels to thn acre. The corn was sold for 37 centi a bushel, a gross return of $43 per acre. Taking out tbe cost of growing the crop, there still remains a big lu terest on tbo Investment, even If tba land be valued at'?200 per acre. While: yields na large as this are exceptional, they nre becoming more and more, common. With improved seed and Im proved methods of culture, the aver age yield on good land Is Increasing. This Is one of tbe reasons laud ii going up. &