The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 17, 1905, Image 3

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In a Condensed Form for
Dusy Renders,
A Resume of Iho Loss Important but
Not Lots IntoroBlltiR Events
of tho Past Wook.
Wnr against the Htanilanl Oil Is li
lug eiiillJnlied In KitiiNiiH.
Armed peasants in Russia arc bum
I ivC mill looting tlittlr landlords' estate.
Tho ilcadlia'k In thu Missouri Icgl.
latum continues. At present Cis'krull
lends with 70 vote.
Tin balloting for United Stale sena
tor, by tln Delaware legislature, win
tlniKM without renttlt.
Clmrut of graft tiro being insilo
llgltlllHl till) St. I.OIll exposition COIIf
pany in IiiivIiik tin building removed.
A vain effort Ih ladng iniulo throng
out Runnla to suppress new of tint do
font In tint I'nr Knnl. At Wnrsnw tin
Poles woro almost Jubilant over tint in
terne. Tln mnrgiiiln of Anglesey I" dying ''
consumption. Hlx year ago lie had nn
Income of $500,000 it year, mid Ik now
ii bankrupt, with liabilities of nearly
Kunnht in secretly gathering tin nrmy
on Hid Imllmi frontier, llrltnlu' ne
Hon In Thibet nml 1'crnln Ih riwtutud
iiihI It would neem iih though it conlllel
H" llll'Vitlthlt'
Tlit Jnpauiwe lutve succeeded In cut
tliiK'ofl the retreat of Kuropntkln to the
nottli. IIh now will Im compelled lo
out hl way through thu Japanese nrmy
in oritur to rviioli llnrhlu, or try to hold
Mukden, which iiuhiii" ii nlege.
M. Wltti' ban resigned his olllce in
t Jiunnluu mlnlHtry.
nice hundred Chinese, burned to
tlenlh tit n small Hirt near Hung Kong.
Grand Itnkit Vladimir has lson
marked n the mot victim of the Ru-
rnlali terrorists.
Tln present battle itt Mukden l
thought ly tin" favoring jHsu'ti to lie
tin- Knit of tliu wnr.
Ilitrry H. New, of IihIIhiiaihiIIh, will
succeed Cortelyou nn national chairman
of tho Republican party.
Oik; person wns fatally Injurcil nml
10 other seriously by the turning over
of nn elevated mr in Chicago,
According to Ih'1 estimate till) Milk
(lrn Imttlo In"" cost the Jiihiiicm 70,000
men ittitl tlm Kunnlniis 50,000.
I'orty votes for United Stnte M-nntnr
MS' 110 HMD III till) t'Jttlllllllttl'K IICAnT
election In tlii) Missouri conlcl limn on
the llml ballot.
lloth armies fighting around Mukden
have captured gun. TheJapancne hmt
n number of machine gusn, hut Imve
taken III big siege guns.
An investigation In Im'Iiik nimle nn to
Ilia rnuni of lht tire on tho (tintnur
Oretfon. The owner of tho ntenunr
Del .Sorte have iut In n claim of rulv
Kn 'or muihitlnK tho Urt'Ku,
HecrrUtry Wyiulhain hint renlKiiol
from thu llritUh cuhlnet.
A rnllwuy commlnnlon hill linn Inen
tlldnpiirovitl by j,ht) gowrnor of Mou
(ierinnn military critic wvcruly con
ileum KuroHttkln'it t;miernlhlp nml
forcrct) hln ilefeut.
There In no iriMHit of it hnntkln the
Mlrooiirl eeimtorliil conttwt. Nelilrln
hiiUN IihiiIh In the Voting.
V.. II, llurrlmmi Iiuh lixt IiIn milt
OKniiiNt thu .Northern Nt'iirltloit cim
puny ami thu lllll linen will remain In
tact. Kliit'4) the IwitiuuiiiK of the war tho
Japanese aru iwttimitctl to have lout
11)11,1100 men kllhil nml unumlttl anil
tin ittiKHiaiiN i:ir.roo.
The Union eluvatorat ('oiinell lllufht,
Iowa, hat Uttit totally ilttftruvoil hv
tire, tOKether with 100,000 bilnlicln of
; Krain,, moHtly corn. Um, ailO.OOO.
Circitt Ilrllain will Htop work of forti
fying Wei Hal Val until her inwltlen
in tho Far KiiHt tutu he inoru clearly
neon at tho otitcoiui) of the prudent war
In that territory,
Mrm. Chnihvh'k'ii trial Iiuh Ihuii,
but hur illiii-HH Iiuh Inlerrupteil it.
Tho Kovtirnor of IVniiNylvaula Iiuh vii
Iwtl n hill iiipropiiatliiK 110,000 for
tho IxiwIn ami Clark fair henuiHo hn
WitH not empowuriHl to appoint the en
tire coiiiiiiIhhIoii,
Tho Chicago lcuf trust lmuiry In to
Now York stntu senntor nro nrrtiHctl
of grafting.
Tho Tcxa lcgllaturti has Indorsed
thu war on thu Htandanl Oil company
itud tho alleged beef truat.
Thu cIiuiiiInU who examined thu con
tuuta of Mrs, Htanford'H stouuich stnto
poHltlvely that they found no atrych
nine. FIro at tho coal landing, on tho
northern hank of tho Jyno, at Houtli
Hhields, Kngland, ciiHiied it loss of $1,
Ono of tho llnest private dormltoricH
nt Yalo collcgo hn been badly damaged
llV llril. Tin. (U.. la m.,i.l to 1. ......
iturtwl from a cigarette atuh.
Kuropntkln Muit Droal: Through Jnp
nnuta Llnoi or Loo.
Nil) Cliwnnu, March 7. KunortH Into
vrsx9&zmm 1 Hake a sta,,(1
Kreat hattln In at hand, If tho ariulcH
nrit not already clinched In n final
Hirudin. 'I'ho vat nrmlnH of Field
MiiinIiiiI Oyiima mid (lumiral Kuropnt
kln will, In tint coiirmi of a day or two,
enter a Kuneral iniKiiKi'iiient, tint Ihhiiu
of which iiiiihI he tho hlnal victory of
olio mid tlm utter crlpidlnn of the other.
Th'i liiHt iidwh from tlm front In that
Ouneral Kurokl'd hcoiiIIiik pnrtleN Imvu
Joined thomi of (leiieral Nogl ami they
arn already In touch with one mini her
hack of TlelliiK. 'I'll I h at once IoIIh tho
lerrlhle peril which IichcIh thu Ittimilmi
coiiimaiiiler and at the name time hlntit
at a uiemiN which may prove Ii Ih mtlvn
t ion . Tho Importauco of thin iihwm 11cm
In tho fact that it hIiowh concliiHlvuly
that Kurnkl, coiiiiiiiiiiiIIiik tin) Japmicmi
right Hank, Iiiih thrown liln right wing
far to tlm cunt and north of Mukden,
tlm Htorm center of tho prcnent opera
IIoiih, while Nogl, hattlo HcarrtNl from
Port Arthur, Iiuh hurried IiIh )erliil
hrlKnde of Veterann to the went of Muk
den mid, co'opcrulluK with thu lunch
extendel mid weakened Japanese left
Hank, Iiiin, by JoinliiK commiiulcatioiiN
with Kurokl completed tho envelop
ment of Mukden.
All Employe of Elovntod and Subway
Roadi on Strike.
New York, March ".The limn
threatened ntriko of tlm employe of
the liitcrlxiroiiKh compituy, ncratiui(
tho Hiihway ami thu elevated ritilrixnlH
of Muuhntlmi, wiin deterinluttl on nt a
meeting of the lrothcrhoxl of locoim
live KngliiiTrH and tho Amnlgnmnti'd
nHNiK'intioii of Htnet nml IChutrio rail
way cmployift, held In Hnrlem tonight.
'I'll l h action followed the receipt from
(leneral Mnnnger lliilley, of the Inter
iMiroiigh company, tonight of it letter
declining to ngreit to the teriim of tint
muenihil demmnlH of the rcprifeiitntlven
of the men nt n meeting held with tho
oIIIcIiiIh of the company today. Tho
Htrlke him Ih-ji ordereil to Imi pill into
full oHirntlou nt I it. in. About fi.OOO
employe of the mihwny and elevated
nyteiii are nffecttl by tint ntrlke, which
will tie up nil tho tmlllc except mrface
troll y line.
The utter imolhlllty of the multl
tilde of traveler in the upper part of
Ih l!nnd notching their plan down
town tomorrow I one of tlm inot cer
Imi feature of the ultuntiou, mid It Ih
feared will lm the can of much din
Unllnd Stale Will Protect Olockade
Runner Carllile from Japaneio.
Wiuhliigtou, March 7. -Upon the
advice of the ileprtment of Htatc, Hcc
retnry Tafl linn ntblttl to(!ovrtrnor(in
einl Wright nt Manila c rmiiuion for
the llrltlnh Mcnnicr (Vtrllle to remain
In Manila hnHxir until die hna made
ncceiomry re'alm lo her machinery. In
adopting till attitude, in mtwncr to the
apiHstl of the hlp' enptnin, the Hlnle
department ha added it new conntruc-
tiou to IntemaltoiiBl law relative to
right of Itclligcrcut chlpi in neutral
The CnrlUlo I n llrltlnh rhiti. hut
nhe wan chnrteritl by thu ltulnu gov
ernment ami loaded with arm, ammu
nition and food iipllr forthuHusaian
garrlKou nt l'ort Arthur. Kho nailed
from VladiviMtok Novcmlxtr "0 hint,
hut no ificctivo una tlm Japanese hliM'k
ado that he we linahle to reach l'ort
Arthur. While (ruining oullde tho
hliH'kHcle Hue, ht lot lier propeller.
In llnhlel eoiidltlnu he drlfleil Into
the hurlHir of Kan Miguel, Luzon.
Tlm captain and Hiipcrcargo, the lat
ter a ltuwdau, went to Manila and
nought protection for their nhip. Tlm
Stale department wan coiimiltctl by ca
ble ami granted the ttuet, no thu Car
llnle in lo wall nt Manila, where nhe
could Im' more carefully wntcheil, It
Ih prolnthle that, nn Japunwe w-nrnliipn
are reHirtetl oiiIhIiIk of Mnuiln harlmr,
nlut will he permitttsl after making re-
iHtlr to intern on the wune condition
an wero iiiioel on in tho cttnti of tlm
Uimt at ran l-rmiclfco.
Strike In Capital Renewod.
St. l'eternburg, Marh 7.- Tlio strike
wiih re it u i ed thl moniltig at tint I'litil
off, Ouhkohoff and suveral other works,
and Is now extensive, though not gen
eral, At the OuhkohofT works, which
are engaged on naval contract, thu
management hn warned thu men of it
Intention tocloneentirelyif theystruuk,
At thu I'utiloff work Monday morning
ono of tho undur foremen became excit
ed and drew a revolver, wltli which ho
wounded ono of tho workmen. Thu In
cident formed thu basin of startling sto
ries of a general riot at thu workH,'
Negro Will Do Appointed.
Washington, March ". Thcro la au
thority for thu positive statement that
the president lias fully decided iik)u
tliu appointment of Charles W. Ander
son, the negro of Now York, as Internal
revenue colcv tor for thu district of New
York, to succeed ChnrleM 1 1. Trent, who
will be appointed to succeed Kills II,
Huberts, treasurer gf tho United States
nt Washington. These will not ho made
until June, when Mr. Huberts will have
completed an eight-year term,
Polygamy In the Northwest.
Winnipeg, Man,, March 7. Polyg
amy ha been introduced into tho south
ern part of the Northwest Territory.
There Ih a large Mormon settlement
there and thu police have been In
structed to prosecute a number of inon
who brought two wives, whom they
married In Utah.
nt Tic Pass.
Loft and Center Doaten Japanese
Draw Near Mukden and Camp
Followers Stampede.
Tokio, March I. While a few oil).
clal dlnpittuhcM from thu nrmy Ixjforu
Mtikduu have Ix'cn rctclvtil, nothing
hn been given out olllulnlly. Other
report ntnto that tho Japancno attack
ngaiiiHt thu Hunnimi left and center hn
been entirely mirccMful. Tho right
wing of tho ltunninim ha held no fnr,
hut It In Ixdlcvcd that, on account of
other ruvtirnc, it In only n quentlon of
a few hour until (ieuurnl Kuropntkln'fl
whojo nrmy will m in flight Ixiforo thu
vlutorloiiH Jnpnucnu.
Tlm Itunnlmi general' ohjectlvo I to
reach Tlo mn In thu hopu of elnhllh
lug another line of defence there, Tho
ulnltoratu and complete campaign
planned by Mnmhal Oyama, If carried
out exactly n outlined, will make thl
extremely dllllciilt of ftilflllmunt, how
ever. It I prohnblu that Mukden iuut
Ihi entirely abandoned by thu UumIiiuh,
or that they inunt face nurrender event
ually. From tho front have come rejiortn of
continued heavy lighting lnnt night.
Thu heavy cannonading could Im plain
ly heard mid thu greatent confulon
reign In Mukden, according to tho
latent report. Kvery mean of trans
portutiou I buing utlllreil by the peo
ple, who art) hurrying nwny lxiforu thu
Heavy artillery llrlug ban Ik-cii tlm
fen tore of thu lighting again, tho Jap
a u CM) continuing to hidu their move
ment under thu nmoku of tho large
gun. Thu attack developed undur
thl cover mid during thu night time
Imvu lK'eitllurcu and In most canon ef
fective. Admit They are Deaten.
St. l'eternburg, March 4. It In now
generally admitted that after thu long
nml heavy battle which ha been wag
ing lieforu Mukden, (ienoral Kuropat
kin hit Ui'ii forced to abandon nt least
a part of hi inont advancct position
under the ficrco atck of tho enemy.
Thu next stand wilt probably Iw made
nt Tlu pus, nud littludouht Iscxprtiwd
d the ability of the Kunnlnn commander
to bring his force safely from tlm
scene of the present conlllct and (Irmly
establish hitiiDclf lu a now Kwitlon.
Japanese Eager to Decide War with
Present Battle.
Loudon, March -I. A dispatch from
Toklo to thu Dally Telegraph states
that thu Japanese aru endeavoring to
force a decisive Imttlo in Manchuria,
but it Ih fen led General Kuropntkln
will retreat, lighting n rear-guard ac
tion. Itejwirts from thu Shnkho river Indi
cate, says the same corrcionilont, that
thu Russian motnlu is seriously im
paired mid that there arc numerous
voluntary surrenders, not only of l'oles
ami Juws, but of recuntly arrived F.uro
iean timips. They relate that thu ru
mor are current lu thu army that
(ieneral Kuroputkin hits been recalled,
and knowledge of thu Internal trouble
In Russia cause a deep Impression in
tiu army.
Iteports aru current in Toklo, but not
continued olllchtlly, that the Japanese
have occupied Sakhalicu.
Czar Welcomes Stoessel,
St. I'titon-burg, March -I. General
Stoeivol, whit was given nn audience of
the eiiieror yostenlay mid wns Invited
to luncheon with him, was r. ceived by
his majesty with a warmth which went
far to atone for the cool reception
which he was given by seyerol of tho
uewspniHirs mid military factious. Gen
eral 8toesol iri ladng feted by society.
A largo dinner wns given in his honor
last night after his return from Tsar-
skoo-Selo. No steps have licen taken
yet toward an Investigation of the
surrender of l'ort Arthur.
Cannon Roar on All Sides.
Mukden, March 4. The thunder of
artillery is heard from nil positions.
l'outilofT and .Novgorod hill aru hidden
by the smoke from the gun. Tho
bombardments weru resumed after tho
repulse of an infantry attack by the
Japanese. A heavy bombardment I
also In progress in tliu nolghliorhood i f
the Shnkliu ilver, apparently in pre
paration for an uttack in tlmt quarter.
The weather continues line and warm.
Tho Chinese aro preparing to sow grain,
Knows Nothing of Arid Land Grabs.
Washington, Mnrch 4. Replying to
n resolution of tho house, thu secretary
of tho interior todny gave tho Informa
tion that thu general laud otllcu had no
kuowledgu of tho "surrentltlous" ac
quisition of laud sot apart for irrigation
....... ., ..Il,..x.l I... ..!...! " I II...
I nova, iiq mii'KUit uy ll'nuill WUUO 111 UIU
National llusinesa League of Chicago.
Russians' Only Hope It In a Decisive
Defeat of General Nogl.
London, March 7. Tho Intensely
dramatic situation In Manchuria dovui
opod by (leneral Nogl' rapid advance
and It strategic posnihllitlcM have
raised excitement lu Kuropo to the
highest pitch. Kiigllsh papers for it
long time have practically ceased to re
ceive war speclnls, and lu this resect
nro lacking much information that I
available in Associated I'res dis
patches. It I believed here that (Jcnernl Ku
roputkin I in it wry tight place, and
tho chance of his extricating hi nrmy
are keenly discussed. Tho abandon
ment of Mukden is considered to )m in
evitable, the only question Itelng
whether ho will bo able to effect a re
treat to Tie jins").
An Immediate repulse of General
N'ogl's army, It I held, might nave thu
situation, but failing that, General
Kuropntkln will have committed to
him the dangerous and dlllicult task of
retiring northward, harassed by Hank
ing attack by the Japanese army.
Whatever may be the result it is felt
that peace Is appreciably nearer.
According to the Dally Telegraph's
Antwerp corrcsponcdnt, thu Russiun
ofllcinl purchasing agent there has re
ceived orders; to cease buying for gov
ernment account. Thl is a significant
statement, If true, as Antwerp has been
throughout tlm war the principal center
of Russian purchase for carrying on
thu conflict in the Far Kant.
Overtures for Reciprocity Treaty are
Being Quietly Made.
Iterlin, March 7. Relative to the
German government' overture for a
reciprocal trade arrangement with thu
United States, it Is stated that there I
mi disMsltion here to uxjiose Germany
to a refusal nor to place the United
State in a jtositlon where it would l
obliged to refuse, provided the Ameri
can government regard the time in
opjiortune. Therefore the German
ministry desire to learn, informally,
privately, as It were, how such a pro
nm would bo treated.
That the statu department has some
Idea that the commercial treaty may
Ikj discussed is indicated by it inten
tion to retain Consul General Maon
here for some months or until His seen
w bother n commercial treaty would be
considered, instead of sending him to
The (ierinnn government has Wen
tenting public opinion on the subject
by unollichtl publications, such n the
Commercial Treaty association' recent
lentter advocating a treaty with the
United States, arguing that it is ono of
the natural consequences of Germany'
Arrangement with other countries.
Thu editorial treatment of thu ansocln
tiou' letter was generally favorable.
Express and Freight Trains Meet on
Curve In Montana.
Missoula, Mont., March 7. Two
men aro dead and six people injured as
the result of a collision of a freight
train and tho west-bound Twin Cities
expressj on tho Northern Pacific nt
licarutouth this afternoon at 2:30.
Tho express was 30 minutes behind
time and the freight had orders to wait
at llcarmouth siding. Kugineer Slice
ban misunderstood his orders and pro
ceeded east. As the freight rounded
tho curve east of llcarmouth it crushed
head on into th6 express.
A high hank shut off the view of Itoth
engineers, and no attempt had been
made to slow down. Itoth engines
were thntwn from the track anil the
mall and express curs telescoped, but
tho passenger coaches camo to it dead
stop mid remained on tliu tiack.
1 he dead nml injured wero brought
to this city on a relief tntin. Tho in
jured are being cared for in tho com
pany hospital. Trollic has been re
sumed. Dodging Military Service.
Vienna, March ". As a result of in
quiries which wure commenced in De
cember last It has la-en discovered tlmt
lu Upper Hungary there has bcun a
system of falsification of records, such
as thu changing of names, false entries
of deaths, etc., by which many thou
sands of young Hungarians have avoid
ed obligatory military service. Theo
practices have ln-en in vogue in eertttin
localities for tliu past 12 or 15 years,
and thu authorities deealro that those
guilty of the falsifications will he se
verely punished.
Japanese Squadron Sighted.
Loudon, March 7. Tho German
Htcnpiur Nuiuidhi, according to the cor-
rcsiKiudent of thu Daily Mail nt Hong
Kong, reports having sighted two Jap
ancno squadrons on Saturday, 100 miles
southeast of Hong Kong. Thu first
squadron, comprising nine battleships
and cruisers, was seen at '2 o'clock In
thu morning, going nt full speed with
'nil lli.l.ta ,11, .1,1.1 tll.l Hiuwinil c...n.l
l.l iiina n, m.v. i.iv rvniMil otjuilll-
ron, of 13 large warships, was sighted
in thu afternoon.
Soldiers Keeping Lodz Quiet.
Lods, March 7. Tho town Is quiet.
Strong military patrols guard thu
streets. Thoro nro 7,000 workmen
from thu l'oxsnnnskl cotton mills on
striku. Tho outlook is not promising,
Tho workmen aro indignant becauso
several mill owners aro remaining
abroad nud threaten to cauao trouble
unless, tho latter return.
An Innkeeper I held In Rnhmel rn.
I'hudorfT (Cnl.), 0T h. R, A. 83, not to
be Untile, In the absence of negligence
on hi part, for Injuries to n jcuct
mined by nn mmniilt committed by a
lervnnt employed In the Inn.
The holder of n purchase money
mortgage I held, hi Iflntoii veru Mu
tual Reserve Fund Life Ao. (N. C),
" L. R. A. 1(11, to have no Insurable
Intercut In the life of the wife of the
mortgagor, who did not Join In the ex
ecution of the mortgage debt.
Th Jurisdiction of a court of equity
to enjoin ticket broker from disponing
of, or attempting to transfer, tickets
which they linve purchased with notlco
from persons who agreed that they
should not ho transferred, I suntnlm-d,
lu Kchubach versus McDonald (Mo.),
i 1.. It. A. 130.
A member who ha been wrongfully
expelled from nn unlucorrnted ben
ellt society I held. In I-nhlff rn. HL
Joseph' T. A. nnd II, Society (Conn.),
05 U. ft. A. 02, to he entitled to aban
don all claims to reinstatement and
resort to an action for damage for
the Injury Inflicted upon lilm by the
A statute making n municipal corpo
ration liable for Injuries caused by fall
tire to keep It street safe for travel
era, "with their teams, cart and car
riage," is held. In Fox vs. Clarke (It
I.), 05 U. It. A. '231, not to apply In
favor of one using a bicycle, when such
mean of conveyance subsequently
come Into use.
A private soldier who has been sta
tioned to guard a residence which,
during a time of rioting mid (Unorder,
ha been dynamited and against which
threats have been made to repent the
offense, with order to shoot to kill any
person found prowling about the house,
Is held, In Com. ex rel. Wadsworth vs
Shortnll (I'n.l, (V. I.. It. A. 10.1, to be
guilty of no crime If he shoot a per
son who approaches the building nnd
refuses to obey his command to halt.
A note to thl case consider the que
tlon of martial law when there I no
actual war.
Vt'hx He Moved.
"I don't say that Indiana Is not a
pretty good State to live In." said the
man who had lately moved over the
line Into Michigan, "but several things
happened one nfler another to dlseour
nge me. The Inst one was a cyclone."
"Did you linve your buildings swept
nwnyV wan asked.
"Xo. Tho wind wa pretty well pe
tered out when It reached my place and
dropped a span of homes at my door.
Those horses had come along over thlr
ty miles."
"And do you mean that they were
"Certainly. I was In great need of
a span of horses just at that time and
looked upon It as a godsend, but Hlas,
I was doomed to disappointment."
"Hut how?"
"Why. the domed cyclone that had
picked 'em np had forgotten to pick uji
n set of harness at the same time and
the animals were simply a burden on
my hands."
What lie Thouiebt Of.
"You remember the Ashtabula diss,
ter, of course?" said the man with the
double ehln. "Well. I was one of the
passengers on the Ill-fated train that
plunged through tho bridge. For the
hour preceding the accident I had been
arguing religion with n fellow passon
ger and we hnd some very hut words.
When I felt the bridge going I haij
only one thought that I nftanvard re
membered." "And that was whether you would
escape death, of course?" was queried.
"Xo, Blr, I wondered If It were pos
sible that I, a consistent mid loading
member of the MethodUt church,
would be taken while tlmt dunderhead
of a ltaptlst with whom I had been ar
guing would be .avetl to brag oer
Koioklug CarrlMKes fr Mdlew.
On the continent of Kurope smoking
is growing so rapidly In favor among
the fair sex that on bonie of tho ltd-
glan railroads smoking apartments nro
to be provided exclusively for women.
This result has been brought about
through u young lady milling herself
tho object of much protest ou her pro
ducing n cigarette In tin ordinary com
partment reserved for Isdles. The
young lady tins taken action to compel
nil tho lielglnn companies to provldo
smoking accommodation fur ladles.
GItIiik tho Jury u Trout.
During the progress of n trial In n
Missouri court ono day recently n
henvy showerbegnn the llr.t rain
that had fnllehfor n distressingly lung
time. Tho Jurymen, most of whom
wero fnrmers, paid more attention to
the conditions outside than to tho
trial, nud the Judge suspended court
for n while, remarking: "The Jury can
walk out In the rnln for n few minutes
If it wants to, to satisfy Itself that It
really can rnln lu Missouri."
Seetly Some people nro nlwnya
howling for more, no matter how muuh
they have. Don't you think you'd be
satisfied with enough?
Greedy Don't know. I've never had
euoughl Detroit Free Press.
After Years of r.xtierlinent n New
Neediest Frtilt 11ns lleea Produced.
The corclesi npplo hn been pro
duced mid It I full of possibilities.
Tho new fruit I regarded ns "tho
world greatest discovery lu horticul
ture," sny n writer In the Nineteenth
Century and After, nnd frj fruit-growing
circles I called "tho wonder of tho
It flavor I lieyond question. If It
proves a largo n It rlvnl tree pro
ducing the new wonder, which I n
winter variety, will be planted by tho
million In the commercial fruit field
nt home ami abroad. There I llttlo
likelihood of It Impelling tho profita
ble snle of ordinary apples of high
Tho new npplc, which I both core
less nnd pcdlc, wn Introduced by
nn old fruit raiser. For twelve yenra
he experimented to obtain tho fruit,
Tho trco Ib described n hlosaom
less, the only thing resembling n hlp
som being a small cluster of tiny
green leave which grow around tho
newly formed npplo nnd shelter it Do
ing devoid of blossoms, It I claimed
that the fruit offer no effective hiding
place In which the cod II n moth may
lay It egg, which It usually doe In
tho open eyo of the fralt. Moreover,
there I nothing to fenr from frost.
Tho color of tho new npplo Is red,
dotted with yellow on tho skin. A
with tho seedless orange, so with tho
seedles npple, n slightly hardened
substance make It nppenrance nt the
navel end. Hut this can be obliterated
by culture. The originator of the core
Icm apple state that the further "wo
get from the original Ave trees the
larger and better the fruit become In
every way."
Apple culture I more Important
even than orange culture. In the Uni
ted State there are fJOO.OOO.OOO apple
tree In bearing, from which 250,000,
000 bushel of fruit nre annunlly har
vested. In ten years these three will
give a yield of 400,000,000 bushels.
At the present time the apple con
umptlon of the United State Is eighty
pounds a head of the population a year.
Ily bushel measure the American ap
ple crop Is four times greater than tho
entire wheat yield of Great Britain
and Ireland.
Dllllons of apple tree are grown In
the orcluirds of the world, and million
of them are still being ptanted each
year. Tho apple Import of Great
Britain nlone range between 4, 500,000
and 0,000,000 hundredweight In nd
dltlon, the writer estimates the census
of our apple trees at 20,000.000.
Thcro aro now 2,000 of these core
less apple trees available tor propaga
tion to supply the orchards of tho
world. It Is estimated that by 1000
2,000,000 of these trees will be put up
on the market.
The Spencer apple Is not the first
seedless apple that has been grown.
During tho Inst sixty years about half
a dozen such claimants have made
their appearance. But In no Instance
was It found possible to reprodnce
trees from them which would bene
needless apple.
Thoufh no b!osom Is at any Ums
visible on the Spencer seedless apple
trees, when budded or grafted they lq
anre trees that will produce corelcss
apples. They are great bearer, and
crop freely In any country where the
ordinary apple tree will fruit
In 182(1 Abbe D. Dupuy, professor
of natural history at Aucb. drew atten
tion to the Bon Chretien d'Auch pear,
which produced fruit without seeds,,
though when removed to another lc-'
callty the seeds reappeared In the frutt
In the usual way. This fact up to
that period had led the fruit-tree dis
tributer to treat the pear In one local
ity as the Bon Chretlu d'Auch and In
another district ts the Winter Bon
Cbretln. But the Spencer apple ro
mains seedless in any soil.
mo coreiess apple will produce as
great a sensation when brought before
the public as the seedless orange did a
few years ago. The orange Is n lux
ury; tho aromatic npple has become an
absolute necessity.
Chinese Food.
A German epicure comes to the res
cue of the Chinese in regnrd to their
alleged habit of' eating rotten eggs.
The eggs, he says, are simply pre
served in lime until they get n con
sistency like that of hard butter, and
I hey taste oomewhnt like lobster. He
declares them oue of the choicest deli
cacies he has ever eaten. He thinks
there nre no better cooks In the world
than the Chinese. When he went to
live among them his friends predicted
he would starve, but he had a good
time,' nnd gained weight more than
he wanted to. New York Trlhuue.
Hoot tied to Heat.
The story I told of n mnn whose
wife hnd arranged an "authors' even-
tug," and porsuaded her reluctant hus
band to remain at home nnd help her
receive tho fifty guests wuo were asked
to partake of this Intellectual feast.
The tlrst author was dull enough, but
the second was still duller. The rooms
were Intolerably wnrm, and on pre
tense of letting In some cool air, the
unfortunate host escaped to tho hall,
where he found tho footman comfort
ably asleep on the carved oak settee,
"Wake upl" ho said, sternly, In the
man's ear, "wnko up, I say I You must
have been listening at tho koyholei"
Kitchener's Way.
One of the London dallies tells the
following characteristic story of Lord
Kitchener. "On ono occasIonQfco Gov.
eruor of Natal wired to the Commander-in-chief,
'My ministers nud
myself consider we should be vouch
snfed further news.' Tty wns Kitch
ener's reply; 'I do not ngreo wltb
either you or your inInhJters,--KV "