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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1905)
I A ,'i ! BULLETIN. IHE y ,11 . iu ... . VOL, II PROFESIdNAL CAllD8 W It )V!Hlf. Jh. l. C, HtMhNMANN Cluerln & Stelnerilaiih AUornoys mid Counsellor, nl Uv, NO TA Id UK I'l'IIMC I'rMtlCf III NUIe Mint I'rilrlkl CtmrU NH ' OKIUldN u. c; COE, M. D. OI'IMCK OVIIIt HANK Physician aiid Siirfecrfii YMI.Itl'IIOKIC n. 3,1 IHNII UIU'.OOK DR. B, F. BUTLER DENTIST All Kinds of Denial Work Fair Trices KvamixAtion I'xiik 'tlllf Ih NHk HitlMlMK HKNII, (IKIIdON fcMi HAI Mt'UHt AMI) H'l.H I'ANM ANRt'lrY I'OlMtlKIV, ; 1 .1. l, Mcculloch, Almtractcr mill Uxniiilncr of iltlcs. I ,) khI f I iit AfUr lot ! ini KtMdruli. IKINItVII.I.K. OKKOON .1. Al. LAWRENCE, U. . COMMIMIONUK. KoUry Pulillc, Iimurauce. Township 11U for Upper Deacliut.t Valley. MKMII. OH MOON. MrTAKr IVHI.IC J NL'KAJC A. H. GR.ANT tfr,,l fuf Liverpool, l.oiulon ft 1oIh nml Uuiotslilro Wrc Insurance Companies. III'M), ORI'dON II I' Nnumrkl I) chk h i:ii.m l futility !) Ian Drs. Belknap & Edwards, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. OUIK10N l Urf of WlnniV'i mc Mfr WHO? WHO? sam s. Reynolds i Up-to-Dato BEND B A R B II R N'cur tltc Nrnd krturtnt Miss Grace Jones teach en or Voice & Piano t nap mrf) '"' f'l''l lN I fuuu4 M W iwtkitmtr UN K'Mi Avttu' irtfc Mr. SKNII. Up-m. J. W. Bledsoe , IMIOTOORAI'IIKK MUCH. .... OKIIOON. AM MfHr NMrtmt tt lMlele Ilrttun 1'umHhf.l t Am Tim. Crook County Realty Co Real listalo Bought and Sold. Life mid Atcfdcnt INSURANCE. 11 ICk IM Wll.ftl" I" H '' M.MM." O. V. llfeLMS . JEWELER. Wntchcs and Jewelry Repaired First-chiis Workmanship Reasonable Kiitt's Iffer Ih l.miiglni llmur. Hlil TRIIM.ETT BROS. , Mr Shop & ttathi Best of iiecoimuotlntioii.i ami work promptly done WAI.I.W. 'Hni, kkon C. N. SMITH Sign Writing Graining, Hnnnicljng and Interior Finishing Hhop in irr uf lilr.lwif Htry J' la dewiest,,, Civil Engineer Speciall'MtVillificutioMS for IWrt'SWrvcyliig attillnl-gmiou-Work. . ., ...- 11. .ti.i. n,t tniB rttld PiioclflcrtllonB "V"n Made ,U I m 1 uv.u'..v. 4 . Dry Gobds Groceries Hardware; Ilefore piirclinsinn elsewhere Ret our prices oii SIJKF.K mid HtJIMJUKS' lIAKlJWAKKnml MA TlvRIAI.S. We entry a complete Hue of Kanjcfs, Cooking ami Heating Stoves, Window nnd Doors. Gloss, I'alilts and Oils, Ruberoid Roofing, Build ing Paper, Tarred Felt: .lN.. FURNISHINGS we Offer Overcoat, Hut, Cbjw, Hoots, nnd Shopi German .Socks and Rubber Footwear, Ovcrnllii, J iitujHfr, etc. OUk. GROCERY DEPARTMENT Is full of new, bright, fresh good, lwtli staple and fancy, mid prices as low ik elwwhere, qimlity considered. We arc ajeuts for the John Deere Hue of Wagon and Agricultural Implements. The Bend Mercantile Co., Bend, Oregon. BRICK The uudhrMucd .lias begun the manufacture of brick for the IJend Mnrkct mid will have First-Class Building Brick For Salo about April 10th. THE LEWIS Leave Orders at Office of The f The Deschutes Telephorte Company 'rclcjjrams Porwnrdcd to any part of Jho World. Direct Telephone Commtinication PORTLAND, PRINKVII.W5 and all Pacific Const cities Public PAY Station HANK IIUII.DlNd Dend - Oregon Tllli DtSCIIUTliS TELEI'IIONE'CO. OfficJe Rooms TO RENT in pilot nurru iuvi!wi- MUNI' CO.'S of (Ice buljairtg at Cor. Wall and Ohio Sii APPLY AT COAPANVS OPFICH Barley for Sale. Fine seed barley, ilso barley chop. '.Inquire. jof John Elder or W. B. Wil son. PRlNfevVLLE 'l ti n'ttd'1 kotouw (hlwnys clcun ntHVNVV.Htti)plil.'A"Kntcsrt'iisoiable OHltCOM IMND, dkl'bON, FRIDAY, MAR. 10, 1905. . v w y cn V- BRICK BRICK CO. Mot flulfc Development Co. Golden Gate Coffee appeals particu flyrl:o those who enjoy goa4 toffee. It is coffee perfection. fco)d in , mil, & lb. roma-t!ght lini by liigh gride grocen, j, A folgeI cn cd; f1 U an rrnclica Importer fJWKvi.jipffeal aijtiit!it..iyfAMii.ii',jngj IOR sAtK AT TiTi ine ?U& Stori : BUND, UKHCVOri HUNDREDS AT WORK All Forces Now on Central Oregon Canal! MOVING TOWARD RlVfife UHD if . Water Turned Into tlicJjjnJMicd Pi lot llutte CniiaN-llnrdcnlnz tlic Malik. About 400 men ,nnd 250 teams are now at work on the Central Or egon cnual of the J). J. K: P. Co. The caiiiiw are strewn along the ca nal line to a point about a doxcu miles east of Jieucl. Plume work is susjieuded because of lack of lum ber, but the rock work and excava tion of earth for the canal is crowd ed forward with energy. The plans contemplate delivery of water into the old river bed early in May, af ter which time the construction forces will go at the system of lat erals, . Wntur. was turned into the Pilot llutte canal last Sunday nnd it is now down about m miles. Hut small volume was turned in at first, in order that the soft iauks might get moistened and packed before the strniu of a full channel is put utKin them. Gradually the amount of water is increased and its effect on the cnual banks watched, and it may be a week or two before the full volume will be running. It will be a much larger stream than ran last .yean A siakt bole has been found on the Central Oregon cattal a short distance below the flume. At first the water thus lost came out into the Pilot llutte canal, the altitude of which is considerably lower. There have been several attempts to fill the hole with rock and earth but it has not yet been made water tii'.ht. The frost line prevented proper reinforcement of the bank. Now that the frost has gone the leak will soon be Mopped. Several other small leaks have been found but thev will be easilv stormed. Last spring there was a big drop in the Pilot llutte cnual not far from the present leak in the Cen tral Oregon, and large pine trees and stumps were washed out in an hour. That was temporarily flum cd and now the canal bottom there is as tight as if umdeof cement. The problem of getting water out to the construction forces is one that prove) riot to' be easily solved, in vievv'of the delay on the flume. Kighteeu tenuis are regularly em ployed itight and day hauling water to the camps. For this rea son the flume will be pushed" to completion soon as the lumber is available, so the water may le led out iu the canal near the camps. The projected big canal from the head of Dculiam falls to wnter laud beyond Powell Huttes is resting until the government shall act up on the company's segregation in that region. That is not expected for some time yet. Till: WATER WORKS PLANT Materials Ordered and Construction Will Soon Begin. About three miles of main pipe for the llend water works system were ordered some time ago and the pipe is now being manufactured. These pics are to be of staves wound with wire. Staves for a 30,000 gallon storage tank are also bought. A Phillips double acting ran with capacity for pumping about 30, 000 gallons a day has nlso been ordered. m The necessary T's, valves and connections are included iu the order uov being filled and all will be ready for rapid work on the ground when the matermlfi arrive. The plan for the Water work contemplates taking water in an open ditch from the-lUot llutte canal and using it in a ram at the river near the old snw Inill site. The water iu the service mains ilii be taken from , the river there, not from the., ditch. Uven tunlly it is 'expected the town will get its SUbplX frdm tne 'rr'" gatiou flume", btlt pyWle the irriga tion Vltlnt isr ill prdcrcss of coA stritction'indfe'QV le& interference lviU thnt'chajinpl is expected, ; kind It js deenu1'U;be.3.t) to provide other wise Yor tetnporAry service; i The Vatet.oonVpany Will prepare tfoV;fireyplufcso- Wall street at the comer of NeyaUa, Minnesota ami Ohio, add oil Hdlld Street at the corner of Oregon and Ohio. There will be a mruii, oil Wall and Hond between j Nevada and Ohio, out Greenwood avenue to Thirteenth, out Oregon- street and Iron wood avenue to Thirteenth, on Tenth te- tween Ironwodu aim oreenwooo avenues and out Hawthorn avenue to Thirteenth. Kast of Tenth street the mains will be 6-inch pipe. west of Tenth tucy will be 4-incli pipe. Prom the reservoir to Ore gon street the main will k of 8- uch pipe. Dead cuds will be con ncctcd with small pipes so as to give circulation. a fVew Station on the Desert. A. C. Lucas and George Hobbs are building a feed station on the Priucvillc rood about n mile cast of the Uussctt place. The first load of lumber for building went out to day. Others will follow imme diately and a carpenter will begin work at once. A big water tank will be erected, lo be supplied from the Vandevert spring a mile and a half away. There will be stables and feed for animals and sleeping and eating accomodations (or travelers About 50 tons of hay have been secured. Two new milch cows and some hens will vt taken there George Hobbs, who is a good cook, will have immediate charge of the station, which will tc upon his Homestead where the present stage rond crossed it. It is exact ed that travelers may be accommo dated there by March 15. It may also be made a stage station, the present drive of 30 miles being too lo"g-. fingers Trimmed by Saw. J. S. Iiaker, son-in-law of G. W. Wimer, was working iu the High tower & Smith sawmill at Turoalo. last Friday when his left hand was caught by the edger and the ends of three fingers and the thumb were trimmed off. Mr. Hightower brought the young man to Bend and Dr. Coe dressed the wound Nearly half of each digit is lost The little finger was unharmed. . "All Over." Hereafter we will have our repre sentative visit- each canal camp daily to solicit orders and deliver goods. Our spring stock is now arriving and will, soon be the larg est and most complete in Central Oregon, enabling us to suit all, cither iu quality or price. Any order placed with us will be filled at exactly the same price as if pur chased over the counter small or ders will have the same careful attention as large ones. We want your orders, no matter how small Respectfully, This Hknd Mhkcantjuc Co Swailcy Ditch Election. The annual meeting of the Des chutes Reclamation & Irrigation Company (Swailcy ditch) was held iu Prineville last Saturday. Frank Glass, William Hirdsong and C. Swallcv were chosen directors. Mr. Glass was re-elected president of the corporation, William Johnson was chosen secretary ami treasurer and C. H. Swalley superintendent. It was agreed ihat an so-rod Hume should be built across a depression near borked Horn butte, about eight miles below the head works, nnd there will be considerable ex tension oft the canal during the coming year. , , v Cougars Numerous. If. W. Morrill and J. K. Meeker were driving over to .MceKers claim toward Sisters the other day Uud when on the hill a mile beyond the Tuinalo found a big cougar crouching by the side of the road. They had a gun iu the wagon but before it could be unlimbcred for actiou the beast had. crept out of reach. They fpliowed him hall a mile but could, )t6t getn shot. This is the fifth 'author' seen in that vi cinity recently; ' W."P. Vandevert, Will Uroqkt and two Indians each gut one and at least this one is still at larg. Notlco to tit YMUllc. jjtr 'ii 'i iutct;uonts qf . deceased persons jca,r Bend have Jbcen made on pri vate laud owjtcduy the undersign ed. 1 do hot wish h cemetery locat ed there and, .lus is to give twtice that no fdrll rUter Mlrials Vfrill bfpcr re. ltt fcTTKNH mitted there S2 JT." 13 on A New basis mmm Organization of end Li bra ry Association. STATBD memuership fees r Board of Trustees to Manage Affairs of the InstltutloM'-Ttie present Financial Condition. A score of people interested 111 die Bend reading room attended the meeting Wednesday evening for permanent organization. P. I.. Tompkins was chairman and J. II. Ovcrtuf secretary. There was .t full and free discussion of the pro posed Organization. It was finally voted to organize a voluntary as sociatiou to be known as the Bend Library Association, which should have a board of five trustees to con duct it affairs and be patterned after the style of a legal corpora tion, subscribers being stockholders and the trustees choosing the exe cutivc officers of the association. L. D. Wiest, Mrs. E. F. Batten and J. M. Lawrence were appointed t committee to nominate the five trustees. They could not agree on five, so reported eight. The sclcr -tion of the five was then left to ballot of the subscribers present, which resulted in favor of the fol lowing: J. H. Ovcrturf, Mrs. E. F. Bat ten, Mrs. J. F. Circle, J. M. Law rencc and P. L. Tompkins. It was decided that the library yoar should begin July 1 and that membership fee should be $2 a year, with proportionate reduction by quarters for memberships be ginning late. The trustees arc to prtsent by -laws and a definite scheme of oper ation at a meeting of all the mem bers to be held next Wednesday night at the reading room. The report of the treasurer showed $98.36 to have been collect ed from subscriptions, $34.55 net from the Prineville theatrical per formance, and S5.65 from fines for magazines kept over time. Ex penses included .$71.87 for mag iiziues and 70 1 cents for a rubber stamp, leaving a cash balance 01 $60.24 in the treasury. Besides this Mr. Ovcrtnrf has $16 of rent paid for cabin turned over to the club by the Pilot Butte company , from which some deduction is to be made lor expense incurred in fitting up the new quarters. Reward for Horses. I will give a reward of $10 each for the return to me of a dark bav mare, with star in forehead, an' black gelding with white speck both branded with A K connected with bar underneath, on left stifiV Tlic mare has a stone bruise on tV right hind leg. Adam Kotzman, Bend, Oregon. . Pilot IJutte Allll to Resume. The sawmill of the Pilot ButU' Development Co. will resume ope--ations Monday morning with a force of is men after havincrbeci closed dowu since about January 5 During the time the saws hav" heen idle a new engine and bode and other machinery has been in stalled, which will double the out put of the mills. Heretofore tl: daily runs produced from 15,000 to 20,000 feet of lumber, while th present equipment will make the daily output between 35.000 an I 40,000 feet. Farquhar McRae, who has for some time been Prineville's best lmrber, has come over to Bend and taken a position in Triplett's shop. R. 11. Mutzig has bought of N. P. Weider the north half of lot 2 iu block to, where the old Bend Fur niture Company was located. He may move the present building back on the lot nml erect a more substantial structure in front. Upon receipt of the resignation of W. H. Staats as postmaster at Deschutes-ithe deoartment instruct ed that nattce should be posted to see if ''ijomg one else would not ap ply 1 for 'tlw. position rather than have the Cflice closed. Thereupon J. M, Hodou applied for the ofhee, Ills application golug forward to day. , Wall Paper tf we haven't what; sttifeV your faucy, wlll.prtmuVe VStm bfcWwrt; u'oti Merrill Drug Cotpn NO. Wunviw.n