LOCAL BITS Wnllpttriit 111. Meirlll DniCo' , limn, hoiU mid chop, Muuix & llcrkcr. . Tin fitmiiiift American Hentily, h new cocktail jtlftt on i, nl The Office, W. we In the w.ll mmm, Eri U i , ' cv "' V mK"'' new mid won't Im imieUld lo'sierBwilV ifr L7,. ., !i ,,:t' imynii Mvriill Ot use Co. I jfioHml. ' " A Mcranil ilniiKhlcr wb bnru In ' 'I'liu iiti,i rm,,( n.. i . . .)llw, MM I wmlHV iniriHiiR. MuudHy hIWhmi lo diime mime The Krv. O W. Triplcll tfoea I ei'joynble mu.. They me (linking lirlnylck tomorrow to All hljkwMl progicst, mid numerous favor- icicntor upptilslmeiit thcic Humla . ' comments were heard on tin-it f. It. Kixi I. ....,.... -... l,UVig. atorr resident o ntji Ih.i wiit. right room on the Lytic towtmitc. J W. Hitdw ntutcd Tlmrmlay for l.inu count) whrre he will lw gone whoul two wectk on btldiieR The Hmd .Mercantile Co Imvc Jul im-ived 8 Urgv lot of fresh iW which they are offering at joc KT doAii. Tli Rev. J .Antbnnv Mitchell will hold bin r KHl.it niiulmen(ft nl It M hull next Kmtday moiiiuig ml evening. Alfalfa, meadow hav t awl ,,j & lleckcr. kind uf grain. MuUig There is a fine office room with double window on the tcvond f)mr of the hunk building for tertl nt $w a month. Camp . moved farther out oil the (lesril ..tondny to be near the con struction work on the Central Ore gOII CUIttl Among the ret em arrivals hi the Hend toitutryarc llradfoid Ihuiard. of Chictgo, Ohio, and AddUoti Haglrs, of Haystack. J M. Lawrence haa aome money to lend on deeded real eatMte. landlord Dmu, K. Smith this week utnttli new hotel teg inter from I Jen Moines, Iowa. It is both attractive am) convenient. Mm J. Prank Stroud arrived in the city from Ijimontu this week to make her home with her husband here. Work has commenced at the Lewis Brick Co's yard, digging 'fi its. etc. and next Monday a crew ncveii men will k put at work molding brick. The new IHom-Dora cocktail at The Office saloon. Don't overlook the fact that the llend Livery & Transfer Co. sells hay, (Mts ami barley chop as cheap as any place in town. Preparations arc will along for the basket social nt the IlaKist church tomorrow night and an in tercating time is ptonilaed those who attend. 1 Vnu mu find the finest Hue of .' .iuu i iim tu.Hil MrrmiutiUf (hat has ever been kept iu Crook j instead of :jo p. in. as now. owinty. See our stock before pur-( T"je ,tal lUniry aii Debating chssing elsewhere. Society has a newly painted drop Klmer Merrill, win) has leeiivtirtaiii with a beautiful view of the confined In his room for several' Destitutes river and the Three Sis-u-ks with rhemmitism, Is able tojtcp. .n the distHit.ee. The paintiiiK be up ami was on the street Sundiiy U an artistic piece of work and was for the first tim. done by Josph Hnglchart. The n-iuw will 1 u lioMket social nl ' advertisements on the margin of irogramme. grab bag ami n candy i ' M,I IoU,d1' booth. Hum for all. Mill feed 2 75 r lutiulrql at Mitt .ig nd Ik-cker s. Sunday afternoon Miss Hthel Chapman enteruimrd a jwrty of young jK-oplv with instrumental mid vocal music, alter which re freshments were'terved. If von arc going to pner your house, consult us. We can save you money. Merrill Drug Company. . All subscriber to the Hend Mag azine Club am desired to meet nl t)ie new reading room next Wed nesilay evening to organise tint lu sitution on ii permanent Imais. 8oo ncres of fine pine timber in n liody near snwinlll am! good mark et. Two large springs on thctrnct. 1'or sale nt low price. R. 0. Smith, Ikmd, Oregon. The wives mid fmiiillcs of Datl li. Smith, new proprietor of Pilot Iltittc Inn, nn. I Mnrslml Lcstor arrived In from liugene Wodilesduy cvemtiB to make thulr homes iu Hend. ' Household furniture for, nle. Inquire of Crdok County Realty Co. '.CSet the Hend Livery it Transfer Co. to do your battling- and truck- The John iMiiiu punch at q'Knue'H The Office. ' A. C. Lncnrf has bought the lames Sharp place bit Hawthorn itvunuc and the family have taken possession. There is n possibility that they will engage !d the hotel ,, business nt Madras. , , M'lii. HiMid Mercantile Co. have tb 1 rgest and finest nssortment of dt 1 . oiwl tintintll now on tue 1ms ever bcclt brought MIm Jam !,.,. )(.(. ( )Wi, '" Ktii.Toi the Nint two weeks, ''HiilK which ii1L. u,c ,,rj,llliry Mmo Iim I,,,,, ,nIKll , MM Hcliell McKcuioMh. MimJonvHiH wa,.viv.i iu resume work Monday. l'lioloRrtpher J)1mImjc Iiiih i! Heiiii-UHCKKr'.uiKl , sU,(j,)( iMiiiieii uy joe jJitKlulmrl. that I Til in week the lelenlioiie com- wny has installed several new phones mid uIko erected telephone jioleson MiiimMt.i and Hotid streets The new nhours installed me for C K. Iladics. II C. Hllis, C. M. Weymouth snil E, R. Lester. CotnitititriiiK Monday, I'eb. aoth, reduced pri,-., on every student New York CshIi Store, Deschutes IT S. Commissioner Don I. Ken, and Contractor Archie Mason, ol Mudrus, were Ilcnd visitors last week. Mr M.i-on smiles when ""A"1 lut the report that he had ,wn KKcd by I'rlnevill csrftal n uiiiiu m;iiunii opine uescnuies canyon from The D.ille. J'or chicken feed see Mutzig iS: llecker. The II. M. Co. is putting up u Imdding ttxi, oh Wall Mieetjiisi north of then- store which isto'i occupied by Mrs. II . L. Crsbirce with a stock of millinery goods The building may' b extended back awl living room provided there. Hvery thing in the wall mt line at reasonable prkts. Merrill Drug Co. J.'T'rsnk Strqitd haa Itought out the interest of j II. Merrill, and A IS Keulesrof Limontn, has liought the interest of II. Jv Seehale, in the Hend Livery fit TrjiiHfer Co. Thrf two men now own the usUblish went. Mr. Stroud has assumed the active management of the buni uetMt. Nine member of the KuighU of Pythias met in Dr. II. Ir. Dutlcr' ofuce 'J'ucstlay night mid steps were taken for orgaiuiiig n K. of P hwlge here. It is expected the lodge will I established here in hIkmu a month, or as soon as n charter can Is? loceived fro,m the betid K. of 1. lmlKtf. A r'ecpieat has Iwen sent to Wash' iugtoti lor a cluuig of the mail schedule between Hend and Tumalo so as to start from Ilcnd instead of ftom Tumalo This will enable the currier, William P. Downing tobe home earlier nt night and will not harm the service. The new olan is to lesve Hend at 8 a m. S Charles IS. Rtcd, who has charge of the work ou the I). I. & r. Co'm explirliuent farm, wont out to. the (arm hint Momluy to rcstimu work. Some flume work is to be done immediately to facilitate the com plete irrigation of the farm. Knrly jjnrden reU nre" to Iw planted nnd will receive good Htteiitiou so as to how juhl what this .soil will pro ducewheii projwrly irrigated. Postmaster Oraut today com ineiiced the election of n :6xTffoot addition to the postoflicc builditie;. The Reneinl tlelivery window will be placed so as to fuce the east and move boxes will be Installed. The partition wheie the general delivery window now is will be taken out and the door iu the eastern part of the building will be used for en trance and exit of patrons of the office. Gordon Dorraucc was in town Monday feom the Dorraucc saw mill in i6-io. He says the mill will be ready for business by the first of April and it will saw more than 30,000 feet a day. A boiler 54 inches in diameter and 17 feet long will supply nniple steam for 70 horsepower. The carriage wil. have steam feed. The plant will include gang cttger, planer and shingle mill. The market wtll be the whole west desert. MILLARD I iptt BLACKSMITH INO AND HORSESHOEING All kinds of wagon work done in first-class shape. Short notice jobs a specialty. oi'i'osiTH ficiioor.uouHil wn. ohuoon We Imvc just received a full Hue ol men's wear In nei'llgec mid working Hlilrts; also underwear of nil we i kIH mid kinds, at The Hend Mercantile Co. gk i ue iiiisounll ciilliltsinniH were ' Jttt for lllc''Nt l'llle Sii'idny nftert , nP'U to I'd in trim for the coining III! a . I season. Theic is n good lot of inatoria! to pick from this spring and the boys expect to develop a witin inu tcMin. The Ivoys had a meeting Tuesday night ami W. II. Hrock made chairuiHii of the meeting. Chas liilyeu Was elected captnin, li K. Lester, timuagur, J A. Mc Leod, secietary and C. A Chapman, treasurer of the team. balls, Imi.H and other baseball trarapher- ualis Is alruady ordered and Mali nger Lester is corresponding with nines of tliecouutty and expects to arrange for some rattling good uames between the Hend team and visiting nines, Ladies, do not scud away for voiirsiiriuif and summer footwear befoiu examining the new stock that arrived this week nt The Hend Merciutile Co. The stock and style the best and the prices right he traction engine which Meidl Reed bought of V. M. Chrismau, f Silver Lake, two months ago, fin ally reached Hend last I'riday and has been put nl work hauling logs. I'll is is the engine that was used by the Portland Water Company in freighting for the Hull Run pipe line when it was under construction. It wss so heavy that the company was obliged to build its own. bridge across ihe Sandy river for the use of this machine. Cliristiuan bought the engine and thought he could i evolution ie freighting iu Central Oregon with it. Hut the water problem was too much for it. It was KM) far Iwtweeii drinks and the necessary water wagons cost as much as regular freight teams. So the engine rusted at Silver Lake until Sieidl it Reed took it. and Us ? toe hauliinr virtue are now to 1 tested. Hnth (let lliclr Reward. Sheriff Smith wIvmI wrl Uie lnt ! tlw wek from Slitrilf J. II Sittilli. of McrtlK4,Mi coMHty, Csliforiim, tlt Will ism lmbcrl ImiI Ixch wiilcucnl for life for thr munler of I'rsnlc I. Drnkc IjonWrt rretwl l)- lenity Sheriff Juit Hinith nt Itead mid Itrought to tho county jnil in till- city Ut Noetnler wtwrclw-wnn tdi'iitlfietl ly Sheriff Smith m I lie ihmii wanted iu the Cdiforum town and fur wImjhi n ttH4il Iwil licen offernl. Tlw Mwrlll receiel oiiclierh Bt(Ht: with the letter telling of the iimr der' conviction, snd an mmmi mm IheM.' huvr Uiil ftlle.1 out mid returned he will receive lite Mini of fWK the reward offi r ed, wilh ) aldltloiml kivci '' the California county for hi clever piece of Hork. I'nnevtlle Journal. This is the chap who was sent up from Hend under the name of "Wslter Je lor asinuit ami lint- j i tcry iioii Mrs. Crttzan at camp No. 3 last November. Free Land in Oregon IN Till? richest grain, nlit mid .stock section iu the world, Hundreds of thousands of acres of laud ready for the settler AT ACTUAL COST Ol- RECLAMATION DEED DIRECT Ifrom the State of Oregon The cost of land averages $10.00 per acre, PERPETUAL WATER RIGHT Irrigation Company under con trol of the State Land Hoard of Oregon AllDHliHS Tint UliSCHUTES IMPROVEMENT CO. UKND, - OREGON ireAif t ttsmti&mmmsmtmmmmmemmKmm TRIPLETT lend Livery & miii wnnw J. FKANK STROUD, AlhnoKcr LIVERY, FEED and SALE STABLE Il0H8fi IIOAKDKI) JIV 'rill'. DAV, WitltK OK MONTH Plrst-Class Livery Rigs for Rent. Tlione No. 15 IMjixI tretl. Ittvctil Mlmieoolii and Oregon. HADLEY & Highest grade The bestt LIQUORS CASE AND GOODS CIGAR-S on the market Finest bar and best BUILDING CONTRACTOR J. W. WRIGHT. Plans and Specifications Supplied and Uslimatcs Furnished. vcrtbino ftrstG:ia63 l.cnv'o Orders nt 'ilic llullctln Office. GOOD CLOTHING If you need Clollilnjf it will he to your advantage to buy tlicni of R. E. SIMPSON, ' t-twxMSiBaMmtaiKiMM,WHmiXA J The Central Oregon Capital Stock, 525,000 Conducts a General Banlcing end Trust Business - Foreign 'HxchatiRC bought and sold. Drafts made on all parts of the world. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES DIRECTORS: OUKItlX, Jk., I'nk-". A. I.. (iqODWILLIL. Vicn Pncs. J. M. LAWKKNCK, Stc'v V. O. MINOIt, Casiiikk BEND - OREGON W. K. sir! Bill Ki TIP i ii yd uuuu Rigs furnished on short notice to any part, of the city. 'Phone No. 20 HORSES - BOUGHT - AND SOLD " CIIAKLUS T Fresh Fruit ...BUTTER THE CITY MARKET C. H. KRICKSON, Pkoi-riktou Fresh and Cured Meats and Fish Uverythlng Pertaining to a Plrst-Class Market WEST UU1LDINQ, Wnll St., UEND, OREQON r Pine Tree Store e a. sather, rroP. Wnll St. near Minnesota GENERAL MERCHANDISE Boots and Shoes - - Gents' Furnishing Goods SHELF HARDWARE DRY GOODS ami a General Line ot UKUi'bKiua Remember to Cnll on Us a- Th OFFICE SALOON HUGH O'KANE, Proprietor. (3bolcct3t .nirniiDD ot . tlUlinco nub diflnvo lmltUallll iHMursti. fmporu (,UbUMUv.C Mot S5nv cvoou Bowling; Alley Billiards and Pool Transfer Co aiasiPMiMMBMwiiiaatffwi n't mi iriwrrrrrn rrr wwiiwa Hand, Oregon STEPHENS Service in the city i Prineville, Oregon j xrsma i mr-aw rag v ir rmfpg SIv Banking & Trust Co. Now prepared to furnish complete facil ities to customers. . LIVER.Y STABLE HUNT, Proprietor. and Vegetables AND EGGS... ; J at The Pine Tree Store iintJiramWor Strnlflbt tdlDtoiUc's uutlie Market, J30U& .au Service M county. lillnt&, lor Crowiocrmltnflc Cv..lOr.bar0 1 I'llan Harness and Saddles; llxtrns of All Kinds nnd (:lrt Classi..,.. REPAIRING Q. S. LIVINGSTON, Ou DotHl St. next to new llffjr Uirn, HliNI), ORIK10N. Columbia Southern RAILWAY. I'AIIOIKR TKAIN T1MK CAHO. H0mMr tf i, iy4. a-mlh ivmnd wo. OAiur PAM. LUta CM. i boan. WO I 1 iir . r. AHUM STATIONS. 1 1 t i ' J w i n 1 4 M 4 II 3 l U MOO. - -Oflnam ..JUW-... .......... .Wucn Xloirtrfc-.. . ...... , ..4waaili . ... . Hay Caana Jaaetloa . .HeOnnaU.. . ........... It-Ml .. Moto ,. ,.ltrttl- ' ....Orj V: ey ... . , .Boatbou... . Xat - -Wlkot IIA!IKO. . jr r. rxily Maar ceanc4HMM at iMMBlko for Ant dm, PriwVllle. Mrad. Br, irer Lake It' - rteir, Mitchell. Ilvjnrltt. Aaiaw, Aahwooil, Cat jm C ty, John Day Clly, ami foMil V, D. WOOOIiFRKV C. V.. ttTLH. Superintendent I' and I'. A. Bbanlko, Or I OREGON Shojt Line and union Pacific TO Salt Lake , Denver Kansas Qty , Chicago St. Louis New York Ocean Stcamcrsbetwcen. Portland and San Francisco every five days. Tickets to and from all parts ol the United States, Canada and Europe. For particulars, call6n or address JAS. IRELAND, Act., The Dalles, Oregon. IK J Ml lfl VfiTaftaflVJ JatjlJ Htoh ; A . - . .U 1 m '(HJrftH t And every article Is Come In take liok at a beautiful display bC JEWELRY On the counter you wll also Una catalntf illus trating thousands or useful and practical Gems If you want the very best values for your money BUY HERB'' TUITH All- jOTiiiJriitCo'jpy -i BHND, OREGON vl LbbbbbbbbbbbbbV t-Jm aWiaSaa- . a nt. Wiutfof tlitm. L. . I - - .-wl amumBmmtMKmtm90Kammtumtmr'mmmm''mmtmmmiiwmmu