NEWS OF THE WEEK ti n Condensed rorm fur Our Busy Iliiiidurs, BAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINIiNTS rteatirno of Ilia Lois Important hut Hot Loss lntoroillnj Evantt of thn Past Wnok. Th frwtUiij,' if lli ('litHtHktt Uy ) ramml mi oyster IhiiiIiih lit Ih'mUhi. KloU lt tkll, llllMlIrt, lllUH VKW ,0MI iIkIIw, himI twhe m iimny weie mxtli'lwl. IUIImhjiI HtrlhtM hunt cut fill I'aliinil mill il I Hiiitliwwituni UumIh from tin rtwi nl tin' world. All tHlk nl Hne In Mititl by ImiIIi Jlu himI HiiwIh, mihI both imiIuii art piemrlng fr dneli-ive lwltltt. following mh iiH.nttliiii dir hiiihiihII. ellln. HiiIhw Idll.ii. Ripley, th Hii. rler. U Pritimlly III m hi, Nlim III New York Tli- tti' UMiunlily n( Wisconsin mi Nr I tt I'lll iHililliltlliK tlm wloul gUllt rlrwrHckl'fN HIM I other IINIIKeHrtlH tiplelvtw. Tllt)'1llll )ltl;D l 4tt III 'ape May CimiiIIhhiw, tln iiHinty runt nl 1'h May enmity, N. J , went de tru'cd liy lliii. Il seem that tin- tlc'lnlon o( the North ri'it eoinliili-iliiii will let Ixith nation down molly, lint li'lllg w de rlded rtiMrt either y Tin' work n( iwH'tilnic tb" 'I""' I 'rum the Virginia imIiii-, in AlnUmn, in pro eilliiK uliiwly. I'imiI K'"" greatly bin ler tin' wmk, Tlm (mirth day niter tlm expliwion Ut UmIIh ImiI Im-oii recov ered. A KfKRt battle In lHiw-llg I" Man cuuri'ln. HnimUir Mitchell mIII ewleawr to hv In trUI in April. A Itfr Mtving sUtlirtl In la xn rwtah lllied mI Nnttif, Alitaka. llMirol Mill Im nn llf)iMlttit oimll die lor rnnyiw ( New York. Tin' Inner! nl (imHil Ihiku J-'rglu Mill I private (or fr i terrorlM. Tlw iroiernmettl h Iiim h thor nlh lnviiliMilim 4 tb Iteef trust. Klhg AlfuMMt, ol Snl, in to marry Princ) Vtrtwt ia, nl I'iumIu, ilHHRlilnr A Kalwr WIIIwImi. Japan Iiaii h ntnrnK rbl I' tic IhiIIhh i-jrati nwsltlitg the arrival of Ihe IIu. Un Ikilllc iHwtilniii. KmIIMIII Mill I'Xtl'llll til iHltlKAtloll i t)m KUn.Uni Oil tit nil tlin tnmtn hih) mIiit iitntiw udHr nll. Tmh tritiHHiHM Hint tmi ihiiwi wii nrtiitiily hurt in a wnrk mi tint North nil I'rtrillr niHir I'luiim, Mont. Clilni" Junkman lime conlnwiil to IhuIiii; iimrilrrwl n (inrtunn mul n I'rfiK-li AttAclm mill inn' utlmr Kiuiipiuii whili-llicy Mure nttmtitlnK to i-'hh' ruin Tort Arthur limt AHimt. Thi ci'mitii him rut I fit I th trwty U tuntti rttMll nil nntto4w fur tin- ta nmitlim ol liiH.iltal kIiIm In limn ii( Mr In mi tlit' (Myimuil ( nil ilulli nml Uxm liNiuMml (k Hh' ImHi'Mt ul the IStlHI' Flri- ilentroywl two ilnrri nmt to ntiHtllii'tn Hi llontun. Ulnli Mill hhiihI !t 0,000 nt thn lAn ninl ('lurk liilr. Tln. Cixly, WyiunliiK. Uink rohlKim Imvt' I "-I'll cntiKlit in Utuli. I'lHiiiKylvniiln, nil mini will hulM n Urm' ruliiiliiK' I'lnnt In Kiinwm. All IWuim cnnnl coininliHiliimini took film hi rminiiiu illrfotiirn. ItiiNiin Htiiviiriilty nttiiltuit Imvr ili iiminlil rulorinn nml nuKpriuUHt htiuly. Tin inil(li'iit )iroinlHcii n tlmroul liivimtiKnliMi il tlu HtHiHlnnl Oil oom jmiiy. Tlirratonlni; li'tti'm mint to tlin rzur Iiavu cmiriil nmrtiHl Iaw to ih pin vliilniid At THiunkmvHolo. IliiMlAn PAVnlry iniln a nilil nrmuul tint Hunk nml rmr nl tlutJnpuniwt nriny mul ilmvn in ull mnnll partliH. The InnlAii npproprliitlon hill, iih n jiorttil to lliu Himnti', will contain no jirovUIon lor church ulicooln. Four iiu'ii with kllh'il aiuI H otlmrM injuriil hy un tixpliKlliiK liullvr at tlio I'mvliU'iit CohI roinpuny, Ht. UlAlrM villi, Ohio. Tliu Uri'Kn Innil (rinul triiiln nro to Imi iotunnl until Juno. Attornny Hfiiiiy nxpoctH morn imllctuu'iitit whi'ii tint Kriniil Jury n-covunun in April. Nun hittcmon U iwrlomly III with tOUHllitlH, Tho pnwurH Iiavo rulumil to allow Gmi'co to anntix ('ruto. A rejiort from Colon nayH tlmt city in now freo Irom yitllo'w (uvor. Tlirco minor IlitHHlan ofllclnlH Imvo txenjntirtluriMl or iiBnatiltiii hy tvrror lutn. ItiUNinn terrorinlH linv tlircaUniwl tint livi-H of nearly all ol tho Imperial (a in liy. Tho Kovorninvnt lnH J,1Hl contractwl (or (10,000 toiiH of roal to bo ilolivurwl at Cavito, I'liiHiipInu IhIiiihIh. Tim Unllwl HtatcH Cotton Duck cop oration In 1004 nnulo n Burpltm of 100,085, aftor payliiK IntureHt on liondu. MAY LOBE HIO OMOWN. Onr li Tlirnnlnnnij hy thn Autocracy of Hl Own liniplrn. Itorlln. Kl.. ai it. Ih , HlKnlfli'Mit '"I that ili'uplfn ,n iinuM (mm Ht lVI.iml.iirK iihoiit llitipiohnhllllyof tlin rnvlval ol tlm 'mimky Kohnr mm m popu ,,,r I'-kUImIImi iiwi.inhly.Jillplomutl,. clr 'l"" l Horlln iiinUt tlml Hih 1,,1,,,,. II"H nf (IimimI lliikoMi.iKiiMwlll rnthfr lm tlm ilfH'l of HtninKi,,K Hih an- llMTHlle iHlty Ihmi III UtMkl'll ltd llllhl Hill H Hi lllllll, HlHlPllll.lltH to tlllH liffci't llHVII llCCII UmiiIii lllilii thn hi1 21 hniiiH hy iiur- uin who hih i'Iinhi hoth to thn (Iitiiihii I'liiiHitiir'H MilvlMim mill to thn Itumlmi tiirNfHiitMllvM in llnrlln, mul II unulil huiittliH to tiiit tlinlr vIuwm IlKlitly. Il l miIiiwh inn , tliln coiiiiwllim tlml thn KrwiillMK nf roiinnwliiiiM hy Hih wrtr Hi thin tlimi moiiIiI not hit ciiii. Hltucil hy tlm Hhiirti.1 hihI rHillcal nln. inmiU hn viilmitMry iictn. hut hm thn n.. wilt nf futtr limt ntfinr inciiilHirH of tho linHrlHl fHinlly limy nlmtH tlm futn of MilKlui, IihnIiiiiihI hy t hi HilmUnlon tlml tlm inrmriiiU nitmt lm nikonml with. "" ""l '" ontalml in "."'". ''.y. I1'," I7l"ll- . l ;'" '''l' IhIIU. i, . A ilitrk hint In rnntuiiiiil In mIiiIh. lomiitlc lilfur- 1'iit riHOMin why tlm onr, tlinintli iHtr- lmi HiriHiiially ini'llniil to ilo mi, will iiinlur noi'iri'umitmii'iM KrHiitmiyof tho liinri hir-tiriliiK (imumIh Uyonil lhm hn oiilllnitl In lliu mmiifiwto of lim I DifimilNir. Thiwn ihtwiiih nay that thn Kriunl ilni-nl roti-rli will xtop hlmrt of nothiiiK to priwru mitocriicy in Uh lull iHiwi'r, mill that II tin priinint rzur In not willing to liNik out lor IiIn crown, n rtwiiry will w to it that thn Infant rnritvltch In not ilrprlwil of it utiliwi It In taki'ii from him hy lomt. I'Ulnly thU mimiN that tint mi'ii who Iiumi miiriliirixl hy tlii'lr coiiiinuI ami iinthiln thiiiiKitiiilN of tint workmt'ii nml niAntN In tlm many yearn ol tlmlr rill", will nut nhrliik Irom IiiivIiik put mil of tin way tint ruliir who, It In ftlMHiidy HHH'rtiil lln-y rtirinic In ptihlli', whiht tlny liohl hln hick of ! I'Ulnn, IiIn iltwlrtt to placntn hII of tin furl hum mul IiIh rvlihuit linllik' to whuI thi mixluruti lllwrl in privatit iwmti'iii't. HCSERVES BREAK UP A CROWD. HuKtlAn Rnvolutlonlttt warn Ulocklni; Stritatt In Now York. New York, I'i'Ii. 81. I'lilicn rwwrvwi wirnt cm ll I out tmilxht to illiKirM n cniwil mill tn ! ynithlrN with tin Itttottlun iHVolntliHiary mrty. Kluht m wctti Hrrnntinl, clmrx'wl witli pflrml. I UK wltlllHIt H iK'rilllt, CIllllH'tllll! A crowil himI hiiMinK mi hhIhwIiiI iiiim'I- lK Tin trmililit rlHrliil whi'ti two police mi'ii chiiih iihiii a crwwtl chtHrhiK' ami HpplnuilinK i h ! h innile hy m of tlmlr iiiiiiiIht. 'I'Iih ihiIIck wurit iiiimic- i'tfifnl in iliri-Kruiiii tlm ixMipti, ami cnllixl for tin rwrvif . It wan miIiI thnl n rwt tlni w'hn ImiIii whvihI aiiiI Inter n itrK,Hiit nf mIIiv, who nmiirtiil in tin rniil, lnmli) tin "tntoincnt that in unit nf tin mi'ii Mrrwti! wmn "in llmnmntnry ami ri'Viiliitioiiiiry litcra turn." 'I'h I nmnV nauiit wan Alhcrt ArKiuitlnr, ami tlm (xillro found on him n iulNH'riptlnu lixt (or tin Kiiminn rov oliithmUtH, wild tn Iihvh Im'kii ImhiihI hy tin prn-riii1nl ion coinuiittii lor Hiin h. All lint iiimi Htroftiil hi Id tlmy whih tMilom ami protttMwl a4uiniit ImiIiik tkn Into nmtody. ANOTHER CABLE IN ATLANTIC. CUrenci) Mackay Announces That Ulcli Havo Been Mads for Laying. New York. I'eli. 81. Another Allan tic cahht In to hi laid ami IiIiIh lor Itn laying Iiami ulrtxuly hcen innihi. It In nixi'til the new entile will Imi in nxir nl Ion during thn coiiiIiik rummer. Clarence Mackay Httld tmlny that no new utiH-k wnulil l Iwiued on thin ca hie, hut that tint cimt Iiiin hvitu met hy the Miickay cniupmiy, Ihcmuki ol a ilit ninl to keep tin recurve fund nf the Cninmiircliil Cuhle coinsiuy intact. Mr. Mackay added that tint limt re port of the Mackay company to tliu KliHriilmlilern would Ihi adopted within the next fortnight. Tint new cahlu will cinlMxIy tlm latent ilixcovurieH In thla hrmich of nliHjtrlclty. InvottlRAtori Complete Report. Hacrmnciito, lVh. 81. Aftenlollher atiiiK (mm 8 o'chnk until nearly mid night the coiuiuittcn appnlutisl to ill viwtiKutt' tin) bribery I'linn-wi involving Ktatii ScnatorH HIiiiiiioiih, French, Wright ami lliinkerM completed their report, which will he IIU'II nt tomor row 'a ineetin ol tlntM'iiatit. While tliu ineinlKirH ul tho committee would not Klvo miHwcrH un to whether tlm report will recommend tlm (ixpulnlou nf the acouHcd men, Bcmxtor ShnpHon raid: "The report will recommend that no tion Ihi taken In the bribery cudm." Strike Remits In Better Wages. Wnrcaw, Feb. 81. Tlio cliemlHta' iih HlHtmitH hero Iihmi ntrnck, deiimndlnt,' almrtcr liuiira nml ono Irco day each week, A majority ol tho other Htrikern havo rcmimcd work, tho only important branch atlll out bcliiK tho ironworkorH. Tho Mtrlkn ban rcnulteil in a coiiHidora- bio Kununil Improvement In tho condi tlon ol tho men. Thoy havo Bivuml higher wukch and Bhortur lumm. In tho tiiniiiiiK tlltitrlctn tho men Hecured tho llrat IncrcaHo in whkch in 40 years. Blockadu-Runnor Captured. Toklo, Fob. 21. Tho navy depart- inont nnnounccB tlio nolsuro ot tno HrltiHh Heiiinor BIlvaniM, bound for VlitdivoHa,k with Canllff coal. Tho placo wlioro tho sotruro wan mndo la not Btated. SEKGIUS IS HILLED llimliiii (iriiiid Duke the Victim of a Terrorist llomb, had i!i;i:n mahkhd I0H MONTHS Mlsslln wns Packed with Nails, And Qrnnd Dukn's Body was Torn Into Frnfjmnnta. Moh'ow, Feb. IH. Williiu thn wmIIh of thn far-lauiwl Kremlin palarn, nml aliiioNt uniliiriienth thn hihtorlcul tower fruui which Iviiii the Terrlhln watchiil tint IiciiiIn nf IiIh ciiduiIoh falling buniHith the axe on thn famed I ted Kiptare, nml within u nIoiid'h throw ol the rual bell o( Mot-eow, (irand Dukn HerKlUN, iinchi ami hrothitr-ln-law of Fmpuror Nlcli olitN, iiiel it terrible ihiith nhortly before .'I o'cliK'k ycKtorduy udiirnoon. Thn deed whh coiuiultteil hy it hIiikIo lerroriiit, who threw beneath tliu car rhino of the urand ilukitu Iciinh charKiil with tliu Hiitini hlh power exploNiit whlcli wroiiKht MinlHtur von I'IuIivo'h death. Tint mimiilu wan packed with iikIIn nml frauuientH of Iron, and ll itxploNiou toro tlm ltnH!rlal victiiu'N body into KhaHlly fruKinentN, which utrewiil tint wiow for yurdu around. Fvery w linlow in tlio ureat lofty fneudo ol the Kilacu of jiiNticii wan nhattorcil ami bitH of iron weru einlKildeil deeply In tint wnllN ot tho nrHeniil, u liiimlreil yanlN nway. Tint iiKxaftNlu Ih1oiiki to the liotid "llnhtliik' Krouji" of tho Hoclaliht Ituvo lutlnunry party, which linn removed other prominent oIIIcIiiIn ami Ioiik nlncii pikHred reiitelicii ol death IIk)II dm lid Duke HcikIiin. Tho Krnliil duke knew that hit ntixxl in tho nhadow ol death. IId wiiii tint recipient ol relented warn- Iiikn mid cliihorato precnutiomi were taken to immro his Hilety, but nil the rewMiri'HH ol tliu ri-cret pillci) mid ml dlerit proved uuavHiliiii; iihIiimI an at tempt hIiiionI uxactly iluplientliiK' the pruceiliirn that cmimil tliu iIiHth of Mlul-ter von 1'lehve hint July. ALL IN SUSPENSE. No Fedora! Appointments In Oregon Until After Land Fraud Trials. WanhinKton, Feb. H. "No morn 1'ederHl HpMilntmeutN in OreKun until after tliu trial." Thlri iniiicIuhIou wan renchiil laat nlxht by Si-cretnry Hitchcock, Attorney (ieueral Mixoly nml l'oiitmHNtur (iemtral Wynne, and uppliiw toallapHjiitiiientN uiunlUK under tliu juriixlictiou of tlolr refiMK-tive deprtmunt. An a matter of fact, IIiIh iIii'InIou will nffeet only otnlllcc iipHiintiuuutN, for there In iio likelihood of VMcauciitN in'curriiiK in either tint Interior department or the l)eKirtmeut of Junticu whiht tlm land (mod cme are ponding. The iliHtrict nttorneychlp inunt necuMtrily remain in alM'yanre until the cneeN nro couclttdeil, there Are no laud olllco viicmicicN prwi ent or irMKi'tive. uiilvm tho reulhter mid riculver at Itocehuri,' fhould Ihi din iiiIiih1, mul Hiifh action In not conteiu platiil until alter the trial art) over. So the agreement ol tluwe cabinet oil) curN really narrow a down to )xito!lico CAN'T DECIDE THIS SEASON. Not Enough Time to Reach Vote on Smoot Case. WiihlilnKton, Feb. 111. Chairman IturrowN Iiiin ciilled a meeting of the fcuati) coiuinlttee on privileeH and election!, to Ik held on Saturtlay, tn coiiNlder the arumentd ol coutifel In the Kuioot InveHtlu'iitlon mid determine on home courne of action. There Iiiih Ihuii no iiieotiiiK f tliu committee hIiici the hiHirlnpi weru cloneil, and no coiiHiiltatiou of lueinlxirM to (IIk'unii whether it in iKienihle to divide the care nt thin twtiion ol coiiKruriN. In view ot the limited time that rumaiiiN of tho present nwlon, tin d!iiiltlon In to )NintMiiie action until the next feimion. There are no inaiiy polntn involved in tliu iIIhcuhhIou that it la cHtimuted that it week or more wnuld Ihi reiiulreil in the Kiiiato to bring the cann to a vote. Wide Differs with Liberals. Kt. Futeriibur!, Feb. 18. M. Wittc, accordiiK to tliu latent rcjiort, ban re bI(iicI bin ponltlon as president of the commltteu of iiiiuiHterB on nccount of illffereiiceH with Minintcr of Ariculturo Yernioloff over tho conduct ot tho pro ccciliii)') of that Ixxly. M. Yermoloff Ih prolmhly tliu inont lilajrul of Km jierur Nlcholaa' miniiitern, enjoyinj now, ncconlliiK tn tliu ntory, tliu com pletu favor of the emperor. IIu openly adovciiteH NUiumnntnK n emuky Bobor. The report In not coutlrinablo at thin time. All May Again Quit Work. 8t. PoterdburK', Fob. IS. -Tho report Ih circulated hero with ureal pondiiteiico that u renownl ol tliu senurnlBtrlk'-'wlll bo dccliinil in St. Potorsbun: in tho rou raw ol Friday. Tho only ttenlcnco so Inr which could bo cited in favor of bucIi action on tho part ol tho nrlko leiulera Ih that tho umvlllliiLTiU'HS ot tho oinployora to inako coiutbhIouh poiulln tho govormuental lUhltrauontllscutiHlon Iiiih created rcat ilifmntlHlaction aiuonj,' tho radical (dement ot workora. Close Blockado of Vladivostok. Now York, Fob. 18. lteporta re colvcil, cablcH tho St. PoterHlmrK cor rvHpontlont of tho Herald, Indicate, that Vladivostok ia lioluir olosoly blockaded by Admiral Urlu'u Hoot. TO BE SHOWN 'AT EXPOSITION. History or Declaration of Indopond once, with Portraits of Signers, WiiHliltiKtoii, I'oh. 20. Oenoral Wil liam If. Michael, chief clerk ot tlio Htato department, by ordor of 'oiiknhhi Iiiin puhllnhc'd n book h'vIiik mi IIIiih trnted hlntory of the declaration of in dependence, with tho biographic mid portrailM of tho Dinner and tho eccrc tary of ooiiKrewi. Thn advance coplen of tli Ih work havu been rciclvcd nt tho department. Tint llltnitrntlouN iucludo not only photoKrapliH of tho (amoiiH nlitto paper in ltd jirwent decayed con dition, but iiIko a number of photo KrapliH taken when tho il(xuiii'ut whh in it better Htuto of priwervatlon. The volume wax prepared primarily an un aid to thomi in charge, of tho ex hibit of tho department of State nt ex ponltioiiH in oxplniniiiK that part of the exhibit relating to tho declaration ol Independence. Tho per I on ol portrait ol tint idKnerH In complete mid there in an iuteroritiiiK lav rtimllo ot tho broad nlilo copy of tho declaration Hlgned by John Hmicock, prwldentof tho congrewi for and on behalf of tho member of coiiKre, nttentiil by Clinrlen Tiiomji hoii, ci-crutnry. Kjeclully interectirig In the correpondence relating to tie declaration, which In given. ISccatiHO of tho hlMorlc value of tliu work of Colonel Michael, congrorm ordered tho liook prliiteil an n government publica tion. SPANIARD FOOLS WITH BOMB. Tries to Blow Up Mexican Legation, but Only Wounds Himself. Pari, Feb. 80. inhabitant of the Champ Klyceu quarter weru tonight by a loud exploion, and tho police, who weru hurriedly Hiimmoneil, dircovured in front of tliu Mexican lega tion a man nuvcrely wonuded and lying amid frngmenU of u Iximh. Tho man wan taken to a hoNpital and crof examine. il IIu paid hi name wa (iarcla and ho won a H pan lard. IIu nworteil ho had Iwen ruineil by tho Mexican government and in revenge threw- a bomb, which, however, ex ploded too hooii, and he liimmdf was in jured. The K)licu found a revolver, a dagger mid Homo anarchlct Kimphlet, and BeHrch of his lodglnug lel to tho diwiivery of two bomb identlcul with that which he ahd exphnhil. (iarcla ileniiii lieing mi aiiiuchlt. Hi In wihiihIimI in tho amiH and IiiiikIn. Prompt action by the police prevent eil hi being lynched. The bomb wan flllcd with dynamite, and the Htouu wall of tliu legation were Homuwhat damaged. CROOKED OFFICIALS DROPPED. Plnchot Discharges Men Involved in Forost Reserve Frauds. Wanhington, Feb. 20. I'orwit Stipe r intemlent Itenjnuiin V. Allen and For imt KiiervlKor (irant I. Taggart, who a year ago confuted to having In-en tKil In the hand ol the lk'iimin-llydu land ring, nml admitted having madu recom mendatioiiN In the interet ot thi II rm, havu Im'cii ilroipl from the govern uient payroll. Notwithstanding they udmittfd having been partie to exten alvu laud fraud, thet-e two olllcial wero retaintil in olhce, but when tliu forestry rurvlci wan transferred to the Agricultural department, Clifford Pln chot, head of tho Forestry bureau, re fued to accept them. Taggart and Allen wero loot in the chullle, mul, though they made frantic effort, have been unable to lx ruin Btuteil. There two men made extensive investigations in Southern Oregon nnd recoininendiHl tho creation of vast forest reserve to Include lands ow mil by lien boii and Hyde. Their efforts in Oregon Jailed. Mora Money for Pneumatic Tubes. Washington, Feb. 20. Tho jwstolllcu appropriation bill was reported to the senate today. The principal amend intuit was introduced by Senator Font ker for tho extension of the pneumatic tulnj service. It provide for an In crease of tho appropriation available under thi bill from $000,000 to $800, 000, mid limit tho total oxHnditurcfl, Including existing contract, to 1,500, 000. It provide further that all con tract for service shall bu based on com-iH-tltlvi bidding, and not exceed terms ot ten year. More Siege Guns. Moutouran, Feb. 80. There is no ticeable reinforcement to the Japanese siege artillery. The Japanese lire now exceed that of tho Huslsau in inten sity, nnd Poutlloff ( Umo Truce) Hill is constantly Ixnuharded. Two nuw Jap anese batterlen nro lieing erected eat of thu Itussian center. Japanese cavalry ruroly la seen with the main army ot late, and It ia Ivelieved that brunch luia been ruleiwed for service on Mongolia. Philippine Quarantine Not Needed Washington, Feb. 20. Tho bureau of Insular affair is in receipt of a com munication from thu chief quarantine, olllcer for thu Philippine islands, say ing that, owing to the favorable sani tury reports which havo Ihhi received, It i mi longer necessary for inter island transports, which carry na u part ot tlmlr personnol army medical olllcers, to jirocuro bills of health at porta ot de parture, or to await quarantine inspec tion nt porta of arrival. Doubles Cost of New Building. Washington, Feb. 20. Senator Fos tor today Introduced nmendmenta to tho public building bill increasing tho limit ol cost of tho Taeoma nnd Spokane public building from HOO.OOO to 800,000, Ho also offutcd an amend ment to tho sundry civil bill unpronrl at 1 tig 1100,000 for tho improvomunt ot tuo "Hlnlor national park. WHEfMa An r.ircctUsTriiiitfh Onuril. Ono of (lie Krentest trouble, with (he Iiok In that ho In ho IrrcprcuNlbly IioitkIhIi. When vou feed blm, hf ap parently feeU It hi Inherent duty to crowd every other hog an far nnu forcefully away from tho feed no po Hlble. When fed k-aIii on tho open lloor. In. InknN II nnon lilllinclf to COVCf Li iiiiicIi na Iio can, to keep iionIwc and r . .. .... .n 1.1m nuftl piiMiiiig iiih renown, oiiun i "" " Ionn of food, Hlnco moro or lens Is w-MNted by III rudo "table inanncrH." When fed Mop In the troinrh, tho bllf KONt Uog will Invariably work hi way through or over tho Jam, and K?t bis carcnas Into tho trough, where he com placently stolid lengtliwlne, and If not MutlRtW with UiaL lay hlmnclf down, Rulplnj In hi own and tho smaller one Hliare until too full even to grunt, when he will stretch out for a snooro If tlin trough Is big enough. To nvold the waste of feed, and to glre all nn wpial chance to secure their Hliare, I have a number of schemes and devices, but I consider tho one shown In the Illustration to be as good as, If not better than, any. Then, too, It Is so simple tliat any farmer with a hammer and saw, and such loose pieces as may bo found In almost any scrap pile, can build a sub stantial affair that will suit Tho first requisite Is a good-sized, well-constructed trough, built prefer ably In V-shape, a shown by "a." Tho width of tho side boards will depend upon the size of the bogs to be fed. A small trough, with six-Inch sldo boards, may be uied for the wee pigs, nnd twelve or slxteen-luch stuff for the large shotcs and breeding sows. The size of plccen "c" and "d" should de pend upon the weight of the animals and the strain likely to coiuo on the frame. For hogs of ordinary weight a piece two by four Inches should be nsed for the ridge-pole, "c," and pieces ono by three or two by two Inchea for tho guard bars, "d." These should be securely uallcd to tho sldo of the trough, and If a permanent trough In the hog house, spiked to the floor to prevent breaking off. The upright, "e," firmly spiked to "b,M should be amply stout to, secure cndwlso rigid ity. For delivering slop to the trough, a spout or small trough should be ar ranged to enter at the end of the feed trough. With this arrangement, when the distance between tbo bars has been properly adjusted to the stze of the animal, only one can get to the trough between each space, and all sldewlsc crowding Is effectually prevented. Exchange. Drley Feed for Hones. Except on the Facltlc coast barley Is not extensively used as a feed In the United States, doubtless owing to the fact that It Is In such demand for brewing purposes that It Is high tn price. Wherever It Is grown, however, It Is frequently nosilble to secure at a low cost grain which la off color owing to rain or fog during harvest and which for this or some other reason Is unlit for brewing, but valuable as feed. The barley grown on the I'acltle coast Is extensively used in the feeding of horses. Its use for this purpose U old In other countries. The Arabs fed their horses ungrouud barley, and It Is used successfully by the Berbers of north Africa. In Europe Its value Is gener ally recognized. Barley may be fed whole to horses having good teeth and not required to do severe work. Since ground barley, llko wheat, forms a pasty mass when mixed with saliva, It Is regarded as more satisfactory to crush than to grind It If for any rea son It Is considered undesirable to feed the grain whole. A Cheap Wood Sled. My wood sled gave out early In the winter and I mndo a good substitute of seme 2-Inch plank. The runners are 8 feet long and 2x0 Inches square. They are held with four braces of the same material, i feet long and fas tened with spikes and bolts. Stakes aro set In the front and rear cross pieces and a draw chain hitched to the front cross piece. The runners go flat side down and the ends are rounded to prevent catching on tho Ice. The sled can be used with the body or box of a wagon. It Is a good sled for heavy work and short hauls. For long hauls. the runners should be shod. I. A. Fiske, In Farm and Home. A Coru School. The corn school of Indiana Is on In teresting development In the line of farm education. It Is organized in Hamilton County and comprises sev cnty-flvo boys nil under sixteen years of age Each boy received four hun A OOOI) TBOUOH OlMKP. WOOD BLED. dred grains of seed corn which they wero obliged to plant and cultivate themselves. The boy took such caro of tho crop that they actually beat tho experienced fanner In tho vicinity. Tho corn wn much larger and of a better quality than ordinary field corn, although tho seed wn tho same. Prizes wero awarded to tho boy for tho best display. Deep or I.liclit flowing. The whole matter resolve Itself Into a question of soil and climate. It a soil I thin, then It I manifest that It would bo very foolish to dip tho plow Into tho raw subsoil and bring It to tho top, though perhaps Hubsolllng would Improve matters by helping the drain ing and allowing tlio root to peno trate downward more easily. Again, In the matter of climate; In a dry dis trict shallow plowing nearly always gives tlio best result) with a grain crop, at least. Often the best wheat has been grown where the aurface was disked to clean off the rubbish, and Uio seed drilled In down to the hard, unmoved soil. The reason of this Is that In a dry district tho plant has to depend largely on the ground moisture, which rise by capillary ac tion much better through firm soil than through loose plowed hind. Whern bare fallowing I practiced on stiff clays, then the shallow system Is tho best, for It mean ever so much less soil to move per acre where there are repeated plowing, cultivations, etc, to be done. On the whole, probably shallow plowing, combined with an oc casional stirring of the subsoil with n subsoller attached to the plow, 1 the best Stable Bcrapcr nd Fork. Most of the labor-saving tools about farm buildings could be readily fash ioned at home If one Is handy with tools and has the Inclination to put Ideas Into effect. One of the best of the simple tools for the barn Is tbo combination fork and scraper made In the following manner: Select an Inch board five Inches wldo and seven or eight Inches longer than the width of the fork used In the stable. Bevel tho lower edge of the board for the scraper, then bora boles near tho lower edge, ono for each tine of the fork, so that after nslng the fork to handle the coarse stuff It may bo counicD acnArzR axd route Inserted Into the boles In the board and tho combination used as a scraper. The artist has added anotiier to tbo combination, a rake, which Is made by driving wire spikes luto the top edgo of the board and filing off the beads. This can be dono or not as one wish es, but combined fork and scraper la certainly a most useful tool. Indian apolis News. Notes About Farm "Work. There are (H4.000 farmers In Texas, the largest number of all the States In tho Union. Georgia comes next with 622.000. The animal heat must be provided by feeding the stock liberally, but tho greater the exposure, the greater the. loss of animal heat In tho new farm mechanics depart ment of the Iowa college, 123 young men are learning bow to build, man age and tnko caVe of farm machinery. Tennessee farmer want the State to appropriate $5,000 to develop tho live stock Investigations now In prog ress, and to extend experiments In breeding and feeding. Some Western men claim to have, obtained good results from feeding thn common desert cactus to cattle. Thejr say when chopped up and bolted, or soaked In water, the sharp and dan gerous" points become soft. The de partment of agriculture Is Investigat ing the matter. About tho Horse. Draft horses are lu demand far ex ceeding tho supply. Onion Juice Is recommended as a cure for warts on horses. When horses are to bo fattened something depends upon tho breed. A changed bill of fare will help to hasten the matter. A horse has no reasoning power. Tho answers of the brightest of them aro dictated by some sign from the master or trainer. It la wonderful what fancy price rich men are willing to pay for horses that please their fancy. Tho blgheat prices are paid for race stock, with the hope that It will be won back either by the horse Itself or by Us off spring. Texas Farmer. Live Stock to the Far North. Stock raising Is being successfully carried on In southern Alaska, espe cially on one or two of the Aleutian Islands, On Kadlak a Seattle com pany has established a cattle ranch and a sheep ranch. No shelter Is pro vided for the animals tn winter, but they endure tho cold season much bet ter than the herds and flocks of Mon tana and the Dakotas, The company has about ten thousand sheep and sev eral hundred cattle on the Island.