The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 03, 1905, Image 2

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Chairman Otirton Sure Appropria
tion Bill Will Pass.
Only Danger I Hint Load of Amend
ments May Sink It In tho
Upper House.
Washington, Feb. 23. Chairman
llurten, of tlio rivers ami harbors com
mittee, expressed tho bollof today
that hit bill, consideration of which
was begun In tho house yesterday, will
pass both houses and become law before
March 4.
Then has been a growing fear that
this bill would be sidetracked, not only
liecouse of the demands of jvorty lenders
for economy, but because of the un
precedented Into date in bringing it up
for consideration. Only eight days rv
pialn to pass, it through both houses
and through conference, less timo than
was cvor before given any river and
harbor bill.
Burton, bowerer, says the slwrtage of
timo is a strong factor in favor of the
passage of tho bill. It will induce the
senate to make only slight amendments,
for fear of losing what is proposed by the
house. He savs that unless the senate
loads the bill down with large amend
ments, it will pass without material
objection, carrying practically the a
propriations agreed to by the house
Russians Rely on Long Purse for Es
cape from Defeat.
St. Petersburg, Feb. 23. Although
tho party which is advocating jeace as
the only egress from the present situa
tion continues to gain strength, noth
ing has actually been decided, and no
move has yet been made. It is otli
daily maintained that Russia's attitude
is unchanged. At tho foreign office not
the slightest encouragement is given to
the pence talk. On the contrary, it is
affirmed as strongly as ever that Japan
must propose terms, while at the same
time it is admitted that it is incon
ceivable that Japan can offer condi
tions acceptable to Russia.
The idea of a complete Russian vic
tory is not harbored, but it is insisted
that Russia is not beaten, and will not
be beaten until General Kuropatkin is
decisively worsted by General Oyama
and the fate of Admiral Rojestvensky's
squadron is determined. The main
consideration entering into the calcu
lations of the uncompromising advo
cates of a proeecution of the war is that
Japan's financial resources must be
come exhausted long before Russia's.
Only Three Were Rescued Alive, and
They Soon Died.
Birmingham, Ala., Feb. 23. At 8
o'clock this evening "5 blackened ami
disfigured bodies had been recovered
from the Virginia mine in which the
awful explosion occured on Monday
.afternoon, entombing more than 160
The rescuers are still heroically at
work In the sUr, and as they advance
the bodies further in tint mine are
found to be worse burned anil mutilat
ed than those nearer the exterior. No
hope is now held t that any are alive.
Three men were found yesterday wlwse
hearts were still Iwating, but (hey ex
pired immediately.
The Birmingham district has come
promptly forward in relieving the des
titute families of the victims, and mass
meetings have leen held for that pur
pose. Hundreds of dollars have been
subscribed, and the Birmingham Com
mercial club has raised more than f 3.
000. Alabama District No. 20, United
Mine workers of America, today voted
5,000 to be distributed among the
Russian Raiders Violate Neutrality
Tientsin, Feb. 23. About 300 Rus
sian raiders slightly damaged the rail
way between Haicheng and Tatchekiao
on Monday night and again disregarded
the neutrality of the territory west of
of the Liao river. The presence of dil
utee soldiers was not reported. It is
evident that the villagers kept the Rus
sians well informed as to the disposi
tion of tho Japanese troops. It was ex
pected that tho raiders woud rojicat
the attempt to destroy the Japanese
stores at Niuchlatun, but they retired
without an engagement.
Oil Refinery for Colorado.
Denver, Feb. 23. Representative
Clifton II. Wilder's bill appropriating
1125,000 for tho establishment of a
state oil refinery was favorably reported
to tho house by the finance committee
today. Tho bill also contains pro
visions to regulate the price of oil. In
dependent oil producers who are sup
porting the measure have offered, to
lease and operate the refinery when
constructed, and to advance the money
for its construction at low rates.
Kansas After the Railroads.
Topeka, Feb. 23. The Kansas sen
ate tonight passed a bill for the regu
lation of railroads. It provides that a
state railroad board shall mako changes
in freight rates upon due complaint
being made. A section giving the board
power to change rates of its own initia
tive was included in the bill as it
passed the house.
Friday, February 17.
The house today rejected nil changes
In the original statehood hill by send
ing It to conference without taking nuy
action on it.
The senate todav passed n bill appro
priating H.H40.000 for tho District of
Columbia, nud the diplomatic nnd con
sular appropriation bill carrying $2,-
Only one hour was spent today on
the Swayne impeachment trial.
Saturday, February 18.
After an hour spent as a court of im
peachment the senate today took up the
appointment of u conference committee
on tho statehood bill. Tho matter was
finally postponed until Monday, when
the special order of tho day, the eu
logies upon the character of the late
Sentaor Quay, was entered upon.
The house passed the pension appro
priation bill, carrying 1138,286,200.
Tho District of Columbia appropriation
bill was sent to conference, a bill was
iwissed to prohibit interstate transjxir
tation of insect pests, carrying with it a
fiuoTtnd imprisonment.
Monday, February 20.
The house passed the naval appro
priation bill carrying a total of $IU.
N,:i6l. The provision for two battle
ships as rejHjrteil by the committee on
naval affairs was retained.
Whether tho senate conferees on the
stateliood hill shall represent the party
that defeated joint statehood tor Ari
zona and New Mexico or the jxirty that
fought lor the retention of that provis
ion was debated at length today, but no
decision was reached.
The Swavne trial was taken up at 2
o'clock. Two witnesses were exam
ined. After the provisions of the Flor
ida statutes relating to suits of eject
ment or disqualification of judges had
been read it was announced that the
case ot the house managers was con
cluded. The preliminary statement
for Swaynu was not finished when the
court adjourned for the day.
Tuesday, February 21.
The house today passed the Philip
pine tariff bill, practically as it came
from the committee. The river and
harbor appropriation bill was then
taken np but it was soon laid aside ami
several measures were passed, the most
important of which was the authoriza
tion given the secretary of war to return
to the several states the Union and Con
federate hattlctlags.
The senate committeo today reported
that it would be impossible to act on
the railroad rate bill at this session
without ignoring the railroads. Con
sideration of the Indian appropriatoin
bill was begun. A short time was
given to the defense of Judge Swavne,
and the senate began the consideration
of the bill for the government of the
isthmian canal zone.
Wednesday. February 22.
Government ownership of railroads
was discussed by the senate today in
connection with the purchase of the
Panama railroad, while the bill for the
government of the canal zone was under
consideration. Consideration of the
bill was not completed when the senate
A number of witnesses were exam
ined in behalf ofjudge Swayne in the
impeachment proceedings against him.
After a brief but spirited debate the
house today sunt back to conference
the army appropriation bill. All sen
ate amendments were again disagreed
to, excepting one appropriating W5,-
000 for continuing the cable from
Valdee to Seward, Alaska.
Thursday, February 23.
Without a dollar being added or sub
tracted the river ami lwrlior appropria
tion bill panted the house today, after
the session had run well into the even
ing. The total amount carried by the
bill is $17,234,067. It was impeded
by the offering of amendments, hut
only thoso presented by the committee
were adopted.
The last testimony in tho interest of
Judge Swayne in the impeachment
against him was today presented to
the senate.
Tho bill providing a form of govern
ment for the Panama canal zone was
passed early in the day.
Warshlos Bombard Rebels.
Constantinople, Feb. 24. Kztromoly
alarming rejtorts are current here con
cerning the situation at Itatoum and
Poti. It is alleged that some vessels
of the lilark sea squadron (Russian)
have bombarded Poti. An English
merchant who has just arrived here
says he was obliged to flee from Pa
toum, where his life was menaced by
strikers and his office destroyed. This
merchant says the authorities of Ita
toum are powerless. Tho strikers are
all Georgians, and are estimated to
number 40,000.
Rumors of Great Events.
St. Petersburg, Feb. 24. A second
day has passed without dispatches hav
ing been given out from General Kuro
patkin, which is interpreted to support
the rumors that great events are in
progress in Manchuria. The war office,
however, steadfastly maintains that
there is no important news and that
there have been no developments since
the last dispatches made public, in
which tue commander-in-chief re
ported all quiet.
Conference on Land Frauds.
Washington, Feb. 24. District At
torney Heney took lunch with the
president today by invitation. Secre
tary Hitchcock and Attorney General
Moody were present. The object was
to have a conference on tho Oregon
land fraud matters. Tho president
later sent for W. J. Burns, who had
worked up the evidence in these cases,
thanked him and warmly congratu
lated him on his successful work.
Over One Hundred Entombed In
Alabama Mine.
Details of Cause of Explosion Will
Likely Never Bo Known Relief
Hurried to Scono.
Birmingham, Ala., Feb. 21. By an
explosion tit tho Virginia mine, uUiut
18 miles southwest of Birmingham, at
4 o'clock this afternoon, between 110
and 136 union miners are entombed
and It is believed the entire number
suffered an awful death. Scores ot
vigorous rescuers are at work digging
into tho mine to relieve their friends
and comrades in tho inside.
Tho explosion is ticlicvcd to have
been caused by an uccumulatii n of
dust, although the mine has heretofore
been noted for being entirely free from
dust. It is also bolievovd that, as the
entire quota has probably laim killed,
the details of the cause of the disaster
will never be known.
The camp is almost isolated from the
rest of the world, there ii no telephone
station at Virginia, ami the only wire
running to the place is a dispatcher's
wire of the Birmingham Mineral rail
way, on which Virginia is located.
Details of tho disaster were slow to
come in.
The class of miners employed was
the best in the district, and all be
longed to the United Mineworkers of
America. Since the strike has been on
in the Birmingham district, many of
the most industrious and thrifty miners
of Pratt City and other important min
ing points have removed to the Vir
ginia mines, so that the mines were
being worked to their full capacity by
the most skilled miners in the commu
nity. Relief trains with surgeons ami
workmen were dismtchcd from Iwth
itirmiiignam ami iieasemer as soon as
the news of the disinter was learned.
They began the work of succor in earn
est and at midnight had not dug half
way through the mass of debris. It is
thought it will lie 10 o'clock tomor
row before the interior of the stope is
The st oih are well arranged and
there has never been the least trouble
In the mines before. They are owned
by the Alabama Steel k Wire company,
but are leased and operated by Reid A
Will Be Called in October, Earlier
Action Being Impossible.
Washington, Feb. 21. President
Roosevelt, who for weeks has been
hopeful that. some definite action might
Ik? taken at tho present session of con
gress on the railroad rate question,
practially has relinquished the idea of
securing legislation on the subject this
winter. It is reasonably certain tltat
he will not call an extraordinary sua
sion of congress to meet in the spring,
but unlet he changes his mind, he will
call congress together, probably next
Representatives F.seh and Townsond,
jobit authors ot the rate hill which
passed the house, had a talk with the
president today. They outlined the
rate situation and conditions us they
found it. They agreed with him that
the prospect for the enactment of rate
legislation at this session was. remote.
They indicated that if no action was
taken at this session, the subject would
be considered thoroughly during the
coming summer with the idea of pre
senting a measure at the next session
which, very likely, would contain some
additional features.
Will Confer on Irrigation.
Washington, Feb. 21. A conferonro
ot reclamation engineers has been called
to meet at Klamath Falls, Arpll 1, to
consider plans and estimates for the
Klamath irrigation project. At that
meeting it is hoed final plans may lie
made for buying out owners ot the
small canals, including the rights of
the Klamath Canal company. The
government is willing to pay this com
pany $160,000 to get out of the way.
Tho company demands more, but it is
lielleved will eventually accept this
Will Issue Philippine Bonds.
Washington, Feb. 21. After consul
tation by cable with Governor General
Wright, at Manila, Secretary Taft has
decided to avail himself immediately
of tho provision of the Cooper bill au
thorizing tho Issue of bonds to defray
the cost of public works in tho Philip
pines. It is tho purpose to issue $2,-
600,000 of these bonds bearing four
per cent interest and they are to run
for 30 years with tho option of redemp
tion at the end of ten years,
Can't Compel Judge to Act.
Washington, Feb, 21. Tho case ot
the Caledonian Coal company vs. Ben
jamin F, Baker, judge ot the Supremo
court of New Mexico, to compel him to
tako cognizanco of an action against
tho Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fo rail
road was decided by tho Supreme court
of the United Stated today against tho
They Havo Boon Practically Ap,rood
Upon by dnpan and Russia.
St. Petersburg, Feb. 22. Despite
tho official denials, ho PoUldiery
Press correspondent Is In a posTi,Wn to
state that the war and his advisers
havo of late not only discussed the
question ot peace with Japan, hut have
also practically agreed upon certain
terms, which are acceptable to tho em
peror, and, It Is alleged, are almost
Identical with those which have Ikvii
submitted by the Japanese government
to Russia through the agency of the
German emperor. It Is still dollied
that such terms were submitted, but it
is nevertheless true that they have
reached the hands of the czar.
Tho terms acceptable to both nations,
and practically agreed to by the csar,
place Korea under Japanese suserwlnly
and cede Port Arthur and the Mao
Tung peninsula to Japan.
Vladivostok, under the stipulations,
is to W declared a neutral and oen
port in place of Port Arthur, the neu
tralisation ot which Jann would mil
agree to. This feature. Ml is staled,
proved one of the most objectionable l
Kussja, as it was hoped that the die
armament of Port Arthur and its trans
formation into a purely commercial
jNtrt, ovu to all nations, would end the
vexing Muncliurian question.
The Kustern Chinese railway Is to lie
placed under a neutral international
administration, and, in order to pro
vide some sort of safeguard for future
peace in Manchuria, that country, as
far north as Harbin, is to 1h restored
as an integral part of China.
The main difficulty in the way ot
bringing about immediate peace seems
to bo the question of indemnity. It Is
known that Japan will insist iion a
considerable money mymcut, ami .Rus
sia is not willing to submit to that con
dition. The difficulty, however, is by
no means insuperable, but if it should
prove to lie a serious olutacle, the car
will Hrhas be willing to risk another
battle in the hope of gaining a victory
which may make the Japanese more
amenable to the Russian arguments.
Blackened and Mangled Corpses Re
moved from Alabama Mine.
Birmingham, Ala., Feb. 22. The
scene at the Virginia mine this after
noon, where u terrific afterdamp explo
sion yesterday afternoon Imprisoned
11(1 men 700 feet below- the surface,
was the most gruesome and harrowing
that ho ever tit-en witnessed in this
section of Alabama. Of the miners
who entered the mines yesterday after
noon, so far only 60 bodies have been
recovered, mo recovery already oi so
many dead bodies precludes the idea
that any living men remain among the
unfortunates still in the mints. The
corpses are frightfully mangled and
disfigured and identification is almost
Out ot the 60 bodies recovered up to
this time, o'no was found about 4
o'clock which was barely alive. The
body was carefully taken from the mine
and heroic method resorted to to bring
the man to consciousness. He is still
alive, hut scant hope is hold out fur
his recovery.
Humphrey Pleads for Differential on
Naval Contracts.
Washington, Feb. 21. An oaruost
effort is being made by cnonKresemou
from the Pacific coast to liav inserted
in the naval appropriation bill a pro
vision for a 4 er cent differential in
favor of shipyard on the West coast in
the contract price for warshiji con
structed In thesu yards. Representa
tive Humphrey, of Washington, toduy
strongly urged the president to advo
cate such a differential. If adopted,
the differential would Increase the cost
to the governmnt ot a battleship eon
structd on tho Pacific coait alxnit 1160,.
000. This sum, Hun ph'ey explained,
would not ho in the form of additional
protit to tuo constructing company, as
the shipment from the Kast of neces
sary material entering into the vessels
would amount to l 116.000,
Railroads Are Tied Up.
St. Petersburg, Feb. 22. Tho rail
road striko situation is reported to be
growing worse in the southwest, and
private advices are to show thu exist
ence of a reign of terror in Tillis and
the Caucasus generally. Many mur
ders by Tartars and Armenians are re
ported. Communication has been al
most cut off, even thu telegraphers
striking, thu few who ure still ut their
keys being kept there with pistols at
their heads. Thu situation in Poland
along thu Austrian border is also caus
lug great uneasiness.
Baltic Fleet at Nossl Be.
Port Louis, Mauritius, Feb, 22.
Rtissia'a Baltic fleet is still making
Kossi Be (Great Island), oft tjiu north
west coast of Muilaguscur,its rendezvous,
Tho whole fleet and colliers number 70
vessels of all kinds. Only a few col
Herri remain at Diego Suarez, Mada
gascar, Tiie Russian officers and sail
ors are enjoying themselves greatly.
The fleet has lieen supplied with 60,000
cases of potatoes and 10,000 bags of
flour by local merchants.
Investigate Texas Oil Also.
Houston, T ex., Feb. 22. A petition
is losing circulated horo asking Con
gressman Plcknoy to request President
Roosevelt to include thu Texas oil fields
In the investigation of tho Standard Oil
operations in'Kanuus.
Salem, Feb. I". At 8 o'clock to
night tlie 23d Menial session ot the
Oregon legislature ended and tho law
makers were adjourned without day,
alter 10 days' lalair.
The punishment of wife-boaters by
whipping was authorised: small min
ing corporations were exempted from
the corporation tax; lallroads are coin-
polled to make connect Ions wit Ii each
other and transfer ears at reasonable
rates, ami several llshlng laws were
enacted for the purine of guanllng
against the taking ot fish on wiilhg
The total appropriations ot the legis
lature aggicgulo something over ,
000,000. of which fttW.OOO Is for the
state Insane asylum.
After six weeks ut turmoil the Jayue
local option bill was Indefinitely pot
poiicd by the senate.
Other measure defeated were to
make gambling a felony, to abolish rl
rittii rights; to amend census law so
as to make It mote applicable to pres
ent needs, and to create a minion bu
reau. Thirteen bills were on third
reading In the senate at the time of ad
journment ami received no attention
from the upper house.
Governor ChamberlalH will lie kept
busy (or the next four or the days scan
ning the many bills which were Mieil
at the close of the seeslon.
A compromise was effected by the
governor ami the legislature whereby
the emergency clause was left olt the
general appropriation bill and It wan
signed by the chief executive. He had
already written the veto when the
change was mude.
The senate today passed 10 bills mid
dlsood of 10 otherwise. In the house
four bills were hihmI ami five killed or
Indefinitely jiosiMitied.
Pendleton Dealer Send Cart of Sheep
East and West.
Pendleton Rugg Biothers have
shipped three carloads of sheep to
James Wright ot Scuttle tor the Van
couver, It. C, markets. The animals
were sheared before shlpplm.', the wool
also Mug bought hy Mr. Wright and
shiped to Seattle in scNralo cars.
Besides these sheep 10 cars were shlH
i to the Chicago markets. There
were not sheared, as the journey eal is
through a cold pari ol the country, ami
many would freeze, fhe Rugg Broth
ers realized 6 cents a pound, live
weight, for the Chicago shipment ami
the same (or the Seattle shipment.
These shipments practically tlnhh
the mutton shipments from I'matilla
enmity, as large consignments were
made early last fall by the uumorot,
sheepmen of the county.
Many Farmers Expect to Rained the
Frozen Fields.
Pendleton Farmers coming In from
the north ami northwestern ut of the
county believe that the fall sown wheat
will lie a total lows, as the snow has
Ik-oii blown from the hills ami piled In
the hollows ami has left the field Is re.
Some are so sure ot the frec that they
are In the city buying drills to reveed
their fields as soon as the weather per
mits. In the northw extern artof the coon
ty, west ot Adams and north ot lio.
in the low lamls where the noil lit Hula
very little snow fell and as the ground
whs exceedingly dry the frees will lo
more severe. In the vicinity ot Athena
ami Weston, where the snow was deep
er and did not blow off, the wheat Is
cmsidcrod safe and will mil havu to bo
r encoded.
Lane County Teachors' Results,
Hugene Out of a class ot H6 appli
cants for teachers' certificates at the
recent examinations conducted by
County Superintendent Dillard, 111
were granted the papers, the superin
tendent and assistants having just com
pleted marking and grading the papers.
Of those who mused the examination,
Ki wore granted first-grade certificates,
20 second-grade, 40 third-grade and
one primary certificate. Kleven jatr
sons took the examination for state cer
tificates, ami the paKira have hern sent
to State Superintendent Aekenmin.
Broom Factory to Resume.
Roiolmrg Tho Rosuhtirg broom fac
tor)', destroyed by lire last mouth, will
resume business. R. S. Barker, man
ager of the company, has purchased the
old Great Central lleadqiiarterH build
ing, ami the factory will lie operated
there. Necessary machinery has been
ordered mid several carloads of broom
corn are already on their way to this
city from Oklahoma. An soon as the
machinery arrives the factory will start
on a larger scale than Wore,
Pneumonia Among Horses,
Pendleton Stockmen of thu vicinity
of Pendleton are complaining ot tl u
epidemic of pneumonia fever wh'uli Is
prevalent among horsca. Contrary to
usual experience, it is thu hardy horses
who have run on thu range during tho
com wcawier thai aro now aflllnted,
Many young horses were aflllctud with
the disease, and, after lingering a few
days, died.
To Start Irrigation Project,
Pendleton Word has been received
from Benator Fulton tlmt Charles
Thomas and II, Means, government soil
engineers, would bo sent to Umatilla
county, to investigate conditions for
tho establishment of a largo Irrigation
project. Mr. Meana at present is In
Rellntulihmtntt Order of the Oa
If In
tiuothern Oregon.
Grants Pass Since the recent imM.
ligations ami indictments follow mK (I(J
plotting ot Oregon land frauds, tWw
lias been a geiieial skirmish mi llio Ati
of many holders of timber claim
Southern Oregon to ielliniiiHh t,lr
rights and sell Improvement t .,
government. A number who I.hhii
as homesteader, and who feel IM.) IU(I
not living up to the rcqiilicmcuiH ,,f
the law, desire In sin-lire ii'liniiiii
incut on homertlaad, and file un tm
claims In the regular way for punli,
The rellHquishinoiita are fur iIM)t
general In the matter of hnmosiemi ,.,,
Irles than any other. In jears m,t
claims were taken up a lonnii(.rt,i, ,y
the simple act of building a x-n h,
root (or a boose and camping fur (rw
mouths on the propel ty during tM
summer, more as an mitlng ihrtu j,ir
any other purMse. These .... i,
realize that slack methtHls will n,,i
tolerated In the (utiire, ami that i,
claims ate liable to ho ht ali-ifrthrr
iiitleM they are either "lMHntH.t.,ir,"
in the teal miw of the wwd. or tlld
on and bought as claims.
There are a number ot troiwtt ,
this section, with headquarter ut
Grants l'ae, and them report tht tn
land fraud ease have imt put a qmritu
on the locating hoineM, mi might
mipiMwed, though the claws ot toi now
locating are dlfletenl entirely from'trui
ot formerly, as the prevent l.'nt..r ai
men who ifrndrv lite claims themwite.
ami not (or rulatlte ur-r
llotliwdeailers rind Ho trouble In rrlin
quishlng and wiling their right n
Owner will Add 20 Acres of Water
to Ihn Attractions.
Pendleton William Scott, propel
ot tint llldaway springs, 60 tiiilex Mth
ot this plac, Is In the city for a Wt
visit. .Mr Scott nlortinciH) that he Mill
not (Hit iHl the automobile line betaem
his summer resort ami this lit), m It
proMHd, this year, but will visit lbs
Portland (air, aud -erlm find
machine that Is aliased to hill tlnnb
lug such as he ned
At the springs he is liolldlnjts
artifb lal lake S) hi res In area for
Ixialing lake. The lake Is formal by
damming llldaway creek and building
leveos to prevent nil overllow . TV
llldaway spring accommodate (mat
lfioto!WX) (HKiple every summer, zial
the addition ot a boating lake lis
great attraction.
Loit Mail Sack Found.
Grants Pas After remaining In tk
mud ami water at the bottom ot Wil
liams creek for atmoot a year, a mall
pouch that was swept from the Grant
I'aM-Wllllams valley stage during
trip of the freshet of 1 1 mouth ago,
I mi lteeil recovered. The Hirh ton
tttlnwl letters ami reels ot the first
chow, ami Ims Iteeti forwarded by PuM
nootler Harmon, ot litis city, to th
suH.rinten.leit of the Pacific rt
mail service at Wan I'mmiM-" The
lmch hm still In ipI rood it I' n whm
Werk far the Fair.
1a Grande Much interest ii lon
taken In this sortion of lit county in
the l.w is ami Clark fair t Im held in
Portland this summer, ami everyllr
front Grande Ibmd ami Wallowa coun
ties that ran by Itook or cnk attend
will Ihi there, as the people ol this sec
tion o( Oregon have the keenest desire
that both Oregon ami Washington
should do their Utsl to advertise their
reective slates and show outsider
here what lies west ot the Ruckle.
Eastern Oregon Farmers' Institute.
Iji Grande A farmers' Institute for
Kastorn Oregon will 1st held at Sum
mervllle, In the Grand Romle. 1H mitts
out ot hi Grande, beginning March 0
ami continiilnu two or three duvs. It
Mill 1st cnmluuted by the professors of
win wregon Agricultural college. Uvt
urea will lot delivered on agriculture,
horticulture, livestock ami kindred top
ics. Union county will nut forth ail
efforts for the entertainment of all
Kasteru Oregon visitors on this occa
First Rural Routo In Jotephlne
Griuits Pass The Grunts PaiM-Jumii-
Off-Joo rural mall route has been open
ed. Tills Is the first rural mall mute
for Josephine county. The route cov
ers a circuitous course, aud is 26 mlhtf
in length, touching all points and
mines of the Jump-Off.Joo and l,owcr
I-ouso creek district. Thu postotllce,
which has been maintained t Wlnoa
for suvural years, Is discontinued.
Wheat Walla Walla, 87c: blue
Htum, Olo; vulloy, 87o per hiishul.
Oats No. 1 white, l.:i6 & 1.40;
gray, 1.10QI.46 percental.
Hay Timothy, t)NQlfl per ton;
clover, I11GJ12 grain, llttl2i cheat,
Kggs Oregon ranch 10Q20o por
Butter Funoy creamery 27)$ 032tfo.
Potatoes Oregon fancy, 76Q86o;
common, (lOfflllfio,
Apples .(.tier Baldwins, $1.26;
Hpltzeiihergs, $1,26(32,
Hops Olmico, 2l2)c pr pound,
Wool Valley, 1020o per pound;
Hasteni Oregon, 12317o; mohair, 260
20c pur pound lor choice.