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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1905)
BULLETIN, i I Cf VOL- II f. i i . )t., PROFESSIONAL CAKD8 jt - . - ... , . tllMIN.J' II C.HIRINHMAMN ' (liicrln & Stclicpxipiii ilforncys and Counsellors nl T MirAKIlil Vl' linlK IH Mulr hi 1'nlrml c,,tt HIND OHKliOK u. e. COE, M, D. DI'Pll'K OVItK II.VNK Physician and Surgeon TKI.HI'IIDNIC Ml. Jl PR. B. F. BUTLER DENTIST ,111 Mds of Dental Work Mr Trices EXAMINATION I'ttKK pf.. i i (unit UnMiIimi NKNM ONKOON ft ii .1 fK kwittMf I xiimiu rHUTMIIV. .1. L. McCULI.OCN, ANtractar and livnmlnir f lllle. I.a4 cud i.. ui Afwr M N' I i KMMtlill. ftivrviiXK. IIHKOUM .1. Al. LAWRENCE, U. , COMMISSION. yiiaty Public. Insurance. Tr wtiahip 1'lalt for Upper Deschutes Valley. UMNO. ORHOOtt. jiurxHY rvauc ittmmAWVK A. H. GR.ANT Am to J.lverpool, I.niitfmi Jt Globe, ami Ijmcaaltlre Ore Insurance Companies. HIND, . OUCOON M r t . imrM It (mi w liw.M t I" u.ty l''JM I. a Drs. Belknap & EUwtrdt, ilftSICIANS AND SUMIiONS. I'KIMiVll.t.H - - OKHOON tUttr l ft of WlniMl't tmc ' - J. W. Bledsoe l'IIOTOIUAI'lll!K JKNIt. .... lRKiloV All Nrenltrr. rwmitil an.1 l,lcaL I'klain KrllJ l At THn Crook County Really Co Heal Estate Ilouglit and SW. I.Ke ami Accident INSURANCE, h wrni ix 1 1 m itnmu ii. . 0. V. HELMS JEWELER. Wntcltc mill Jewelry HcfHlrel l:rlclu Worktnunthip Krnantinlile Ratea TRIPLET.' BROS. i Barber Shop & Baths j Ileat of nccommodntjotu and i work promptly done ! N.W.I. kT. Uli.Mi, iiKI'i.nN C. N." SMITH Sign Writing (.raining, Mimmelim: ami Interior I'illlhllilH', Hltup m wr f HIoIm sllry Miss Grace Jones TCACHCH OF Voice & Piano i now for fiuplU mii1 mm ''"'' 1 .. nl Mn.Tiiui-ki' rrMriic lll(NI), Oak. L. D, WIEST Civil Engineer Special qualifications for I.nutl Surveying nml Irri gation Work. IIiiIIiUiik I'l'Hi" i'1' Hiu'i-lllcntloiw Mmlu Ill'.Nl) ORHOON PRINEVILLE HOlb Llro,ntor Tnl us niul Rooms always cleiyi uhd well supplicd-Ratcs reasonable ftKlkKVIIAM ORROOM Dry Goods Groceries Hardware, Itefore purchasing elsewhere not our price on SHELF mid nun.DKRS' HARDWARJUikI MA TKKIAI.S. 'v entry u complete line of Uane.s, Cooklnjf nml llenllng Stoves, Wlmlow and Dems, (IIiibk, Points mid Oils. Ruberoid Roofing, Build ing Paper, Tarred Felt. ..IN.. FURNISHINGS we offer Overcoat. lint. Cnp. Iloot, mid Shoes, Cermait Sock mid Kuhber 1'oolweHr, Overall, Jtitnpeni, etc. OUIl GROCERY DEPARTMENT it full of Hew. liright, freh goods, both tUpie and fancy, nml price m low m iwber. qtwlfty coiurdred. We are ageittK for tlw John Deere line of Wagon and Atfrk ultitral ImplemenU. The Bend Mercantile Co., Dnd, Oregon. BXaHCirnfetagasgS8ggauwn $ $ You do not need io send away for Dry Goods $ $ and Clothing: now. .$ $ These are the Take nobody's judgment, and FOLLOW THE CROWD The fishing season will soon be operi and our we use. We have Bargains Rich and Rare in Slore 1N Dry Goods NotidHS Ladies' Fui-nishings Wrappers Etc., Etc. 1. 1. 1 $ CHAPMAN'S $ f4 fiKNU, OREGON, HRltfAY, MAR 3, 1905. $s you save trading word for it, trust Our Fishing TACKLE will soon be here. J INTO NEW QUARTERS 5ojd MagHJne Club Open a Reading Room. IT IS rsHI!l2 TO Till- PUBLIC Alcctlnj: to Oct on InJcpcndant Per mnnent Ibnlx to lie Held Wednesday Nl(?lit. The Rend Mngn.ii;e Club i at Inst In a home of iu own. Wednes ilav afternoon it moved from the office of J. M. Lawrence, where it lma been imperfectly accom modated sjnee ila organization last August, to a flue front room on the second floor of tlte Johnton 3tory building on Wall street. There it haa excellent liglt and facilities for the functions of a reading rooom. Thiee tabled 9 feet long are iu the room and the jieriodicals are where they can be auitably cared for. Though not yet fully equipped, it is ready for those who wish to patron-: ize a reading room. This magazine club started from a suggestion of J. II. Overturf in the Ik 1 id Literary and Debating society last summer. A subscrip tion paper was started iu the hope of getting $20 or fyo for a few mag ar.itie that could not then lie had here. The idea was so well receiv ed that about $90 was provided. Then it was resolved U) call it the Heud Magazine Club and to sepa rate it front the work of the debat ing club iu order to broaden its kcope. Rut wmebody must care for it. l'itiallv the whole mauaee- meiit was put in(i the hands of I'. $ $ $ your own $ $ $$ $$ prices are the bait $ $ $ $ $ 5 i for You $$ MfVWTatyataVia . Gent's Ready Made Clothing Hats, Caps Underclothing ALL YOU NEED i L. Tompkiiis, Mrs. IJtUtcn and J. M. I.avvropcc, with power to do everything necessary to maintain the club. This committee subscrib ed for the periodicals and formulat ed a few rules. There was tjo fund from which to pay anything for rent or other maintenance charges, so the club lias been qbliged to get along without quarters of its own until now. Later another committee com posed of J. II. Overturf, Mrs. Rat ten and N. I Weider was appoint ed to provide a reading room iu which the magazine club should be accommodated. The resplt of this committee's labors is seen iu the present reading room. At the meeting of the debating society Wednesday night steps were taken to put the reading room on an independent basis independent of the debating so ciety. To this end it was agreed to call a meeting of the subscribers to the magazine fund at the reading room next Wednesday night, when it is expected full arrangements will be made for the future conduct of the institution. Before this action was taken, however, the rejwrt of the reading room committee was presented, iu which a plan was outlined for car ing for the room. This was adopt ed and will hold until some other is made. The women are to oversee the institution in daytime, the men are to do so evenings. Iu order that there should be fixed responsibility it was deemed wise to assigu some person definitely for some of the time, making him or her responsible for the proper conduct of the read ing room for that time. He or she may get assistance, and in this way the burden will be passed around, but the resjonsibility for the assist ance will rest directly upon the per son whose duty it is to provide for the given time. Kach of the fol lowing will be responsible for after noon or evening to be mutually agreed upon: ilrx J. 1'. Circle Mr. 1. I.. Tiimplittui Mr, li. I'. HatUtH Mr. M. J. XorrUOM , Mm. II. C. Kills Mr. J. M. Lawrence " C. A. SUnUtrroHgW II. J. Tatar 1. 1.. Tompkins V. J. O'Connor II. J. Owrturf I. J. Kd !:. V. .mmoni The object was to gat persons of undoubted interest iu the cuter prise, who are so situated that it will not lie too great a hardship upon them to act and who will assume the responsibility that must le taken by somebody. LIKes the Deschutes Country. R. K. Ramsey, of Sunduhky, O., arrived last Sunday morning to spend a week or two with W. 15. Guerin, jr., with whom he was formerly associated in the practice of law. Some of his experiences before reaching Rend gave him rather unfavorable impression of the country, but here he found eve ry thing attractive and he has be come thoroughly converted to the idea that tlie Deschutes country is at the threshold rcat develop ment, litiays -a great many peo ple in ttoe toast ore eager for infor mntfon -acout this section and one ol ithe numoses of his visit is to get in personal contact with the' country anu ten ins eastern irienas about it. Dr. Jessie Guerin, of Ravensdale, Wash., brother of W. E. Guerin, jr., arrived Tuesday for his first visit on the Deschutes. He re cently returned from a trip to Eu rope for his health. - A. K. Weesner is temporary carrier of mail between Rend and Laidhuv. He makes four 'round trips .i week, coming tip from LaiiVlaw iu the morning and leav ing on the return about noon, on 1 Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The I.aidlaw peo I pie pay the expeuse of this service. NO. 51 FINANCES OF BEND Revenue in Sight for Vis ible Needs of City, NO QHNI2RAL LICENSE IN IT fistlmato of Income for the Year $3,800 and Expenditures for Snmc Period $3,309. Following is a statement of the estimated revenue and estimated expenses of the city of Rend for thr prescnt official year. First, let us have an estimate of the probable expenditures: Salary of marsBal -....- fy,t Salary of night watchaaSa - - Salary of recorder -- j.i Salary of traaMnrr t - - - ' City jail .yS Total , f. "9 These are already fixed and cer tain expenditures of the year, un less there should be retrenchment on the police force, of which there is no present evidence. Now comes the variable items, of which part has already been expended: Printing ?4" SnpplUm ........ . Incidental ......... iv Total ........ f;v Resides these, an ordinance is now before the council providing for a city attorney at $350 a year. Assuming titat it will pass, we have a total of expenditure now in sight 33oo. The chief revenue will come from saloon licensori. Three saloons have already paid $t,8oo into the city treasury and two more licenses will be due before the end ol the year. Five saloon licenses at $600 will yield $3,000. In the past two weeks the city has received in fines $45 in cash. It has also been out a little for board of prisoners. But the ordi nance for working city prisoners is now in force and it is probable that all will be made to earn their way, or more, hereafter. Their work, however, will not bring cash rcve-. nue, but it will probably do all the street improvement required by the city, with the exception of getting lumber for the crosswalks. These matters cannot be accurately stated iu advance. Recorder's court fines will proba bly yield $500 for the year. If the license ordinance now before the council should pass iu its present form (not including general mer chants, meat markets, blacksmiths, etc, which has been merely talked of) it would probably bring to the city treasury another S300. This comes down to the following sum mary; KUnialed nscef jrts of t! city - f 3Soa KktitlMtttl uxpcitMM ----- ivj llalauce ....... fjoj It may be that before the end of the year the city will need some street hydrants and fire-fighting apparatus. It is also possible that $250 will not cover incidentals. Hut it is quite as possible that the receipts will be materially increased by the addition of a saloon or two and by a larger income from fines aud minor licenses. New Land Company. A new corporation has just been organized in Minnesota to take over the pine lauds of the A.J. Dwyer Pine Land Company ami the holdings of S. S. Johnson in the Deschutes valley. It is the Deschutes Lumber Company, the same name as that under which Steidl & Reed do part of their busi ness. Samuel S. Johnson, of San Francisco, is the president of the new corporation, and his jon, S. Orie Johnson, secretary aud treas urer. Roth men are well known here, the young man having spent a considerable time in the timber south of Rend last fall. This com pany has already acquired about 35,000 acres of timber land in the belt south of Bend and it continue to pickup au occasional claim.