""".M' .nuivw t-'jOvSi , UP TO THE SENATE! President Sends Santo Domlnrjo Treaty With Letter. GIVES POSITION OF GOVERNMENT DOINGS IN CONGRESS. Frldny, February 10. After maintaining Its record (or thu IS BROKEN' WILL FAVOR RUSSIA. rapid ilisHMiil of private pouaton hills, 4 .'III tollltt IMM.-d 111 mi limit- nn.l I. ..If i... i ;.....' . . .". .... . ..... ... inns. con. fi MwiueriHi him .Hurt uiizzara ii id sou hwest Worst t",t ' ding n ROVornmo.it , """Wl " U'01 , favorable ilcelsli 111 aix rears. If United Stcs Does Not Tnko Hold of Bankrupt Republic Soma Foreign N.itlon Will. Washington, Feb. 10. Tho amnio must decide tho question ns to whether or not tho Monroo doctrine Is to to maintained and uphold. This is tho contention of President Roosevelt. Ho nmdo tho Issue clear in n confidential Jotter to tho senate Into this afternoon, in transmitting to that body tho treaty entered Into between this government and tho republic of Santo Domingo, rolntlvo to which tho trcuty-rntiMm; body of tho government hns heretofore indulged in anno caustic criticising. The president ilivtiir.v.1 tl.n. f..,i... ! -.... niitijiu ft governments were pressing Santo Io Sm tntnm f.ir .1... .... ........ .. ..I . I .. ......h ,w. ...t ,,..; mvui ui i-iuuus; mat while the republic should to prosper mia, uh reveues wore depleted through insurrections and that, if the United States did not exercise such n just wr cntal suiwrvision as would naturally to exited and as was desired by tho re public and urrnnco for the tuivmmit of jusi oongntions, foreglu governments would set about to enforce collection through tho customary diplomatic methods. Tho message was reform! to the com mitteo on foreign relations. The troatv was not read. It was tho cxcctatioti of Chairman Culloin to have a special meeting of the committee to take the convention up for consideration. Hriefly stated, the protocol or treaty i'ruviues uiai mo united Htstes shall collect tho customs revenues of Santo Domingo and turn over to President Morales' government a specified per centage necessary to meet the cxense of administration and dinhunn tin. r... ma nder among foreign claimants. The United Stales undertakes to reptect the Integrity of Santo Domingo and the protocol or treaty must he approved by tho United States eenate and tho Do- minican congress. mo house today const time tho hill prov or tno I'unnma eiitnil zniio. An ..,..-1,. adjournment wns taken to onnhlo the Republicans to confer on tint ntit..l....i.i bill. Hoforo tho routine proceeding of tho pvimiu oegnn, rresiiiont pro tent Fryo Hnuounced his selection of Perkins to rend to tho senate Washington's fare well address on February 22. Dills were passed niithoriiimr th sr.i.irv 01 war to soli magazine rilles to rillo clubs upon rvquostof governors of tho various states, and iermitting Okla homa Territory to appropriate money to construct agricultural college build- K3 OF STORM IS WIDE Extends From Groat Lakes to Texas, From Atlantic to the Rockies Many Peoplo Frozen. Saturday, February II. As an outgrowth of the Investigation of the General Slocum disaster, the house today passed a mitntor of 1.11 U amending tho Iuwh relating to steam boat inspection sen-ice and making far mire ngm provision for the regulation and control of steam vessels. A bill was ala passed authorizing the con struction of a brlkl grnu tl... I'..... I ii Tfni i t.k rttt.i f". ......... ..t .. y. w.u .,.,,, n.uieiiai rivers in Koote nai county, Idaho. The entire time of the senate, todav, which wns not spent In executive se's slon, was given to tlie Swayne impeach ment triusl. Four witnesses wore ex amined, m executive session eiglit m-niiei oi arbitration between united Slates and Kumii.wn .-...,.-.,. I ments were ratiiled. Tho treaties ure with Groat llritain, Trance, Portugal, Switzerland, Germany, Spain and Aus-tria-llungary. Monday, February 13. The senate heard 10 witnesses In the ownyno Impeachment trlnl iiJ,n- .,,! devotcil the remainder of its time to the consideration of tint n.ri....i...,.i appropriation bill. Tho leaders of the house today began active work to get the statehood bill intn rnnfurnnn.t l t. i . I ... v .vhh,iuivu, k ikiiht ih runnif - culated to get enough signatures to oring wie matter up. After that it will requiro a voto that tho bill to taken from the committee and sent direct to conference. Chicago, l'eh. 1 1. -Not during tho Inst six jours lias the count .if tlu nr.. ent cold weather toon experienced In' uu im-ki, iinii in many places no such low toinKmturoH have toon recorded since the esttablislient of the weather bureau. me cold wave extendi from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico mid from tho uocky mountains to the Atlantic. In the North the mercury has registered all tho way front zero to 46 degree Im low zero, the latter murk Im.Ii... H.ir.wi at Itichland Center. Wis. Trains everywhere from the West and Northwest ure anywhere from 2 to i- notirs lute ami from the meking of the snow in the cuts It Is expected that it will to several days tofoto tho nw.U are able to revive the schedule tin... ..f the trains. Several ih-oii1c hne lost their govern- live, the majority of the fatalities l. nig in tne southwest. The Io-h of cattle on the ranges, par ticularly on those lying In the north orn (Ktrt of the states, will he very heavy. In Nebraska and the IkLm.... ami .Montana cattle are tolng sheltered i rum the cold and it is not cxHctcd their losses will he neurlv so heavy as tho-e on tho ranges further to the south. Such Will Do the Final Decision or tho North Sua Commltilon. larls, lob. 16. Russian coulldenro counsel will obtain n on iioui tne Mil lli si'tt triliuuitl seems justllled, though tech nically tiu tribunal only delivers an "opinion" follow lug tho line of the testimony given bv both sides. Yet the tint row est concession regarding the pos sibiltty of torpedo boats having been on win i logger Hunk Is quite Hiillloleut to satisfy the czar's ropiescnnlltvee. This concession Is contained In tlm trll.nn. al's pronouncement, Qui hit elaunes of which ate being added todav. The whole judgnient will at the hit est be conipleted tomorrow. Spwiklng to tliu corespondent today. an olllclnl who is closely iittahi-ed io the person of one of the members of the triiiunni said: "It has proved liiiosslble to with hold adinissiou of tliu possibility and probability of the nrexmn-o ..f i.'.r...ul.. boats without implying perjury on the purt of one or two Kusslan witnesses wluwe ovldeiiie was of a character ex clllditn; the bviHillii U .f .. ! ,-,--.... ... ..ivii t "I 1,1 1 1l eyesight or of calculation of the imwU (ions of their own IhviIm. If ii,., iri. ntiuai were a OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST IN THE LEQISLATUUL. Salem, Feb. It). Ait extiemely witrui light Is on In thoseunlo over the pro posed count le of Cnseiulo and Hot hike, or Clark, lit Kaslerit Oregon, ('binges of broken fnllli and told lying weie ireeiy inline in iim cupiiol today. Men shook lists in one iHiiitlier's fares mill enlled ouch other worse tlinii IIuih mid two coiuUit were narrowly averted. I he house mwd the bill creating a state mlnlin; butiMiu and providing a couiiulsslnner and two deputies. The aiill-clgiiiette hill was passed by the house. Hills to abolish the normal soImmiI at Drain were defentoil In toth hoiihe mis inoruiug. Five minutes is the time to which debate on bills has toon limited In the house. The hunters' license bill, reoulrliiir Caen uituier to ihiv an aniiuiil mm II cense fee of , imwmhI the senate tisluv. iNillce iHNtrd. a dlfTeri.iit 'The bill exempts far rs inul llm'lr .course might have beetr pursued, hut, Manillles hunting on their own limits, being an International arbitration eouii- The governor vetoed the Purl of Port ed, it eiltl do no more limn m,.Mv , lilllll ctlUlllllsslnii bill. Tum.U' I. lit. the rtltllei feittbnrs ..f 're passisl by the snmtle nn.l tfil l.v siiKKitli down each side." According to this informant, the con cession to Russia's feelings will Ih. an expression of the tollnf tl..,f n... t.. slans were wrong in thinking that tor- HMO INKttS HllllHlH II I militl..n I tack, hut syniMtlnzers with the llrltisli side of the controversy do not disguise a feeling of disappointment over their do hit t. tliu house. Tuesday, February 14. Tho usual three hours were given by tho senate today to tho Swayno im peachment trial. Only two witnesses were examined. The senate today passed tho ncrtrxl. mrai ujjropriauoti bill and took up the District of Columbia npropriation The sundry civil appropriation hill was reported to tliu hous nn.l Imm.-ii. ately thereafter the naval appropriation hill was taken up. with the nn.l..r. sxanutng mat eight hours shall to de voted to general debate and that the house shall convene at 11 a. in. each day while the bill is under considera-tion. 5ASTRO PLAYING rOR DELAY Venezuelan President Insists on Arbi trationRevolution Threatens. LaGuayra, Venezuela, Felj. 10. The negotiations between United States Minister Dowen and President Castro in tho effort to reach an adjustment of tho pending disnutea between ti, ... countries are practically at a standstill. Mr.Uowcn'a efforts, have been blocked by the tactics of Castro, which culmi nated recently in Castro's abrupt de J'arturo from tho capital v,hen j, wa8 presBcd for a frank and dcflnlto answer io ine projKsitIon to arbitrate. After Ids return to Caracas ho de clined to submit to arbitration on the ground that tho matters am now J-- foro tho -courts of the country. He made a counter proposition, howover, that tho United States conclude with him an arbitration treaty to cover fit turo cases which under international law could be considered as diplomatic '(uraiivuo. 4tii ir, iHiuun ueciinetl, I . " "j"""iii me navy ati- ut in roturn proposed that u tilbunal lpro,!r,uuon mi waa Ktl11 "dr consld oe selected to il.itun. ..... .. l,ii.. .i..i viunuu. Tho severe cold has brought ujHin the South a renewal of all (In. tr.,,.1,1. Visitctl upon it hv the nvi.tit !..,.,. l slwt which has demoralize! r,.llr,m.l tratlic and almost destroyed telegraphic communication in some jmrU. The cold spread with great speed all over the south. Railroad tralllc is seriously niniicrcu ny the snow all tlirnm.l. ii... irviurni jmri oi iteorgla and In tho cen tral and northern parts of Mississippi The Italtimore A Ohio road is the great est sufferer and it is roKrtod that there have been no trains between Meridion, .'llW., unil .CW UrllklllM fnr i, u..t. ineoniy news Ironr the entire South came today from Western nnd Southern Texas, where a slight moderation in tenierature was reported. From Western Montana ami Nebraska come reports oi -JU to L'fi below zero. All wirougn uiese states the month of Jan uary was the coldest known, nnd the month of February has so far shown equal sever'ty. LOST 100,000 DEAD IN YEAR. GRAND JURY ADJOURNS. Wednesday, February 15. The eenate today continued but could not conclude, consideration of the bill making appropriations for thn nniu.,i of the government of the District of uotumuia. In the Swayne trial a number of wit nesses were examined for tin. t.n,... ascertaining if the judge wan in the uBoii oi traveling on jkiwos. The question of what tho ooiicy of tho government should to with respect to the upbuilding of the navy was again threshed out in the house today. At mo nine oi adjournment th nui-v , i ui . .. . ' i asphalt case and other pending cases are diplomatic matters. Again, Castro refused, and pressed his demands for a treaty to meet future cases, and here the situation rests, The ever-present rumors of a revolu tion against Castro eeem at this time w navo a possible foundation. The movement is assuming a more wide spread character than for some time, and it is considered in well-informed clroloa that a revolutionary attempt is not a reinoto iossibility. The British Fleet Is Coming. London, Feb. 10 The date of tho visit to American waters of tho squad ron of Uritish warshljm commanded bv Rear Admiral Prince Louis of Itetten bcrg has toon definitely fixed fur Octo ber, It will oomprlse a short stay ut ''""i"'"i '"w ions ami Annapolis, file prince's visit to Washington will, it is understood, to of an official char aeter. President Roosevelt will to notified through Sir Henry Imnd, the Jlrit sh ambawador, and Prince Louis Kill convey to the president King Hd ward's greeting in a special metMg. To Dredge Tacoma Waterway. Washington, Feb. 10. Senator Fos ter today offered an amendment t tl... river and harbor bill authorizing the dreflglng of tho middle waterway in thoTuconm harbor. IHH amendment appropriates l 16 C37, and stipulates that none of this money shall I... . ponded unless the city of Tacoma shall pay to tho War department 38,012, one fourth of the coat of tho improve ment. Ho nho offered amendments authorizing other surveys. Thursday, February 10. Aside from two hours sjent in rou tine business the senate today gave its entire attention to tho Swayne impeach ment trial. Two and a half hours of the time given to that case was spent behind closed doors. Defore taking up tho naval hill, which occupied the greator part of Its time, tho house today entered an em phatic protest against the action of tho senate in amending the agricultural bill. After considering the naval hill for the most of tho day it was laid nid.l.. ond several bills of minor importance were passed. Will Fjave Action on Rates. Washington, Feb. 17. Reprosenta tivo Townsend. of Michigan, one of tin. authors oi the Kscu-Ton nsend freight rate bill, had a talk with the precident today regarding the prospects for the enactment of tliu measure into law. Towiifeend oxproed the opinion that there was a chance for tho (wssage of the bill. After his talk with the prosi dent, .Mr. Townsend mid that in the event no legislation mi the rate ques tion was enacted ut this session, an extra t-esion of uongreaa would he called by the president. Turns In Large Grist of Indictments as Parting Shot. Portland, Feb. H Just before ad- joumment, tliu federal grann Jury to- turned thu luntt expected Imllrtmnni dealing with the Illue mountain reserve ami tin. .. 1 . .. m ...... ... iiuuus iiiieiupieti to in) Jiertie- trated by its creation. In the indict. ment are implicated John II. Mitchell, ""Kor nermann, Jonn .. VJianMti, Franklin Pierce Mays, W..V. J,, , (jeorge Forenson. The charge is that the defendants attempted to defraud the government of the Unite.! States of the Meion and use of and title to 200,000 acres of land situated In vri. ous iwrUi of the states and territories of tho nation and of the total value of mute man jj.uuu.oihj. Kncli of the men indicted will to re quired to furnish bonds of f 4,000 for his appearance tofore tho court in April when the case will rami, m t.,.i This is the same sum asked of all those who have been indicted so farm nm. flection with the land cases. The grand jury v.m cxciimi! after having returned the indictments yester day afternoon, and will take n recess until tho call of Unlit d States District Attorney Honey, which will to made aiwui the nrst of April, at which time Mr. Honey will return to Portland from the Kast and will reetuuo thu investiga tions which have not as yet toon fin- isueu. Official Returns of Russians Killed in Dattlo and by Wounds. St. Petersburg, Feb. 16. The olllcial returns lor tho first Jear of tlie war, not including Port Arthur .tn.i.u show- that 130,4:UI ollleers and tnen liisHod through thu hospitals going north, of which number 1,710 ollleers were wounded and 1.3HH u..r.. .i..l. 53.1100 men were wounded nn.l ?? khi' were sick; 4.007 sutoequontly died in hospitals; 0,744 wound.! ,.,! it .uu sick were Invalidetl; V.42H returned to uusfim nntt 'i,oft4 are still in hospitals Over 77.000, therefore, presumably. V mo nttiKs. inese figures '. ...no.1 ,"C,UI,U ll"' iiml.r of those Miieo on the Held of battle, nor prob ably those slightly Injured, whore maitied temporarily in tlie field Ii.m. pltals. The showing is considered remarkable. The proportion dying in hospitals is very ow, tlie total los to the active nruiy in wounded and sick tolng n little over 60,000, of whom almost half have Htill a chance of returning to the ranks. Thu other I...W um i... i ded or returned to Russia. Thu killed in l.nttl.. m. .,.ii.,,..i ... I . . . " ll'.l.HI u nuinoereil Initw 60,000. Salem, Feb. 13 y hii urerw helm ing vote the bouse this altoruooii ,y. featid the railroad cotuiiiMnu bill liy Smith, of Josephine. rliii Iioiiso H4-we. a bill to sllsHnd the state fair this jear and use the tuoiioy on improvements ut the grounds. The house in committee of the whole cut down the appropriation for tlie various normal scIhmIh f IK.OiH). The hill iiiuiroiiriiitiiiL- luilim ir the extenslnn of the Nirtnge road pnsseit the senate tislay with j tint one vmi' to sHiro. The house voltil down an appropria tion with which to buy tlie governor a mansion. Hoth house held nlcht kim!..... i... uigiii ami me cteislileratliiu of bills in the house in which they orlgiustcd. During the four dit)s reiiinltilug each house will devote its exclusive nttou tion to bills originating in the oilier House It Is l-elieved that by li.ildlnir one or two I'venimt nimIimis. nil tl... workran totlisNMii. There are now on tlie house calendar hImhU 1 10 senate liills and on the seunto cnlnudar nlnHit 1)10 himse hills. Tlie Jano local option liill has In-oii read in the senate, the k.mw.iuI iIiUU mere is grave doubts us to its age. voto whs en I Iim I for. The tesult was IH iigalust and II for. Ihiiplnyiit of slitte liiHlllutlotiN will he pnld moutlily lieteafler If tho huv ei nor does not veto the bill passed by tlie sciinlo. Tlie house hill providing for it coin mission to exiimluo Ihn siihlm.i ., assiiwutieiit, titxiitlnn ami eolleeiinn nl taxes was missih by tin. somite. Wife healers am to teeelvo iiiun, ineut up o 21) IunIioh iiinitdlliLt Io II... senate hill imsstsl bv the Iioiimi. Counly and city Ihhu.Ih of heallh nm eie.itiHl by it bill which has passed Ik,, houses. The eommlttee Imvliitf tin. .I.iv.... I,. eal opliou hill in huml Ih .till ur.ui ling with tln measure and doe not et peet to ri'Hirt iierote Frldny. It appears prntolili. that the hill ni proprlatliiir 170,(100 fr u ,.w ,,.nf mute h'Ii.m.I building, hohh by (In, houwi this afleruiHiii, will go thr.mgh the senate, as iiiniiy in t ttt UU favor it. AcconlliiK to iolut rewilutlnn tlm i. Islatiiro will uiljiMirn Friday wilhom dsy. The work will to well tleati.l off h that time, say President Kukei. dull and Speaker Mills. No au lul hot Ice will to taken of the devih.p menu lit the earn of Henalor Mitd.. u ami uu udlouriioil !.. n u ill .... i. held next winter imr the ptewnt h w..,i, prolmtifwl miles miiuilhlng unf..resii should happen In the next two das I'orty.elglit bills wete md by im hoMstt ImIhv uimI eiuht sil.,1 I,, h... iH-nule IH bills wete stwi, IH-Hiiles , charter bills, hih! seven wi'te ludi II iiltely imImiihI. Thegt.vernor tmUy signi-l 1 1 lulls. JnviiH reiilf.. HIM. vceti 40,000 mid Tho houro iuilellnilely MMtmel the hill entiling Hut toko county. Tlie iioiiso t.siay kn.,M 43 hill. Twenty four bills fnl lit I (o wss. In the senate in inns were jmsscd nnd 10 killed. were BUILDINGS IN THE NORTHWEST Appropriations Proposed for Public Dulldings on North Pacific. Washington. Feb. 16 Tlm ,.,ir.. civil bill reKirtwl yesterday curie the following items: Rent of temporary postotlJee quarter at Portland, 121,000. Improving Crater Uke park. T.1,000. hnlarging and linpruving Clackamas fish station, (A.04M). Improving Columbia river quuratf tine station, 7.600. Seattle public building, 4376,000. Tneomu huildim;. 76.000. Marking Alaska toundury, 106,000. iMlHtiim hospital, Port Tim useful quarantine station, H.600. Improving Ilaker lake fish station, Salem, Fob. 14. Si.ttli.ml..r'ii Mil authorizing the attorney general to asses properly wl.l.il. I.,.. ....i assessment in tlie stst and to bring r.n.n ui ifiiuvi tne luxes due Umiii sticlt assessment (msseil the Imhi. t. nay. Tile house committee nti slurlM a,..t mileage repurte.1 this morning. Smith, of Jiwephluo, prntestml agaiiMit wmie of tlie items, but failed to get any stipport. SupjMirtHrs of tlie normal mIhsIs ure entteavoring to WVH the cut made in Salem, Feb. IH The bill pi..i.H.,.. nilnlngo.irMiratlonspMuolnghs thnn 11,000 a )iwr from the corointimi tax was m-. ,y the senate ti-lsy A hill was (HiMed toulghi creating the olllce of utali. engineer, to to .p Nilntiil by tlm giivornor. ('iiiiiii..i..-.. ment of suits uroiiiithiiriiod locundeiuu priiiierty where the government ,y wish to begin construction of Irrigation sstems. An appropriation of fft.ooo isalwi imtdo by ti bill. I wo hours' work am In sleht In n lamse fur tiHtiorrow, but 7u bills sn in-torn tne reliuttt, Uwhles the Js im-al iipti.m Mil, Hhlch mil frtiiieruhlo time. The bill tsxlllif phpn, drivrli In f..... other states has lieeti mml ,y ,, hjHiw. The eatly jHstur-Kt,nx , plared ut 20 ciits M,r Hi, and when sheep are driven thriHtgh the stain tlie tax l 6 cents per head fr ,P. county traversal. I to bill prohibiting theralnof liquor to females uiHer 21 ),.nts, nnd forbid , ding propriet4irs of sahxHts to permit slU'h females In their establishments hns mmoi toth house. Ikitli toures held semlomi tmilght. Ill the house .1(1 bill. .. ,..t nnd six were lnilefliiiii.lv iui.u i' Tlie senate jiuswl 22. . Improvemrnts on S. P. (rants Pa n line with the many Improvements tolng made on Us lines through Southern Oregmi. the Southern I seine ei.itiisiiiv in ....li,.,. ......... ..i.m.. . i i.'. '..... . " """ ...... IH, K, NIHI nmmi ,,, ra It I - ml ''... . 1 - tlisi.i.r..ri.ll,u, l.,ll "'v.""'. ""--" "i.US-H HIMl , ..., , ,v . .I, ,.,., UH, ,mVM i)t,u .HiMln. frelnlit remlre. Mexicans Palmed Off as Indians. Kl Pao, Feb, 17. II. 11. Pears, agent for tho Unltwl States Indian ituroau, is hero investigating tho rojxirt that Moxicun children have been sent to tho government Indian school from various parts of tho country on fulse affidavits thut they were of one-fourth Indian blood. It is claimed that hundreds of children have been rejected recontly iuiii wiu uKiniiMiua Bcjiooi lor this roa- son, wliile otliers. it is said, nru in i.n found In all tho Indian schools. Each Side States Its Case. Paris, Felt. 14. The intrni !.,..! commission whiuh is inquiring into tliu Xorth sea ineident Uslay heard the coil elusions of the Uritish and KuMtlun agents iion tlie testimony presented. Today's sesion praetieally clood the work of the commiaiiion until a deeisinn is reaeliwl, when Admiral KmrnLr the president, will call a iiieellng f(r tho purpose of aunoiineenient. The admiral In tho meantime will hold dully private setwions Ut deli tors Ui up. on the decision, whicii is not exjiecttsl for some duys. Feud Between Generals. St. Petersburg. Feb. 16. According mi wie luiusi gossip at the war ollice, General Ktiromtklu has charged (Jen era! (irippenberg, ex-miuuiamler of the Second army, with Instilmrdiuatlou in leaving his command wit hoot uutlmri. ty, but the story cannot to traced to u resjM.nsible source. Wliile delltilto In formation continues to to lacking, it seems to to generally accented ti.ut wmierui iiriiieniMrg, alter the recent Hanking oprHtioti, blames the coin manlier in chief tor hiu failure to sui. Mjrt him. No Action on Lieu Land. Washington, Feb. 10. The eonato public lands committee today recalled tho bill which it recently reported re pealing tlie lieu land law and nrovldini tZi.ttlr pnvBI ,,oa,"fe'8 Pat0' ' Caracas, Venezuela, says within forest reserves, or an exchange that under tho pressure of President Castro Defies Uncle Sam. Paris, Feb. 17. A Homi-oflloial ills- Great Discoveries In Thibet. London, Feb. 14. Tho London Daily Mail's Calcutta corespondent uays tliat CajitaitiH Ruwllng, Itidorund Wfssl and Lieutenant ILiiley, wiio left Colonel Yonnghiishand'H party to undertake an exploring tour in Thibet, have mapped out u new strip in tho western part of the country and have also discovered tho hitherto unknown sources of tho lirahmupootra rlvor. Tho most import nnt geographical resultu are expected to lusiut iroin tne exptsiltlon. Partial Resumption at Warsaw. Warsaw, Feb. 14. Thero wuh a Russians Have 460,000 Mon. Tokio, Feb. 16. Report from l.luo Yung place the total Riiukian fur.-n I.,.. tweeii tlie Shukhe river and Harbin ut 160.000, of which 280,000 ure on tliu lighting line. Tlie condition of the prisoners and of thenleu f n,n ,HH, Indicate that the RiimmIhiim urn short .r winter clothing and slices. Home of I tne omeeru ure wearing ('IiIiimm shoes. It is tolievcd that tho cold weather is greatly increasing sicklies umong the Russians. be tl.u -!- !.:. .1... ..... " .""" T"' '"IWIH Nil.) i thut usiy u,u, ", " z:"': zz:"'!r,mru' -' -i' r'i....i .ii . . -".. K.I..IK. . innun'iiiiiii mm mi. i iteclured IlilllM'lf in favor of eonw.li.lHtloii ,,( the m-IksiIs uimI threatens to veto the measure when it comes to him Tlie appropriation fur tlie normal schools is einiptol with those for the asylum, jieiiitentlury, re form M'hiMil. deaf mill.. lu-.u.l 1.11...1 m'ImhiI, state university and ugricul turitl college, so it would to necessary to veto all In order to reach the normal appropriation. The ways and means committee of tlm house Introduced 11 bill ,, mm, tislay appropriating 170,000 fur new miiiiitiigri mr the deaf iiintn i..,.i Four otlier appropriation bills were in troducod liy the committee currv-fii 11 total of I 13,6 12.13. The senate committee will not at tempt to please eitlier side in regard to the Juyim Im'al npliuu bill. The hill win iui roiMiritNi without rmMiiuinemla lion. Several voleu are lacking of enough ... 1-.-. nm 1 HM-Hoe (iHitity hill. Jluny aorW of influence are tolng brought to lBr to seettro the nuetwsary numtor. Coal lnillLnra l.ai. uu... HWMiMii. and ail immtr ,-,mt,uv and tbtoUKh freight loeirwotlve now burn o.ml litslead of wm. Arc lixhta ure tolng plure.1 over the yards to M.lanl ugalust nccidents. LogKlng Road Alons; Cosil. Astoria-rhuu.rtioii is made that theSeaslde Spruce Lumber eomiwny Hill Ham hexln work on the construc tion of a lonKing railrol HMith from Siwslde. Rails fur one and one-quarter miles of road are said to hnvetoeti pur chiiMsl. rim proiiiM.Hl nui.l u .. m the survey already made adjacent to the .Wiileiiin river ami can to utlliz l for the extension of the Astoria A Uliiinbltt River rullriwd to Nehalem if dHsiretl. Salem, Feb. 16. The Cuaoade coun ty bill is only a memory . Tlie cum mlttw huvmg it in I'liarge in thetu'iiale reiMirteil favoralily is tl. morning uud a Will Pass at This Session. Washington. Feb. 16 Tho xmmi.. judiciary committeo has ordered a fa- voralilo report on tho Jones bill recent ly piifHud liy tho house, dividing the state of Washington Into two Judicial districts, one east, tho other west of tho Ciucudo mountains. Foster In- tondH to call tho hill tin wltliln n h.w days and oxpecta to secure its passngo. Mora Cash for Public Buildings. Washington, Fob. 16. Tho omnibus has Oood C oan-up at New Opp Mill, (liunta Pans A remurkul.U ,....., ..1 been made by the Oi.n ml.... .. the Jui-ksonville district. ui.i..t. !... just muile a cleanup t the end of the m JWyH'. "'" "' ll'" "HH l-"miii "" losies yieiuwi f I.A00 in freu metal uud the vaiinem guvu 1111 the same amount in tonieniralt for this till.... ul.ll'l. lu iUii,li,.,l..i ... i..,.,. day for ten Minimal. The management Ih highly ehtiiMl with the returns and the general outlook of the mine, and lirri.i...i...iilu ..... ..I. 1.. .. ' ' -............., uiM-uny tiiKiur way I.tr tl... ..1. Ii. ...... ...... ..1 .... . . - s' ih in 1110 puini. Sale of Lands fcnolnod, Pendleton An iiilmu.ii.... .......... ing the sale uf lands fnr iMiuqtietit taxi a-sesl against slwkholders of he L ttie Walla Walla Irrigation mm NUiy has la-en serve.1 at .Milt.,,, and the sale advertised for will not .-....., 1 1... ca-ewbtrMIM.rtrl , t,;t .ega. y in he sale. The Injunction was Imhih.1 by J,,, B hiiu ', ,,., ago when Hie iiaiHini wi.r.. HI..I !... 11 jHoa not served. ' Rebuild Rurnetl Mill. Inde-.ndeIM.e-The saw mill helong- 1 ',- n T.1. """ ''l"" com pany at lulls City, which vvhh burned rH-ently, will to rebuilt at ni.ee. Ills '''"Kit the mill will to in running M-Vm" Hw,k-; T'"' iy r"' f tb - mill rfinounted io several thousand dollars pur month. PORTLAND MARKETS. , tho like-for-liko basis. Tho whole Castro, tho court Than lordemlUo Z tla Ircrml.tlnn of urirr"H.a Ir-l'"c bulldliiK bill, in addition to In .hject has toon refered to a sutoom- qucstration of tho landed pro atsomo creasing tho limit of cost of tho build- BU m : " , , "-"" " ou4i, in uo-1 mo American Asphalt company ill Vt 1 wittinouiii decision in tho case Jiuh caused excite Will paea this wealon. I mont among Americans at Caracas, .' ; iu.Bu.in were arresteu appropriates f 6,000 for the puruhiiHo In connection with tho strikes, of wl.r.... ,.t ,. ,i.n 1...11.1 1. ' :'.',. . 387 have been released. ' Ima. " '" '" """" IaK' Marine Etifrlno for Harvesting. 1 uiioieion VVnlter M.?,,r..il..t, ..,1... with his brother, farms 2,100 '. land north of this eltv , n..n ... . "' " s"ii mi ..iioniii, wnoroho will purchase H comlilned harvester. Ho will ulso pur chase 11 inarino engine, which will propel the separator part of the com duo, and which will do away with at least 10 horses. If the plan to ho utll used by Mr. McCormnnk .fIv.m ,... ... .,..,,.. . -" n-v.. p,inn. , u- o.uin many iurmorH will adopt Bcliemo and oconomlro on horses, tliu Mi in, im vnlley, H7 per husl.e . Outs No. 1 whit,. t, .,. .. I Kmy, f I .101.16 per cental. I . '''W Timothy, M(ai( IM)r ...... Sri! ! Kruln' nmi2i d,wU' dorS.8""0"'"0'1 rBI,0,,, 2592fl0 I,or St crcniimry, 87082. tmi&r tuMy' 7r,moot 8i.tt;1Vi,.7W!:,,,w,n"' l,,25; IIopH-Choico, 260200 per pound. FltonVn"y,J0200 l,or l"""J I'.nstern Oreuou. I2fli7ni. ...,.1.. . 20o H,r pound for choice. "' " I