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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1905)
TOR uef0 VOI. II BUND, OKKOON, FRIDAY, FKB. 24, 1905. NO. 50 ) ' Ml. Jul ia 2aL PROFESSIONAL CARDS W It Ol'I.MIH. J. CJ. IJ. HtlllWlMAIIN (luerln (5: Stelnumatin Atlonicys nml Counsellors nt m MirAKIltH I'UIIMC I'laUkc In Hint Mini I'kIHhI CihiiU )IHNI) ' OKKOON U. C. COE, m; i: Ol'I'KIC ovitu hank Physician ami Surgeon'iionii no. 31 iii. si) okkoon DR. B, F. BUTLER DENTIST All Kinds of Hsnlal Work Fair Prices I'XAMINATKiN I'KHII (1II1V 111 limik tl'ilMing HKMll, OKKOON tsAt. rrti .iMf AM'MI rAM jmiicnv MltH'NMtV. J. L. MeCULLOCH, Alidmctcr nml Bxnmlncr of lltloi. I,tnl ! Ion l.akl Aftt I..I Nun Kkt. raisi ut.l.i' OK HOOK J. Al. LAWRENCE, t M HMIIOKIK. 1'itblte. Insurance, Township for Upper Deadlines Valley. HKMl 'iKKnoK. MlTAK 1 1 MJC IXVUKAHCK A. W. GRANT Atfrltt I .f Liverpool, London & (Unix?, nml Uincnslilrc llrc Insurance Conipiinius. IHM). (IRIU10N tl I' IlklkH!- M I' t IHn H KlWM M II tuunlr Ittyatctiid. Drs. Belknap & Edwards, 1'IIYSICIANS AND SIMONS. ikim:vii.u! - - ORIKION. iUrl krf WiitntV rK . J. W. Bledsoe IMIOTUdlMIMIKK INNII. .... OKKOON. All X !! I'irwrci and lupltotr I'utuirt) iniibi.l at Any Crook County Really Co Ittal btate rtajtbt ami Sold. I ire atttl Accident INSURANCE. time i m iittia i umm mhh.obihoii ' 0. V. HELMS JEWELER . Watches nml Jewelry Repaired Ftftda Workmanship Uri'tottulilc Kate Ht lu l.ivinglu Hat lira lUop TRIPLET!' BROS. Barber Shop & Baths Best of iiivoinuiodatiou and work promptly done ' VVAI.I. HT. HKNI). OKKOON c7n. smith Sig Writing Graining, Kiinmeliiig and Intetior iMtlidllillg Hbop In rt r of Mnlau vetl I' ' , " Miss Grace Jones TtAc h r n or Voice Piano I. mow rwily ri i"iiiii '' ' '""d nt 5IK. TimrKiNs ilHI-im HIvM'.Oioi. L. D. WIEST .Civil Engineer Special (juahfiontioiis for I.and Suweyiiitf and Iiri gntioii WtTk. llulMlnu Pimm uml Piiecllleiitlons MihIii ItllNI) Vi.. ORIKION I'or Snlo or Trade. '80 aqua, h tlie.Columble Southern aoKrefcutiou, very , favorably .sittthtcd. : Wilt be fcpld chenf) or trad- V" 4 TOr 'toWil prol W,' '" v 4ti(juirc at The Bulletin Office, Dry Goods Hardware Hcforc purchasing elsewhere get our price on HllKlAm nniLDI-KS" IIAKDWAKI! hikI MA TF.RIAI.S. We carry a complete line of Kinff, Cooking nml Heating Stoves, Window.1) uml Doors, (Hush, I'nlnts nml Oils. Ruberoid Roofing, Build ing Paper, Tarred Felt. ..IN.. FURNISHINGS we offer Owconts. Hats, Cap. Boots, and Shoe German Socks and Rubber Footwear, Overalls, Jumpers, etc. OUR. GROCERY DEPARTMENT--- is full of new, bright, fresh goods, Iwth staple ami fancy, and price an low an elsewhere, quality considered. We are agents for the John Ieere line of Wagons and Agricultural Impletiicntk. The Bend MercantHe Co Bend, irtssactwwwii)QE3aaji You do not need to send away for Dry Goods and Clothing now. Bat Get the W iwibwi ai Nm MMIKI CHAPMAN Watch oar prices they wiffi mterest yon Come in and get acquainted (we are always glad to Me new faces) and compare our goods and prices with any atom in Crook County. . A customer of ours is our best advertisement You want the ood, we want the money Most, complete stock m Western Crook for yow to choose from LADIES' FURNISHINGS We carry a full line, including Underwear, Shirt Waists, Wrap pers, and the finest 4 1 v CO, RSETS HAST OV THH CASCADES Let us show you What wo can do tor our mutual benefit; -.r -tt'.tfdt-it . '5. V . 1 . ' T t.t, t semxsimmmwwm nw1 1 .wtai o O.) j Oregon. Habit of Trading at 1 11IWI 1 IIM M niltnilill WMial I I Mfc.1 i wmmm Hue of Very truly yours, . 'C; X. CHAPMAN, Bend; Oregon. ccr-cTisawakawwaraCTa't HELPS READING ROOM Princville Brings a Good Drama to Bend. Nirr PROPIT IS AUOUT S3-..00 Visitors were Well Received and the Hntcrtiiltunent Was In All Re specta n Success. Princville people came out to Bend last Saturday and presented the farce 'The Circus Girl, or Ara bian Nights" nt the J!. M. Imll to a Urge and appreciative audience The production wan for the benefit of the llend Magazine Club. The club treaiury was benefited alxmt $34 by thin rfornmnce. This amusing comedy was played in Princville the previous week, drawing well for two night. Mrs Belknap conceived the idea of bringing it out to Bend. The neonlc in it readily adopted the suggestion and agreed to come. They wanted to visit Bend and thought this would supply an excellent occasion for a rare ex cursion. There was no desire to make money out of it. so the Mend Magazine Club watt made the bene ficiary, the only condition being that it stand the fixed expenses This, of course, was readily assent ed to and five citizens interested in the reading room project b.caine reapomible for' any deficit tint might occur, though the Princville people did not ask it. Messrs White, of the Iiiler Piano House, and Dunlap, an accountant who is expertiug the county's 1 I MEN'S CLOTHING Men's and boys' Suits, Furnish ings, Hats and Caps. CAM, ON US KOR COLLARS and' TIES books, came over to Bend Fridav iiid look great interest and render "d valuable service In preparing the stage. A number of otlic Princville people cnnie over to se this town and to serve as compan ions for the actors. When evening came the B. M. hall was stuffed with a good tlalured and apprecia tive atidicilcc, so lliat it hardly re-' quired the work of the battel to mucII the thrdng. But it blew a few tuitw just to show that tin town realized that it had Visitors. The comedy wqk filled with action and its lines sparkled with wit. And it wait 10 preseuttd tlmt its strong points were artisticallv brOiight out, and every point went home, Ridiculous situations fol Idwetl each other rapklly. The common amateur fault of overdoing things was markedly absent from this production, which moved smoothly from curtain to finish It was well balanced throughout Here is the cast: Mr. A. HummihVtbji, lW. A.C. ?tmn. lUlph Ormero - .Mr. I). MpIj1 .loM-ph Oilllliraitd - Mr. Joe Larnen 'oln - Mr. Alee verl Mrf. HiunudKtO, Ml WliiHfe Clin. Mr. OIIIII.wihI .Mrn. II. P. Itelkiup Mrs. Julia Lyt'c Mb Maud KM-r Mlw lont War I llitn C'olombfcr lMty MaitUnd Ilarlmru Between the first and second acta Miss Ceok- Smith sang a very pret ty song so well that she was obliged to respond to an encore. For vari ety between the second and hut acts Mrs. Wigle recited I'oe's "Ra ven" in a very effective manner. The orchestral music was sup plied by A. II. Kennedy and MU.1 Beulah Crooks, of Princville, and it was excellent. After the performance J. S. Smith invited the actors to an oyster sup per at the Smith & Cleek restau rant. Meanwhile the theater was cleared of seats and tjie people spent an hour in a pleasapt dance. Upon casting up the accounts it was found that tickets to the amount of $91.50, had been sold, mostly by Mrs. W. R. Wilkinson and II. J. Overturf, and the expen ses .totaled $57.45, leaving the net profit for the benefit of the Maga zine Club $34 05. THEaROnSBiiCKSRUCONCILIin Bstn Atamma and the Hurmosc rile phantsWIIl Be Lonely. The Groesbecks are reconcile 1. Oerald didu t go to stick pin m- Burmese elephants and his wite! dklu't go to her mimina in Boston.' They are now in San Francisco. What they will do in the future no body kuows, least of all themselves. When Groesbeck renched Shan iko on his way out from Ueud lit went to the Columbia Southern hotel ami remarked to landlord J Keeney that he supposed it would b.' no use to tell htm anything. Mr. Keeucy replfed that that was not necessary, as Mrs. Groasleck had been there first. ' "Well, I'll fix htr all right" said Groesbeck, and he. began tapping the wires. His messages overtook her at Chicago and she waited for him there. Instead of "bumming his way across the Pacific he hit the overland trail in a parlor car and joined his spouse in the wicked ;ork metropolis. From there they went to San Francisco. It is said that Gerald made all the promises his fife wanted and that all is lovely ngain. New UUlldlnK on Wall Street. Mrs. Uva Steele ims bought the lot on Wall street, opposite where she has been conducting a restau rant. She will put up a two-story building 24x40 feet, which will be used a$ a restaurant below, and she will rent rooms on the upper floor. A meeting of the stockholders of the I). I. & P. Co. "to called for next Tuesday in Portland. W. IS. Guerin jr., will leave tomorrow or next day to attend. The ixrard'of 1 .. ... 1 next day to atteiui. me uoara'oi "f ,v -.-- jr. directors will also hold a meetingtfallcy wdlffrocura -theni on short mi tim same dav. luotice. MerriU Drug Compauy, ou the same day, WHO SHALL BE TAXED Quefjtlon Now Befoi-fc thd City Council. ToLidBrten BUSINESS HOUSES Arc Ocnornl Merchants, DlacksmUlis, Moat Markets and Professional Men to Poy the City? The most, important matter be fore the council lajt ,TJucsd,ay night did not get into the iiinutcs because it was an informal discussion of the license ordinance, which had passed first reading and been tabled with several others, and still remains on the table. O'Kanc contended that all branches of business should be licensed, in order to get revenue for the city. West contended as strongly against such a course, say i'g it was unnecessary and would kill tlui town. The others did not commit themselves fully though McMUIad had a perceptible leaning, toward general license as advocated by O'Kahc. In ihe proposed ordinance license is provided for a number of occupa tionspeddlers, drtuUe tellers, auc tioneers, theatrical performances, circuses,, card-playing rooms, bil lard cooms, etc. Ko until Tues day night had there been any hint or suggestion . of including general merchants. O'Kanc said he was required to pay a license to run the saloon business and he thought other businesses should also pay license fee. The whole question has been left for future determina tion. . ,, , An ordinance to provide for the office of city attorney at $350 a year was introduced by O'Kanc, and read first tide. G. C. Steiuc matm is serving as city attorney pending adoption of the ordinance. The committee on city jail report ed that the contract of Brostcrhous Bros, had been fulfilled and recom mended that the claim for $302.63, including $10.25 extras, be paid. Sheldon & McKinnon also pre sented a bill for making extra hasps and staples for the jail, $5.55. which was ordered paid. Other bills ordered paid were $7 to Marshal Iestejr or his first mouth! service, aud $25 to Re corder Lawrence for his first month. Council adjourned until the next regular meeting night, March 7. STAATS MAKES A CHANQE Sells Merchandise, Resigns Postmast ershlp, Will Boom Town. W. II. Staats, the Deschutes merchant and postmaster, this week: sold his merchandise stock to K. A Sather, in Bend, and sent his resig nation as postmaster to the depart ment at Washington. The Des chutes postoflice is expected to be dosed soon as the authorities act in the matter. - Bend, less than a mile away, serves the postal needs of the community better than two offices. Mr Staats says he will for the present devote his attention to de veloping his townsile of Deschutes, which was platted on 40 acres ad joining Bend some three years ago. He will now plat the remaining 40 and put the whole on the market. He will also remain in the hotel business at the old stand. Twenty-four years ago the Staatses came over from Polk coun ty aud .established themselves on the Deschutes. There were not so many Unvnsites hereabouts then. They have kept the Deschutes postoflice during its whole life. Mr. Staats says he may stock up his store again in the fall but for the jpresent will devote his time and en- ergy chiefly to outside work. Wall Paper. U xve uavexrc wnai suits you. h M I A 1 wt. i H i if' MnMfcluMUMauuw