The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 17, 1905, Image 7

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    Jill Humors
Am Impuro innllors willed tlio akin.
Ilvor, klilnnyn anil ollior orfrnn ran
not tnko cam of without Imlp, lliuro li
such on accumulation of Jliom.
Thoy llltor tlio wliolo Myitlctu.
IMinpli), bull", comnik nml ollior
crtipiii'ii, lorn or appetite, umt ureil
.1 i
fculliift, blllotii' turn, II In of Indigos
tlun, (lull licHiliUiliuii nml ninny ulLur
troiililon mo duo to Uiuuif
Hood's Sarsaparllla
and Pills
Rnmoro nil humor, ovorcomo nil
(heir efforts, utroiiKtlian, tonu ami
luvlurnto tlio wliolo ayatom.
"I hail unit rlinim on my timid) to tlmt I
conht not work. I took IIimmI'm Hntnirlll
and It iliovn out Hi" humor. I continues!
It una till I In) orci llmix-nrl." like.
Ilk O. llmiMN, Itiiinfofil I'nlli, Mn.
Hooci'n Onmnpnrllln promises to
euro nnd kooprj tho promlno.
Araniilo nml 'oriiilrtiiin.
A ciirlmiit ntory In reported concern
tin; a bargun which nrrlvoil rocenlly In
port linvliiK In Imr enrgn three hundred
cnakw, of nraoiilc. 'i'liu crow nli'iil very
... . . '
iienr llio largo nrrny of harrc a contain
Urn Inn. became nwnro tl.nt they vJeie
Im'i'oiuIiik nbiiorinnlly nloui. Ouo mini
k'nluiMl twrnly llvo hiuiiin. Tin itKKrt
Riito nxlrii wi'lKht put on by tlio -ii
tint rrmv Wlla lllllll Iik (hull fnllr lnm
dr.d poiiiiiU. Till wmn to J,.Jr ".' WHH' ,,ul ' didn't know It.
vnpor RouiTHtiil by IIik nclloii of Uif'UWM '''"P't'n.
tun on tlio rank nnd lulmlml by tlio noil-
moil nulla llicy lipt.
Tk. loiaMtct lltwtM UvlMIM IIHt. Allillttr
r rHnj iiw MMHr ir h uu w m. k. w.
)no Mnu'o llirorjr.
Mr. NpmW'I--Vim Ulk hImuI tli jei
of lii(lv lilrwHHlntMM, ItHI. NttttrdlHK lit
tHillic, iimrt) Iwrnrbin witiuilt ulelila
tlun iimrrinl btin.
Mr. OI.IIrli -Yn, tfenl'. Irur.
Mr Nrwkht Oh. joh admit It, da
7u? Tttrn, I ihiiihh yuu H rxpUlu
xlir It l 1
Mr. Ol.ll.arli-CrrtalHlr. Tkfy am
rfritrn tw dwHmtiui by other imtuU'a
Ill.oim I'liiula fur lltr.
Till U a trmaikal4 nlTrr th John A.
Mivr (wl (' , Im i'nmm, Ww., inakr.
rtlr H4 have a national reftoUlMin
at the earlwat, hhevt, rttoicaMl the earUl
produce. 'Iliry will anil juH their bii(
plant a ltd aenl ralaloc tufellasr Willi
SUUUgk aothl lo KruW
I. Oisl fine, hd CabWie,
3AXI rrh, wicy 'I urtnpa,
5.1 hlanrhliiii. liitlty Celery,
2,000 mil, buttery lettuce,
l,MM ppinb4 Oiihiiw.
1,000 rate, lUMtuu Itailiilira,
!,() glorioualy hrdbant VUvim.
This (teat ollrr l made in older to In
duce you to try their warranted aerd
for when you onrn plant thcin )ou will
grow no oilier, and
am. run mrr ICo i-oitaob,
prnridimr you wilt rrturn this notice, and
If you will arlid them ?Oo in poatace, thry
will add lo the alxive a M parkacc nf the
eatbral Hwrrt Torn on earth -Kalrrr'a
Fourth of July fully 10 day miller than
Cory, l'ccji o' Day, etc., eto. (1'. U L.l
In order tu keep uim people'a friend
ship It Is neceMiry In keep theiu,
. A ., -
The flnnurlal plank lu the womeu's
platform la pin money.
The flrt aiicreaaful flour mill was
erecteil In l)iidon In 17dl.
Ill fifty years milehle lina Increaaed In
(Ireat llrllalu by '.'00 per cent.
A iIok- will butt 'lit oil mlshty little
Newport New. Va., July it, 1903.
Trait summer whllo rccovcrlnj; from 111
ncia of fever, I bad a severe attack of
eectued to rcllcvo me from palu for
awhile, but at tlio nama time I was not
any nearer cettini' well. Oueday wbllo
reading a paper I saw an adverfiacmeut
of 8. S. . for Hhcuuiatlsm. I decided
to (;lve It it trial, which I did at oucc.
After I had taken thrco bottles I felt n
great deal better, nud I still continued
to take it regularly until I was cutlrcly
1 rciruiariy until 1 was cutlrcly 1
cured. I now feci better than for years,
and I cheerfully recommend 9. 8. 8. to
'rrfnllv rppniiiini.iid S H fl ,
any ono nuiicniur; irom Kiieumntisiu.
613 33d St. Cuas. K. Gauiiusutuvit.
Rhcuntatlsm is caused by uric ncid or
soma other ncid poitou m tbo blood,
which when deposited iu tho muscles
and joints, produce the sharp, ciiUhijj
pains nud the stiffness nud soreness ic
cullar to this disease, 8. 8. 8. noes di
rectly into tho circulation, nil irrlta
tinu; substances nre neutralized nud
filtered out of tho system, the blood is
made pura nnd tho general health is
built up under tho purifying nud tonic
fttn nt tim i
aJ afS-3 th1o ratuady.
m m Write for our coc-
L ff cialbookouKhcu
1. tuatlsm which la
J aeutfree. Ourjdiy
ym alciauswill odvisa
Ik. K "'"'out charge all
' m P who will wrlto tu
fj a about their case,
The Swift Qoeclflo ConiDnny, Atlanta, Ga.
CouHB;ruu. 'l'aAlMOuo.1, UN ffS
la tlmt. Hold bf drugtfltta. MJ
iHiiamnintory Kiicumntism in tlio kucca,'d( yor git dnt notion? "From pop."
from which I was unable 1 to leave :nt - A , ho wut Jll)t H,rK. ,.r.. ..No,
room far several months. I wna treated ' .., ,plm,ii. .," i. wn .ir,.,J
by two doctor, and also tried dlflerout ''? wnsn t atr iiglu mo. bo v, in trap.
klnda of Hnamcnta and medicines which pin' me. Dnfw how I known It burU."
mfr..jrr Mir
or. .. ...
'O i W
Illlll(H Aro you colinr Id tint n now
milt? JIiiUh -No. imv IhIIp . i.
' '" ..j ...
cuirt iirroni It, Cincinnati Trlhiinn.
A ComproiiilHo: .MlriiiiilnNo, Krod,
I won't I aim tlio nrinchnlr; you tnko It.
i' ri Kr ruippona wo hotli tnko It?
i.i ro.
"Voting Dr. Hwlft ciiIIm nvory day on
tlm lllllo widow." "Iienr nml Im hIio
h III nil nil ilmir "No, but nlio-ln
li protty im nil tlmt." Kx.
Koodlo .My dear girl. I Imvo n llttlo
moro niiiiNo tliiiu you KVo mu credit for.
Mru. ICooillni mu K,nl of tliut fur
your Miikol llliiHtriilod lilt.
"Do only thing dnt hoiiid people glts
out of education." mild Undo Khen, "In
do nblllty (o tnlk no'n people enti't un
dorMtnnd 'mil." Wiinhliigton Hinr.
Illnka Hklniiem IcIIm me ho h going
Into Cnteliem's Inw nttlce tin n partner.
.Ilnkn l)innu't Im moan ii h mi nccoiu-plli-oT
Oliiimtl Coiiiincrt'liil-Trlbuiio.
HIio In akin grafting n very Into din-
CI) VtTV J llo No. It U iinlv n ruiiv
brunch of u very old nrt; nil grnftlng
' Ib n Hbin tm.... n.. ..! if.
I..wv.rm,. I'ruuii i-nrt: i linn.
irni,.-.. u.. n... v......i .i
'vSh,... huua.Nuw
IlrokiT N moro mnrgln to put up7
Wliy, (urn tlio iiccount wiih opmied
you told tun you wuro wnll off. I.hiiiIi
Hbo DM you ever tnko your nutomo
bllo npnrt to a'o how It worked? Ho
Well, not einotly. I hnve tnken It
npnrt to o bow It didn't work.--Yon-kurn
Mnyino Wbflt n soaulp Mm. (Indby
lal lSdltb Vea, IiiiIimhI. I nover tell
ber nuytbliiK without Iliidlnt; out tlmt
aln baa nlrendy told It baraolf. l'blb
mlnlililii Ilullellu.
Mr. Joiuxt My dnuicliter la only 18.
Voil Imi1 Itetter wnlt until aim la older.
Tim Iivor Well, I'vo wnltod two
year for br to Kt older, but alio ait 111
atnya nt I.H. JudKe.
After tlm Wake: Mrn. Tnaildy -Twna
very natural bo looked Mm.
I'ntM-y Ayo! almr lie luokwt fur nil
the wiirld blko n lolve iiinii Inyln' Ukto
dHd Illuatrntwl MHn.
lillet So yiHi'ro Rot n pine In tlmt
bunking horn? I aupiMHH It hid be
rHUM yon knw tlw praldent7 Hnr
rla I'nrlly tlmt. nnd partly becnuao
be didn't know uiu. llimtnn Trun
Aunt Ilniiunh Hnro you told nny
oiio of your iMiKMRuinniit to Mr. Sweet'
it? ICdltli No; I hnven't told n aoul
oxeept Iteaaln Miller, who thought bo
wn koIiiwt to aak ber. IKUtou Trun
acrlpt. Johnny Oechnw I'nw, wlml'a tha
Inw of Krnrltntlon? Korinvr (Jeelinw
I dunno. I hain't got tlmo to keep
up with nil tho fool atntoot tho duru
h'Klalntur' pnaaca. Iulavlllo C'ourlur-
iiiKiiwnymnn How tniich money
bnvo you Kot? Heldup I couldn't
Kilo. HlKhwnyiunn You en n't Kucaa
tlio amount? Heldup No. Hlchwny.
mnn Then Klvo It up. Clevelnud
I'liilii Denier.
Neighbor -I heard your doc bowline
lnt nluht. If bo howl threo nlttlitu
III Kilccoaalou It'a a auro aln of dentil.
Noxtdoor ludetslt And who do you
think will dlo? Neighbor Tho dutf.
CIiIciiko New.
Heedy 8trnni;er Kxciino inc, air, but
rnu you cIiiiiiko ii dollnr for mo? Hu
luntiltnrhin Wby, ye. Weedy HtrmiKer
Thniik. And now will kindly tell
mo wburo I enn got tlio dollnr?Clovo
bind I'lnlti Denier.
"Tlmt Mr. HunKR I too much of n
nrlatycrnt fur mo to iiiIiirIo wld."
"How1 tlmt?" "Hbo wn knooUed iluwn
by n puah curt nud aliu hnd It put Into
do pnper dnt alio wna bit tiy mi nutcr
mobile." Detroit I'reo fros.
Toininy Smokln' clKnretten la dend
iiiro to hurt yor. Jlininy ronl Wbero
Catholic Htnudnrd nud Time.
"How do you account for tho fnct,"
naked tlm doctor, "nn hIiowii by actual
InveNtlgullou, tlmt tinny-two out or ov
cry btindivd crlmlunl lu tho country
nro loftlmndedV" "Thnft eimlly no
counted for," mild tho pnifiwoor; "the
....,. i... ,.ii.i ,.r.. ri..i.i i,n,ii
.' . ... V.'i. P..
l.llliuuu all-iiuo.
"Mny," nnld tho glrl'n denr llttlo
brothor, "nro you a biiHclmll plnyor?"
"No," ropllcd young Mr, Slowton,
"wlmt umdu you nlt tlmt?" "Oh,
nothing, only when urn wnn iimUIu' hU,
tho othor dny, whothur you wiih over
goln' to como to but. nbu nnld It looked
to hor na thoiigb you wuh pluylu' for
ypur rolenso." Kx.
Mrs. Tlttlo Wimn't It dlHgrncoful
tho way theso wouioti talked durlus
tho piny hint nlghtV .Mm. Tnttlo
Well, I Bhould any bo. Surah Siuooklui
wuh trying to toll mo tho funn In tlio
Urlndlos family, nud thoso two women
niado huc'Ii a clutter I couldn't hear
moro than half alio mild. lloston Trail
ficrlpt. "Vou nro nn hour Into thin morning,
Bam." "Yen, snli, I know It, sab,"
"Woll, wlmt oxeiiBo Imvo you?" "J
wan kicked by a mulo on my way hero,
gab." "That ought not to have de
tained you an hour, Sam." "Woll, you
hoo, Iiohh, It wouldn't have It io'd only
Imvo kicked mo lu din direction, lull
bo kicked mo do oUior wayl" Yonkori
v tciy ys
'M3,. "V -V" J.U
0jW JC4
lllalorla I'llc Alitioit Our
Country' Only Itulnx.
Tlio ('ciitury old iiiInhIoii of Cntlfor
nlii, bulldrd by Kmiiclaciiu monk nml
I lid In n neopliyle, mlKlit well bo likonnd
lo "llio teinpli'N of Hllmico," wrlten J
Torrey Connor In thn rour-Trnck
Now. Upon tlio crumbling ndobc
wnll tlio wild miiNtnrd IioImI Km yel
Inw buuiKirn; In tlio roolle nrende.
wliero (rend of prlently feet In benrd no
more, nuiinlilno nml rnln bnvo wroiiKbt
(heir will; llriird rmwl over tho blnck
oued ahrlue, nml hut cIIiik to tlm rnft
or of Ilic Hiinctunry, bentliiK tho nir
with nolHele wiuu lit tho nppronch
of n fool atop,
TIicho hlalorle pllea, nlmoat tlm only
ruliiM of which our youm; country cnu
liimMt, lire nrcounted ono of tho hIkIiIk
by nil lnlter-diy pIlKrlma (o tho Gold
pit Htnto; but, I n ruin, only tho more
neceaalblo of tW mlaalona nro vlaltcd,
llio liirotinofUc)t tourlnt anndwIchlnK
Ihem between dyJmj trip to tho oeenn,
llio moiintnlu, thtsjjjiint Ireea. tlm
Kciu-llkn lnkri, tho Koldeii-frultcd
Krovo nud tho amllluK vnlley of the
bind whern It I nlwnyn nummer.
Tho tinkle of tho veaper bell. echolnR
nrroaa wldo ntretehe of pnature, la
iiiIiikIciI, now, with tho hnrnb clniift of
IIih atreol enr rook, nnd on tho very
throaholilM of tlm mlaalotia rnny bo
found tho pnper lunch box nnd tho
Miipty anrdlno cim of tho Klobihtrottcr.
Thn religion procntaloui, ImltliiK
jefore wnyalde ahrlue, nnd tho anndnl
til. Iiniti'it.rnln.l tmttri. Iriilrnnvlnir
from Houth to north, nro Kono from tbol
blKhwny. Tho nlcnldo, who rulel t'' ' ntilxh.
pueblo with Iron hnnd, tho dnrk-vl- '
noiNl liiillnn. tlm Bfern-fncM HnnnlahL Kor brnnrhlal trouMra try TUoV Cora
. . . .. i
loldler where nro they? (lonoj nnd
K'one. too. tlm cnbnllero, or Hpnulah Kl
hint, with hi tlnklluc cultnr nnd hi
lovo hoiik. nnd, likewise, tho aoft-eycd
aouorltn with ber mnntllhi, tollliiK tier
Oenda bealdo tho qtinlut old confe.
slonnl wo seo here to-day. For tlio
Hpnulsh cnbnllero of our tlmo bns sub
stituted the ugly dress of tho gringo
for tho velvet Jacket nnd broad-brim-med
sombrero; nnd senorlta, soft-eyed
nud coquettish, a wna ber grandmoth
er beforo Iter, lina Inld naldo tho man-
lllln, nnd nsplre to a I'nrls bat.
The Hnntn Ilnrbnrn Mission, besides
being tho most Important of tho mis
sion, hn another distinction It lstho
home of 0110 of tbo most photogrnphed
Indtvtdiinls In tho United Rtntea,
Where, lu tho Hnntn Ilnrbnni Mlsnlon
or It gnmiulM, Im not till ntroug
fncod monk uppoarod, photographical
ly? Tho Interior of the church, In which
generations of tho follower of tbo
en) bnvo worshiped, I decorated
with mniiy picture executed by tho
Hpiitilidi uiHHterH, nnd by nucnsl lm
ugen Hint nro older tliiiu tho church
(Juriirly I'roourod l-Wlilnnoe.
Many year ago n Bhlp wus chased
ut nca 011 tho suhjiIcIou that sbo wns
a alnvor. During tho pursuit hor cap
tain dropped something overboard.
When overhauled tho old tub was tak.
en to Port Itoynl for trial, There was
nothing on bonrd to sustain tho charge
of alnvo dealing, nnd thoro a eomc-d ev
ery likelihood of Ita owner recovering
damngcH for Illegal nelsuro and deten
tion. Hut nnothor ship had passed In
tho night in U10 wako of tho other.
HIio hnd witnessed U10 chnse nnd
nigut, nut nml atopped to eaten a
shnrk by tho wny. Iu tho stomach of
tha Bhnrk tho sailors found a Uu box.
In U10 box went tho papers of tho
fugltlvo vessel, Theso proved hor to
bo n slaver of tlio moat unequivocal
chnrncter, nnd upon their evidence aim
wna condemned nnd contlscnted.
Muoliliiery Tone.
Knglnoers Judge of tho condlUon of
their machinery by U10 tono it glvoa
out whllo running. 12 very engine,
whether stationary or locomotlro, has
a particular tono of Its own. Tho en
gineer becomes accustomed to Umt,
and any depnrturo from It at onco ox
cltos a suspicion that all Is uot right.
Tho cnglneor may not know what Is
the mutter; bo tuny Imvo no oar for
music, but tho cbaugo In tho tono of
his uinclilno will bo nt onco pcrceptlblo
nud, bolug instantly recognised, will
causo him to start on an lmiucdtato In
Tiling Worth llomemborliJff.
Do uot forget Umt it isn't nocoasnry
to bo dlHugrvcnble lu order to dlsngroo
with U10 other man.
If wo took ns great pnlns to any
kind things as we do to think unkind
ones, llfo would bo ouo loug inotaphor-
Ical May, Success.
In Uds glorious land of U10 free U10
pollUclau scorns to bo a necessary evU.
. -A. jhP aiajaaffau
1 Vi!lftf5Tap'4!
I . Xlf7l4)SuaBa)ayryria)La'aAj l
Doctors first prescribed
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral over
CO years ngo. They use it
today more than ever. They
rely upon it for colds, coughs,
bronchitis, consumption.
They will tell you how it
heals inflamed lungs.
"1 h4 a rr lud nuih for thrw Tr.
Than I lri4 Atrf'lrrr I'trlaral Mjo
Iuuki wr toon lulled ud mi eoub aiwjvi
Mn. 1'ilBL Ilrot, OuUiri Ctntr. I.
y,Nr fm. i c iTi cn
All .IfilurHU. f Ix.w.11
Old Coughs
Ono Ayor'o Pill at boritlmo Insuroo
n natural action noxt morning.
The IJrltlnli Muar-um coiitnln over two
million volume of printed hooka and
uinuuacrlpt. which are atored upon forty
utiles of aliclvlng.
i i
riTQ IVrmawallr t'Brrd. eHUer BfrTeMBMi
fl 10 nrnilrtr'lKfJf.Kllwr,Olfl.VfV
ItMiorrr. kbj ftw 'rr irUllMXtlatMt Irf tlw. JI.Kllin,UU.,Wl Arriiht, riilladriHila, 1'a.
... -.., ,, w. ,, ,,. ., th
lor uoiiaiiiiipnoii.
, muliolne. At on
It Is n rMil
irurxUt". prlee 36 cents.
juapjMs jnoiniAi oaAJas ;o ttsat u.m
tiH iOf OO'Jt I'UD UpJtU piQ3 B 3M
..V Ml -.. ..- .- ....t.
MOlocrawiu i;nu airp. iiiiaiuwa EMrawunf; j
Bjrrup too ben reineujr iouio ior ineir cuuaren
durluif the teething (ajrlbd.
An Inulilent or Jllatory.
Julln Ward Howe bad J tut written
"Tho llnttlo Hymn of llio Hopubllc,"
nnd wna rend In,.' It to Klliabctb Cntly
"Well, I.lrzle," alio naked when alio
had finished, "what do you think of
"Orent!" was the reply, "nut you
nro boo tine man oRnln In deflnnco of
our glorious principles. Sit dowu now
and wrlto another to be ended Tho
llnttlo Her of Uie Itepubllc " Now
York Telccrain.
M J- t-!5::4-f!4:l-f4s-H'
The Great Nonesuch Remedy
aTrt The old monk cure, strong,
7 I stralcht, sure, has for a largo
' part of a century battled with
JAOU15 AchesndPains
A Cnndld Child.
Lady Visitor Your little slrl seems
to be very much taken with me, Mrs.
. Mrs. Stcpstrell Yes; and she doesn't
often Uke to strangers. You think Mrs.
Oippur Is resl nice, don't you, Acnes?
Arnes You said she was a cat. mam
ma; but she doesn't look a bit Ilk one.
Iloaton Transcript.
ASL'gcfablc Pfcpnrationror As
similating the Food andllcdula -llnglltcStoinacJtsoMDowlsof
Tromotca DigcslIon.Chccrrur
ncssnndnest.Contalns nclllicr
Opium.Morpltluc norlliiicral
JV afOUnrSiKVUtUaOft
JtxStrvt a
Apctfccl ncmody forConsllrwi
nun . Sour Stomach, Dinrrlwcn
'orns .Coimilsioixs ,Fc wn sh
ncss mulLos of Slei:i4.
aaBaiaHaaaaa at tpaaaaaaaia a a
FacSlnulo Signnlureor
Lilian'- "
Color moro cor"n brighter and faster color thmn rnny other Uye. Cn 10o paaksga colore ellk, wool anil ootton
equally well ei tl le auarentoail to olva porfect rieulte. Aak tioalvr if wo will mend postpaid a lOo aachzaam
Write tor trao booklet how to dye, bloach mnd nt'.x t.o ore. MOMtOE ORUO CO., UnlcnvUlo, HleaourL
Motbarlr Advice.
"Johnny," laid tho Cleveland moth
er, "I want you to quit using auch Inn
Kunce ni that."
"Why, mother," replied Johnny,
"Bhakcapcare an Id what I Just nld."
"Then you mint quit aanoclntliiK
with ulm," rejoined tho cautious wom
an, "Ho's uot a fit compaulou for
Ilow'a Thla?
We ofTer On HutnlrM I)llra ItewaM tut
anrcaii! of Catarrh that cannot be cured hi
llall'i Catarrh turr.
Y. i, i;HKNKY A CO., l'rcTf.,Tolto,0,
We, tha unclerilKnul, hare knrmn V, J,
Chner for the iMtlftreari. ami bcllerohlin
trfectljr liunorahle In all tumrie tranmo-
(loin arid nnanclallr ahle tocarry out auxi-
iKaiioim maun vj inir iirm.
Wjtnr & Tali I, Wholeiale I'rDir
holeiale Lifuir-
ri -II, 101W1U, u,
llir( irrh
)11U, i,
Caiarrh Cure la taken Interna1tr art.
IiiK illrectlr un the blood and mucou ur
fate of .
ino iTiiein. rriee iae. nr ixniia
ild hr all IuukkUi, leilltnonlali
llaU'a raialt; 1111 are the Utt.
Indignant American Why la It, air,
I that in Ituaaia there I auch prejuilui
against the Hebrew?
Cultivated IturwUn ItcMiie the He
brewa nro n q'tiet. InoirVnaive pe,ple,
who attend atrktly to their own affair,
nnd do excellent work for fair wnee.
Jiiit a tlio Chliier-e do in this country.
ttrhlnc Hllntt. HlaMtinc t I'fMiudlnf 111m
Year drucm will r f ii fmr If I'A.O OINT
MUXT lui u tur fun la lo 14 iUjii. rfc
Havlne aims a requiem Into a phono
craph. a 8lilewle doctor hna left In
struction In hi will that the music shall
he reproduce) at hi funeral.
You Can Oct Allen's root-Caar FRHO.
Wrlta Allen H. (limited. La tlnr.K. Y . for a
.c piitio ui iicii riwi' i wi
.....-. .it ,..". ft:; ......
twsatlnr. hot swollen, achlnr ferf. It maea
isewortlaht shoff rr- A rrrlaln cure for
,u,,,uit. 2tc Voa'l accept anr'substltute.
It matters little whether a man be
mathematically or philosophically, or
aristocratically cultlratcd, so he be but
cultlrated. Goethe,
I'Mlnl. Uihlaat aim Hroncaat Hlump l'allrr
on Iha inarkrf. IIS flora .war on Ilia awarp
wHIilwolHina. Wnla Utt lcriti1T cllut
ad prlraa.
foot of MofrUoa Stratt I'ortUnJ, Oreren
f "teat rene tcrif f..r aecurlnic title
In anr (jtiatitllr to lAii'lnr, KraiinK,
iHTlr ui. h rlandwi h. ut-eai lent
or ltft'i'iri!iiient forrAl. a'!. .lmari.
rt t.rl-i . Af. HAMILTON,
Tha Portland, ParllmnU, Or.
the world
and 0c.
over. Price 25c.
A Contrary Opinion.
"There nro few great actors left,"
said tho man who takes a melancholy
view of things.
"On tho contrary," answered Mr.
Stormlngton Homes, with a touch of
asperity, "great actors are, to my per
sonal knowledge, getting left every
season." Washington Star.
For Infanta and Childron.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty. Years
Trie otNTAUfi eourANT. Kiw Yoa orrr.
Ile who know not what It la to laboffc
know not what It I to njoy. .Joy.
lb aumlaril afl I M yrara'
li. iiify iy nioiic
Ilia ntgnv nnu aumt
crop, aii avatar wn
inm. imr m.i
Hrctl Annnnl
fr on rrquric
&' riWED'o
au. Atm lM rtixOV
UAnnrt? aWAnut
nrfKin"" - IIJ4KWI.7I JIWIW1I
loor; ten vail toam; wn uwit orirBTATiwu
catiooucw rniK
aHowma run. uhc or omcnts aho hat.
a. J. Tcwen CO.. aosTco. mas., v.e.a.
notv lfnjet. mnt irm " n
kruiifn cti nmn 7 mwt -
'liaiirlfA. Thataili raraLaMlTI iDflfila.
Vfm An awtr AjU aVtrM it ihm pn
taction nt nnr wnrnialril !
3 loor rlolndiwyirtlryifctyniw
r maT j on is iuuwib( mf-
Far ID Omtttn Pocfpmhf
i foW trf f. !-. au4 ll CMm.
I soon) rum Jt.tTirl),
sejM mays jiBiar iuani
lOQO Rr Laji MUt
flnran - --a -ullami tlaxssrara.
A bo T rmftn pWr MUli rnt X3
cmbi i va irrow jww pun', nn
ntmair lnhM or iriiiinv
DlWf r tn I l')llni IOWOI (U IP
mi of u.iiBdr all about ff1"r
iv- m woftii rriiii ir ior
14 ifintAftiiMi nnd tnia oik
rj im crossot vie
OAtftil ttlUr U tka ararlA.
Dr. G. Gee Wo
WcDlarfnl Koeb
Tbl woDdarfnl Cbl
ara doctor la cmllMl
irral bacaata ba carta
prop WltftOUt oparaj
Uoo Ibat ar (laau an
lo Ufa. II enrra wttli
Uwjm woadarful I'bt
aaaa bertia. roota. bnda
bAtka and Taxa'aMr
llul ar anllrrlr un
known lo medical act.
ucatolnlarounirj Tbroufh b im ofthoaa
bannlrn ramtdlra IMa faiuoua doctor knowi
Ilia action of oTtr V diVarvat remcdlca wblcb
bouornafullr uhIb dittrrcnt dlMAaas. II
lUJirantfralocarri-ntanh, asthma, lunic.lbroal,
rbraoiAtum, nrrvouanraa, atoniach, llrtr, kid
nrra, etc i luu bundrad of taatlmoaUla.
rbarsni ruodrralr. I'ali and ara blm. l'allanta
001 of tba city wrlla for blanks and rlmilara.
hand stamp. IXI.SaL'LTATlO.N FIIKK.
Tha C. Gea Wo Chlnssa Medlctna Co.
Sir UroUdn papar
.... a
To Convince You
tho market, I will send you ono
freight prepaid, nnd wait for my
pay until October 1, 1005.
It was given tho lilghoat awanl
nt tho Oregon Stato Fnlr, held nt
Salem lust f.tll. Wrlto for our
Descrlptlvo Catalogue? of Incuba
tors and Uroodera nud our tirao
prpoait;o 1.
Dept. 12 Portland, Oregon
'''''''---J--1.a, fl....
P. N. U.
No, 6-1903
TiJHKN writing; toBdvortleerapleaa)
If uieulluD tula paper. I
-" rr '
?, IfyoanttOBtlh Af',
A'''lV. ;w 'tir and ilVliUifi
i jSb4?'
1 A
gJ l t ft I
if iWf&m li I
1 U LIsIbbbbbUsHBIH BssbbbbbI bH
I I.