The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 17, 1905, Image 6

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By Order of the Czar
A Story of Kusstnn Power
CllAPTim XI..-Vmtliiiied.i
llosen must lime been watching out
from the balcony, for ho Is In tho street
when the droskl stops nt tho door. 'li
Willie til wllil tnte nf excitement, nn
onlooker might suppose that It wan hi
holrotlied ho llHlt been CpOting, mid
who liml nrrhed, He lifts Miimschn to
tho imminent, ami shako her hnml with
frantic energy.
"Woleoinel Welcome, Marin rclrov
nol" ho cries.
Truly, If he had not confided to inn hU
passion for n certain joting lady, whoso
Imago he carries In Hint locket Httachcd
to his watch chain, 1 conhl find It In my
heart to Iks Jealous lie glic her hi
nnn up tho stnlr. tins Ignoring my ex
istence; and lu the sitting room again
takes poMlon of her hnml, ami gating
nt her with delight and satisfaction, re
"WcWniel Welcome, Maria lYtrovun.
I am mighty clad to sec youl I was sure
jyhi would come lo-ulght tiulte convinc
ed of It. And all I In rcndlncjui for you,
and here I Frau Meyer to show you to
jour room."
In the doorway appear, smiling, and
smoothing her hair, a largo honed, fresh
colored Herman mntivti, whom I hare
not awn hefore, and whom the good fel
low must hare got Into the home to wait
on Marucha, aud do the proprieties
'Thank you so much, Iterr IKiktor."
(vspoiul Mnnichs, In her pretty, soft
Herman, though he ha apoken Kuastan:
and he beams on him In a way that
would turu the heart of the veriest Uul
mrd. "Not 'Merr IViktor. I pray you," he
protests; "call me Don Carlo, at of
I recollect with a foollh pang that
Carl Jtosen knew Mnrucha when 1 did
not. It at ltoeu's I flrt met her,
and straightway yielded up my heart to
"Since. 1 hare your permission, by all
means, Don Carlo. Without It I ahould
not have dared to lake the Hherty with
so Important a personage a you have
Crown." She hek at him with a charm
tnx affectation of ohynesa. "Vou look
quite awfully respectable now, the 'Ilerr
lmktor every Inch."
ItoM-n blutfcc Nke a school loy.
"You have mt forgotten how to tease.
Marimba." he responds, stroking hi
leek muMadte with a sidelong self-con
scions staiic at her.
She trip up to Fran Meyer and take
her arm wkfc that winning familiarity.
jet courteous grace, which Maruseha
always adapts toward those of her sex
whose position I Inferior to her own,
thu sweeping dawn with a auhllme con
tempt the paltry harrier that an arrogant
toclcty bos raised between wan and man.
Marucfca ha a profound reverence far
humanity, and a trict regard to It
rights. She i a Mx-isNst to her heart'
core. It I only with the base that the
I haughty.
"Come: yoa will take he ta my room,
dear madanie?" he say.
The Rood woman' countenance fluhe
with pi cam re. I know her heart I co
ins out ta my sweet girl, whom he
must lore, aa all creature da.
rusehn, when I have ended. "Vladimir,
thou mint return to him nt once. Think
how lonely he must fee) In tho strange
hotel, mid suffering-such pain. It la thy
boumlcii duly to go to him now."
"That U thy opinion, Mnrusehn?" t
respond, fixing on her a look of scathing
repnuch, which alio refuses to sec. "Ho
of her uneventful life nt home, with Ita
allent nml cotu-onled undercurrent of nit
KUlahi hroken hnrdily In upon hy n letter
from Olgn, with the Intelligence, of the
denth of our nohlo brother, I van lvnno
vltch. Condemned to n lone term of
elle, lie had poisoned himself In prison.
I knew ho curried tho menus of his re
lease on his person, hut little thouulit he
would use It ko noon. Consist thou not
hno heen patient and learnt from my
experiences that whilst thero Is life there,
Is hope Thou art a hitter rop In my
cup of hnpplness, oh, my hrother! I
hno lost In thee what tho world rarely
gnea hut once, and seldom Hint n trim
Add the atotlt heni-t. Pnvnl f!r,ir.ii-.l.
vuen, nanishetl too. Yt I know I'nuil.
IIo will liml hi fcot. will mnke himself
n home In the distant Innd wMiiu-r hi.
deott.1 wlfo will follow him. And he
t ao, l ko." I rise and hosln hnatlly j will rnlso nu nrmy of convert to the
to l.utton my wat nero my chest. I cause of llherty, and llvo as full a Ufa
"' '". .Muruscna; i win aee itiit in Siberia aa In St. l'etorshnri:.
The momObt Wt are alon Kosen
ruthes at rne and 1-cjln la wrioc ray
hand, ilnc h ba had to relluquUh
TSank Ood, Ylaaha!" he crie Joyous
ly. Thau hast her Mfe at last! At
last, at taat, IhU srat anxiety it lifted
from thee. It ha heca a terrible time;
but It i ever. sbJ all U welt."
lit wlfea hi heated excited face with
hi haadke-refcfcf I pefrdvo that tha
affectionate Utile fellow eye are saeUt.
Daly new I tuvomr oMitchMa of att I
owe him, m teif-abMtcheJ have I bee.
Ill ever ready ajWMtby. hi cBerit
In ptnetlic hi hMtM at My iHsposal; hi
foretiMHiKht for Marax-ka's receptha. At
the recottectlM ef i( all cwwet tt me,
Kratil4 MterwhetaM me I reeae my
left hand and Us rijt hs. both
of with a tctmt ctasfk My Mm
trow dhst a 1 (cmk U lata bl cwtte
lee riMfe.
"Dear M 1hi. Mmm kax nbeed we
nnJer bMcaitot. mki a I-" He
rwlely rU n hr
"CVmm m. old feiWw. 4hm of that
Caa a aiM mK eateruia bW trie, with
at bartar speca aul at Urn? I
bttM b affeaJed aaty last t ka tkaa
meaaeat weal"
"I aaajiaW." I eaty. wUh trcwaUaf
MarwMaa jit as. t e her aaw
wltbaat bet- bat. aal wkb her cIHmh
rrawa t saMra bale Wbat a raJtaaee
ah tbeJ araaad ht'. My saaeeaai!
The treat Waaty aaat atajr r her twk
ttuplre mt aitb a kiaj ef awe. I fret
tvaiiraiaea aa awvwanl la her are
ace. aaOtoc ahit ta v. taaasa I
watch her every HtareaieMt. a If aeA
hawd. AH nj aaJ aWt l a w
der te we. sad I erea aeftect ay r
ia icea aiy rarHarr4 ea4e f altfct
sad heariac With tlriaxe tikj
k eas-aarafea ae at aeJtaer hy ward
aar staace, Imt dvte berxtf txetauve
ty ta aar bat. ehaHtet Itsattr aa Oater
at tapara her Jaaraey. her traveilsx
raapaUa. tk eicellear ; Il't
tienuan fatahsa, have tea after
upper, which Mantheha ttras. In
handuij me ny caa, aur 6itr mm.
xae cop ireaiMca aetweea a. Wat It
-due ta my tarititur aerve Uu. or thri
eJ U lay ahlv oava at my taJ
She ahaaa my ardeat ce. yet tbt t
tale tK rrad ftwn her aherk to 6ek
aad Tmvw At Icecta Ihera It a past
la tha rxNBTtrutMa aa4 Itoa ajiret
"Where c earth hatt rtvea beea all
fay, Vlaaaar h iaairea. -I have aot
aet eye oa tie aiaca meratcx Soxly
tiva htt nt atat the day at Ui u
I rtt. Fer A SrC tlaaa atat Mi
ruacika'a arrival 1 remember my pttieat.
rtu remlaJatt m titt I have otae.
talac t tU tie. I lara wt p aa er
CMMlrioa afep," I UiX "l Xav rt a
fvalit. 'A'ad what U mar. I aava
yirmkS to ta h-fei t-alfit. IX Ha
at Uattl ItoadMW UaUr !es UJee.
I rriata ti drcomtuacea f U cava.
"JtSscr M rtatiema&r axrUIsa Ma
in the mornlnif, unlessunless my
tlent should nviulro me."
A tut rat of laughter from llosen break
In am tho first act of my tweedy.
"What already, spitfire'" ha cries,
and Jumping iip,omes round to me nnd
pushes me hack to my chnlr. "Out of
this house thou noest not until my re
turn, which will he In a couple of hours,
As 1 am ohlliccd to ko to my patients,
whateier Mnnisoha mav ar. It Is the
'houmWu duty' to stay mid entertain my
my Kuest."
"ut It h had Klvtn his word "
IvckIiis Mamscha. ilemnrelr.
"He will keep It." Interpose llosen.
'IIo has promised to turn up at Hotel
IrfMidon Mime tlmo between thl and mid
nkht, and ho will do o. Meanwhile.
Vlasha, If thou hast no objection. 1 will
call In pasalnir, and see how the Kusllsh-
man noes, l can also set hi mind at
case about thee."
I mumble aomethlnc to which he
listens not, taking my airtrmative aa a
matter or courc, and lead the way to
the sitting room, where he place Maru
ch on the sofa.
I stalk In the resr, feellnc my position
to be an undignified one. I still contem
plate entering a hypocritical protett
against thl arrangement of Itoacu'.
Surely I may be allowed to mansge my
own affair? I have It on my lips to aay,
that alt thing considered. I think It .l.
vlsable that I should go, but It I too
late. He I calling to u a hearty
adieu, and the door close behind him.
I am standing tame pace from Ma
ruoha. She sits leaking down at her
nugera. whilst she nervously twist round
and round the ring I gave her two year
ngw. I regard her silently with growing
wrath, for she raises mt her head nor
make any movement toward me. At
length I speak.
"Mamscha. I can stiH If It I thy
wfe. A pause. "Since thou wottldst
Imply that I neglect a dttty la remain
ing Another pause. "I like mt such
iapeatim. even though they are hb
gnttdcd. Of course. I left the Hagli'h
man in good, in charge of the
landlady, who Is a prttculariy kind,
motherly pcrsoB; nevcrthek, I will go.
Mace It I thy wish." I am by this time
In a frenay of Indignation She sits still
in her place, ami the sweet protestations
I felt mi sure of aro not uttered. Only
".My wish" she repeats. "SaM I
aught of any personal wish in the mat
ter? I would not have thee hresk .n
engagement oa my account that Is all."
"Thou kHOe,f I pledged myself to
reiurn at a particular time. However.
It matter not I do thy will. Good
night. Mamscha. Sleep well"
I ga to her and heM toward her ray
hand. Sht heed It not. and tho corners
of her rosy mouth go down and quiver.
Saw she burst forth "How deplorable
I it that I must alway suffer to be
misunderstood by theer
A tear glisten like a diamond la the
corner of her eye.
"Nay, Mamscha. thy word are plain
i ivegin.
"Ye. twlt aad miseaastm them, mr
paar wards, ta tit thy ease! I am used
ta this."
She aek with a beaatlfal reslgaa
tiaa, and her baadkerrbier goes a p. I
aw at oace overwhelmed ria the coo
vidian that I am a brute, sad that Ma
rucha is the mat Injured of wowta. I
throw myself oa my kaee besMe her.
-Forgive me. my laag affirlar il.rl.
hag! I irnleed mitaBdersload thee It
I my nafartaaate temper la be forever
seeking a grievaaee. Aad bow, misera
ble wretch that I am. I have made thee
weea oa this eveawg af all ether:
Saeet. aatieai heart, oace mare forgive
me! Ah. It Is ilstri 'forgive, forffve
far I am alway woaaJtac Ihee! Imk
a agala. ay Uovr. aad let me read my
parJoa In tky lemler eye."
I veature ta 4rw her gratlr la ar
breast. Sae rebti aat. aad I . Mf
aleadtag, sreely draw tag my areata
for fear af UttarMag m rerfert aa ar
raageaseHt. My eaeek rest aa her gM
ea hair, my arms eacircsc her I feel the
agitated rise aad fall of her baam Sh
heave a tigfc..
"YlaUaur. sae watr tkresestty;
aad. ah. the aaader af H. ber ft arms
teal aboat mjr aeck. -I am Jrvehfai
aa4 w irked"
-iaaa are aa asges.- l manaar.
"Na. aa! I iry to tarmeat jbe. t
wa cruel aad tlaaaj af me: aad bow
friioatat, laa. after aH thaw hast tut
fereJ. Her aaaatk t ctase la same. I kiss k.
"Taaa alb: Wave mack ta eaaare wfca
ase." ae raaliaae moarafaMr. as if I
but aat taterrwrtcJ ber with that kit.
"Ye. Maravb. la marrytag thee. I
make a aaartyr af myself. j I n bear
the eras, tbaa wOt aad. aith becaaabaf
farUtsNe." I reepaad raeerfalty. ttti
her face aad kstktag lata ber eye.
Toa kaoret aat Wor aerverte I
-I kaar it vtti, aad alt. I rtscet re-
tut Ihee"
fcladalrr ytHk s4J.n rxy aai a
ewatrictMa of the brow, "I srUh tkea
wwaMtt rececalte my fah w! It
a ill prevent dltappotatmeat afterward."
"I da. I da, my Wva. I aanripat Ike
thocka that arc la tor for me. yt aa
I b witched. I k&w axacUy how Soc
rata tH wtea h wa raortiex Xac-thpp.-
MaratciLa'a moath begUa to twitch.
Sho alto hr Mp. jet her eyaa tetray
the ritia laBftttr. Aad aUa! U Ui
It, ia free haraelt from my arma,
Tha art moat rveklX. VUiimlr,'
ah taya, "Not a ward of n&m caa eao
talk witX tie,"
Nvnitita. It U ta aar waj -w
talk, a v ait aU by tiie, haif aa hocr
later, my arm arocsi htr waltt, har
kaoJ la rnlso.
To b continued.!
Mnclilucfor Iitltlutot-y Cereiiioiilca Ic
IkucI tiy uii Iiueittor.
Amotijr the Invention, recently Knuit
I n pntent la one for n IuiiicIiik "in-
cnine. ivlilcli the ln enter cxplulna I
not rvally for the iinrposo which Ita
nniue would aivm to Indicate, but to
Kite secret society enntlUlntea nil the
preliminary Hcnsutloua of hiicIi nn ex
perience wltliout any ilmiKor of fatal
tnlslinp. The muehlue la nlo tlcMluned
for use on the stnjre to stliuulnto hniik
Ins aocnea. The ln enter of this urn-
chine la John J. Duille of I,oi AiikcIcs.
Cfll., nivertllne to the I'hllnilclphla Hcc
onl. "My Invention," snya Mr. Duille. "re
Intea to n burletuiue linngliiB mnclilne,
nnd la to bo useI In Initiatory work In
secret orKntilzntlon. theaters nml oth
er pluet of mnuseuient, nml U so eon
atnictiHl Hint tho party supocil to be
nnngiM nml operated on by this piece
of uicch.iulsm ennnot be Injured lu the
slightest degree
"It Is Intended lu secret orgnntu
tlons," further explains the Inventor,
"to test the bravery and fortitude of
the nppllenut nnd to test lit confidence
lu tils friends, aud in theater nnd oth
er places of amusement to represent a
n real lwnging"
The Initiate wears a Jacket for the
hanRlii); ceremonj That may be put
on while otiver tricks are ttelnir played
and the victim thus Is hardly aware of
Its slgnltlcance. This Jacket has some
weights nnd brace under the arm,
pads on the hip and a atrap attached
to the lean, all designed to distribute
the weight of the body mIrii In the
Hack of the neck la a hook from
which the oplrnl sjirlns run to the
dftiigllnx rope The tiooe Is not part
of the rope, which I seen hanging
from the gallows, but Is merely tied to
It by a piece of string, so that If the
hook lu the Jacket should break the
limn would not be hanged by acci
dent. The victim Is placed on a trap door,
which at th projK'r moment li sprung
by the executioner on a platform The
shock of the fall of a few fret is
broken by a set of springs and
weights concealed lu the potts of the
It 1 the first hanging device of the
kind ever patented, officials at the pat
ent ofllceaald It take Its place
among a large array of device more
or lea generally used In Initiatory cere-
reonle It lay claim to no utilitarian
mission, but on other ground seeks to
take Its place with the thousand of In-
cations, records of which are crowded
In the patent office.
w R.rv fia i. jsm m&Jm&mjt. .Z.M&
iw mn v MJnrs jml yzm j-r
ar rr ' xi ' . &. a,t , v.vaii. .
m-3 Mi&my WSlsSafm
II lu aWlaaaaa I sail laaal II iaaVnr r istiaW"" n iW T , T
nww itu iibukurno A MAfl
Mnd I'nlonr n Wniunii Who u .
II Alll'lie.l utl. n "
ilr rnollnirN lint llriti r,.X ' ' ,"
wna Inflexibly iloloriiilnnl i n" w"
iimrrlt'd, even nt tin. iUk of llvltiaf -
old iniild, lint who wished w. n,,,.,.
spare llio sUNcepllhlUUea f ,e ,
leutlnl mliulrcra llmt aim IMK ,.,,!:
her mini how lo ri'fiiia ill,. ' ,..U
out wmitiitliiK lliciii, To thl end. I
rend nil tho limela shu eouM i. i. '
lunula on nnd na nnidi pu.iy , ,'
could benr. Him went tinimilr ,
tlin tlnwiter, mid lu tho IntervnU of i,
woclnl ilntlea she tmik rlu ia?
llk.i liloKriiphlea nml memoir. ot)t ,
Ihn lllirnrle. and Informed hersl( J
llio method mid iimiiuera i,f u,fl i
mlliea who ihvllued onfur from i.ii.
Him wns'upon the Wlmlo. . .,
denl illaniHiliitii, espi-clnliy m, ,.
novel Tiles iimuimla of t(m
pnssloned emotloiu sreuied lo render
lu nliniwl every ense n blind nlleglanc
lo tliu Inw of ending well. wh,, u
the low euiii-eptluii nf tho nuthor wai
Kcttlnc tho hero nml lu-roliia marrlr.1
mid then dropping, them, lu th m.
very few enscn where ihey aurrered a
Blrl to rofuwi n loier It was ( ,
might lenvo lltlil to souin nlhi-r .im
who secretly loieI him nml who would
.probably pine away, or (mrtly away
If aha did not linva him riil tij
young lady thought simply dlsgiutluj
.nml ldtutlc, kho wa a joint lady of
'klrvltiw nlliriwalnllH . ....II .. .
,-" -- - "in nn iriHlef
iremiga nun uieii resoliea and tin
fun ml tlio pK-ta not nnidi, if nny ,mir(
liiatructlvo than Din uovrllst
They gave exniuplex emxigh of ..rt
who did imt mnrry, hut It wa
, their loirra dlel, ur did not ask them,
wnen uieir io-r lotn urvire and
pniHnl th" girl refiun.1 ttis-tn from
prlil or from shame or from want nf
pr coon ro of iiilud and bitterly rrgrrttr.)
It aver afterward, 'I ho iergual hi.
A FIOII1' WHICH IS I)i:STINi:i) TO Hi: 1118101110
When some future historian write the story of tho siege of Port Arthur
many will be the gmphle ami thrilling scene ho will be railed iumiii lo
jfjt,tili An.! (I. u. .... . t.. I- .. Kt. at... .1 It.. i. ....! .... a I. .li.ii.. .. t
"M'tvii jiii- nui u tvriii urn h iilii inn iiiniiir Riniizizin tin iiir Hiifipra ui . . i .. .
flliL.i.h.n ..........'. ...... I --M-.. """ "to largviy ino.o or women
..r,. ....,., .,,,,,. miii mill .i,iirk-ij ill- fill li km - Willi llij'l'. 111 H., Vliiwifii,
rifle and bullets for supremacy Hurlng thl wirtlrular combat, says the
UlustratiM I-indoii News, from which we reproduce the aceoiiipauylng ple
ture, the Jnimne.e stormtil a pod t Ion so steep that they eouhl obtain cover
only by sUmllng with thHr Iwcks to the rck ami firing their rifle oier
their hids The Itusslan finding they eouhl not reach their adversaries mi
sheltertsl lowered ropiM with running iuse ami tried to htwi their assail
ants, Aa whiu hs Ihey hail caiiKht a man they pulled him from cover ami
disposed of him One Itusslan wa draged down by his own rope and
broke 1-oth leg The hurling of huge Itouhtcr also played a prominent part
lu the struggle.
Jnmrs Olllesple round Oiillty of lb
Munlcrof Ills Hl.lrr.
The coilllction of James Ollleople.
on the charge of murdcrtiiK hi sister.
Mis Kllsabcth (llllesple. In Itlslng
Sun. I ml, on Doc. 8, ltJ, ami his sen
tence to life Imprisonment for the
crime, meet with the npproral of all
ponton who are familiar with the de
tails of this tragedy which, at tho
time of Its occurrence, awakened In
terest all over the Fnlted States. Thl
was James GlllcflplP's second trial. A
jear ago lie, with tils sister. Mr Ilelle
Sewanl. and Mr and Mrs Myron Har
bour, were tried together for the mur
der and the Jury disagreed. When the
case enme Into court again, Gillespie
demanded to be tried aloue HI re-
dUMnxulabcd III the arts, letters and
Miollcra, wImhiii courtship and mar
rlagca were dismissed lu a fw colj
slwi Indlrfrreut phrnaea, a Inctdratal
of small evuaojHencc In their several
inrccT. H'Iiwb they did not marry
Ihey seomed not to have leen courtrtl,
ami whoro they wore loved It wa la
!a vague, tentative Mtrt that never ar
rived at paisbHt.
j In sjMIe of all Iwiwevrr. th youBg
, lady did evolve, though from the ot
aervatloH of life rather than her ae
iulntatc wtth-lltoratura, a formula
street from her parlor the retmrt of a
gun rang out In the i Urine ami Ml
lilllet.le fell to the floor, blood stream ef ,yiaMthetle rejection whkh enUra
lug from a Jagge.1 wouml In her head y ,(,,1 Hpr ye M, ,mt retwU
She dltl the .U) following Snplel.Ht Ucai,.o It ivaa so charming lliat If pul
at once fastened upon Jame Ollleaple t ,bB j,, of Joang B,rU ,;,.
ami ho with the other name.1 ,r WimM tcw,(l )H , Ux UM ,fi
were arretl ami Indicted for mtir ,.. .. . ..,- rt i
. ., ..., w. .....o..Av
der It was sImiwu nt the trial that
Kllaabeth Gillespie lln-il In mortal ter
tor of her bndher On the other band,
monibera of the family from all over
the State, all of whom are wealthy,
made n strong effort to sale tho fami
ly name ami to free Jame (Illlestile
The two trial were bitterly contested ..u lh
'- , mi ui iiiiunia no javisn-
ed on lawyera by the defense Tho
State, however, won.
1UU of Kara loo Nteep.
A tall, raw-boned Individual who
didn't need a praMbopftM- peeking out
of a side pocket to tell he wa from
Kansas wandered Into a 2d avenue
cafe a few days ago. After looking
the mow over carefully be selected a
seat at a table near the door. After he
had arranged his chair with muck
noise and Mot wit boat attracting some
atieatioH It dawned upon him that the
other men la the eating plare bad ta
kew off taetr hats. The Kansas man
removed a b Ml-scarred felt aad do
piled It eareNlly Hadar the (able.
A waiter brought km the raratar
dinner ball af fare aad waited for the
order. The Kaswas ma a dida't say a
He was hard at work.
He ataslled mrr that program far
nearly half aa boar ami then with a
slgfc araae, pat aa the greea kvaalet
and started far the 4&e.
-What la the mailer, sir?" aaxteuriy
queried a waller, tataklag that the pa
Iran had been offended
"Too steep fer me, young feller I
cant pay J2S.4S fer one meal. It' too
rich fer my Wosvt""
Oa th taWe at which the Kansas
man had heen sealed was found a
mall ptcee of paper eovered with fig
' V rsaam,. n-fiSrm
Itut wo ny coiimlo that the yeut
lady, having lived to wlun-s the com
(aratlvo failure of marriage amei
her friend, and always liking bet
friends' husband lietter than hn
frleml thriHsrlvr. tttough she blamed
them for her friends' unhapplnesa.
n study of their varyist
, tcinprrttmcnl that sho know jusl
whero turn's sensltdlltlr would suftn
moot, and so contrived a form of re
fusal that would Juitly flatter
vanity and rvnaole their affections,
aud at last leave tlirin gratrful fat
having Iwca rejevtetl.
Tho only dlftlculty sh eiperlenrnj
jaurs oiiLrseir.
tnost was granted and after trial the
Jury, after three hoars' iWlberathm.
tsrwttgkt In a verdict of guilty
The eireumstaaews sarrtHimtlng the
murder of KllsalK'th GlHasne ami the
social prouilBoace In Indiana of all
the actors In the tragedy, attracted
widespread attention ta the ease. The
GllleHc family was one of the oldest
and proudest In Indiana Jame (III
learde ami hi sister, UII m In-lit, were
twin They were Inseparable as chil
dren ami young people The girl be
taMH engaged at the age of 20, but on
ber brother's account broke the en
piement. Thoagh no ward of trouble
leaked eat thl beautiful society wo
man from that time grew r appear
ance from a young girl to an aired
lllli Art thai KloiirUhrd Ortr
Forty Centurlr Auo.
Tho glassblowrra of ancient Thcbc
are known tehaie Ix-en eauatly a nro- w " the application of her formula
Orient In that particular art aa Is the ,l hapx-nel that tho Very first tu
not selentlUe craflsman of the same I w' offereil himself was ono whom
trade of the present da$. after a lapse had long secTetly lovl, ami shi
of over forty renlurtes f M tHt, Instantly nccepte.1 him wlUxUt, II
"pregre." They were well rcijualnt- wrrt thinking Kho dht not even p
el with the art of staining glass ami lar rbagrlned at tho wait of thl
are known lo have produced that com- jUwo ! Iad stient In acquiring tbi
mHty In great profusion ami (terfee- uwdess Information stored up fur a
Won. Iti-sotltHi glie an lllmtratlon 'tvutrary eventuality Tnless sht
of a piece of stains glas known to hould t-ocome n widow her must
be 4,fss) year old which displayed ar- r n-maln the BMHit signal InsUnei
Ustlc taste of high onler. both In tint of mlsstH-l revarvh that we couU
nml delgn. .wfer llanW Magaslno.
In this rase the color ' struck I '
through the limned structure and he A Insert l.luhthoiise.
menthHM design stmck entirely in I T,,pfn Is at least ono ilghthout la
pteoM from a half to three iaarter of ""' WWM ! im1 phici-d on an
an inch thick, the color bein- perfivtly M"r'ner's chart it la away out oa
Incorporate! with the structure of the l"" ArtwH, Ineirt, nwl innrka thl
l)ece nml exactly the san.a on Uih iJHIt w well auppllea pure, freih
the obverse ami reierse h1 .w-ater to traielera. It Is the only
The prion! of I-tnl at Memphla ,,,"ru ,,'"t w"'"r UtnJ ' tot l
wen? adepta In the glaaimaker's nrt l,"n"t ,n,r'' ",", '" ' direction.
ami not only did they hare factnri... I1 ,,tt "1'nusa" consist of a tall cotton-
wasnan. her hair turmiir almost umrv
He had added the prtres of ev-, wkMo within a year Sho never mr.
erythwc oa the mil of fare. Seattle ried nor dkl ber brother, James.
HMtabeth deretesl herself to the rare
of h-r w Mowed mother and threw her-
eir bean and soul into plans which
lot-I Motttgesster.
Net Qaallflrd,
"I wsnM Mke to get a position as
asl.unt bookkeeper- raid Ue yosag ' fff ? ?? XoJxn
man at the dear. i ,fuT ln ,b, ort, WWM od In
-Caa yon keep a day feookr askeU ' c,-r,fil rk J8' trouble lv
th merchant. - un mi urr cminer, anu a fam-
"I-F afmM not. Ur." faltered the;,,r '?? W" ,brMS,ht on wll,a ""!
appKcaBt. -I only attended night
Hstr-tas lful.
"I am awfslty poor, yea ksow," be
gs n tho smitten youag man, tbut "
"WaS," Interrupted tho frigVlttart-
wted la murder James Glllesnle in
bis mother' house and went to live
with bis other siter, Mrs. Ilelle Sew
ard, aero th street l)r William
G tiles pie had married a niece of Dr.
Thad ilea my. a noted Cincinnati phy.
sJelan. and had moved to that city.
HI wife's sUter married Myron IUr
for manufacturing the mmunn crystal
i.eij. vm uiey nail lts.rm-1 the ilirl
tylttg of tilt iliffereHt color ami of Im
itating pnvhuis stone to perfect on
Their linllath.ii of the amethyst ami
of the various other colored gems were
mi true to nature that eien m.w. nfter
they have lain In the des-rt sands
from 2.WO to -Us) ,,., ,t tk, nf
Mpcrt to distinguish the genuine artl
clea from the spurious It )Bi i,,
shown that. Iesldes h-IiiS exjierta lu
fcmmaaing ami coloring, they also
used the diamond In rutting ami en.
graving. In the llrlttsh museum (hero
U a tautimi piece of KiaS1
with an engraved emblazonment of
the monarch Thothme III, who llvod
S.10O years ago.
wooil olo ,tn the top of which a lan
tern Is hoisted every night The llM
can be seen for mile- airuss the pll
lu eiery direction
A I. line in Doutiu
A district ilsltur once went to set
an old KtMtcliwoman who was dyltuf
Noticing that her talk was all about
heraelf and tho minister, be aald
"Well, really. Jcannle, 1 Mlevo yo
think there will be nobody In heaves
but yourself ami the minister"
"Ah, weel," said tho old man, "an"
I'm no' sae sure shoot the tnlnlsttrP
-lmlon Telegraph.
tr betas Ml to every 100CCCO. Not
ts recty ta masy est-1 t&giiam la a rJoac ftecosd, with 513 u
titaa of nlao ala givta mo an awast the 200,000.
ed boire&s. "18 wlltlnr to hto van
alaag la tha irorSd. Here's a Eleke) to toar- aBd ibT lived directly aerosa
Vy your car fan heme," ta street from the Gtltaspie home
stead, adjoining the Seward reMA
Tjoadoa has th largest proportloa ot 1 On the evenlnir af IW R irsv .
Usd of any EexiUa dry, th aaa-Jabeth GlWespl was preparlaVto r-
br hfttar Ml ta ever- 1.11 frtl w-ft- .. v ..' V .
cv at her homo the Women's TJf
erary wa cf lUUng Sua. A sho
paied a wicdaw looking into th
Knturtinrilio Indian.
James Mooney, altache.1 to th
Smithsonian bureau of ethnology. ees
a hopeless future for the Indiana.
among whom be has spent th l-...
portion of his life. u believe. ih. 'PushMhe ear along wherever power ll
CVxilie I'ower Car Mne.
A curious street car lino Is that be
tween Atainl and Yoshlhotna. tw
coast towns In the province of Itls,
Japan Tho line Is seven miles lonr.
the rolling stock consist of a slngli
car, and the motive power Is furnished
oy a couple or muscular coolies, wD
it Is practically Impossible to civilize
y. ..; mat, navtng no ambition
for Improvement or progreaa, they will
continue in their present ate. dyln.
oat In numbera UII they bccomt ,jm.
"j iming uanus.
Htrong U)to.
Patience How do you know her
wvo for hint wat strong?
I'atrlco llecauso It broke him.
If genius aud egutltta always went
together thero would bo a lot mora
genius. ""
Ta," said little Wllllo, who
struggling over htt lessons, "what f
an obtuse angle?"
"An obtuse angle," replied hi f
ther, 'is an Kngllshtnan to whom yo
try to explain a Joke." FhlladelpbU
Anything- but That.
Th l-nwyer Do you want a &
vorco without publicity?
Th Udy Sir, yoo seem to hart
forgotten that I am no actrou.
stJBWiism iifwvr!jkz&-r .r.
- .& Viau -s. '