tWS OF THE WEEK n Condensed Form or Busy Headers, Our Hppenings of two continents Hotumo of tho Lou Important hut Not Lees Intoroitlng. Events of tho I'nst Week. (The governor of Vnrwnv Iiiih been ltd by rollMii strikers. (lriuiil luku Nlt'lmliiH In reported lo going to Miiiiclitirlit lo help Kuro itklu John llnrrelt, Minister to 1'miamn, yn Unit there urn hut few cam of yol jw fever oil the lntliliillH. i ; Tint American Tolmeeo eoinmny hun i hired itu liiltlHl iliviileiiil ol IU tier Bill on lit common Mfx'k for ii period . yet nUIihI. A conference of till) inlnlxttir in New fork Iiiih decided to start u criiMUtlo (jiiliiot vlrn liy holding a serin of ililNN IllCOllllg III New York in a Hlngle iiinrtir last en r, with u total ixipulatlou of II.HIIH,- II! I, there were !M,li;i I hlrtliN ami VII,- ITiH death, n natural lucroUHo of tf.Ufitl i the Hiiiitloii of the elly AHh rt T. I'utrirk, who in under hen- IMice nl (lentil Mr llio miirilcr ol Y II- limn ,M I Mitt in ,"ew lork, Hope to fciipe hy proving nl ii second trlul Jiat embalming caunc congestion nf 'lie lung The proecutlon proved hut It leu died hy chloroforiii admlni- i-rcd hy Patrick Flic Industrial General Trust com my, of biinloii, Iiiih nuked the Now fork iuireiiiii court for n Npivlnl Jury 4i iry iin miii lor over ii.ihhi.iiuii inuiist J Kennedy Tim I mul others for lamngeH for unautliorifed sale of for the llmuliigham, Hhellleld A Ten- neercvo railroad couiN4iiy, the ground ring that nn ordinary jury won 11 not undcrtalnl the time. The reiMirteil resignation of Ktiroimt- (In Ik denied hy Hi. Petersburg olllcialH. Unite ice lle llll New York hnrlmr, unking navigation dllllcult Mini almost llnlHXlllf The iihhinnIii o the procurator of itihiiiil Iuim Id-en CMiitnretl. He la a liicdnal student. The iK-entl steamer iMltmru Iwh Imhm trucked off the coast of Nova Neotla ml many liven lost. Governor Folk, of .Mliniri, rccotn- iinenii Hiiiiiiionm appropriation lor tliu L'I,cwin mul Chirk exHiltlnn. Ht Petersburg workmen threaten to (renew the xtrlke utiles tlmfit engaged in the previous strike nre taken I Kick Ito work, The Niitlonnl IMItorlnl association, which meet in (Itithrle, (tklu., in Iuuc, will visit the I'orthunl fair niter 1lM session In doped. ItApltl lire goon inoiinte! on ntitomo- Plille turn lire to lxt lice I hy Hie Itusxlan lor the protection of the 1 rHii-HllM.riun brnilroail Hlx of them earn huve Im-i'II inlcred In Chicago. A hliKHnl In raging over Northern mini Fastcm Texas mul rain uml sleet Mailing In nmny sections of Hoiithuru rcxus, Mississippi mid lennemiee. TlininNtuilN of cuttle urn rtiiMirttnl to Ik HiifferliiK ami in nmny cnie totwlly ilu- S void ol water. The ftrlke Iian niriHiil to TraiiNtm- I-eniilH, The reign of terror continue In rohuitl. Another Ituiwiau fHiuailrou U to will ' for the Far IvaMt In May. (icriimtl mine im lieni have ridtH'ted ; overtures from the xtrlkert. Heavy raiiiN In Southern (Vllfornla have wiihIhiI out railway IriickH. A ii agreeuionl Iihh heeu made for a parcel pout and ipilck mall xorvlce with llritain and I'rtinco. . All tho Ninaller linrlxirn of Hid New I'lnglaiiil cotiHt are froreu over and oth vrn am hlockcd with Ice linen. Kolmilon Koinlnen, pniinitorgeuiinit of Kinlaml, Iiiih heen iinnnnMlnatc! hy an unknown iiilNiiiry ol tlie turroriMa. A Htorin of Hiiuw and nlccl him Hwept over Hid Houth, Htopiing cotninunlcii Hon mid killing cattle mid fruit. Another groat Ntorui Ih raging In New York Htate ami cold weather Ih predict il for the entire nmHou ciihI ol tliu Kooky uiouutnliiH, Henry 11. Miller, com ill general al Kiuchwang, China, will ho promoted to one ol tliu heut Oriental jk)hIh on no count of hit) good work during tliu Jnp-uiicHd-ItuHHlaii war. An iiiHiirrcctlon Iiiih broken out In Argentine. 1-Tru in lliruiluglmm, Alabama, de stroyed property worth not Ichh than MOO.OOO. Taft recommendd u rovlalon of tliu riilllppluu tariff. Tliu wcathor Iiiih greatly moderated in tliu mlddlu ntateH, Atlantic coiihI portH are hlockcd with en uml nnvli'iitlnii Ih Htiiiined. Clio crews of tho HuhhIiiii Itlnuk nea jet nru on tliu vurgu of mutiny, Thu governor mid n coinmltttiu of will viuit tho buncliUHotlB boIoiih IwIh mid Olurk fair. '"lir-in i iiitirirti.iMiMiiiiiiii iiiani JURY DHAW8 NET. Two InUlr.lmnnts Snlri To Un In Ordor for J. N. Wllllitmmn. I'ortliiiiil, Fnh. 7. Tim hint week of tliu preNiint Keiloriil unuid Jury In al IiiiiiiI. Tim Ioiik mirlen of InvcHtlnii tlmiH whlnh liavn heeii tuklnn the tliiin of tho Jury for the piiHt two inoutliN Ih ilriiwiiijt to a (ttoHtt ami will cml on Hut iiiiluy, If the phum of tho novcrnuient iittorueyN entry, Tim preHent week will h a hiiHy one, for It will IiHiik to Unlit moihu of the iiiilttiiKleineiitM ol thorn) hlli III the conllilnuro of Hie Ntiiln unit tho mitloti mul will nIiow nIIII further tho nxliint uml Hcopo of tho 1 it i n 1 fruiiilM which have heeu imrrliil on In ninny vim-n lo rompletlon ami In other priietleally to that mIhkii during the prtnl few yetirM. During tliu week il wiin riimoriHl that Iteprimentntlrve J, N. U'IIIIhiiihoii will eoum umler the notice of the I'mleritl Kratiil Jury, not once, hut twlco. Il Ih wilil thai the next few ilayn will hcii tliu Junior reprecentHtlve of the nlHte In illelml for IiIh iiIIihI eouneetloii with vnrloiiH html iIuhIh In the vicinity of IiIh hunie ill rrliievillo uml almi for friiilulent tiiuicHctlniiM In the Hint! Mountain rcfcrve. JiiNt whiit tint rouiplainlH are In a inyntnry which the Kovernmeiil oIIIcIhIn alone woultl ho utile, at I hit time, to tell. They Imvii nothing to Ny. Jtnt hi Npltu of HiIn reticence, Il In ninth known from vnriotiH NxirceN that the end if tliu week will Hen inure pcrwiliH impllciiteil In Hit! hiitil frituilN than Intve hm yet hlnte at ir thoii)tht of. Ill atltlltloii to the iiamefl of Mr. WlllluuiMin are meutloueil thiiMi of v.irlo'.iN of the former Npeehil iikciiIn of the K iveruiliellt, ami rx'Vcral of the ex-nh-cIiiI HKeutN who have heen cent to IIiIn territory to look Into the aliened Irrt'ntllarltlef of the laud ilepartmeut. Ileyoml a rumor thnl ceveral of the Kpiflal anelltN are umler the eye of the Krnml Jury, nothing definite ran lxt tettrned. However, It ran Imi Mated with a renNttmhle decree of certainty that foriiiiir employiw of the Interior tie wrtiiiint in Ori'K'iu will ho hnniht to liook for Irregular work douo hy them during their teruiN of olllcn. Il in further Mif to prixllcl that Kntunhty will ceo the adjournment of the jury until llie .March term chIIm Hid intui once iiHire to the lank of prohiiiK into the Irrej-tilMritlif nl the land tntnnnc tloili of Orexon IMPROVE VANCOUVER UAHHACKS Largo Allotment from Army Poit Fund Likely To Da Secured. Waidiiuglim, Teh. 7. The army ap propriation hill, recently imwinl hy ivtn KrifN, carrleH a largo appropriation for tliu improvement ol army immIn. Thin money In diNtrlhiited by the m'tetary of war, he appnivltig allotuientN which am luiiile up hy the ipinrtermaMor gen eral. Keitator Ankeiiy and Itepreoenta Hvi) June have arrnugotl to call umiu the Mvretary of war and ink for n lib eral id Ice of that lump mini for making much-needed Improvement! at Vancou ver ImrrtickN. HeorlN which have iM'ciifuibiiilttcd by tliu olllcent nt Vancouver nIiow the urg ent nircHilly for many new bulldlngN to replacii the autiiilateil anil dilapi dated Mriicturtfi now Ntnmllng. Of con r ie they ack for mure money than can Im hail, tmmethiug over 11,000,000 In all. . evert lieltwt, an attempt will Imi made to get a llUtral ortlon of thin fund. The lurgeot Item riTniiiiiiendeil In I'ioO.OOO for erecting a new building for luwilouarterN olllcen. a bulldim: of brick, with Nlone trlminlngti, large onoiigh to aivonilato all the olllctrn iiNNlgiiisI to hiMttlipiarterN, together with tho clerical forre of tho pout. It In a I imi nuked that four additional double in fantry liarrackH Im erected at it coct of tU.10,000, mid in iitlilitioul iiuartcn for Ml olllcent iin followN: One commanding olllcer h reNlduiici', hi Held olllcorN ipiarterN, nine captHiiiN1 double iiiartori ami nine lleiiteuanti' ibmble iUiirterH, tiM'imt ill all alMillt fn00,000. In nil dltitiu 110,000 In linked for a new main fewer, H,000 (or ceinent nlilewalkN, '.',000 for extending the electric light iiiK nyritiiin, 15,000 for water maiiiN, Ho, 000 for grading ami filling, 16,000 for improving tliu )Hinulo groundu uml 70,000 fur two now artillery Maiden. Foreign Mlne-t Shut Out. Toklo, Fob. 7. After thu iiiohI heat ed debate which ha yet taken place lu tlioJapanoHii Iioiiho of representative, thu iimeudiiientH to thu mining law pro hibiting foreigner to work Jupunctu mine wiih pti'jctKl during Monday' eon hIoii, The bill wiih fought bitterly by thu foreign readout having mining In- teroNtH in Japan, ami thu government Iiiih been noveroly ceiiHiired for atlvix'at iug u inetiHuro which iiiiihI need antug onir.u curtain inlliieutial intercHt whom good will, it Ih believed by many, to I e important ami mrcusary at thin tliuo. Japanese Colony In Texas. Man iiAiitonlo, Tuxiih, IVh, 7. In tin Interview totlay 11, F, Yoakum gavu out thu following detail concerning tliu re cunt vIhU to TexiiH of n number of com inlHHinuerH from thu Jnpanettu govern iiiuut: "Ah a rcmtlt of HiIh vlnit a great JapaucHu colony will bo planted In tJmithwcfltorn Texan (or tho growing mid nmuiifactiiro of ullk, A Hploudld tract of land Iiiih been Kccurcd, mid upon each ,11 vo acre yf HiIh will hu nettled a JupiuicNU (umlly," Reservists Are In Arrest, London. Fob. 7. Thu .London Diillv Chronlelo prlntn u (llnputch from itu St, J'otorHlmrg correBiwindont Htutiiig that 0,000 reaorviHtH nt l'oturhol lmvo inu tlujud und arc undor urrcst ,in thoir barrack. tasslsniMiTtsi PUTER IS CAUGHT Attempts to Secure Illy Tract of Oregon State Land. NINE MEN SWEAR FALSELY TO AID Protpoctlvo lrrti;nllon 8chomo on Kla math Lnndt Would Havo Boon Mndo to Yield Profit. Milium, I-'uli. !. H. A. I). Tutor, con. Vlcliil of ooiiHplrury to dufraiitl tliu gov crnniiiiit In HiiiIht land ciihh, and under lutlictuieiit on further chargon, wih caught tmluy In an attempt to no euro title to :i,'.'00 acruH of Htatu mdnxil land In violation of law, and tho rtato laud ImnuiI Iihh U,l)00 of IiIh giHtd money mid evidence Hiilllclent to hIiuw the fraudulent iiature of the tranwio Hon. llttNll Wagner, of (IiIh city, procured the limn to luaku the application for tliu html. An each fllinl hlaijdlcHtlon Im told Clerk llroun that Wagner woultl call for Hid certlllcatt) of hIo. ApplicHtloll to plllullllN) M'llOOl lllllll uiwr KlHiimth I'all wure (Mod by nine renlilt'iit of Kah'tu, whoNWoruthat they nntel the laud for their own uu ami bonttllt, ami bail matlo no contract, ex prtuHi or implied, to convey the land to any other pernou. No certificate of ialu were IhuuiI, but Clerk (i. (!. Iltowu called tho attention of tliu Mate land ImnuiI to tliu miHplcliiu applicn tltuiM, ami an invetlgtlou reultcl. One of the applicant wan taken lx foro the governor, whero he wan rlonoly crofH-iUclliincd, until hoiidmlttetl that ho hail iiiadi) the appllcntlon al the In Ntaiici) of an agent of I'littr, ami miulu the initial twymmit with a Ixink dralt furitlnhed by I'uter. (iovernor ('bamlx'rlain iiumediately chIIihI a npcelal meeting of the rttatu laud iMNtnl to eoiiNitlur the matter, anil I'uter HpiK-HMil iH'foru the Ixmrtl. Ilu axke.1 leave t withdraw tliu appllra Hihin ami receive hi draftN, but tliu laud lmrd reftiftxl to ret'oguUi) IiIh right to have tliu money returned. Thu draft will Imi returned only to the KrfuiN wIhi tleHMiteI them, ami when theH men aptwr, they will In) brought up on tint mret and ipiet iIikhhI a to thu truth of theirallltlavilN. Whether the f'J.IHH) will eventually bo rotiirnttl or will Imi hold by thu loard aa forfeited rcliiRlii to bo iletorinliiod. ONE OBSTACLE GONE. Way It Uelng Cleared for the Klamath Irrigation Project. Washington, Fuh. I. Thu Iioiipu hn wfei the hill recently rcjiortcd by the irrigation committeu authorizing tho hwretary of the interior in carrying out any irrigation project umlurtnkeu under thu national reclamation to raiu or lower thu level of Littlu Klamath, Tulle, ami (iiMHu lake, or Htich other river or other Uxly of wnter couiui:ted therewith a may Imi uccctry nml to diipoxu of any land which may coinu into m'mIoii of thu I'nite! Ktate nn a recult thereof by ccrhIoii from thu atate of Oregon uml California or other wie. If thu Mnatu nccejit the Iioiiho niiiwmidoiit there remaliiH but one olwtaclu to Itu overcome bo foro tliu gov- ernnient lK'giii conctructlon of thu Klumnth irrigation project in Oregon nml California. Thnt In to buy out tho Klamath canal coiuihiuv nml other owner of irrlpitiou work within the urow propofod to ln reclaimed by thu goveriimeul. A Mitifiictory offer lm nlreiidy U'tui inatlu to hell thu Ankeiiy canal to the government, and it i Ih llcvod that ultimately Hiticfactory term etui ho arranged for buying out thu Kliimulh canal coinpany, although it ih undcrcttMKl that thu conimny now nks K00,000 fur it work and right. That price Ih declared to bo exorbitant uml uureoHouabli). It Ih prolwblo that the Ntinatu will agree to thu bill a it imhnihI the Iioiiho today mul that it will hu prvimptly Hlgncd hy thu prwltlent. Guild Warships at Home. Ht. I'otentburg, Feb. A Thu ndml- rally, having definitely committed itnelf to thu policy of rebuilding mul greatly iiicrouNlng the hire of thu uiivy. although thu detail nru not yet com- plutod, Ih alretidy Uilng ljfHlegwl by foielgu firm nnxiou to nccure con tract. Thoio llrniH are having little Bum1. I lie admiralty Iiiih decided to attract foreign capital to HuhhIii for the erection o( new yanlH with tho general ptirixiHo ol encouraging mid creating a vant Hhipliiilldlng liuhiHtry at home and recuriiig an independent footing. Suspension Bridge Collapses. St. iVtendmrg, Feb. 4. Thu huh peiiHlon bridge Hpnuiilug tho Fontnnkn river collapHcd today while n detach inunt of dragoon were cronalug. Thirty mun and hortcH were preolpltnttHl Into tho froun river, together with n num ber of cub, wagon, etc., thu leu nt Hint point being weak. Thu greatest excitement prevailed, but speedily hulp wiih forthrotning, mid thu victim wuro reNciied, with thu uxception o( ono drngoou. Strike Breaks Out In New Place. St. Petersburg, Feb. 4. A striko began totlay in tho BohiiovIco district, Thu strlkurn nru parading tho streets, but tho- police havu been tactful mul pujillc ordur bna not . been dlwliirbed. Tho couosltora' striko nt Bnnuirn Una ended, tho employers conceding nn In crease of pay and a reduction of hours, Ju KLAMATH DILL 18 PA88ED. President's Approval Alono Needed to Execution of Irrigation Projoct. WiiNhlngUiu, Fuh. ). Tho Klnmntli Irrigation bill now lack only thu nig nntiiru of thu preHldont to miiku il a law. Tho Honalo Im nccoptutl thu Iiouih) iiinendmcnt, which nru entirely Mttlfac.tory to thu rcolamntloii norvlcu. Ah finally unacted thu bill rend: That thu eoerutary of tho Interior in ho ruby authorized, in carrying out any irrigation project Hint may bo under taken by him iindur thu term mid con dition of tho national reclamation act ami which tnny Involve the changing of thu IuvuIh of Iw or or Littlo Klamath laku, Tulo or Ithot lako and Ooottu lake, or any river or olhur b(ly of water cooiit'Cted tiieruwllli, lu Oregon mul California, to rairn or lower tliu level of Haiti lakox, a may Im m-ciwHiry, and io diNiKjfu of any land which may coinu Into thu powffllon of thu Unitel KtatoH an tho renult thereof hy cewdou of any Htatu or othorwlHu, undor thu tonn nml condition of thu national reclamation act. Hiul It not been for Hunator Fulton' IriNlHtunce, Chairman Moutloll, of thu hotiNu Irrigation comuiltteu, woultl not have withdrawn hi objeutiou to till bill and It woultl not havu puwo). CALIFORNIA WILL HELP. BUI Affecting Klamath Irrigation Dis trict Is a Law. Mficrnmeuto, Oil., Fob. fl. Two hoii ate Idll became law totlay iijn lelng Nlgnel hy thu governor. Ono wan the Cogglii bill, iKirmittlug tho lowering of tho water level of certain laken In the northern part of the rtatc in furtherance of irrigation and reclnmntlon work of the reclamation ccrvlco of thu United Htate. A similar bill ha recently' In-on euncteil by thu Oregon leg!lature, and InijKirtiint legiiilation by congrif hearing on thu work in iuetion hn Ihii iWNfed by Iwtli hoiifen and I ready for the pruoldenl'M Ignnturc. I'litler thu uuthorizutiou now given by the California ami Oregon legiida- turt. it i iimlerHtool that $4,000,000 will Ih exH'iidtHl by the (elorol govern- inoiit on reclaumtion of the Klamath ditrict, in Northern Californhr nml Fouthorn Oregon, nml thnt 100,000 acre in CalKornin ami 100,000 in Ore gon will Imj place! umlor irrigation. Tho other hill igned by the govern or i thu hill appropriating $70,000 (or a CalKornin exhibit at thu Ixwi ami Clark uxiMHitiun. Thu hil leg! lature appropriate! f'-'i.OOO, no that ftir,000 i now made nvnilahle fur the exhibit. FINISH CANAL IN TEN YEARS Report of Minister Barrett Says Pro gress Is Good. Washington, Feb. 0. In connection with the lack of public information n to the Htatu of thu work of canal dig ging on the IxthmiiN of I'nnnma, and a to thu exact amount of work executed no (ar by thu American lncc they took up thu tak, the American mlnintcr to I'nnnma ha, nfter ronHullntion with Chief Knginccr Wallace nnd n clou lorNonnl incction of tho route of tho proposed canal, Nubmitted to the state department n rejxirt tijwri Hit cubject. Thu communication I practically a brief Nummary of thu vast amount of tlotull NtntiftticH nml fnctH thnt will uveiitually bo produced by the canal comuiimilon, showing the actual con- Ntniction on the canal accomplished slncu July 1 hint, when Mr. Wallace ttxik cluirgu of thu engineering deHirt ment. The mot iiniortant stuteuiunt in the rexirt In HiIh: "If the next six month show n pro gress i-orriH)ntling to thnt of tho last nix mnntliN, il In tliu conviction of thu lieni engiuiKTH in l'mimun that a sen level count can be coiiHtructod In ten venrs nml Iw rendv for largo vibuIn by Jnnuary I, llllft.' The n'ort wty thoro Ih no ground tor thu current rcKrt that littlu has been iiccomplihcd In advancing thu coiiNtruction of tho canal during the hint six month. Canal Zone Is Healthy. Washington, Fob. 0. Secretnry Taft today received a rcort from (Jovernor D.vvi, of tliu 1'iiuninii canal tone, stat ing that roixut l health condition on tliu iidhnuiH are "cruelly exaggerated and that the sanitation of Panama is progrewdr.g a elllcieutly a that of any city In the United. Mtate." He Nay that the total number of yellow fever case originating in thu zone slncu thu Amcicnuri assumed control is 3'2. Thu reort says there Ih no plague, no ty phoid fevur nnd very littlu dysen tery. Cannot Depend on Troops, ltcrlin, Feb. (I, German military ex ports familiar with thu inner conition of tho KuHinu army declare that thu autoemey cannot depend on the loyalty of nny of tho troop outsldo of thu few regiments serving ns liodygunrd to tho czar nml thu grand dukes. Military mun hero, in the light of history mid tradition, Jhorefnre, regard thu recent mutiny of soldiers nnd marine nt Se vastopol iiB thu most dangeroiiH event of all thu recent turmoil in Kiissia. Kuropatkln Tenders Resignation. St, Potorbsurg, Feb. 0. General Kuropntklii has tendered to thu czar lilareslgiiition of tho command of the. force in llio Far Fast. General Grlp penborg litis been removed from tho command of tho Second Mnuchurlnn nrmy nt his own request, having du- elared Hint ho nnd boon dishonored by Kuropatkin's odors to re trout ut tho bnttlo of tho Hun river. 022 Ifnrul riorr for Know. When tliero In niicL n tiunntlty of ground io ho clcanod of inarr nn U found n round tho average, firm home, xoinotlilng morn thnn tho ordinary miow Khovel Is needed. If tho snow In deep nml the xpnee to bo cleared consltlcrahle, then one should bring Into uno h largo plovr with tho horso to pull It. For a hand plovr nothing l better than tho slmplo ono made In the following innnnor; Kelect two pieces of hoard frte from knot, each three feet ion? and six Inches wide Hovel the cud of each I ward and nail thcni together In the form of n V. If necesiwry they may he braced at tlie wide end by atrip three luchrn wide mid the necessary length. Then pnt In a pole lire feet long with n rroN piece at the upper end. To ntrongthen the end In which the handle In ItiHerted cut n block of wood ns large ni possible, and fit ft siui'Lx lu.Tt) rum ran s.tow. In the end whero tlie two pieces of board Join. ' This will make It easier to Insert the handle firmly and will make tbe sldo pieces stronger as well. The small cut lu tho upper part of the Illustra tion show clearly bow this block of wool should be formed and the handle Inserted to get the best results. Thinning Apple. Thinning apples may be a profitable operation under some circumstances; but ns fruit Is ordinarily marketed In tho commercial npple-erowliig sections of New York, It Is not profitable. In vestigations In thinning by the Now York Agricultural Experiment Station ((icncvn) were carried on for four sea sons In a commercial orchard. The re sults, In Improvement of the fruit In size, In color nnd In quality, were mnrked, whenever fair to heavy crops were borne on tlie trees, but tlie quan tity of fruit was usually lessened; so that unless a higher price la secured for tho improvement In quality Uie ex pense of tho operation Is not repaid. Full details of these testa are given in Bulletin No. 230 of the station, which any apple grower or other person In terested may secure without cost, by sending his name and address to the director, with n request for this bulle tin. Any available station bulletin may be obtained lu this way. Bllrrlnif Cooking Food. Where more or less food for stock I cooked, Homo handy way of stirring It ought to bo devised. Of course, the old-fnshloued Indie, or the great wood en spoon, Is nhvays available, but If the quantity Is large, to usn these In- Mrunicnts means aching arms and shoulders. A stirrer which will save much lubor Is readily made In the fol lowing manner. Make a Minft of a strip of wood two Inches thick nnd lung enough so that It will extend three or four Inches above the top of the kettle. At the bottom or till shnft make paddles by crossing two thin boards two or three Indie wide. Fasten n crnuk to the top of the shaft and to till crank fasten n pole, or not. ns preferred. Then prepare n strip of board b!x or eight Inches wide, bore n hole through the middle, through which to pass the idinft. iiuitch both ends to tit over the handle of the kettlo and at one end tlx n slide nml n set screw to hold It In place. If the cooking of the food tor stock Is done nwny fioin the house, ns It ought to be, one should build n fireplace of bricks nnd evmeut In which to set tlie kettle. The Illus tration Bhows both the fireplace, or pot, nn suggested, nnd the plan for making the stirrer nnd It will be seen that It la comparatively easy to ar range the device as suggested Indian npolls News. Color of Honey. The color of honey vurles greatly, I ranging iroiu wnier wniie to a very dark brown. The bees themselves have no control lu regulating the color of honey; lu fact, It seems to make no difference at nil to them whether It Is light or dark, as tliero Is plenty of IL Light honey Is not always tho best lu flavor, though It does ulways bring tho highest price. Light-colored honey Is gathered from such flowers ns clover, bass-wood nnd mountain sage, while thu dark U gathered from buckwheat. t TO 8T1II COOKINO 11)01), autumn flowers nnd whltewood. In somo localities it Is impossible to soctiro a crop of light-colored honey. Wo know of no wny of making dnrk colored honey light; blenchlnjr It would Impair Its flavor nnd would" bo Imprac ticable, Wo would rather hnro dark good honey than light poor honey. Vrom Oro to Jry Teed. Changing fnrm nnlmnls from jtrns to dry feed Is a critical tlmo In tho fnttcnlng period. While tho stomncn of a critter Is nblo to wlthstniid con siderable III treatment without caus ing death, yet nt tho same tlmo sud den changes in tho ration may Rrcat ly Interfere with his general thrift. Tho secret of success in mnklntr tho change Is to do it so grndunlly that tho system will not ho dcrnnged. A llttlo dry feed should be given at first, this being grndunlly Increased until tho nnlmnls becorno thoroughly accus tomed to It It is better If animal may hnvc access to old jrxnss for sev eral weeks nfter they nre placed on dry feed. Borne adopt the prnctico of hauling a little hay to tho pastures late In tho fall, ami claim that thla bridges over tho change period in a most satisfactory manner. In making tho change It Is better to underfeed during the first week or two rather thnn overfeed, because It may take months to correct tho Injurious result of overfeeding nt such n time. There aro those who make tho claim that an animal overfed nt nny period of Its existence will novcr completely recov er, but will nppenr more or less stunt ed even up to the time it rocs to the block as a fat nnlmnl. Whero fatten ing animals have had considerable range It Is a great nilstnke to confine them In close yards suddenly, because they will fret considerably and may refuso to make gains for soveral weekn. Iowa Homestead. Tlie MorlKBK) raid. W sln't bavin' many luxuries. Ilk citj folks do, W ain't wcarin' all the latest style an' all oar clothes alu't new; Of our honesty and goodness we aln'l ... nt nt If. But we're havln' all w want to eat an' cot the mortgage paid. We ain't pllln' up a fortune for the boyi to fight about Wbtn our last day's work Is over an' we're steppln' down an' out. Bat It's good to have succeeded in tin effort that we made For to keep thing runnln emooUdy an' to get the mortgage pnfd. W have had onr share of upa anf downs, as other peopl do. But we've tried to keep our spirits ub when things were lookln' bine; We'll be resdy for the ending wbn thi gam of life is played. For we'Te raited the children best wr knew and got the mortgage paid. Tb (Irntlowgman. HinoklnR Meat Safely. Take au old stove nnd lead the smoko through a long stove pipe, b, Into a large box, a. Set the box a little higher than th stove. Drlro nails through the top of the box and bend them Into hooks, c, to bang your meat. Make a small door in BOX SMOKB nOUS. the sldo to put tho meat through. With a stove you can control your Ore and It Is also much safer. Henry Nessen, In Farm and Home. Kill Off tba Cabbage Lice. Cabbngo aphis Is ono of our worst cabbage pests. The lice multiply very rapidly when conditions favor them and are a source of great loss and annoyance. They may bo killed only by Insecticides that smother, or kill by contact; ordinary poisons have no ef fect on plant lice. Kerosene emulsion diluted with 10 parts of water, applied thoroughly to the lower side of th leaves when eabbaco nlauts am smnii. Is effective In n measure. Fumigating seed stocks In spring with carbon bi sulphide gets rid of the original brood. The pest Is nasty and should bo treat ed wherever found. Farm and Home, Komi l)ut for the Hennery, Collect a few barrels of dry earth, road dust, flue dry dirt In the cornfield or potato patch, or nnywbere that is most convenient. This Is a handy thing to have lu tho full nnd winter, for sprinkling under tho roosts and on the floor of the poultry house. It ab sorb ammonia, keeps down smells, and keeps thing ship-shape. It will liny to attend to this when It can b so easily done. It costs but llttlo and Is u real advantage. Home Iucubutor Hint. Do not turn tho eggs for three days from beginning the hatch, nor after the nineteenth day. See that the Incubator seta perfectly level, otherwise the egg chamber will he warmer lu one place than another. Use only the best oil, and feed and trim the lamp every morning, no mat ter how long It might bum without doing this. Opeu the egg 'chamber only when turning the eggs. Take the eggs out to turn them, and shut the egg cham ber while they aro out. Let the eggs cool for from ten to thirty minutes, ac cording to tho weather, every day. Leave chicks In the Incubator from twenty-four to thlrty-slx hours after they are hatched; they do not nred feeding for at lenst thlrty-slx hours nfter they come from the shell. N. Hire has provided for their sustenance during this time. Do not open the egg chamber after the chickens begin to pip the shell, even If' some chick seems to be having n hard time to get out. A chick thnt cnunq.t get out of tho shell without help Is not worth saving. If the chicks gasp and struggle, do not bother thorn It Is good for them. Rpi k H r I u i $ M