-, V' I TWO ARNNDICTED Mitchell and Browncll Held to Answer Charijes. JURY MAKES ANOTHER REPORT Mitchell Said to Havo Accepted Pay While Senator Brownoll Had Men Swear Falsely. Portland, Feb. 2. Tho Federal grand jury has spoken again and this tltno two now and distinctly Important In dictments navo oeon rcturncu, one 'against Senator Mitchell charging him wtth violating section 1782 of tho re vised statutes of tho United States, which provides that no one holding tho olllco of senator shall receive any compensation whatsoever for any work done, to further matters relating to tho work of tho government in any depart ment; tho other against btato benator George C. Brownoll, alleging that lie is guilty of subornation of perjury In hav ing induced Fred Slevoro and John A. Howland, two axmon formerly In the employ of Surveyor General Henry Mcldrum, to swear falsely before tho grand jury in regard to tho work done by Hrownell as n notary while making affidavits in connection with the work of the surveyor general's otllce, all of which is in violation of section 5303 of tho revised statutes. It has been rumored for some time that Senator Mitchell would yet have to faco another charge than tho one which has been hanging over him for totno time, but it was not known from which direction tho blow would fall. Many theories have been advanced and among tlietn an entanglement witn Frederick A. Kribs, and this has proved to bo tho correct guess. It was for work dono for Kribs that tho Indict ment has bcon returned. The senator lias been indicted under tho same sec tion of the statutes which waa used against Congressman Driggs, of New York, who pleaded guilty to tho charges against him, and is afro the same charge brought against Senator Bur ton, who was recently convicted and granted a new trial. GREATEST OF WATERWORKS Croton Dam, Largest Piece of Ma sonry of Modern Time. New York, Feb. 2. After 10 years of labor and the expenditure of $9,000, 000. tho new Cornell dam, near Croton-on-lludson, in Westchester county, from which this city wilt draw largely for its water suplpy, has been practical ly completed. It is the largest piece of masonry in the world, except tho Pyra mids of Egypt. The tlood gates have been shut down for the first time and the dam has begun to fill with water. It is estimated by the engineers that it will require about two years to fill. "When the water reaches the base of its coning it will make a lake 10 miles long. The water will rise 30 feet above the old dam. The new dam will liold 30,000,000,000 gallons of water. Half a dozen towns which occupied tho site were abandoned. AMERICAN BEEF TOO HIGH. That Is Why Army In Philippines is Suppliecfrom Abroad. Washington, Feb. 2. Senator An keny today called on tho quartermaster general to ascertain why all army beef for tho Philippines is purchased either in Argentina or Australia, to the ex clusion of American beef. He was told that the government can get Argentina or Australian beef delivered at Manila for OH coots a jtouml, far below the price at which any American dealers will agree to deliver it. The war de partment eays that, until congress passes a law requiring the purchase of American meats, it will continue to supply the Philippines at the lowest -CUR? obtainable. Test of Submarine Boat. Newport News, Va., Feb. 2. With representatives of the Argentine repub lic and British governments, among others, on board , the submarine boat Simon Lake "X" today was submerged 38 feet and returned to the surface in 30 seconds. This cuts in half the rec ord held by the French type of subma rine, which is ono minute. Another record waa broken in filling the ballast tanks for the submergence. The tanks were filled in 0)? minutes, the best previous time being 15 minutes, mode by a French submarine. Crop Outlook on Pacific Coast. Washington, Feb. 2-. Tho weathor bureau's summary of crop conditions for the month of January, 1005, says: In the Rocky mountain region and to the westward the temperature was milder than usual, with more than the average precipitation in the southern plateau region and Southern California, and much less than average precipiattion, oa u whole. On the North Pacific coast tho winter wheat outlook is favorable, except late sown in Washington. Land for Irrigation. Washington, Feb. a. For the exten sion of the Klamath rirer irrigation project, tha Interior department today I ordered the withdrawal from all forms Washington, Feb. S. The Isthmian of disposal of 448,640 acres of public canal commission has awarded a con lands fn the Lakeview, Or., land dls- trict for furnishing fir piles to the trict: 229,520 acres fn the Redding, Cal., land district, and 109,440 acre in the Sosanville, Cal., land district. DOINGS IN CONGRESS. Saturday, dan. SO. Kulogles upon tho departure, Of tho lato Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts, particularly engrossed tho attention of tho sennto today. There, were. Ul ecchea by as many-senator. After the conclusion of tho memorial serv ices tho senate adjourned out of respect to tho dead collator's memory. In a tession of less than two hours today tho house passed 373 H'iislon bills and received for tho calendar tho naval and diplomatic appropriation bills. Tho session was devoted to leg islation entirely devoid of discussion. Monday, January 30. Tho senate today agreed to voto on tho joint statehood bill before adjourn ment on Tuesdav, February 7, the amendments to be considered on thr.1 date under tho ten-mlnuto rulo. The larger part of tho day was occupied in general debate on tho 'statehood bill. Fulton offered amendments to tho In dian appropriation bill referring to tho court of claims of Chinook mid Oath lamet Indians; also conveying title to persons who havo purchased grazing lands from tho Umatilla Indians. After n protracted debate the house adopted tho conference report on tho executive, legistatvoand jodiclal appro priation bill. An agreed to the bill carries $20,132,24:.'. A bill was passed dividing tho state of Washington into two judicial districts, tho Knstcrn and Western. The bill extending to the Philippines tho provisions of the revis ed statutes concerning the extradition of fugitives from justice was passed. Tuesday, January 31. The senate today continued the con sideration of tho joint statehood bill with Nelson as tho principal speaker. A number of bills were passed, includ ing one largely increasing the fees for stock companies in the Ditsrict of Co lumbia. In tho house tho senate amendments to the army appropriation bill were disagtved to and tho bill was sent to conference. Williams, (I)otn.. Miss.) started a lengthy debate by bringing up the treatment by General Miles of Jefferson Davis, president of tho Con federacy, when he was a prisoner at Fortress Monroe. The iKwtollleo ap propriation bill was debated for an hour. Wednesday, February I. Clark (Mont.,) Dillingham and Teller today continued tho discussion of the joint statehood bill. Proctor rc)ortcd the agricultural appropriation bill and gave notice that he would ask to hare it considered. Bills were jtasecd grant ing certain lands to the Oklahoma Ag ricultural college; amending tho land laws so as to jiermlt settlers on public lands to make transfers for public uses before completing title; amending ex isting laws so as to require captains of pamwgor vessels to supply information regarding the age and sex of immi grants. The postoffico appropriation bill oc cupied the house tho njaor portion of today. With an understanding that the discussion of the question should be continued tomorrow, the bill was laid aside and other matters taken up. The conference report on tho fortifica tions bill was adopted. The bill cur ries $0,747,893. Senator Ankeny will endeavor to have a provision made in the naval ap propriation bill for the allowance of a differential of 4 per cent to Pacific coast shipyards competing on government warships contracts. Friday, February 3. Tho postolllco appropriation bill was the main topic of discussion in the house today and its consideration was not completed. During tho day bills were pussetlas follows: Amending the law so oa to reduce the amount of bond required of agent acting for con signees on Jmportcd goods; providing for the construction of irrigation ami reclamation works in certain lakes and rivers in Oregon ami California; grant ing certain lands within the Flathead Indian reservation, Montana, to certain Catholic societiod for religious pur Ioes. The senate spent much of today dis cussing the distribution of ordinary farm and garden reeds by tho Agricul tural department. When adjournment was taken consideration of the bill had not been completed. A further con ference was ordered on the fortifications appropriation bill. Many Killed at Riga. St. Petersburg , Feb. 3. The latest reports received by Consul General Watts, from the American consuls in Russia, indicate a cessation of the trouble in moot of tho industrial cen ters. Tho consul at Riga reports that the rioting at that placo was precipitat ed by students and rowdies, who fired on tho police. The police and troops returned the fire, and 53 persons were killed and 160 wounded. At Reval the soldiers were obliged to defend a factory on Saturday against a mob. Three strikers were killed. Sold Mining Stock on Routes. Washington, Feb. 3. Postmaster General Wynne, today removed three letter carriers in the Toledo, O., post office, ordered a fourth man to show cause why ho should not be removed, and suspended 30 other carriers, all of the Toledo office, for 30 days on the charge of Belling mining stock and of collecting tho assessments thereon. It is charged that the men sold this min ing stock while on duty as carriers, as well as when off duty. Pile for the Panama Canal. American Mercantile company, of La Conner, Wash., amounting to about $200,000. ARE BEATEN BACK Russian Advance Ends In Dis astrous Dctcat. AWFUL SUFFERING OF SOLDIERS Battle Carried On In Blizzard by Jap anese Whan Forced to Fight to Savo Position, Toklo, Jan. 31. Tho troops which twice captured Port Arthur, once from tho Chinese and then again from the Russians, have administered n defeat to General Kuropatkin's army from which it cannot possibly recover during the winter. Field Marshal Oyama has sent a dispatch to the imperial headquar ters Indicating that the conquerors of Port Arthur were sent by him to meet the enemy in the bloody battle just de cided, owing to their long practice un der arm and their Irks I ability to withstand the hardships of the awful Maucliurian winter. The result of the struggle so far has proved tlu wis dom of his course. Kvery dispatch received from the front tells of winter horrors such as no other battling army ever had toeoutend with. Many inches of snow cover the country as far as the eye can see. The ridges are snow-capttcd. Avalanche upon avalanche has tumbled into the trenchs, indicting untold suffering upon the soldiers therein. Field Marshal Oyama's dlspatefies have convinced the military authori ties here that he was by no means anx ious to engage in the battle, and, in fact, ermited the Russians to take several positions in his vicinity to save the troops from tho unspeakable strain of fighting in the storm. But the Rus sian advance was made withh such en ergy and determination by large bodies of troop occupying miles of ground that Oyama finally decided to accept tho challenge. A large ortion of General Nogl's army, both his regulars ami his re serves, were placed In the vanguard. Among them wcrethotisamW of veterans of the Chino-Japancse war, who, hav ing done service in Manchuria in tl e winter, were able to make progress ami use their arms where less seasoned troops would have tccn jtaralzyod. The victory gained over the Russian' right army is considered here even n greater feat than was the capture of Port Arthur, for, while the battle raged, there were no trenches to seek protection in and every shot of the enemy was mode more deadly by tho indescribable cold. For this reason tho news from the front that Field Mar shal Oyama is now following up his advantage with relentless energy has been received with amazement. CITY OF BLOOD. Battle Rages In Warsaw Streets with No Respect to 'Age or Sex. Warsaw, Jan. 31 .Another day nml half a night of horrors have parsed. As this dispatch is sent, the city is ruled by savage mobs ami more savage soldier. Both are intent ujmn killing. No otlkiul statements are obtainable at this hour, but when the cost in human lives cornea to be counted there will I found dead by the hundreds men, women and children. hverylwdy young and old, men, women and children was attacked by the soldiers and ruthlessly shot down. One soldier aimed a sabro blow at a woman. 1 1 self defense she drew a re volver and fired a shot, which went wild. A second later a volley waa di rected at her, and she fell dead, riddled by a score of bullets. This is but one of a hundred instances. For the most part the soldiers who rode ami tramped through the streets during the lato afternoon of Monday were drunk. They teemed to take a particular delight in attacking harmless persons. They killed for the mere sake of killing. To Shoot Down Bandits. Manila, Jan. 31. Habeas corpus has bcon suspended in the provinces of Ca vito and Batangas. Major General Cor bin is heartily co-operating with Gov ernor Wright, and is giving him every IKMsible aid in suppressing lawlessness. federal troops consisting of detachments of picked sharpshooter work in con junction with the native scouts and the constabulary. Federal troops garrison the towns and martial law has prac tically been established. The present situation In the two provinces is (tartly due to raids of ladrones. Run Down by Cavalry. London, Jan. 31. Tho foreign office has received a telegram from Consul Gneral Murray, at Warsaw, reporting that himself and Vice Consul Mucu kain were charged by Ruianl cavalry men engaged in clearing the streets of Warav. It appears that Mr. Murray is partially deaf, and when he endeav ored to make known his personality, It was without avail. Ambassador Hard Inge has been ordered to make urgent protest at 8t. Petersburg. Beef Trust a Monopoly. "Washington, Jan. 31. Tho supreme court of the United Slates today decid ed the United Slates vs. Swift & Co., known as tho beef trust cose, diamine conspiracy among the packers to fix prices on fresh meats and like products. The opinion was bunded down by Justice Holmes and affirmed the do cision of the court below, which was 'against the packers. OOLD KILLS THE WOUNDED. Stroam of SutTorors Pours Into Muk den Japauuso Spread Dissension Mukden, Feb. 1. Constant streauiH of wounded men nrw arriving hem fiom the right Hank, Including Lieutenant General Mlstcheiiko, who Is In excel lent spirits and Is receiving vlsltora. According to the official aiiuy organ, the wounded number 3,500.' The cold Is Intense anil the condition of tho woundid causes the greatest anxiety, because the exposure of their wounds to the frost Induce gangrene. The Japanese are taking good care to see that the ltiisslau rank and lllo are not left uninformed regarding tho dis turbances In Russia. They are carry ing on a regular campaign to spread se dition and discouragement among the troops. letters are daily tliiown w Ith- In tho Russian lines declaring that all Russia is allame with riot and revolt, arguing that tho soldiers are shedding their blood In vain, ami calling on them to surrender or desert. The sol diers eagerly read and discus those communications, especially accounts of the events at St. Petersburg January 22. GIVES UP ATTEMPT. Kuropatkln Will Not Try to Break Through Oyama's Lino. Mukden, Feb. 1 .There Is no nimr ent connection ttclwccn starting of the battle of January 20 and the domestic excitement at St. Petersburg, nor the orders just Issued to ntmiidon the plan ned advance against tin Japanese Hwi tlous. The effect of the trouble in Russia is as yet luitorccptihlo here. Tile facts are not generally known. Officer possessing Information of oc currences at home say that the disaf fected are probably using tho present war as a pretext for their periodical demonstrations, which are regarded no more seriously that formerly. The commander In chief's order to alittndnu tho advance are retorted to reasons for stopping the advance: First, the looses sustained; second, the failure of a quick attack iimiii which the advance depended. The precipe meaning of the altovo Is not apparent. Notwithstanding the order to cease, a tenacious conflict continues In the vicinity of Sanchiapu, a fortified out Mt on the JawwiHo left, where it Is reported the Russians have taken the outer works. TOWNS ON IRRIGATED LAND. French Proposes to Sell Lots and Water Rights for Fund. Washington, Feb. 1. Representa tive French, of Idaho, tlay Introduced a bill authorizing tho secretary of the interior to withdraw from entry any public lands needed for tow unite pur ines in connection with any irrigtlon project under the national Irrigation law and to subdivide them into lots. Such lots shall In sold at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, the proceeds to Ihj excluded for tho con struction of water and sewer systems and other munlciml improvement ami for payment for rights to the use of water. Money so cxHtndcd for muni clKl improvements shall Imi rejald by the town authorities In 20 annual in stallments into tho reclamation fund. The secretary may sell rights to the use of water available under the recla mation act for domestic, tire ami other purines to any city or town establish ed as altove provided, ami also to other oUle or towns. DEAD IN HEAPS. Warsaw Streets Full of Human Bodies as Result of Battle. Warsaw, Feb. 1. More blood has been shed in the streets of Warsaw during Tuesday ami early Wednesday morning. Tho number of striker is increasing, and conditions throughout the city are fast liecoming chaotic. The worst dlsturlances occurred in the suburlt, while the city proper was somewhat more quiet. Many streets in the city proper are like chanel houses. In some dlsticls the dead lie in heaps, as it has !cen Imjioftslblo to bury them all. Author ities admit that at least 700 corpses are still in the streets. They are pu trefying fast, and in some quarters the stench is becoming unbearable. Can't Collect Old Debts. Washington, Feb. 1. All tho mom ber of tho cabinet were present at the meeting today except Secretaries Hay and Wilson, the former still being con fined to his home by a severe cold. Again the president emphasized his in terest In the arbitration treaties pond ing before the senate. He holds that the opponents of tho treaties nro pro ceeding on wrong promises in maintain ing that they may lie used by foreign countries as n lasis for action against certain of the Southern states in the collection of old claims Must Obey tha Court. Washington, Feb. 1. It can lie said by authority that unless tho corpora tions constituting the alleged beef trust shall heed the injunction made perma nent yesterday by tho decision of tho suprcmu court of thu United States, the government will iristituto proceed ings against tho individual members of the corporations to enforce tho decision of tho court. Tho proceedings will lie under tho criminal law, If such can be instituted. Carrying Out New Forestry Law. Washington, Feb. 1. By order of the president, tho forest division of tho general land olllco was abolished today, and its work will bo continued by tho bureau of forestry of the de partment of agriculture, under Chief I Forester Glfford PInchot. - "V I OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST - - , - - -- - IN THE LEGISLATURE, Salem, Jan. 27. Nineteen hills were passed by tho senate today. Twelve new hills were Inttodiircd. The house passed 21 of Its measiiies. A bill has made Its appearance In the senate Intended to regulate Ilia frater nal Insurance orders In the state. The Coo measure talslng tho ago of consent has been unfavorably reported by the eoininlltee anil a siilsdltulo re ported favorably. It Is thought the new hill will pas. The hill providing for agricultural Institutes and enrriyng a $2,500 appro priation passed tho house with vote to spare. Salem, Jan. .'10. Sixteen new bills were introduced In the senate today. One prohibit the sale of cigarettes to minors ami make the use of them by a person under III years a Juvenile de linquency which may be dealt with under the juvenile law. Another is to approppriatu $50,000 annually for nor mal school. Nine bills were passed by the senate. One of these I the hill raising the sal ary of the assistant waiden of the peni tentiary from $000 to $ I, SOI) a year. Another raise the salary of the clerk of the state laud Ismrd from $1,800 to $2,400 a year. In the house the bill fronting a state tax commission looking to a revision of the tax code was passed, lhe bill cre ating Cascade county was wsed. Hood River is given as tho count)' seat. If the new county Is ensiled It will Im In the Judicial district with .Multnomah and jniut legislative dis trict with Wasco. Strong opposition will develop lu the senate, where the Wnsoo tHHiplu hue centered their force. Nine other measure were assed by the house. Th Jayne local option bill will l amended by eliminating the emergency clause and the reduction of the number of voters required on a pelitlon for a prohibition election from 40 to .10 per cent of the electors of a precinct. Couitaratively few salary bills have Ix'en introduced lu the senate thus far, lait It is known iIihI others will ! In troduced later. As a rule these bills lielng local, they po without question iimiii the recommendation of the dele gation from the countis affected. Falem, Jan. 31. A hill was Intro duced in the senate today to suppress iMxilhelllng ami (toolrooms. Illevrn other new measures were Introduced. Nine bills were inissed, one of them appropriating $15,000 fur fish hatcher- Im. This bill has already passed the house. Tim senate bill authorizing the Lewis ami Clark fair cortomllmi to condemn private property was pasoed by the llfMlso. Ten new bills were Introduced In the house, one of them ling the antl cigarette hill, identical with that Intro duced in the senate. The house rejected the senate win current resolution for a Joint UMnmihly tomorrow to conilder a constitutional convention. This stop any further Mtesihllities of a constitutional conven tion. Klectric India at railroad crossing is tho object of a bill Introduced In the house Unlay. They are to Iw of sltltl eieut weight ami sound to Im heard 100 yard ami are to lie placed at every crossing where a public road crowe a railway track where thu view U olt slructcd either way. ? The house committee on mining fa vor the passage of the bill relieving such mining coiiihwiIo of the annual license tax as have an annual output of less than $ 1,000. A new bill In the house provide that all sheep driven Into the state for s. turage shall be taxed 30 cent a head and 6 const a head shall Ito paid for each county through which the sheep are driven. The Cascade county bill will appear In the senate tomorrow or Thursday. Salem, Feb. I. Twelve bills were passed by the senate today and If) by the house. Five new bills were Intro iluctxl in tho senate and seven In the house. Two bill wero killed In the senate today: For a constitutional oon7eutloii and to iKirmlt corMiratloiis to act as ad tnlntstrator. Tho house this afternoon voted down the bill for the npoititmont of a lioard of internal commerce commissioner and appropriating $28,000 for tlm opening of thu Willamette river from Will Abandon Contests, AJax Few of the sconvodd miileui in-titiitod against (illliam county sut tler in the vicinity at (ho Instance of William Twilley, of Devil's butte, will probably be enrrlcd to trial, most of the contestor having real I red that sen timent in this community and In the county generally Ih against them, In the past six weeks 22 homesteads in the AJax vert ion have been contested, Three or four were heard at The Dalles and tho ret wero set for hearing before the Gillium county clerk at Condon. Feeling Ishttter against Twilley. Not Much Snow In the Hills. Pendleton Tho melting snows and falling rain of tho past few day has filled thu streams of the county. Water Is now plentiful enough to run all mills that havo heretofore suffered by tho dryneH of the fall. Irrigation are fearing that there will not bo a sufficient quantity of snow in the inouiiialtiH to insure a flow of wnter through the summer. Usually there Is from flvo to six feet at Knmola, but now there is but a few luclics, Portland (o Hngcim. A hill of llepieseiilntlvii Htelner' fixing the tot iiiii of elieult court begin, tilnfg on lhe second Monday In May mid the third Monday In OctoW. passed the house this morning. ',) To permit district attorney and their deputies to bid In fur counties, lauds sold for delinquent taxes, a hill of lleprosoiitatlvo West' passed the house today. Under the pteseiit law the county judge Is tcqiilrod to ilu thai (unction, but sometime Is not prseent. A hill to empower Juries to fix pun. Ishiiieut lu criminal trials was ludell nitely mtMinei by tlm house thu morning. The bill caum from Hmlith, of Josephine. Halein, Feb. 2. The senate today taed the house hill appropriate $1,0110 for the widows of the prison guard who weio killed by Tracy and Merrill at the time of the oulhresk three year ago. The senate hill appropriating $!MS,())I for maintaining the jtorlnge railway WM (hisshI by the house. The hill to exempt from annual for Iteration tax' iiiliilnfg comKtiili whom annual output Is low than $1,000 wn also pawed by the hoiis. The senate committee on coiiutlr has practically decided to reitort favor ably on the house hill for the creallmi of Cascade muni)' and the prolulillitle are thitt the bill will h the seimte. Abolition of the Drain normal sclotol will be recommended tomorrow by the house committee. From live to 20 year' Imprisonment lu the iieiiitetulary Is the punishment allowed under the senate hill to prevent train holdiiM hI liy the house The house sanctioned two appropria tions of $l,n()i) each for district fair In I'rrtsteru Oregon. ' The senate amended the llat salary hill today by striking mil the Item fr justice of the supreme court ami th provision that the law shall not wo Into elfect as to the secretary of slat ami state treasurer until June I, IWI7. It i probable the. Mil will hvm. Talk New Railroad. Tillamook Another railroad propo- slthm ha Imiii made to the citm-ii l.y Mr. Himinim, wlto says he I lwtki-1 by Portland capital, to give Tlllin..k county railroad ronm-cllotis. lie in a proMltlon to hulhl a standard ku railroad from either Forest Grove or North Yamhill, ami have It fomdrmled within m year, provided the" tilum could gel a 100-foot right of way. give $3A,000 stilsidy and a suitable site fur a dcMil In this city. It is the Inten tion to exteml the Hue, provided It U built to this city, to Netart bay Church Colony for Oregon. KMikaue The People's I nlted church, at the head of which I Itishup David N. Mclnturff, Is to In) disrupted in HMikaue and a colony formed In Ore gon or the lllg I Urn I. Bishop Mila lurff lia nmiln arrangements lu u chase 6,000 acre of land lu ime of the place named, awl ry member uf the church will move to the new r-Iiy after turning over all hi worldly h swwioos tu the church. The church ha now $n0,000 or $00,000. No Fisn far Five Months. Oregon City At a conference J Clackamas ruUHty Bslisriwoi In title city, a resolution addressed to the leU latum was adopted asking that the stste flahlug laws be so amended a to pro vide fur a closed season of five mouth lu the year, June I to November 1- This arrangement will do away with the closed season extending from Mareli I to April 16, ami Is In harmony with the oiliou that has Iwon taken I'T the .Multnomah ami Clackamas county delegation at Halein. Union County's Hog, I .a Grande The big Union hog which is being fattened by poiintjr Kiddl Bro. at Island City for the I.owi ami Clark fair, which weighed "00 miimI n few month ngo when purchased fmtn Sam Brooks, now weigh 1,000 mhiikI, and continue to grow fatter- It Is In tended to make It weigh more than the prize Ht, hull fair hog, Union Farm Sells for 810,000. Union The sale of 400 acre of lisy land to William Hutchinson by IM Wilson has been rctorlcd here. The land brought $45 an acre, a total of $IH,00(i, jKiid in cash. This Is tho second largest land sale made III this section this winter, the Nichols tract, which sold for $64,,000 cash, Iwing en titled to first place. Shear With Power. Pendleton J. . Smith, president of tho J. K. Smith livestock xiny, wo in the city recently completing tho arrangement for a fi-horse power gao line engine to furnish power for a slurp shearing machine which the couiNiny will Install lu time to clip this yiar's wool at It place 20 mile south of hero. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, HOo; hlue- 3 sieiii, Ule; valley, K7o. . ." Oats No. I white. $ 1. 32 1 Q'iWW gray, $1,3631.40 per cental. Hay Timothy, $!40ln per Uiny clover, $UQ12j grain, $HQ12i client, $12013. Potatoes Oregon fancy, 7FGloei common, (10370c. Apples Baldwins, $1.26; Spitzen bergs, $1.76 02 per ltox, l'ggs Oregon ranch. 21iQ30c. Butter Fancy creamery, 26a30c Hops Cholco, 270280 ; prime. m pur pound, Wool Valley, HlQ20e; F.astcrn Oregon, 1001 7oj mohair, 26020c per pound, I