THE BEND BULLETIN. Tr(yiw VOL. II IJHND, ORKGON, FRIDAY, PKB. to, 1905. NO. 4 1 ifi . ji PROFESSIONAL CARD8 V.I.aUKKIN(jR.a , OjC.HfriNIIMAKH Oucrln & ptcincmann Allonicvs and Counsellors al Law NOTAKiim runi.ic 1'mcUc'r In HUlc niil IVitcrtl Cautl MINI) ' OIWCION r!j u. a COfii m d. OI'I'ICK OVHK llANU Physician and Surgeon 1IISNU 01:OOS DR. fei F. BUTLER All Kinds of Dental Work Fair Trices Examination Vnun liMtc In lunk iiuiiiiinc nimit, okhc.ok- N.l. MTATIIkUVtllir t-AMK -(II CITY Moriiov. J. L. McCULLOCII, Aliittrncler and llxnmlncr cf 'lltlea. I.iinl awl Tr I,'oVril Aflcr fur Nuii-Kr fnitm. I'KlNIIVll.l.H, OHIKIOH J. M. LAWRENCE, U. R, COMMIfiMONKH. Notary Public, Insurance, Towiiship Plats for Upcr Deschutes Vullcy I1KNI). OKltOOH. NI)TAKvAjIII.M JNUVKANCK A. H. GRANT . Atful for Liverpool, London & fllobo, and Lancashire I'lrc Insurance Companies. Dl'ND, ORIMON ll I'.llkl.KHA-H. I. ClU.h, !lm K t.l M.I) Cuuuly i'liy.kitH. Drs. Belknap & Edwards, ! rtlYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. PWNUVILLU' - ORIKION Offtc l Krir of Wliiut k'l Dhig Morr J. W. Bledsoe ' PHOTOaKAPIIBR IH.NU dMtttOK. All Hrllrt rtfMrttd ami tttlptlralc I'lcluif IMniitHftl at Any Time Crook County Realty Co Real Estate Bought and Sold. Life and Accident INSURANCE. orrxr. IV hi'LLknx i'iummo twD,ntiii O. V. II&JHS JEWELER. Watches and Jewelry Repaired First-class Workmanship Reasonable Kales OflU In tlincton't Martina Shop TKIPL.ETT BROS. Barber Shop & Mhs Best of accommodations and work promptly done iiuNn, OKHCON C. N. SMITH Sign Writing Graining Kuamcling and Interior Finishing hbopltt irar of liltdKx'a gallery Miss Grace Jones TEACH CH Or ; Voice & Piano li non rrly fur puplla ami can Ik found i ' at MM TaMrKiNk'rfaMtucv VKND, Oib. fDMPklMk' rtlJ -I t WEIDER & LOBDElC PA-INTERS AND ! Paper Hangers KHTIMATKH ON - Al" LIGATION' Willi Paper at Portland Prices L. D. WIEST Civil Engineer Special qttnlil)cnti6ns for "Laml Surveying and Irri gatlan Work;' - "; "' l llulldlut Plain ami ritiecllcktloni '- Madi . v . w . f ...-,.. u. - ... 1 ... . . Dry Goods Groceries Hardware. Before purchasing elsewhere get our prices on SHKLPuiid IIITILDKKS' HARDWARK and MA THKIALS. We carry n complete line of Ranges, Cooking and Ifcnllns; Stoves, Windows and Hours, Glass, Paints and Oils. Ruberoid Roofing, Build ing Paper, Tarred Felt. FURNISHINGS wc olfer Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Hoots, and Shoes, German Socks mid Rubber Footwear, Overalls, -Jumj)crs, etc. OUR. CR.OCERY DEPARTMENT is full of new, bright, fresh Roods, both staple and fancy, and prices as low as elsewhere, quality considered. , Wc arc ngents for the John Deere line of Wagons and Agricultural Implements. The Bend Mercantile Co., . Bend. Oregon. x . You do not need to send away for Dry Goods and Clothing; now. The IT Has opened and is doing business already. Our friends arc. conjius to see us our prices .speak. Come in and get acquainted (we are always glad to sec new faces) and compare our goods and prices with any .store in Crook County. , ." A customer of ours is our best advertisement You want the goods, we want the money Molt complete stocfe in western Crook for you to choose from LADIES' FURNISHINGS Wc carry a full line, including Underwear, Shirt Waists, Wrap pers, and the finest CORSETS MAST 01? TH CASCADKS Let us fchow you what, we cdn do for our mutual benefit. , . k ". 'A . New Hue of 4.-. ', r Very truly yours, - c a;,chapmM, .' ."ViTS A BEET SUGAR MOVE 1 Colony 5)f Exjterfs Likely to Locate Here. SOIL AND CLIMATE JUST RKH.T Utah People Who Established Indus try In Canada Now Como to Uend. Steps arc under way for the loca tion of a colony of Utah beet sugar experts on the irrigated lauds of the Deschutes Irrigation & Power Co The people just now interested come from the province of Alberta, Canada, whither they went from Utah a few years ago. They were told the beet sugar industry could not be established in that northern land, because previous attempts had failed. Hut these people knew, not half knew, their business, and they succeeded. Now many of them wish to get back to n milder climate and the Deschutes country just suits them. Kight of the men from Alberta have, been in Uend the past week James iSvaus, S. G. Stookc, Henry Holmes, R. Rastmisseii, J. J. Head, Whit Stoddard, T. M. Holmes and Mclvin Godfry. Some of these have gone away leaving Messrs. Evans, Head and Rasmusscn as a committee to arrange for land. Re fore leaving Alberta 20 of his neigh bor families wanted Mr. Kvans to include them in the plans for re moval to Oregon. Mr. Kvans is a man of consider able means null large experience in the production of sugar beets and Store t .. MEN'S CLOTHING Men's and boys' Suits, Furnish ings, Hats and Caps. CALL ON US FOR . r - - COLLARS and TIES 1 , -i, Bend, Oregon Jfr 0 lcct sugar on both the theoretical Jtul practical sides. He has a son mow studying chemistry in liclgium. This industry, upon irrigated land.", had its first home in Utah and it has proved a great success there. Mr. Kvans is thoroughly satisfied with the natural conditions for otiilding up an extensive and pros perous beet sugar in lustry here ami he says it can be done right away. It is entirely feasible to have a big beet sugar mill in opera tiotl in Iicud by the fall of 1906. Transportation will cut- quite a figure ill this industry. It will take more than 200 tons of machin ery for the niill aiid a still greater tonage of structural steel. A mil lion feet of lumber will also be re quired, but this will be provided at home. A car load of sulphur will be needed every season, several carloads of lime, and then there will be the product of the mill to send out to market. The settlers and workmen engaged iti the in dustry will make a large general commerce here. So this one insti tution will make u large volume of traffic for a railroad. "The soil is right- and the climate favorable to the production of sugar beets on the wide plain east of Bend," said Mr. Kvans to a Bulletin man; "and I have no doubt the country in other direc tions is also suited to it. Eighteen inches depth of soil is ample for ir rigated beet culture. Beets will stand more cold weather and more drouth than any other ordinary larm crops. Beet sugar is more cheaply produced han cane sugar and it is a richer sugar, notwith standing the popular prejudice and, the market to the contrary. The tests at the Chicago and St Louis expositions showed its superior richness. The beet sugar industry will work closely all the resources of a country will make full use of the soil, make business for men chants and mechanics and all activi ties of community life. The refuse pulp from the mill is a most valuable fattener of live stock, particularly the old animals with defective teeth. I am greatly pleased with the out look here and expect to see a large beet sugar industry soou establish ed." The particular locality in which the beet people are arranging for land is on the east side of the old river bed. The mill wijl be at Bend, convenient to water and to a rich productive area west of the Deschutes and on the upper reaches of the river in. the vicinity of Ros- land. Probably 150 Utah families will come here from Alberta. Turtialo Mall Contract. William P. Downing, has, been awarded the contract for carrying the mail between Bend aud Turaalo and begtus his service tomorrow. His bid was $190 a year. -The time schedule is as follows: Leaves Tumalo on Tuesdays, Wednesdays aud Saturdays at x p in. and arrives at Bend at 4. Leaves Bend on the same days at 4:30 p in. atid arrives at Tumalo three hours later. The volume of mail on this route, which is No. 73.486. is increasing sa fast that it cannot long be earned on horseback. Married. TwintT Pkrry. Henry Tweet and Mjss Mary Perry wi!r united in marriage at The palles Sun day, Feb. sx 1905. h the res' deuce of Thomas'Twcet, Justice J, M. Fillon officiating. , Mr. aud Mrs, Tweet arrived home Tuesday, .and Wednesday evening were ' serenade ,by the Bend Cornet, 'Band, vhiclTy?as ac companied' ''by a ' jbuy cr0vd of young people:- The pereuauers were gladly vconu!d"nd'U;eatcd to a pleasant tahceand light refresh' mertt.3. . . i PorChtckeU feed see Uutfciff & Beckl't. WATER FRANCHISE Council Tries to Modify the Measure. COMPANY FILES ACCePTANC City Wa'nted Deflnlta TImo So fo4 Beginning; Construction and Getting Service. At the regular council meeting1 held last Tuesday evening Alder man McMillan proposed a modifi cation of the ordinance previously passed granting a franchise to the Bend Water, Light & Power Co., which ordinance was published in last week's Bulletin. He said that since its passage he had thought it had not been given sufficiently care ful consideration and he wanted the matter attended to before it had accepted by the company. Other members of the council agreed nvith him and after considerable discus sion a new drdinanc" was intro duced and read first time. The design of this measure was to work forfeiture of the franchise ordinance the work of actual con struction shouldu not -be begUri by April 1 andVccular.' water service supplied oa Vall atid Bond streets between Nevada and Ohio by August 30. " It was also put iti tub ordinance, which was designed as an additional section to the original franchise, that the service should force water through a ij-inchhosc nozzle a Vertical -distance of 50 feet at the cornerof Bdtid and driJgou streets. All the aldermen were pres ent aud agreed to the proposal. Ad journment was taken till Wednes day night when it was expected the amendment would be passed, before formal acceptance of the franchise should be filed by the compatly. - Wednesday morning,- rfadwevcr. the company ivos aware of the action of the' council and it filed with the recorder a formal accept ance 01 the franchise - ordinance according to the terms of the ordi nance. When the time for council raectiug arrived in the evening only tVldermen McMillan, Merrill and O'Kanc were present. There being no quorum they adjourned until last night. ' Last night all the aldermen were present again, with Aldermau Red field, who had been selected Mayor pro tempore Tuesday night, in the chair. The franchise matter was not taken up at all but a committee pieviously appointed to see about getting legal service for the city reported that Mr. Guerin would not accept the city attorneyship at all but that George C. Steincmann would take the' office rJor $350? a year. Thet committee consisting of Alderman O'Kri McMillan, and Merrill,' r. was Instructed to pre pare ai ordinance for the appoint ment of city attorney at $350 a year. Then an adjournment till next Tuesday night was takeu. At the Tuesday night meeting Al Yancy was appointed uight watchman at $50 a month on motion Alderman O'Kaue. Two ordinances were passed, providing for the punishment of disorderly conduct and vagrancy. The matter of accepting the city jail was referred to a committee consisting of Merrill, West aud O'Kane. Advertised Letters, The following is a list of letters remaining Uncalled-for iu the Bend postofficc February 10, 1905: CoUlvcr, 0 0 , , Hondo, 13 0. Cunnbetfj J E Knoll, George Entiley,. armou IfJganblll, J E Oay.'OA ,IUnou,OE Gray, Robt Itadol, Thco Harper, V 0 ( Shaw, Qeorge-2' Harper, Jaqtt Smith, Wllllo H-3 IWlBsmgtjin, 0 Wollrlck, German X ;P(rsdhs calling for. these letters will pleas 'say they ire, axlveHijed. A.' H. Great, PoatufwUr. f ' T t lit " 111 ii 1 inuSiktt4miii 1 1111 rfiwi