4 THE BULLETIN. vol. II BUND, ORKGON, FRIDAY, JAN 27, 1905. .- NO. 4 BEND J ' . PROFESSIONAL CARDS W.lt. (lUkMlf. JM O C RfHINtlMAHH (1UHKIN A gTHtyJHAlANN Attorneys mid Counsellor a( Lav. NOTAKIIW I'Ulll.fC hirtkt Ih SUIT ih4 I'nlcifcl CmtiU llltNII (yMIOfW . U. C. COE, M. D. ( OI'I'ICKOVKK HANK iliysiciun mid Surgeon lin.sn (ojipion DR. B. F. BUTLER DENTIST All Kinds of Hct1l.1l Work . Fair Trices P.XAMINATION Fltlllt OtStt Is IMMk hulMlHc HltNK. IIKKMlN kMI Mif! tax 'IMt AMI tuU. rkot-kKIV. J. L. AlcCULLOCII, Abfltrnctor nnd Ihnuilncrcf Illicit, ltmi wi TIM l,aV4 Aflf fet Wo MM4Mt. MlftHVII.t.H. OKKOOM J. Al. LAWRI-NCI2, V. ft. COMMUMIOKHK. Notary Public, Insurance. Township Plat for Uijr Deschutes Valley. HKNH. UHKCdN r - ; 1 JTAKV.ttHl.h, WKt'KAHCK A. H. CHANT Al lor Liverpool, London & 1IoIh ami IjincrtSlilrc Fire liiMirnncc Companies. HI'NI), ORIMJON II I hKIKWACM It tHA H f.Al-M II luutttr 1'kyxrUM. Drs. Belknap & Edwards, PHYSICIANS AND SUKtlliONS. I'ltlNllVILI.I! - - ORIKION otSc ( Hcc of WlmV. Hug Mntc. J. W. Bledsoe IMIOTOdRAI'lIRK IKNII. .... OKKOON. All Sfiiiv ltfvt unit Implicit I'KlMtrt I'mnulM-J ( Any TIM Crook County Really Co Real llstale Nought nud Sold. Life mid Accident INSURANCE. ICK IN kl'LlttiK IH ILI'IX'J llllMlt. IWMMlN Cu N. SMITH Sign Writing Graining, Hnameling ami Interior Finishing Khop hi rr ( lllrdaur gallery TUlPIJiTT BR,()S. Bariicr Shop & Baths Best of accommodations ml work promptly done WAf.l. T. IlltSI). iikkocin I. MIL.0 LOKDIELL SlGORifEiT AnU Scenic Artist. Advertising mid CARD WRITING MttiUi IfcMul St not It) IiImImk'i iholu vllf ry Miss Grace Jones TEACHErior Voice & Piafi :i.. ;il ' In iihw iMuly ftr iiiilU ami not lw fuuml at MM4Tiimikin' rmlilriiw HUNK, Quit -r WEIOIHR & LOBDELL PAINTEftS AND I Paper Hangers HSTLMATKS - ON Al'l'MCUTION Willi I'njiiT ivt INirtlaml Priced 1 . Lv Dy WIEST Civil Engineer Special.. qUnlificntibna for Land.Surveying and Irri- , : tfalfonlWork. i ) l. '.' . 1 M.. ' K .liiLing P'mirrtmW Hhcflcayfliui ii 11. iiiuiiiHi'ii"i?i 1 " ' 1 Dry Goods Groceries Hardware. Ht-fure purdirisiiiK clsculicrc kc. otir prices on SIIKI.Kuuil IiriMlKKS' HAKDWARK and MA TKKIAI.S: We cmry a comjilctc line of Ranges, Cooking nilil Heating StoveH, Windows and Odors, (llass, Paints and Ollu. Ruberoid Roofing, Build ing Paper, Tarred Felk. ..IN.. FURNISHINGS we offer Ovcu oati. I Ials, Caps. Hoots, and Shoes, Gurmnn So.ki and Rubber I'ootwear, Overall?, Jnnierit, etc. OUR. GROCERY DEPARTMENT in full of new', brixlit, frndi ootU, Iwtli .staple and ntticy, and prices as low ns cUcwliere, (piality cousideretl. We are ftRcnts for the John Deere line of Wagon and Agrkullural Implements. The Bend Mercantile Co. Bend, Oregon. LUMBER npHE mill of the 11 Pilot Butte De velopment Com pany is prepared to supply all kinds of surfaced and rough ....... Lumber ami at Reasonable Prices Pilot Butte Development Company w, NE HOME BAKERY 1 1 1" 1 ' 11 ' j, 1 ' ".' ' ' ' illnvlntfittiwlrtcd to put In a first-ehaaj bakery (kc Vfiil ha muly for llmliiesa nbout Jnn. 1,0. Wcwi'l 'UiculmVooVbuildiuu4'(uul coitiplutCM Will deliver nil bikeryKQCidso any" part o thVii Dcsclpitel VntcUr tlfc NgW MOMli IKEKY 'wnuon,- A phot)e wiU'.bc jti the bitUfllnft, ao cu)l ,HH.upahde .wit) deliver your brcadnd Mty 1 your door. Uniterm qpiii.itQ. UnptUtphunih.( south Mile ct jiirca, A. I.. STKPltims, Prop. At Ik-.ul, OrcKon. Sliiegles ; fyrs t . . r -w DROVE WIFE AWAY Domestic ircak-up of the Orocsbccks. 1 Sf'lini! CLOSliS AlARinD LlPE She (Joes ll.ick to Mother In Itoston, lie Goes to I'rod fllcplinnts In Upper Hurma. "Yin, Mrs Crottsbeck lias gone back to her mother in 'lioiton. We've sold everything her. I'm going over to Mavuiyo, near Man dalay, in Upper JJurmn. I have an Intimate friend who in an elephant merchant there and I will go and stick pins in the beuu." This is the matter-of'fact an nouncement made by GcralJ Gro&s l)eck of the termination of 13 months of married life and the fail ure of another attempt to make a man of him. The erratic son of a New York millionaire, of Dutch origin but more Uuglishthniin Little Jug lander, a free lance, a. spendthrift, an irresjwnsiblc, reckless fellow, he came to lieud ii.x mouths ago as a remittance matt. He had repeatedly dUmpoiutbd jwretital hope, but on his marriage to an estimable young Hoston woman 13 mouths ago hope revived ami took the forth of an al lowance of St. 500 a mduth. The young man's conduct since then, however, has been a continual disap loiiitiiieiit and the allowance was cut to J 1 50 a moutir. And now it is understood to have Iwen entirely ctit off. "I'll go over to Hdnir Kong without expeiihe, by reason of the fact that I am a certificated engi neer in the Pacific Mail .service, said Groetibeck. "Then I think I'll work down to Horueo, where I own stock in some earl fisheries, next to the domain of the celebrat ed Rajah Hrooks. Then I'll go up to Hurma. My address will be in rare of the Nevada Hank, San Francisco." The Groesbecks were introduced to Hi-nd by capitalists in the Des chutes Irrigation & Power Co., friends of the Wall street magnate. They acquired a pleasant cottage and Mr. Groeslnjck became connect ed with some of the development .igeucies here. Hut he lucked a balance wheel and hi. eculiaritie led to material restriction of his sphere of inrliiciice. In liquor he was coiupletel) undone and he wat artial to liquor. When under this influence his native reckless ness was amaxiugly iucrensed, and fire arms, axes and other imple ments of violelice were treely used by him. Finally last Saturday uight Mrs. Groesbeck was forced to cek at the home ot a neighbor protection from her huiband, who had beaten her until her life was in danger and threw her out of the house. Then it developed that that was not the first of her ex jieriences of that nature. She re luctantly came to the conclusion that she could, not endure that sort of life. Friends arranged for her departure and she left Monda morning for the homuof her mother in Hostoti. ' No reason or excuse whatever was given for mistreatment of the woman only the devilikh act of a man crazed by liquor. "I wish you would'nt say I bent her with a scantling." was alt Groesbeck had to say about it when he had become measurably Sobered. "As to her luture support my solicitor 111 Lon don will look after that." Mrs. Groesbeck had the general respect and esteem of the community. Wednodhy Groesbeck nlso lsft town, ostensibly for the Orient. He ook with him as vallet Kd. King, one of the D. I. & P Co. s team sters. Young Groesbeck has led a wild And picturesque life. From Green land's icy mountains to India's coral strand doesn't begin to des cribe his ..wanderings. He has 'spent much time among the monkey jwpple of the I'aqific islands. He went down into South America nlid sold gaspipe rifles for some of their tea-pot rebellious. These transactions he justified on the theory that those fellows didn't really care tq kill; all they wanted was something; thatwortjd, go Banc! And the p'rhosterous wcapdns ne sold them n&swered1 their nurnose and netted him a Atdy sum. Jle roughed it ril yariotM times though iihi me various srraia trom tne Ofiarbary cd$st" of Sah Krttftclscb to the tiger trail of Thibetan lunvrles lK.'comc a .skilled engineer and can run a .steamship or locomotive. One of Groesbeclt's relatives was at great pains to trace the family lineage back to William the Conquerer and produce certain im prut.sive couU ot arum and seals in which he reveled, rmiCh to the weariness and finnl disgust of Gcr aid. So Gerald went tiown ti) Tif fany's and had them engrave a seal for him, which, he said, should Jw something more than a relic of h tm-shirtcd ancestor too Ignorant ot indolent to write his name. Hi bared hi.s.rigftt arm and had the en graver copy therefrom" the dragon tattooed, by ' J a pan cue authorities becnuse of his participation in a Shinto riot in a forbidden temple. Umlcr'neatli that dragon rampant he had lettered, "Hell is paved with good intentions." "There" said he, "if my descend ants want heraldry to boast of let 'em date from this one, which nieaiiK something." He wears the heal ring ready for use every day. The reM of the family hasn't yet adopted that design. ' "I feel like the chap In comic opera" said Groesbeck, when every thing had been settled. "You kndw hdw it runs, when one fellow comes out on the stage and sings a dialogue with his partner some thing like this: " 'I am going faraway, away.' " 'Are yon going faraway, away? " 'Yes I'm golngaway.' " 'You going away?' " 'Yes. away.' " 'Away?' "Away."' ' , ' Td Mrs. Groesbeck this parting was harrowing trag'edy. To him it was apparently A mere matter of course, wuiic sue suranK aim shuddered and grieved under the shelter of a ' 'neighboring roof he stalked through streets and private premises with a shot gun on hi shoulder and his pockets filled with automatic revolvers, shooting wildly about him and inviting everybody to come out and get kill ed. When theie weapons were taken from him he procured others There was 110 jail to confine him in. " .i.. I . . . The Groesbuck cottage was sokl to V. O. Minor. Pflhiir nfllir limit. an. I the Ordesbeck career here is history pro lane history. 6'KANE NOW ALDERMAN. Succeeds Stionqucst, Who Resigned Form New Ordinances. The resignation df Fred A. Shon- qucst as alderman of the City of Bend was presented at the council meetitlg last Tuesday night. The reason given for resignation was thut he liad sold hs interests and removed from town. The resig nation was accepted and the couuci proceeded to elqct his successor Hugh 6' Kane and C. K. Hn.lkv were nominated. The vote result ed in 4 for O'Kaue and 1 for Had ley, add the foraier was declare elected for the remainder of the year Four ordinance were passed, r by unanimous votes. One graute a franchise to the ' Bend Water Light & Power Co.; another to th Deschutes Telephone Co; anothe was to regulate the treatment o contagious diseases and the fourt 10 require the building of chimnev and defining the method and maU rials of their construction. A! these will be published before the become law. Rules for conduct of the council' business were adopted. The sped.. committee on jail reported that 1 had awarded contract for con structiou to Brosterhous Bros, am that action wos approved. ,l The bill of Gueriu & Steiiu tnann, $t$o fdr service in couhec-. tiou with incorporation of the Cit of Bend, was presented and h Re corder was instructed td rct ai itemized statement of the chatges. The council adjourned until next Tilesday night. An Aiitc-Ulcctlon Episode. .Wheji the municipal campaign' was shaping tip fit the early part o Deceur it was recognized that thq salqoit' interest, which woulr; fctttlply 00 per cent of the revenue of the city, should justly have re- ALL EAGER FOR LAND Release of a Large Area Starts Settlers. CABINS BUILT IN THE NIQIlT Copy of Land Office Letter Authoris Inz Restoration of Land to The Public. t'ublication in .last week's Bul letin of the news that a large area south of Bend, previously with drawn for forestry purposes, had been restored to settlement, had the effect of immediately starting set tlers for netf homes. Plats were consulted, tracts were picked out and preparations for bomestcadjng were begun at once. And when it was found there was likely to be a rush for good claims n rush was precipitated. Saturday night .John Dokken took his niece, Miss Olson, who had been some time seeking .1 homestead, up to an 80 acre tract at Dillon falls. A. L. Goodwillie had that tract in mind and had ar ranged for the construction of a cabin there Sunday, wind of which reached Dokken and caused him to hurry. When the Goodwillie party reached the land it was fouud Id Be already occupied iti the name of Miss Olson who1 was present. However, tile 'Goodwillie party concluded to take; possession of the forty oti which Miss Olsen's cabin was not, aud'it did so and built cabin there. Mr. Goodwillie is now there. Goodwillie docs not deny the priority of Miss Olson's settlement ivhere her cabin 'is, but he has takctr the othef forty because there was no evidence of any claini. igamst it. He has also posted notices on the whole eighty so that n case Miss Olson should abandon icr claim others could not inuocent ly take it. Wednesday of this week another .-abin was built on an unsurvcyed orty adjoining- that taken by Joodwillie. Notices were posted iaimiug 120 acres. This cabin vas built by Arthur Waters. The acute interest in this tract rises from she fact that it controls die fine' water p&wer of Dillon falls, tome month ago there was au insuccesslul attempt to place scrip ipon it. ' ' The McCauns went out into 19 2 Saturday night and Sunday put ip crtbins' on' two claims. They lso jloited l notices at the corners escribing the land claimed, so that thers could not inuocently setup ubsequeiu clbim to any part of the ime laud: G. W. Triplctt took osseasioii dfva tract in the ueigh orhood of 'the claims of his three ons. Maily others are in the field xkiug for claims and establishing ettlemeht.'" Most of these are not et ready to publish their micti ons to Mie world, however. A Jt of people who have beeu lax in bserving- homestead requirements, rusting to the withdrawal to pro' ict them' from contest, are nlso bc tirriug themselves now. ' ' Iti the Lakeview district there ms been a corresponding release f lauds temporarily withdrawn for forestry purposes. The description of the lands thus opened, however, has uotVet been published. Another; Withdrawal. Under dajt?' of January 17, 1905. t le general laud office directed the withdrawal of Tps. 22 and 23 smth. 9 east, which were over looked iu the withdrawal of July 1 'i 903 have been a sort ol island in a vast withdrawn sea, ever sincei Nearly all the desira ble land there has been taken, Thosp two townships v?erc included : in the origin.a.1 Cascade Mountains V ith an apttless for uu-cluutu -., he iConUnucd on pagu 5) (CentiUtttal 0 pnt$ 5)