II f . THE BEND BULLETIN runusiiiii) iivimv ikiday nv LUKDDUMANN & LAWRENCU. "For aviry man iquare deal, no let and no more." tn SUDKCRtrTION KATKS: BiX lltOtlthlMM!mMtttMmMft M Three mouths '. -..... ...i.".. :, .jo (lurartably la advance.) , . 5 FRIDAY JAN. 20,, 1905 If General, Stoesscl , had. At) pay Bcud prices for hofcefced we do not wonder that he wanted to pre sent his foydrite charger to. General JNogi nn4 that General'' Nogi refused it. Now Laidlaw has a postoffice, 01 will have when the postutastcr'. couiuiissiou shall arrive. JJstab lishtnent of the postolTicc has been authorized, with V. G. Stiles,' tht merchant, as postmaster. Hif bondsmen arc I. M. Coca and K. 13. James. Mrs. Coen will be the deputy. Service will be by apecia carrier from Bend. This is the third new postoffice within a radiii" of five miles in the Deschntc country in less than n. year all having large patronage. Which speaks louder than words of tht growth of this locality (h amount ivtld out Horn melt fund during Hie quarter, and tile halam-e of money or other tiropeiiy rciiiaiuiuit in ni iim at tnc rue m (Mr mutter He imll ikwiiiimiiv tih exhibit wtlli a Khrdiilc of all warrant lvald bv lllm dating llieqiiarlcr. tpcclfiliiR llir luununt. and iitlhlberufrach and the fluid out lifrrlttcti audi Hnimiid wtjtc iwi nnticiinm timn uc mmir and tiled with llie Kevtudcr oil or twlbielhejd tiyir January April, July ami October oi eacn Prihevillc, and nil along the stage roillc to Shauiko, for that matter, is that it refuses to believe that the forces of nature will do hep; what they have done elsewhere. This ...t.li. -5.t r ,. 1 i . ..r. vrnr. suunmc i;cicciiQll. 01 UlC lessons 01 - sUou . It .halt be lh duty of llic Tim ........ 1 lj1.jj. ui ,.i 1... I iirertnraueeleiervwatniiiliialitlivlituilivinark utiuiii v;tiwrii;iici: wouiti oc minis- , Bcnw, tlli. fse; ,fMllie lIir ,;,,, ..lVM,.. ,, thedate ot iwuurnt, either In wrttiiir or bv n larfcnin. and talii warrnnt cnnve-lcd, thall aivuiwn eiich unattetly exhibit Section 5 All wartaiil drawn uoii the Trrurer thall ,be paid til the order of their I presentation. , Stctiou t Alter me aaaiieiiy cjunmi. n .m.i.lh.1 K.Im W.M.Lt . ..C 1 l.ld I InlltlrttltW t,i.tt any where else under heaven except j '" examined and tnwi by the "1, ., , . , . i Common CtwHietl a cetfified cony of the name 111 the llcnd COUntry, iS tO rCWg ' hallbe)mhltHCdall-atonrenthr newtaier tiie their virtue and promise. hut IllSEi.V.W'jfc forte!, faZXSK. the saihe soil' tn the Dcud cOUutfy Approved January u. luMii.nl r.... ...,.. .1 .,Kt f.. I r A.I. !"' ".W". . " ' . 1 ing it it were not so tunltguntu. To see certain kinds of soil in the Crooked river bottom, on McKay creek, in, the. Haystack section, or) Altett LMVRJtNCU. Itextmler. AN ORDINANCE , ilfnc the compelittthHi and tyitd K ana oenniaii nrnuiix-'. ... lite common vtwucii t me Utnir tl corner i by The Recorder In discussing the new coutitv proposal last week the Priueville Review dropped this remark: Tho Bulletin insisted in the Vvnd cit election that the ixrons most inter ested should rulo the new city's affair. Is there, then, so great a difference lnv tween governing a city ami governing county? ' ' Here is an -inaccurate statement of the positidu of The Bulletin, doubtless unintentional,' and the conclusion based on such premise is, of course, much awry. The 'Bulletin's contention in the Bend election campaign (and it is ot 'geucial application) was that those most interested In the welfare ol the city should rule it not those 'most interested iri plucking it or who had nothing to lose by ncg jccung it. lnis principle, may it please the Review, The Bulletin "would ripply to the Jefferson county movement. It appears fr'm recent manifes tations that there is, after all, within the borders of the proposed new county of Jefferson, some hos tility to the move for division. An Ashwood'raan has spoken right Up in opposition to it. Over In the Madras section there is also a cry Of pain. It is evident, however,' that that pain is produced by those who want Madras for the count heat, and is not really against th proposed new countv but only against the town of Antelope. If the people of the propoicM'countJ don't want it that ought tb setth the matter. If they do want it their wishes ought to have weight. The point The Bulletin has madt lieretofore'nnd now'refitates is that the wishes of1 the people in ftie pro"' posea new county suouiu govern,, rather than the wishes of a'dist.tnt county seat. By "the people" fc. meant a substantial majority 01 them; for it cannot be expected that all the people will agree op Anything. The Bulletin is no dis unionist hut does believe largely ii local government. once verv positively worthless in the opinion I J- m of the knockers. So much for the ! spirit of a mean anil iettv jealousy ) that possesses a certniu type ofliu tnnnitv. We do not mean that this - . .'.. ' .'. eor lounu only in uiook count r, out . t oritainnt -c do speak' of' it as. an infiucuct ' SU,"4 that prevents a united effort for de- i nnui ury (ij, t-ay1 i .. . , . i . ' itallmenten the nth day of o vclopmcnt here, that brings uoproi ,)mh 1HHwriTaMy other teei it to anybody, produces duly ill mture and a very tired fceliitt;. This country is nil right, li sn t so old in achievements n-! some others If it were old it vouldn't be new. But if soil aiu1 -limatc, water,' timber and enter arising, industrious )eople mean tnytltiug anywhere tliey sjk-11 not nly immediate success but n great titurc for the Bend country. Mon AN ORDINANCE ProhlWtlnj: th? alctiature, a mrety, ljr th Mayor, Recorder, Tre-awrer or any Awermai of any bond required to tx eiitu by any eflk' of the City ol Iiend. He II ordained by the Common Council of lh. Cityeftlend. That neither the Mayor, the Recorder, th' rrtaiurer nor any uiember of th Cowmot -"outxHt ihall In aa aurety any Ind whieh th. :tty ordioanm or the ttatutea of the Male u( regsn require to be executed by ei4m bold tag office under uW munktiut cetporatlOM Viprored January j, -oj. A. L.COODWII.UK. Attet: Mayer. J. M. LAWKKNCK, Recorder. AN ORDINANCE Vntbortilne the Recorder to expend from th central fund a aum of money net Faosdink tvrentr-fire dotlar tor the iwrchave o MtCti aaoptfea at may Ke needed In the petfcuimatR of hta dotiea and (ach anrUtea at may b. needed by the Treaturer -la' the MrTonaaact of Mtd TrMwrer'a dalle He K ordained by th Common 'CoowH of lh. City of Bend' " That the Recorder be. and hereby h, aalboe .iedtocxtend from the general fwudaattmuf ooney net exceedtntc Twentr-Dve (15) cMtlat for the purchaie of aueh auppliea and Matlonert itmaybctiecettarvrerthe proper tierlraan fhltdutle and for the porcbaM-eOich ap die and atatlonery at the Treasurer may nee for the proper performance ot bk dttitea m Treaturer. Approved January 13. iws ., a t. r.oonwii.r.111, Altetl: Mayor. J. M. LAWRl'NCH, Recorder. AN ORDINANCE. Katabllthing. the form In which tkiuor Ucetae thattbe tuoed. Beit ordained tiy the Common Council oftn Cityorilend!' That all liceutes for the utr arHi.iwMiiiiua 0 liquor under the prorttlona. of the ordlnaiKT e itltled "An ordinance to lirehte, lax. regulate iu inuim uir-Kccpcra, uwoti Krcer anu wiitn in tpirnuooa, irinoot or malt II irrmeniru cuicr, wrroom. Uilnkuu or fermented manner ditooaeit tball be in the followlni; thall ijlve an We In miMilhlV each mouth and orcomtieuMtion A any nature whtlauever. TiloH 1 Hefwe enletlnf hbom hitdutloi the Recorder hall ul a Ivwl with Kl and utmHent utelie Hilt aotiroeeil by the Council, 11 the aum off , payable In I' S guldoMii, oniHKHTtt m the laltltnil pcrfxinauce of ut dullea at Recorder The Mayor It hereby i.aJe cuMouian 01 -mui nnmi ecttOH 1 Alldcmahdtaiidaccouultairaliitt he City ahall be prtMentel to the Recorder with he eceary erMenee in iipporl ihrrrof. and iehaltau.llt the name and report them to the Council with all coiitrnlenl tpeeil. together with 4ti uaeTlioii or edanaliun which he may ierm proper and peilineut lie halt draw arrault uu the Trrattirrr f.r Jill dcraandt and ccvunttoideiedpahl by the Couucil. toride notify hat bten appromtated for that purpote, ml no tHncrnri, wucn wrrm . nam i iraw or on retlon 1 The Krcuttkr tcentet authoritcd by the Clt tn oh the uptcUl fund appropriated therefor, a the general fund, ami be tinned bv tht tiayor and atlettetl by the Kecorrier 14 1 ne kcwtwi y the City ordl he delivery to hlni of the receltH of the TtMtur- mutt ittue all ordinances upon r for the amonal of money iciiutretl for tuch locate Section J, The Kecorder thalt keep proter wokt of account thuwing therein alt tnmt bpfeptlaled and dale thereof and out of what fond, the date and amount of alt wairanlt drawn hereon ami to whom parable and nil Htch atallett ami thinga at may I prctcrttwd by dinance or be proper and necvry to a cor rect Hnderttandlng of the Cny a Snancea iMCtkwi. The Hecorder ahall make q.iur. letty ttatemenlt to the Common Council or at 4uch other time at may be requited by the Council .thowinf teceiptud duburaewenuaod hetiateof ea-h narlicuUr fund and alto how ng Ihera-rt Irwi tfvKe him ami thcJudtjmenU impaled and linet colleclett. mkH atatemcut -halt be made at the nrrt regular meeting of the OMuril in the month of January, Aptll. July od October of each year Sevtk7. In thecae of lllneat or temporary .ty-tmre of the Krcordcr. the Mayor may de 4,tnaie 10 act at tttch any prrton having .he cjualiAcalKm of a Jrei'f th l"ae. who .hall forthwith lake th with f oMre and per 1. m the duttet of Kecorder 'luring aueh lew weary abtcner or inability of the Recorder 10 :t lilt coMoenulUHi while lempoearily act ing at Kecorder. thell be iledueted fitjol the tattry of the Kecorder. . Approved January 1 J. ia$. A. L. C0OnVILLIK, Attet: Ma-or. J. M LAWKKNCK. Keorttter. iquoraor tji..M or '"I "i-iyBM, uiinKtug n..pt r -.TMie. orin any mi plrituout, rinout or mall nqacra . barter, deliter or in ai Oder are kept for aale or ta any ...ur tneir or my ot aed of and the dupotal tbc.'cef,'' I ipirituout. etnout or form; LIQUOR LICENSE CITY OF DENQ laacrti at Dkxu, Oatco, , .... - -... baring complied with the ordlitaucea of th CRy of llcnd, regulating the Ittuance of l.lquor I.i cenw.ana hating filed in the ofnte of lh Kecorder a receipt of the Treaturer far the urn of (tx Hundred Dollar jttot) aaid . ,.... . . It hereby authorlied and lleenteit to tell, during the year ending oil the. day of. ........ y . tpirituout, Vfnout and Malt Liquora andl'er- mented Cider ...... .... ..t Ibc premUct kriown at.... . nluaVrd.. , .M. Krett iu lb City .fftend. Keeonler. rilln LICKNoH MOST Mt'rOSTKU IX A CONKITCOOUn M.ACK. Approved Janittty I J, lyo). ' , Aut: A. i.. rtoonwir.LiiL J. M I.AWRmfCK, Mayor. xcoruer. FUTURB FOR THE BEND COUNTRY Engineer Kinney's report on the' reclamation enterprise of The Des chutes Irrigation & Power Con); pany, which appears in' another cof umu, contajtis nothing new to the people acquainted with the condi tions bi?re, but it is gratifying con firmation, from unquestioned au thority, of local opinion of tlie vir tues of this codutry and the suffi ciency of the irrigation company's plans to reclaim it. To know how competent outside judgment regards these matters is interesting apd useful to ajl concerned. ti "The land is of the same general nature of lands in Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona thatbear im mense crops, when properly culti vated and irrigated,'' says Mr.. Kinney, coiorauu is iuucjj uigucr than Central Oregon andyas w all rwTctslsspromisiug. v , A peculiarity w iue KnocKHig thfct is 50 assiauousiy uone hi AN ORDINANCE I'txlifiboud-uitdcooipewwllon of Manual a ltd authorizing ewployment of police oflicert. Melt ordainnl by the Comntoii Council of the City of lie nd: scctleu 1. The Marahat of Rend ahall re itlycaalull compentation for hit aervicca ai .mnual aalary of Oiiti dollar, payable In ad 's nee Section . The Manual ahall. before enter ug upon thedutieaofhit office, execute a bond to the City of Jlend In the penal turn of fynoo xyable 111 V. S. Bold coin, with gooil uud auttt .sent auretlea to lie apprured by the Commoi Council, conditioned upon the faithful perform nice ofhladutie under the law Heclloni There may be apnolMed by the Mayor, turret to the approval of the Common Council, a regular police officer and audi aptciai policemen aa may Ik required at any time for the procreation of public older. The regular iMliceman a)m:i receive the aum of ;, a month Alt police officer! ahall hold ohice at the pleasure of the Common Council. section 4 No police officer ahall, durlnj; the oerlod of hit acrvice aa tucli officer, engage for profit In any work or occupation other than that of policeman Violation of tliit provuion thall conttltnte aiute for ditmltta! bectiouy There ahalt lie kept Iu the office cfthcClty KtcorUra..Uook in which ahall be entered by the officer making arrcatt, the name ofetrry erton anrated, the cauteol arrett and the date thereof. The Marahal ahall render to the Council -in writlug a monthly ttatement teltlUK forth the name of every pcraoii arretted during the calendar mouth preceding, ami the cause of aueh arittl, and thall report on other matiera which 11c may ueem appropriate. AN ORDINANCE. To llecnre, lax. regulate and rettrain tar-keep-era. taVpon keepvrt. and dealcra in tpi'ltuout. rinout or malt (iquora.or fermeutttl ewer, bar reoma, drinking ahoptw place wheretpirlt. twui. etnotit or malt Uquor. or Irrmentrd eider are kept for tale, or In any manner dilputed of and the dltponion thereof. Be It ordained by the Common CoMncit ed the CityofDnd section 1 No perton or pertont. thall in thit ily. directly or indirectly. In peraon or by .notheror atherwite. open, maintain or tarry M any aaloon, har-rixHti, drinking thop, ,r any place where aplrituooe. rinout r malt liquor or fermented cider are kept rtaie. or In any wanntr nupoteti 01. orteii, any way tinpwcui iwrvren ner peraon a acrouni. any pirituout. inout or malt liquor or lermenica Met In" any uca puce 10 any peraon or peraant. -lt or barter toanynertrm orperaont. any Tiaeni.aialt. tplrltaouttlqnoetor fermented eider .uavotner puce without obtaining a Itcente therefor iu the manner hereinafter provided myotic rlolallag th jKon of thit aee Uou,halluMi(eHivictiHi thereof, bepunitbrd a fine ol not leat than two hundred () da Urt n. r more than four hundred tin) 'doIUta, rbylmprfcMmmcuMn he city jail fur not lew tan ttaty (fa) day nor more than two hundred 1 -) day, or both. . a, . lion . Th following pertont ahall not - ..tilled to take out a Itceuac provided for In thu ordinance The keeper or proprietor ot a ...wdy htmte, or disorderly bout, or houteor dace rraorled to for the purpote of amoklHg ptum, or the keeper or keeper, proprietor or roptietwt. of any houte or place, or bar-rrom r drinking thop or aaluon or Mil. retorted to for the purpote of prostitution or frequented or 'idled by lewd or ditutulc women: ort'te eeper or keeper, proprietor or proprietor of ny bar-room or drinking thop or Mloon con meted directly or indirrrtly Iu runorcttoti with uy bawdy house or contrary to the law of .be Mate of Oregon, or the keepei or keeper ,f an place tetortrd to for the purpote o MtaWncr 'nniinn. or bertoat who have been. 'Uhlnayetr convictad of the vtolalioii of thit rdinaucV nr who are not well ' awil toarardt he gaol order apd peaic of aoeiety, .nd who arc not 0 good ' moral haractcr, nd no lleente ahall be granttti o any tifh perton. and no IWcdte thall .ranted to any perwn tor the tuipow-of cany uk on a taloon. or for the aale of tptrltuout, iiiouJ or malt ttouora or fermented cider, with 11 four hundred (too) feet of any tchool hotta. jria anlocality where the mwc ta obnoaloua otherettdeataln the vnclnity be. lion 3 No llcentc Mnwi be taaueu tor a tod than 'Mie lliyear. lea pel h fill heetKrti 4 It ahall be the luty bftne Mayor, Approved January 11, loot. A, i. Attest: JVM f.AWRKNCI, Kecorder. Jr 000nwif,I,IK, faj or. ' ' AN ORDINANCE I'lalnglhecompeuiation and Iwnd of Die Treat urer nnddefuilngliltdutle De It ordained by the Common Couucil of the City of llcnd. Hcctlon 1 Tlir Treaturer thall trK-r mi aunual aalary of J100.00 tayaMe In quarterly liittallinenU oti the ut day of each quarter, and hall receive -ub other fee or coui)eiiatloii of uaiuiv Ti aiuiatuw t I oiu ifm,7- l. '!f fSre "teclu; upoi thedutlea o I hi office he ahall eaeeute u Uud to the City orilendliinieauiuof 5m.co, playable Iu V. b, gold colu, Kltaujiuch. aurety. company aa the Coiiucl! tilay approve, conditioned ou tbi faithful performance ofnhfc lutiea a Treasurer The nrenilumouialvtoid ahall be paid out of the tcueral I'und 6ectlon3 It ahall be Ihe duty of theTrea rertp wake a. quarterly cahJUlttoth. Council, Kttiug forth the amount ofiimnrv rn-.l.,,! r,.... tanatlon or etjierwiie and ajicclfylng from what source auch woueya were receJvett and howlng nd he it hereby authoritd and empowered U ppoiiit a committer of three (1) member of the .OMIttOn lUHincil, to uc kuuwh uir i,iiHif 1 icenaeCommitUc. who duty it will beta ex amine Into and Invettigate all application and pplicant tor licenae under the poviiouof thit irillnancc ttablcommiiiee, m oruer 10 proper ly invettigate and determine the character ot ippllcanta ahall have power toadmmiater oatbi, aamine witnee. and comel theirattendance, andaendfor iar and document. Section 5 Any perton or prou deatrlngb Ice lite uiulerthe provitiont of thit orcilNtme, thall prK-iit In wilting aiipjieatlou hereforat a inteliiig of the Council ten (10) lay before the Ittuance of til. ilicentc, which application thall be referred to the Liquor Uccute Committee by the Com .11. naid appli cation ahall aute where Ibe pr.,poted buaines 1 to lie conducted, and the nature ofauchbuti- If upon Invettlgatlon Mid Coinniitteeahall be talitfird that audi applicant I entillcil to a liccntc under the provialou of thit ordinance and that the pla re where it la propoted to oarry on the aid butluea I a proper place lhrrrfQr, aald Committee thall approve aald application, and file lime with the Kecorder , If for any reatou the aaid Committee,, upon invettlgatlati, doe not approve naid application, it thnll ludorte thcrroii (1 rcatona for tuch U approiat and file aame with the Kecorder ' , Mid Committee mutt 'make recommendation; upou all application. alxve provide!, within a period of at leaat five (t) day from the time wlien aucn anpiicoiion .wu py. 111c council ic fe'u ferred to CommKtrc Uefore fiiialactlon by the Council. n provided folluwine iiarucraDH 01 thltKCtlo be taken, the applicant for llceute ahall caute a fn the I lion, ahall full and complete copy.of aald application tube publithcd at lean oure in vouie iiewapaiicr ha vine general circulation Iu Uc City, nud ahall file aatitfactory proof of auch puUlcatluu, when made, with the Kecorder. huch publication mutt precede the final artljii of.thejOouncil ii on uch application for license by a period of at leatt five (J) dayit. The Council at It next wetting after the filing ol llierepolt of Mid, Coiumlttre.tlinll acttipmi tlir ttiiiillcittU'ii and tile brtild lr)ultetl by xcclluil ? of thl oidlliniircmid limy by tetolutlmi rlthrc ginlit or lellite a lireutc iii'tMltlitliuidliig tht ttoiiilorilKiipioMil uf Mid l,liunr l.lceutr Committee If the lireutc i aiunlnl then when the applicant hnll thereafter hme pivtenlcl In .lie lVvrdertllrirciit ol tlirTtiatiirerff the nniDiliit iiffeea lor the lieentr Uir the rntuliiR rur Mid I Ice me nltrttl tie Ittuetln applied fur and not ntlirrwitc. The Council miy icvoke A llreiite at anvlime, In whh It inte there tlmll lie refunded to the .llceiiHe n turn or iimuey width hall Ixtirlhe Hame pioMulloii to the Itttal llceutr paid by lllm nttlteiiuet.pird Ittm ahall bear .! the wlnde let nt fur whieh the llceute watltttirtl Sevllon 6 )vt) iertiiii to hum n llceute thall Ittue under the ptnvttloiit irihltutdliiiic, thall y lulu the City Tteatuiy a llceute fee a follow- If for the tale, batter or delivery of any tplrttiumt. lnoiitor matt lltitn or iVrnieiitrd cider, ur all nf them, lu n lom or Iwt-HHim or thelMtleror aale of any tuch llijutHa tn any other place, the applkwut thall pay thiuiu of Six liiiudred ("ool uullart per Milium, M)nh)e liiadvtiuce ievti"n 7 ltierv person aptdting for licenw under tint .otdlnantf to tell tpTrlluout, vluout, or malt liquor or fetmeiUeil cider. le tore tevtiijiii; iKh llceute. tlmll rteetite In lit ritvnf Urml, n bond in tht pcttal itiui uf one Uu'H-rtiid ( 1. tm) dollar, with two or niorcmlf' five nt tutetlra, to l apiuovedby tile Mam, cvndilloiietl that Mid appllmul tlmll nut vbuate the proritlont of r-tlnt a of thit nnlinmioe Mertimi S. Any keeper or prupittter of any .aliwn. bar-room or other place where: wliiet. .pl-ilmHit or mall tltpiut or frrmeuteil chler ale aokt.orkept for tale, who ahall Iu lilt pUif iwrinlt any biracli of the peut. or dltturlMiieeof the public order or ilevuniiii by nolt) ordlaoid erl conduct when It I in hit puwer to tueveiit the tame or thall tell or glee, or iitill to t aldor Klven any iutottCMlltig liquor tu any pel ton already intotieateil, or to any perton under heaaeof inahwUy. or during the voting hourtiir tny etrttlon day. or ahall at any time permit or emptor auy woman to ail aa waitrett or bar tender, or to ting or daiiee.or ttve Iu nny m wcil In hitMMMtooiiKrbai loom, or uiui ri imttau) InlVactloii ol the law of the Htatr of Oiegon. or the tmoking of opium, or dltotdeily conduct or an) bawdy hottw to lie rattled nil tu inch place or In eunnestl.ui iherrwilli thall iiuon cunviction. lie fined n4 ! IImii llltvltnl dollar nor more than two huiilrett (lut) iMt ur oy impritonmeut not lit, man twenty hve (i5dat,nor mote than one hundred day or both anil thall forfeit any llcente w I";1 rlikh nrovitinnt of th t oiilln- aure. amtthe bond prtii tdrd for in trctloii 7 of he may hold uuder the a lie, amlth tiond tiro thitiMdlHanee, may be proeeeiletl ngantt Bend's New Meat Market WAI.I, HTUI'I V WHITE (ll'llitltl! l M CO & HILL THE FINEST. STOCK OF FUI2SN A1KATS IN CfcOOK COUNTY Cured Alcnts and Lard and all the Acceso rles of a First-Class A.arUet EVERYTHING NEW AND OF THfc DEf I VOU AUII INVfll.U TO T W Sis COIt. OlMCi.OH llOSPHls a. M. BSotcbcnct, Iprop. The Best, Liquors and V)(.n.es DOMESTIC and IMPORTED CIGARS Apitoveit Jauuaiy I. lyM 1 u Attrtt. J. M. I,.VKlLSCIt AWKItNC Kttttmler ODOIIWIl.l.lH. Jla-or SUMMONS IN Tlltt CtUCUITCOUKTOI'TIIUKTATIIOl' OKHUOS lt)K CKOOK CUCNTV. The lehutet IrrlgatttHt Hi ltiwer Company, fetdinand Dkettfltd, lltretwiant. To I'erdlnand Oktrtunit. Defendant anae named IN THU MAMHttr tHh aTAt or 11a M.'M Von are hereby teqnlred to apirr and antwer the etmiittalNt Sled agalntt ytm III the abnve entitled Htfl otior hrfaee the yothday of January, i4. and If you fail to to antwrr for want thereof th plaintiff will apply to theCoutt for the relief demanded In IU complaint, to wit foe a lodgment agalntt you and a decree of taut Court appropriating ami nniitcmning a light ol wayone hundred and eighty (iu) feetlnwidtlt over. aeriMt and upon certain landt own I by you and tttualed In the County uf Crook and (Hate of Oregon, and brimr. known at the ShiUi wrtt Gutter liw K of the houlhwrtt'titiatter (tuufof neetlon Pour f4!.Towntnipelchleenlitl booth, Kange Twelve lu I'.atl. and lorajudg mem far lit com auu uittmrtemeni 01 intt tun 1 and for all tacit other anil further relief at to tht ; Ctwit in emty may teem jut ami meet lit the ptemlw. Thif tumoiit It utdtttd rvett by iHtbllcalkMi thereof for tl conterutlte weekt from the ith day of lecemler. Ifi to the 17th day of January. I Mi. by order of the Honorable w. A leil, County Juitge roe Crook Count), Oregon. Made and datett at 1'rlncville, Oregon. Oecember la, lyti. Tn DntciitTiM taawATtot fit I'nwim Co. tiaVjiy Hy tluetln fk fHelnemann lit Altornryt, A. II. Urtpmiiti Oco. f. Meyer A. H. LI PPM AN & CO. linNI), OKIidON FURNITURE CROCKERY Builder's Material SUMMONS. IS TIIK JVaTICHrt COURT I'OK THK 1'RI! C1NCT Ol' nKNI),CKt)t)K COf.VTV, fiTATII 01' OR WON. bTATH Or" OKIJCOH ) i0. COl'KTV Of CKOOK runti T vs. Cbarle K. Hannat. IfdHt. Ta Chat. It. Kanadt, the above named defendant In the name of the Mate of Oregon, ou are hereby requited to appoar before tht nude--IgHed.a Jntllee of the I'eacc for the precinct aforetald.un the nth day of J-ebruary, lyi. at 10 o'clock In ti.r a in of mkI day, at the oifke ofitht Jutiw l td preeiuct, to autwerthe above namt-l ..imirl Iu a cftil action for the re rotery of moary The defenduui will lake notice that if he fall to antwrr the eumplatot herein the plaintiff will take judgment agalHtt him far I'ottynt Dollara and I'ltiy-five Cent (! Jt)andcottt. Thit mmmoiit It ordered aerved bypubtlca 1 tion thereof fin- tU cntecullve week from the I mil nay 01 iiecemuer, iyH, 10 iue itii uay ui I'ebrnary. It5. Ily order of the Juttke't Court for the I'rtclnct of fiend, Crook County, and the Mate of Oregon Made awl dated at Kend, Oiegon, IiecemUr . i4 J. M. I.AWKKNCII, JHMiee ui ine 1 cr, Ikm4 Precinct. dtfi Crook Couuty, Oregon. '.' ' " 1 nft Land, llnal Proof .N'OTICK FOR PUBLICATION. U. H. Und Office, Mkevlew, Oirgon, January 6, px. Notice It heleliy given that IMvhl A. Ilndley, of Katdand, Crook Co., Oregon, na file.) notice uf Intenlkm to make iiroofen hit deaett-ltnd claim Notji, forth awjfneji, w)jK. is, and nwUneS'iMOi, 1 p. in, r la e , w 111 before J M. Itwrtuee, V. H. CominlMloner, at hU omcc at llend, Oregon, on Saturday, the th ilay of February, i. lie name the following wneeato (irovcthe ctMnidelc IrrigatHtu and reclamation of Midland John N. Mb.Umi, William tl Muyfield. John C Taylor ami John Young, all of Kotlatid, Drrajon. ami Joteph N. Hunter, of Itend, Oregon, Jjfj4 J N WAlMjrJ. Krgltter PILOT BUTTE INN A. C. I.UCAS, Proprietor Tables niippliatl with nil tU'tj tltilfcMcIcx of tlMt ;wmioti T, T.TT ' r"; 'fjrr rw lfirst-clt)att Iiqtiipiucnt Ifitm Rooms ami llwN '; 1 .....- -r All strides stop nt thu hotel door allini'lKITlWMHH Z. F. MOODY General Coninlissioii Forwarding Mcirehant . SHANIKO, OREGON ... - tab I.ARGH AND COMMODIOUS VAK1,!I0USK CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED Prompt attention paiil to those who favor me with their patronage THROUGH I'ltJtJM. IJUNI) TO SMANIKO IN ONB DAY SHANIK0-P8INEVILLE PRINEVILLC-BEND STAGE LINE SCHEDULE SOUTlinOUND I.cnvc Shauiko 6 p. Arrive l'rittevillc 7 a. Leave 1,'rineville 8:3011. Arrive Ikml 2:30 p. m. m. HI. in. NORTH HOUND" Leave Iiuiitl 10:30 p. 11). Arrive I'rinuville. ....'. 7:00 j). 111. Lcnre Priueville 1 p. 111, Arrive Sluntiko 1 a. in, I?IRST-CI,ASfc KQUIPMHNTaS FOR TRAVIUJtINC PUHIJC PASSUNCKiL.AND I'KRIOIIT RATUS KKASONAM, Timber I.knd, Art June J, iS. NOTICJ-: POK I'UBhlCATION. 0. . I,and Office, The Dalle. Oregon, Novruibel aS, f. ffotlce I hereby given that iu compliance with IheprovitloniOflhe Act of Cniigrcat of Junel. Ibrt, entitled, "An bet for the aale of limber laud In theatateauf California, Oregon, Nevadu, mid Waahluglou Territory,'' a extended to all the public land ttutet by Act of Augutt 4, l9-;J, Bamuel p, Voder, of Haiidpolnt, county of Kootenai, ttate of Idaho, haa thi day lileil lit licit office hi worn tatr menl No, jiv, for the purchaie of thccJjucM nud eH ae of ec. n lj. U . r 10 c., w. in. And will offer proof to tliow Hut the land aought I more valuable for It timber or atone than for agricultural purpo, and to ct tabltth hit claim 16 naid laud before the Keg1' trier and Keceiver. of lM office at The Dalle, Oreeon. on the ltt day of Match, J'3 Ife name a w"l(netet: WiUIam O. Matou aivK Michael-O'Connor, ol Tlie iiuiut, wrrgoii, no ward J.. Illrlch", ah'd William C. Arae. of Baudt pblnt, Idaho. ' Any und all perron claiming advcrtcly tile above-tlrxTibid laud ore rcuuetlcd to file tbeir claim iu thl blhceoit or iclore the tuild ut day or March, ifoj. .- IJM17 MICIIAHI, T. NOI.AN, KegUltr, yrr: K. GOOD CLOTHING i I ' " rr-T-t It i ' , If you neci! Clothing It will bo to .your . i a atlvuntnKtfto buy them of ' 4 t TT We carry only th finest lines of LIQUORS and 4 CIGARS., DON'T FOkQET ks .".' TO DUOl INTO Tltft I MlNNESOfA.felblFFEt vSjiaw & DnosTJuutous, Prop's . PROD '?,i"TaV'" A. SHONQUGST, Aiatiugcr niJNDi ORKOON .'M't'-i t'fJ- "' ""'"-J ,t v suqmnK foij, HirMUiX .QREGONIM r. 'JL AND-J Tie,BEND;iBiJLU5!HN -111 I LI . :lh BottrPtijors-CidiVYear $2.00 1 T '( ll