The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 13, 1905, Image 8

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    ,mJmdmr' -i&ssmmm i -
mi 111 mi i ii Jii'itiiumimrimmujHnanotarMiaJ'jiJiur.itx.'.i
On the Deschutes Riv$r in Western Part of Crocjk
County, Oregon.
. . . . j t r... ...t ...-...... 4 iiiii'!ii(r
center 01 ine new immum utnnmiuu v.v....s. ,
tfl W. S t u fca
The Townsite of BEND
fl gVaO-nHLMaMMKaWa-a-UaW
AT 7X -N C vy 70 v z S
'-. JK zv v yx -y vv xy NSv
t . "v "v- r t -". -v' k.-v v v"' -s. va "v ? -aw "ii r r
1 gm .yy i-a
PreJcnt..... .. Theodore Hxircll
Vk rrrUBt. ,
SctrcUryorSUtc ............,,. John Hi)
8ccretry of Trtamry - Lntie M. Shaw
SccrtUryof lntier....... K, a. Ilitthcock.
Secretary of Wr. ..., W. II. Tf
bcTeuryofXaTy,., . , iaul Jlwiuu
RctttUryof C(Hamcr-.. 1tor II Mvtwlf
Potnittr C en cml ..
Attorney Cenrral . v, II Meod
Secretary ofActfCMkuf e....Jame UtiaiMi
mm Ceo.
K. Chamberlain
r. I, UuBbtr
.C. S. Maw
A. . Crawferd
J. II. AcVermai
J. K. UbllHcj
Seertary of State,
Trratii rer.. ......
Attorney Ceneral-..
iuui ruWk luitkutka.
f11' 11 ii
Dairy and lood Ce
J. V. UaUcj
J. II. Mitchell
C W. l'ulton
C. S. Scnatora
IXnjer Hernial.
J, S. WHIIantaoB
C It. Watrertoti
K. S. lleaii
I'. A. lovrt
Supreme JuJeea..
JuJte...M .w....ii .iff. L, Bradabaw
AUorney....,.. -I'ranV. MeoefiHr
Joint Knatr...... .,,, J. A. Mjeocl.
J. ". Hr(a
K. A. Km wit t
H. VI1taU0u
ckook coiurrv
Judre .. ..i
Treaiurer. ......
school ktatd.
tmrveyer. .......
cortMier ..
huxt luafwator..
, W. A. Ilell
J.J. Smith
.m C. Sam Smith
.-... (S. C Cray
,.J. 1). Mfullett
.C. II. KinwWdie
........ C. A. Craece
, J, II. CrooVa
Joe HluUe
M. I). l'ewU
K. H. riternt
TlnflMr I.aud, Aat Juhc I, .
U. b. Itw Oitce, MLaview, Oregon,
XOTf wWcr A, S4.
Notice m h' rcby ctven that In eotnUMcc with
the uroA ' uf toe act of Cougreat of June i.
iN7t en'iilKl m act for the wUofllmUrlan4i
iu then .it. ..I i. ilforuia. Or egoii, Kevada, and
V.i.l!ir.t"i I'err or," a eatcuded U all the
puUu laud klatrx ' y set of Auguat 4, uait
J.l.i M. Itofiaii,
of I'verft con." ul sucboniUb. tatr of Waah
uui'oii, ii.ilii " h'"1 nthiar'- beraworu
atiTiemci.i so .. ' the purcbaaa. ol the jwtf
KC I 111 IIU'I'
irdtoll "f;r i.ic.l to tboH that thr land
aoucht Miiiui' vjlualje for iu limb or atone
t .11 fi 1.1 luruoaea -ud to eatablUfa
her cUlui t" aaul laud Wlure J J Hauith, County
rr. ai ' ' "' " '"u uu TUuraday, the
nib ila .l I tt.ruary, i,-i
she i' .lura i witnew, Thn an Dorcau,
ullUrtio' V "I' ' Uo.uiei. efKvercU.
Umli,' II ' ' '"U 4"" " A. Fo.ter of
ITiuni le uinsa
Any e'l.l rll d-'o'H ctaiimm; n-lv raely the
abordck lUUnJur")' .1 hie their
v,f jrehraary . j
d(f,a ' n 'VT1. Ee. Iter.
Timber Land, Act June J. I7.
U. S. Lawd Office, Ijikewtw, WreifiHi,
Deccnilxr 5, lM.
Nstlcr It her t by glrcn that in cowiwiwe with
the prviiai onhe Act of Cone of Jhbc i
.eHUtli "An l fK tUe uUuf lUtaUr UmU
In the Hatea ufC.liH.inU. Orean, evia. ml
H'ayiingUM Terriwry," etteui i ta alt the
IrttMfc htwt Ut tty Act of Aufwi 4. IV.
of aHii'rlsr, ret) of IJuttgta, Male uf Wla
uMlllcliuthiitnchiFiNtatemeuc No ai
fur tHe(MiKiae fthe wHw)t. e. , tudnH J. tp ut,r)r,w.M
An4 will offer troaf ta above that the land
ou)it U nuwc valuable fur Ii timber or Mame
nan M agrtcnltur. I mrpe, and la rrfaMlah
aiactaimtti aaid land before J. M. Ijwreawe.
. H LoanmiMioitcr, at Ikud. Oreeon. at hi
mce un Saturday, the ih day of lebraMr) ,
lie mwm a Mhaea Jw4efdi N. Ilirater,
Michael a. Mayncld. Iflttbwt W Hot.rt. and
MibouJ Koberla, all of Keud. Oregon.
wy and all miwii dalutine adeeraely the
. oec described landt are rctweatrd t file thetr
.-latma in Ibia aflka on or before the hU ith
lay of l'cbruary. lyoa.
J. X. WATtHX. Keiter.
Timber toad, At June J, laj.
V H. Uad Oflke, The iMttaa, OregtHt,
October $1, v4
Xottar l hereJiy triven that iu cwmfdtaiMfc wHh
he nroeiatoHa of the Aft of Couureiw of June 1,
i7. entitled. "An act for the U of timber la nda
1 the atatcaofCaUforuw, ttreajw. Nevada, And
H'aahlufituH Territory," a ektewded U alt the
miuUc land atalea by Act of AiH(Mt 4, ikoa,
Alice I. IIWk.
f Itend, count) of CrooL, atato of Oreaon, hat
u MepUmiMrr ly. lvt. filed In thu arncc her
won atatenient H 4M. for the (mrrbuac uf the
1 eejs. toia, r uc , in
And will urfer uroiif lu ahow that tllelaud
Hiajht u more valuable for IU timlier or atone
.nau for agricultural imriaaaca, aud t eMablUh
uer claiiM 10 atd laud before J M Iifren.e,
V b LomutUaiouer, at hla ollice in lleud,
Oregon, un Ibc Jth day of Jaauary, 190
bite lliian aw wilucc O W Triplctt. of
iriiHrvtlle, Oregon. Millard Triad It. I'laiiLCUt.
aud IMuvrl lleiWHC. alt uf lleud, Oregon.
Any aud all wruu Uaimlnic advrraaly the
abvec-detcribed Undaarvrcqueated t file their
ciaitua In Ihla oMiee ou r before the tald aceli day
of January, 1905.
nifju MIUIAM. T. HOUXit. U.Utr.
Timber I.aud, A at June j, Ul!.
tl. K. Law Oflftte, The IaUet, Oresa,
lJcceutUr j, iv4-
Notice it hereby tfitrti that in compliance with
the uroviatwaM of the Aft of Cmitfc tit June 3.
i7,jetttitld, "An act W the aateof tiuiberlaudt
tbc Utcv of California. Oregon, Nevada, aud
iVaJhlUKtun rerritary," a rxumjo! tu alt the
(itrMIc laud Mate by act of Auguat 4, ilti.
I.euiuel (i. Mooue,
ofTiimalo. eouHty of CrooL, .tale of Oregon,
haaou :vfmber ivl. nt d in ihUoltke hit
4Moru ituteinent No. MU. lor the jiurchaie of
Hit i-'4HirJj aud lota 1 and 3 of aec. let,
r 11 r h ui
Aud will urfer proof ioaliow that the land .
KMt.nt 1a more valuable for ita timber or alou-1
(llau Iv. aricuiiarai purjJOTC, .i to roaaiiau
hia claim 10 aaid land before J. M I.awreucc
U i, Cuuiniiaiour,at hraonkeiu Hand, Orrjon,
on the ijth day of Kebruary, IMS ,
lie uauura aa witneaaea Charltt I,. Wiuiar,
John IbWiatcr. Kred V bullb, and Addlaoo
iiagica, an otTUwaia, urefup.
Any aud alt tieraoua daliului: advcraeJv tlic
atari daioruVed Unrfs are. rrqurtttd b? PU their
talniE Hi tttit sfuce btfare tlic aa(U Ijtli
day of l'elruiry,'isi. " j
dl fit M1CUAKI. T. KOI.AH Kcglattr.
Department of ttie Interior,
V. S. IJitxl Offree. The Dalkt. Orrgmt,
December n. iy4
Xoiler la hwebv triven that the fallowinK.
named aettler h Wed malice of hU iHlenlton bt
make final proof in tautwart at hi claim, aant
that Mid nrWwill be made helarej M li.
fence. V Commit doner, at hw oflScv Hi HeMd,
OteiroN.on Vebrnary IJth, 105. via
Kiaiene-lt. ttetchell,
of MHcrt. Orrgou. on II 1! No ija, for the
wKiIhc x. tu. i . r M e . w. m.
He namea the folbavrlug wincr in proee hia
cvaUaanM reulrne uno4 ana ctwivaiion an
aaldlaud via llarrim A MelvtH. Jamaa A
MrCatt. U'iUuim Kdwardt, and John Kdnard..
all ufhMeia, Oregon.
Timber hand. Art Jane J. rtj.
U. R. I J rid (IfCte, The IMllea Oregon
OcUher . i''4.
Notice l heretiy givru that Iu outdUHce with
the BforWona oflhe Act of Co;ic ul June 1,
iaj, entltbid, "An act for the Micuf limber lamia
iu the tlaieaof CallhKnla, iregou. NevJa, and
Wathingtou Territory, at extended lu alt the
uubticland nuiraby Act of Aiia;u.l 4. , the
bllowmc-named peraont have fttttl In Ibta
or&cc their tHorn atatemeula, to-wit
Margaret O Connor,
of The llallet county of Wana. atalcof (f(OM,
worn alatement No aj5, filed June 1, 104,
for the purchtaeof Iheae),, ec jj, tp 11 a, r 10c,
w m.
Mary J O Ifounor,
of The Dalle 1 cwuuty of nteo, aiate of Oregon,
aworn autemeut no iter;, Meet iniy ii 10114, lor
lbeuurcha oflhe kVne "UU Ma 1 and of
c S, tp IJ r la e, w. w
That they will offer moot loafcew that the land
.ought I uiore valuable fur ila timber or atone
than for agricultural purpotet, and tu
iheir claim to aahl land tofure the Hegiater
aub the bind ulltcc in fhe Italic,
orrgoa. on the lath day uf January, 19U5
They name at ttUneaaea Michael n Connor
WillUniC. Maaon, aud Mattln liroundwater. of
The Italic. Oreaen. aud hranl. (irouuduater.
ofKlua, Waahington.
Any and all bertont tlaimiaa ailveielv the
abuve detcribed la nda are reucaied to Ate their
claim, in thiaornccoH or lieforc the aajd mhduy
of Jauuary, iyS
Timber I.aml, Act Juue j, lift.
U. K. I.aad OVice. The Dallca, Oregon,
.Norember la, 1004,
Ntttiae it liertby given that in couiallanc with
the pfvialtHaorthc Act of Cougna of Juu. i.
7a. tntiitiaai "All act mr ma aaie oi umuer
hi wla In the alalra of California, Orej-.ou, Nevada
and WaahlitgUrti Territorv," aa catended to all
the public laud aUlca by Act of Au.uat 4, ikaa,
liertha I,. Oram,
ofDrtchutaa, cmiulyof CrouV, tote of Oregon,
haaou beK. Sth, Ifl Mcdin Ihlauiucehrr wtHH
autewent No Jin, far the purchase of the teff
'( ec 4. eJt'iw! and awurK of aec y, tp
lit, r lit , v.. in.
And will offer uriiof lo shew that the laud
iou'lil 1a wore valuable for ita timber or atone
i7k, nl(tlal "An act for the aale of timber
Uiau for agricultural purpuaca And to catubliali
her tltini to aald Laud licfo
fore J M latuiflliv. I
b Cumuibwlbuvr, at hit office ai lirtiu, Ofi .on
011 Ibr aith day of February, ivoi
Hlie uamet aa wttneitet. Vary T. llrolcar,
Harry W. Troler Joteah Hunter, kichgrd
Xing, yraua, Ctlaaa, loha I. U'eat, John kMeiaJI,
Hrj.ry W Heed, and A 11 Grant all ofDta
Any and alt tieracna cltluilng ailvernlr tilt
aboar-cUwafhcuJaudaare reuuaaii to (tie (hair
eUliualu tbtiarntcoa or before Ike aald ijthilay
ofyeriruary,a, ft
di4-fii MIClIAXk T. WOtAK, Itailiter.
'. '" FI,R
w I rT'' j
j - .r t, J 1 S i 7
' I J V .f 7
r I . I UV I
... . . fi ii
'3 n , t S
1 t j 4 s t 7
14 'i U II 16 f s
' t J f I
i 1
Ii 'J lZ II '0 r $
J 4 f i 7
I I I 'ti I I
I ' I f ' I ' I ' I '
j t is it 11 o f 8
!!! f II I I .!- Ii -fli.
ijr 1 z i 4 4
4 j , 1 f t n it 1 9 s 7
ill 111..1 i-. 1. 1 i i ' '
t r
i i
Timber l.anl. Act June J, tar
V. S lauil Ortee, Tlic tialln, Oiegon,
Octotipr t, tail
Notice it hereby given that in rowpllanrr with
thepfavitMMitonlie Act of Cougieaa of June i.
laag, entitled . "Am act Jw the aaleu) viuir-rrland
In Ibc atalea of Califonm. Ofegon. Nevada, and
H'aahiHgtan Territory. ralendcd to alt the
pubtk land atalea by Act of AuajKU 4, layl,
UetH gc Hratlef howt,
of Mend, Caamly uf Crook, atabr uf OtegcMt
naton January ijlh, ior. Sled in Ihla oce
hi. tworn etatewent No lw, for VV parcbaae u(
tlie ae K e if aee i. i8iI(h,h H ne
K arc at, uw ( nw K arc a?, tp it at r 11 e, w m
And will offer proof to .how that the land
ought more valuable for Ita limber or atone
Uwn for agricultural purpoaat, aiwt l ratabllah
hktcbtlm luaald land befarc J M lAwience, V.
s Comml.ataraer, at hit other in Uend, Oregon,
on the ath day of January, lye).
Ilr name, a witneie Jamet Mlwtv, John
metdl.Johnt Wcot and Joaeph ' Hunter, all of
Htnd, OrcifoH,
Any and alt pcraoue cUlmlng advetaely the
above deacribrd landa are reuneatrd In Ale their
claim in (hit oce on ur before aald 15th day of
janaary, i'ia.
Tin.Ur Land, Act June i, iSft.
V. S. Ijind Otoe, The Dallea, Oiegon,
October a, i4
Notice la berebr alveil that lu eMandunee wilb
Ibc provbdont of the act uf CongreiMof Juue 1,
ljg, entitled "An act for the aate of limber landa
in the Matre of California, Oregon, Nevada and
U'athlngtuu Territory," aa ettended to all the
t'ubtir Mad Male by act uf An;u 4, itof ,
Carl . luliHvm '
...uj d.K..uu..i ... I a..l..... t..
OMitebt It "fil. Slett iu Ihit ol.tce Hit aaorn
...u.... C.. .... .... .1.. ....... I... .til.- f
ntK and tola 1 and of act 4 lp if a, r lie, w in
Aud will offrr nrool lo thuw that the laud
agught la mure valuiihle for iu timber or aluue
than for agricultural purpoaea, aud tu caubllau
hiicuun loaaii ian b rore J J! l.iwreure,
f ii CaHamlttioHer, at hit olficat, lire-
gun, unine Jiri u) 01 jauuar). 1005
llruawea a. wiIiimum lnhu btelill W II
staata an I Jehu I Weal of Hcml, Oregon, aud
John I' Ixeof rtenaon, Miuueaota.
Any and all tieraoua claiming ailvctaclv the
atwr-ditciibed landa are rc4iwtel to file their
Claim. In Olia ufllcr on or before aahl ajlh day kl
January, iou.v
Ul.-j allCIIAi:i. T. NUI.A.N, kJ.gU4tf.
Timber tond. Act June J, ihT.
U. b. Land onkf, I.akevieu , Oregon,
January 7, i4.
Notice t hereby ivn that ill oubirdiaiH' with
the provunuua ortbe Act of Cmigieaa uf June 3,
147a, entitled, "An act for the .! of tlmherluita.
... .1.. .r... L . t l'.lil.U..I. II... ..., ltllt.w uu.l
tl. .i.v aniv.. wi .. ..ii iii,mii ii.raMi potm
Waabln,loH Territory " aa e-tendril lo all the
public laud atalea by Act of Augnat 4, lW,
J M Mwrcnce
of ateHd. Couuty of coW, Mile of Oregon, hat
ou thla day Irled ill till oflkt hit aworn IH
uiabl No ayi for the (tur.liaae of lite i-J.trX,
tec. II and r'iurii ofkec ,, tp ill, fji . m
And will "fler proof to aluxv truit the laud L
aou(.ni ia nioi e -iii..iir 1 r 11a limner r ti ae
Uinu for rt.iuultiii.l purititea, ami to tttuldlah
hiaelai n to a 11 1 laud U fore M K II. i,, I! H
Cuu..iv...i.i at 1'iiiietiHe, Oregon, 0.1 1'rlday,
titr 14th day id lebiiwry, I'joS.
He uaiu't at wltueaaa. Joteph N. Ilui.ttr W K iberu), IUM MlcliavIS MayteUI. all
ul Hand, icei,
, AMI Jl
iigea P. liugue, uf LUii'
ll. , If.flgVH
Any and a) tieraoua eluluilng advrrary the
bofdeerlliil tajidt arc rtuuetted tu flic their
cjaluit lu thla (iffice ba er before Hie tabl 24th day
of KeUruar, lraj.
afjj.fiy J, N. YTATaOH, Keglittr.
1 K J 4 J V
. Jrrr-
f " '9 t t 7
M MM '
U The
U 'o 1 S 7
t. j s i
'i " f t 7
IVaett l.and. final proof
lptlmcHlf UV InleritK,
Und 1 (date at The lnjll., Otegam,
lecemar 1, iyt4
Niitbar i. hereby ilvrH I hat the following
aiakltaa kaa tOJ aa. .. m.a i-.a a. 7.
named tettlet
" -a alaa.aa.1 aaa.
T 7j r "."wfi1 "i t n Claim, ana
that aaM proof will be made before M K Mlgaa
If a Commtaiioaier at hia omce in IfinevTfle.
"t"ai vw im . a.f at January, lav, ua wi
OeorgeW Null.
of waiera, Oiegon on II II Ne H,fwtbe aek
of arc t. tp 15 1, 1 11 e, m m
He namea the following wllneaaea to prove hi
cojjllnjawiejdence upwn and elllalUl of
CarllH.Uy.le, Jtahnaun and rYM IkirV. all uf
HMeia, Oregon
do-Jo MICHAIU. T. NOLAN. Kegitler.
Timber Uivd, Act Je j. ilyg,
V. S. Und UUlte, The Hall., Oregani,
October if, H14.
WaaJiaaaa t . ..avlu... .Iau aa.. 1.. .
the prueWoaa. urijfe Act uf CongitM afjw J.
lTa, eulltUd "An act for the talc of Umber laud.
In lluraUtoa of California, latcgoat. Nevada, and
Waaiilagkm TetrUor) ." aa uTewled to alt Ike
UUlilb lain! ailaa l.w Aft iJ A ..,j . .a...
tM or Jn
Albeit Ciama.
ofHatt (Hand foika, county of I'nla.ilatr of
'-. " imi rWH . !-.. bled In INI.
Uillaap hit. ekiftaaaTtl aalail m Liiartjl M. aa.. a A.. iL-
kw of tKc wj rc . (m m ., r u . w. w.
AiidurUI ttlUr uruuf lo how iUaI Ur Ikm4
aaraaa aa h t laa Miiiia aaaalaa 1 k.l. m.. ia ai t.
.. T .. . " "" "moer or Hour
than for agricuttural purMitca, and loaeiabllah
bla claim tu aald laud before the Hegiater and
1 V. """". "vgoti, un ine lira
day of January, lyM.
He nanira aa wilneaaca I'ter McCoy. Thorn a.
u.ri.A.-. .... -r-.TT . -rr... "., -.. ... tin wraaa rorva,
MlnneaMa. Jahn Wetdl. ol trnd, Oiegou
lameaj llerrlck ofllaycieek. Orrgou, Thomat
Tweet and K K U'bile. U.11. 7k'. !T;!v
Oiegou. '"'"""
liVlLffaiar". l!f ':?" 5f',"lH '? .Ike
. T TT 1 . '"" ",r witii iu nie ine r
ckaliti. 11 tliU ofltae mi or bef .re the aald 1 ird ibii
" - .. .;.
illljlj MICHAIU. T. NOI.AN. Hegitlrr.
Timber Uiul. Act luae 1. la-a
V. H. l.aml ofnee, Ukevlevt, o,egun.
December t. iau.
the BtSSuiuiw tUfil"lVY..iU """Itojace will,
un;.uV..r,V..T?'.'"i"".w '""Wf"-""
waahii.7.:: : .:. r : ". t on; """. !
Chatlra I' l'h..l
af II .ukley, itll'lcrce Hatn.f Ua.hl..-,....
"",. a.r ,1i,:;;:rrr'h"eur"" - r.
Al tl Will lilfair ..,.,.r .. i. ......
. ,r ' j""1- im mn . iiiqi tlir IttuJ
l,la daini tu a., uiiMib (ore J I h,u..
Mrwiii.iiII fllut.l.y. Waif -J if llrlLtS!; 'all
II. A. Meter, of I'rlneelUc, drigi,.. ' "" aiui
cTo.SJ.brl.'.U? or - ft?Sra
M-W J. a. irATno, itegiitcr.
At Gateway to
the Great
Town has Grown
nine months tt chmi,
Dwtnilwr i;, im, h larger
thnn tlic Comity Snt.
Doubled in Value
In ix inoutliN u wliut Hcml
Ucil l.itatc luu iloMc.
The Pilot Butte
Development Co
Vf'l.'K (t F.Utyi"!
Tunlr Laud Aljanrj it
V U-0a, Thrltallet itregvn
OcfoVef a if 4
NoUe la heirbjr gfen thai In rumpliaacr Willi
the protrtaiM ivflhc Act 7 Cuartr. ..f Jm.
17 tntilled. MlTajt fo Tie wfrotua.u', . 1,
la line Hale, ai California utvguo Mr. ..a a.. 1
Wartlatrton Tvnltaev aaealtoded l all i -pablK
Und Halrt by Art of AnguM. 4 "-l
John J Kelly,
of IkHrtdt. ctnanly of t aynr tiale ..f i. lug.,
hat on neMcMkar la. i.a, bUnl in (au ..".. t.t
aworn taalewenl No aai lue Ine laitltaae ('
awk) ufaee ji pt r ue. ar at
And will attar proof l .ba.w Itaal Ih' Ian I
amfkl la more talnalde for lit llmWr t.r a..,. ,
than for agrtcnlluiat pnipoan. and la rvUHi.'.
hlacUim to aald land bafofe I be Kralw.. .,,1
Hca.lrar u4 Ihla nal m. vk.. fit 7...
the ijrd day of January, ion
He nainea at witneaaea John II Kw rh..iu.t
Otei-on.J M Kelt. of Kklard.'ta.h...ui. ,.
anttw II Meed, of Hand, tbecon
At. aiail all ...u. .t..u., ..
. , .. ... .tatawtng ovrrariy ii a
alnaveletambedlandiare ittiaaaia.1 to hie lb' i
claim, in thU omce on or Vair Ihe aabl Mr.t la
a JalSJjgValf Jt lTr(g
Timber Land. AM June i. !
U. h. Laud Oflhe, The Hatlet lrr(ua
Nt.ttli.Wr 14
.t. HatL. f"ViJI'a thai hi rompliaiitr wiih
!lT.,,,T?.Vi!l,,J',MP Afu Vwuelea. ..I Jut,. .
ln7lbi,iflMlSr, "" ''ti '.
"''''"vallforiiui, tMegun. aau
WaahlHgtun Tetrllory " r,ut., ,, ;,,"
public Una ttalca br'irt of Augmu , ,,,, " '
Jamea Haflrij,
of Vaaduuiat, ronuly of Ktaileuai alttt r l.lil,.,
"1.5 w m " " ",K'"1 "" " '' -
aoiri'ir."-"" i0?1 i "" ' '"
mtS tJ '"1V"I.U for tt, wr .!.,
Ihan for agricultural purpnaea, and lo rtUllnl.
kLUltar' .K J.""" " 'he hr,,a rr i. '
.i2tr f"'t-,"-t The lulltt
the i7hdyoriel.uiry, lys
MUb.rM,..'-";H","rnr W'l'UHII. Mat d
Mbliarl ii i unnur uf rhr Mh, tMf .., w Iblwaid I.. Ulrkhof Wan Ip
Any aud all
Iteiaona cUlwlHg Ihi
laiaarla. a a an a.u.i. ..-.. .I a.. . . .
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r Hel r.ury iuet
' llll.ll.Mil, T
V()I.SS Kruur
lUib.r Uud, Art Juue i i;a
V, . Iraud Orftce, The I Mile, iiiejon
., , . . KoveiulKr 11 iyv
Hie wttvmfouVulu!7ra,!l-a,..,'' 'ld..n.e w,.U
rU-udUa,au':' o? '$1 ""
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Kll IIMaaJaTrM lis uatt..u tn.i . ..
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