IEWS OF THE WEEK it n CoihIqiisimI Form for Our lliisy Realtors, NAFPENINfiS OF TWO CONTINENTS nosutno of llio Lais Important hut Not Loii IntoranttnB Events of tho Past Week. Tin- linn decided to nend UOO.OOO Snore troops to Miiiieliiirlii. The .laimnmt found IH.000 primmer ii I'orl Arthu.r n whom otin-thlnl im lek. Thi llitinihlp nf llio IIhIHi' nuunilinii h reported to have struck it rook mid kink. Tin- txar'n dccMon In continue tlit iwir chiih'x great liillgiiatlmi hih! brills colutlnii iicnr. Tin' I tt l't ntt eiimmnriii iiHumlllre it the hiimIk U wniMitgtHi a bill to fri-gnlitle (night rnten. h II ll'Xtllt lit 14 Itllltwtillll mi lhn mVi Mime toad near AhjpiUm, N. Y., Ighl pHiwiiK.MN weie Injured. I'lic oiitiiniftl Internal ntrlfe In iinl iMitlngo may itvwlUti tit llilt. I Wales to Mop III MtHI Hit itip ii ii Nt rotary liny reeoHiiiiettdn thnt lli lintlirillldHtl.'ll I nW I"' MlllHlllllxl no m In restrict iiimii)' eourtn from grunting mi- Alllioiiuli ordern hne not Won in I'llr.l, It ill MltlM tlmt the Itttmlnti ill.lltll Nl.ri.ll Mill Mttimi to ICMMH h-iiii Auti r. In mi n.IiIicw iHifort tlm .werlenn rmlrv coliitreM the pHtnltlntlWtWInted we inimi iiiukv ml ettfomt inwn tlmt Hill pl.'Url tin gtenl fnfetrt of 1 1 14 I llll.-l NUtCS Itmwin won U nil talk nf making JHHI4I' Tin emir gave t Inner! RUmmphI h frwe Imml mi I'orl Arthur Ui do nn It thought Itml. Mori ehnrge of land fmutbt Impll- rnte Idaho rltlwn. Including lmitUir lleybiiru, nlo Htnatnr Ulnrk, of Mom- tMIIH An Ohio river Menmtir blew up near Huntingdon, W. 'j, killing III pmhiIh nml Injuring 12 others. Tim ntwumir hihI 20 I targe, burned. Mori tliuii MM delegate went Hwel Hi llic ienlng mwmIihi i( tint American I iretrv emigre In sluttgti. Jee rctary Wtlnm welcomed tin dlipite Mil-1 III M Hllftt ndvilnll lienled tiinngcti ill pnwiil Inws U proteet tin fun-alM himI wnter supply. There i H IllnW'IIIClll l III (iHlt to fre-t-iire lt-icitdatmti during tltln Mio4t of HiKrcM that Hill nlMilUh Hi Iftliiiilmi rrtiml luiiilifinii uihI plHi'i' Hit iihi- Utriirtimi iiiiiIit tin illrtn'l MiHrvlilii if it iMMtnl ol fiiuiuiMirn. It In uiHlxr- i1imhI tin priflilcllt fMirn thin plitll. II i ii pnxH'iit I'oiiiiiiliMlou liUoolliiK Miy tiMi inttcli tjini' ipntrrtilliih'. IllttiT ihiIiI iimrkwl tlm liHtimliiK "J iIih new yitir tliniiiKliotit tlui iM norhl. A llritiuli Ktmnitir linn jimt nrrlvwl ht .NVw York nltli rnrKu til 1 ,100 uimi u( KiimiHtui hIiuhI. Tim Oklnlioimt iitntliool lilll hIII iiimii U'Ciirn tlm iKUMtH liniiiHiliHtdly mltor ttiu linlliliiy nvuM. Hvrnl tnrjHlo ImHtn ipwl fnnii I'ort Arthur nml took r(iiK nt HIihuk hnl jul prior to tlm tturiwnlur o( tlm rfcirtiiHii. Ik'loni iuirrnuitrluK ritoHmml cunk tlm iliuniiniil UHmlilw In I'ort Arthur hurlnir. Tlm JiiHiiw(t mtvuroly r 1 1 1 -Vil(l thin. N'ovv tlmt I'ort Arthur linn fitllfii tlu hulk of tlm IihI(kIiik nriuy will ho Mint north, hut kouid of thiuu nlll o homo. Tlm uruiy Iwforo I'ort Arthur Ih iirt oiinly ntutwl iih ImliiK litwtiii 70,000 nml 1.20,000 iium. If Smuitor Mltrlmll followH tlut Inox, omhlo ruin of mmiilorlul iitliuutti, hu will not nppinir on tlm Hour of tlm rum ate uiiiiil until tlm courtH Iihvii tukiiii Until action In tlm nmltitr of tlm lutllnU niuiit UKitlnnt him. "I'lm cotton mill Htrlko ut Full Klvnr, Ihch., imiitliiuiiH with Ixith dlihiri tluttir- ,111111111 not to kIvu in. ChlciiKO hold iiuimorlul ttirvli'iMi I) oinlmr ill) in riumiiiihnunio of tlm Irl ipiolH tlmutur iliwiHtnr, tho ihwhIoii Ih liiK tlm llrnt unnlviirwiry. 1rittwirtilliiiiu urn Itittllir lllililil ill Vltlil n v'apvrvp - vrv'vw av w I IviMtok for tlm riH'optlon lit tlm ilry W i .i , . ..t it... ii. .itt.. i..... iiovkh oi uny in mo jmiiiu riiiiiiiiuii tlmt may imvil iloukiiiK wlmu thu 1 1 out roiichcH tlmt port. Thu Itoiulou city pollen Imvo irrcnti'il two iiu'inliorH of itu Intiirmitloiml k"K wliluli for two or tlirvo ywirn Ih uIK'ki'i! to huvi) hmiu comlui'tliiK cxtoiiHlvo for orli'H In Id Jlauk of KukIuiuI not oh. Thu nrlnd of tho l'Vilorul Krnuil Jury Koch on, nml nuothur ruport for thu uxpoctunt puhllu will hooIi hu iniulo. HI Ivor Ih KrowliiK xcarcu. I'lm jirlro Iiiih nlviiueud, imd thu imirkut Ih hiicIi I tlmt thu couHUinur wiiltH on thu pro- lucor. Tho Jupani'Ho uttumptH to rulno tho ItuHHlnn crulnur Vurhiif Imvo hcdii tl 1h vontluuud. It will hu Iiii)ohh11i1o to ru c'oiiiinoiico work hoforuHprhiR, hy which timu thu utoul plutct) forming tho hull Will hu UHoU'ltH. A OENEnAL MOVE, Prualdont l MnklnR Onvornl OhniiKO Anion; Ambnssntlors. WmmIiIiikIoii, .fan. !l. I'rurililiiiit lloomivull Ih ilnvotliiK noiiiii tlino ill ptwont lo niiiHlilnnitioii of Iniporliinl iippiiliitiiiinitM In tint illploiiuitlu mimI iMiiiHuliir mirvlcu, which mo to lm iniulo foriimlly hy him ul tho ImIhiiImk of imxl . March. Hccrctury lluy.hiul h i fiirtinco with tlm pronlileiit today l- foru thu mi'iitlmr of tho cnlilmtt, and It In unihirnlood that thu iiinttur of up polutmi'iilH In tlm dlplomatlu mtrvlcn wiih nun of tlm miliJi'iilH iIImjiihiwI. Whllu no olllclal iiiitioiiiirdiiituil of thu pnwIdiinl'M Intontlon n-KiirdliiK tlm o Hltlomi linn yut lawn iiihiIh. It Ih known that hu Iiiih ilccldiil upon wvunil iiliaiiKiHi. .loni'l'h II. Clioatti, iiuilmww dor to thu court of Ht. .lauitm, hiw liull chIimI tlmt Iih iIiii not i!ihIni to m- tl i In that jmjhUIoii. Ho will hu nuc- crntliNl hy Whltcnliiw ltlil, proirh-tor of thu Now York Trillium, li h at iiihi lliiiM inliilHtwr to I'rmico. tluiiHml llorocw l'lirltir, Anmrli-mi NiulmiMHtliir to Kmncn, will rttlr from that Mwltlon mHiti aftir March -I. Mm hhh NpNilHtwl hy tlm Into I'rmlilnt Mr Klnlcy, ami, with thi rplratln of hi pnnM-nl tiirm, will havw mrvt tlm tfiilliil HUtwi at tint Pri'iich caplul Hlicht '. Tht prrlilitit Iim ditid ml on (lrimml lorlrV iucir, hut at tliU Hum no Hiiiimiiicciimtit of lilt il clulmi cnii 1 1' iiml. ChrliHHfimTiwir, AnmHcfin am IwMMilor to (mritiany, ami lUtlmrt K. McCormlck, Aumrlcnun nmliihr to UiimiIm, hIII tiHttliiiM nt tlmlr rwpfrt iVtl MHM. IWllamy torr, AniHrlcaii amlnMi ttdiir to Aiitttrla-llimKHry, will iihiIIiiiih In lili iinoiil ilnff Hiitil Dm prrwhUiit dwlili to trHiiomr him to Mtot!tr mi In tlm ittiiliimatlt' twrvln. An to tlm nmlMMMMliHvhlp to I Inly, mitliliiK mAiiltH emt Im nnhl now. It linn lttt rtimortxl tliat AiiiIumumwmx (lran(M Vim I.. Mryrr In t nvl (Innntnl I'orli-r nt I'nrin, hut it cnii lm i tlml ninit n rhniiffr In not iirUln. Tin ptoUMlltlrw nut tlmt .Mr. Meyer will rritialn nt Ilottw. (iotieml Towhi Clnytoo linvittK ilwiirxil to rclliio.nlfli Mm mwI nn nmlnmwiilitr to MrmMvi nt tlm etiil of tlm pttwiil mlHilttltrtlim, lm will tm iomvIhiI hy ICtUiu II. t'm r, now I'nitiil Htnln iiitnltr to Chlim. It U not ixM'trtl thnl Mr. (Vniiter will tfotillnu ll nt tlm Mtx knit i-npiUl, h lm in iinlertMHl to In IhimI to return t hln Imhih rtntu of town t l n cnmlUlntH In hmvmwIoh to (iov nrmir Cummimi. lie will lm HirreHlml hy Itovld Iv. Thoinoii, of NVhrnnkn, wIhi nt ptrMut in ininlnlur to llrnzil. .Mr. TImuhihnmi wi't'iitwl tlm nptoliil iHHHt lo Itrnill with tlm iindrrttMiMlliiK tlmt lm wiHild lm Hpiintl t a hlichcr pWn In tlm iliiomntic tmrvli-o nn wkmi nn otHrttinlty nfforilrnl. Mr. CiitMhT will f wicmlri nt tlm cMirt of IVkln hy Willinm V. ltock hill, nt prwtit director o5 tlm Imtenu of Aiimricnn rcpuhlicw, wIm U lecotdilr wl n mi niitlmnty mi nil niilijtn jmr IntnliiK to Chiim nml tlo ('himt. John K. dowdy, who wnn Mt)Hilntml hy l'rriili'iit McKlnley Aiimricnn m Mil utnicral ntTarln, will lm MM-cwded hy 1". II. Mawio, who in uou iiHtniil tmncml to Itorlln. In Mitvcunlon to Mr. Mnwiii, John ImU tlrlllllltn, of ImllnnniMilifi,, will Ih nnmeil. It in nxM.fttd lltatnoiim other clmiiKon will I hi made in the oorn of Aninrictin luliilntern, IhiI nt thin time they are not olitnitinhlH fur puldhsntliHi. Nnw Frnor River Mill. New WtwtiiilnMer, II. , Jan. 3. A lnm hmwihIII on tlm I'mimr river that linn 1mhii ioHl for 16 yiwrn will oeu III a few weekn to cut A",000 feet of liiiiilxir a day, under AuierlcMii capital. Tlm mill wnn Hirclinmil hy Iwter W. Drtvld, for yearn ihhiihkit of thu Mon arcli lumlMir mllln in lltnlne. Thu fomniiy will lm known an the Tracer ltlver l.uuilHir Miltn coiuiiiy mid will eiiidny nearly :tl)0 men. It will tdilp lnith hy rail ami vewcln. In the inn' rlne nhipiliiK, IC. J. DialKt, the inilliiiii aire luuilmr imiii of Kan I'l-nuutdcu, will une hln own tleut of IuiiiIkt vunnoln. Already a imuktit Iihh heen opened in Auntrallu and tlm tlrnt caro font hy water will p tlmrtt. Cunning of tho Jnpnnote. Mukden, Jan. !l. Irrefutahle tvJ iltiine lata Ik'HU olitaluml at lmailiuar tern that tlm Jamuetu are not only hir ing Clilimtiu Immlltn to oixirate on thu Itunnlau llaukn, hut that they are on llctliik' ChluetH under Jamut olllcern. Tlm ,lawue4 are aduptinic ciiiinlntf ex pedleiitn to defeat mtrirlte attackn of thu ltumlaii rcoutn, from which they Iihvii nuffuriil no much. They cover tlm nteep appromiien of their 'reiuiieti with water, which freenen, forma Ice nltihm and iniiken thu ncoutn mIIji and fall in coufuniou. Good Health on Uthmut. WunhliiKton, Jan. II. Coiuhwlonur (Ireeuu and Kxmuluor Hnydur, of thu civil mtvIi'o couiiuUrilou, ruturucil huru tixlay from a throu wcekH vlnlt to tho I'liuaimi canal .one, wheru they went for' thu purpotio of lutroiluuInK thu commlHrilou'H rule for thu employment nt pcoplu connected with thu camil, There Iiiih boon an nvomgo of 1 ,000 AiuurlcmiH on tlm iHthiuun for tho piiNt eight moutliH, mid not ono death Iiiih occurred among tlioni. , Chicago Is Not Liable. Chicago, Jan. !), Judgo CharlcnM. Walker today decided Clint tho eity of Chicago Ih not llahlo for dninngcH grow ing out of thu loHH of Ufo In connection with tho Iroiuiolti theater tiro. TIiIh wan tho liiHt day In which, uudur thu liiu. elultiiH for ilimuiL'oH could ho tiled. In tho hiHt hour of tho court today 40 HtittH aggregating f 4,111,0.1)11 wuro men in tho circuit tuul supremo courtn. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST . 1 ALL ARE UUYINO CATTLE. Oooil Prlcu nml Orlk Market Pro vnll In Ornnt County. John Day Cattlu buying mnong (limit county ntiM'kineu Iiiih Ikiuii itilto actlvo hIiioii tlm heavy mm hint fall. Ho many uiikjikimI In thin rntlmr mi iiniial form of ntook trunnactlon that thu homo Htipply hwamu prBctlcally hxIihuhIihI Homu tlmu ago, and they am reaching out Into thu Hiirroiiiiillng twrrltory. Thu hulk of thu IuihIiiwhi wan carrlwl on vciy ipih'tly, and ru milteil In n kikkI many nurprlimn. (Irowurn who Inake 11 practlco of wiling off young titook wnrn approach! hy IimhI huynrn, ami naked whether thuy kuuw of any mirh for m in thulr nelKhlmrhiHHl. Tlm reply wan general, ly that they had Imughlupnll to he found. CiMidltloiin favor thin detnjiml. I'ricen hnH Inmn down to Imilrofk, I'loM rtilm of fnt ftix'k had lmn detmml tliroiiitbiiiit tlm I'lHiiity, nml fail nml intuitu nrr tiiiununlly plwtlfiil. m cattlemen have made tlm InrjmtH jmr i'hnwn of )ning olek nml nlwm, nml vein I In itn ImmiIh hnvn Imttit Utkon In to tlmt tmction for wintnrliitf. Henry Trow hi hle mid Johnny Jtyita-k have jnnt driven I Ho lien I of tefm over to their Mliirtm in tlmt valley. Thny with ptiniimmd chiefly In the lhirnt river country, nt price ranging from fl if to 1 2ft mr hand. ' Gold Fount) Near Moslor. Tlm llk I'nrtltm from Miwler, who wr ill Tlm IMJn nny tmthlrn hln exclletnent linn Imeu cnilMl In Mintler over the dincovitry of gold mi tlm I lew I of Minder crk. A man nniitetl Thomnn in tejuntml tolmve coine Into Mimier n few ilayn no with n linmlfiil of gold that lm nUtol he hntl dug out of lite griHind live or nix inilen MNith of the town, 'nioiqma In wild to lm a rejmilile (wtwon, nml III" rert of finding n vnlunhln lolim In given cre detmt hy IIh JHHlple wlto know him. Kevernl 1 eel I en l of .Mmier have gMie Ui tlm vicinity of tlm retKted Ami, in tending Ut locate lialiiin If the nllegeil mine proven Ut he what Tholnan rep re urn t It to lm. Now Company nt Work, (irnutn I'nnn The .Michigan Mining k Milling coiiiauy. which recenlly iMMight a large tract of mineral grtMiml ihi Applegnte creek, of Murphy district, near (irnntn I'm, linn gone Hiiterprlit iugly to work under the Micrvhdiiu of W. T. I'erry. of l'ortlniHl in thedevol tpnmnt of the property. The lnml em limnti much kim1 tintlmr, wnter rilit nml iitnrtx nml placer digglngn. The itmrU hleM will he gneli eeptvinl nt UntlHi hy th MWhignn cmintny, nn the vcinn Kive proinliH of iiuiiMinl worth. Ituildlngn ami ipiartern for the workmen will lm erected nt om'e, nml the opening up of the I'lniuin will in ceed with tlm Imut N4fiihle tlhiHtch. Coming Evonti. lulaml Hmplro Sumlny minto! Iimti tutu, IVnilleton, January MO. Animal nhown, l'tilk (Canity Gnat, I'oultry and Sheep nMMHtlatiou, Dalian, January JU-SO; jMHiltry hImiw, Nwv Imrg, January 10-13; mmltry nhow, Alhttny, January, lH-'il. Slnte Horticultural widely, Portlnml, January 10-11. I'rohlhithrii Orutoricnl -bwguo con tent. McMlnnvillo, April II. National American Woman Suffrage aeMn'intioii, Portland, Juim Sttf-U-S. lvirt ami Clark Centennial exMMi Hon, Porlluaml, Juno 1-OoIoIkt 15. Only Ono Foot of Snow. Canyon City Although winter ban fairly net In here, thu nnow fall In very light. The ground in hardly covered in the lower valley, whllu the depth in tlm liioiiiitainn warcely exceed one foot. Thin in not oniifidorod a prouiln lug feature of the Heanmi, for though lunivy fill 1 11 of nnow limy count later, thuy do not have the name opNtrtuulty to (reive and harden, and melt too rap Idly In tlm pprlng. Hut an thu nurface of the ground U hut slightly fronen, the uioliture will niot-tly nlnk into the ground. Doros for Artoilnn Water, linker Cite V. I.. Villain, liuiiuiuer of the Kiniiia inlnu, a few- uiilen ennt of thin, city, haa lHgun tolHiroan arteninn well to obtain water for tlu mine. The work In helnif watched with a urilrtt dual of iuttfreot hy a nuutlier of people who own imut in tlm vicinity 01 1110 inlnu. If Air. VitiHon niiccetHln In tiro- uurlng wutor it will tlutuoiiHtratu thu fact that perlmpn other land can Ihi brtmgbt under cultivation hy lnirlng wellH foi irrigation Roservo Land Rottorod. Oregon City Hy the recent order of tho Interior department there. In rolu ntated for puhllu entry Biihntantlally thu an mu luirengu In thu Cascado foront rexurvu that wan withdrawn uliout ono year ago, pending mi Inveatigation hy tho depnrtinunt. Much of thU land, having been roHtorod to aettleinont, will ho open to Bottlera within tliroo montliH through tho Oregon City lnml olllcu. Rond to Sweepstake. Cottngo (Irovu John llruml nnd Alux I.undhorg hnvu built 000 feet of road from tho Rweuimtako uroilli to n point near thu VchuvIuk mine. When completed tho rond will ho two inllea long nnd will hu ol grent nUvuntngo to tho Swcopstuko locnlity. ROAD TO SWEEPSTAKE. New Railway From Moclford Along Crater Laka Route. Mcdfonl I'or cevitnil iiiontlm Hnt tlm Hoiitlmni Oregon Dnvclopiiientcoiii iwuy him heon cnungiil in running nur soy, wTiirlug rlghtn of way, nml doing other preliminary work toward tlm building of 11 railroad to thu big lluiher bolt lociitod about 'Mi in I Ion cunt of .Miilfnrd, on the Crater hike road. Thu nurvnyn have been Hindu Irom thu nltu of thu Unite Falln Mining t'tmaiiy'H jilant to a lnt on tlm thn urtnomu night mllonfrom Molford, and rlghtn of way Imvo heen m-nred over iiuntt of the nmte. Tlm Med ford nml Crater Jnke Kallrond (ttmininy linn bmn oraguired hy A. A. Dnvln, II. 1". Ailklun, J. M. Keenu, It. II. White head, II. II. Ilnrrin, W. P. Knthrop ami W. I. Vnwtcr. Artltitnt of Incor Mirnllon were prepared nml fllwl with the tmeritUry of nlnte. Tlm capital nUok of tlm incorHratbin in jdnowl at f fl(H),(KK), and It object In to ixHeitmct and oporale a ntllnwd from Me I ford mint Ut tlm timber Imlt nml Cinttr Itke. (Thin comjinuy nupTieH tlm South ern Oregon IWeloinimtit wHitnny, nml Uken over tho rlghtn of way, purvey, U., of thnl nnNtny. A jtirtnaiwiit orgniilnntion, with nleectliMi of olfk-em will hhhi lm ion lu. IRRIGATION FRON BIO WELLS Scheme To Be Tried Out by Interett cd Parties Near Frcewater. I'rtmwnter A. ('. llmuumi and J. II. Twelllger, who renldo wet of thin place, are nlnkltig welln to IrrigHtu trnctn of hitherto lliilmprov(l Inudn to the went and north of PrWwnter. Tim wnter will be pit in) with mnolint profiled umM, for ilintributiou over the lnml. There n re nt html 1,000 ncren trl biliary Ui l'reewnler whkii nre Idle for the lack of wnter. The Walla Wnlla river ban Imeti appropriated hy mioiin having rintriaii rigbtn, and only by fluking well can a niipply lie ohtnlueil. The I'reownter Htctlon neemn to have WMti been thu head of a laku, and the gravel ban ihi accumulated that wnter nreolat an though through a nieve. winter irrigation heemn to have thu do nlreil uffectn In noil of nulliciunt dunnlty to grow on 1) mi without utiiiimor irriga tion, lmt tbin noil needn watur through thu hot inoiitlig. Lino Into Ncbalem. AntoriaWhile no information if an ollh'inl nature can lm obtained, there in an authentic remrt that the Actorin & Columbia ltlver Railroad oimintiiy Iibh purcltnntnl the nix uiilen of logging road Inillt hy the lUtiiHon Itfjqting comimny nt ClaUkanle, and in prejmring Ut ex tend it Into the Nuhnluui valley, an an excollent grntlu can lm fouml In that iection. The road, which in of taml nn! gunge, wnn laillt and ep:tipiiil for conducting hnwing KirationH. Itu cently all thu logging traiim wuro taken off, ami thu line in nnw lined uxclunivu- Iv hy the railway in hauling freight to Clat'ekaiilo and vicinity. Power for Trolley Roads. Kugune Chlof Knglneer Diorn, of the Wlllmuutto Valley Kh-ctrlc Hall way ciiiinny, in now prHring to (Hit 11 furru of men nt work at Martin'n Ihiphln, on thu McKenzie river, wheru the wnturn aru to Imi takwi out by imiMiin of n Hume mid conducted to thu il to selected for thu iniwer ntntion Home dintmico bolow. Thu enginuur wtti- 11 m ten I hat ft.OOO-hnmciiowor will Iw devuhiKnl, which, ho thlnkn, will 1h milllcient for opurntiug thu entire hvh teiu of electric roodn nn plauuetl ut thu prttimnt tlino. To Enlarge Brick Plant. Kugunu Aftur n year or moru of pliiuniug nnd uxurlmuntiug, Jluwrn. Martin t Mack, who own thu brick yard on Wallace hutto, near thin city, hnvu liimlly ciinilotud nrrnngumentn to uuhirgu thulr jilant to n grout ex tent. They Intend to put up n largo building, n new mud mill to lm wo tir ed, nml imveml othur ilccen of tuachin cry, which will umku their plant com- ploto. I bo new plant will lat n grunt nddithuuto Ijiiio county. Prlxe-Pncked Fruit. m Omnde Th Oregonlau Produce ootuiHiiiy, ot IM liramlo, I1111 lioon uwunlwl tlmt liuuure by n coiuinitteu ot over M uomuiliwlou men mid dunlura in San PrwncitH'o, for thu bent tiaokod fruit, couiiHiting with (olontdo, Lall fornia, WmdilngUm nnd lilaho. A. A. (hint, manager of thu company in thin city, linn just roturnod from Sun l'nin-oIm-o. Year's Work Shows Progress. Cottngo Urnvi' Tho yenr tlmt lias jnnt paHHed llmlrt thu ltobuinia mining dlHtrict in nilvunco of tho yenrn tlmt Imvo gono by. Thuro bus lieon no boom, but lota of good hard work that nhowctl when tho books woro cloned nt tho end of thu yenr. Tho quantity uml qunllty of tho ores nro eatlsfying to tho ownora. THE MARKETS. Whcnt Portland Wnlln Walln, 85o: bliiustom. 88t300c: vnlloy. 87c. Tncoinn lUuentoin, 880; club, 85c. Kgg Oregon much, '-'Htteaiio. Uuttur V'nncy erenir.ery, 2527Kc Hops Choice, SOQaOo; prlmo, 27 23c. ' " Wool Vnlloy l20o5 Knstora Ore gon, 10l7o; mohair, 2520c. 1 I. Jiir: T4C&. rv. .jr-u: A Cmnfifiintloii Hnllilltiir. Iferti In a plan for n combined corn crib, grnrwry ami wagon nlnsl a glren In the Ohio I'arnw. It In 32x20 ami JO fwjt high to enrr-n. nnd Jms a tight floor, which Is reached by means of a movable pint form, J). Tho building 1 net up on nhort wooden posts, B, stand Ing on a flat atone, 0, srvl n Rnlvan tzcil Iron pan Inverted over tho top, A. This mskiti It mt and mouiw proof, If tho platform I) Is pulled a way from tho building when not In uso. Tho plan Is nhown in tho second picture. Tho ffrnln bin are nrranged with slid- couriLtATion rxnu nuiLDnro. Ing Itonrds In front, nnnio ns In any granary. The attic can ho used for storing tools or anything elso desired. In Uiat caw there nhould bo a win dow In each gable cwL Tito center or driving floor makes a good wagon and buggy shed. Thu platform 1) can be mudu statloruiry by covering tho lower pnrt of die door, nnd the door sill, with sheet Iron and extending the sheet Iron strip out toward comer of build ing a foot or so on each side. Such an approach can bo provided at each end, so tliat the team can bo driven tin-ouch the building. Instead of posts and Inverted pans. It Is cheaper to set the building on 8-inch sewer plpo 2 rioo b ruur. feet long. Hats and mica can't climb tho glared pipe. ling for Next Bcanon. Hardly two men will agree In all re spects os to what constitutes tho best now for breeding purposes, although tbo most successful hog raisers aro coming around to the belief that the medium animal gives tbo best returns, so that tho old Idea that the brood now should be of largo slzo Is being abandoned. Size determined on, then other characteristics should bo sought If the sow has had one litter It Is easy to know if she Is fitted to continue the work. If she was not a good mother, If sho did not have tho proper amount of nilllc (provided she was properly fed) then sho will not prove a profit ablo mother for other seasons. When the sow Is bred for the first time, then ono Is taking some chances, but It ought not to be hard, after tho first year, to get together a fine lot of sows simply by remembering how they act ed In previous years. Honte-Moile l'liuik Dm jr. I Imvo a home-made plank leveler ami clod crusher which I think an Im provement upon thoso made by over lapping planks, writes a correspond ent of tho Rural New Yorker. It does exceedingly good work, leveling so a field may bo made ns even as a floor. Mtno Is about eight feet wldo and six Ste.m amr JIFKKCTIVE rl.ASK DHAO. reet lonjr. 1 havo tried to show how It Is mndo In tho cuL Two planks nro set on edge, and n series of plnnks notched Into their lower edges, sloping backward nt nn nngle of nbout -15 de grees. I have tried to present a view of ono plonk on edgo, showing how the cross planks nre Inserted. I make the forward cross plonks shorter than thoso In rear, as It leaves smoother work mndo thus. Board may bo nail ed on top to Btand upon when It Is de sired to do extra heavy scraping. leaves Fed to Cattle, The uso of leaven for cattle fodder Is seriously urged by a French writer, who "lleclnros that tho Idea Is an old ono, such food having been fed to cat tle In ancient tlniea. The Iloman farm ers, ho says, used to feed grcon leaves during eight months of tho year, and also In winter whon fodder was scarce, they sonked dry leavea In water to soften them before feeding to the oat- ItWTStt.TiVSv. A.7- jji 3m(e(2?t:?Cli'iCiLS j rrrvwii v z. n ; '.n 1 ' -8' MAIN IBWS. Ll 1 1 I OftlVC WAY. C0HH CftO I nj tJ. Tbn abundance of foddsr In this country Is not llkoly to forcn farmers to any such expedient; and dairy farm ers linvo a well-founded suspicion that tho flavor of milk Is affected when cattlo browse on various kinds of foil ago. I'rlcM for Home Araltlnh. All tho large horso mnrkcts report high prices this year. Tho demand wnn never better In all ports of tho coun try, particularly for tho best animals. Homo very flno drafters havo sold for as much ns ffiOO to f txO In tho Chicago mnrkob These, of course, aro excep tional prices, nnd have certainly been icry remunerative to tho growors. In tlm financial depression that fol lowed 1803 values dropped to so low a figure that breeders restricted tholf operations to such nn extent tliat breeding stock went away down below tho numbers kept In previous years. In fact In some localities tliat wero more or less distinguished for their Indus try, It went almost entirely out of ex istence. Fortunately with the revival of prices a marked revival Is manifesting Itself In breeding. Of course, thero li a possibility tliat breeding may be over done, but tho probability that such will bo tho case Is not very strong. Tin depletion of tills class of horses tins been so great that unless depression should corno and should bo seven thoso who nro rearing draft horsei may expect to find a good market foi thorn providing they have been proper ly reared. 'Wherein lite Uilo I'njn. To permit the corn to stand In the field and bo frost-bitten Is to render II practically useless and valueless, but with tho silo It is possible not only to savo It but to have for tho animals a food supply that Is extremely valuable. If ono has a silo and the kernels on tho corn ears havo begun to harden tho crop Is ready for tho silo, ears and stalks. Thero aro no many kinds of silos that aro valuable tliat It Is not possible to describe tho best ono nor tho methods employed In filling one. The better way Is to visit a silo near ono and see bow tho structure la built ami how tho work Is done and follow along tho linen of success. Next thing to a silo Is the plan of cutting tho corn stover or shredding It so tliat tho ani mals can get all thero Is to get of the nourishing part of tho corn. Ornln Led lr Cotton. The exports of grain and Hour from the United 8tates for tho ten months ending October -were less than one-half In valuo of those of tho corresponding period in 1003 or 1002, and only ono thlrd as much as thoso of tho corre sponding period of J001 or 1800. Yet tho total volume of exports for the ten months was 100.000.000 greater than for the same period of last year. Indi cating that tho shortage of gralu prod ucts was more than offset in other ways. Manufactured goods wem to have mnde up tho bulk of Increase, tho gain being over $50,000,000 as com pared with last year. Shipments of raw cotton also show a gain of $22, 000,000, suggesting that for tho time, at least, cotton, rather than wheat Is king of tho agricultural export trade. Btcnllnir I'm It. Any person who wilfully enters without the consent of tho owner or occupant any orchard, fruit garden, vineyard, or ground whereon Is culti vated any fruit with Intent to take. Injure or destroy anything there grow ing or grown; or cuts down, destroys or Injures any shrub, treo or vine growing within and on such orchard, garden, vineyard, or upon any sucb ground, or any building, frame or erec tion thereon, is punlshnblo by impris onment not exceeding six months, or a flno not exceeding $250, or both. Green's Fruit Grower. Farm Fence. Tho legal fence should bo of wire with a rail at tho top so as not to ob struct snow, or to bo affected by winds. Tho neighborhood could get along without any fences If suitable laws were passed. Tho coming age will know no farm fences. If the farmers could lay by nil they spend on fences they would get rich. Farm fences and common pastures will both dlo a natural death soon. Both belong to a pioneer period which we have out grown. I'oultry 1'lcklnc. No success can bo achieved with poultry without cleanliness! It's n 'poor plnn to wash eggs for keeping. Don't do It. unless eggs aro to bo used right away. Whatever you do, unless you fatten for market, don't give an exclusive corn dlot nnd better not even then. For sweeping the hen houses, perch es, etc., whnt hotter do you wnnt thnn nn old broom which tho good woman has cast nsldo ns too much worn? In poultry feeding there are lnnn mernblo wnys that may lend to suc cess. In fact, tho combinations of foodstuffs that can bo made aro' al most without limit. But when mixing feeds, mix common senso with the other Ingredients. Barns, outbuildings, back porches, etc., are poor places for poultry. Have tho poultry house or houses, even on farms, In a sheltered place at eomo distance from house or barns, or so lo cated that tho hena will not be liable to make a nulaanco of themselves. To cure the chick upon wbosa throat gape worms have got a firm foothold, various mothods of treat ment are recommended. One Is to re-, movo the worms by means of a small feather, stripped to near the point then dipped In turpentine and sweot oil, nnd Inserted carefully into the windpipe, twisting it and finally re moving it again togetherwlth the gape worms that were loosened from th'q windpipe in the process. ).! ' ll 1 . 4 'Yi